What is the name for treating a room to kill rats?

Even one rodent found in the house causes great concern.
This is due to the fact that rats and mice are carriers of various human diseases. In addition, they damage furniture, wires, baseboards, doors and other property. Deratization is a set of measures that are aimed at destroying rodents, as well as repelling them and preventing them from appearing in the house. After reading this article, you will learn what deratization is - what it is, what methods and means to get rid of rodents - rats and mice.

What is pest control

Desinexation (extermination of insects) .
Disinsection is understood as one of the types of disinfection, which is the destruction of insects capable of carrying various infections using special chemicals, by exposure to hot water with steam or using biological agents. Disinsection also refers to the procedure for exterminating any insects whose proximity to humans is considered undesirable: flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants, bed bugs, etc.

In simple terms, disinfestation is a set of measures aimed at getting rid of harmful or infected insects.

Types of pest control

  1. Complete extermination - the use of special means that are lethal to the insects against which disinfestation is aimed.
  2. Preventive disinfestation is the use of products that create unfavorable conditions for the development and spread of harmful insects in the disinfested area - cockroaches, bedbugs, lice, etc. Prevention consists of keeping the house clean, using protective nets on windows and doors, and preventing harmful insects from entering the room.

Also, in addition to the main types, several different disinfestation methods can be identified.

Disinsection methods

  1. Mechanical – disinfestation by constantly maintaining the cleanliness of the premises, regular cleaning and washing.
  2. Physical - this method involves exposure to high temperatures - hot steam, ultraviolet light and direct fire.
  3. Biological - disinfestation by using other animals, such as birds, to combat parasites.
  4. Chemical – disinfestation of premises using special chemicals aimed at destroying or creating unfavorable conditions for harmful insects. Usually these are various chlorine-based solutions.

Safe folk remedies

When working with poison, you should be careful.
When it is not possible to use professional deratization compounds, then folk methods come to the rescue:

  • Bait with gypsum. This is perhaps the most famous trick for killing rats. The essence is to prepare a mixture of flour, granulated sugar, gypsum and vegetable oil. There are many options for proportions. This remedy works due to the fact that the rodent, after eating the sweet mass, dies soon because the plaster in its stomach hardens. The disadvantage of this remedy is that many consider this method of poisoning pests to be inhumane, because... the animal experiences great suffering as it dies. Therefore, for some, this is a last resort.
  • Homemade glue traps. A kind of country method. The operating principle of such traps will be similar to those sold in stores. Making them is quite simple. On thick cardboard, plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, etc. Moment glue or some kind of super glue is applied. Bait is placed in the middle of this trap. The rodent will stick, will not be able to escape and will die.
  • Scents that repel pests. This option is used in the form of herbs, essential oils (tansy, wormwood, elderberry, coriander, peppermint, wild rosemary). Mice also do not like the smell of ammonia mixed with vinegar. It is necessary to spread these herbs or liberally apply liquids in pest habitats.
  • Other traps. A large number of devices can be made from scrap materials. You can use a bucket that is not completely filled with water. The structure is covered with a cardboard lid with a hole, and bait is placed in the center. The mouse, trying to get to the food, will fall into a bucket of water. Another popular method is using a bottle placed at an angle (neck up). The walls of the structure are lubricated from the inside with any oil. Bait is placed in the bottle. The mouse will slide inside and will no longer be able to get back out along the slippery walls.

What is deratization

Deratization (extermination of rats) is a set of measures to exterminate various types of rodents (mice, rats, voles, etc.). The deratization procedure is quite dangerous and must be carried out by a specially trained person, subject to a set of safety measures. If handled improperly, you can not only get rid of rats, but also cause irreparable harm to human health and pets.

Main types of deratization:

  1. Preventive deratization is a set of measures that are aimed at eliminating favorable conditions for the appearance of various types of rodents. This type of deratization includes, for example, blocking access of rodents to places suitable for making burrows or blocking access to food.
  2. Exterminatory deratization is measures that are taken when rodents have already appeared in a room and aimed at their complete destruction and taking measures for this.

Deratization can be carried out in different ways; usually one of the three methods of deratization listed below is used.

Main methods of deratization:

  1. The mechanical method is a method based on the use of various mousetraps, rat traps, traps and other traps.
  2. The chemical method is a method that uses various types of baits poisoned with poisons, or so-called raticides.
  3. Biological method is a method in which domestic animals that hunt them are used to kill rodents. This method is prohibited in enterprises.
  4. Gas method - this method is mainly used in field conditions and in small confined spaces - ships, cars, airplanes, etc.

Safe chemistry

You can also poison using non-physical methods.
Today on the market there are a huge variety of different safe chemicals and other means aimed at fighting rodents. It is important to understand that, like any chemical composition, these drugs can cause allergies in people. This happens in cases of individual intolerance.

Important. To avoid health problems, you must follow safety precautions. And if you have a tendency to allergies, asthma, etc., then you should not engage in pest control yourself.

Safe chemicals and other products are produced by Gryzunoff, Valbrenta Chemicals, MKDS Innovation and others. Their prices may differ in different retail chains. These products are safe for humans if all precautions are taken according to the instructions, and have certificates. This will mean that the manufacturer guarantees their effectiveness.

Two types of deratization

  • Preventative
  • Fighter


Preventive deratization must be carried out constantly in order to prevent rodent infestations. An excellent means of defense is to block theoretically permissible places for their intrusion into the premises.


Exterminatory deratization is carried out if rats have already settled in the facility. It includes a whole series of actions that help drive out the treated area or exterminate the entire population.

Features of deratization

Professional pest control, which is carried out exclusively by professional companies, is carried out in strict sequence and always in compliance with certain requirements. The sequence of such processing is as follows:

  1. First of all, specialists will visit the site and assess the situation, during which the approximate number of rats and the places where they are most concentrated will be revealed.
  2. After clarifying all the features, professionals will develop their own tactics for exterminating rodents in each individual case. The most suitable method for exterminating parasites is selected depending on what category the room belongs to.
  3. The next stage is the direct destruction of rats. The duration of room treatment can range from thirty minutes to several hours.
  4. After processing, specialists will necessarily check the quality of the work performed and, in case of ineffectiveness, will carry out repeated processing.

As practice shows, the effectiveness of professional treatment of premises is very high and basically always leads to the desired results, and repeated deratization is carried out only for preventive purposes.

The efficiency of professional room treatment is very high

The only thing to consider in such cases is that treating the room yourself may not bring the desired results. Rats are quite unique creatures and when treating a room with the same means, they get used to them and the effectiveness is significantly reduced. That is why the fight against rodents at a professional level gives tangible results and ultimately leads to the destruction of the rodent population.

When choosing a company for pest control, you should make sure that they have a license to carry out this type of treatment. This will first of all guarantee that the rodent control procedure will be carried out in compliance with all rules and regulations.

The cost of treating an apartment for rats

100 m²from 33 rub. m²
100 m² – 300 m²from 27 rub. m²
300 m² – 500 m²from 23 rub. m²
500 m² – 1000 m²from 20 rub. m²
1000 m² – 2000 m²from 15 rub. m²
For the cost of processing an area of ​​2000 m² or more, please contact the operator +7 (495) 151-22-28
100 m²from 33 rub. m²
100 m² – 300 m²from 27 rub. m²
300 m² – 500 m²from 23 rub. m²
500 m² – 1000 m²from 20 rub. m²
1000 m² – 2000 m²from 15 rub. m²
from 2000 m², check with the operator

Arrival time of the specialist for an urgent visit to your site

01/27/2022 from 16:56* to 19:26*

Night departure possible!

* The arrival time of the master is calculated approximately. For clarification, contact the manager by phone or request a call back

Rats easily adapt to traps and poisons, and reproduce very quickly, restoring their population. Their permanent habitat in the urban environment: sewer systems, household waste dumps, subways, underground communications, attics, basements and entrances that do not meet sanitary requirements. The only way to control the number of rats is to carry out regular pest control by the city SES services.

Only professionals in the pest control service will be able to rid your premises of annoying creatures for a long time, since they have extensive experience and undoubted knowledge of their business, which allows them to use modern equipment, the latest techniques and strong chemicals without harm to people, animals and plants. And the sooner you turn to the services of such specialists, the easier it will be for them to solve your problem.

Why is deratization necessary?

The fight against rodents has been going on for as long as the fact of centralized human settlement has existed. However, there is no technique that allows you to get rid of this threat once and for all. Deratization is required for houses and apartments, industrial enterprises and retail outlets. The extermination of rodents is carried out at commercial and industrial facilities with a certain frequency, depending on the level of their social significance and potential danger. To prevent the threat from spreading, sanitary service specialists, as prescribed by Rospotrebnadzor, carry out sanitization.

Processing organizations must be properly certified and accredited. It is the employees of such companies who have sufficient experience and qualifications to carry out the necessary activities. In addition, only professional rodent extermination makes it possible to successfully maintain appropriate safety measures. Deratization is carried out not only for extermination purposes. In addition, preventative treatment against rodents should be carried out regularly. It is important to understand that manufacturing facilities typically have ongoing pest control measures in place. Pest-control allows you to effectively monitor the occurrence of new dangerous pests. In this case, the extermination of rodents is usually required much less frequently, because the measures taken effectively inhibit the proliferation of pests and allow them to be repelled.

At facilities included in a category of special epidemiological significance, deratization is carried out strictly according to schedule, at least once a month. This includes important transport hubs: airports, train stations, hospitals and clinics, schools and kindergartens. In addition, customs terminals, transport enterprises and car depots, logistics and warehouse complexes are regularly processed. Public catering establishments also have the status of high-risk facilities. All these and many other objects require that rodent control be carried out using professional means, methods and technologies. Without timely elimination of the source of danger, it will be almost impossible to pass inspections regularly carried out by sanitary services.

Rat Death #1 and #2

These two drugs are similar in their effectiveness and rules of use. The active ingredient of Rat Death No. 1 is brodifacoum, and that of Rat Death No. 2 is bromadiolone. Both of these substances belong to the second generation blood anticoagulants, both are approximately the same in toxicity for rats, but brodifacoum is more dangerous for the environment (this is partly due to the appearance of Rat Death No. 2 - in order to comply with environmental standards, the manufacturer needed to switch to a more environmentally friendly active ingredient, preserving product effectiveness).

The drugs are sold at the same price: approximately 70 rubles per 100 gram package (8 briquettes), or 120 rubles per 200 gram package (16 briquettes).

Perhaps the main disadvantage of the product compared to Storm is that it is produced in the form of soft test briquettes. Such briquettes dry out relatively quickly in residential areas and sometimes become moldy. Therefore, it is better to poison rodents with Rat Death in small apartments and private houses, where there are few pests, and they will relatively quickly find and eat the poison.

“We also use rat death 1. Rats usually die within a week. And everything would be fine, but only after this a terrible stench always appears in our apartment. As I understand it, it’s the dead animals that are starting to decompose... With us, they always die in hard-to-reach places, and always in different ones. And it’s unclear where, either behind the wall, or somewhere under the floor. Either in the bathroom or in the hallway we smell this stench. And fleas appear and flies fly to the smell. But we are forced to endure, since neither cats nor mousetraps help, only poison ... "

Why do you need to do it?

Unsanitary conditions in the city

Unsanitary conditions are one of the main threats to a civilized society. Regulation of the rodent population is absolutely necessary both on private territory and on objects for various purposes. Failure to take timely measures will lead to the following problems:

  1. Massive increase in numbers. Rodents are not afraid of humans and actively breed in basements and attics of residential buildings. Just one female per season is capable of producing abundant offspring.
  2. Spread of deadly infections. Rodents carry rabies and many other viral diseases and negatively affect the general condition of the environment. In addition, they can carry some types of blood-sucking parasites.
  3. Damage to property. Pests can even undermine the foundation of a building. And they don’t spare supplies and interior items at all, if they contain food items. That is why the fight against rodents: rats, mice, moles, is of great importance for the protection of property interests. Otherwise, you can easily be left without a harvest or supplies for the winter, and spoil an expensive product.
  4. The appearance of a specific odor. The presence of pests in the premises will not go unnoticed precisely because they leave traces of their vital activity. Feces, urine, and animal fur have a very specific aroma that can cause allergic reactions. In addition, fumes in general are quite hazardous to health and do not improve the atmosphere in the house.

Professional rodent control is carried out by service specialists in all necessary cases - both as part of an emergency visit by rodent control agents and during planned activities. In our work, we use exclusively certified chemicals approved for use in the Russian Federation. To catch animals, if the nest is located outside the walls of the building, mechanical traps are used that can capture the pest without additional effort and remove it from the premises in the future. Specialized organic and inorganic preparations—pesticides—are used to kill rodents within the population. This method is used for total clearing of an area and is available only to professionals.

How do you poison rats if there are a lot of them (for example, in stores)?

We destroy them in one or more ways that can be implemented and will be effective on a specific object:

  • We catch with mechanical traps.
  • We catch with glue traps.
  • We catch with electric traps.
  • We bait with poisoned baits.
  • We blow powders into the holes, which cover the walls of the hole and stain the rat running here. When the animal tries to brush its fur and lick itself, it will swallow the poisonous powder, and its death will then be only a matter of time.
  • We blow out the holes with special hardening foams, similar to assembly foams. They harden within a few hours, and when a rat chews on such a plug to clean out its tunnel, it unwittingly eats particles of foam containing poison. From experience, I can say that rats manage to uncork such a foamed hole in about one case out of ten. In other situations, they die before they gnaw their way out and get out of the hole.

All such means work autonomously and automatically, that is, they are placed and laid out in the right places, and rats are then poisoned by them and caught in them when they encounter them in their wanderings around the room or territory.

Let me note, by the way, that stores are far from the worst breeding grounds for rats. Here, in the stores, they are usually quite clean and tidy, and there are not many places for rats to live. But in fact, these pests are swarming in some food industry enterprises with old workshops and warehouses that have not been renovated since Soviet times, and in facilities with open transshipment areas - transhipment bases, warehouses for drying grain, hangars with stored agricultural products. At such facilities I have met thousands of rats, and in some places they are practically not afraid of people and calmly run right under the wheels of the cars unloading here and collect, for example, grain, while the cleaners sweep away this grain literally meters away from them.

At such facilities, even the most intensive measures make it possible to kill rats not all at once, but gradually. Moreover, the more rats there are at the time deratization begins, the longer their extermination will take.

Rats in a yard in one of the cities near Moscow

For example, in the same store, where there are at most 10-20 rats, and most of them live not in the store itself, but between it and the basement of the building, it is usually possible to destroy them in 3-4 days, and they themselves and traces of their presence cease to be seen immediately after deratization. And at some grain terminal, where hundreds, or even thousands of rats can live, it sometimes takes 2-3 months to destroy them.

Exterminatory measures

These rodent control measures are also divided into types:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • biological;
  • physical.


They come down to catching rodents using traps or traps. This method is good if measures are taken at the same time to ensure mouse-proof premises.

At large enterprises, special deratization teams should be created, equipped with special equipment: boxes for catching rodents, hanging feeders, poisonous compounds, mixers for the production of bait, etc.

Chemical methods

They include the use of poisonous baits: food and water mixed in certain proportions with rodenticides (poison). To prepare poison, you must use good quality products. It can be fruits, grains, seeds, mixed feed, bread, porridge, minced meat, vegetables, etc.

Of the zoocides (translated from Greek and Latin zoon - animal, caedo - to kill), anticoagulants are most often used: zoocoumarin, ratindan, phosphorus, ratsid, arsenic, arsenic acid salts, fluoride compounds. Among poisons of plant origin, sea onion and strychnine have proven themselves well. To make it more attractive and “eatable”, attractants are added to the bait - substances that attract the attention of rodents.

Recently, they have been trying to create a drug that would cause infertility in synanthropic pests.

Any bait should be located in places inaccessible to pets, children, and bystanders. Approximate calculation: 3 units of one or another poison per 100 sq.m. The constant presence of poisons will not only ensure reliable destruction of mice, but will also prevent their reappearance in the building .

In non-residential premises, warehouses, and fields, norushkas are destroyed with gaseous vapor substances:

  • sulfur gas;
  • hydrogen cyanide;
  • chloride compounds;
  • chloropicrin, etc.

To exterminate mice in the field, the “brush” method is widely used. Cotton wool is wrapped around wooden pegs about 30 cm long. The end of a kind of torch is moistened with a poisonous solution and lowered into the hole, after which the entrance to the nest is dug in.

It is important to follow safety precautions when working with poison.

Biological control measures

They involve attracting natural enemies to destroy mice:

  • ferrets;
  • caresses;
  • dogs;
  • predatory bird.

It is clear that this method is more suitable for professionals, but at home it is better to use the services of an ordinary house cat.

Biological measures include the systematic (spring and autumn) use of deratoculture: Isachenko or Merezhkovsky bacilli. Microorganisms included in the strain of these bacterial cultures cause an infectious process in the body of rodents. Even if only one individual becomes infected, over time it will spread the infection throughout the entire family. When used correctly, this method eliminates the possibility of pests developing stable immunity. It is important that all activities are carried out under the guidance of specialists.

Physical properties

Recently, ultrasonic repellers have gained great popularity. But this measure is not so much exterminating as preventive.

To achieve a positive effect, the device must be constantly plugged in for at least two weeks, and it is important that the sound frequency changes periodically.

Otherwise, the mice will get used to the noise curtain and will stop paying attention to it.


According to reviews, mechanical traps are the most effective and harmless to people ways of getting rid of rodents when carrying out self-deratization. Today, new designs of traps with increased efficiency are being created. Such traps are installed near the exits of burrows and on trails. There are 3 types of such traps:

1. Traps - refer to disposable traps (mousetraps and others). The rodent removes a piece of food and at the same time the spring mechanism is triggered, killing the animal instantly. Mousetraps can be used in and around your home.

2. Glue traps - such pest control products are produced with an adhesive substance inside. The principle of its operation is that rodents get stuck and cannot get out. You can make such a trap with your own hands. The main disadvantage is that adult rats can get out of it, but small rats and mice stick well.

3. Shutter mechanisms are the most humane traps. The mouse climbs inside for a treat and the door immediately closes automatically. Accordingly, the rodent cannot crawl back out. The disadvantage of this type of trap is that the mouse or rat remains alive and must be killed independently.

REFERENCE! Although you can put a treat with the addition of fast-acting poison inside such a trap. Then you will save yourself from unnecessary hassle.


This type of rodent control is more preventative. For example, if a warehouse, private house, or barn are possible habitats for rats or mice, installing a repellent device would not be a bad idea. Or you can use strong-smelling substances.

The most common are devices that emit ultrasonic waves. The human ear cannot hear these sounds, but it instills horror and panic in small rodents. Therefore, they prefer not to stay in such places and avoid them.

The disadvantage of this method is the effect on people and pets. Even if you follow all the rules for deratization in the house, because of this ultrasound, its inhabitants may experience headaches, depression, dizziness, and loss of strength. Animals in this case will behave restlessly.

Odorous substances are used to treat baseboards, ceilings, and cracks. Chemicals can be poured into existing holes or next to them. This method often does not work, as rodents can get used to the smell.

REFERENCE! There is also a well-known method of catching rodents with dogs or cats. Pets quickly deal with mice and rats in an apartment or house.

What is the maximum number of rats you killed in one room?

Hard to tell. It’s not possible to count them everywhere, because at many sites the lion’s share of rats die where they can neither be seen nor collected, and therefore cannot be counted.

However, at the most heavily infested sites I have worked at, there were over 10,000 rats. We took this number into account using standard methods for counting the number of mammals using powder traps and by the number of rodents caught per unit area with a certain number of baits. I specifically studied these methods, talked with the guys from the Faculty of Biology, who similarly take into account the number of rodents in natural habitats, and out of curiosity I made such calculations for the enterprises where I worked. All records are held by grain transshipment points and flour mills - one of them, according to my calculations, was home to 12,000-12,500 rats.

If we talk specifically about the verified number of rats I destroyed, the record is 2200 rats at one of the bakeries. To be fair, I note that these 2,200 rodents were caught and killed over 4 months, that is, it is possible that by the end of the fourth month those rodents that were born after the start of work were already destroyed. I believe that the same number - 2000-2500 individuals - died from poisoned baits, but we simply did not find them and did not take them into account. They die mainly in burrows and in their nests.

For me, cases with some unique rat population density are more interesting. For example, 10,000 rats in an enterprise with a total area of ​​200 hectares is a lot, but not supernatural. But when we caught 260 rats in the basement of an apartment building, it was strange. Once, in a private house in Serpukhov, we caught 74 rats in the basement, despite the fact that there were no colonies, no abundance of holes in the area, and the area itself was large, the neighbors’ houses were far away and the rats, it seemed, no neighbors came here. If in the same high-rise with 260 rats it can be assumed that they climbed into the basement through the sewerage and heating ducts from the thermal power plant, and we actually caught not only rats living in the basement, but also rats living in the sewerage itself and even at the thermal power plant, then in this private house the situation was generally incomprehensible. From a purely ethological point of view, seventy rats cannot live normally in the basement of even a large house - they will constantly conflict, and due to stress their reproductive ability will be impaired. But the fact is a fact - we caught 74 rats in this basement.

Bags of rats that we carried out of one of the basements

By the way, I also had the opposite case - I was once called to poison rats in a supermarket in the center of Moscow. The store is in perfect repair, completely clean, and the sellers see rats every day, and also come across traces of their vital activity - spoiled food, droppings. I set traps, I set glue, I set dust traps. For a week - silence, not a single rat was caught, but there are traces on the powders, it is clear that rodents live here. I increased the number of glue traps and installed two electric traps - they are expensive and we use them only when we cannot catch rats in other ways. Another week - not a single rat. Glue traps were already placed under all the shelves, and a week later a rat stuck to one of them. That's all. After this, we did not find a single new trace on the dust traps, and the employees themselves did not report that they saw rats. That is, it turns out that the store here was run by one rat, which masterfully bypassed all the traps and was caught, apparently, purely by accident - perhaps it simply fell from the shelf into the center of the glue trap. But the result was finally obtained, there were no rats in the store.

Rat extermination service

SES "Des Group" has existed for more than 6 years and is a member of the National Organization of Disinfectionists (NOD RF).

  • Services are provided to you by specialists with experience from 5 to 30 years of work in their specializations.
  • Dez Group prices are lower than the market average due to the purchase of drugs in large wholesale from manufacturers on exclusive terms.
  • For deratization, only modern, high-quality preparations are used, which have proven themselves in practice in previous years of work.
  • If you follow the recommendations of SES specialists for the preparation and operation of premises and territories after treatment, the products used are safe for the environment, people and animals.

The Dez Group rat extermination service not only helps to quickly and effectively get rid of rodents and other pests, but also carries out preventive treatments, provides consulting services, gives recommendations on maintaining sanitary documentation for organizations and enterprises, and issues all the necessary acts for official reporting and office work.

Rules of use, precautions

When living in a city apartment building, an effective method for exterminating rats is to simultaneously treat all apartments by specialists. It's reliable, convenient, safe.

If the need arises for an independent war against dangerous pests, then certain measures must be taken:

  1. Ensure that there are no people or animals in the room to be treated. When using liquid forms of drugs, you cannot enter the room for several days. After which it must be well ventilated.
  2. Use gloves and protective suit. The smell of a person, easily detected by a rodent, can scare it away. He won't eat the bait.
  3. Follow the dosage requirements specified in the instructions. Do not use drugs that have expired and are stored in unsealed packaging.
  4. Place all food items in safe places.
  5. Place poisons on a plastic plate, film, newspaper, along the path of maximum movement of animals, in places where food is located.
  6. Destroy corpses in a timely manner , keeping pets away from them.
  7. The number of bait sites used is determined by the size of the rat population that appears. If there is excess bait, it is burned and buried to a depth of at least 60 cm.
  8. If poison enters the human body , immediately call an ambulance.

Precautionary measures when working with deratization agents.

All products used to control rodents are highly poisonous, so they must be handled with great care.

When making baits, you must work in a respirator (gauze folded in 3-4 layers, or a factory respirator), wearing safety glasses and gloves. Dosage medications as indicated on the package labels.

Poisoned rodents must be removed with a shovel or tongs. The collected rodent corpses are to be burned.

If you suspect poisoning of people, you should immediately consult a doctor.

After working with poisons, all objects that were worked on and dosed and mixed with are thoroughly cleaned and washed with hot water several times.

Does it ever happen that you cannot get rats out of a facility at all?

I can say for sure that there are objects where I cannot be sure that I have completely exterminated the rats. For example, some factory with several production workshops, a fire-fighting reservoir, administrative buildings, and a huge territory was home to several hundred rats before me. I've been working here for several months, and we stop seeing rats here, we don't find any traces of them, powder traps don't record their movements. We conclude that there are no rats left here. But I cannot say unequivocally that they are not here at all - perhaps somewhere on the territory, in the grass, somewhere in the utilities on the border of the plant, some isolated specimens survive, appear from time to time, and from here they can penetrate into buildings that have already been cleared of them.

But it doesn’t happen that I use one or another means and the rats don’t disappear. Everywhere I work, rats disappear, or if it is a very large object, there are immediately many fewer of them, and then within a few more weeks they disappear and people no longer see them.

In private houses, in apartment buildings, in small shops, rats are hatched everywhere. I can’t even imagine a situation where it would be impossible to cope with them. The means and methods we use today can be derived from anywhere and always. And I personally have never had a situation where it was impossible to remove them at all. This is partly why I like my job - I always see the desired result, although I don’t always get it in the way I originally planned to get it.

Review of effective remedies

You can get rid of pests using chemicals. Some act instantly, while others have a delayed effect. Some manufacturers point to the mummifying effect and the absence of an unpleasant odor from the decomposition of the body.

Top most effective rat repellents – tablets and poisons

Interesting to know! Information about mummification stated by manufacturers is not entirely true. In fact, anticoagulants cause suffocation in rodents, which causes them to run out into the fresh air, where they die.

Rat death

This dough-like poison for rats and mice, colored in colors uncharacteristic for food products. Packaged in small briquettes. Effective for killing rodents in private homes. The drug has a delayed mechanism of action. The rodents die 3-4 days after eating the bait. The product contains antimicrobial and antimicrobial ingredients, so it has a long shelf life.


Briquettes for killing rats and mice Help are suitable for use in a private home, sheds, warehouses, basements or barns. The drug kills slowly. This requires several techniques.


Granular bait for rats and mice is recommended for use in residential, agricultural and industrial premises. Portion sachets provide convenient, simple and safe use. One dose is enough, after which the rodents die within 4-7 days.

Tomcat All Weather Bait Chunx

Blocks of this bait, packaged in buckets, have holes for stringing onto metal rods in stations. Used for effective extermination of rats and mice in everyday life. The action is fast.

Attention! Using poison stations for mice and rats in your home will keep your pets safe.

JT Eaton 709-PN

These green bait blocks with a peanut butter scent are effective in killing mice and rats. Convenient to use. Recommended for use in warehouses, retail facilities or other industrial enterprises, but also suitable for a home or apartment.

And if a rat got into the apartment, can you probably catch it?

Yes, catching rats in apartments and houses is technically the simplest task. But in fact, you almost never have to do this, and here’s why:

  • In our company we have a rule not to accept a call from a client who is in a state of panic and may not be in control of his actions. This is especially true with rats: a panicked housewife can call our operator, call an exterminator, and immediately run to a neighbor and ask him to kill the rat with a shovel. And when I arrive, the rat has already been safely eliminated. It’s good if, while I’m on the road, they call me and say that leaving is no longer necessary. And it happened that I was driving from Moscow to Odintsovo and got turned away from the gate...
  • Killing a rat in a small room does not require any special skills that would require the help of a specialist. Yes, you need reaction and speed, but any man and almost any woman can cope with this task.
  • Very often, the rat safely leaves the apartment before the disinfectant arrives, along the same path that it came. And by the time I arrive, there is no one left to catch.

Simply put, disinfectants specialize in cases where rats constantly live in some room or area, and their life here needs to be stopped. Random isolated encounters with rats usually do not require calling a specialist.

It is important to remember that a rat driven into a corner can rush at a person and can even bite

For example, I had a case when the landlady of the apartment began to go hysterical upon my arrival. I believe that the rat climbed into her kitchen through the window on the balcony, and then got scared of the hostess herself and began to scurry around the apartment. The hostess locked her in the bedroom and began calling all the services whose phone numbers she found on the Internet. As a result, when I arrived, two disinfectants from other services were already on site, and by that time the rat had already been killed and taken to the trash can. The owner of the apartment was still hysterical and did not perceive any speech or questions. An hour later, she more or less calmed down and paid the disinfectant who killed the rat the full cost of the work, and me and another master - only the departure fee. For me, as a specialist, this is completely unprofitable and irrational.


Try this: mix alabaster and flour in a ratio of 1 to 1, spread it on a newspaper, and place a jar of water next to it. It is advisable to place it in several places at once. Result 100%.


  • https://OchProsto.com/dezinfekciya-dezinsekciya-deratizaciya-chto-eto/
  • https://moscow.dez-centre.ru/uslugi/unichtozhenie-krys-v-moskve/
  • https://petse.ru/gryizun/myish_krys/unichtozhenie-krys.html
  • https://master-dez.ru/deratizatsiya/gryzuny/
  • https://www.ya-fermer.ru/dezinfekciya-dezinsekciya-i-deratizaciya-borba-s-gryzunami
  • https://yarus-spb.ru/gryzuny/mysh/unichtozhenie.html
  • https://kakchistim.ru/vrediteli/gryzuny/deratizaciya-kakimi-sposobami-i-sredstvami-izbavitsya-ot-gryzunov.html
  • https://Dezoff.ru/gryzuny/unichtozhenie-krys/
  • https://GdeKlop.ru/krysy/chem-travit-v-domashnih-usloviyah/
  • https://domovod.guru/borba-s-vreditelyami/gryzuny/kak-izbavitsya-ot-krys-narodnymi-sredstvami.html


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