Is it possible to bring bedbugs home in clothes rather than treat the clothes?

What clothes do they live on and how to remove them

  • Fact:
    If suddenly there are too many bedbugs in an apartment, they begin to spread to other habitats. For example, along the folds of clothing.
  • Fact 2:
    One female produces up to 500 offspring. The period from oviposition to the appearance of an adult specimen is 40 days.
  • Fact 3:
    Moving through clothes, an insect chooses the one that the person wore most recently.
  • Fact 4:
    If you crush a bug, you will smell a specific smell.

A variety of domestic bugs, called bed bugs, prefers to settle closer to the place of sleep and rest, which is why it earned its name. Mattresses and upholstered furniture are their favorite nesting sites. If suddenly there are too many bedbugs in an apartment, they begin to spread to other habitats. For example, along the folds of clothing. Or you can visit a bedbug-infested dwelling and bring “guests” to your home. If you stay overnight, the risk of bloodsuckers relocating will be almost 100%.

External characteristics of the bug

The unpleasant sucking insect is small, from 3 to 7 mm. The color of the body is brown, some are lighter, some are darker. But this is when the bug is hungry. When fed, the color becomes red or almost black due to the blood filling the stomach. The duration of the biological cycle is 1 year. One female produces up to 500 offspring. The period from oviposition to the appearance of an adult specimen is 40 days.

A shortage of food forces the insect to fall into a state of some kind of anabiosis (hibernation) and calmly wait for a favorable period. Bedbugs cannot tolerate low temperatures, dying at -15C and below. If a small vampire is crushed, a specific smell will be felt.

16. What to do if your neighbors have bedbugs? Neighbors are poisoning bedbugs.

If your neighbors are poisoning bed bugs in their apartment, but you don’t have any parasites yet, you need to take immediate action. It is necessary to treat your premises with professional microencapsulated products for self-treatment. By doing this, you will create a barrier against bedbugs that can crawl into your territory through leaks in the walls and ventilation shafts. You can order joint disinfestation from the sanitary service. Such treatment must be carried out simultaneously with the neighbors, so that the bedbugs do not have time to migrate to the non-poisoned area. Recommended professional products for self-sanitation: Delta Zone, Lambda Zone, Get (Get), Executioner, Xulat C25. Attention! If you don’t put up a barrier, then bedbugs will crawl from your neighbors, quickly multiply, and you will still have to poison them.

Why clothes are suitable for bedbugs

For a comfortable existence, bedbugs need constant warmth and human proximity, since this is the only source of food. The insect comes out to dine about once a week, at night. The bug spends the daytime hours hiding in the depths of the folds of sofas and armchairs, under the mattress, in sockets, under carpets and other secluded corners.

One day there comes a time when there are too many blood-sucking reptiles (after all, they are very prolific), and they are forced to look for new victims and places to live. And the bug gets out of its hiding place and moves onto the clothes, and together with it moves to a “new address.”

Another reason for getting it on clothes is the proximity of the wardrobe to the bed or other sleeping place. The depths of a dark and warm wardrobe are an ideal, safe hiding place for bedbugs. Moving through clothes, the insect chooses the one that the person wore most recently. This is how bloodsuckers get into your apartments from hotel rooms, sanatoriums, recreation centers and other public places.

Features of parasitism

Can bedbugs live in clothes? The answer is clear - they can. But the likelihood of being bitten decreases if a person sleeps in pajamas. Particularly affected are areas of the body that are not covered with a blanket during the night.

Bloodsuckers bite where blood vessels are located close to the surface of the skin. Most often, itchy marks appear on the legs and arms, back, neck and shoulders. In children, the face may be affected.

The parasite's mouthparts are not designed to pierce clothing. Therefore, if a person rests in pajamas at night, the likelihood that he will be bitten by bloodsuckers is minimal.

More often, those parts of the body that are not covered with a blanket at night are attacked. However, a blanket will not stop a very hungry bug - it will crawl under it and still drink blood.

For punctures, they choose those places on the body where blood vessels are located under the skin. More often, bite marks are found on the following areas of the body:

  • neck;
  • hands;
  • legs;
  • back;
  • shoulders.

When a person puts on night pajamas, it is as if he is gradually inviting bedbugs to come to him. But as long as a person is awake, they will not bite. This will happen when he falls asleep.

Which clothes are preferable?

Since the insect likes to hide deeper, it will first of all be attracted to models with numerous seams, cuffs, and valves. The greatest likelihood of settlement is in sleeping clothes, home clothes and underwear. This is logical, such things are best saturated with the smell of the human body.

But the bug does not favor fur products. Firstly, it cannot move on a fur surface. Secondly, there is practically no contact with the body, so the pest is not interested in this thing.

The bloodsucker will not be able to bite through the tissue. Its mouth organ does not have sufficient power for this. But it won’t be difficult for him to get out of the folds and onto the bare skin, and then the bug will have a great feast.

How to protect yourself from bedbug bites, what to apply to prevent them from biting?

The best way to protect yourself from bed bug bites is to remove the annoying parasites; fortunately, the modern chemical industry offers many means to combat them.

Getting rid of bedbugs takes up to 2 weeks, but you don’t want to be bitten. To prevent them from biting, you can use one of the bloodsucker repellents.

What to put on to prevent bedbugs from biting? Parasites do not like the smell of alcohol and perfume, so you can spray yourself with cologne or perfume at night. They are repelled by the smell of essential oils - mint, citrus, cloves, eucalyptus (applied to bed linen), some plants - wormwood, tansy, wild rosemary, chamomile. Bunches of grass can be placed around the bed. To repel bloodsuckers, you can smear yourself with fish oil.

How to get bedbugs out of clothes

Until the chemical industry began producing effective household insect repellents, people used proven methods for decades:

  • Critical temperatures. Since bloodsuckers cannot tolerate low and high temperatures, as well as bright sunlight, hanging things outside at +20C and above or -15C and below will lead to their death.
  • Boiling water. Hot water (>50C) will leave no chance for bedbugs and their eggs if you wash clothes at this temperature.
  • The same effect will occur when treating things with hot steam or using a dryer.
  • Strong-smelling liquids are also intolerable to bedbugs. Therefore, treating clothes with turpentine, vinegar, ammonia, denatured alcohol and then washing them will help get rid of insects.

Exterminating the pest only on clothing will not give the desired results. The fight should be “on all fronts”: in furniture, beds, baseboards, etc. Otherwise, the bedbugs will quickly multiply again, and everything will return to normal.


What is the best bedbug chemical for clothing?

It is worth paying attention to high-quality insecticides, such as:

  • Gektor (Hector)
  • Agran remedy for bedbugs
  • Cifox
  • Foresight PRO
  • Get Total

These products have an average toxic effect on humans. But you should not be negligent about this method of exterminating parasites. Health risks remain. You must follow the instructions carefully. When treating clothes against bedbugs, wear a mask and gloves.

After the procedure, clothes should be placed in a bag and not used for a week. After this period, things should be washed in a soda solution and rinsed in cold water several times.



When it is suspected that bed bugs have appeared at home, it is necessary to inspect the entire apartment/house. These insects choose habitats closer to humans. Such preferences of parasites are determined by the peculiarities of their life activity. So, house bugs feed only on blood; they are not interested in other food.

In addition, the movement speed

pest control is so low that they will not be able to escape if necessary. For these reasons, they strive to be as close to humans as possible.

Favorite habitats:

  • mattress;
  • sofa upholstery;
  • bed frame;
  • baseboards;
  • the backs of paintings and the backs of other furnishings, including wall clocks,

A mattress that is extremely infested must be destroyed (burnt) class=”wp-block-separator is-style-wide”> In the design of a folding sofa there are many places where bedbugs can breed class=”wp-block-separator is-style- In some cases bedbugs can be found inside sockets and switches

If there is little space left near a person’s bed due to an increase in the number of pests, the parasites occupy neighboring areas: the underside of the carpet, the back walls of cabinets, bedside tables, as well as the internal surfaces of this furniture, armchairs, sockets, and sometimes even curtains. When the sofa upholstery is damaged, parasites accumulate in large quantities under it.

The same thing happens with pillows,

blankets and mattress. Pests look for any loopholes, which opens the way for them to the most secluded places in the apartment.

Much less often, bedbugs make nests inside toys and household appliances that have not been used for a long time. However, it is impossible to meet these insects in the bathroom, hallway or kitchen, because people do not spend the night here, and it is very difficult for insects to get through the entire apartment to the bedroom or children's room - this will take a lot of time and effort.

How to find bedbugs

If your home is infested, it will not be difficult to detect parasites. There are a number of signs you should pay attention to:

  • specific smell;
  • presence of excrement;
  • husks or shells of parasites;
  • empty shells of eggs are formations of a milky hue; on one side you can see a hole through which the larvae appear; upon careful examination, clutches are revealed.

Rules for treating with insecticides

As for removing bedbugs specifically from clothing, certain conditions must be observed when using pesticides:

  • Spraying aerosol, spray, etc. should not be carried out near products.
  • Before the procedure, take care of respiratory and vision protection.
  • After the product has finished working, the items must be washed.

Preparations for exterminating bedbugs in clothes:

  • Combat;
  • Raid;
  • Carbosol;
  • Clean house;
  • Raptor.

To process the entire apartment, use Executioner, Get, Tetrix, Karbofos.

Signs of the presence of insects

Having discovered traces of bedbug bites on the body, and having found them from a nest on the bed, you need to equally carefully examine the furniture and things in it. If there is an unpleasant characteristic smell in the closet or dressing room, then perhaps insects have already settled here. Stains on clothing of unknown origin will also indicate the presence of parasites. The fabric easily absorbs biological fluids secreted by bedbugs. Brown and yellowish spots remain in these places. Upon closer inspection, you can find dark grains, scales from the chitinous shell, and shells from eggs. All this is a clear sign that bedbugs have made their nests in clothes, which means that treatment of things cannot be avoided.



Pets like cats and dogs rarely get bedbugs, but it does happen. The scenario in this case is the same as with things - if the animal is in a heavily infested room, bedbugs can crawl into the animal’s fur. Since bedbugs rarely bite animals, this source of infection is unlikely.

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