Reviews about the destruction of bed bugs and our comments on them

  • By Vil Malinoshevsky
  • Destruction of bedbugs

On the one hand, it may seem that studying reviews of sanitation services is the best way to choose the best service that will help get rid of bedbugs in your apartment. It seems that living people who have encountered the same problem and solved it tell us which exterminators work well, who do poorly, and who are outright scammers. And it seems that it is enough to analyze such reviews to understand who to contact and who to avoid.

Exterminator at work in a Moscow apartment

In reality, everything is much more complicated. First of all, because on the Internet anyone can write anything, and here it can be almost impossible to distinguish truth from fiction and outright deception. Secondly, because all those who provide services know about the consumer’s desire to trust reviews. Unscrupulous performers also know this. And the worse this or that performer works, the less conscientious he is, the more he has to manipulate such reviews in order to somehow create for himself the reputation of some reliable, proven master. And the more likely it is that he will deceive you.

Several times a week we come across people who have been deceived either by unscrupulous exterminators, or simply by scammers who pretend to be exterminators. There are many such types of deception. Some people write good reviews about themselves, some write negative reviews about competitors, some delete negative reviews about themselves. And people who trust such reviews are left without money, but with bedbugs.

Simply put, reviews create a very distorted reflection of the real state of affairs. Although, of course, not reading reviews at all would also be wrong. To some extent, they can and should be used to evaluate a particular service and select a specific contractor. It is only important to know the characteristics of reviews, understand who leaves them and how, and evaluate these reviews correctly. This will help you not to be deceived and choose a truly conscientious exterminator who will remove bedbugs from you for reasonable money, and will not rob you or cause any trouble.

So here's what you need to know about reviews of sanitation services and the services they provide. First, and perhaps the most unobvious:

People don't like to write reviews about bed bug extermination, even if the extermination went perfectly

It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the bedbug disinfestation service itself. Few people want to tell the entire Internet that they had bed bugs. Moreover, if the problem with bedbugs is really solved and everything is fine, the person no longer needs to write anything. Plus, many clients do not actively use forums and review aggregators and believe that they will not be able to leave a review anonymously. And talking non-anonymously about your problems with bed bugs in your home is unattractive.

Still, if, say, a review about an expensive restaurant or a luxury hotel is a way to brag, then a review about removing bedbugs will definitely not make any of your relatives or friends admire the author of this review.

As a result, people rarely leave reviews about high-quality, effective pest control for bedbugs.

How to choose the right bedbug disinfection service

There are simple rules that help you choose the right pest control service in Moscow:

  1. An important selection criterion is the company’s experience, the range of services provided, guarantees, certificates, and user reviews.
  2. Awareness of specialists, determined during consultation. An experienced employee will responsibly approach the issue and recommend the best methods for removing bedbugs, taking into account the degree of infestation, location, and additional factors.
  3. Registration of the contract. Unscrupulous organizations impose on clients additional services, drugs that are harmful to health, and doubling the dosage. They take advance payment and do not perform services.
  4. A master exterminator visiting the site must have certificates of the drugs used, licenses, contracts, acts, and a power of attorney for the right to operate.

The best disinfection services inform about the cost before providing services, carry out procedures at a time convenient for clients, provide guarantees, and free consultations.

People write bad reviews more often than good ones.

Negative reviews are written as soon as the occasion arises. If a person didn’t like something, he was offended or feels some kind of injustice, he will find the opportunity, time and energy to talk about it.

The speed at which people typically rush to complain online is several times faster than the speed of light.

Sometimes it comes to the point that in a normal situation, a particularly suspicious client can write a bad review, and then, after the problem is resolved, simply not delete it.

A good example: a heavily infested apartment, a lot of bedbugs, a lot of things. The exterminator processes it, destroys the bedbugs, but warns that with such an initial infestation, after a few days, larvae may begin to hatch from the eggs, which will begin to bite and will need to be poisoned in 10-12 days. This is how it should be, this is standard disinfestation. If bedbugs are removed the first time, that’s good. If re-processing is needed, that's normal. After the second high-quality treatment at home, there will be no more bedbugs. The customer nods his head and says yes, everything is clear. Two days later, he finds the first bites of the larvae on himself, panics, calls the service at three o’clock in the morning, doesn’t get through (because the operators work from 8 am), gets angry at everyone, and goes to write reviews on Otzovik, on AirCommend, on YouTube , VKontakte and everywhere, everywhere, everywhere.

An example of a negative and most likely honest review

In the morning, the operators call him back, agree on a time for re-treatment, the exterminator arrives, destroys all the bedbugs, no one bites the client anymore, everyone is happy, everyone calms down, the client thanks the exterminator. But the reviews written at night in a panic remain and are then read by other bedbug victims.

Moreover, if for every 100 treatments there is one similar one, then 99 satisfied clients will not leave a good review. But this one, who got scared, who remained dissatisfied, will write off somewhere. And everyone who looks for reviews about this private SES will not find out anything about 99 successful treatments, but they will learn about this one ill-fated one.

What you need to know about bedbugs

Large cities have become excellent breeding grounds for bedbugs. This may surprise you, but one of the most relevant services in the capital is bedbug extermination services. To get rid of bedbugs in Moscow, we are called by administrators of hostels, hotels and dormitories, as well as owners of apartments and private houses. Over the past few decades, the population of these parasites has been increasing exponentially. The SES annually receives over 20 thousand applications for disinfestation from residents of Moscow and Moscow Region. Owners of houses and apartments most often face the need to call a bedbug service.

Treatment has become more complicated because bedbugs quickly develop immunity to various pest-harassing chemicals. We have to look for new derivatives to reduce resistance to treatment agents.

To get a consultation

There are over 30 species of bedbugs, each of which has its own type of food and habitat. Most often, people are annoyed by bed bugs. These are domestic parasites with a flat brown body. Adult, well-fed individuals usually grow 6-8 mm in length. Most of all they look like apple seeds.

See how a sofa is treated for bedbugs:

Bedbugs are especially active at night and in the morning - from 3 to 5 o'clock. However, if a bedbug colony is hungry, it can go out “hunting” at any time of the day. Bedbugs have an excellent sense of smell, so finding a victim is not difficult. The bug makes its way to an open area of ​​skin and launches its proboscis. The food item does not feel the bite, since the pest injects an anesthetic substance. The bug takes about 5–15 minutes to feed on blood. After eating, it swells and crawls away to hide for 5-10 days. During this time, the adult insect digests food, mates and lays eggs.

In total, a female bedbug can lay over 500 eggs in a lifetime. Insects place their eggs in different places in the room, where they are difficult to detect. Finding and getting rid of such “nests” is the most difficult. A bug grows from a larva to a mature parasite in 40 days.

The danger of bedbugs is that they perfectly adapt to almost any external conditions and multiply quickly, causing huge problems for home owners. Often people don’t even care how much it costs to exterminate bedbugs; they are willing to pay any price just to get rid of the blood-sucking insects.

By the way, regardless of age, bedbugs can survive for a long time without food at all, so they will not die even if you leave the apartment for a month. Bedbugs enter a state of suspended animation, which lasts up to 12-18 months. So, if you want to starve the pests to get rid of them, this is clearly not the best option. The only effective, fast and safe method of destruction is a professional bedbug disinfection service in Moscow.

Even good exterminators get bad reviews

At the same time, some kind of negative always happens even with decent, professional, conscientious exterminators. Somewhere clients deceive the exterminator, for example:

  • They say that the apartment is clean, but on site it is littered to the ceiling with rubbish and people walk in it in street shoes;
  • They call to treat a two-room apartment with two sofas, but in fact the exterminator finds 10 bunk beds in the apartment;
  • They say that the apartment is in normal condition, but in fact it has through holes to the neighbors, a door with centimeter gaps, gaps between the heating risers and the ceiling, and all the neighbors have bedbugs, and these bedbugs will come here two weeks after the previous complete removal, if All these cracks cannot be sealed.

Somewhere clients themselves are very conflicting. In general, the work of the sanitary service is in one way or another connected with frequent contacts with less prosperous sections of the population. For example:

  • Somewhere, an exterminator is called by alcoholics who are already fit for the agreed time and are somewhere in a parallel universe. And it is impossible to prepare the apartment or discuss anything with them.
  • Somewhere an exterminator is called to visit mentally ill people.
  • Somewhere neighbors chip in to exterminate bedbugs in some very dysfunctional apartment, and the owner of this apartment, under their pressure, agrees to sanitary treatment, but is especially not happy about the visit of the exterminator.
  • Some people don’t sleep for three days before treatment, sit on the bed with a flashlight, wait for bedbugs, and by the time of treatment they are in an inadequate state.
  • There are simply people who are always dissatisfied with everything, offended by life, who in any case will not be satisfied.

And even with good treatment, you can get negative feedback from one of these characters for any wrong sneeze, even an imaginary one.

That is, with a good exterminator or good service, a tiny part of dissatisfied customers creates a large, sometimes even significant part of the reviews.

Which means...

Fighting cockroaches in an apartment - professional methods

To poison cockroaches in an apartment, the master prepares a poisonous solution. Its preparation requires experience and precise dosage. Therefore, such sanitization should be carried out by people with experience and training. Ready-to-use poison is sprayed in the following ways:

  1. From professional sprayers.
  2. Using a hot steam generator.
  3. Cold fog steam generator.

In addition to any of these methods, specialized services offer barrier protection. It provides an additional guarantee of getting rid of cockroaches for a long time. The service consists of the etcher additionally treating the perimeter of a room in a private house, apartment or office. For this purpose, special drugs are used that can kill Prussians upon direct contact.

This is a fairly effective preventive measure. Parasites not only disappear, but also refuse to appear in the house for several years after complex treatment.

People react more sharply and remember negativity in reviews better.

This is such a feature of the human psyche; it is rooted deeply in ancient instincts and, first of all, in the instinct of self-preservation. It is more important for us to see something bad in order to avoid it and protect ourselves from danger, than to pay attention to something good.

Just imagine the situation: you are reading reviews about a company.

  1. First review: Good company, we called them, we had a lot of bedbugs, they came from our neighbors. The disinfectant arrived, poisoned, the bedbugs disappeared, everything is fine. No more bedbugs.
  2. Second review: We called the service, an exterminator came and eliminated all the bedbugs the first time. Before that, they were bitten every night, especially children, but now there are no bites at all. Thanks, everything is fine.
  3. Third review: God, what a nightmare, I never thought that I would encounter something like this in my life! My little daughter was bitten by these vampires at night. In the morning there are two blisters like this on this delicate hand, the child is itching, I’m afraid there is an allergy. I called the service, a man arrived, filled everything with some kind of stinking muck, I almost fainted from the smell, the child spent the whole day with his grandmother. Barely ventilated, 2000! I paid rubles for this work, three days passed, and again the child developed these monstrous blisters. The bugs are biting again, I called the service, and these impudent people dare to claim that this is how it should be and that re-treatment is needed. This is some kind of horror, I had to repeat everything again. Again the apartment stinks, again the child is at grandma’s, I don’t know what to do anymore! Now there are no bedbugs, but what if they appear again?

Which of these reviews will you remember best? And what opinion do you have about the company’s work? Although, in fact, there are two positive reviews about difficult situations when there were a lot of bedbugs and they were safely removed, that is, the exterminator worked well. And here is one review about a simple situation where there were few bedbugs, they were removed, then the emerging larvae were poisoned (this is normal, as it should be!), and everything ended well. But because of suspiciousness, because of the violent reaction of the author of the review to this situation and because of the specific presentation, it seems that the master worked poorly, the client’s expectations were not met and the author of the review did not receive the desired result.

At a minimum, keep in mind that when reading such reviews, you will be conveyed the psychological state of the person who wrote the review. If he wrote in a panic, you might panic too. If it's written with humor, you might smile too.

But the main thing is that you will most likely remember the bad reviews, even if there are fewer of them than good ones . This is simply a property of the human psyche. It is because of him that on TV and in any media they tell you first of all about who died where, who got sick where, who was raped where and what exploded where. Because it immediately grabs you. They don’t tell you who survived where, who recovered, and what didn’t explode. They won’t tell you that several million people flew safely on planes today, but they will definitely tell you about a plane that crashed somewhere with dead passengers. Because we react to good news calmly, as if it were the norm, but bad news impresses us and makes us worry.

Therefore, when analyzing reviews about bedbug removal by a specific service, just count how many good reviews there are about it and how many bad ones. Comparing these quantities is more correct than an emotional assessment of the content of these reviews.

We call a service to your home to poison cockroaches in Moscow

When people are faced with an arthropod infestation, they are primarily interested in who should poison the cockroaches and where to go if an infestation is detected.

This issue is clearly regulated by housing legislation. The destruction of cockroaches in an apartment or house is carried out at the expense of the owners and tenants. Such services are provided by both public service and commercial organizations, some of which operate around the clock. In order not to overpay, it is worth reading advertisements, looking at company ratings, and comparing how much it costs to poison parasites in different companies.

Another thing is disinfection of cockroaches in basements and entrances. Often, livestock start up not only when neighbors poison the Prussians or do not comply with hygiene standards. Arthropods can come into the apartment from garbage chutes and from technical floors.

In such cases, the management company is responsible for the sanitary condition. Treatment for cockroaches in entrances, basements and technical floors is carried out using the money that people pay for the maintenance of their homes. The same goes for dormitories. To treat pests, residents only need to write a statement. If the procedure is refused, you can complain to the prosecutor's office.

Preparing the apartment before disinfestation

In order for the baiting to be successful, you need to prepare for the arrival of the cockroach extermination company. First of all, you should take care of where to send family members and pets during treatment. During disinfestation, they should not be in the house. Every insecticide has a smell and the answer to the question of whether it can be breathed in is likely to be negative. Therefore, it is advisable to spend at least one night in another place, so that after the removal of the living creatures, everything is well ventilated.

Then you need to prepare the room for disinfestation:

  • Remove dishes and food or pack them carefully.
  • Close the ventilation hatches with fine mesh to block access for pests from neighboring apartments.
  • Do a wet cleaning and then wipe the surfaces dry.
  • If possible, move furniture to the center of the room and empty cabinets.
  • Check the drainage system for any cracks. If there are any, they must be treated with sealant.

Depending on the area, the process of baiting arthropods in an apartment takes one to two hours.

Cleaning after disinfection of cockroaches

When professional treatment of premises from cockroaches has been carried out, you will have to arrange a sanitary day. To eliminate the smell after bullying, the home is ventilated for 2-3 hours. It is also necessary to wipe down surfaces that people will touch. To do this, you will need an alkaline detergent or soda solution.

But in hard-to-reach places, the insecticide should remain: it will kill oviposition, and at the same time help poison flies and other flying insects.

Residents often wonder how long it takes for insects to die. Adults can be destroyed within one and a half to two hours. If the treatment is carried out efficiently, a repeat procedure may not be required.

A significant part of reviews on the Internet are fakes that do not correspond to reality.

Alas, this is so: perhaps half, and perhaps even more than half of the reviews that you have read and on which you are ready to make a choice of this or that company, were actually written either by the company itself, or by third-party authors on order, or by competitors of this company .

We know of one service operating in Moscow, and quite a large one, they have 8 or 10 exterminators, and the office employs a director, an accountant, two telephone operators and two, let’s say, marketers, who spend whole working days from morning to evening creating endless accounts on social networks, on forums and on Otzovik and write good reviews about their own company, and bad reviews about competing companies on behalf of fantastic clients. It's like a factory of exterminator trolls...

Compared to freelance exchanges, Olgino and his trolls are baby talk

Small companies cannot employ such authors, and therefore simply order reviews on freelance exchanges - Advego, Fiver, Workzilla and others. Such a review costs around 300 rubles and may well influence your decision to call a particular service. And if the review is negative, then you can refuse the services of a good service, because some mother on maternity leave from a rented apartment in Yekaterinburg created an account on some forum or VKontakte, introduced herself as a Muscovite and told how she was allegedly deceived by the exterminator in her apartment at Patriarch's Ponds. And you will believe this review.

When orders and money are really tight, the exterminators themselves sit, register new accounts and write reviews about themselves. Here you need to understand why they don’t have orders and money if they are such good exterminators.

Bedbug habitats

Bedbugs feed on blood, so they usually settle close to their potential victims - people and animals. Their colonies quickly spread throughout the house, so disinsection must be carried out everywhere. Pests nest comfortably in hard-to-reach places:

  • cracks in floors, ceilings, furniture;
  • under baseboards;
  • on bookshelves;
  • behind picture frames or wallpaper;
  • in closets with clothes;
  • mattresses;
  • household appliances;
  • soft toys, etc.

Bedbugs hide well, but you can still find them (most likely if you work for a professional pest control service). During the day they hide in the darkest places, but during the “hunt” they often catch your eye. Turn on the light in the middle of the night, and brown insects are clearly visible on the bed. It is useless to crush them one by one, as this will not get rid of a whole colony of bedbugs.

The presence of bedbugs can also be guessed by the following signs:

  • blood stains on bed linen - appear, for example, if you accidentally crushed a pest while sleeping;
  • the musty smell of pheromones emitted by bedbugs is similar to the smell of cheap cognac;
  • bedbug feces - look like brown balls and smell unpleasant;
  • dead chitin after molting - yellowish husk, like from seeds;
  • Bedbug bites are red, symmetrically located stripes on open areas of the body, which quickly disappear and itch very much.

If you find sufficient evidence of the presence of a bedbug colony in your home, it’s time to call the bedbug service, especially since even in Moscow the price of exterminating bedbugs in an apartment is affordable for any owner with average income. The cost of disinfecting an apartment from bedbugs is disproportionately small compared to a quiet life without blood-sucking insects.

To get a consultation

Only positive reviews come from unscrupulous exterminators and scammers

We have already figured out above that even with the ideal work of the exterminator, some tiny part of the clients will still remain dissatisfied, but this tiny part of the clients will generate a significant part of the reviews about the company, and these reviews will be negative.

That is, without conflict situations and without some disagreements with clients, not a single service works. If it works at all and fulfills at least some orders.

If a service does not have negative reviews, then it removes them. And if they are not on those sites from which it is impossible to remove them, it means that the service practically does not work, and either has two orders per month, or was only created yesterday.

The company must have reviews outside of social networks.

A company with no reviews at all on third-party sites is either a newborn or one that has been working for a long time, disgraced itself, completely ruined its reputation with low-quality processing, made such a mess that it was necessary to close the old site and open a new one, change phone numbers so that customers would not find them and police, and start all over from scratch, and reviews on social networks are simply added through freelance exchanges or through fake accounts of the employees themselves. Do you want to contact a service where employees only saw a hand sprayer yesterday and have not yet learned how to deal with bedbugs? Or to the service that made a mess? Question.…

That is, a large number of reviews with a certain share of negative ones is normal and this is better than no reviews at all.

Only negative reviews also come only from unscrupulous exterminators and scammers

A good service always has many times more satisfied customers than dissatisfied ones. And some of these satisfied customers will write a review either on their own initiative or at the request of the exterminator.

If there are no such positive reviews at all, it means that the exterminators there are working frankly poorly. They may have successful treatments, but the percentage of failures is very high, the number of disappointed and angry customers is large, all these customers cannot get the company to fulfill its obligations and complain wherever they can. Accordingly, the overwhelming number of reviews about the service are negative.

How to correctly analyze reviews and use them to choose an exterminator?

Average cost of services for exterminating cockroaches in Moscow

Object typeprocessing price
MOP, room in an apartmentfrom 1000 rub.
Hotel, room in a dormitory (communal apartment)from 1500 rub.
1-room apartmentfrom 1800 rub.
2-room apartmentfrom 2100 rub.
3-room apartmentfrom 2500 rub.
4-room apartmentfrom 2800 rub.

Trust the reviews of those people you know and with whom you can communicate personally

Preferably - reviews that a person provided by phone or in correspondence to you personally.

Firstly, this way you know for sure that the review is real. You can be sure that no one invented it and it reflects the real situation and the real work of the exterminator.

Secondly, the person does not have any selfish interest, he does not want to “sell” you the services of a specific service and, on the contrary, does not want to scare you away from it. That is, he will tell you the truth.

Thirdly, in addition to feedback, he can give you some useful advice. Agree to a hot fog, or make do with a cold one, how to prepare an apartment, where to take the children - from a friend this may sound more convincing than from a service operator over the phone.

How much does qualified help cost?

Often the deciding factor is the cost of the procedure, but in Moscow prices do not vary much, so it is better to focus on the stability of the company and customer recommendations. The cost of treating a room depends on the size of the apartment and methods of exterminating insects, which we will discuss later in the article. If you need to treat one room, then the price will start from approximately 1,500 rubles . The additional payment for each room is approximately 300-400 rubles. But hot fog will cost from 4,000 rubles .

If it is necessary to treat private houses, industrial premises, warehouses, basements or garden plots, the amount for the work is negotiated separately and depends on the area affected and the distance from the company office. The client can always clarify the possibility of a discount for pensioners, disabled people or an additional payment under non-standard conditions for the provision of services.

In addition to reviews, analyze all other available information about the company.

Read the history of the company, find out who its founder and director are. If this information is not available, this is already a bell: why a company with good experience has nothing to tell about itself and why its founder and director is afraid of recognition and connection with his own service.

It is also useful to find out the names of the employees, especially the exterminators of a particular service. If their faces and names are also not disclosed, this is a reason to think.

Compare the period of work on the market and the number of reviews. Check the dates of the oldest reviews and see how long the company has been operating without any reviews at all. If it’s long enough, then this is another bell: why they didn’t respond to it and whether it was then another company with an unknown past.

Just evaluate the company’s website, the literacy of the texts on it, and the fullness of its information. If this is one page, laid out in a free editor, then there is a high probability that an exterminator without orders or experience is behind it. It is clear that a city telephone number, and especially a free one for callers, is better than a mobile one, and corporate mail is better than simple mail on regular mail services. These are all signs of companies that have their feet on the ground, even if they are not completely reliable signs.

The most important thing: look at the company's work. Fortunately, today any company can show its work “in person” - shoot a video, make a photo report on the processing, write a report on your blog or social network. Even if these are not professional photos and videos, these materials themselves allow you to look at the company in action. And this is no less important and informative than reviews.

Also look at the prices. They must be adequate. It is impossible to remove bedbugs from a one-room apartment for 1000 or 1200 rubles. If they promise you such a price, know that they are lying to you and you will pay more for the breeding itself in any case. Either they will convince you on the spot that you need to pay three thousand for complex treatment, or they will carry out disinfestation so that you will be forced to call the service again.

By the way, in the reviews about the company themselves, pay attention to the prices. In custom reviews, prices are not indicated, because the author writing the custom review has not used the company’s services, does not know the pricing procedure, and writes the most general things. Indicating the price in a review is a sign of its truth. And comparing the price in a review with the price indicated on the website is a way to identify those who like to increase the cost on the spot.

Finally, a useful method for exposing liars: all pest control services like to report which major clients they have worked with. Everyone, as if by choice, has Lukoil, Yandex, Azbuka Vkusa, Rolf and so on on their client lists. But try to find on the website of this service or in its social media accounts photographs or videos of treatments performed by these clients.

Kostya from DisinCity being deodorized after throwing a checker into the Yandex Taxi office

If you don’t find it, then most likely the service did not work with these companies. And if she has to come up with such clients, then this is already a sign that she does not have normal processing.

Trust reviews that are published on strictly moderated sites that are not associated with the company

That is, on those sites from which company employees cannot remove them - Otzovik, AirCommend and others.

No one except the author can delete or edit such a review on Otzovik.

Yes, reviews here can be ordered from third-party contractors, and the machinations of competitors may appear here, but the company itself cannot clean up the negativity here and write thanks to itself.

Analyze the content of reviews correctly

Firstly, they must be different. Reviews are left by different people - competent and not so, talkative and taciturn, impressionable and impenetrable. Accordingly, reviews from them should be both short and long, some with details, others without them, some good, others not so good, some with gratitude, others with complaints. Such diversity is natural and most likely confirms the naturalness of the reviews.

If all the reviews are similar to each other, all are written according to the same scheme, all have approximately the same volume, and even more so are written in the same language, then with a high probability they were written by one person or one group of people, or under the control of one person, and there is no naturalness their speech cannot exist. And it is impossible to evaluate the quality of the service based on such reviews.

Plus another useful nuance, like searching for prices in reviews. Look in reviews for descriptions of any nuances and subtleties of pest control that are not obvious to those who have not encountered pest control. This could be a description of the exterminator’s equipment, an indication of the name of the product, some professional tricks that the exterminator told the person during treatment, a story about the careful disassembly of furniture throughout the house, impressions of the same cold fog and a description of the generator.

A third-party author to order will not indicate such things in the review, because he does not know about them, and the exterminators themselves, when they invent reviews on their own, do not indicate these nuances either because they do not consider them important (they have a professional blurred view), or because , that they do not want to share these subtleties (for example, the names of drugs). If there are such nuances in the review, this increases the likelihood that the review is natural.

And mistakes in reviews that professionals would not make also indicate that such a review was, at a minimum, not written by the exterminator himself. For example, if in a review a specialist is called a “disinfector”, or hot fog is called smoke, gas or gas treatment, then such a review was definitely written by a person far from pest control. Whether this was a real client or a commissioned author still needs to be figured out, but at least it was not written by a specialist.

Why bedbugs are dangerous and why you shouldn’t delay pest control

Sometimes people are allergic to bedbug bites, and then the skin becomes covered with swollen red spots. But even if you don’t have such a reaction, the appearance of pests creates psycho-emotional problems in the form of sleepless nights, constant itching and fear of insects crawling on your body. For these reasons at least, you shouldn’t delay removing pests and call the Moscow bedbug extermination service. Disinfestation lasts only a few hours, and bedbugs disappear, if not forever, then for a very long time

In addition, it is worth getting rid of bedbugs, because insects carry dangerous infectious diseases:

  • Hepatitis B;
  • tuberculosis,
  • brucellosis;
  • tularemia, etc.

For these reasons, it is important not to delay treatment for bedbugs and call disinfection specialists.

Take a closer look at the accounts of people who leave reviews

There are several signs that an account on a social network or on Otzovik is fake.

  1. The account photo belongs to a celebrity.
  2. Account is empty. There is nothing in it except a few reviews, and there is a possibility that it was created specifically for the publication of these few reviews.
  3. Some obvious contradictions. For example, the place of residence of the author of the review is Krasnoyarsk, and the review is written about pest control in St. Petersburg, or the account of a tough man-powerlifter is filled with advertisements for women's cosmetics, among which a review about disinfestation against bedbugs suddenly pops up.
  4. The account constantly publishes advertisements, that is, its owner does not hesitate to post paid posts and links on his wall. In exactly the same way, he will not disdain to write a review about the fictitious fight against bedbugs.

That is, you should trust reviews from real people with real photos in the account, with an actively filled account in general, in which, in general, there is not a large amount of advertising and there are no obvious inconsistencies.

In general, evaluate all information about the company as a whole. If there is no other information besides reviews, think about why it is not there. Remember that reviews are only part of the information available to you about a service, only part of the puzzle that forms a reputation. And these reviews should influence your decision to the same extent that they help you get an idea of ​​the company’s work. Therefore, look at each company as a whole, at its work, at its activity, at the materials that it offers and publishes, at its openness and the openness of its team, and only on the basis of such an overall assessment choose a reliable exterminator. This will help you quickly destroy bedbugs and save your time, money and nerves.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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