Who's there in the trash can? What do domestic cockroaches look like?

Yes, yes, we know that in nature everything is harmonious and balanced. Every living thing plays its role and benefits the ecosystem. But the cockroach is our enemy , this is a fact, and there is no point in arguing with it. And this despite the fact that only 1% of all species of this insect live next to us.

It’s a paradox, but precisely this 1% brings virtually no benefit to nature. The question arises: why do we need to know the appearance and habits of our enemy? The answer is simple - firstly, it’s just interesting, and secondly, you need to know the enemy by sight. So, what does a house pest look like, what are its habits, and can it fly?

Cockroaches die on their backs

Since cockroaches are insects adapted to rough terrain, when they find themselves in rough areas, they are more likely to roll over on their backs. If there is no small debris nearby for them to grab onto with their feet, they are unlikely to be able to return to their original position. Pesticide disposal products contain substances that cause muscle paralysis in cockroaches. Due to uncontrollable spasms, cockroaches turn over and die on their backs.

Cockroach legs are a miracle of nature!

A cockroach has six legs in total, and they are divided into groups :

  • prothoracic pair , responsible for braking after a fast run or short flight;
  • medium-chested pair , providing the cockroach with maneuverability and the ability to quickly change direction when running;
  • metathoracic pair , which is the main one and serves as a means of movement in space.

If an insect loses one of its hind legs , then its life will no longer be the same. In other words, over time the cockroach will die . The loss of the remaining legs is also unpleasant and will cause a lot of inconvenience, but it will not be fatal.

The legs consist of five sections , each of which is equipped with fairly large spikes and suction cups , designed for combat and secure attachment to difficult surfaces.

Thanks to such paws, the cockroach can run anywhere and anyhow . If you look at the paws under a microscope, you will see an unpleasant sight - you get the impression that they are covered with ulcers, and at the same time securely armored. An insect is an insect, there's no getting around it.

Cockroaches without a head

Without the head, the body's systems continue to function. Based on this, we can conclude that cockroaches can live without a head for a sufficient amount of time. But although a cockroach can live without a head, without it it cannot drink or eat, so it still dies within 9 days. A cockroach's organs work even without a head. Therefore, we can say that the head is an accessory for the cockroach and a way of eating. Therefore, at this time, the quality of life of a cockroach without this part of the body will not change.

General information

Cockroaches (or cockroaches) are a detachment of insects from the superorder Cockroaches. According to archaeologists, representatives of the cockroach order lived on Earth more than 300 million years ago.

Today, more than 4,600 species of cockroaches are known. Despite the fact that cockroaches are moisture- and heat-loving insects, their habitat is almost the entire planet. The exception is Antarctica, where the mustachioed pests have not yet reached. Most cockroaches live in the wild, living in meadows, swamps, forests and even underground. But some of the representatives of the cockroach order are synanthropes, that is, their way of life is directly related to humans, and they most often live in human housing.

Spread diseases

Cockroaches can be dangerous to people, as they are carriers of dysentery and worms.

Cockroaches and allergies

Allergy to cockroaches is a common type of allergy. Its causes are associated with contact between insects and humans. Cockroaches live almost everywhere, so allergies can occur both to ordinary cockroaches and to cockroaches that are not common in our region. But they can be used as animal feed or kept as pets.

From the bites of exotic cockroaches (Madagascar t., Marbled t.), urticaria is possible, which manifests itself in the form of a rash of blisters. The lesions become red and itchy. If waste products of cockroaches enter the body through the upper respiratory tract, runny nose, sneezing, and eye inflammation are observed. In rare cases, there is a possibility of asthma.

In children suffering from an allergy to cockroaches, the symptoms are similar to those of acute respiratory viral infection, so it is difficult to determine it immediately. If the food contains waste products of the German, the body responds with the following reactions: pain in the stomach, itching, burning lips, nausea.

If the above allergy symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, as an allergic reaction can develop into Quincke's edema. In case of swelling, it is necessary to call an ambulance, calm the patient, restore breathing, and apply ice. If you are allergic to a cockroach repellent, you need to ventilate the room, completely get rid of the smell and do a damp cleaning.

There is also an allergy to cockroach poison. When poisons get on the mucous membranes, the human body can respond in various ways, from irritation to severe burns. It all depends on the concentration of the poison and the form of poisoning. Typically the symptoms are: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, weakness.

If it enters the body, you must immediately rinse the stomach, induce vomiting, drink sorbents, and then drink plenty of liquid. Be sure to consult a doctor.

Reproductive system

The reproductive system of a cockroach has a rather complex structure for such a small creature. All the more surprising is the fact that it is extremely difficult to get rid of uninvited guests if they have already taken a fancy to your home. It would seem that with such a complex structure of the reproductive system, difficulties should arise with the reproduction of offspring. In fact, insects have high fertility and reproduce quickly, which makes them a truly indestructible species.

The male reproductive system consists of:

  • testes, which are located in 4-6 abdominal segments;
  • utricular (fungal) gland;
  • seminal vesicles emptying into the fungal gland;
  • genital organ.

Spermatozoa stick together and form a spermatophore, which is surrounded by a three-layer membrane. Each of the walls is responsible for its own task of accumulating the seed, storing it or releasing it.

The female reproductive system consists of:

  • ovaries, each of which has 8 ovarioles;
  • 2 oviducts that open into the vagina;
  • the genital chamber where eggs accumulate;
  • ovipositor.

After the seed has entered the chamber and fertilized the eggs, an ootheca is formed - a capsule into which the eggs fall. There they are stored until the time comes to put them aside. As you can see, the body of such a seemingly ordinary insect has a rather complex structure.

I hope that in my article you have found comprehensive answers to all your questions regarding the physiology of cockroaches. Tell your friends on social networks about this article, so that they can finally find out whether a cockroach is really able to live without a head and why it needs wings.

Subscribe to updates to learn unusual details about ordinary insects faster than others, and see you again.

Sincerely, blog author Mikhail Leshchenko

Lifespan, eggs and how they reproduce

Development of a cockroach from egg to adult
Where there is food and water, there will always be cockroaches. They don't need much to survive and reproduce. Cockroaches reproduce sexually and quickly. Starting with mating games, cockroaches mate.

The female lays cockroach eggs in special bags. Different types of cockroaches deal with eggs in different ways: some carry them with them, others hide them in secluded places. The embryos hatch after 2 weeks and the larvae develop. They molt several times. And then different individuals develop.

The lifespan of domestic cockroaches depends on the availability of water and food near them. In apartments, cockroaches live longer and breed more often.

The lifespan of cockroaches ranges from four months to four years.

Color spectrum

There are 2 types of cockroaches found everywhere – black and red. The first prefer damp, dark rooms; they live in sewer hatches, basements, and cellars. The latter often inhabit apartments in multi-storey buildings and even reach the upper floors. They occupy several rooms - a bathroom, a toilet, a kitchen, a corridor, a pantry.

The black cockroach has a dark color, close to black. The body is shiny, as if covered with fat. Impressive sizes up to 4 cm make insects especially noticeable.

Red Prussians are brown in different tones. The larvae are always lighter. The head is black, the last segments of the flat body are also dark in color.

The external structure of a cockroach may differ in size and color, but the internal systems of all members of the genus are the same.

What do cockroaches eat?

Pests are practically omnivorous, this is due to the structure of their mouthparts. Cockroaches living in apartments, namely black and red ones, will eat leftover food on tables, shelves, and cabinets. If they have a choice in food, they will give preference to those that are enriched with carbohydrates and proteins; it can be mentioned that in houses cockroaches are lovers of sugar. When there is no food left near the cockroaches, they can eat small insects, human feces, or the cockroaches will eat their relatives. Do cockroaches eat people? No.

Structure of the thoracic region

This part contains wings, hard elytra, and legs.

Cockroaches do not use their wings for their intended purpose. Flying representatives of the genus are found in Central and South America. Insects use wings to slow down their fall if they have to glide from a height, to develop speed while running, and during the mating period. The male spreads his wings, creates a comfortable platform for the massive female, demonstrating his readiness for sexual intercourse.

A cockroach has 6 legs. They are located on both sides of the chest and abdominal region. They have a complex structure, each pair performs its own functions.

  • the front legs are the shortest and play the role of brakes;
  • medium ones guarantee high maneuverability and are able to move in different directions;
  • the rear ones are the longest, pushing the body forward.

The combined action of all limbs provides the insect with high mobility. The cockroach reaches speeds of up to 4 km per hour and changes its trajectory 28 times in 60 seconds.

Hairs on all legs help insects detect air vibrations. Thanks to these features, the Prussian hides faster than a person notices him. There are suction cups on the hind limbs that allow Prussians to move equally well on horizontal and vertical surfaces, even head down.

How many legs does a cockroach have, everyone wonders when they see a Prussian rushing at lightning speed. There are only 6, but each of them has a complex structure and performs its own functions.

Anatomy of a cockroach, what does it have?

On the sides of the cockroach there are eyes, which provide it with compound vision. The oral system is primitive, but cockroaches have teeth sharp enough to grind food. The blood of a cockroach is unusually white in color, and the heart is a tubular organ. Because of this, blood circulates slowly. Although cockroaches have a brain, it is not responsible for regulating the respiratory and digestive systems and is poorly developed. Cockroaches do not have a uterus and reproduce sexually. And the sex of cockroaches can be determined by their size: males are smaller than females.

How long do they live in different conditions?

The body of pests is particularly resilient. Entomologists have been studying these insects for years and know exactly how long a headless cockroach can live.

They also explain how long these pests live in other extreme conditions.

Water requirement

Without food, a cold-blooded insect can live longer. And water is extremely important for the functioning of any living organism. Water is the main element of the cell cytoplasm.

Various metabolic processes, involving a chain of chemical reactions, occur with the participation of water. Prussians and other parasites do not live long without water.

Pests feed mainly on moistened waste. Without fluid, normal functioning of the salivary glands and normal digestion of food are impossible.

Blood circulation is also disrupted. These insects conserve water in extreme temperatures and low humidity due to the fact that they have water-impermeable covers of chitin.

Can he live without food?

Cockroaches are capable of starving for quite a long time. Domestic Prussians go without food for up to 40 days, and black individuals for more than 60 days.

The body temperature of these living creatures varies widely, adapting to the surrounding temperature regime. They do not waste energy to maintain their own temperature.

Their metabolic processes are much slower than those of animals with a constant body temperature.

After one meal, a Prussian can live up to 15 days without feeling hungry. But since cold-blooded animals receive energy from external sources, they prefer to live in warm living spaces with high humidity.

Can it survive without oxygen?

Biologists have discovered the ability of cockroaches to hold their breath for 40 minutes or more. They stop breathing if carbon dioxide levels rise too much.

Cockroaches also react sharply to too high oxygen levels . To protect their internal organs, they temporarily stop breathing.

Entomologists have the assumption that cockroaches hold their breath in order to conserve moisture, which is dynamically consumed during this process.

This is a useful coping mechanism. In practice, cockroaches live longer without a head than without oxygen.


These insects like moderate temperatures. At -5 °C, insects die within half an hour. At -10 °C, mature individuals and eggs die within 2 minutes.

However, excessively high temperatures can also significantly reduce pest numbers. At +50 °C, which persists for 1-2 hours, the insect also dies.

What are moles for?

Moles for the most part do not harm agriculture and gardening, as is commonly believed. On the contrary, moles loosen the soil, providing oxygen and water access to the soil. In addition, moles eat underground insects, pupae, caterpillars and other pests, as well as small animals if they find themselves in its hole.

A real mole is not interested in root crops and roots of garden plants; it does not feed on them; they are gnawed mainly by mice and mouse-like rodents, and not moles at all. For that matter, the mole is not a rodent at all. He doesn't need to sharpen his incisors, which are quite small.

The only time you want to get rid of a mole is when it starts digging up the lawns, leaving high molehills on them. This spoils the appearance of the site, and the owners prefer to kick the mole out. In this case, it is humane not to catch the mole in a trap, but simply install 2-3 or more earth-moving pest repellers, such as Tornado OZV.01 or Tornado OZV.02, on the site.

Appearance of an insect

Almost everyone probably knows what a cockroach looks like. Regardless of the variety, insects have a number of similar characteristics.

Body length can vary from one to ten centimeters; as a rule, the largest representatives of the family live mainly in southern countries with a mild and humid climate. The abdomen is divided into several main segments.

Males are distinguished by a longer and narrower body; at the end of the abdomen there are articulated processes called cerci.

What are horseflies needed for?

Is this really a dead-end question? Well, could there be any benefit from horse flies? Everyone knows that horseflies bite painfully, an itchy wound appears at the site of the bite, and part of the body may swell from an allergic reaction. In addition, horseflies can carry dangerous diseases, so why feel sorry for them?

As always, there are a few things to figure out. Let's start with the fact that not all horseflies bite. Like mosquitoes, horseflies' bloodsuckers are females, while males prefer to drink flower nectar and are completely harmless. However, people eliminate horse flies by creating traps for them, such as the H-Trap. This is done not so much for the sake of the people themselves, but for the sake of domestic animals, horses, cows and others. They suffer the most from bites, and the presence of such traps on farms is understandable.

But is there any benefit from horse flies? It turns out there is. They are an important link in natural food chains. Insectivorous birds feed on them; in addition, horseflies participate in plant pollination. If horseflies are destroyed in large quantities, the ecological balance will be disrupted.

16,000 rub.Trap for horse flies and gadflies H-Trap
The design feature makes it possible to reduce the horsefly population by 90-95%, which is confirmed by the results of independent tests.

more details >>

Breeding ornamental insects

Fans of exotic animals grow and breed insects at home. Among the numerous species, Madagascar and rhinoceroses are chosen. Their main advantage is their unpretentiousness in maintenance and food.

Terrariums or aquariums are used for maintenance. The volume of the container is determined in each specific case. Be sure to take into account the number of insects and their size.

Madagascar species are attractive because during mating games and dividing territory they engage in fights and hiss.

No less popular are insect species that are distinguished by their original colors. The following arthropods are found in nature:

  • Chess.
  • Harlequins.
  • Marble.
  • Six-point.

Experienced terrarium keepers grow exotic species at home to feed amphibians, lizards or spiders. Ashy types are suitable for those reptiles with a diseased liver.

Cockroaches are also popular among gambling people. Even in ancient times, cockroach races were organized, in which a huge number of people took part. Now such gambling exists in Turkey. Many people visit them every year.

Experts from Carolina, who are engaged in research in various fields, have proposed an original use of arthropods. Since insects easily penetrate holes and cracks, scientists suggest using them during rescue operations.

Selected specimens are equipped with microchips with microphones and indicators. They are inserted into the rubble to determine whether there are people there.

This area is still developing, so the degree of its effectiveness is quite difficult to determine.

Continuous prevention

Not only humans, but also some types of insects – cockroaches – want to live in a cozy, beautiful apartment. In order not to share housing with them, it is necessary to constantly apply preventive measures, even if the parasites have not been seen for a long time, they can appear suddenly. The table shows simple preventive measures against domestic parasites.

MeansCockroach attitudeMode of application
Aromatic oils (lemon, orange, cedar, honeysuckle, mint)Cockroaches cannot tolerate strong odors and leave such premises.Dilute halfway with water, spray through a spray bottle under the sink, bathtub, and wipe the trash can.
Tansy (dried flowers)The smell of this plant is not tolerated by household pests.Place them in food cabinets and keep beautiful dried flowers on the table.
Fresh lemonCockroaches don't like the smell either.Mix lemon juice with water and wipe down kitchen counters. Place the pieces in cabinets, on food shelves, on the table.
Boric acidPoisons parasites when eaten or in contact with it.Place in trash bin regularly.

While constantly ensuring the cleanliness of your home, you still sometimes have to deal with the appearance of cockroaches. Now knowing the reason for this, you can take measures to get rid of unwanted guests. It’s better to prepare – take preventive measures, this will protect your home from many pests.

Miracle treatment

Cockroach has been an ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. In some rural areas of southern China, infants are still fed cockroaches mixed with garlic to treat fever caused by infection or stomach upset.

The Chinese government is supporting efforts to study the medicinal value of cockroaches. More than two decades of laboratory research and clinical trials have uncovered dozens of proteins and biochemical compounds with enormous potential medical value.

Thousands of Chinese medical journals contain detailed data showing the anti-aging effects of cockroach potions. It stimulates the healing of damaged tissues, such as:

  • leather;
  • mucous membrane;
  • membrane on the surface of internal organs that is difficult to heal.

According to numerous studies, patients suffering from burns or severe stomach inflammation recovered faster when treated with the potion.

“Cockroach medicine is not a panacea - it does not have magical powers against all diseases. But its effect on some symptoms has been established and confirmed by molecular science and large-scale hospital applications,” says a researcher at the Institute of Materia Medica of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) in Beijing.

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