Wormwood for fleas in the apartment: effect and rules of use

Plants » Herbs



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Kira Stoletova

Among all domestic parasites, fleas cause great harm to humans. Their bites are painful for both pets and owners. For many years, wormwood for fleas has been one of the most effective remedies in the fight against parasites.

The use of wormwood in the fight against fleas

Pros and cons of the plant

Unlike specialized chemicals, the traditional method of flea control is safe. Natural products prepared on the basis of wormwood help to treat a room without risk to the health of humans and their pets, so the compositions can be used to disinfect the hair of dogs and cats.

Useful properties of wormwood.

A natural repellent is used both to remove insects from the home and to prevent their appearance and spread. The advantages of this method include its accessibility and ease of use.

Compared to modern insecticidal preparations, homemade products are less effective. The plant and compositions based on it provide a temporary effect, since wormwood ether tends to evaporate quickly.

This method helps to expel only adult individuals, but does not allow to get rid of their larvae and eggs. In order to completely cleanse the living space of the parasites that have appeared in it, it is necessary to subject the room to treatment several times.

The disadvantages of this method include the fact that with regular use, fleas become less sensitive to the plant repellent.

Additional recommendations for poisoning fleas with wormwood

When using the product to poison parasitic organisms, it is worth considering a number of points:

  • the product retains its effect only until its natural smell “goes away”. If you don’t change the tuft or process the animal’s fur again, the insects will return to their old ways;
  • some pets may be allergic to the plant, so you should use the plant with caution, especially during initial processing;
  • The herb exhibits the greatest effect in combination with other means of repelling harmful insects: gasoline, kerosene, vinegar solution, etc.;
  • to improve the aromatic qualities of the product, you can combine it with cedar, fir, mint, eucalyptus;
  • if they treat an apartment with dried wormwood, be sure to open all the windows and doors - this way the insects will have somewhere to run. Otherwise, the organisms will find refuge in cracks and corners and wait there until the smell subsides ;
  • a cat or dog can be treated not only with a decoction, but also with oil - just apply a few drops of the product to the withers;
  • if the owners of a house or apartment are preparing to exterminate living creatures, in order to ensure their own safety, it is necessary to apply a couple of drops of oil and rub it in the area of ​​the ankles and feet;

It is not advisable to use wormwood as the only remedy against fleas - you must immediately use a chemical agent and only then begin treating the apartment and animals with plant-based components.

Forms of use and method of preparation

To repel fleas, the grass, popularly called Chernobyl, is used not only in fresh form, but also for preparing aqueous, alcoholic solutions and oil extracts. Making a home remedy is quite simple.

Wormwood decoction

It is easy to prepare and the process takes no more than 15 minutes.

The cooking recipe is as follows:

Killing fleas using wormwood infusion.

  1. You need to finely chop the fresh leaves and lightly crush them.
  2. Place 50 g of the resulting raw material in a saucepan and pour 2 liters of boiling water.
  3. Place the container on low heat and boil for 3 minutes.
  4. Remove the broth from heat and let it brew for 30-40 minutes.
  5. Pass the liquid through thick cloth or gauze.

The composition is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed in places where pests are expected to live. This decoction can be added to water intended for washing floors. To obtain a positive result, it is recommended to use the decoction immediately after preparation.

Herbal tincture

An effective way to combat carriers of many dangerous infections is an alcohol tincture of wormwood. The product is used to remove parasites from animals and prevent their re-infection.

To prepare a plant extract, you need to grind the dried flowers and leaves using a coffee grinder to a powdery state.

After which the material is poured into a glass vessel with a sealed lid and filled with vodka or alcohol, the concentration of which should not exceed 50% by volume.

Prepare the tincture, keeping the proportion 1:6. The container is placed in a place where the temperature is maintained at +18…+20°C. Leave for 7 days. While the plant material is being extracted, it should be shaken (at least once every 2 days). The finished product must be filtered and applied to the pet’s fur along the spine from the back of the head to the tail.

Wormwood oil

One of the most popular remedies against ectoparasites is a recipe for wormwood oil. To prepare the macerate, it is advisable to use not dry, but slightly withered top shoots and leaves.

For these purposes, you will need a glass container with a wide neck and a tight-fitting lid (for example, a 0.5 liter glass jar).

The vessel is filled almost to the top with pre-prepared raw materials and poured with olive oil so that the herbal mass is completely covered. If you don’t have olive oil on hand, it is recommended to use another vegetable oil as a base.

Wormwood oil is used to kill fleas.

Place the container with the contents in a dark, cool place and leave for 14 days. At the same time, we must not forget that the vessel must be shaken. This procedure must be performed at least once every 2 days.

After the allotted time, the oily substance must be separated from the plant component using several layers of gauze. It is recommended to store the product in the refrigerator.

To repel arthropod insects, just drop a few drops of macerate onto a cloth or paper napkin and spread them around the rooms.

Animal treatment

Wormwood against fleas in an apartment will not bring any results if pets live in it.

Cats and their offspring are most susceptible to invasion. It is easy to determine that cats or kittens have fleas by the following signs:

  • constant scabies;
  • restless sleep and shuddering during sleep;
  • loss of appetite;
  • upon careful examination, excrement of parasites, nits and larvae are observed on the animal’s body;
  • the appearance of wounds in the form of ulcers on the body.

A tincture or decoction will help kittens and cats get rid of fleas using wormwood. Additionally, when preparing the decoction, you can add a couple of drops of eucalyptus and 2-3 pinches of tansy. Animals are treated during house cleaning.

The medicinal product is rubbed into the skin of the animal. After treatment, the animal begins to itch severely. After 1-2 hours the parasites will leave the body. You can use the same treatment for dogs. Especially if used in combination with laundry soap. Washing the animal is combined with rubbing the decoction or oil into the skin.

How to properly harvest wormwood as an insecticide

There are a large number of plant species in nature, but only wormwood can have a repellent effect. In order not to confuse it with another type of this herb, you need to know what it looks like.

Method for preparing wormwood infusion.

For the production of insecticidal agents, mainly the leaves and flowering tops of the plant are used, since they contain the largest amount of essential oils.

Raw materials must be dry, clean, without signs of mold or rot.

The quality of raw materials is influenced not only by the time of collection, but also by the method of drying and storage.

To harvest grass, you need to choose dry sunny days during its flowering, i.e. from mid-June to the end of July. Wormwood should be cut with a knife or sickle.

It is better to give preference to bushes located in places exposed to the sun, since they contain more active substances than when growing in the shade.

To ensure that plant materials do not lose their repellent properties, it is recommended to dry them immediately after collection.

Before starting the process, you need to sort through the collected grass, remove debris and damaged parts. It is recommended to dry wormwood in well-ventilated areas or outdoors under a canopy. If this is not possible, you can use an oven or dryer.

Storage rules

Wormwood should be stored in a hermetically sealed container in a dry, cool and well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight. Subject to these storage conditions, the raw materials fully retain their properties and are suitable for use for 2 years.


There are different varieties of this plant, all of which are capable of repelling insects, but it is recommended to use bitter wormwood, since it has the most persistent aroma and contains a significant amount of a variety of essential oils.

When assessing efficiency separately, it is necessary to highlight some factors influencing it:

  1. Wormwood is much better at repelling insects when combined with other herbs, such as tansy, mint or eucalyptus.
  2. Any product based on this herb will be much more effective in preventing the appearance of fleas than in repelling them if they have already appeared.
  3. Using wormwood against fleas, you can simultaneously get rid of cockroaches, ants and other types of insects that settle near a person in the same way.

User reviews

Tatyana, 52 years old, Zelenodolsk: “I learned about the repellent properties of wormwood as a child from my grandmother, since she constantly used dried grass not only against fleas, but also against rodents. After I got myself a furry friend, I had to deal with unpleasant insects more than once. A tincture based on wormwood has always helped cure a pet.”

Stanislav, 49 years old, Cherepovets: “I have been the owner of 2 beautiful Pomeranian Spitz dogs for more than 7 years. During this time, I tried a lot of drugs and folk remedies for fleas for dogs. For more than 5 years I have been using wormwood oil extract as a preventive measure. During this period of time, the herbal remedy never failed. Now I often advise my friends to resort to this method of repelling pests.”

Antonina Ivanovna, 64 years old, Aleksandrovsk: “I live on the 1st floor of a multi-storey building, so fleas periodically appear in the apartment. Wormwood is the only folk remedy that saves you from annoying parasites. In the summer, I use the herb fresh, and in the winter I prepare a decoction based on it, which I spray around the house, paying special attention to cracks, baseboards, and doorways. The plant helps to quickly get rid of insects and is a safe and inexpensive remedy.”

Operating principle

The plant does not kill insects; it helps repel fleas due to its smell. The plant contains several different acids (succinic, malic, etc.). This also includes vitamins, essential oils, tanning components, and glycosides, which create an aroma that frightens insects.

For people, this smell does not seem dangerous; it reminds them of the aroma of freshly cut grass. But wormwood repels fleas - they run away.


Be sure to remember that, like any medicinal product, wormwood also has certain limitations in its use.

So, the herb is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • with enterocolitis;
  • anemia;
  • bleeding.

It is not recommended to use wormwood:

  • for gastritis with low acidity;
  • stomach ulcers.

In addition, you should know that wormwood is not intended for long-term use. Excessive addiction to this herb can lead to a disorder of the nervous system and intoxication of the body. Long-term use sometimes results in renal failure, which can lead to extremely tragic consequences.

Doctors and healers recommend consuming wormwood for about 2 weeks. The maximum duration of therapy can be 1 month. But only if the patient’s health condition has not worsened during treatment. After such therapy, a break is required. Its duration is at least 2 weeks. And best of all - more than one month.

What parasites will wormwood get rid of?

The healing herb has the ability not only to get rid of parasite infection, but also significantly affects the state of the immune system, being a strengthening agent for any disease. Most often found in the human body:

  • round parasites - pinworms, tapeworms, roundworms;
  • protozoa - Giardia;
  • infectious fungi;
  • flat tapeworms;
  • staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci.

Penetrating into the body of humans or mammals, female parasites lay eggs and release toxic substances, which affects not only the organ in which the worms have settled, but also the body as a whole. Possessing immunostimulating qualities, wormwood can not only remove uninvited guests from internal systems, but also increase the body's resistance to various diseases.

The most effective recipes

There are many different recipes that allow you to prepare various remedies from this plant, which can then become the main assistants in the process of providing protection against parasites.

The easiest way to make a decoction at home is to reproduce the following sequence of actions:

  1. Prepare dried wormwood, which will become the main ingredient of the decoction, and fill it with water brought to a boil. When mixing these components, it is necessary to maintain the proportion of 400 ml of boiling water for every 20 grams of dry herb.
  2. Leave the resulting mixture for 30-40 minutes, during which time it should cool slightly.
  3. Strain the broth through a sieve to get rid of any remaining herbs and unnecessary grounds.
  4. Allow the broth to cool completely, after which it can be used to treat animals or premises.

It is also not necessary to purchase wormwood-based oil in a store; you can easily prepare it yourself using the following recipe:

  1. To prepare the oil, you will need to collect fresh inflorescences and leaves of the plant.
  2. All plant components are additionally dried in the oven. The main goal is to change their structure and get rid of some of the moisture, so complete drying is not required.
  3. All ingredients are first cut into small pieces with scissors or a knife and placed in a glass jar, after which they are further compacted.
  4. Fill the container with as much olive oil as possible.
  5. The jar is tightly closed with a lid , after which it must be shaken well to mix the contents of the container.
  6. Place the workpiece in a dark and cool place , then let it sit for at least 12 days.
  7. After the specified period has expired, check the mixture : if it turns dark green, it means the process is proceeding correctly.
  8. You can uncork the jar and pass the entire mixture through a sieve to get rid of any remaining leaves, inflorescences and other unnecessary grounds. After this, the oil is ready for use; it can be used not only to repel fleas, but also to treat various diseases.

The last recipe given will help you prepare a wormwood-based tincture. To do this, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Mix the same amount of wormwood leaves and an additional ingredient - pumpkin seeds.
  2. Vodka is added to the mixture , and its volume should be three times the amount of leaves and seeds.
  3. The container with the tincture should be moved to a fairly warm place , preferably if it is exposed to direct sunlight.
  4. The future tincture must be left to stand for at least a week , after which it will be ready for use.

Storage rules

The plant is harvested in the summer, and wormwood is used at any time subject to storage conditions. The herb retains its beneficial properties for two years. It is important to ensure that no moisture gets on it, otherwise mold will appear and the wormwood will lose its repellent properties. The plant should be protected from sunlight.

The prepared decoction of dry wormwood cannot be stored. It fizzles out quickly, so for subsequent treatments a fresh solution is made. The alcohol tincture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 months.

Beneficial features

Before figuring out when to collect wormwood, you need to understand for what purposes this plant is intended and in the fight against what ailments it can help. Therefore, let’s first turn to its composition.

The bitter taste of the herb is dictated by the glycosides it contains - anabsintin, artabsin, absinthine. Wormwood is rich in tannins, saponins, flavonoids, and organic acids. In addition, it contains phytoncides, vitamins, and essential oil. But the main component of the herb is a very toxic substance - thujone. Another active ingredient of the plant is chamazulene. This component has high healing properties.

Wormwood, despite the fact that it contains toxic substances and has a bitter taste, is a medicinal remedy. It is included in the official pharmacopoeia and is in great demand.

This unique herb has the following properties:

  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • stimulating;
  • tonic;
  • immunostimulating.

It is known that the plant perfectly stimulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increases appetite, reduces flatulence, and activates the production of bile. In addition, wormwood has a calming effect and provides tissue regeneration. The herb is taken as part of choleretic and gastric preparations. Its use is recommended for swelling, asthma, pathologies of the gallbladder and liver, and malaria. Wormwood is an excellent anthelmintic agent. In addition, it is often used to treat wounds, bruises and injuries.

And recent studies have shown that wormwood also has antitumor and oncoprotective effects.

Contraindications for use

Treatment with wormwood should be treated with caution. Do not change the dosage when preparing tinctures, or exceed the recommended dose. Abuse of the herb can cause hallucinations, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. A large concentration of herb in the body can lead to poisoning.

Herbal therapy is carried out depending on the patient’s age, the degree of helminthic infestation, the state of the immune system and the presence of chronic diseases. Wormwood should be used with caution by children. Contraindications are:

  • children under 3 years of age;
  • period of bearing a child;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • diabetes;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance;
  • ulcers and erosions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anemia.

The use of bitter wormwood in the fight against parasites shows excellent results with the correct dosage of ingredients, as well as compliance with the recommended treatment time. At the end of therapy, patients also note an improvement in the general condition of the body, increased immunity, and restoration of the functioning of internal organs.


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  • https://obnaruzhil.ru/blohi/polyn.html
  • https://lifeinsect.ru/polyn-protiv-bloh-u-koshki.html
  • https://proparazites.ru/narodnye-sredstva/polyn-gorkaya-ot-parazitov.html


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