Is it possible to get rid of bedbugs with a steam generator and steam cleaner?

The most effective way to combat bed bugs is to treat the room with insecticides. But not everyone is ready to use pesticides to solve the problem. In search of safer methods, many people have the question: “Is it possible to remove bedbugs with a steam cleaner? Does a hot stream of air help solve the problem? This strategy will help avoid the use of chemicals. To understand the essence of how a steam cleaner works, let’s briefly look at the important features of the life of bed bugs.

Optimal conditions for the development and reproduction of insects are a humid microclimate and a temperature from +22°C to +30°C. Adult insects, larvae and eggs die at +55°C. In the USA, Italy and a number of other countries, they came up with a special installation that kills bed bugs using high temperature. This is a steam cleaner.


The use of a device to kill bed bugs is a physical method of control.
The idea is based on the lethal effect on parasites of an air stream at high temperature. In Russia, few people purchase special equipment for exterminating bed bugs. Often, a regular steam iron or a household clothes steamer is used for these purposes. But with them, the efficiency and speed of processing the room will be several times lower.

Main advantages

First, let's look at the strengths of this technique:

  1. Environmentally friendly. Killing bedbugs occurs without the slightest harm to humans, since the steam cleaner is filled with water without any chemical additives.
  2. Availability. Since the main resource consumed by the steam generator against bedbugs is water, the destruction of parasites occurs without any special financial costs. In this case, the device can also be used for basic cleaning of rooms, curtains and clothes.
  3. The ability to treat things that cannot be treated with insecticide (blankets, pillows and sheets).
  4. Fast processing of all housing.

Prices for additional services

When ordering two additional services, a 15% discount Type of additional service:

Barrier ProtectionDouble DosageBarrier + 2x Dosage

RoomBarrier protection
Room (communal)600 ₽
1 room apartment 700 ₽
2-room apartment 800 ₽
3-room apartment 900 ₽
4-room apartment 1000 ₽
5 rooms apartment 1100 ₽
MOP600 ₽
RoomDouble protection
Room (communal)600 ₽
1 room apartment 700 ₽
2-room apartment 800 ₽
3-room apartment 900 ₽
4-room apartment 1000 ₽
5 rooms apartment 1100 ₽
MOP600 ₽
RoomBarrier + 2x Dosage
Room (communal)1000 ₽
1 room apartment 1200 ₽
2-room apartment 1300 ₽
3-room apartment 1500 ₽
4-room apartment 1700 ₽
5 rooms apartment 1900 ₽
MOP600 ₽
RoomBarrier protectionDouble dosageBarrier + 2x Dosage
Room (communal)600 ₽600 ₽1000 ₽
1-room apartment700 ₽700 ₽1200 ₽
2-room apartment800 ₽800 ₽1300 ₽
3-room apartment900 ₽900 ₽1500 ₽
4-room apartment1000 ₽1000 ₽1700 ₽
5-room apartment1100 ₽1100 ₽1900 ₽
MOP600 ₽600 ₽1200 ₽


Now let's look at the disadvantages of using this technique:

  1. Steam is not able to provide complete disinfestation, since it cannot penetrate through a thick layer of material and into narrow crevices of products, so some parasites can survive after such a procedure.
  2. Impossibility of processing electrical appliances.
  3. This method is not applicable to the disinfection of objects that cannot tolerate moisture (books, documents, notebooks).

Asking the question, “Can I get rid of bedbugs with a steam cleaner?” We will answer with confidence: “Yes, of course it is possible!” However, to effectively treat the apartment, it is recommended to clean it three to four times, with an interval of seven days. This approach will make it possible to kill young individuals that have recently hatched from surviving eggs.

Separately, we note that when using a steam generator to bait bedbugs, a better result can be achieved if the nozzle is wrapped with a piece of cloth during the disinfestation process, which will make the air compressed. When carrying out such manipulation, the larvae and eggs will not be blown away from the treated surface.

The ideal option at the time of cleaning is to direct a stream of steam at each parasite. Following this condition, it is possible to significantly reduce the number of adults and larvae from the first time of use. If you work tirelessly on this principle and use the steam generator correctly to kill bedbugs, over time this will lead to the final extermination of the pests.

Treatment of bedbugs with hot steam, cold fog - the advantages of turning to professionals

Professional exterminators use special equipment to generate hot and cold mist to treat infested areas. For cold fog generators, the particle size is 40-80 microns, for cold fog - 5-30 microns. The technologies are quite effective, because a fine suspension sprayed indoors penetrates into the smallest cracks and settles on all surfaces.

Chemical agents (insecticides) used in parallel do not leave the slightest chance for pests, even with a high degree of infestation of the premises. Ordering professional treatment of apartments and houses against parasites is the best way out of a situation when you want to save time, get a guaranteed result and not spend money on buying a steam generator for bedbugs.

What is a steam generator in the fight against parasites?

To kill bedbugs at home, any available means are suitable. Persons faced with this unpleasant situation often ask a specialist: “Is it possible to remove bedbugs with a steam generator?” It’s not easy, but it’s also effective and safe for the health of people around you, since the unit was originally developed for treating medical institutions. By using such a device at home, you can easily get rid of blood-sucking parasites, their eggs and larvae, as well as many types of bacteria.

The steam generator is a compact device, the main purpose of which is to treat premises from parasites and other dangerous microorganisms. It is worth remembering one important point: surfaces can be disinfected if they are resistant to hot steam. Please note that it cannot harm the parquet surface or upholstered furniture in any way.

A steam cleaner is an indispensable tool in the fight against bedbugs. Just fifteen seconds of your time and the annoying parasite will never be able to bite again. And this is even if the steam jet does not reach the peak temperature! The optimal mode will be varying between 70-80 degrees Celsius.

What effect does freezing have on these insects?

Parasites cannot live in outdoor conditions. In addition, in a person’s home there is always a supply of food for these pests. The destruction of parasites by cold is allowed only in those places where there is no functioning heating system and water supply.

In some situations, freezing is almost impossible. For example, if you completely drain the entire plumbing system, you can damage the plaster and wallpaper. In such a situation, it is best to use another method (for example, contacting a pest control service).

You should know that most bedbugs die at temperatures below 20 degrees. As for the eggs of these insects, they remain. Some people prefer to take upholstered furniture outside to kill bedbugs. It should be taken into account that in the thickness of mattresses from beds, armchairs or sofas, the temperature will drop much more slowly. This means that it will take a longer time to destroy the parasites.

Purchasing a device for heat treatment of the room

When faced with the need to buy a steam cleaner, the pressing question arises: “Which device should I choose?” By visiting any home appliance department, you can find many different models of steam generators, steamers and steam cleaners. All this equipment operates using steam, but its purpose is very different.

So, if you need a device to combat harmful parasites such as bedbugs, you should buy a unit with instant conversion. Its feature is instant heating of water. You can operate the steam generator almost immediately after connecting it to the network.

Tips for caring for the unit

A steam cleaner is a faithful assistant to housewives in maintaining cleanliness and fighting germs. Proper operation and care of the device will help extend its service life.

Need to remember:

  1. Do not add detergents or cleaning agents to the steam cleaner tank. Heating the active components to a temperature of 95-100 °C will create a real threat to the upper respiratory tract of the owner;
  2. Do not store the device at sub-zero temperatures, especially if there is liquid left in the reservoir. Before use, the cooled appliance must warm up to room temperature.
  3. Unscrew the boiler cap after each cleaning procedure, otherwise it will become welded. Such a serious problem can only be solved at a service center, which will entail additional costs.
  4. Keep a spare anti-scale cartridge ready. You may need it during cleaning.
  5. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the care and use of the steam cleaner.

When choosing a device for your home, you need to evaluate the area and material of the surfaces that will be processed, and typical contamination. The functionality, steam supply mode and model equipment directly depend on this.

Removing scale from the unit, video instructions:

Correct operation of the steam generator

A steam cleaner is not only a repellent against bedbugs, but also an excellent unit for exterminating them. It is necessary to carry out disinsection from the most contaminated areas of housing. Such objects are often sofas, beds and other upholstered furniture. Be sure to go through the joints, folds and crevices of the products, since this is where these pests can huddle.

In addition, if you want to get rid of bedbugs once and for all, you should also steam the baseboards, floors and all cracks.

To be extra sure, it is better to treat your clothes, since unpleasant insects can also live in them. This is especially true for winter items. It is there that bedbugs can settle so quietly that it is impossible to do without using a steam generator. When disinfecting clothing, be sure to take into account the information on the labels. In some cases, the steam can destroy part of your wardrobe.

Separately, it must be said that steam will not always immediately help. This often applies to deep cracks. However, do not despair and think that the steam cleaner is completely powerless here. Don’t be tormented by the question: “Will he help in such a situation?” Of course everything will work out! But this will take more time, namely, disinfection will need to be carried out over several weeks.

Disadvantages of using steam cleaners for bedbugs

If the device does not have a narrow nozzle, then it will be very difficult to work with hot steam in all hard-to-reach areas. The wide opening of the steam generator will not make it possible, for example, to destroy parasite eggs hidden behind cabinets. Additionally, such areas will have to be irrigated with a spray or a gel insecticide applied to them.

If the technology is violated, or rather, if the device’s nozzle is brought too close to a cluster of eggs, you can simply knock them out of place, and then the pests will calmly hatch in a new area of ​​the apartment. Therefore, the distance from the nozzle hole to the surface should be less than 25 cm. Other disadvantages of using steam against bedbugs:

  • If you act on a small area for a long time, drops may begin to roll down it. This can leave stains on furniture and wallpaper.
  • Using steam near sockets is unacceptable, which is where bedbugs often hide. Before processing, you will have to turn off all electrical appliances.
  • Steam often needs to be used multiple times, because not all insects can be “caught” in one go. It is advisable to carry out treatments once a week in the first month.

Follow-up actions after treating an apartment or house against parasitic insects

Disinfecting the entire room from bedbugs is not a single action that should be performed to get rid of pests. So, for a certain time, it will be necessary to follow a number of rules in order to consolidate the achieved result. Let's move on to consider them:

  1. When carrying out processing, do not forget about curtains and curtains.
  2. After disinfection, you should refrain from cleaning for some time. Only sweeping the floor is allowed.
  3. After working with the steam generator, check the closet with bed linen, which will need to be washed, dried and thoroughly ironed.
  4. Remember! After the destruction of bedbugs, after a certain period of time, a new wave of insects may come. They can appear through untreated cracks or crawl out of your neighbors' sockets. Therefore, you need to remain vigilant and periodically check “risk areas”.
  5. Be sure to pay attention to your sleeping area. This is where dangerous insects can accumulate. After completing disinfection, you should still check the bed linen and mattress. There is a possibility that after disinsection, pest eggs could remain in the bed. If you identify them, you need to immediately treat them with steam, followed by disinfection of all bedding.

How is the processing done?

When fighting insects, it is important to follow the procedure technology:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to identify areas of work. To do this, they study the properties of materials, since not all things can be exposed to high temperatures.
  2. Treatment begins with the rooms with the largest concentrations of bedbugs, which must first be prepared for the procedure. Furniture should be moved away from the walls, open access to the insides of cabinets, turn over the carpet, remove the mattress from the bed, and unplug electrical appliances.
  3. Set the desired temperature.
  4. The nozzle must be directed so that its outlet is as close as possible to the surface being treated.
  5. Use the same method to clean bed linen, clothes, curtains and other things.

Note! It is necessary to thoroughly steam the cracks, seams, baseboards and back walls of furniture - places where insects usually hide.


Removing bedbugs using a steam cleaner is effective, but the results are short-lived. The parasites reappeared within a few days. I had to re-treat with insecticides.

Olga, Kostroma

After a month of weekly use of the steam cleaner, I was finally able to get rid of the bedbugs. During operation, the maximum permissible temperatures of the device were set.

Igor, Arkhangelsk

To remove bedbugs, we decided to use a complex: poison and a steam cleaner. During the chemical treatment they moved to their parents. We lived there for 3 days. It's been 2 months now and there are no signs of bedbugs.

Andrey, Moscow

Is it possible to kill with steam

Bed parasites hiding in carpets, bedding, and bedding can be destroyed by exposure to hot temperatures. If you don’t have a device such as a steam cleaner at home, you can ask your friends or rent one. Hot steam passes through the thickness of the carpet or other fabric, while the bedbugs have nowhere to escape from it. When they come into contact with it, they die along with the eggs.

To use a steam cleaner on a furniture surface, you need a tool with a small nozzle to release steam into small cracks, nicks, and crevices of the furniture. To ensure that bed bugs are eliminated, treatment should be repeated after two weeks.

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