Agran: instructions for use, precautions, customer reviews

No matter how many arguments are made in favor of folk remedies, the most effective way to destroy household pests is the use of insecticides. One of these is Agran for cockroaches. The drug quickly eliminates insect colonies and is safe for people and pets. It is used in both residential and industrial premises, medical and child care institutions, and catering establishments.

Release form, composition

The cockroach repellent Agran is produced in India. Local residents are familiar with pests firsthand, which is facilitated by climate and unsanitary conditions, so they created an innovative formula that kills harmful insects outright.

The insecticide is available in the form of a concentrated emulsion with a characteristic light brown odor. The composition includes 2 active ingredients:

  • cypermethrin 5% – a powerful pyrethroid, characterized by contact-intestinal action;
  • chlorpyrifos 50% is an organophosphorus compound, resistant to environmental influences, complements and enhances the effect of cypermethrin.

The composition is complemented by emulsifiers and an aromatic carbon solvent.

The drug is approved by Rospotrebnadzor, which indicates its safety. If it enters the digestive tract, the product belongs to class 3 moderately hazardous substances.

Application against various insects: table

InsectConcentration (in%) of active substanceConcentration (in%) of the emulsion according to the formula of the drugAmount of product (in g) per volume of water (in l)
1 l10 l100 l
Cockroaches0,55110 g100 g1000 g
Bedbugs0,2750,555.5 g55 g550 g
Ants0,2750,555.5 g55550 g
Fleas0,1370,2752.75 g27.5 g275 g
Flies imago0,2750,555.5 g55 g550 g
Flies larvae0,2750,555.5 g55 g550 g
Mosquito imago0,1370,2752.75 g27.5 g275 g
Mosquito larvae0,1370,2752.75 g27.5 g275 g
Rat ticks0,2750,555,555550 g
Wasps0,55110 g100 g1000 g

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Agran insecticide:

  • efficiency - massive death of insects is observed already in the first hours after disinfestation;
  • prolonged action, which allows you to destroy even those individuals that were hidden in shelters during treatment;
  • affordable price - processing a room of 100 m² will cost about 200 rubles;
  • destruction of insects that have adapted to poisons;
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • When used correctly, it is safe for households and pets.


  • You cannot stay in the treated room for 3 hours;
  • the need to prepare a solution;
  • personal protective equipment is required;
  • Most consumers note the unpleasant odor of the product; highly absorbent surfaces (textiles, interior items, upholstered furniture) should be treated with great care.

Preparing the solution (+ video)

You need to start processing with preparing the workplace, working conditions and a solution with an insecticide. The preparation is quite simple:

  • First we clean the room - vacuum, remove dust, dirt, wash the floors;
  • open the windows, remove strangers and pets from the premises being treated;
  • we make a solution - per liter of clean warm water you need 10 cubes of the drug (we measure them using a regular syringe), or we proceed from the following principle: to prepare 5 liters of insecticide you need 50 ml of Agran.

It is recommended to use the prepared solution immediately, but, if necessary, you can leave it for a day (the maximum shelf life is more than 24 hours - and it is no longer effective ).

How to use Agran

Before disinfestation, you need to prepare protective equipment: a respirator, long sleeves, sealed goggles, rubber gloves, a headscarf. At the end of the procedure, the overalls are washed.

Instructions for use:

  1. Prepare the premises for disinfestation. Remove food, dishes, and personal hygiene items if possible. Remove dust accumulations and provide access to baseboards.
  2. Carry out the treatment with open windows and vents. There should be no people in the room, with the exception of the person conducting disinfestation. You also need to ensure that there are no pets or birds. If there is an aquarium, turn off the air supply and cover it with a lid.
  3. The concentrated emulsion is diluted with water. The instructions indicate the proportions for each type of pest. To treat cockroaches, 10 ml of Agran is diluted in 1 liter of water at room temperature. The mixture must be mixed and poured into a container equipped with a spray bottle. In its absence, surfaces can be treated with a brush or sponge, but this will increase the consumption of the product.
  4. Walls, kitchen floors, baseboards, window sills, and ventilation vents are subject to treatment. Particular attention is paid to the space behind the gas stove, refrigerator, waste bin areas, and near sinks. Also, disinsection must be carried out in the bathroom, in the toilet, carefully treating the pipes, the area near the shower stall, and washbasin. In case of severe infestation, cockroach repellent is sprayed in adjacent rooms.
  5. At the end of the treatment, the room must be closed and left for 3 hours.
  6. After this period, ventilation is carried out for an hour. Work surfaces are washed with soda solution. Wet cleaning is carried out using rubber gloves. Those surfaces with which there is no constant contact (plinths, walls) are left with the product applied.
  7. The repeated procedure is carried out no earlier than after 3 weeks according to entomological indicators.

Precautionary measures

It is very important to take precautions, since it is easy to get poisoned by Agran (both through contact with the product and through inhalation of caustic fumes).

Synthetic surfaces cannot be treated with Agran - they will be damaged

Precautionary measures:

  1. There should be no strangers or pets in the treated area.
  2. Remove food, clothing, dishes, and household accessories from the premises.
  3. Open all the windows in the room being treated and close the door (so that the vapors of the product do not spread throughout the apartment).
  4. During treatment, do not eat or drink, smoke, or rub your face or eyes.
  5. You need to work in a change of clothes, which then need to be washed.
  6. After completing the work, wash your face and hands twice (with soap), rinse your mouth.
  7. If you experience nausea, vomiting, headache or dizziness, cough or increased salivation, consult a doctor (consult remotely at the clinic reception). These may be symptoms of Agran intoxication.

Possible failure

What do people say about the correct use of the tool and possible errors? Reviews of this drug indicate that it may fail in some cases. This is due to the fact that people do not always take into account all the nuances when fighting insects. To avoid such incidents, you must follow some rules, which are as follows:

  1. If the room is not properly treated, many bedbugs will remain alive, allowing them to continue to reproduce.
  2. If almost all insects are destroyed during processing, the remaining eggs will give rise to a new generation in a few weeks. If a person does not re-treat the premises until the surviving young individuals reach puberty, then the insect population will recover again after some time.
  3. Even if everything is done correctly, and all bedbugs are destroyed during the treatment process, new parasites can enter the apartment from neighbors. Practice shows that few people think about blocking the migration routes of these parasites, as well as about preventive measures.


The product is intended for the destruction of cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, wasps and rat mites on objects of various categories:

  • in industrial and residential premises,
  • at public utility facilities (hotels, hostels, sports complexes),
  • at catering establishments;
  • in basements,
  • in health care facilities during final disinfection,
  • in children's institutions (except for bedrooms, dining rooms, playrooms)

personnel of organizations authorized to engage in disinfection activities.

Main areas for processing

To completely remove bedbugs from a living space, it is necessary to thoroughly treat the following areas with poison:

  • door and window openings;
  • areas near the baseboards, gaps between the wall and the baseboard;
  • ventilation;
  • back side of carpets;
  • areas behind paintings and in places where wallpaper comes off;
  • cabinets and walls on the back side;
  • corners;
  • interior parts of beds and upholstered furniture;
  • cracks in walls and floors.

The legs of beds, tables, armchairs are also sprayed; cabinets are always treated from the inside; drawers and shelves are first removed from them.


Bedding cannot be sprayed with Agran.

The product should be left on surfaces until it dries completely.

After the insecticide has dried, you must wait 24 hours, then perform the following steps:

  1. ventilate the room;
  2. Wipe furniture, floors and other places where the insecticide was applied with a soap-soda solution (50 g of soda and 30 g of laundry soap per liter of water).

Next, you should wait 3 hours, only after that the room can be used.


Agran penetrates the body of insects through the respiratory system, during contact with the treated surface, and through the intestinal route. Once inside, they disrupt the functioning of the central nervous system and block the supply of impulses. After a few minutes, paralysis and death occur.

Agran acts on adults and larvae of different stages of development, but does not kill eggs. To increase the effectiveness of the product and destroy the younger generation of parasites, re-treatment should be carried out after 14 days. In case of severe infection of an apartment or a third house - 21 days after the first spraying of the room.

The maximum effect lasts for 4 hours. The properties gradually weaken under the influence of sunlight, air temperature, and humidity, but the residual effect persists for about a month, which allows the drug to be used to prevent re-infection.

Like many similar drugs, Agran, a bedbug remedy, has a contact effect that is harmful to blood-sucking bugs. For the active substance to start working, it must enter the body of the parasite. As a result of paralysis of nerve cells, the insect dies, managing to infect many relatives.

Since the toxic components of the chemical disappear after a week, it can kill many adults and their larvae. If the bloodsuckers managed to lay eggs and young animals hatch from them in a few days, the Agran drug will cope with them too.

Prevention against cockroaches

Agran can be used as a prophylactic against cockroaches in the apartment. To do this, the room must be treated with a solution of lower concentration (5 ml of product per 1 liter of water). To fully guarantee safety from pest invasion, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Completely seal all cracks and crevices through which insects enter the home, seal windows and door jambs, and cover ventilation openings with fine mesh.
  2. Repair leaking plumbing fixtures.
  3. Close trash cans tightly, throw out accumulated garbage in a timely manner, without leaving food or crumbs for pests.
  4. Wipe all surfaces thoroughly after preparing food and washing dishes. For cockroaches, the presence of water is the main attraction.

At the first signs of the appearance of insects (scout cockroaches, black or brown traces of feces, chitinous dry shells), the room should be immediately treated with insecticides. The rate of reproduction of cockroaches is so high that in a few days the scale of the infestation will reach global proportions, and it will be much more difficult to cope with the insects.




Using anti-tick products in the countryside

The sequence of treating an area against ticks is not very different from a similar process indoors, so the instructions will be presented in abbreviated form.

  1. Wear personal protective equipment.
  2. Dilute the product using the data from the dosage table.
  3. Spray the product.
  4. Leave the area for 2-3 days.

Perhaps the most important thing when treating an area for ticks is to prevent the insects from coming back again. To do this, you can use small obstacles, as well as plants whose smell repels ticks: wild rosemary, catnip, tansy.

Precautionary measures

It is important to understand that the use of insecticides can be dangerous if precautions are not taken.

  • When processing (even using protective equipment), it is not recommended to delay the process, as this can cause poisoning.
  • You should not remain in the room after the procedure is completed.
  • Agran should be stored out of the reach of children.
  • During processing, only those people who participate in the process and use personal protective equipment should be in the apartment.
  • At the end of the treatment, you should take a warm shower and wash your clothes.
  • When treating rooms with children and pets, you should remove them from there.
  • Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from participating in the treatment (reasons below).

Recommendations for treating rooms where children live

The author warns. The best way to protect your child when treating a room with insecticidal agents is to send him to live with your relatives or friends for a while. The fact is that children are doubly susceptible to the negative effects of active substances, since, firstly, the child’s body is at the stage of active formation (and its disruption is fraught with health problems in the future), and secondly, young children always try to try something to taste. And this is not a problem under normal conditions, since in the first years of life children try to use every opportunity to explore the world around them, but this can be dangerous when processing an apartment. Since Agran has a long, prolonged effect, it is better for the child to stay away from home for about a week.

Also, the author’s opinion should be supported by factual data. Thus, studies of the effect of insecticidal agents on humans (including children) have been conducted for quite a long time and allow us to say that they have the greatest negative effect on the growing organism. This also applies during pregnancy.

The degree of exposure to humans is still unknown for certain, however, there are many studies on warm-blooded animals that indicate that when exposed to chlorpyrifos (one of the active ingredients of Agran), the growth of the fetus as a whole (especially the skull bones) slows down, but the division of heart cells accelerates and lungs.

The situation is similar with cypermethrin, but to a much lesser extent.

Recommendations for treating premises with pets

Unfortunately, it is impossible to explain to a pet why it is forbidden to taste something, but animals by their nature are much more resistant to poisons, and therefore they can be returned to the apartment after the initial cleaning is completed. Of course, if there is an opportunity to leave the animal somewhere outside the apartment, then it is better to take advantage of it. And if not, then it will be enough to thoroughly wash the floors and other surfaces treated with the product. It is also recommended to purchase a special insect repellent for your pet, since in many cases it is pets who cause various types of pests to appear in the home.

Contraindications, symptoms of poisoning, first aid

Main contraindications:

  • Childhood.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Serious illnesses.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Cramps.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Weakness.
  • Nausea.
  • Impaired coordination of movements.
  • Increased salivation.

If you experience at least one of these symptoms, you should urgently call an ambulance.

For various types of poisoning, the following measures should be taken:

  • If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them with water and also drip atropine.
  • If it enters the respiratory tract (for example, if a person has inhaled poisoned air), it is necessary to rinse the mouth with a soda solution and change clothes.
  • If the substance gets into the gastrointestinal tract, you should drink a 2% soda solution (several glasses) and induce vomiting. Next, you can take 10–15 tablets of activated carbon.

Summary of the Precautionary Clause

This addition is required in order to clarify some details for particularly impressionable readers. The fact is that the above facts about the potential dangers of chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin are presented solely for the purpose of conveying to the reader the reasons why it is necessary to take all precautions even when using relatively safe products like Agran. Compliance with precautions will lead to the fact that the product will not cause any harm to people, but will only become a tool with the help of which these people will get rid of a much greater danger - insects that carry a huge number of infections, and simply irritate any resident.

Security measures

Do not forget that “Agran” is an active toxic substance, therefore, you should work with extreme caution:

  • Smoking and eating while working with the product is prohibited.
  • Periodically you should take a short break and go out into the fresh air.
  • After finishing the treatment, the protective suit must be aired outside, after which it is soaked in a soap-soda solution and washed.
  • After completing the treatment, wash your hands and face thoroughly, always with soap.
  • Skin exposed to the chemical should be washed immediately with clean water and soap.
  • If you inhale the vapors of the drug, you should immediately go out into clean air and treat the oral cavity with a soda solution.

“Agran” for cockroaches is a proven insecticide that helps destroy common household insects, but its use is recommended if the instructions are correctly followed and safety requirements are met.

Many people choose this product because it is one of the best in its segment in terms of price and quality. The low consumption of insecticide and ease of use make it one of the best drugs for killing cockroaches.

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