Cockroach disinsection - professional extermination of cockroaches

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Fighting cockroaches is a problem that many apartment and business owners face. Sometimes it develops into a real disaster. In this article we will tell you why living next to these harmful insects is dangerous and how to exterminate cockroaches forever.

Red cockroaches (Prussians) are flightless insects, their body length is from 10-16 mm, colored in various shades of brown with two dark stripes on the back. They are nocturnal, so it is difficult to detect them during the day. Cockroaches can live in apartments, food shops, catering establishments, hotels, and hospitals. They feed on various food waste.

Why is it dangerous to be around cockroaches?

Cockroach control is necessary. These harmful insects:

  • carry pathogens of dangerous diseases on their paws: anthrax, plague, cholera, leprosy, hepatitis, fungal infections, helminthic infestations and others;
  • often cause severe allergies in people who spend time in rooms infested with cockroaches;
  • spoil food;
  • pose a danger to small children: a cockroach can crawl into the ear canal;
  • pose a danger to asthma patients: inhaled chitin particles can cause an exacerbation of the disease or an attack;
  • can damage equipment by creating a nest inside the device.

Therefore, poisoning of cockroaches in apartments and institutions such as schools, kindergartens, hotels, cafes and the like must be carried out without fail. After all, we are not talking about aesthetics, but about people’s health.

Professional disinfection

This is a very painstaking job of removing any pest from the premises. Traditional methods of control involve the expenditure of money and time, and professional treatment for cockroaches is a way to quickly restore peace to the family and the original appearance of a hotel or cafe.

An integrated approach allows you to achieve colossal damage to the cockroach population. Up to 90% of insects die in the first day! If necessary, a procedure will be carried out using colorless and odorless preparations; your neighbors will not even guess what was happening behind the wall.

All professional products are environmentally friendly. They have quality certificates that confirm safety for human life and health. Companies that monitor their reputation and care about the comfort of their customers provide guarantees on work for up to 1 year.

When collaborating with a trusted company, the client always has a contract in his hands, which confirms the fact of the service provided and the payment made. Transparent conditions, supported by a seal and signature, are the key to the client’s trust in the company!

In exceptional cases, it happened that the cockroaches returned, then our specialists returned and re-treated the cockroaches.

Independent methods of fighting cockroaches

To get rid of cockroaches in a house or apartment, in shops, hotels, grocery warehouses and other premises, you can take the following measures:

  • regularly clean food preparation and storage areas so that there are no crumbs or drops of food left - in other words, keep the house, warehouses, catering units, etc. clean;
  • wash dirty dishes immediately after use;
  • store food in tightly closed containers;
  • prevent cockroaches from accessing water: wipe sinks dry, fix leaking pipes, and so on (water is necessary for these insects to live);
  • tightly close and regularly disinfect waste containers and bins;
  • block the possibility of cockroaches entering the room: seal the cracks, cover the technological holes with a fine grid, etc.

However, these actions will most likely simply make life more difficult for red insects, but will not help eliminate cockroaches completely. They know how to adapt to different conditions and find loopholes to food and water.

Many people try to poison cockroaches on their own by purchasing insect repellents at the market or in stores. Unfortunately, this also most often does not give the desired effect:

  • without special equipment it is difficult to treat all insect habitats;
  • ordinary, unprofessional means kill cockroaches only partially, only those individuals that have been in contact with the poison, or do not work at all;
  • after treatment, cockroaches appear again after some time;
  • uncontrolled and unprofessional use of such products can harm the health of children, elderly people or pets.

How to get rid of cockroaches forever? Only professional disinfection (disinsection) against cockroaches will help here.

Professional extermination of cockroaches SES

Employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station guarantee high-quality disinfestation. We use modern certified chemicals and professional equipment, which ensures:

  • Long-term processing efficiency.
  • No odor, preservation of property.
  • Safety for humans and pets.
  • Highly effective in controlling various types of insects and other pests.
  • Efficiency and guarantee of high-quality cleaning of buildings.

SES provides a set of measures for disinfestation, deratization, disinfection and other work aimed at creating safe conditions for human life, the habitat of pets, livestock, and the cultivation of cultural and food plants. Contact the site manager, as well as the service office, to order prompt and effective destruction of cockroaches and other insects.

What is the cost of pest control services for bedbugs, ticks, cockroaches and other insects?

Each case is individual, the exact cost of disinfestation is specific to your case, please check with the operator on the single phone number of the SES in Moscow

Our work is effective and guaranteed

Medical staff

The specialists of the DEUS SERVICES Center have a medical education. This will ensure the safety of your children, loved ones and your pets.

Cold fog

A solution for exterminating bedbugs in open and indoor areas. The effectiveness of the method is in the optimal distribution of the insecticide over the entire area of ​​the treated object.

Official agreement

The mandatory conclusion of an official Agreement guarantees you the quality of work and legal protection. You will never see bedbugs in your home again.

Hot fog

Solution for killing bedbugs in enclosed spaces. Due to the high degree of penetration into surrounding objects (walls, baseboards), the maximum effect is achieved.

100% safety

Rest assured, professionals use only high-quality products from BAYER and BASF. This guarantees safety and reliability.

Barrier protection

A protective measure accompanying hot and cold fog treatment. It consists of detecting places where bedbugs have entered from neighbors and applying a special gel.

What is the advantage of SES

It is possible to fight insects on your own, but this is due to the duration of the process, the outcome of which is unknown. This is related to physiology:

  1. Prussians are tenacious and are able to sit out in secluded places, drinking water.
  2. They have excellent immunity, allowing them to adapt to poisons.
  3. They survive well for some time without food or water.
  4. Insects that survive the first chemical attack will give rise to combat-ready and hardened offspring, which will already be resistant to old methods of exterminating cockroaches.

Only a professional approach with a set of measures and the use of the latest techniques can overcome a pest invasion. SES will never re-treat with the same drug. There are certain instructions that imply compliance with treatment algorithms for cockroaches.

Only professional assistance from specialists guarantees the high quality of the work done. By carefully identifying all places of accumulation and habitat of the pest, we will ensure high-quality, guaranteed destruction of cockroaches.

Advantages of calling specialists to exterminate cockroaches:

  1. Use of new technologies.
  2. Only proven and safe insecticides are used, which are not available for sale in regular hardware stores.
  3. Experts know where to look for pests, so not a single cockroach will hide in an unnoticeable crack.
  4. Knowledge of the physiological characteristics and places of accumulation helps to increase the effectiveness of treatment against cockroaches.
  5. There is a discount system.
  6. All work is guaranteed!

The final price is announced after inspecting the site and drawing up a plan for exterminating cockroaches. The cost depends on many factors: the complexity of the approach, volume and similar nuances.

Price list for apartments

An objectStandard Cold fog 1 year warrantyStandard+ Cold fog + barrier protection 1.5 year warrantyComfort Hot mist 2 year warrantyPremium Comprehensive treatment: cold and hot fog + barrier protection 3 year warranty
1 room + MOP1900 rub.2500 rub.4400 rub.5800 rub.
2 room + MOP2200 rub.2900 rub.4600 rub.6300 rub.
3 room + MOP2400 rub.3100 rub.4800 rub.6700 rub.
4 room + MOP2600 rub.3300 rub.5000 rub.7000 rub.
MOP (kitchen, etc.)1600 rub.*2300 rub.*RUB 3,400*

How to understand that cockroaches have appeared in the house? Where are they hiding?

The earlier cockroaches are detected, the easier it is to exterminate them. You can get rid of isolated insects that accidentally wandered into your apartment mechanically - slam them with a slipper, newspaper or any other means at hand. But the approach will not work if the pests have managed to multiply, and a whole colony already lives in the house.

A secretive lifestyle, arranging nests in hard-to-reach places and searching for food mainly at night are behavioral features of cockroaches that help them survive. They make it difficult to identify the appearance of insects in the early stages, when it is easiest to fight them.

Making sure that your apartment is being attacked by Prussians is quite simple. Leave jam, bread or other food on the kitchen table. Cockroaches will happily taste the treats when you go to bed. At night, turn on the lights in the kitchen sharply. If there are cockroaches in the apartment, they will scatter to the sides.

You can find a nest of cockroaches in the following places:

  • dark kitchen cabinets and food shelves;
  • behind the refrigerator, microwave and stove;
  • under the sink;
  • near the ballot box;
  • along the baseboard;
  • at the joints of furniture;
  • behind the wall hangings and paintings;
  • in dark and hard-to-reach corners of the bathroom and toilets.

Another sign of the appearance of synanthropic insects is small black dots on various surfaces. This is cockroach excrement. You can also identify the appearance of pests by empty capsules (ootheca) and the chitinous cover that remains after molting.

Price list for legal entities: treatment of territories and premises from insects

up to 50 m2from 2500 rub.from 2400 rub.
from 50 to 100 m2from 2900 rub.from 2800 rub.
from 100 to 300 m230 rub./m2from 20 rub./m2
from 300 to 500 m225 RUR/m2from 17 RUR/m2
from 500 to 1000 m220 rub./m2from 9 rub./m2
from 1000 to 2500 m215 rub./m2from 5 rub./m2
More than 2500 m210 rub./m2 price negotiable (from 1 rub./m2)

Types of domestic cockroaches

There are a lot of species of cockroaches, more than four thousand, but mainly only two bother us. Red and black cockroaches.

  1. The red cockroach is the most common in our apartments and houses. It is small in size, from a centimeter to one and a half, and has a bright red color. It has long antennae on its head and its paws are covered with hairs. These are, in a way, the sensory organs of a cockroach. With their help, he unerringly finds food and moisture.
  2. The black cockroach is a more impressive relative of the red one. Can reach up to 5 centimeters in length. Previously, it was found in almost every home, and served, among other things, as a symbol of wealth and well-being. These insects were protected in every possible way, fed, and even taken with them when moving to a new home. Nowadays it is not common, preferring to live in garbage chutes, sewers, and basements. Mainly residents of the first floors of high-rise buildings and catering establishments suffer from the appearance of black cockroaches. By the way, between these species there is constantly an irreconcilable war for habitats, and the black one, despite its denser protective shell, loses to its red-haired brother.
  3. Both of these species are characterized by excellent adaptability and absolute indiscriminateness in food and habitat. Cockroaches absolutely don’t care where they live, as long as there is food, water and warmth. That is why human dwellings are an ideal habitat for them.

For cottages: cost of treatment against cockroaches, bedbugs and other all-season

An objectStandardPremium
up to 100 m2from 4400 rub.from 4400 rub.
from 100 to 200 m235 RUR/m235 RUR/m2
from 200 to 300 m230 rub./m230 rub./m2
from 300 to 500 m225 RUR/m225 RUR/m2
from 500 to 1000 m220 rub./m220 rub./m2
from 1000 to 2000 m218 RUR/m218 RUR/m2
from 2000 to 3000 m216 RUR/m216 RUR/m2

Reasons for the appearance and methods of penetration of cockroaches into the apartment

The fight against synanthropic insects always begins with identifying the source and reasons for their appearance. Otherwise, it is impossible to develop effective preventive measures and block the path of pests into the apartment.

Sanitary and hygienic conditions in the premises do not directly affect the likelihood of cockroaches. Dirty dishes in the sink, dust, accumulation of trash, high humidity and improper food storage only increase the risk of insects and create favorable conditions for reproduction.

Maintaining cleanliness will not protect against the Prussians in the apartment. Individuals enter residential premises from the entrance, basement or from neighbors through:

  • ventilation system;
  • sewer and water pipes;
  • door and window openings;
  • cracks in walls, floors, ceilings.

Cockroaches are encouraged to spread by insufficient area and high reproduction rate. When the number of insects reaches a certain value, the previous volume of food and territory becomes insufficient. They are forced to look for new sources of food and nesting sites.

Cockroach eggs and larvae can be accidentally brought home along with food, furniture, work clothes or a bag. For example, if one of the family members goes on business trips and lives in hostels or hostels. The owners of these properties usually do not pay enough attention to cleanliness.

Poisoning cockroaches around the clock

LLC "Desuslug Center" will help you quickly and permanently get rid of cockroaches in a house, apartment or on the territory of an enterprise. Why should you contact us? There are many arguments:

  • 24/7. We are always working. Our cockroach poisoning experts accept calls to your home (or business) at any time.
  • FAST. The cockroach removal service responds to calls urgently. This is important for catering organizations and hotels: after all, even a random cockroach noticed by customers or the SES can bring a lot of trouble to the establishment.
  • PROFITABLE. The cost of our services is a combination of the effectiveness and reliability of cockroach control with an adequate price. The quality of the service and the guarantee of results will far exceed your costs.
  • SAFELY. Disinfection of premises from cockroaches from Center for Dezuslugs LLC is not only reliable, but also absolutely safe. We kill cockroaches with imported certified drugs and use traps with poisons that only harm insects. There is no need to fear for the health of people and pets.
  • INFORMATIVE. We provide complete information about the causes of infection and methods of prevention. In addition, we always instruct residents or facility staff on precautions during disinfection, proper preparation for treatment and actions after it.
  • CAREFULLY. Poisoning of cockroaches in an apartment or premises of your enterprise is carried out as carefully as possible in relation to furniture, wall decoration, equipment, etc.
  • WITH A REAL WARRANTY. We enter into an agreement to disinfect premises from cockroaches. It contains a guarantee for the result of the work. If cockroaches appear again, we repeat the treatment free of charge. And these are not just statements - we really keep our promises.

To order treatment of an apartment from cockroaches or disinfestation of the premises of your enterprise at the DEUSERVICE Center.

Preparing the premises for the destruction of cockroaches

Before professional extermination of cockroaches, it is necessary to prepare the structure to ensure safety, as well as the full effect of the insecticide on insects. There are several requirements that are important to fulfill before processing.

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Preparing the room:

· Pack food, medicine, hygiene items, clothing, jewelry, books and other things in sealed bags.

· Carry out wet cleaning, wipe cabinets, floors, remove dust, look through boxes, for example, where disks and household appliances are stored, wipe down.

· Remove children's toys and things.

· Move furniture away from the walls.

· Cover household appliances.

After disinfestation you need:

· Wash dishes, wash clothes.

· Wet cleaning is carried out preferably after 2 weeks to ensure high-quality action of the insecticide.

The destruction of cockroaches should be carried out by SES employees, who will help in cleaning and disinfecting the building if pests are present. Experts will provide consultations on how to protect your home from insects and rodents and prevent them from nesting on the property.

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