Dichlorvos: composition, properties, instructions for use
For many centuries, cockroaches have coexisted with people, constantly trying to penetrate their homes.
Wyandotte chicken breed
Wyandotte chicken breed: maintenance and breeding prospects
The Wyandotte chicken breed appeared back in the 19th century, in the United States of America.
The use of wormwood in the fight against fleas
Wormwood for fleas in the apartment: effect and rules of use
Plants » Herbs 0 1043 Article rating Kira Stoletova Among all domestic parasites, fleas
Mayflies are insects that never eat and live for one day.
Description The characteristic features of mayflies are three (less often two) thin long tail filaments at the end
Ticks: description, types, what they look like, features and lifestyle
The onset of spring brings not only great weather, outdoor picnics and walks,
Transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly
Identifier of butterflies and caterpillars - recognizing harmful and beneficial insects
Get ready for a journey into the colorful world of insects! You will see unusual butterflies and caterpillars common
May beetle: what it eats, reproduction, photo, description, how to fight
Everyone has seen the cockchafer or the cockchafer, or at least heard of it, that’s for sure.
This is how woodlice blooms
How to get rid of woodlice - effective ways to control weeds
Woodlice is a rare inhabitant of natural grass habitats. Fragile structure and weak root system
How to remove rats from a chicken coop without risk to the birds: traditional methods, ultrasound, poisons
How to get rid of mice and rats in a chicken coop, how and what to catch?
Most summer residents and villagers keep chickens to feed their household not only tasty, but also
What is the best way to treat cabbage against midges using folk remedies?
Cabbage is affected by many pests, among them there are small ones, which are popularly called midges. On
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