Sanitation of premises from bedbugs with the help of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (SES)

The question of choosing a remedy for bedbugs worries everyone who has had the misfortune of encountering these parasites. In just a couple of weeks, a room infested with bedbugs becomes uninhabitable - the insects bite people at night and cause an unpleasant odor. Many people choose heat treatment of the room to remove pests - this is one of the most effective methods. However, the equipment for such disinsection is very bulky and expensive, so heat treatment remains not the best option for many.

Another proven method of removing insects is conventional chemical disinfestation. It consists of spraying all corners of the infected room with an insecticide solution. For all its effectiveness, chemical treatment has one drawback - if it is carried out incorrectly, it will not only not produce results, but can also cause poisoning of one of the household or pets. In addition, even some “professional” pest control services treat contaminated premises with outdated insecticides for reasons of economy. They are not only very toxic, but also have a pungent, unpleasant odor that lingers in the house for a long time.

Another effective way is to freeze bedbugs. However, it can only be used in winter, in private homes or country houses where there is no central heating.

Despite the effectiveness of the above methods, many abandon them due to certain shortcomings. This leads people to resort to what is called "gassing". However, the fact is that there is no such thing as “bedbug gas” - it is rather a popular name for a number of pest control methods.

In what cases should you call the SES to bait bedbugs?

Before the exterminators arrive, the apartment must be prepared.
SES stands for “sanitary and epidemiological service” or “sanitary and epidemiological station.” This is a special government organization that must monitor the epidemiological situation in the city. Its tasks include the destruction of bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas, rodents and other pests.

How to call the SES to exterminate bedbugs? To do this, you need to leave a request for a call. Since SES is a government organization, consideration of the application and work may take a long time.

Important! There are also private pest control companies with similar names. They use the same means as the civil service.

The SES must be called immediately after detection of bites or bedbugs themselves. The latter are carriers of many diseases; allergies can develop due to insect bites, and the pests themselves can easily move to other apartments, infecting them too.

How much it costs to call the SES to poison bedbugs depends on the size of the home, the level of infestation and the specific company. The exact cost will be announced after inspection by a professional.

Description of blood-sucking bugs

How do bedbugs differ from fleas and other pests? Fleas are jumping and few in number. For humans, they appear as painfully biting black dots that suddenly disappear from the body. Mosquitoes and mosquitoes are visible to our eyes and are generally familiar. We won't talk about them. Here we have an arthropod insect. In fact, there are many bedbugs in the world, more than 800 varieties. People only come across one - Cimex lectularius.

  • What do they like to eat? Exclusively blood. These are not cockroaches - you can’t lure them with a pie;
  • What time does it attack? During the day you are unlikely to see “long-awaited neighbors”, because they prefer the interval between 3 and 7 am;
  • How often does a bug drink blood? Bites appear daily, but 1 individual feeds once a week. Count the tracks and multiply by 7 - you get the approximate number of creatures in the housing at the moment;
  • At what speed does a bedbug reproduce? 5 eggs are laid per day. Considering that the “favorites” of sanitary and epidemiological station workers can live up to 14 months, it turns out that in 365 days one individual produces up to 2,000 new creatures, and 10 already gives birth to 20 thousand.

As you can see, disinfestation is extremely necessary in the early stages, as the situation is worsening at a catastrophic speed. Fortunately, it doesn’t matter how infested the house is - if you poison bedbugs with gas, the result will still be 100%, but the means at hand may no longer help. The methods will be described below. Now let's move on to another category of creatures.

Know: bedbugs are so small and agile that the human skin does not feel their movement at all.

Preparing the apartment for processing

Before the arrival of specialists and the start of sanitary treatment of the room from bedbugs, it is necessary to prepare the place:

  1. Place all food, clothing, dishes and personal items in tightly closed boxes or bags to prevent poison from getting on them;
  2. Move the furniture to the center of the room and cover it with a thick cloth, which can then be thrown away;
  3. Clear passages for specialists to walls, corners, and places where pests accumulate;
  4. Remove all plants from the premises, remove pets and leave the whole family for a few hours.

Important! Since bed bugs die within 2-4 weeks after pest control, they may continue to bite for a while.

Methods of destroying parasites

It is recommended to carry out sanitation at the same time as your neighbors. If they didn’t kill the bloodsuckers, they can easily get back into your apartment. An agreement for disposal, disinfestation, and deratization can be drawn up with the management company.

To get rid of bedbugs, you can use insecticides: “Raptor”, “Dichlorvos”. You can carry out disinfection yourself. When processing, there should be no small children or pets in the room, since the active substances contained in pest repellents are toxic. When working with toxic substances, you must be careful.

You can also use folk remedies: herbs, changing the temperature, constant lighting of the room. Such methods, however, are less effective. The death of insects does not occur, they only crawl away to other places. If not all the bugs are gone, the population will quickly recover. It will not be possible to get rid of infection using these methods even in cases where parasite eggs remain.

To remove bloodsuckers from the premises, it is better to call the SES. Specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station use special means that destroy insects. You can also use their services for deratization, destruction of fleas, flies, wood lice, cockroaches, ants, eliminating odors in the refrigerator, and disinfection.

Cold fog

It is necessary to call a service that uses professional equipment to kill bedbugs using a similar method. Masters use aerosol cold fog generators. The device breaks liquid droplets into microscopic ones, and then blows them out of the nozzle with an air stream. They remain in the air of the treated room for 1 to 2.5 hours and penetrate into any holes or cracks, spreading chemicals. Under the influence of the insecticide used, the bedbugs die.

One of the extremely effective ways to combat bedbugs is cold fog.

The advantages of the method are high efficiency and versatility of application. This method of fighting allows you to quickly process even a large space. The poison penetrates into the smallest crevices, so the pest population will completely die out.

The disadvantages are the high price and high toxicity of steam for humans. Only people wearing a special protective suit can be in the room during processing. If it is not possible to put on protection, the person will have to leave during the disinfestation.

Hot fog

Hot fog easily destroys bedbug eggs.

Another effective method of treating a city apartment from insects is the use of hot fog. You will need to call employees of a specialized company or firm that has the necessary equipment. Drops of water containing the chemical come out of the apparatus heated to 60°. The poison scattered throughout the room will act for 10-12 hours. At this time, no one lives in the room.

The advantages are high efficiency with low insecticide consumption, complete disappearance of parasites, and time saving. The liquid penetrates even the smallest holes and destroys adults, larvae, and eggs. Bedbugs disappear after this treatment, even with severe infestation. The disadvantages are the high cost and the possibility of an explosion due to any spark.

What means does the SES use against bedbugs?

These poisons are extremely dangerous, they can only be used by specialists.
How do the sanitary and epidemiological station poison bedbugs? Its employees have several options of poisons for bedbugs and other pests. These are inexpensive but extremely effective tools that can only be used by specialists. These include:

  • "Karbofos": it has been known since the times of the USSR. This is an inexpensive but good product, which has several significant disadvantages: the drug has an incredibly persistent and unpleasant odor that lasts for several months. Additionally, due to its popularity in the past, many bed bugs today have become immune to it.
  • "Fufanon": an insecticide similar to karbofos, they have the same active substance. However, the smell of fufanon is less persistent and unpleasant, and its effectiveness is slightly higher. This substance is often used in remote regions with low funding.
  • “Effective Ultra”: belongs to hazard class 4 - low dangerous (most poisons have class 3 - moderately dangerous). The product is highly effective, has no unpleasant odor and has a long-lasting protective effect. The effectiveness of the poison is associated with the presence of several active ingredients: if one poison does not affect the bedbugs, another will help. Unfortunately, due to the high price, “Effective Ultra” is often purchased by non-governmental exterminators.

Hot mist produces smaller droplets than cold mist

  • "Extermin": a microcapsule product that appeared not so long ago. It is highly efficient, popular with private customers: it does the job well and is quite cheap. It is often used in public and private SES. However, the smell problem also affected him.
  • "Chlorpyrimark": similar in composition and effect to "Tetrix", but it contains flavorings that help a little to cope with the unpleasant odor.
  • “Biorin”: often used by exterminators, sprayed using hot or cold fog technology. With its help, you can destroy a colony of bedbugs or ants in one go.

SES treats apartments against bedbugs using the hot or cold fog method. Both options are a poisonous aqueous gas solution that is sprayed into the air. The droplets are small, they easily penetrate into cracks and hard-to-reach places.

Both methods have some important features:

  • Cold fog has an air temperature, hot fog - about +60 degrees;
  • Drops obtained from hot fog spraying are several times smaller and are more effective in killing parasites;
  • Cold fog is not visible, hot fog is white or grayish in color and is easier to control.

Reviews about the destruction of bedbugs


“We ourselves struggled with bedbugs for about four months, with varying success. It seems that you poison them with some kind of Combat, they don’t bite for a week, then it starts again. We search, find a couple of skins, etch all the furniture, another week of respite, and again bites. Finally we got tired and called the service. We were lucky, we immediately contacted SanMariDez, we are very happy about ordering from them. A good consultant on the phone, she explained everything, warned us about everything, offered to destroy the bedbugs with hot fog, but we refused because it was a bit expensive. And our apartment is rented. The master arrived on time, and when he started working, we realized that there would be no living space left from the bedbugs. To begin with, he turned over the bed with mattresses and chairs. He took everything apart: he really just unscrewed the frame under the mattress, untwisted the chair, I didn’t even have time to get scared. And there we saw all the nasty things that were biting us. I didn’t even think that there could be so many of them! There were probably several hundred of them sitting right inside the chair on the plywood. And there were a lot of them on the boards under the mattress of the bed, but less than in the chair. And then the disinfectant removed the baseboard. My husband almost had a heart attack. He doesn’t understand anything about repairs at all, for him to remove the baseboard and put it back in place is a week’s work, but here the master uproots all these baseboards without any pity. But there were bedbugs here and there behind the baseboards. In general, we saw the whole picture as it is, and understood why we could not cope with the bedbugs ourselves. And then the disinfectant began to water it all from his apparatus. Don’t even water, but spray - this method is called cold fog, when a powerful jet is released from the nozzle of the device and covers the entire bed, the entire chair, the entire wall with the baseboard with this solution. Imagine a jet from a spray can, in which they sell products, only ten times longer and wider - this is how the bedbug extermination service treats an apartment. My husband and I specifically took respirators to observe all this, and climbed around the room to see if the bedbugs were dying. They poison really quickly, literally in a matter of minutes. Plus, since the disinfectant was watering the walls and furniture, not a single insect had a chance to survive. I think that with such conscientious processing, all sorts of hot fogs are not needed. The disinfectant said that we had a standard routine treatment, and after it, for the second week now, no one has had a single bite, and we haven’t found a single bug in the house. We conclude that the destruction was successful, we got them out the first time, the hot fog was not useful. Thanks SanMariDez, we can now sleep peacefully again!”

Oksana, Moscow

Disinfector's comment

This apartment had a relatively weak infestation: the bedbugs were concentrated in the sleeping areas; they did not have time to spread throughout the room. Single individuals behind the baseboards could be migratory. In such cases, a really high-quality cold fog treatment is sufficient. But this does not mean that hot fog is not needed at all! In cases with severe infestation of an apartment, it is the additional destruction of bedbugs with hot fog that ensures that re-treatment is not required, and it is the hot fog that poisons those bedbugs that cannot be reached with cold fog.

Disinfector with hot fog generator

Therefore, in each situation you need to look at the number of bedbugs, the condition of the apartment and make a decision on the spot - in some places it is hot fog that allows you to save time, effort and money.


“Finally we got rid of this scourge! Three companies had already been harassed, there was no way they could get rid of us, we were ready to sell the apartment! Thank God they found SanMarieDez. We really liked the way this company works! The master meticulously examines every centimeter in the apartment, finding bedbugs in places where we didn’t even think to look. We were very upset when they told us that we needed to throw out the sofa. Although it is not new, it is good quality, strong, and would definitely last for several more years. But Oleg (disinfector) said that due to old age, bedbugs may be in the filler, and it is almost impossible to get them out of there. It's a shame, we were hoping that the sofa could be saved. And so, it turns out that you need to add the cost of a new sofa to the cost of processing. But I’ll tell you: when we returned to the apartment, we cleaned everything, washed everything that the disinfectant allowed us to wash, had dinner and went to bed right on the floor, we realized what a blessing it is to sleep and know that no one bites you, no one It doesn’t crawl all over you, nothing makes you itch. You can buy a new sofa for this!”

Elena, Zhukovsky

Disinfector's comment

If the room is old or severely infested, the sofa has to be thrown out in half the cases. It’s better this way than poisoning bedbugs again, a second, or a third time and living with them. And you can usually see from the sofa whether bedbugs live on top of it, where they can be removed with the drug, or whether they have already “leaked” into the filler. Purely theoretically, even such bedbugs can be saved, but in practice this makes no sense: more money will be spent on removing bedbugs from them than on a new, intact and beautiful sofa.

Heavily infested sofa

Once upon a time, I tried many times to destroy bedbugs by any means necessary, just to save these “precious rare” sofas, especially when elderly owners cling to them in a panic. Almost always it ended with repeated disinsections, liters of expensive product, and most importantly, a very, very shabby state of the previously not new sofa. Therefore, if now I see that it will not be possible to remove bedbugs from the sofa the first time, I recommend throwing it away. And after such a sofa with its “guests” goes to the landfill, the owners really breathe a sigh of relief.


“Great job, very smart disinfectant. I have something to compare with, I’ve already burned myself before this. Previously, all treatments were carried out in 15, maximum 30 minutes. A specialist from SunMarieDez spent 20 minutes opening all the bedbug nests. He found them even where I would never have looked in my life. I don't even know if this is good or bad. On the one hand, a completely different picture emerged. We thought that we only had bedbugs in the sofa, although we could not find them there. But it turned out that they were in the sofa, and under the linoleum, and under the window sill, and even in the crack on the threshold to the balcony. After processing, it all lay upside down: bent edges of linoleum, a dismantled sofa in the middle of the room, removed baseboards. We were not prepared for this, because after the SES and previous services, everything in the apartment generally remained in place, it was enough just to ventilate it, and that’s all. But this, as I understand it, is inevitable. The main thing is that the bedbugs were eliminated, and after SanMariDez worked, even on the first night no one was bitten.”

Igor, Moscow

Disinfector's comment

To remove bedbugs for sure and the first time, you really need to remove the baseboards, dismantle the sofa, and sometimes lift the linoleum. It may be difficult to put all this in place later, but it is still easier than several more times to poison the bedbugs that are hidden there and which could not be killed if you do not turn it all over. This has been tested in thousands of apartments, and this is the only way bedbugs are removed the first time.


“I would like to write here my review about the work of the SanMariDes service. In short: reliable and expensive. The destruction of bedbugs is truly complete, not a single parasite remains in the house, not a single larva emerges from anywhere, and there is not a single bite after treatment. I can recommend the service to anyone who can pay for its work. But the price is really high. Personally, we had a two-room apartment processed for 4,600 rubles - for that kind of money other companies poison it 2-3 times, and with the same cold fog. Honestly, I don’t know what results other companies give, because I contacted SanMaridez on the advice of a friend, from whom they also removed bedbugs the first time. I think that if we make prices a little more affordable, then the services will be able to be ordered by a much larger number of clients. And so - the well-being and prosperity of the company, the work is really done with high quality, with exactly the result that clients expect. My bedbugs were completely removed, only one treatment was required. This is the main thing for me.”

Maria, St. Petersburg

Commentary by operator SanMariDez

Glad we helped you. The price for services is just the sum of the prices for all components of the treatment: means, depreciation of equipment, disinfector time, transportation costs, taxes, and others. The higher the quality of the work, the more expensive the products, the more experienced and professional the disinfector, the more expensive the service will be. This is simply the law of the market.

We do not invent prices and do not “throw” markups out of thin air. Quite the contrary: wherever we can, we indicate prices at cost and reduce the final amounts as much as possible in order to make high-quality disinfection accessible to everyone. But we calculate the statistics very carefully and know that any unjustified savings results in a decrease in the quality of work and an increase in the number of repeat treatments. For the customer, this means that if he orders a treatment that costs 500 rubles more, he runs the risk that he will still have bedbugs and to remove them, the disinfestation will have to be repeated for half the cost of the first treatment - for 1200-1500 rubles. And at the same time, live with bedbugs for another week or two.

A sofa on one of our treatments, a week after pest control by another service

You wrote that our processing costs the same as 2-3 processing by other services. This is true. But it is also true that after two or three treatments of 1,500 rubles each by other services, people still have bedbugs, and they still have to call us. And three treatments are a hassle, wasted time and energy.

Imagine that you called not us, but a service that promised to exterminate bedbugs for 1500 rubles, but did not exterminate them, you called them again, they came again, said that they would not do anything for free, you paid them another 1500 rubles (in best case), then again, and then you still have bedbugs. Agree, it was precisely to prevent this from happening that you immediately called us, on the recommendation of your friends, and agreed to immediately pay for really high-quality treatment.

You are a competent, sensible person who made the right decision. And we believe that it is better to do our job as well as possible, with the best possible result for competent and sensible people. And the price of such work is already a result of its quality and efficiency. Review

“I would like to sincerely thank the SanMariDez team, and especially master Konstantin, for their excellent work. In my house, bed bugs were poisoned by 4 (!) services, and they were not eradicated. Even the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station carried out treatment, and the bedbugs returned. This does not count how much I poisoned these parasites myself. I thought it was impossible to get them out. Konstantin explained to me in every detail where, what, when it was done incorrectly and why the bedbugs remained. I found them wherever they were hiding, poisoned them where no one could get them. Before this treatment, I regularly saw bedbugs on the bed or on the floor every few days. Now they are gone. But I still can’t sleep peacefully. It’s probably nervous: I lived with these parasites for four years, I suffered so much that now I just turn off the light, and it immediately seems to me that somewhere someone is crawling on me. I get up, turn on the light, check - no one is there. I toss and turn for half the night, and in the morning I look and see there are no bites anywhere. I understand that there are no bedbugs. And at night everything is new. Therefore, I advise everyone: if bedbugs appear, immediately call a good company and immediately poison them. Don't wait until you develop this fear, because these phobias are harder to get rid of than bedbugs. And I wish SanMarDez prosperity. This is the best company I have ever worked for. Thank you!"

Zoya Nikolaevna, Korolev

Disinfector's comment

Yes, a phobia after a long life with bedbugs is a phenomenon, if not common, then at least widespread. I deal with this every few months. We are regularly called by people who have no bedbugs or bites, but are afraid. And after our treatments, there are calls where neither we nor the customer finds bedbugs, but he is firmly convinced that someone is crawling on him at night. Don't let this happen to you! Remove bedbugs as soon as they appear. And sleep well.

Procedure for removing parasites

Repeated treatment differs from the first only in the use of a different poison.
Treatment against bedbugs occurs in several stages:

  1. The apartment is inspected by specialists, and a poisoning option is selected. Residents are told in detail about the procedure for preparing the premises and how the work will be carried out, how long they cannot stay in the apartment after disinfection from bedbugs, and they calculate how much it costs to disinfect the apartment.
  2. The apartment is being prepared for treatment against bedbugs, and the residents are leaving.
  3. Specialists clean the rooms for several hours and then ventilate them.
  4. If it was not possible to completely destroy the parasites the first time, the procedure is repeated, but a different poison is used.
  5. Cleaning after disinfestation should include disinfection and wet cleaning; it is also necessary to disinfect surfaces that came into contact with the poison.

Important! Bedbugs adapt well to the effects of poison; surviving individuals will develop immunity to the poison used, and therefore re-treatment is carried out with a different agent.

Basic steps after disinfestation

All exterminators of our service leave instructions to clients about what needs to be done after treating an apartment for bedbugs, how to clean the place and what needs to be done with things, furniture and food.

In general, after disinfestation in the apartment you need:

  • Keep it completely closed for a strictly defined period, the duration of which depends on the processing method;
  • Ventilate the apartment for at least an hour with a through air flow;
  • Wipe with a soap-soda solution those surfaces that people and pets come into contact with most often;
  • Rinse or wash clothes, wash dishes that have been left uncovered.

It is not recommended to carry out general wet cleaning immediately after treatment. In most cases, the optimal period for carrying it out is 5-6 days after disinfestation, when you can be absolutely sure that there are no bedbugs left in the room.

There is no need to wash the apartment immediately after treating and ventilating it, since in this case the effectiveness of the product will decrease and some of the bedbugs may survive.

After disinfection, conditioning the room for several hours and thorough ventilation, you can return to the apartment, you can sleep, eat, and conduct normal activities in it. You can also return children and all pets to it. The infusion and ventilation itself should be carried out taking into account some specifics. Let's take things in order here.

It is not advisable to clean the apartment for 5-6 days after treatment - this may reduce the effectiveness of treatment

Processing efficiency

For some time after disinfestation, bedbugs may continue to bite.
The service uses extremely powerful poisons to combat parasites - after the procedure, a small percentage of insects survive. If the bedbugs return, the service will come for extermination a second time, but with a different poison.

It is important to remember that in the first few days it may seem that the treatment did not work or that there are more insects. In fact, this is not so: bedbugs that are immediately exposed to a lethal dose die in the first half hour, while the rest die within a few days. Poisoning eggs and newly hatched bedbugs takes about a month. In other words, you can evaluate the result of the work only after a month.

Dying insects may crawl out, making it appear that there are more of them.

Important! Treatment of an apartment from bedbugs and other insects by specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station is carried out in several steps. First, the employees evaluate the future work and explain the subtleties to the owners. Afterwards, the owners prepare the room and leave so as not to suffer from the poison. Thanks to the use of special techniques and highly effective poisons, almost all parasites die at once.

How to call the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station?

And finally, about the most difficult thing. Calling the SES to remove bedbugs is quite a difficult task. Although the responsibilities of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station include extermination measures against bedbugs, the service itself and its specialists are constantly very busy with work, and when private individuals apply for sanitation, they are usually redirected to other disinfestation services (private firms).

However, it is still possible to get the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station to visit a residential building or apartment.

It is also useful to read: Disinfection of an apartment from bedbugs

And one more thing: bedbugs are hiding in all the cracks, and you just can’t find their nest? And smoke bombs find bedbugs where even a needle cannot squeeze through...

First you need to talk to your neighbors and find out if anyone has a similar problem. As a rule, if more than two apartments in an apartment building are infested with bedbugs, then the SES will definitely come to check the situation. Therefore, when calling the station, you should definitely report that several apartments are infested at once, and also add that one of the residents has a severe allergy to bedbug bites (if this is true).

It would be even more effective to contact the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station with a complaint about unclean neighbors or businesses near residential buildings that are a source of bedbugs and do not take measures to exterminate them. The fight against such spreaders of parasites is one of the main tasks of the SES, and service specialists respond to such calls very quickly.

Let us note once again that we are talking about SES, which is a state organization, and not about small companies with similar names.


The table analyzes the most popular smoke preparations on the modern market.

Table - Top 5 smoke bombs for insects

NameActive substanceApplication
"G-17"Hexachlorane- Garden; - vegetable garden; - field; - any open space
"Quiet evening"Permethrin— Country cottage; - country house; - a private house; - a resting place in nature
"Climate"Sulfur compounds- Farm; - greenhouse; — storage of vegetables; - granary

You can also find other drugs in household chemical stores. For example, “City”, which is almost similar in composition to “Quiet Evening” and is prohibited for use in an apartment building. Or the drug "Vist", intended for vegetable stores, is not capable of helping in the fight against bed bugs in urban housing.

Specifics of "Raptor"

The drug "Raptor" is an aquafumigator. This is the only remedy from the category under discussion that is allowed to be used in an apartment in a multi-story building without prior consultation with specialists. Raptor is based on a broad-spectrum insecticide that eliminates not only bedbugs. It gets rid of flies, mosquitoes, fruit gnats and other domestic parasites that significantly impair the quality of human life. Instructions for use contain four steps.

  1. Preparation. We open the package, take out the metal container (vapor-forming agent), insecticide and jar.
  2. Preparation. Pour the liquid contained in the bag into a jar. We also place a metal container with chemical contents there.
  3. Expectation. When the vapor-forming agent comes into contact with water, we observe for just a few seconds the violent chemical reaction that begins.
  4. Treatment. For several hours we leave the apartment in which bedbugs are being hunted.

One aquafumigator is designed for an apartment with an area of ​​30 m2. The drug has no effect on bedbug eggs, so to be sure, the manufacturer recommends re-treatment 21 days after the initial one.

Features of other means

It is possible to destroy bed bugs in apartments only with checkers, the active ingredients of which are pyrethroids. Preparations based on hexachlorane are prohibited for use in all developed countries. The reason is that the active substance can cause enormous harm to human health. Hexachlorane is especially dangerous for pregnant women. Penetrating into the body of the expectant mother, and from there into the body of the fetus, the chemical provokes deformities.

A sulfur bomb will not be your salvation either. Firstly, pyrethroids are much more effective and safer for humans than sulfur components. And secondly, drugs based on or releasing sulfur compounds into the atmosphere are able to fully manifest themselves only in places with high humidity. The active ingredient in such devices suppresses mold growth, but is not as effective against bedbugs.

Domestic-made “Quiet Evening” and “City” checkers contain 10% and 13% pyrmethrin, respectively. The first drug is popular among hunters and fishermen, so finding it on the shelves will not be difficult.

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