How to use flea dust in the house: powder, soap. How to dilute and process - instructions.
Flea dust is a popular and affordable insectoacaricidal agent. It is also used against bedbugs,
How to protect yourself from ticks using Reftamid Anti-Tick aerosol
01/26/2019 Category: Pest Control Author: Larisa Solopova It’s nice to relax in nature in the summer. But sometimes midges
Mating dance
Description of the type of arthropod spiders (biology, grade 7)
Mating ritual The process of reproduction of spiders begins with a mating ritual, as often happens in
What is the difference between turkey and turkey
What is the difference between turkey and turkey - signs of difference
Many people don't understand the difference between turkey and turkey. Some people think it's one thing
Spider mite on a plant
Instructions for use and composition of Anti-mites, dosage for spider mites
One of the most effective and proven means for combating arachnid pests is Anti-Mite
How spiders are born: from laying eggs to hatching
During its life, the spider goes through several stages of development. At the first stage, the arachnid is
Anti-pediculosis shampoo Paranit: composition, instructions for use, analogues. How does the product work?
Paranit: shampoo, composition for lice and nits, instructions for use
When faced with head lice, people usually run to the pharmacy and buy the most expensive remedy, only
Swimming beetle insect. Description, features, species, lifestyle and habitat of the diving beetle
Features Aquatic insects have protection from getting wet: their body is covered with a thick layer of fluff, waterproof
Necessary information about the drug against household pests Tsifox
The human dwelling attracts many insects, because here there is food and favorable conditions for life and
Trichoderma veride, a biological product for protecting plants from diseases
The drug Trichodermin belongs to a completely new type of drug, the action of which is aimed at biological protection
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