Poisoning of birds with poisons and the basic principles of their treatment (isoniazid, coumarin and other zoocides, heavy metal poisoning).

Unbearable conditions for pigeons

How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony - take drastic and timely measures.
Get rid of the habit of constantly leaving food on the balcony. Any small crumbs from cookies or bread will attract pigeons. As mentioned earlier, it is very important to find out where birds like to settle. Then take small boards from damaged furniture and hammer a row of nails into them

Place the resulting repeller in their favorite place. Soon there will be no trace of pigeons in that place.

However, you shouldn’t rejoice too early, if there are other places to live on your balcony, the pigeons will notice this and will soon settle in them. It is good when the balcony is glazed and birds do not have access inside. Otherwise, this problem can be easily solved. You can install a regular mosquito net. In this case, ropes are also suitable. They will not scare away pigeons; they will make it difficult for them to fly onto the balcony.

Feathered guests do not like slippery surfaces. Therefore, Vaseline will come in handy in this case. Lubricate all surfaces on the balcony where birds like to sit. Because of the Vaseline, they will not be able to land successfully and will soon look for another place.

Various adhesive chemicals can be used for this purpose. Birds will not like the treated surface. They can be purchased at any hardware store that sells pest control products. Everything is written in detail in the instructions.

Tie the ribbon a few cm higher from your favorite place. Birds will not be able to maintain balance, therefore, they will not be able to sit.

Hot spices are considered a good repeller. Place mustard or hot pepper on the balcony. The result will be much more effective when it rains outside.

You can get rid of pigeons using ordinary water. To do this, take a garden hose and as soon as the birds have taken their place, unscrew the water tap. The birds will not be happy with such a reception. To scare them away from the balcony forever, the procedure will have to be repeated every time they appear. Sooner or later, they will leave their homes.

The most reliable method

If the above methods do not help, try another one. As soon as the birds fly to your balcony and make a nest, immediately destroy it. Keep doing this until they give up and leave your balcony forever. After that, remove everything unnecessary. Nothing should remind you of the presence of birds on the balcony.

There are a huge number of methods that help you get rid of pigeons on your balcony or loggia forever. This can be any available remedy or a special repeller. In such a matter, the main thing is not to overdo it and remember that these are birds of the world, and we must take care of them.

Pigeons are not just birds that may periodically surround you. They can lead to a number of unpleasant problems, ranging from dirt on the balcony to serious damage. Pigeons can cause fungal and other serious diseases. In addition, the unpresentable view and noise from birds interfere with a relaxing holiday.

There are several options to protect your balcony from pigeons. Choose those that suit your case and layout.

To prevent birds from landing on your balcony, there are special spikes that prevent them from landing. They look like regular tape that sticks to horizontal surfaces with frequent extensions made of soft or hard plastic. The length of each such tape is 25 centimeters, so count how many you need. If you have an unnecessary spring toy, you can attach it with tape around the perimeter of the balcony. The main thing is that it is uncomfortable for pigeons to sit on such a surface. The pigeons will not be able to perch, which means they will choose another balcony.

This decor looks quite interesting and does not interfere. Be careful with the spring - small children can reach for them and accidentally fall.

The surface treated with special substances becomes very slippery and uncomfortable, and it may also contain a bird repellent. Be sure to follow the instructions, which indicate the proportions and duration of action.

Still, be careful with chemistry; it should not harm a person and at the same time not poison, but only scare away. You can sprinkle something sharp on the surface, this will greatly repel any unwanted birds.

Pepper, mustard, spices with a bright smell. But after the rain the composition will have to be updated. The downside of this method is dirty stains from spices, but pigeons can cause more discomfort.


The digestive tract of pigeons is a favorite place for worms. Parasites enter the body with food and suck vitality from the bird. The anthelmintic drug is given twice because the active substances act only on adults and larvae. The eggs remain viable, so the dose must be repeated after 10-14 days.

Anthelmintic drugs for birds:

  • Antiparasite;
  • Prasifene;
  • Albendazole;
  • Levamisole.

Important! Birds in captivity are given Ornifarm anthelmintic drugs for prevention twice a year: in spring and autumn.

During treatment, the tablet is diluted with warm water and poured into the bird’s throat using a syringe without a needle. Veterinarians recommend giving pigeons the medicine on an empty stomach to increase the effectiveness of therapy.

Alternative ways to scare away pigeons

1. It is enough to take a “cold shower” a couple of times. Some water the birds with a hose, others use a garden sprayer - in any case, the birds will not dare to return to uncomfortable conditions.

2. Sprinkle a thin layer of sharp-smelling spices on the balcony, windowsill or attic: black or cayenne pepper, ground ginger or cinnamon, dry mustard. Don't forget to update the repeller regularly.

3. A figurine or stuffed animal of a predator (owl, eagle owl, crow) is not found in every home, but it can scare persistent birds.

4. If you find an empty (!) nest, place “dummies” of pigeon eggs in it. For birds this will be a signal: “the place is occupied!”

5. The most “advanced” device is considered to be an ultrasonic repeller. Producing ultrasound that is imperceptible to people and pets, but unpleasant to birds, the device operates as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Ways to deal with pigeons on the balcony

If birds periodically fly onto the balcony, it is enough to simply scare them away. Pigeons are afraid of sharp sounds, moving objects, and sunlight. Get a pet (cat, dog): birds are unlikely to like such a roommate.

How to evict birds from the balcony:

  1. The simplest remedy is to install a mosquito net and do not open windows without it. The catcher will protect against insects and birds. Unfortunately, a mesh will not save you from an iron window sill.
  2. Foil. Buy it at the store and cut it into strips. Hang them around the entire perimeter of the balcony or window sill. The foil will rustle and give off glare, this will help repel pigeons.
  3. Old CDs. Look in your pantry for old CDs and DVDs or buy new ones, they are inexpensive. Place on the outside and inside of the balcony. You can build something similar to a New Year's garland; there are master classes on the Internet that will help you assemble beautiful decorations from flexible disks. The glare will scare the birds and decorate the balcony.
  4. The sound will drive away the birds. If the birds have settled on the balcony, bring the radio to it and turn it on at full power. The pigeons will immediately fly away. Heavy music also acts as a repellent. But be prepared for complaints from neighbors.
  5. Let the cat out onto the balcony. If the animal is active enough, it will let the pigeons know who is boss. But even without an attempt on life, the birds will sense a potential predator and leave the balcony. An important point: if the apartment is located high, there is a risk that the animal will play and accidentally fall out of the window. Install a mesh that cannot be knocked out from the inside; when purchasing, check that the fibers are strong and resistant to claws.
  6. Give your winged parasites some water treatments: a couple of powerful jets from a hose will forever discourage them from settling on the balcony.
  7. Deceive the birds by scattering millet with cayenne (hot) pepper or dry mustard on the windowsill. The pigeons will be greatly disappointed and will no longer grace your balcony with their presence.
  8. Which is logical, if you don’t want to see birds near the horse, do not place or remove feeders and water containers. Let the birds know that this is not a canteen.
  9. Spices can be sprinkled on the places where pigeons land.
  10. Remove furniture and other objects so as not to provoke birds to build nests on the balcony.
  11. Collect several tin cans and hang them along the balcony. The wind will cause the containers to hit each other and make unpleasant sounds. It is clear that such noise will not please the ears of homeowners and their neighbors.
  12. A scarecrow is a good old way to drive away birds not only from the balcony, but also from the fields where crops grow. Make your own scarecrow. Take a soft toy with glass eyes and place it on the balcony. The eyes will sparkle, imitating the gaze of a predator. As an alternative, buy an artificial stuffed crow. Pigeons are not friends with these birds and will not settle nearby. A stuffed bird of prey (hawk, owl) would also work. One condition: the scarecrow must be more than 0.5 m in height, otherwise the pigeons will not perceive it as a threat.
  13. Install an automatic air freshener with a strong scent, such as citrus. Birds will forget the way to such a place.
  14. To prevent birds from settling on roofs or entering the attic, install a weather vane that will make noise and shine, thereby frightening them.

What methods to use to scare away?

There are quite a few methods, both budget ones, quite economical for the home owner, and more expensive ones. The drug diazinon is very popular - it is an insecticide that helps not only remove birds, but also saves from ants, bedbugs, and cockroaches. But how to get rid of pigeons as quickly and efficiently as possible, and what to use to repel them? We'll talk about this in more detail later.

Ultrasonic repeller

A special pigeon repeller is an ultrasonic device that produces sounds inaudible to the human ear, unpleasant for birds and frightening them. Such ultrasonic devices are used everywhere not only in Russia, but also abroad. The most advanced ultrasonic devices are equipped with an infrared sensor that detects the approach of birds. The average impact area can be 4 km.

Bioacoustic apparatus

Bioacoustic devices are similar to ultrasound devices. The main method of scaring it is not only an ultrasonic signal, but also the sounds of hunting of avian predators - hawks, eagles, falcons. All parameters are adjustable, have automatic and manual settings. The most expensive devices are also equipped with a solar panel and are capable of protecting an area of ​​more than ten hectares! They can operate in different modes and are often used in ports and private berths.


Diazinon is an intestinal insecticide. Sold as a liquid in special plastic bottles. The method of removing pigeons in this case is the most radical. Treated grain or other food is fed to the birds. Displaying toxic properties, diazinon destroys birds and their surviving relatives understand that flying to this feeding site is dangerous.


Various spices are unpleasant to the sensitive sense of smell, but safer than diazinon for birds. Cayenne pepper (one of the bitterest) helps most effectively, as well as mustard, cinnamon, and regular black allspice. These spices are not toxic like diazinon and are not harmful to other animals, such as dogs. And if there is a danger for stray animals to eat bread poisoned by the drug diazinon, then ground spices will definitely not attract them. Sprinkle cayenne pepper on your window sill, eaves, railings, or other bird landing areas and you may find that the persistent visits will stop.

Watering with a hose

A simple method that causes pigeons to clearly understand that after approaching this place, water falls on them. Systematic use in areas helps remove annoying flying guests. Garden sprayers are commonly used. A high-pressure stream effectively scares birds, but for this method to work, water systematically and diligently when they approach.

Refusal to feed birds

The best and most proven method. Where stray pigeons are not fed, they do not live and do not breed. Often people themselves are to blame for the problem of uncontrolled reproduction of birds. Not realizing how gullible the birds are, they feed them, and then they themselves get angry at their record number. Put leftover food in the trash can, not out the window. Do not throw bread and seeds from the balcony, otherwise you will quickly attract birds to your railing.

Stuffed bird of prey

It is advisable to place it on the balcony or terrace. It should be natural in size and very believable. Usually they put up a stuffed hawk or falcon; pigeons are most afraid of them. However, the effect of this method is temporary, because the stuffed animal is motionless. As the birds get used to it, they will have to look for something else.

Anti-landing spokes

They can be attached to any surface because they have an adhesive backing. They look like metal needles sticking out in different directions with a moderately sharp surface. Knitting needles can be bought at large hardware stores; they can be attached anywhere – even on the roof of a house.

Noisy and reflective objects

Mirrors, rattles, rattling or ringing hanging objects such as wind chimes or Mexican souvenirs are very effective deterrents. Reflective elements are an additional element of bioacoustic devices. A rectangular oblong mirror hung on a balcony with its reflective surface facing outwards is an excellent method of protection against unwanted birds. Ringing and cracking objects are also good for these purposes. True, city pigeons cannot be frightened by noise, so noise repellent methods are more likely to be good for suburban areas.

Get a cat in the house

If the previous methods help you only for a short time and the birds get used to noise and other effects, try getting a cat at home
. Her natural instinct as a hunter will not allow her to leave the birds outside the window unattended. There is no need to open the windows at all. The cat will stand on its hind legs, walk along the window glass from the side of the room - and this alone is enough for the birds to forget the way to you.

Some bird experts claim that a stuffed crow will reliably repel pigeons.

. The method is not simple, but maybe it will suit you. In nature, crows are natural enemies of smaller urban birds. Be sure that the pigeons will perceive this stuffed animal as an enemy.

Vitamins for pigeons

It is better to give vitamins to pigeons in the off-season, when all living organisms experience an acute shortage. Immature young animals especially feel vitamin deficiency. Birds lose their appetite, become inactive and their bone structure is impaired.

Vitamin supplements can help prevent nutritional deficiencies. For example, it is necessary to give fish oil to pigeons if there is a lack of vitamins A and D.

Interesting! Manufacturers sometimes add fine gravel to vitamins for pigeons so that the feed is better processed in the digestive tract.

Preventive measures

If pigeons have chosen your home, it means that they found it attractive in order to build a nest or even settle down. To prevent the appearance of arrogant birds, follow these rules:

  1. Keep balconies, loggias and attics clean. Birds love to make their homes in cluttered, dusty corners.
  2. Do not feed birds on your territory. It is better to equip a feeder in the nearest square or park.
  3. Do not leave food and water in the open.
  4. If you live in a private sector, regularly get rid of pests that attract pigeons. Cover berry or vegetable plantings with a protective net.
  5. If possible, have a cat in your local area. Pigeons prefer not to go where a dangerous animal lives.

Before taking any action, check your local environmental laws to see what practices are allowed in your area!

There are quite a few methods, both budget ones, quite economical for the home owner, and more expensive ones.

But how to get rid of pigeons as quickly and efficiently as possible, and what to use to repel them? We'll talk about this in more detail later.


Various spices are unpleasant to the sensitive sense of smell of birds. The most effective scent deterrents are cayenne pepper (one of the bitterest), as well as mustard, cinnamon, and regular black allspice. Sprinkle cayenne pepper on your window sill, eaves, railings, or other bird landing areas and you may find that the persistent visits will stop.

Refusal to feed birds

The best and most proven method. Where stray pigeons are not fed, they do not live and do not breed. Often people themselves are to blame for the problem of uncontrolled reproduction of birds. Not realizing how gullible the birds are, they feed them, and then they themselves get angry at their record number. Put leftover food in the trash can, not out the window. Do not throw bread and seeds from the balcony, otherwise you will quickly attract birds to your railing.

Isolation of possible nesting sites

To do this you need:

  • close the attics;
  • seal holes between roof tiles and in the walls of the house;
  • Use wire or plastic mesh to block access to any areas where birds might nest (for example, around outdoor air conditioner units).

Discouraging images

Figures or kites in the shape of a hawk or falcon are suitable; pigeons are most afraid of them. However, the effect of this method is temporary, since the pigeons will quickly get used to the image of a stationary predator. As the birds get used to it, they will have to look for something else.

Anti-landing device

Suitable for this:

  1. Spring toy.
  2. Sheathing made of metal, plywood or polyvinyl chloride, that is, a slippery surface that birds cannot land on.
  3. A strong rope that needs to be installed so that it is at a level of 2-3 cm at the landing site. It will become much more difficult for birds to maintain balance and they will avoid such objects.

The toy needs:

  1. Stretch along the balcony railing so that the distance between adjacent rings does not exceed 4 centimeters.
  2. Secure the spring with tape every 20-30 cm.

As a result, pigeons will not be able to land on the surface covered with rings.

Noisy and reflective objects

Mirrors, rattles, rattling or ringing hanging objects such as wind chimes or Mexican souvenirs are very effective deterrents.

Reflective elements are an additional element of bioacoustic devices. A rectangular oblong mirror hung on a balcony with its reflective surface facing outwards is an excellent method of protection against unwanted birds. Ringing and cracking objects are also good for these purposes. True, city pigeons cannot be frightened by noise, so noise repellent methods are more likely to be good for suburban areas.

Industrial repellers

If you have tried all the homemade devices, but have not achieved results, we will tell you how to get rid of pigeons using industrial repellers. There are several types of such devices sold in stores.

Ultrasonic. The device generates an ultrasonic signal that is heard only by birds and small rodents, and its intensity forces birds to keep their distance from the source. Modern devices are equipped with a motion sensor, so they turn on only when uninvited guests appear. Bioacoustic. The principle of its operation is similar to the previous one, only, in addition to the ultrasonic signal, the bioacoustic repeller imitates the screams of predators

Such devices are installed in port areas, since it is extremely important to combat pigeons, seagulls and sparrows in fish unloading areas. They are also purchased by enterprises concerned about the health of their employees, since pigeon feces can make them sick. Laser

The disadvantage of previous devices is the ability of some birds to adapt to their signals. Therefore, recently they began to use a sliding laser beam in the green range, which, when it hits the retina of a bird’s eye, temporarily disorients it and causes a feeling of fear. The laser pigeon repeller is safe for animals and humans, so its simplest modifications are quite suitable for protecting a balcony or attic.

Yes, poison is used to get rid of birds, but the editors of our portal are against such an inhumane act.

If none of the above methods help, the last resort remains - poison. Of course, this is not humane; moreover, poison used without observing safety precautions can harm other birds or pets. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of pigeons in this way only in special cases.

The insecticide "Diazinon" was originally intended to kill parasitic insects on the skin of cattle. But over time it was discovered that pigeons could also be poisoned with this poison. Although this product is safe for people, it can harm other birds and pets. Therefore, dead birds must be burned.

"Diazinon" is used as follows. Take two containers: one for grain, the other for preparing a solution of the drug. Afterwards, their contents are mixed, infused for 2 - 3 hours and filtered. The ingredients must be mixed in the proportion of 3 ml of poison per 1 kg of grain

Then the resulting poison, taking precautions (that is, out of the reach of other birds), is poured into places where pigeons gather

When working with poisons, you should not neglect protective equipment for the skin and respiratory tract, even if the instructions for the drug indicate that it is safe for humans. While preparing the solution, do not eat, drink or smoke. Also, do not exceed the recommended dose.

You can poison pigeons without using poison by adding dry sawdust to their grain, which often gets stuck in the crop, swells with moisture and completely covers it. Along with the sawdust, food particles will remain there, which will eventually begin to rot, and the bird will die. But even if there is no grain in the crop, the pigeon will not be able to eat and will die of hunger.

As you know, lead is a strong poison, and it is not difficult to find (for example, extracted from a car battery). A piece of this metal is infused in water with grain, after which food is given to the pigeons. When the level of the substance in the bird’s body reaches a lethal dose, it will die.

Since lead is dangerous not only for birds, but can also harm animals and people, it is recommended to resort to this method only as a last resort. You must first make sure that the poisonous metal will not become food for other living creatures.

Potassium permangantsovka

A concentrated solution of potassium permanganate is lethal to pigeons, and it is safe for humans. To cause poisoning in a bird, 2 g of this substance is enough. By the way, it is not necessary to buy poisons or special drugs. Some people add large doses of unused medications with a suitable expiration date to their food or water. Antibacterial agents are the most effective.

Salt in large quantities is a strong poison for pigeons. If it is regularly added to grain and water, the bird's body will accumulate this substance until its level reaches a fatal level. Of course, killing any living creature in this way is not humane, since the birds will not die immediately.

Sometimes people are ready to go to extreme measures to protect their balcony, attic or other building from annoying birds. But on the other hand, how can you kill a pigeon just because it is looking for a safe home? Give preference to more humane methods.

Insectoacaricides for pigeons

Medicines of chemical and biological origin that help fight harmful insects are called insectoacaricides. Classification of drugs is usually carried out depending on how they act on the parasite’s body:

  • superficial contact with the body;
  • gradual movement through the vascular system;
  • intestinal tract poisoning;
  • exposure through the respiratory tract.

Chemicals in medications, such as Ivermec for pigeons, have varying toxicities. Exceeding the dose or frequency of treatment can lead to unpleasant consequences: vomiting, diarrhea and tremors of the limbs.

Important! The treatment of poultry feathers is carried out using rubber gloves to prevent contact of the drug with the skin.

Pigeon breeders use insecticidal bombs in dovecotes. The product is in an iron can and is set on fire using a wick. The dark powder burns intensely and fills the room with smoke, which is harmful to fleas, lice, feather eaters and beetles.

Which poison to choose

Poison for birds can be selected either humanely or capable of causing physical suffering. Among the substances that can actually poison annoying yard inhabitants, the most popular are lead, sawdust, table salt, potassium permanganate and Diazinon. Poisonous gases, solutions, emulsions, herbicides and other means are also used.

One of the most used poisons for yard pigeons. Lead in small quantities is not capable of harming human health, but if it is tested on birds, it will accumulate in the body, becoming life-threatening. The metal can be obtained from an old battery or purchased. Next, it should be mixed with water. It will not be possible to kill birds quickly, since only a high concentration of lead in the body will be lethal for them. This method is suitable for city fountains from which pigeons drink water.

Wood sawdust

How to poison pigeons using sawdust? They are simply mixed into bird food. After entering the goiter, such a treat swells and clogs it. Once access is blocked, food does not enter the stomach. The cause of death from such poison, made for pigeons with your own hands, is the decay products of sawdust, hunger and thirst. This method, like the previous one, cannot be called humane. It is permissible to place a bait with sawdust in the yard, and even on the balcony, since the wood fragments are harmless to humans.


When wondering what is the best way to poison pigeons, people often used what was always at hand. Table salt, added in large quantities to a bird's food, can have a detrimental effect on its body. The principle of operation is simple: a malfunction occurs in the normal functioning of internal organs.

To ensure that salt crystals are better absorbed, they are moistened before use. It will not be possible to quickly poison birds using this method, but due to its accessibility and effectiveness, the method is in great demand. Symptoms of bird poisoning include loss of appetite, diarrhea, white discharge and hypertrophy of internal organs.

Potassium permangantsovka

What else can you do to poison pigeons in the yard? A good way is to use a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. To make your own poison, you need to dilute 2 g of the product per 1 kg of weight. Certain medications are often used in high dosages. Antibiotics and vaccines in excessive quantities, instead of treatment, provoke the death of birds.

How can you be sure to kill a pigeon using a medication? Among a number of pharmaceutical products, Diazinon for pigeons is considered one of the humane ways to get rid of pests. The drug is intended to eliminate harmful insects from large animals. To make a deadly treat, add 3 cubes of the product, previously dissolved according to the instructions, to 1 kg of grain. In order for the food to become saturated with it, it is recommended to leave the processed grain for a couple of hours. Next, the accumulated liquid is removed and the birds are fed.

When working with the drug, you must wear a closed-type protective suit and high boots.

A respirator is used to protect the respiratory system. When pouring poisoned grain into the food and water of birds, you do not need to smoke, drink or eat anything yourself. Pigeons die very quickly from such a treat. In case of poisoning, a person experiences nausea and vomiting, headache and other characteristic symptoms.

Antibiotics for pigeons

Birds' immunity does not cope well with bacterial attacks, so pets often get sick. Antibiotics help cope with dangerous illnesses, but it is important to follow the dosage. Deviating from instructions can result in death.

Antibacterial drugs are usually produced in liquid form. But medicines taste very bitter. If you mix liquid into the food, the birds will refuse to peck it. Pigeon breeders have to pour drugs directly into the bird’s throat or give injections.

Common antibiotics for birds:

  1. Tetracycline. They sell veterinary medicine in the form of tablets or powder, which can cope with a whole bunch of diseases: coccidia, salmonella and mycoplasma. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
  2. Streptomycin. The drug is administered intramuscularly for respiratory diseases. Pigeon breeders have gotten used to giving antibiotics orally in the form of improvised capsules. Treatment must be completed to ensure that symptoms do not recur.
  3. Metronidazole for pigeons. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of coccidosis and trichomoniasis. The powder is diluted with water and used to prevent infection, but in small doses.
  4. Rhodotium for pigeons. The medicine is effective against mycoplasmas, is quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and brings relief to the pet. The diluted drug should become the bird’s only source of water for the period of treatment.
  5. Nifulin forte for pigeons (metrofuraxin) rarely leads to side effects, so it is recommended for the treatment of chicks. Nifulin forte for pigeons is stored in closed packaging away from sunlight.

Important! An individual antibiotic treatment regimen should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Taking antibacterial agents (Oflosan, Enroflon, Tiamulin, Pulsoceril, Keproceril, Parastop and Nifulin forte for pigeons) weakens the bird’s body. Veterinarians recommend combining therapy with vitamin supplements.

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