Instructions for use of the drug Lozeval for birds

What is the drug

Due to its effectiveness and safety, Lozeval is in great demand among poultry farmers. Pigeon breeders also appreciated its advantages. These birds often come into contact with wild relatives, and therefore are at increased risk of infection. Not many medicines are produced for these birds, but Lozeval for pigeons can be used without fear.

The medicine has the form of a liquid substance, which in consistency and color resembles sunflower oil. Lozeval is available in bottles with different volumes - from 10 ml.

As a rule, poultry farmers prefer to buy packages of up to 10 liters, saving time and money.

The medication contains the following active ingredients:

  • Morpholinium acetate - concentration varies from 2.8 to 3.3%, the component protects against pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Triazole - stimulates the heart, its action is aimed at destroying bacteria and fungi.
  • Polylenoxide - promotes rapid wound healing.

Each package of Lozeval comes with instructions. The bottle must have a label indicating important information: date of manufacture, batch, manufacturer. Each batch of medicine undergoes strict technical control, which is confirmed by the corresponding stamp.

Spectrum of action

The drug Lozeval is considered one of the most effective and efficient products for birds; it is highly valued by farmers for its safety and quick results. The medicine can be taken orally or used externally to treat the skin. When taken internally, Lozeval is instantly absorbed into the mucous membranes and begins to act. The drug has a destructive effect on viral particles, preventing reproduction and destroying pathogens. Taking Lozeval has a detrimental effect on the life of fungi and pathogenic bacteria.

Using the medicine helps birds develop resistance to various diseases, strengthening the immune system.

Within 24 hours after administration, Lozeval is eliminated from the body.

Pharmacological properties

Lozeval is a broad-spectrum drug aimed at the treatment and prevention of diseases of various etiologies. It effectively fights viruses, bacteria, fungi, and also eliminates the causes of colds.

The main property is the stimulation of the production of lymphocytes, which are responsible for protecting the body during the penetration of foreign objects. This reduces sensitivity to diseases. This process occurs due to the increased production of immunoglobulins, lysozyme and activation of the phagocytic ability of cells responsible for immunity.

Indications for use

Diseases for which veterinarians recommend giving Lozeval:

  • smallpox viruses, herpes viruses, paramicroviruses (bird flu), viruses that affect the intestines;
  • Newcastle and Marek's disease - severe viral diseases;
  • colds - bronchopneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis;
  • infections of a bacterial nature – pasteurellosis, colibacillosis, streptococcosis, salmonellosis;
  • infection with fungi - mycoplasma, candida, aspergillus;
  • pathologies of the skin - dermatoses (eczema, dermatitis), pyogenic wounds, burns;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes – stomatitis, conjunctivitis.

For prophylactic purposes, it is used when there is a threat of adenovirus or parvovirus.

Operating principle

Pharmacodynamic properties - rapid passage of active substances through the skin, mucous membrane, and intestinal walls. The principle of action is the penetration of active components into the cell of the pathogen (virus). They block the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and protein elements, which inhibits reproduction. Normal activity stops and the pathogen dies. A similar effect is manifested in the direction of fungi, bacteria, yeast and mold.

Benefits of the medicine

The main advantage of Lozeval is considered to be the safety and effectiveness of the drug in the fight against even the most dangerous viral diseases. The medicine allows you to cure sick individuals and prevent mass mortality of birds. In addition, the advantages of using Lozeval are:

  • Rapid penetration and destruction of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
  • The drug is eliminated from the body within 24 hours without remaining in the tissues.
  • Consumption for preventive purposes helps prevent infection of birds with mycoplasmosis, streptococcosis and staphylococcosis.
  • Effective in eliminating other diseases, injuries and pathologies: conjunctivitis, dysbacteriosis, wounds, burns.

What is it for?

The drug Lozeval, upon penetration into the body of a sick individual, is capable of affecting most known pathogenic microorganisms. Immunomodulatory and fungicidal effects make it possible to use Lozeval for birds infected with candidiasis and aspergillosis bacteria. Instructions for use recommend medication treatment for:

  • salmonellosis;
  • enterovirus;
  • smallpox virus;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • mycoplasmosis and candidiasis;
  • pasteurellosis and aspergillosis.

Progress after consumption of the drug is observed in birds with paratyphoid fever, which leads to atrophy of the upper and lower limbs. It is also mixed into feed for chickens if there is a risk of infection with plague, enteritis, or adenovirus. After prevention, the bird’s body becomes less susceptible to pathogenic microorganisms.

The use of the drug prevents infection with mycoplasmosis, staphylococcus and streptococcus by 95-100%. Lozeval is often used to treat wounds after castration and cosmetic surgeries in order to prevent secondary infections.

Indications for use

The medicine Lozeval can be used to eliminate almost all diseases of poultry. Most often, the remedy is used in case of detection of the following problems:

  • mycoplasmosis, bronchitis, Marek's or Newcastle disease;
  • candidiasis, salmonellosis, paratyphoid fever;
  • aspergillosis, pasteurellosis, laryngotracheitis;
  • staphylococcosis, colibacillosis;
  • burns, wounds, dermatitis;
  • conjunctivitis, otitis.

The medicine can be used to prevent viral diseases in young chicks and mature birds.

Instructions for use of Lozeval for birds

If you find signs of disease in a bird, you should first consult with a veterinarian, who, depending on the type of disease and condition of the individual, can adjust the dose and course of treatment.

The general principle of using the drug is as follows:

  • Diseases caused by viruses. Lozeval is given for five days along with water or food, 2 times a day. The dosage is 1–2 ml/10 kg of bird weight.
  • Bacterial infections. The product is suggested to be used once a day, in the same dose as for viral diseases.
  • In the presence of respiratory diseases, aerosol treatment of the poultry house is carried out. You need 1.5–2 ml of product per liter of water. This volume is enough for 1 cubic meter. meter of room, even the walls are irrigated. The duration of treatment is 30–45 minutes, they are repeated for three days. Lozeval is given to sick birds with drink or food at a dosage of 1 ml/10 kg of weight.
  • Skin lesions and wounds are treated with the product 2-3 times a day.
  • As a preventive measure, Lozeval is used as an aerosol by spraying the drug in the poultry house - 1 ml/1 cu. meter.

For the bees

The most effective will be the use of Lozeval according to the instructions for bees, if you first familiarize yourself with the cases in which the drug is suitable.

Colibacillosis and paratyphoid feverThese are bacterial pathologies that are detected in the form of diarrhea in the spring.
Foul rot pathologiesPathogenic organisms negatively affect the brood
SacbroodA viral disease that causes the death of insect larvae
Acute paralysisUnder unfavorable conditions for keeping bees, the hive dies out. This viral infection causes paralysis of the wings or their underdevelopment.

In the process of using the drug Lozeval, it is possible to improve the condition of the hive. The medicine is diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:50. Use 15 ml per cell, and spray the inner walls of the hive with the solution. It is convenient to give Lozeval to bees in the form of sugar syrup - 5 ml of solution per 1 liter of syrup. Thanks to the product, it is possible to increase the activity of bees by 15%.

Contraindications and side effects

Veterinarians and researchers have not identified any side effects from the use of Lozeval when the recommended dosage is observed, which once again indicates the safety and high effectiveness of the drug. If the recommended dose has been exceeded, birds may experience the following minor body reactions:

  • allergy;
  • diarrhea;
  • muscle weakness;
  • skin rash;
  • itching

The drug is officially recognized as a drug with a low level of toxicity.

Although the drug is eliminated from the body within 24 hours, veterinarians do not advise slaughtering the bird earlier than two days after administration.

Lozeval: reviews from farmers

Georgy. My total number of heads is more than 500 individuals. Previously, infectious diseases killed up to 25% of adult chickens and growing chicks. After using Lozeval, sick chickens quickly recovered, so I began to give the product as a preventive measure. Despite the large number of birds, the costs were low, and the final effect was impressive. Grown young animals practically do not get sick.

Many farmers use Lozeval for prevention.

Nina. I have been breeding pigeons for a long time, but recently in our area cases of birds infected with Newcastle disease have become more frequent. After the advice of a veterinarian, I purchased Lozeval and used it strictly according to the instructions. As a result, none of my charges got sick, although almost half of my neighbors’ chickens died. Additionally, I lubricate the pigeons’ wounds if they appear. The rate of healing of the affected areas is almost 2 times higher, and at the same time the likelihood of sepsis is lower. I am very pleased with this product.

Lozeval is a long-proven anti-infective agent that has undergone numerous experimental studies and testing. Biostim (Sochi) and the pharmacy department of NIVI (Krasnodar), after conducting clinical experiments, gave positive conclusions about the effectiveness of the veterinary product. The therapeutic effect of using the drug is an impressive parameter - from 85 to 95%, which allows the drug to be classified as a high-performance medicine.

Shelf life and storage conditions

Lozeval manufacturers give the following recommendations regarding storage conditions:

  • The product should be stored at a temperature of 3 to 35 ℃. At low temperatures, the drug loses its liquid form, becoming thick, but when warmed up it returns to its normal state. This does not affect the efficiency in any way.
  • The room should be ventilated, isolated from intense sunlight.
  • The storage location must be inaccessible to pets and children.

If these recommendations are followed, Lozeval can be used for 2 years from the date of manufacture.

Room treatment

In the first day after hatching, most chicks are susceptible to virus attack. This fact is associated with not yet formed immunity. In addition to the introduction of complementary foods with a high content of calcium and various vitamins, treatment of premises for the purpose of prevention is indicated.

The veterinary drug is given to prevent and treat all kinds of viral diseases in many animals and birds. The dose is selected according to the age, number and size of animals or birds. If water hardness exceeds 10 mEq/L, it is necessary to increase the dose by 10%. In a poultry farm, the dosage is adjusted by a veterinarian.

To prevent infectious diseases in chickens, the room in which the chicks will be located is treated in accordance with the incubation time on the 6th, 12th and 21st days. After the chicks are born, spraying of the drug continues every other day. Lozeval is included in the diet with drink. In order to prevent diseases, the duration of administration is from 5 to 7 days.

Analogues of the drug

The following medicinal preparations are full and partial analogues of Lozeval:

  • Izatizone contains the same active ingredient as in Lozeval. Different names of drugs are due to different brands, the method of application and dosage are similar.
  • Gentamicin is a potent antibiotic that has a negative effect on gram-negative bacteria. Analogs of Gentamicin are Tetracycline, Kanamycin.
  • Baytril is a medicine with an antimicrobial effect that effectively destroys infections in birds. Available in different concentrations: 2.5 and 10%.
  • Biovac vaccine is a drug developed for vaccination of poultry. Used as injections according to the vaccination schedule.

The medicine Lozeval is an indispensable remedy in the fight against poultry diseases, which acts effectively, but does not harm the body of birds. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions and consult a veterinarian and follow the indicated dosage.

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