Agran remedy for house bugs: description, application, reviews

Home - for every person this word is associated with something good, warm, where you feel protected. We miss it on long trips and relaxing after a hard day. We feel like we are masters of the situation exactly until we have uninvited guests. Bedbugs are the most undesirable neighbors of all households. Only because they feed on us, or rather our blood. They are carriers of diseases and many infections. The result of their appearance will not be long in coming - these are bites, itching, allergic reactions, lack of sleep, irritability, etc. As soon as you have a bug, immediately begin to destroy it. And Agran, a new generation insecticide (insect control agent), will help you with this.

Description of Agran

Agran is a widely used insectoacaricidal agent. Used to kill cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, ants, flies, mosquitoes, wasps and ticks. Made in India. It is a 55% emulsion concentrate, in the form of a transparent liquid of light brown color. Consists of two active ingredients: chlorpyrifos 55%, cypermethrin 5%. And auxiliary substances such as emulsifiers, stabilizers and fragrances. It has a prolonged effect (retains working qualities for some time after treatment), which in turn helps fight both adult individuals and newly hatched eggs. It affects the bug by contact, that is, by touching the body of the insect. The principle of action is that when it comes into contact with the body of an insect, it penetrates the chitinous membrane and affects the nerve endings, causing paralysis and subsequent death. Available in 50 ml containers (convenient for processing small rooms and apartments), and 1 liter.

Removing cockroaches

When working with an insecticide, it is very important to strictly follow the instructions and follow the dosage.

Correct use of "Agran" implies preliminary preparation.

  1. Remove children and pets from the area where the treatment will take place. The best option is that no one should stay in the apartment for at least two days.
  2. The handler must wear a long-sleeved robe, a scarf over his hair, gloves, glasses, and protect his face with a cotton-gauze bandage or a respirator.
  3. Remove bedding from beds. Remove carpets, rugs, and curtains from the room. After disinfestation, it is best to wash them.
  4. Place food products in airtight containers.

It is also recommended, if possible, to remove outer clothing and small pieces of furniture from the room. Getting rid of the Agran smell is not easy, so this advice should not be neglected.

Let's look at how to use Agran against cockroaches. The principle of operation is in many ways similar to the removal of bedbugs.

  1. Carry out preliminary preparation of the room, put on protective clothing.
  2. Remove people and pets from the treated living space.
  3. Prepare the solution. One 50 ml bottle of product will be enough to prepare 5 liters of working solution. It is enough to disinfest a room of 50 square meters. m.

Then spraying is carried out, and it is important to focus on the following places loved by insects:

  • cracks and crevices in the floor, walls;
  • near sewer pipes;
  • at ventilation;
  • next to household appliances in the kitchen;
  • area next to the sink and sink;
  • the area near the trash can and heating appliances;
  • along the baseboards;
  • places behind cabinets.

After application, the insecticide is left for a day, then the room is ventilated for an hour, cleaning is carried out using a soap-soda solution (50 g of soda and 30 g of laundry soap per liter of liquid), it is very important to properly wipe those areas where hands may come into contact with remaining solution. People and pets should be invited into the premises no earlier than 3 hours after wet cleaning.

People and pets should be invited into the premises no earlier than 3 hours after wet cleaning.

If there are a large number of parasites in an apartment or house, all rooms where they are found should be treated, as well as adjacent rooms for prevention purposes.

Agran instructions for use

Agran belongs to hazard class 3 (moderately toxic), and the working diluted solution belongs to hazard class 4 (slightly toxic).
But in fact it is poison and therefore the use of protective equipment in the form of rubber gloves, safety glasses, a respirator and a change of clothes is mandatory. The product is a concentrated water-based emulsion. We dilute with clean water at room temperature in the following proportions: to kill cockroaches and wasps 10 ml/1 liter of water, for bedbugs, ants and rat mites 6 ml/1 liter of water, mosquitoes and fleas 3 ml/1 liter of water. The consumption of the working solution depends on the absorbent properties of the surface and is 50 - 100 ml per 1 m2. Treatment is carried out by spraying with a spray gun, and by spraying with a paint brush (consumption will increase). Interesting fact: In the 18th century, bedbugs had special medical value: they were used in the treatment of hysteria. And since the 19th century, they began to invent means of combating them - “bug cookers”, rubbing with perfume and using spells from them.

Features of the drug

The drug Agran has specific properties that must be taken into account before dealing with it. For example, poison has a strong unpleasant odor that can linger for a long time in the treated apartment. For a long time, this smell will persist in mattresses, sofas, armchairs and other highly absorbent interior elements.

When handling this product, it is important to use personal protective equipment and carefully follow the instructions for use, as components of the product may cause poisoning if inhaled or swallowed.

Preparing the room for treatment and precautions

Do not treat children, pregnant or lactating women. Do not use by persons with skin diseases or sensitive skin to chemicals. It is prohibited to smoke or eat during treatment. Carry out the treatment with the windows open. If the solution gets on your skin, rinse with running water and 2% water and soda solution (a teaspoon per glass of water). In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with running water; if irritation occurs, drop in 30% sodium sulfacyl solution. After treatment, send the clothes to the wash, take a shower and rinse your mouth.

Preparing the room for processing is as follows:

  • First, we perform mechanical treatment of the room using a vacuum cleaner; this will help us partially get rid of the adult individuals, open the nests and assess the volume of infection in the room.
  • Next, we move all the furniture away from the walls, remove bed linen and curtains.
  • We remove carpets, paintings and all decorative elements from the walls.
  • We turn over mattresses and upholstered furniture.
  • We hide clothes in closets if internal treatment of the closets themselves is not required.
  • We pack food in plastic bags and take it out in the same way as dishes, cosmetics and personal hygiene products.
  • Houseplants and aquariums are removed or tightly covered.
  • People and pets are also removed from the treated area.
  • Send bed linen and soft toys to the wash cycle at +50°C.

Security measures

When working with the product, it is imperative to protect your eyes, mucous membranes and skin from contact with the working solution or emulsion. It is necessary to use personal protective equipment: rubber gloves, goggles, a respirator, clothing that completely covers the arms and legs. During cracking of the product, no one should be in the apartment except the handler, so it is necessary that all residents, pets and aquarium fish leave the room.

When poisoned with Agran, abdominal pain appears and vision is impaired. If the product penetrates the stomach, you need to drink 2-3 glasses of water with soda and induce vomiting or drink activated charcoal (5-10 tablets). You definitely need to see a doctor.

The antidote is atropine sulfate. If the product gets on open areas of the skin, it must be removed with a cotton swab pre-moistened in an alcohol solution. In case of irritation of mucous tissues or poisoning by vapors, you must leave the room being treated for at least 2 hours; before leaving, you must remove the clothes in which the treatment was carried out.

It is worth stopping disinfestation if signs of an allergic reaction appear: itchy nose, watery eyes, sneezing.

Bedbug treatment areas

Since bedbugs feed exclusively on blood and mainly at night, given the fact that they are inactive. We carry out processing around our resting place:

  • Sofa or bed frames
  • The back side of carpets, paintings, places where wallpaper does not fit tightly.
  • Gaps in the floor and baseboards
  • Bedside tables, chest of drawers. Back wall, bottom and pull-out shelves.
  • Heating panels and spaces under window sills.
  • Electrical appliances, sockets and switches - Disconnect power in advance.
  • As a preventive measure, treat ventilation shafts and the front door frame so that bedbugs do not run from you to your neighbors and back.

After treatment, you should wait 5 - 7 hours (ideally, if possible, leave the premises for a day). Send your work clothes to the wash and take a shower yourself. Upon returning, ventilate the room well, wipe contact surfaces (door handles, tables, chairs) with a solution of soda and water (a teaspoon per glass of water). Carry out the cleaning after 2 - 3 days, the presence of corpses will show how effective the treatment was. The residual effect of the drug will destroy the newly hatched larvae.

The World Genetics Symposium is taking place. An American speaks: “We crossed a cow with a chicken - we get milk, meat and eggs at the same time!” A Frenchman speaks: “And we crossed a fly with a bee - it flies in the trash heaps, but gives honey!” A Russian speaks: “And we crossed a watermelon with cockroaches - when you cut it, the seeds spread out on their own!”

What you need to know

The instructions indicate what ratio should be used when preparing the solution.
It states that 5.5 ml of the substance must be added to 1 liter of water. In other words, a 50 ml bottle is diluted in 9 liters of water. But professionals who have experience working with this drug recommend increasing the concentration of the solution and taking 10 ml of the product per 1 liter of water. There are also proportions regarding how much of the resulting solution needs to be applied per 1 sq.m. If you are treating a surface that does not absorb moisture, the norm is 50 ml of solution. For surfaces that absorb moisture, the norm is 100 ml.

This is a chemical drug and must be used strictly following the instructions, safety precautions and dosage. The liquid has a rather unpleasant odor and this should be taken into account. It is toxic and poses a danger to people and animals living in the premises. If the solution is left after treatment, it is strictly forbidden to save it. Agran releases toxic fumes that enter the air and then into the human body, which is very dangerous.

Another reason why you need to get rid of it is the loss of properties, it becomes useless. During the treatment of the premises, all residents must leave it; in exceptional cases, when this is not possible, protective equipment must be used.

Preparing the apartment

Before carrying out disinfestation, you will need to prepare the room. Necessary:

  • We remove bed linen, curtains, tulle, carpets. These items must be washed and taken out into the cold in winter; large items that cannot be washed on your own should be taken to the dry cleaner.
  • All personal items and products should be hidden in boxes or containers that are hermetically sealed.
  • If there is such a possibility, then at least some of the furniture and outer clothing should be removed from the room.


What areas require treatment?

Bedbugs love secluded places, where they are not disturbed, so they should be given the most attention:

  • Gaps near baseboards;
  • Furniture, especially back walls;
  • Ventilation holes;
  • The bottom of the carpet;
  • Behind the paintings;
  • Door and window openings;
  • Any cracks that are in the room.

After these areas have been treated, it is necessary to let the solution dry, then ventilate the room well. Next, you need to wash places that are in direct contact with a person, tables, door handles, floors, etc. It remains only in those places that do not pose a threat to people and animals. Due to the fact that agran has a long-lasting effect, young animals will be destroyed.

It is possible to understand how effective the fight against bedbugs was only after some time. This period is about 20 days. The thing is that this time is needed by the larvae, which grow into young animals. Therefore, after this time you will understand whether a repeat procedure is required.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product


  • A broad-spectrum insecticide used to kill many types of insects.
  • Availability - sold in all specialized stores, can be ordered online.
  • Low toxicity - allowed for use both in children's schools and medical institutions.
  • Residual effect - affects not only adult individuals, but also newly hatched ones.
  • Does not damage treated surfaces.
  • If used correctly, no secondary processing will be required.

Disadvantages of the drug:

There are no downsides as such, there are some inconveniences associated with preparing the solution and a specific smell that will soon disappear.

How to prepare a solution of con.

Professional sanitary and epidemiological station workers prepare a more concentrated solution, where for every liter of water there is 10 ml of product. But without experience, it is better to follow the instructions, which are included with Agran. In it, to destroy bed bugs, it is recommended to take 5.5 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. In this case, water can be taken from the tap at room temperature.

Consumption of the resulting solution per 1 sq. meter is about 50 ml, but if the surface being treated absorbs well, then the dose should be doubled.

Look carefully at the table from the instructions for “Agran”, which indicates not only the types of insects to which this product is applied, but also the rate of use of the concentrate for treatment:

In case you need to treat your home against several types of parasites, the solution is made according to the highest concentration (see table).


Agran against insects The product destroys most of the parasites within 2 hours after disinfestation. You can notice bed bugs crawling out of their shelters and falling paralyzed. It remains valid for about another month, providing protection against re-infection. Whether it helps against bedbugs can be judged by the reviews. According to experts, it is one of the best insecticidal agents. However, it is necessary to work with the drug according to the instructions. Violation of the rules threatens severe poisoning for humans, pets, and an allergic reaction to the skin. Reviews about Agran against bedbugs are mostly positive.

They couldn't get the bedbugs out of the apartment for about a year. They poisoned me, everything was fine, and a month later it happened again, we tried folk remedies - the result was the same. They were completely desperate and wanted to sell the apartment cheaply. Then the husband turned to specialists for help, they suggested Agran. We bought it from them. The smell is disgusting, the apartment is heavily saturated and lasts for about a month. But it destroys bedbugs quickly. In 2 treatments we were able to clean the room. We breathed a sigh of relief.

Elena, Moscow

It smells bad, but it’s cheap and helps quickly, and this is better than enduring bedbug bites and their nasty neighborhood. Once was enough for me. I carried out pest control, closed the apartment, and went to my parents. She returned only a week later. There are dead bugs everywhere in the bedroom. Aired it out and cleaned it up. Then I etched it again. Returned to normal life after a month. If you need to remove any living creatures from your apartment, Agran will always help.

Irina, St. Petersburg


Agran has the following advantages:

  1. High efficiency. This is achieved through a combination of two insecticides.
  2. Easy to use. The product is diluted in water and all places where insects accumulate are treated.
  3. The solution can be applied to products made of any materials: metal, wood, glass, plastic. It does not damage them or react with them.
  4. Economical. One 50 ml bottle is enough to treat 100 m2.

Agran can be used to control insects and for preventive purposes. It copes with most types of insects.

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