Is it possible to finally and permanently remove bedbugs from an apartment using a steam cleaner?

Faced with an unpleasant situation when there are bed bugs in bed, many try to find a solution to this problem as soon as possible. Assuming that it is possible to get rid of blood-sucking parasites without the use of chemicals, by treating them with high-temperature devices or by freezing them, many wonder whether it is possible to drive away bedbugs with an iron and steamer?

According to experts, the fight against this type of parasite through steam treatment is very effective. The main thing is to act correctly, to walk not only in those places where bedbugs were found, but throughout the entire apartment, not leaving a single corner unattended.

However, is it so convenient to handle, and is the stream of steam released by the iron so powerful as to destroy parasitic insects?

If you think carefully, this is not a very good choice. Therefore, it is better to get rid of bedbugs using a steam generator. There are some subtleties here too. The effectiveness of the fight against bloodsucking insects directly depends on the correct choice of device and processing method.

At what temperature do beetles and the like die?

Laboratory and field tests have proven the effectiveness with which superheated steam can effectively combat the spread of bed bugs. Insects die at a temperature of + 45 ° C, and at + 50 ° C their death occurs within a few seconds. Using this method, electrical appliances such as steam cleaners, steam generators and steamers have become popular in recent years, helping to improve pest control capabilities by killing bed bugs with steam. You just need to spray the insects with scalding steam; in extreme cases, for the first time you can use a household steamer or even just a steam iron. In the future, we recommend purchasing a high-quality branded steam generator designed for this purpose. To remove insects.

Important! High temperature and steam kill not only adults, but also eggs of parasites, which is a great advantage over other control methods. Linen bugs are very sensitive to temperature changes due to heat shock. Italian steam cleaners (Polti brand) have gone on sale in Russia. They are famous around the world for being equipped with steam sanitizers that heat steam up to 180°C to break down the sticky substance that binds eggs to surfaces and eliminate insect odors. Destruction of 100% of eggs.

The only problem is that not all furniture can be processed at this temperature. Before you start treating the apartment, you must find all the places where bed bugs accumulate, because if you leave at least one parasite alive, the reproduction process will begin again.

How effective is a steam generator against bedbugs?

Those who decide to fight parasites with steam often ask the question: is it possible to remove bedbugs with a steam cleaner without using other methods and means? After all, the steam has the temperature necessary for the instant death of the insect. An exterminator with 15 years of experience, Mikhail, answers the question:

Mikhail D.E.

Exterminator, 15 years of experience

If the steam at the outlet of the steam generator hose has the temperature necessary to kill bedbugs, this does not mean that all parasites will be killed. Somewhere in the depths of materials and furniture, bloodsuckers can remain alive. For example, if the spring block is damaged, pests could live in it. But water vapor will not be able to penetrate deep and destroy them. During heat treatment, only those individuals that were closer to the surface will die.

How to disinfect

Bedbugs can easily tolerate temperatures from 5 to 40 degrees Celsius; they very easily adapt to any living conditions. Bedbugs experience months of “dryness” during which they do not have the opportunity to feed on your blood.

If you want to control bed bugs, you must find their hiding places. The beetles themselves, their shed skins and eggs can be recognized by the eyes.

It is not recommended to fight bed bugs solely with a steam cleaner!

Typically the procedure is as follows:

  • Spraying insecticides into cracks and crevices.
  • Next, insect repellent is applied to the walls and floors surrounding the infested items and the door frames are treated.
  • These insecticidal barriers prevent bed bugs from moving from an infested area to a clean area.
  • In addition, cold or heat helps against bedbugs: small items such as photo frames or books can be “treated” in the freezer. They should be exposed to temperatures of -18 degrees for two to three days.
  • The alternative is heat: to successfully control bedbugs, the temperature must be above 45 degrees Celsius for at least 30 minutes! Professional services can use special ovens to rid entire rooms of bed bugs.
  • Items that do not fit in the washing machine, such as mattresses, can be cleaned with a steam cleaner.
  • Some hotels use special bedding covers that they place over their mattresses.

Experts fight insects with pyrethroids, a group of active ingredients in insecticides. Since many insecticides cannot do anything against parasite eggs and only fight hatched bedbugs, they must work for a long time, at least six weeks (the so-called residual effect). This will ensure that any remaining bed bugs are killed when they come into contact with the treated surface.

Of particular importance: to eliminate the entire bedbug population, the success of bedbug eradication measures must be monitored weekly. In addition, experts recommend repeating the destruction several times within six months.

Main advantages

First, let's look at the strengths of this technique:

  1. Environmentally friendly. Killing bedbugs occurs without the slightest harm to humans, since the steam cleaner is filled with water without any chemical additives.
  2. Availability. Since the main resource consumed by the steam generator against bedbugs is water, the destruction of parasites occurs without any special financial costs. In this case, the device can also be used for basic cleaning of rooms, curtains and clothes.
  3. The ability to treat things that cannot be treated with insecticide (blankets, pillows and sheets).
  4. Fast processing of all housing.

Operating principle

A steam cleaner is a device that emits hot steam to disinfect surfaces, loosen stains, and kill small pests such as ticks and bedbugs.

Bed bugs may be tough, but they have no protection from the heat of a steam cleaner. Steam cleaners are a great, chemical-free way to get rid of bed bugs and other pests such as mites. It is enough to spray them with scalding steam to completely get rid of them.

The steam cleaner immediately kills bed bugs and their eggs and cleans the affected areas.

If you decide to use a steam cleaner, you need to be very precise and meticulous in how you apply heat in your home.

Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • DO use a larger nozzle for your cleaning tool
  • DO use dry steam or "dry steam" to prevent mold
  • DO buy a steam generator with a large water tank to prevent unexpected stops to refill the tank
  • Make sure that the area you are applying the heat to rises above 50°, otherwise your bed bugs will not be killed.
  • Use steam on furniture, baseboards, walls, ceilings and other hard surface areas
  • DO NOT use steam on electrical outlets.
  • DO NOT use a steam cleaner to kill bed bugs unless you have consulted with a professional.
  • Wear a respirator to prevent accidental inhalation of toxic fumes. Steam cleaners can vaporize chemicals that have been applied to the surfaces you steam.
  • DO NOT apply heat to objects that may be damaged by it.

Follow-up actions after treating an apartment or house against insect parasites

No matter how thoroughly the disinfection is carried out, several bedbugs may manage to hide behind baseboards or in other secluded places. Mature individuals quickly lay eggs and can restore the population.

To completely exterminate pests, it is worth cleaning at least 3-5 times at intervals of a week. During the period between treatments, you cannot do wet cleaning; it is enough to limit yourself to sweeping the floor.

Important! If, despite all your efforts, you cannot get rid of bedbugs, then you should contact a specialized service. But most often the reason for the lack of the desired result is a violation of the processing technology.

A steam cleaner allows you to quickly and effectively deal with the problem of exterminating bedbugs in your apartment. This method does not require large amounts of money, is safe for people and does not leave any unpleasant odors. Steam treatment makes subsequent cleaning easier - it is enough to remove traces of limescale and remove dead insects.

A steam generator will help not only get rid of bedbugs, but also clean your windows until they shine.


There are several rules for treating a room that you should keep in mind to get rid of an infestation of parasites once and for all.

Use a steamer with mandatory confirmation in the instructions that it is intended to kill bedbugs.

  1. You need a steam generator that has at least four liters of water in the tank. Such devices are very expensive, more than 80 thousand, so it is better to rent a steam cleaner or buy a used one.
  2. Do not use steam cleaners on furniture or carpets. They do not reach the required temperature to kill bed bugs.
  3. Place the triangular fastener on the hose. Most steam cleaners have a wide, square nozzle that cleans upholstery and other surfaces. Connect this attachment to the end of the hose before turning on the unit.
  4. Don't use a carpet nozzle because the bristles will hold the actual steam nozzle too far away.
  5. Avoid using pointed or narrow attachments as this may cause bed bugs and their eggs to be dispersed throughout the room.
  6. Steam upholstered furniture, crevices and cracks. Fill the tank with regular tap water and turn on the steam cleaner. Clean all soft surfaces in the room, from the highest point to the lowest. This way, you can be sure that any bed bugs are swept down and not up. Bedbugs love to hide in soft materials and in all sorts of cracks and crevices.

Items that should be handled with particular care:

  • mattresses
  • box springs
  • furniture
  • skirting boards
  • binding tapes on carpets

IMPORTANT ATTENTION: pay attention to cables and sockets! Remove any covers from areas where you need to work before you begin.

  1. Move the steam cleaner nozzle slowly over the appropriate surfaces to ensure they are thoroughly cleaned. 30 cm in 30 seconds is a good pace. This way, each small spot receives enough steam to kill the bedbugs and their eggs.
  2. Remember that steam cleaning can be a long and tedious process, especially if you have large surfaces to cover. Take breaks if necessary, or have someone help you if you're worried you'll be working too shallowly.
  3. If you encounter a live bedbug while cleaning, hold the steam cleaner on it for about 30 seconds. This should be enough to kill him. Once it dies, you can pick it up with a paper towel and throw it away.
  4. Open the windows and turn on the fan when you're done. If you've really thoroughly steamed all surfaces, open all the windows in the room to allow air to circulate. If you have a ceiling fan, turn that on too. It's important to let everything dry quickly so it doesn't get moldy.
  5. Place the fan close to the items you've cleaned, such as on the floor if you've been working on carpet, or higher if you've cleaned a chair, mattress or innerspring.
  6. Repeat the process two to three times to ensure all bed bugs are dead. It often takes two or three passes to kill all the bed bugs so that no bed bugs are missed. It is best to repeat the cleaning after a few hours or the next day.
  7. Don't wait more than a few days between treatments because bedbugs multiply very quickly!

There is an option to increase the efficiency of the steam cleaner

  • The surface temperature should be between 70 and 80 degrees. This is the ideal temperature to kill bed bugs without damaging your furniture during cleaning. You can use an infrared thermometer to monitor the surface temperature of the pieces you are processing. Place the thermometer about 1.5 cm from the surface immediately after removing the cleaner.
  • If the temperature is below 70 degrees, you may need to adjust your steam cleaner or use a different one.
  • Surfaces should be damp but not wet. When you're done, your furniture shouldn't be left wet. To do this, you need to change your device settings accordingly.
  • If the object being treated becomes too wet, remove the moisture with a dry towel.

Tip: Some items are easier to wash and dry rather than steam, such as curtains and bedding. Gather all these items and place them in plastic bags. Seal bags tightly to prevent cockroaches from spreading to other areas of your home as they move.

  • Hire a professional to pre-poison the pests with insecticides. While a steam cleaner can kill bed bugs, it may not penetrate deep enough to really affect them all. If you work with insecticides, you will get bed bugs under control faster.
  • Since insecticides can be dangerous, it is recommended that you hire a professional to take on the job. He has the knowledge to select the right chemicals and use them safely.

What you will need:

  1. steam generator
  2. infrared thermometer
  3. water
  4. towels
  5. fan

Expert advice

Recommendations from specialists will help to successfully destroy pests and not spoil things during the processing process:

  • When choosing a suitable device, you should give preference to models with different attachments that allow you to reach hard-to-reach corners of the room.
  • It is not advisable to set the maximum temperature of the steam generator. Otherwise, finishing materials and things can be damaged. For effective pest control, 70-80 degrees is sufficient.
  • Treatment should begin with the bedroom as the most contaminated room.
  • Disinfection is carried out in the direction from the highest point of the room to the floor surface.
  • If furniture or things become slightly damp, then you need to reconsider the settings.
  • After completing the procedure, apply a special chalk line along the perimeter of door and window openings, along baseboards and in the ventilation area.
  • Clothes used for treatment must be washed at high temperatures.

Pros and cons of a steam generator

To ensure the safety of interior items and the person who uses the steam generator as a means of exterminating insects, you need to know:

  • When working, do not set the steam cleaner to high humidity, so as not to damage wall coverings (wallpaper) and fabric materials;
  • there is no need to direct a strong stream of high-temperature air onto plastic and wooden surfaces, especially painted ones;
  • It is prohibited to use steam cleaners near sockets and electrical appliances, this may lead to a lack of electrical wiring;


Before steaming, it is recommended to wrap a cloth around the steam generator nozzle to prevent insects and their eggs from being blown away by the directed air.

Disadvantages of killing bedbugs with a steam generator

  • the directed high-temperature air flow cannot penetrate very narrow gaps or penetrate dense fabrics;
  • Bedbug eggs can only be removed a short distance from the nozzle;
  • Steam consists of moist air and can damage furniture and some surfaces, affecting their appearance.

Benefits of Steam Treatment

The benefits of steam are an environmentally friendly and completely natural solution to exterminating furniture monsters.

The use of steam cleaners has no impact on the environment and occurs without the use of insecticides. Once rooms have been treated, they can be re-treated, or you can return to them and live your normal life immediately, without waiting.

Even with the addition of a disinfectant, a steam jet ejector can operate in the presence of people.

This method is fast and effective, with the help of a jet of steam you can directly target insect clusters, you can reach hard-to-reach places in niches and cracks.

Due to its properties, the disinfectant can be an ideal complement to highly heated dry steam and can eliminate the unpleasant odor associated with insects.

A mixture of steam and disinfectants can be sprayed in the presence of people without problems. Thus, you remove not only bedbug eggs from surfaces, but also excrement left by insects.

Steaming bed bugs has many other benefits:

  • Steam cleaners are very common now, so you can buy them at any hardware store;
  • The method allows you to get rid of parasites in your home at a low cost;
  • This method is the safest if there are small children or people with allergies in the house (chemicals and insecticides are not used);
  • Hot steam treatment allows you to destroy insects on surfaces and objects that cannot be treated with chemical insecticides.

Temperature selection

When purchasing a steam generator, it is worth considering that the devices differ in different steam production parameters. For effective removal of bedbugs, a minimum water heating limit is sufficient.

Attention! Processing can be carried out even at temperatures of 70-90 degrees. Non-standard modes are also used, but when working with them you need to take into account a number of features, without which it is impossible to obtain the desired result.

Cold steam

This is an ineffective method, since bedbugs only die when exposed to high temperatures. To control pests, insecticides must be added to the water. But since steam cannot be obtained without heating, a special generator is used for atomization.

Under pressure, the substance begins to spread. As a result, a finely dispersed suspension appears, which resembles a cloud of steam.

Hot steam

The most reliable method. To destroy insects, it is enough to treat the room in stages, lingering over each area for several seconds. Special nozzles allow you to disinfect surfaces and objects, providing steam access even into narrow crevices and hidden places.

Dry steam

When water is heated to the maximum temperature, moisture evaporates instantly. As a result, the steam becomes superheated. When using this mode, processing occurs quickly, since there is no need to linger in each area.

Choosing a steam cleaner for bedbugs

We suggest considering global brands that you can purchase on Amazon with delivery to Russia.

Vapamore MR-100

  • Uses dry steam to kill bed bugs
  • Lifetime Warranty
  • Large reservoir for long-term use

Atrix HEPA

  • The suction power is very powerful
  • Purifies air by suction
  • Comes with several additional attachments

Housemile Anti-Dust

  • Uses a carbon filtration system
  • Effective against dust mites and bed bugs
  • Easy to clean

Conair Extreme Steamer

  • Very light
  • Comes with 3 useful attachments
  • Holds a stream of steam for 15 minutes

Handheld steamer Sunbeam

  • Heats up in 45 seconds
  • Extremely portable
  • 15 minutes continuous use

Atrix Bed Bug Vacuum

  • Purifies the air with a 4-level HEPA filter system
  • Comes with multiple attachments
  • Picks up bed bugs with powerful suction

The Atrix Bed Bug Vacuum seems to be the most attractive. Why?

It has a number of attachments and very high suction power to pull bed bugs and their eggs out of cracks and crevices.

Vapamore MR-100

  • Capable of quickly creating very hot steam (210+ degrees)
  • Lifetime warranty on heating element, boiler and all internal electrical parts.
  • In addition to removing bed bugs, also clean your bathroom, kitchen and floors.

Cheaper models only have a 1 year warranty. It also has a maximum tank capacity for longer steaming times before requiring a new refill.

McCulloch 1275

  • For people who want an inexpensive steam cleaner option.
  • It has a slightly smaller water tank and a 1 year warranty.

What should you consider when purchasing?

Not all equipment is created equal. Before purchasing a bed bug steam cleaner or vacuum cleaner, you should first consider your needs.

Below are some questions you may want to ask:

  • Do you want something that can disinfect surfaces?
  • Where do you want to use it?
  • And how long do you want it to last?

Below are some factors to consider before purchasing.


Some steam cleaners and vacuum cleaners are portable devices that you can travel with. In many of these cases, the product does not come with any attachments.

Baits are useful because bed bugs can be difficult to find and hide in hard-to-reach places. If you find bed bugs in a crack near the ceiling, how can you get them out?

Attachments can simplify the cleaning process and save a lot of energy when it comes to killing pests, such as curtains covering tall windows.

When purchasing steam cleaning attachments, try to purchase at least one larger brush head so that you can apply steam to a larger area. Smaller nozzles will focus too much pressure on one spot, potentially scattering bed bugs in all directions and possibly increasing the size of the infestation.

Strength and Durability

Steam cleaners and vacuum cleaners differ in their purpose and design. Some were created specifically for travel. These portable devices are not as durable as regular models. They are designed for a year or two. The larger model is more expensive, but can last for several years. They also hold more water or dirt and can be used throughout the home without having to refill with water or empty it repeatedly.


Having a large water tank is especially important for steam cleaning jobs to avoid interruption of heat treatment.

Steam generator - what is it?

A steam generator is a special apparatus that produces steam at a temperature of 90 degrees. Usually people perceive a steam generator as an industrial device, but in everyday life such devices are called steam cleaners. A steam cleaner is purchased for cleaning, cleaning an apartment, steaming dirt and disinfecting any things, but killing bedbugs with its help will also be excellent.

Manufacturers offer many models of steam generators that can be used at home. The power of the devices varies, but the most powerful models are more suitable for exterminating pests. Compact, low-power devices will not give the desired result.

The design of a steam generator always includes the following parts:

  • Heater (heater)
  • Flexible hose
  • Water container
  • Nozzles

If you buy a device specifically to get rid of bedbugs, it is better to make sure that it has different attachments - for treating a mattress (flat attachment), for removing bedbugs from cracks, from behind cabinets (narrow-hole attachment).

When it is possible to purchase a new steam generator or rent one, you should choose a device with the following data:

  1. Availability of a separate boiler for steam generation.
  2. Fast steam production (preferably instantaneous).
  3. High quality materials.

Steaming clothes

The steam cleaner device is based on the formation of steam when water is heated by a heating element. The kit includes several nozzles that allow you to direct a stream of hot air directly to your clothes.

The steam straightens the fabric, disinfects it, and eliminates odors. But if clothes infested with bedbugs can be washed without damaging them, then it is better to use a washing machine, hot water and a hot dryer.

Does steam kill these blood-sucking pests?

Hot steam is considered even more frightening for such pests than low temperatures. It kills parasites in a matter of time. By directing a stream of scalding steam at a bug (above 100 degrees) you can destroy it instantly. As for the use of hot fog (used by pest control services), the parasites will exist in such conditions a little longer.

Egg clutches of insects also do not tolerate the effects of scalding steam, like already grown individuals. Therefore, it is best to use hot steam. It has a special property - to denature the protein component of eggs. This contributes to the fact that bedbugs die at the embryonic stage. At the same time, you need to know that even very strong insecticidal preparations may not cope with eggs.

You can also use the scalding steam yourself. In this case, it is most advisable to use a steam cleaner to treat the room. Absolutely any device that has the function of heating the steam jet to 65 degrees is suitable.

On a note

Some steam cleaners operate on the vacuum principle. This means that steam in such devices is formed at lower temperatures and reduced pressure. Experts warn that a steam cleaner operating below 55 degrees will not be able to cope with parasites.

In addition, steam from a boiling kettle will not cope with such “uninvited guests”. This procedure is not only not very effective, but also quite dangerous. Among other things, using this method can damage upholstered furniture, leading to its deformation and rotting. There is also a high probability of the appearance and proliferation of mold fungi.

Operating rules

The main rule: to get rid of insects, the flow of high-temperature air must be directed at the parasite itself, which dies after a few seconds.


To enhance your bed bug control, you should choose a high-efficiency steam cleaner. With smaller devices the results may not be as effective.

To get rid of bed bugs using a steam cleaner, you need to know the general rules of use:

  • Treatment should begin in places where large numbers of insects accumulate: sleeping places (beds, sofas) and adjacent areas, seams in upholstered furniture and mattresses, etc.
  • The steam cleaner should produce a stream of steam and air above 50°C. First, work around the perimeter of the room to remove frightened insects from their hiding places. Then you can quickly kill them.
  • Separately, you need to treat the back walls of cabinets and other furniture, especially near the sleeping areas.
  • Bedbugs love to hide on clothing or in bedding, so you'll have to treat clothes from your closet.
  • “Steaming” is also necessary for curtains, carpets and other home textiles.
  • Before you begin removing bed bugs from upholstered furniture, you should read the instructions as some surfaces can be damaged by hot, humid air. Then you should use a special spray with a spray;
  • To reliably get rid of parasites, bed bug control should be carried out regularly (weekly) using a steam cleaner until the parasites are gone forever. Repeated treatments kill new larvae that hatch from surviving eggs.

Disadvantages of Using Steam Cleaners

A steam generator is a useful and necessary device in the fight against bedbugs. But it also has its drawbacks. The first disadvantage is due to the fact that not all materials can be processed with steam. Thus, it is not recommended to steam paper wallpaper, plastics that are not resistant to wet and/or heat treatment of the fabric. Steam is dangerous for parquet and furniture made from inexpensive materials (laminated chipboard, MDF).

The second disadvantage is due to the fact that the steam cannot penetrate too deeply. Coming out of the hose, it gives off heat to the air and various objects. The already cooled moisture will reach the bedbugs hidden in remote corners - it cannot be used to get rid of them. Therefore, there remains a risk that some parasites will survive.

Reviews about the application

When Marina found bed bugs in her bed, she was simply scared, because she had always believed that domestic bloodsuckers only appear in dirty rooms. Faced with an unpleasant situation, she called a special service that performed professional chemical treatment. The smell in the apartment was incredibly disgusting. She washed all the clothes and curtains, but the smell of insecticide persisted. But the bedbugs appeared again. She was at first in despair. Salvation came with a steam gun that her husband bought at a hardware store. They steam-cleaned all the sofas and furniture, baseboards and carpets. The blood-sucking insects were defeated with the help of a steam generator and they all died, and the smell disappeared.

The beetles moved into Sergei's apartment from neighbors who carried out bedbug baiting. Fearing for the health of their little son, Sergei and his wife did not decide on chemical treatment, and did not rely on traditional methods. A friend suggested that Sergei use a homemade steam cleaner for bedbugs. Sergey steamed all the sofas and bedding, the positive effect appeared immediately. In the near future, Sergey plans to repeat the process of removing parasites with a steam cleaner to destroy everything.

Why are bedbugs dangerous in a residential area?

If you suspect that you have bedbugs in your apartment or house, do not put off solving the problem “indefinitely.” The presence of such neighbors can be harmful to health, both physical and psychological. Why are they dangerous and what damage can they cause:

  1. During their life, bedbugs emit a terrible smell, and it is very unpleasant to be in the room.
  2. Where bedbugs live, there is no question of compliance with sanitary standards. If the parasites move in with your neighbors (which sooner or later happens if the victims live in an apartment building), problems will arise with the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  3. Bedbug bites are very painful, and the itching is simply maddening. Since the parasites are active at night, people indoors have problems sleeping, in some cases the number of bites in an infected room reaches 500 per night. Soon this will negatively affect the general state of health, the functioning of the nervous system, performance, mental and psychological state.
  4. Bedbugs are not officially considered carriers of any diseases. But at the same time, through the bite of this insect you can become infected with hepatitis B and plague, get a terrible skin rash and allergies. Doctors also do not exclude the possibility of human infection with microorganisms that cause tularemia, brucellosis, typhoid fever, anthrax, smallpox and tuberculosis.
  5. Thanks to their sense of smell, parasites easily detect a person’s everyday clothing and hide in it. You can infect all the places you visit with these insects.

Also, do not forget that parasites cause damage to property. Where bedbugs build their nests, furniture and belongings, books, and household appliances become unusable. Parasites hide in them during the day and pollute them with their feces, shed chitinous shells.

Review from a man who tested the method:

The bedbugs moved into our apartment after our neighbors. This is a fairly common story. No matter how I tried to seal all the holes, bedbugs still came to our apartment. Neighbors fight them using chemicals. We just recently had a small baby in our house, so we are very afraid to use toxic products. It is not known how a small child might react to this. We carry out regular treatment using a steam generator. There are already first results.

Ivan, Ryazan

Destruction of bedbugs with steam - features

When carrying out processing, you need to follow several rules in order to keep the furniture intact and achieve a high effect:

  • Do not set the steam cleaner mode to high humidity - textiles, wallpaper, and upholstered furniture may be damaged;
  • It is better to avoid this method for wooden surfaces, as well as those coated with varnish or other decorative materials;
  • Do not bring the steam cleaner near sockets or household appliances;
  • if the air stream is strong, cover the nozzle with a layer of cloth before starting - this will help not to blow away insects, but to destroy them;
  • In order for the insect to die, a stream of air must be directed at it for 2-5 seconds;
  • first you need to walk through the places of maximum accumulation of parasites, then treat the entire apartment around the perimeter;
  • textiles, bed linen, clothes are easier to wash at a temperature of at least 60 degrees;
  • in order not to spoil the upholstered furniture, first treat a small invisible area with steam;
  • It is recommended to carry out a course of parasite destruction - once a week, but at least 3-4 times;
  • To enhance the effect, it is recommended that in addition to steam treatment, apply a light, non-toxic product (for example, chalk) to the surfaces of furniture and baseboards.

We suggest you read: Who can bite in bed at night except bedbugs? Who bites at night?

If you follow the processing rules, you can effectively remove bedbugs from your apartment without causing harm to your own health.

extermination of bedbugs with steam

Destruction of bedbugs, treatment of the sofa before pest control of the apartment

Steam generators against bedbugs! The depth of steam penetration depends on the Power of the Steam Generator!

The steam generator kills bed bug eggs.

First of all, it is worth noting that you need to prepare several attachments in advance. Depending on the nature of the visit, you need to use either a flat nozzle (processing a mattress, for example), or an elongated one (processing holes between the baseboard and the floor).

Before we start fighting bed bugs, we determine where they accumulate. If you start treating the room from those places that are only slightly infected, you will only succeed in scaring away the insects, which will begin to crawl into all the cracks.

After treating the most infected areas, you should steam all the furniture in the room, wardrobes, carpets, and decorative elements. It is advisable to wash items from wardrobes at temperatures exceeding 600C or treat them with the same steam generator, which will take much more time.

Then, we use a steam cleaner to treat all surfaces in the room that may be contaminated: floors, walls. If the floors are made of wood, then they need to be processed carefully. If the steam contacts the wood for too long, it may warp. And if you treat the surface with steam for a short time, you will not be able to achieve the desired result.

Effect of steam on bedbugs

At a temperature of 50°C, bedbugs die within 15 minutes. The temperature of the steam leaving the device is 80-90°C. Parasites die under its influence in a matter of seconds. Hot steam completely kills adults, larvae and eggs.

We suggest you read: How long do bed bugs live without human blood?

When using a steam cleaner for bedbugs, about 80% of pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria and viruses, are simultaneously destroyed. Bedbugs, caught under a hot steam cloud, die within 10-15 seconds. An ultra-modern device allows you to instantly clean your home from infestations of parasites.

Most of those who removed bedbugs using a steam generator are satisfied with the result of the disinfestation. Those who failed apparently violated cleaning guidelines or used a low-power device to clean.

Experts recommend performing pest control using powerful steam generators. Miniature hand-held devices cannot fully cope with the tasks. To solve them, devices capable of generating steam whose temperature is not lower than 60°C are suitable.

It is not necessary to purchase a powerful steam cleaner. Such equipment is rented out to organizations that specialize in providing household services.

When surfaces are treated with hot steam, adult bedbugs, their larvae and egg clutches are completely destroyed.

The hot steam produced by the steam generator can kill bedbugs in just 10-15 seconds of exposure. Therefore, using this device you can clean the premises quickly and effectively.

It must be said that reviews about the effectiveness of using a steam generator to clean a room from bedbugs are contradictory. Most people who have had this treatment are happy with the results. However, there are also negative reviews, but most likely the failures are due to either incorrect temperature disinfestation or insufficient power of the device.

The most important thing you should pay attention to when choosing a steam generator is its power. It must be powerful enough to kill insects. To achieve good results, you need to carefully treat the entire area of ​​the room.

The photo shows a steam generator with a narrow nozzle

The advantages of this processing method:

  • The method is quite affordable, because in the modern world a steam generator can be found in any household appliances store.
  • Treatment with a steam generator is environmentally friendly, unlike chemical aerosols, which release many dangerous toxins into the air.
  • Not all surfaces can be treated with bedbug killing spray. All hard-to-reach places can be passed with hot steam.
  • This processing method is also used in large industrial enterprises where chemicals cannot be used.

The photo shows processing using a steam generator

In order to treat a room, you need to move the steam generator through the air at a relatively low speed.

Many consider this method ineffective, as evidenced by reviews from dissatisfied citizens. However, the ineffectiveness of the method is often due to a violation of the apartment processing technology. It is worth understanding that you most likely will not be able to get rid of bed bugs in one day. Some of the insects that will eventually restore the population will have time to hide. Therefore, the apartment will have to be steamed at least 2 times.

If the insects have already built nests, then most likely there are eggs in the room, from which harmful bugs will hatch in 10-12 days. Therefore, it is advisable to re-treat after 2 weeks.

Optimal temperature for killing fleas and their eggs

Blood-sucking insects live and reproduce under favorable conditions . At what temperature do fleas die, from what values:

  • minus values ​​from -15° die in 25 minutes;
  • heat up to +40° – death in 3 hours;
  • The thermometer shows +50°, which means that in 5 minutes the fleas will die.
  • washing at 60°C will get rid of insects forever.
  • It is better to boil textile items for several minutes.

    What flea eggs look like is known. This means you can find nesting sites and get rid of the bloodsucker population. It is necessary to first treat animals and beds with insecticides. Then walk with the steam generator across surfaces and floors. At +35°, the death of adult insects and their eggs begins. The larvae are also unlikely to survive. -16 is the limit of survival of adults and their offspring.

    How to treat your home with hot steam

    If you do not make mistakes in the process of cleaning premises using a steam generator, the quality of the disinsection performed will be at its best. There will be no parasites left in your home if you find and treat all the nests they have made.

    Experts recommend adhering to the following algorithm of actions when exterminating insects with steam.

    1. The steam temperature must be above 60°C.
    2. First of all, rooms that are overly infested with parasites are treated. Typically, disinfestation begins in the bedroom; bedbugs are destroyed in beds and sofas.
    3. Steam is applied to cabinets, mattresses, upholstery and back walls of furniture.
    4. From the sleeping places they move on to other pieces of furniture - wardrobes, chests of drawers, nightstands, etc.
    5. Floors, baseboards, and defects in decorative finishing are not left untreated.
    6. Carpets, curtains, drapes and textiles are steamed.
    7. Things and clothes are steamed.

    Clothes are sorted before processing. Things that cannot withstand high temperatures are put aside.

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