Heat gun for killing bedbugs, how to get rid of them forever

Although bed bugs may seem like an old problem, the situation is quite different. According to statistics, the frequency of cases of the spread of these insects is gradually increasing. For example, from 2000 to 2006, the frequency increased by twenty-five percent. The problem with bedbugs is larger than it might seem, and sometimes controlling insects can be costly. In addition, it can cause psychological discomfort. If you are afraid that you too will have to deal with bedbugs or have already noticed a problem, it will be useful for you to learn ways to forget about insects forever.

Get rid of the clutter

The first step to reducing the risk of bed bugs or finding bed bugs is to keep your home as clean as possible. Try to keep your room organized by immediately putting stacks of laundry, mail, or any other items in their place. Then the insects will not have a place to hide, and it will be much easier for you to notice them. Only after you have cleaned up does it make sense to think about subsequent measures.

What is a steam appliance

Essentially, a steam gun is a high-power fan with a heating element in one housing. When turned on, the blades force air through the heater and direct it further into the room. The body is metal, and its external shape often, although not always, actually resembles a cannon.

  • safety thermostat to protect against overheating;
  • heating temperature regulator;
  • air flow mode switch.

The power of steam guns varies from 3 to 30 kW. Energy source: gas, kerosene, diesel, electricity. As a rule, it is more convenient and practical to use an electric model to control insects.


Use a mattress cover and pillowcase

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Prevent the spread of bed bugs in your mattress by purchasing bed covers. Zippered mattress and pillowcase covers are effective in controlling insects and will allow you to keep your expensive items even if bed bugs still infest your home. Make sure there are no holes in the covers and that the zipper is secure to prevent insects from getting in.

Effective control of bedbugs - methods and methods

Although bed bugs may seem like an old problem, the situation is quite different. According to statistics, the frequency of cases of the spread of these insects is gradually increasing. For example, from 2000 to 2006, the frequency increased by twenty-five percent. The problem with bedbugs is larger than it might seem, and sometimes controlling insects can be costly. In addition, it can cause psychological discomfort. If you are afraid that you too will have to deal with bedbugs or have already noticed a problem, it will be useful for you to learn ways to forget about insects forever.

Insulate the doors

Bed bugs are very small and can get through even small openings, but it is still important to take care of the insulation. This is especially significant for those who live in an apartment building. Use thick plastic covers on the bottom of the door to keep your home insect-proof.

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Safety precautions when treating premises with steam

When fighting parasites and their offspring, the main thing is not to forget about safety precautions:

  • Try not to direct hot steam at yourself or other people.
  • Do not process fabrics that may be damaged by high temperatures.
  • Do not direct steam at the plastic as permanent deformation will result.
  • The steam generator should not be set to maximum humidity, as this will damage the furniture. 20-30% is enough for the parasites to die.
  • Do not freeze a room with an existing heating system or sewerage system.

Having chosen the most suitable method for treating the premises, you can begin to destroy the parasite and its offspring. If you can’t clear your home of bedbugs on your own, seek help from experts who will quickly and efficiently get rid of this problem.


Check your washing machine before use

If you're traveling, you may need to use a public laundry for your washing machine. It is worth remembering that bedbugs can live in such cars. Before you put your items in the drum, carefully inspect the inside of the machine using a flashlight. This will help you make sure there are no bugs left inside from the clothes of previous laundry users.

Effective methods of controlling bedbugs - can they be combined?

Any insect control professional will answer that an integrated approach to the fight against bedbugs only increases the likelihood of their complete elimination. The most convenient and compatible methods of dealing with bedbugs:

  • “preservation” of things in sealed bags;
  • treatment with hot steam and insecticides on the same day;
  • “preservation” of furniture items, as well as washing + ironing on the same day, but after treatment;
  • vacuum cleaning (with a vacuum cleaner) and a thorough re-examination.

To achieve a guaranteed result, it is important to do everything in order.

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Use a hairdryer to lure out bedbugs

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If you want to lure bedbugs out of their hiding place, a regular hairdryer can help. Simply use it on the lowest setting, directing the heat to the baseboard or other area you suspect. As a result, insects may appear on the surface, and it will be easier for you to get rid of them.

Effective methods of control

Scientists have long established the fact that bedbugs are afraid of high temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to poison bedbugs at a temperature not lower than 50°C.

The following methods are best suited for controlling bedbugs using temperature:

  1. Heat gun - specialists use such equipment for arranging suspended ceilings, for heating and drying rooms. All you need to do is take the device and place it in a closed space, which needs to be thoroughly heated to a temperature of +60°C. Leave it at this temperature for at least 30 minutes, preferably at least an hour.
  2. Steam cleaners and steam generators have a detrimental effect on parasites. Such equipment can be used for areas of any size.
  3. Washing items at 90°C. The disadvantage of this method is that not all items can be washed at this temperature.
  4. Use an iron - you will need to carefully iron bed linen and towels at the highest temperature.
  5. You can use boiling water to bait bedbugs in baseboards and crevices.
  6. Use sunlight in the summer if you have the opportunity to dry things in the sun. When exposed to maximum heat in the sun, all parasites die.
  7. Hot air gun. Before using such an industrial tool, prepare a fire extinguisher and keep children and animals away. How to work with a hot air gun: set the temperature to 80°C and heat the surface at a distance of 10 cm. For uniform treatment, move the hair dryer in a circular motion over the area of ​​the object.

Clean things up regularly with a vacuum cleaner

Of course, a vacuum cleaner by itself is not a sufficient measure to get rid of insects, however, with its help you can significantly reduce the number of bedbugs. Clean up regularly, using a vacuum cleaner not only for the floor, but also for furniture. Once you've cleaned, empty the dirt from the vacuum cleaner as soon as possible. If you wipe the inside of your vacuum cleaner with paper towels, you should throw those in a sealed plastic bag as well.

Classification of methods for combating

There are several ways to get rid of unpleasant insects. One of the most important requirements is the use of an integrated approach.

  • physical-mechanical,
  • chemical,
  • folk

The combination of these methods is due to the fact that “chemistry” harms humans, animals and plants. Traditional recipes are not always effective.

Physico-mechanical technique

Not everyone can catch bedbugs with their hands and kill them. These insects not only have a repulsive appearance, but also a disgusting smell.

Mechanical action involves the use of a steam iron. It is used when treating the most “bedbug-infested” areas of linen – seams and folds.

It is advisable to treat not only linen, but also furniture, as well as the gap between the bed and mattress.

Important! You should not use boiling water to flood insect nesting sites.

They are very afraid of boiling water, but furniture does not react to it in the best way.

Liquid nitrogen helps a lot. A spray bottle is filled with this product. You can also use a pneumatic spray - this way the cryogen will get even into hard-to-reach places.

Use of special drugs

The table provides information about the most powerful drugs.

"Chlorophos"The most powerful insecticide. Intended for storage in non-residential premises. It is very important to store it in a tightly sealed container. The proportions with water are 1 to 4. The solution is prepared outside or with the windows open. 1000 rubles/1 kg.
"Karbofos"Has an unpleasant pungent odor. After spraying it disappears very quickly. Has a wide range of effects. Has a long protective period. Negotiable
"Mikrofos"Long-term preservation, wide spectrum of action. Not only bedbugs die, but also cockroaches, ants, and fleas. Active ingredient: chlorpyrifos. Has no smell. It is safe to use, because has very low toxicity. Intended for professional processing. Negotiable
"Pyrethrum"Strong poison, fatal to all types of insects.150 rubles
"Tetrix"The most effective drug. Not available for free sale. ,
"Combat"“Multispray” is used (a fast-acting drug. It has a paralytic effect), as well as “Superspray”. The main advantage is low toxicity. The composition includes imiprotrin, cyphenothrin. The death of parasites is immediate. From 200 rubles.
"Executioner"Quickly destroys adults, as well as larvae and eggs. There is almost no smell and no stains remain. From 180

Grandmother's funds

Chamomile has a powerful effect. Both fresh herbs and pharmaceutical preparations are used. Chamomile is brewed in boiling water, infused for 40 minutes, then carefully filtered and charged into a spray bottle. The prepared solution is used to treat all problem areas in the room. Its use will help expel bloodsuckers and prevent their return. Chamomile does not affect eggs. When a new population appears, new treatments will be required.

Another remedy is table vinegar. They need to wipe all places where parasites accumulate. Care must be taken as vinegar is quite aggressive. Due to its impact, not only bedbugs can suffer, but also some surfaces.

It is believed that cockroaches eat bedbug eggs. This is true, but this happens quite rarely.

Important! The diet of cockroaches and bedbugs is not the same.

Cockroaches feed on food scraps, bedbugs feed on human blood. This allows both species to exist peacefully in the same territory. This makes the life of an apartment owner significantly more difficult.

After removing bedbugs, it is necessary to carry out general cleaning. If a strong insecticide was used, the room should be well ventilated. Dead insects must be carefully collected and burned.

Wet cleaning should be done using cleaning products. The floors are washed with soapy water or powder several times.

You also need to “arm yourself” with a vacuum cleaner and carefully “walk” through all the upholstered furniture, carpets and bookshelves. It’s good if the vacuum cleaner also has a cleaning effect.

Sprinkle silica gel

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To get rid of bedbugs, it is not at all necessary to use powerful chemicals. Silica gel, which can easily be found in the box of new shoes, is an effective insect repellent. This has been confirmed by recently published studies.

How to detect

Most often, encounters with such insects are unexpected. If you suddenly find bites on your body, conduct a general examination. Typically, bedbugs camouflage themselves in mattresses, at the head of the bed, in the crevices of chairs, in closets, and also love to hide in boxes with old things. Yes, and don’t forget to check the folds of your curtains.

During a search, you can find not only the pest, but also its feces, and even transparent white eggs. If you find unwanted guests, you will need to get rid of bedbugs.

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