By what means are bedbugs transmitted indoors?

Bed bugs, cockroaches, and ants are among the most annoying and frequently encountered indoor insects. There are a lot of ways how bedbugs are transferred into an apartment, starting from the fact that you can bring them yourself on your clothes and ending with the purchase of things and pieces of furniture, household appliances. Protecting your home from pests is not easy. They penetrate into very dirty, damp rooms and into luxury country houses. Once in the apartment, they begin to quickly multiply, lay eggs, inhabit all the nooks and crannies, and at night bite people who are their only source of food.

Why do bedbugs crawl out of an infested apartment?

In the first case, bedbugs begin to move and invade new premises when their population in the first case increases significantly. Then some individuals begin to look for new sources of food and places to create nests, where they will not have so much competition. As a result, they find cracks in the walls, through which they move to their neighbors. Bedbugs run very quickly, so at night in just a few hours they can easily cover the space of several rooms or a landing.

A bedbug on the clothes on which it was accidentally brought into the apartment

Two reasons can provoke bedbugs to migrate: hunger or some other danger. Most often, they begin to scatter if residents carry out pest control. They can also spread among neighbors if the owners of the apartment where they live have gone on vacation for a month or more. As a result, if bedbugs have even the slightest opportunity to enter your apartment, they will definitely do so.

Migration from neighbors

There are many ways how bedbugs get into an apartment. The penetration of insects has nothing to do with the cleanliness of the inhabitants of the living space. Most often, bedbugs come from neighbors. This usually applies to older buildings. Insects have a small body, so they can easily climb through cracks, and also crawl along the surface of the house, which allows them to spread throughout all nearby rooms.

When neighbors are being disinfested, frisky individuals begin to actively move to a new place. A small gap is enough for bloodsuckers to settle in another room.

On a note!

The size of the migrating colony is not particularly important. Considering the breeding characteristics of bedbugs, it is enough for one fertilized female to enter the house and literally in a few months the number of individuals will reach several hundred.

If you plan to disinfest your home against bedbugs, you should notify your neighbors about this in advance. They will be able to take the necessary measures to prevent the entry of living creatures.

Penetration of bedbugs into the apartment

Traditional methods

There are folk ways to prevent and expel insects from their homes.

Important! Keep in mind that almost 90% of the “blood-sucking population” lives within a couple of meters of the bedding area.

  1. Bloodsuckers have a keen sense of smell, so you can use fragrant herbs: calamus, chamomile, peppermint, tansy, wormwood and wild rosemary.
  2. Insects die at temperatures below 20 and above 60 °C.
  3. Sometimes it helps to spray with a solution: dilute turpentine, kerosene, liquid soap and warm water in a ratio of 10, 15 and 100 parts, respectively. Be careful, use protective equipment!

Attention! Tansy, wild rosemary and wormwood are poisonous and dangerous for children and animals.

It’s easier, safer and cheaper to turn to the sanitary and epidemiological station for help in exterminating insects: the result will be guaranteed.

How bedbugs are transmitted by people themselves

In other cases, people themselves bring bedbugs into their homes on their clothes, bags and other things. In this way, infection occurs no less often than when insects move from neighbors.

Bed bugs are not stationary parasites, that is, like mosquitoes, they do not live on human bodies. They bite a person, suck blood and run away to their hiding places. Thus, one person cannot become infected with bedbugs from another person. However, these parasites are often carried on clothing.

Most often, such an infestation occurs when a person goes on vacation or a business trip and spends the night in a hotel where bedbugs live. At night they can bite him and then return to their hiding places. In this case, one or two bedbugs may become entangled in clothing and remain in it. In the morning, getting out of bed, a person can take off these things, put them in a suitcase and go home. As a result, insects will also make the journey. If all items are not washed at high temperatures immediately, the parasites will get out of them and crawl somewhere under the baseboards. Also, during a trip, they can get out of things and get into the cracks in the bag, and then at home they can get out of them and run away. As a result, after a few days, the parasites will smell the carbon dioxide exhaled by people and climb into their bed to bite.

A person will be lucky if he brings home one male or nymph in this way, which will die in a couple of weeks, before any of the residents have time to get scared. However, if a fertilized female or several bugs get into the house, then soon there will be a lot of them in the apartment.

Likewise, a bug can come to your home directly on your outerwear or shoes. You can bring him in even by visiting an infected premises.

It is almost impossible to get bedbugs on your body. Having bitten, they tend to immediately run away, especially if the person starts to move. This is how they end up in the folds of clothes, bags and suitcases.

This is probably the most common way of infecting an apartment or house with parasites, when they are carried by people and do not escape from neighbors. People often travel to different places, so insects are much more likely to get into a new room on their things than, for example, on furniture or household appliances, which are transported or bought used less often.

Because of this, it is dangerous to visit houses where bedbugs live, and it is even more undesirable to spend the night in such places. The scary thing is not that you will be bitten at night, but that some parasites will definitely get into your things and then get into your home, thereby complicating your life at least for the next few months.

In addition, bedbugs are carried with old furniture, refrigerators, computers and other equipment. Very often, it is in such objects that parasites make their nests. There can be countless of them in one sofa or bed. Having brought it into your home, you can then spend a very long time persecuting these parasites.

Our subscribers often complain that they got bedbugs after purchasing old furniture. Some people, having learned that it is infected, rush to throw it away as soon as possible, but this does not solve the problem. Insects quickly spread throughout the room, penetrating under baseboards, into the cracks between wallpaper and other secluded places. As a result, in order to remove them, people have to disinfest the entire apartment.

One day we were approached by a master restorer who specializes in restoring antique furniture. Once, an old sofa was brought to his workshop, which is located in a private house next to the living quarters. A few weeks after this, residents began complaining of bedbug bites. They tried to get rid of the parasites for a year. Difficulties arose due to the fact that insects crawled throughout the house, climbed into other furniture and under the boards in the floor. They were destroyed only after several professional treatments and the use of expensive means.

In general, if you see a good sofa left by someone else on the street, do not rush to take it home. There is a high probability that they got rid of it precisely because of bedbugs. For example, in America, when contaminated furniture is thrown away, a special mark is made on it. In our country, of course, no one does this, so parasites taken out of the house along with the furniture quite often find new owners and cozy housing.

There are many similar stories. For example, a computer repairman brought home someone else's laptop. A few days later he took it apart and found a nest of bedbugs inside. He shook them into the toilet and flushed them. The laptop was then quickly assembled and returned to the owner. A week later, he had to remember this incident, when, after sleep, marks from bedbug bites began to appear on his body.

In exactly the same way, bedbugs get into the house along with mattresses, carpets, baby strollers, toys, indoor plants and other things purchased on the secondary market.

Nowadays, people can travel thousands of kilometers in a day. Bedbugs can also mix with them. You can bring them on clothes to your home from an apartment on the street next door or, for example, bring them to Moscow from a hotel in Bali.

Bedbug nest on the inside of the sofa

In addition, you can pick up bedbugs on public transport. Drivers of regular buses and trucks often contact us. Parasites infest interiors and create their nests in or near the seats. At night, they emerge from their hiding places and bite passengers traveling long distances. Some suck blood and successfully return to their shelter, and some crawl into the pockets, bags and suitcases of travelers. Thus, they end up at someone's home and quickly begin to explore new territories.

We are also often contacted by hotel and hostel owners. They complain that they have already carried out pest control many times, but over time, bedbugs appear again. No matter how sad it may be, in such establishments it is almost impossible to get rid of parasites forever. The fact is that a variety of people constantly come to hotels and periodically someone brings bedbugs there with their belongings. Because of this, even the most thorough treatment gives only temporary results. As a result of its implementation, the insects die, and after some time they appear because they were brought in again by someone, and not because the disinfestation was ineffective.

Why do many people think that bedbugs are found in everyday clothes?

There are two reasons for this misconception.

The itching from the bite lasts for a long time - weeks. Clothes fit close to the body and irritate the skin where the bug once fed at night. A person gets the impression that he is constantly being bitten, and the bloodsuckers are hiding in his clothes. It is recommended to lubricate the bite areas with special anti-itch creams in the morning.

There are linen lice, and bedbugs are confused with them. These parasites live constantly on clothes. A person is subject to bites while wearing clothing. In this case, washing things at a high temperature will help. To enhance the effect, insecticidal agents such as A-Par are added. Bedbug bites look like a small red dot with redness around it. Lice marks resemble an allergic rash or eczema.

Take care of your protection in advance

A prudent person thinks ahead and worries about how not to bring bedbugs home even before the trip. And here's the first piece of advice: don't take the problem lightly. If anyone thinks there is nothing to worry about, then they probably just haven't encountered bed bugs yet. The sharp increase in the number and spread of bed bugs is by no means an exaggeration, but a disappointing reality.

Look online for reviews of the hotel you are planning to stay at. Although you can't completely rely on reviews, if more than one person writes that there were bedbugs in the hotel, this is an alarm bell.

You can also call the hotel in advance, tell the manager of your concerns about bed bugs, and ask what protective measures the hotel is taking. Most likely, they will assure you that there are no problems with bedbugs in the hotel, but you can’t count on honesty in such a matter.

Bed bugs in a hotel: how to protect yourself and not bring parasites home

Since ancient times, bedbugs have been guests of hotels; in Russia they were called inns. As evidenced by the mentions of N.V. Gogol in his work “The Inspector General”: “A nasty room and bedbugs such as I have never seen anywhere - like dogs that bite.”

Inns were located along the routes of important transport junctions, where travelers temporarily stopped. In those distant times, a trip to a destination could last weeks, or even months. Therefore, stopping for the night was a necessary measure. Here a tired traveler could get dinner, shelter over his head, as well as a stall and oats for his horse. For bedbugs, this state of affairs was ideal; the parasites received regular nutrition at the expense of new guests, and also safely settled into new territories.

The modern type of hotels emerged in the 19th century, with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and a sharp increase in the number of travelers. On the eve of the Second World War, almost all hotels (the international name for hotels) in the world were infested with bed bugs and this continued until they began to use a powerful pesticide against parasites - dust.

Modern hotels

According to statistics, most often a person brings bloodsuckers to his apartment from trips abroad. Hiding in luggage or folds of clothing, insects travel thousands of kilometers before they find themselves in a new home. The development of the tourism industry contributes to an increase in the number of travelers. A large flow of foreigners from different parts of the world passing through a hotel room significantly increases the risk of contamination of the premises. It is enough for one of the guests to bring a few insects with him and within a couple of months there will be thousands of them.

It is important for the hotel administration to know that regular, timely general cleaning with cleaning and inspection of furniture in the rooms are preventive measures to prevent the appearance of parasites. If during the inspection at least one insect or their metabolic products is found, you must immediately contact SES specialists. While the bedbug colony is not numerous, it is much easier to fight bloodsuckers.

How to protect yourself from bedbugs in a hotel

Every traveler knows that a good overnight stay is an important part of a vacation or business trip. Therefore, if you are planning a trip abroad, it would be a good idea to adhere to several rules that will reduce the risk of encountering a blood-sucking parasite to a minimum.

  • Before booking a room, read customer reviews of the selected hotel. People willingly share their impressions of such establishments;
  • After checking into the hotel room, place all your belongings in the bathtub or shower, and then carefully inspect the mattress and head of the bed for blood stains left by crushed bedbugs, as well as their waste products - excrement (black dots resembling poppy seeds). You also need to inspect the bedside furniture;
  • Store your luggage and belongings as far away from your sleeping area as possible and it is advisable to put it somewhere higher. The fact is that the main concentration of insects (85%) is located within a radius of 5 meters from the bed, and beyond that only single individuals can be found;
  • If you suspect that your room is infected with parasites, immediately remove your luggage from the room and report this fact to the hotel administration;
  • Upon arrival home, all the things that you took with you on the trip (regardless of whether they were worn or not) need to be washed and then ironed. Place the rest of the items that do not fit into the washing machine in sealed bags.

Modern bedbugs feel great in hotels, regardless of the number of stars and the status of the establishment, but it is worth noting that in cheap hotels and hostels the likelihood of picking up parasites is much higher

Many people consider bed bugs to be a relic of the past, but they are greatly mistaken, especially since scientists predict a widespread invasion of these parasites in the near future. A person who has not encountered bed bugs in his life does not represent the real threat posed by these tiny parasites. They are capable of causing physical damage - bites, as well as serious psychological trauma, which cannot be dealt with without a psychologist.

How did bedbugs end up in your house?

When bedbugs appear in an apartment, it is very important to understand whether they were introduced accidentally or came from neighbors. When understanding this, you need to take into account several nuances.

Firstly, bedbugs are almost never carried by pets. In an apartment where people live, bedbugs bite them first, without touching their pets. It is difficult for parasites to get through the fur to their skin. In addition, cats and dogs have rougher skin than humans, making it difficult for insects to bite through. However, they can still bite animals, but only in severe hunger, when there are no people nearby. This happens extremely rarely, because pets do not live in empty apartments. In cases where bedbugs do attack a cat or dog, they leave the body very quickly after the bite. When the animal begins to move, the bug tries to quickly run away and hide in its shelter. Therefore, the likelihood that an animal will bring bedbugs into the house is almost zero. With people the situation is different. Having bitten a person, the bug also strives to leave his body and return to its place, but along the way it can become entangled in clothing and remain in it. Animals do not have clothing, so they cannot transfer parasites this way. It should be taken into account that bedbugs can live in beds, carriers, scratching posts and other objects. When moving them from one room to another, you can also move the pasazites.

Bedbug eggs and larvae on the back of the carpet

Secondly, bedbugs almost never leave living spaces, even in the warm season. This is unnatural for them. In the wild, they live in animal burrows and caves, but not in the open air. This means that only people carry them from one building to another. Consequently, they can only get into a private house in this way. In rare cases, they can enter the house from the chicken coop if they are very close. In chicken coops, bedbugs reproduce very quickly, parasitizing birds, so their appearance in a nearby house is not uncommon. In general, bedbugs can cover a distance of 10-20 meters, but they will not travel 30-40 meters or more.

Prevention measures

Getting rid of bedbugs on your own is quite difficult. These are tenacious and rapidly developing insects. After the appearance of a female, within a week another full-fledged colony of parasites will be marching around the apartment. Even if the house is clean, preventive measures are needed in any case. Moreover, they do not require any excessive measures.


It is necessary to regularly inspect the walls, ceiling, doors and window sills for cracks. The sealed holes eliminate the possibility of parasites entering from the street and neighbors. Ventilation holes should be inspected carefully. There may be concentrations of a variety of insects.

The ventilation grille should have a fine mesh and fit tightly to the wall. It is best to go around the edges with silicone sealant. They should also treat plumbing cracks: the junction of pipes with the floor and on the walls. Such prevention will also prevent you from infecting others, especially if disinfestation is planned.

Inspection of things

At the slightest sign of the presence of bedbugs, bed linen, carpets and other interior items must be inspected. If excrement of parasites, legs or remains of chitinous cover are found on them, then take appropriate measures.

When buying upholstered furniture, be sure to inspect the seams and back walls. The presence of dark, dry spots indicates the initial development of a colony of parasites, and these are not always bedbugs, but clearly unwanted insects. Here it is enough to treat the problem area with insecticides.

Upon returning from trips, things should be washed in hot water (+60⁰С), and immediately, without leaving them in the laundry basket. The same goes for bags and hats.

Life with bedbugs

Hi all. A couple of days ago I read a couple of posts about bedbugs. So, this is the situation -

I live in Moscow, I rent an apartment. Somewhere in October, my hands began to itch, then my legs, a rash appeared, and everything went in order. I turned to a dermatologist, they said that maybe the allergy was caused by dairy products (here I also understood one thing: to contact a dermatologist, if you don’t have a residence permit with registration, then you will need to pay a little money, I personally paid 1,200 rubles, in the Solntsevo area). As for dairy products, at that time I was drinking kumys, and I thought that maybe because of this. I stopped drinking it and took a couple of medications. The rash went away, I really thought it was because of the kumiss. In November I saw some kind of insect on the pillow. The dream immediately went away, I got up, lifted the mattress, and saw about 50 of these insects. I bought RAPTOR, sprayed it, but in principle, as I expected, the bedbugs did not disappear. And I decided that I would wash all my things, dry-clean my jackets, and move out. I did just that, and in December I moved to another apartment. Moving is certainly something, I never liked this business. One thing was very surprising: when I came to Moscow for the first time, I had 2 bags. When moving, 4 bags appeared from somewhere, plus a lot of different packages, although I bought absolutely nothing. Well, that's okay, that's not the point.

A different life began for me, in a different district of Moscow. December 30, New Year's bustle. In the evening after work, I happily went into the shower, and at this time I turned off the light in the room. I went out, turned on the light, and again I saw these parasites on the wall. They, as it turned out, “moved” with me. People, guys, tell me how to get rid of bedbugs? It’s impossible to even sleep normally, they make me very angry, irritated, and again I get a rash all over my body, especially in the morning.

What I did to get rid of them:

— I left the window open for 3 days (the bugs did not disappear, but all the water froze, the floors were terribly cold, even the gingerbread cookies were frozen solid)

— I tried to find their place where they live. Have not found

- Yes, and that’s basically it. You will say that you didn’t really do anything, and you will be right. No idea what to do or how to do it. Call a bedbug specialist?

I will be waiting for your comments and advice. Thank you!

Do exterminators tolerate bedbugs?

Another question we are often asked is: can exterminators themselves accidentally or intentionally transfer bedbugs from one room to another? Due to their duty, they have to constantly visit apartments in which huge numbers of these parasites live. Therefore, it can be assumed that they can get into the things and bags of specialists.

In fact, the risk of an exterminator bringing in bedbugs is virtually zero. Firstly, his work uniform, as well as all bags and equipment, are treated with insecticides. Because of this, even if bedbugs accidentally get somewhere, they quickly die and are definitely not transferred to the next clients. Secondly, an exterminator comes to an apartment with bedbugs in order to destroy them. He treats all surfaces in the house with potent drugs that quickly kill bedbugs. In such conditions, they simply do not physically have the opportunity to get into the bag or pockets of a specialist’s clothing.

Sometimes they express to us completely absurd ideas. Some people suggest that exterminators deliberately spread bedbugs into residential buildings so that their residents will then contact the company for help. They say that exterminators catch bedbugs in infested rooms and then plant them under the doors of a randomly selected apartment.

This is theoretically possible and this fact cannot be refuted with one hundred percent certainty. Maybe someone once tried to infect an apartment in this way, and it was not necessarily the exterminators who did it. Regarding the activities of the latter, let's think logically. The main problem of pest control services is high competition, not a lack of clients. The likelihood that after deliberately planting bedbugs in a particular house, its residents will turn to this particular company is extremely low. Therefore, it makes no sense for exterminators to increase the number of infected apartments using this method. There are already a lot of them, much more than all the companies in the city could clean up. In addition, people themselves successfully cope with the spread of bedbugs by constantly transporting them from one room to another.

Due to suspicions that exterminators are spreading bedbugs, when parasites appear in the house, residents first look at the notices posted nearby and refuse to contact these services. They assume that their employees caused the appearance of insects in their home. To get rid of them, residents begin to look for other companies or try to poison the bedbugs themselves. In general, it makes no sense for exterminators to plant parasites on someone, because competition between companies is very strong, and the likelihood that after an apartment is infested with bedbugs, its residents will turn to a specific company is very low. The main task for exterminators is to sell their services and work effectively to get clients, and not to increase their total number.

How to stop the reproduction and spread of insects

If it was not possible to prevent the appearance of bedbugs and small bloodsuckers were discovered, the best option would be to call an exterminator for professional treatment. In addition, he will give tips on how to avoid bringing bedbugs home again.

After processing, you must adhere to some rules:

  • carefully inspect purchases from second-hand stores;
  • Suitcases and travel bags should not be brought into the apartment immediately; it is better to put them on the balcony;
  • open parcels and parcels above the bathroom so that it is possible to notice the fallen pest;
  • periodically apply a special anti-bedbug gel or use an insect repellent pencil to baseboards, cracks, and near the front door.

The easiest way is to prevent the appearance of parasites in the house than to subsequently be afraid and try in every possible way to get rid of bedbugs.

Life with bedbugs

Hi all. A couple of days ago I read a couple of posts about bedbugs. So, this is the situation -

I live in Moscow, I rent an apartment. Somewhere in October, my hands began to itch, then my legs, a rash appeared, and everything went in order. I turned to a dermatologist, they said that maybe the allergy was caused by dairy products (here I also understood one thing: to contact a dermatologist, if you don’t have a residence permit with registration, then you will need to pay a little money, I personally paid 1,200 rubles, in the Solntsevo area). As for dairy products, at that time I was drinking kumys, and I thought that maybe because of this. I stopped drinking it and took a couple of medications. The rash went away, I really thought it was because of the kumiss. In November I saw some kind of insect on the pillow. The dream immediately went away, I got up, lifted the mattress, and saw about 50 of these insects. I bought RAPTOR, sprayed it, but in principle, as I expected, the bedbugs did not disappear. And I decided that I would wash all my things, dry-clean my jackets, and move out. I did just that, and in December I moved to another apartment. Moving is certainly something, I never liked this business. One thing was very surprising: when I came to Moscow for the first time, I had 2 bags. When moving, 4 bags appeared from somewhere, plus a lot of different packages, although I bought absolutely nothing. Well, that's okay, that's not the point.

A different life began for me, in a different district of Moscow. December 30, New Year's bustle. In the evening after work, I happily went into the shower, and at this time I turned off the light in the room. I went out, turned on the light, and again I saw these parasites on the wall. They, as it turned out, “moved” with me. People, guys, tell me how to get rid of bedbugs? It’s impossible to even sleep normally, they make me very angry, irritated, and again I get a rash all over my body, especially in the morning.

What I did to get rid of them:

— I left the window open for 3 days (the bugs did not disappear, but all the water froze, the floors were terribly cold, even the gingerbread cookies were frozen solid)

Which one do they like?

Insects prefer models with numerous seams, in which they can easily hide. They are especially likely to settle in pajamas, home clothes, and underwear, since this is where body odor lingers the most. If you notice small brownish spots on things, it means they live on it.

INTERESTING! We suggest you familiarize yourself with: Spray against moths in the apartment

Can bedbugs bite through clothing? No, their mouthparts are not so powerful for this. Although they


an unpleasant thing, especially for



But insects do not like fur products, because their paws cannot catch on the fur and they are not able to move on it. In addition, fur models have insufficient contact with the body, so pests have nothing to do there.


When cleaning your car from bedbugs, you should be especially meticulous and attentive. It is necessary to check every item, including the first aid kit, since parasites often hide in the most unexpected places. We should not forget about the luggage compartment; quite often insects live there. Often, inattentive cleaning is the reason why it is very difficult to remove insects yourself.

If it was not possible to defeat bedbugs on your own, the owner of the vehicle can contact specialized services that will quickly and efficiently clean the car.

Appearance of bloodsuckers

Bedbugs are small insects 3-8 mm in length. Most often they are brown in color - from light to dark. After the blood is pumped, they acquire a reddish tint or turn black. The lifespan of an individual is one year. The female is capable of laying up to 500 eggs and in 40 days many new specimens hatch from them.

If there is a shortage of food, they can hibernate and emerge from it when favorable conditions arise. When the temperature drops to minus 15, the insect dies. The bug emits a characteristic odor when crushed.

Features of the use of chemical insecticides

The industry produces a variety of products against blood-sucking insects. Fabrics can be treated with aerosols Karbozol, Perfos-P, Raptor, Raid, Clean House, Combat.

When using them you need to follow some rules:

  • Carry out processing away from food, it is better to do it on the street or balcony.
  • It is advisable to wear a mask to protect your respiratory tract before spraying clothing.
  • After the effect of the drug wears off (see instructions), wash the treated item if possible.

The bug is a creature that multiplies quickly and is surprisingly tenacious, so treatment to destroy it must be carried out as carefully as possible and at the first detection. Today we answered the following questions: do bedbugs live in clothes and how to get them out of there?

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What is the danger for children and pregnant women

The presence of a large number of insects in the house can lead to the development of various phobias, to which children are especially susceptible. The thought that there is a bedbug somewhere nearby can cause psychological problems and cause insomnia. If the situation does not change for a long time, chronic fatigue and symptoms of severe stress appear.

Danger for children and pregnant women.

The main reasons why bedbugs cause more harm to children than adults:

  1. A child is more likely to become a victim of bites because he has thinner skin, so he is preferable to insects as a victim.
  2. Incompletely developed immunity causes a high risk of contracting an infectious disease.
  3. An adult can drink up to 3 g of blood on average. If there are a lot of parasites, then this amount of blood loss is significant for the child, and symptoms of anemia are noticeable.

Danger for pregnant women:

  1. Decreased immunity due to sleepless nights.
  2. Irritability that occurs due to discomfort caused by bites.
  3. The possibility of becoming infected with a vector-borne disease and subsequently passing it on to a child.


Bed bugs travel very well on clothing. If you leave your clothes in a room infested with bedbugs, they may crawl into them or simply lay eggs in them. When you come home, you will bring with you a potential colony of insects. If you know that your friends or relatives have bedbugs, it is better to hold off on visiting.

It happens that things cannot be washed in hot water. In this case, they can be frozen. To do this, you need to put the item in a sealed bag and put it in the freezer or freezer. If it’s winter, they can be easily replaced with a regular balcony. Freezing time depends on temperature. Temperatures below -15 degrees are guaranteed to kill all bedbugs and their eggs within 2-3 days. But if the temperature is higher, then the item needs to be frozen for a long time, up to a month.

Processing methods

Clothes bugs are highly resistant to external negative factors. Washing clothes with warm water, for example, is not harmful to parasites. But they cannot tolerate high or low temperatures. If parasites are found in your home, you must immediately take appropriate measures.

Below are the most common ways to rid things of blood suckers.

Features of clothing processing

Before treating clothes for bedbugs, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules that will help get rid of parasites and prevent their reappearance. It is mandatory to process things after returning from a business trip or other trip.

Before removing an item, it is important to subject it to any of the options presented below.

Use of chemicals

Bedbugs on clothing have a high level of viability. The use of toxic insecticides will not get rid of parasite eggs; only adult individuals are destroyed.

To prevent the reappearance of nymphs from surviving clutches, it is advisable to additionally expose things to steam, cold, or boil.

You can process things using the following means:

  • Medilis Cyper.
  • Lambda zone.
  • Get.

The above insecticides are highly toxic, but are completely safe for warm-blooded animals. But before processing, it is important to take safety measures: you should use the toxin only with a protective mask and gloves, and it is recommended to do this outdoors.

To prevent the reappearance of pests, it is recommended to pack the treated clothing in a thick plastic bag, and then leave it outside for several hours, or better yet, a day.

Next, it is recommended to boil the items or wash them using water whose temperature is over 55 degrees.

Exposure to high temperature

Simple methods of treating things against bedbugs involve the use of high temperatures. The following are destructive for parasites: boiling clothes, washing in hot water, the temperature of which is more than 90 degrees. However, these methods are not suitable for removing parasites from delicate clothing.

In such cases, steam treatment is recommended. The best method is to use special steam generators, which have a detrimental effect on parasites and do not harm the tissue.

But in the absence of such a device, you can make a simple device from a kettle, to the spout of which you attach a tube or hose. Clothes should be treated for several minutes.

Application of low temperatures

If bedbugs are found in clothes in winter, you can get rid of them using low temperatures. To remove parasites, it is enough to hang the infected item outside for at least two to three days.

It is important to remember that insects can only be removed from clothing if the air temperature is less than ten degrees below zero.

Folk recipes

It is impossible to remove bedbugs from clothes using traditional methods. However, the use of these will repel insects from linen closets and force them to change their habitual habitats.

You can treat clothes and laundry storage areas against bedbugs by using essential oils and fresh herbs.

Parasites are afraid of the following types of plants:

  • tansy.
  • Sagebrush.
  • Ledum.
  • Lavender.

Lavender also has a pleasant aroma. When using tansy and wild rosemary, it is important to be careful, as these herbs contain toxic substances that can cause intoxication in humans and domestic animals.

To remove parasites, it is enough to place plant branches in wardrobes. Additionally, you can treat the walls and cabinet doors with essential oils. You can use one or more plants at the same time.


How to quickly get rid of bed bugs. 5 steps.

Old furniture and household appliances

Bed bugs appear in the house when the owners bring in old pieces of furniture. New things are rarely infected, since there is no food for them in the store. More often they live in old furniture that has been used for many years. When purchasing items secondhand, you must always check them for the presence of these unpleasant representatives of the fauna.

The same applies to household appliances. In it, parasites find secluded places for themselves where there is no bright light. They are often found in system computer units.

Therefore, if you plan to move into a new apartment, you need to carefully check all the furniture and equipment so that you don’t bring bedbugs with you when moving.

How to secure your move

Knowing how bedbugs get into an apartment, you need to use countermeasures. Here's how to avoid bedbugs when moving:

  • treat things and furniture with chemicals (pyrethroids, phosphorus compounds, boric acid). Use plastic containers for items during transportation;
  • wash clothes and textiles at temperatures above 60o, keep them in the dryer and iron them with a hot iron;
  • It’s easier to throw away or burn everything unnecessary (old sofa and carpets).

Before you move, it doesn’t hurt to check your new home for bedbugs: they could have been left behind by the previous owners. It also doesn’t hurt to treat an apartment in a new building for insects: not everyone is as careful as you.

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