10 most effective remedies for cockroaches in an apartment - the most complete review and tips for use

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Olga Polyakova 12/25/2021


Remedies for Cockroaches

These small insects lived on Earth long before us. With the advent of man, or rather, his dwellings, cockroaches became bored with wild life, and they decided to move into our homes without asking our permission.

Here they received protection from bad weather, cold, but, most importantly, a huge amount of food. A cockroach needs only 20 mg of any organic matter per day to avoid starvation. And a person who throws away up to a kilogram of food waste during the same time was simply an inexhaustible source of food for the cockroach. And everything would be fine if not for one “but”: wherever cockroaches appear, terrible unsanitary conditions begin in the form of dirt, smell and accumulations of their excrement.

Throughout history, man has struggled with cockroaches, and the small pests have won. But, with the development of chemistry, serious damage was inflicted on the unexpected guests for the first time in thousands of years. The best cockroach repellents that currently exist will be reviewed here, as well as recommendations for their use.

Update - 2022.06.04We have updated our rating

Rating of cockroach remedies

When compiling the rating, we came to the conclusion that there are no universal methods for exterminating insects. Each is appropriate in specific cases, it all depends on the area of ​​the home and the degree of infection. The nominees were selected taking into account several criteria:

  • Release form, type;
  • Contents, active components;
  • Toxicity class;
  • Deadlines for destruction;
  • Ease of use;
  • Risks of addiction;
  • Price, cost efficiency.

Having compared these indicators, we have compiled the top 12 products of the current year. For the convenience of the reader, they have been divided into 5 categories - powders, gels, aerosols, crayons and traps. From customer reviews and their experience of pest control, we determined the advantages and disadvantages of the nominees.

The best powders for cockroaches

The most popular type is dry formulations, powders. They guarantee the rapid, irrevocable elimination of “migrants” and prevent re-infections. There were about a dozen candidates for inclusion in the top, but 2 nominees became the best according to VyborExpert.


Cockroach repellent with boric acid and the principle of triple action. It is capable of protecting your home from red and black cockroaches and is not addictive to insects that do not have time to develop immunity to the drug.

The composition contains 75% amorphous silicon dioxide and 25% boric acid. Particles falling on the body of pests damage their chitinous cover, while simultaneously clinging to their whiskers. The insect loses moisture abundantly through damage, contact and intestinal poisoning occurs. The drug is safe for humans and animals.

The yellow or beige powder consists of small fractions and has a low degree of atomization. The manufacturer provides a choice of packaging 110 or 1300 g. The packaging is a plastic bottle with a narrow spout cap.


  • Triple action;
  • Safe for people and animals;
  • Low atomization;
  • Different packaging;
  • Flow can be adjusted;
  • No addiction.


  • Not suitable for bathrooms;
  • Price.

The nominee is not recommended for rooms with high humidity. In contact with water, properties are lost. The top of the cap is cut off and the size of the hole can be adjusted. It should be small to reduce consumption.

Super face

The Russian-made insecticide has an acute poisonous effect against many pests, both flying and crawling. And this distinguishes him from the previous nominee. The activity of the action lasts for 5-6 weeks.

Contents: thiamethoxam 4%, zeta-cypermethrin 1.0%, which have a nerve-paralytic effect against insects. Pests infect their fellows even if they have not touched the treated surface. The powder is used for prophylactic purposes and prevents reappearance for a long time.

The drug weighing 10 g is located inside a plastic bag, which contains detailed instructions for use and consumption rates. White, odorless powder, soluble in water. Suitable for professional and household use.


  • Instant pronounced effect;
  • Can be used for prevention;
  • Suitable for professional use;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Fast dissolution;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Does not destroy eggs;
  • Toxic.

The solution is used immediately after dilution, the room is treated with a spray bottle. It is especially recommended to pay attention to damp and damp places. Processing of upholstered furniture is allowed. Children and animals should be removed from the room.

Lambda zone

This is a Korean microencapsulated product that not only kills existing pests in the house, but also prevents them from returning to the home (which happens when the house is heavily infested with such pests). The product must be diluted with water, pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle and treat the entire apartment with it. During such treatment, it is strongly recommended to use personal protective equipment to avoid irritation to the skin and mucous membranes. Reviews of this product note that it allows you to protect your apartment from the reappearance of insects for six months.


The Prussians are dying from this remedy. I highly recommend him.


An excellent drug. Quickly and effectively gets rid of cockroaches. The main thing is to follow the recommendations for its use and be careful with it, then you probably won’t have any problems using it.

The best gels for cockroaches

The second category represents effective gels against cockroaches, which are less toxic compared to powders. They do not work as quickly, but do not have a pungent odor and do not harm pets. From the reviews, 3 nominees were recognized as the best in terms of performance.

Borium dohlox “Get lost!” No. 76

Russian-made boron gel is designed to quickly kill insects. Its advantage is an enhanced poisonous formula that allows you to cope with a very large concentration of pests.

The main active ingredient is diazinon, which is a nerve-paralytic poison. It can disrupt the normal passage of nerve impulses and develop tremors, which gradually turns into paralysis. Boric acid additionally corrodes the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, affects the central nervous system, and promotes dehydration of the body.

The drug has a convenient dosage form - a yellow gel, which is contained in a soft 100 ml tube made of polymer material. Available in 30 ml syringes. Thanks to the thin spout, the poison is easily dosed in the right amount.


  • Strengthened poison formula;
  • Convenient dosage;
  • No smell;
  • Does not require the use of protective equipment;
  • Attracts insects from far corners;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Difficult to wash;
  • Fast drying.

Manufacturers have added attractants to the composition for greater effect. They help attract pests from the farthest corners and ensure a high percentage of poison intake. The volume is enough to process 100 square meters. m.


A German-made anti-cockroach gel that is popular in reviews and also used to destroy ant colonies. Before use, you need to hold it in your hands for 10 minutes, warming it up, so it becomes more plastic.

The gel is harmless to humans and animals; when applying it, there is no need to leave home. The composition of chlorpyrifos is a contact poison; attractant enhancers are also added that attract pests with their taste. The poison lasts for about 1 month, then it should be reapplied.

Available in the form of a mustard-colored paste, the smell is subtle and does not cause discomfort or allergic reactions. Packaged in tubes weighing 75 g, this will be enough to disinfest a room of 60 square meters. m.


  • High-quality composition;
  • Non-toxic for animals and people;
  • Does not deteriorate when exposed to sun or air;
  • Suitable for all crawling pests;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Takes time to warm up;
  • Doesn't work quickly.

For ease of use, it is recommended to apply the gel on small pieces of paper, so after drying it does not have to be washed, which is quite labor-intensive. It does not act instantly; mass death of insects occurs after 2 weeks.


An insecticide in gel form gets rid of any number of crawling insects. It can be used as an additional remedy against colonies of “settlers”, or as a main one. The advantage is the aroma, which is actively absorbed by insects.

The active ingredient is fipronil, which is a potent pesticide. Penetrates into the pest's body through the gastrointestinal tract and chitinous membrane. It acts initially on the nervous system, causing paralysis and then death. The composition contains preservatives that ensure long-lasting action.

Flavorings attract people with their smell. A transparent gel weighing 30 g is contained in a syringe and does not emit toxic fumes when used. It applies well to both horizontal and vertical surfaces.


  • Convenient release form;
  • The gel concentration does not enter the air;
  • Destroys all crawling pests;
  • Prolonged action;
  • Easy application;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Stains remain on the surface;
  • Possibly addictive.

After each disinfestation, re-application is necessary for preventive measures to prevent pests from attacking the premises again. Parasites get used to this gel, so after 2 uses it is alternated with analogues.


A German gel that helps get rid of cockroaches and ants, not only from individual individuals, but also from large colonies. The active ingredient is chlorpyrophos (acts upon direct contact), attractants attract insects to the gel. You can’t expect immediate results; cockroaches begin to die en masse after 12-15 days.

The drug is mustard-colored and is available in small tubes. For greater plasticity and ease of application, it is recommended to warm it up in your hands (7-10 minutes). The effect of a single application lasts for about a month; contact with oxygen, high humidity, and direct sunlight do not reduce the effectiveness.

The light smell of the gel is tolerated by humans and pets without problems, the substance is safe for them. It is recommended to apply it to small pieces of cardboard and plastic - it is quite difficult to wash any surface on which it dries.

The best aerosols for cockroaches

When selecting nominees for the third category, we considered only aerosols for treating large areas. Their significant advantage lies in their speed and ability to penetrate hard-to-reach places. According to Vyborexperta.ru, 3 products showed the best results.

Combat SuperSpray against crawling insects

The Korean-made drug differs from previous nominees in that it is produced in the form of an aerosol. The sprayer has a flexible nozzle that helps you spray the spray precisely, avoiding getting it on wallpaper or equipment.

It contains imiprotrin, a fast-acting poison. Cyphenothrin causes high parasite mortality. At the same time, the formula has low toxicity towards animals and people. Insects do not have time to develop immunity to the toxic composition, so it can be used repeatedly.

The volume of the product is 500 ml, which is 20% more than conventional aerosols. 1 g is sprayed in 1 second; using a flexible nozzle provides more economical consumption. With its help you can process up to 65 square meters. m area.


  • Availability of flexible nozzle;
  • Leaves no traces;
  • Not addictive;
  • Versatility;
  • Safety;
  • Economical consumption.


  • Price;
  • Strong smell.

The aerosol can be used not only in everyday life; it is suitable for disinfestation of children's institutions, medical institutions, hotels, hostels, and catering establishments. Due to the strong smell, a mask and ventilation are required.

High Efficiency Raptor

A new generation drug from a Russian manufacturer with an instant destruction effect. It differs from the previous aerosol in that it has a killing effect on pests adapted to other poisons.

The main active substance is cypermethrin; upon contact with it, parasites become instantly infected through the stomach, respiratory system and chitinous cover. Imiprotrin and piperonyl butoxide complement each other, which significantly increases the processing result. Large colonies are eliminated in a short period of time.

Individuals that do not die immediately infect their relatives, thus death is inevitable. The aerosol inside a convenient 275/430 ml bottle has a flexible nozzle for treating hard-to-reach areas, saving consumption. Shelf life up to 5 years.


  • Fast, long-lasting effect;
  • Easy to use;
  • Cost-effective;
  • Long shelf life;
  • Extended spectrum of action;
  • Not addictive.


  • Price;
  • Risk of poisoning.

During processing, there should be no people or animals inside the room. Windows should be completely closed, protective elements should be used: respirator, gloves, goggles. The effect lasts up to several weeks.

Raid against crawling and flying insects with lavender scent

The following aerosol from the American brand “Raid” effectively destroys different types of insects. It differs from other sprays in having a milder odor, which is important if people with respiratory diseases live in the room.

The composition contains a plant-based component, cypermethrin; it is obtained from chrysanthemum and Persian chamomile flowers, so the product is considered safe. Imiprothrin and prallethrin are guaranteed to kill insects without causing addiction.

Upon contact with the body of parasites, muscle paralysis first occurs, then death occurs. Packaged in 300 ml bottles in purple shades. The aroma of the spray is floral, not strong.


  • Plant insecticide;
  • Effective against crawling and flying insects;
  • Leaves no traces after application;
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • There is no addiction to the drug;
  • Suitable for allergy sufferers.


  • Does not destroy egg laying;
  • Fast consumption.

The result will be more effective if additional disinfestation is carried out after 8 days. This is how much time passes from the moment the eggs are laid until the young larvae emerge. After 3-4 weeks the result should be consolidated.

The best chalk for cockroaches

The fourth category included the most effective product, according to VyborExpert, in the form of a chalk for drawing. Despite its non-toxicity, odorlessness, and ease of use, the nominee has received a large number of positive reviews from customers.


A budget-friendly, safe contact insecticide in appearance resembles an ordinary school block of chalk. It can be used in an apartment as a primary or additional method of combating harmful insects.

The composition of deltamethrin and zeta-cypermethrin, when they enter the insect’s food system, causes its paralysis. The parasites are smeared in a toxic substance, and chalk and plaster additionally block their breathing. After eating the chalk material, they die within 24 hours. The main effect of destruction will be noticeable after 5 days.

An oblong gray-white block weighing 20 g is in an impenetrable blue polyethylene wrapper. It is easily dissolved, crushed, and can be used in other ways: in the form of a powder, a thick solution, or a spray.


  • Convenient use;
  • No smell;
  • Non-toxic;
  • Versatility;
  • Light weight;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Short-term effect;
  • It does not help with severe infection.

The lines of the Mashenka chalk on cockroaches should be wide and long for maximum results. When crossing, the insect captures enough to cause rapid death. With the help of 1 bar you can process about 30 square meters. m. area.


Its main advantage in the fight against cockroaches is its high chlorine content. It is harmful to cockroaches not only when swallowed. It is enough for them to inhale the vapors to get severe swelling and irritation of the respiratory system, the insects die from suffocation.

The surviving individuals are urgently “evacuated” from the apartment. But after a few days they may return. To “ward off” them for good, treatments will have to be carried out for a month, 2-3 times a week.

The concentration of the solution varies from 2-3 to 8-10% and depends on the degree of neglect of the problem. They wash the floor with it and wipe all surfaces. Undiluted liquid is poured into saucers and placed next to the discovered nests. “Whiteness” has pronounced disinfecting properties, which is very important, since cockroaches are carriers of many diseases.

The best traps for cockroaches

When looking for safe, effective cockroach repellents, it's worth considering non-toxic traps. They work slowly, but are absolutely harmless to the health of humans and pets. In terms of ease of use, thoughtfulness, and effectiveness, 3 nominees from VyborExpert became leaders.


Non-toxic glue trap for cockroaches without the use of toxic components. It folds up like a house and the bait is placed inside. Used if there are a small number of colonies in the apartment.

The tablet is a pheromone bait that is placed in the middle of a cardboard house. The inner surface is sticky, so when cockroaches follow the smell, they stick to the substrate and die from dehydration. This is the safest disinfestation option for humans and animals.

The set includes 5 cardboard houses with tablets. Once the glue trap is overfilled, it should be replaced with another one. This design remains effective for up to 2 months; it is designed for an area of ​​15 square meters. m.


  • Non-toxic;
  • Safety;
  • Easy to use;
  • Prolonged action;
  • No smell;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Lost interest in the bait after a while;
  • Does not affect larvae.

The manufacturer clarifies that this is a loyal way to combat crawling pests, but only with adult individuals. It is recommended to update traps monthly. Hazard class – VI, low-hazard.

Help Boyscout glue

The glue trap for killing pests has a long-lasting effect. Does not pose any risk to human health or pets. Can be installed anywhere, even where food is stored.

The inner surface of the cardboard has an adhesive base and is treated with a special attractant. The smell attracts insects, they go inside the trap and stick to the bottom. The technique is advisable when the house has been completely disinfested. The trap will become an indicator showing whether it went well.

If within a week there are 2-5 individuals in the cardboard box, then the disinfestation was successful. The set consists of cardboard, which is folded along specially marked lines. Odors are not detected by the human sense of smell.


  • Performance;
  • Prolonged effect;
  • Ease of use;
  • No smell;
  • Safety;
  • Inexpensive.


  • It is unpleasant to see a large concentration of stuck cockroaches;
  • No bait included.

A special feature of the nominee is the possibility of vertical installation in cracks between furniture and other hard-to-reach places. This is one of the budget options with proven effectiveness.

Clean house "Insecticidal"

A Russian-made insecticidal trap is effective against cockroaches and ants. The result is achieved quickly and lasts 60 days. The composition does not emit harmful fumes and is safe for pets.

The package contains 6 squares of white or blue soft plastic, inside of which there is a poison bait. Insects eat it and become carriers of the toxic substance. The entire colony is infected, resulting in mass death. The first signs of death are observed already on the 1st day.

The trap squares should be broken off from each other, with adhesive tape on the bottom for easy placement in hard-to-reach places. Consumption rate – 6 traps per room of 15 sq. m, in advanced cases the rate can be increased.


  • Long validity period;
  • Quick results;
  • No harmful fumes;
  • Color selection;
  • Availability of adhesive tape;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Incompatible with aerosol insecticides;
  • Does not affect larvae.

Leave the squares at the installation sites for 2 months. If required, they are replaced with new ones after 60 days. You need to understand that this weapon is only against adults, so repeated procedures are needed.

How to choose a cockroach repellent

It is quite possible to choose in absentia which remedy for cockroaches is the most effective. To do this, you need to evaluate the products on sale on several indicators - type of drug, ease of use, safety, effectiveness and reviews. Let's go through each point in detail.

Product type

Based on the principle of action, there are quick-killing insecticides; these are usually aerosols, concentrates, and sprays. They are the most effective, but have a pungent odor and are harmful to health. There are also slow-acting products - crayons, gels, traps, powders. They are safe, but they do not work immediately, but over the course of 1-2 weeks.

Another popular type according to reviews is the cockroach repeller. We are talking about an ultrasonic device that drives away insects using electromagnetic waves. Manufacturers recommend them, rather, as a preventive measure against repeated “populations” after thorough destruction with toxic compounds.

Ease of use

The route of movement of cockroaches is usually observed in hard-to-reach places. This makes the task of setting traps difficult. Sprays are the easiest to use; they need to be sprayed on areas of accumulation. Gels and crayons are also convenient. It is important to understand that the latter do not cause death, but repel with smell.


One of the most important criteria is the absence of risks of harm to health. Insecticides for household use are usually minimal in toxicity class. When processing, be sure to use protection: a respirator mask, gloves.

Efficiency and reviews

An equally important indicator is proven effectiveness. No matter how high-quality and safe an insecticide is, if it does not destroy pests, there is no point in it. Therefore, before purchasing, you should read reviews with real experience of the procedures and results.

How sprays work

The aerosol from any of the companies has an important feature - a high rate of impact on the body of pests. The first victims after treating a room with it appear within a few hours. The insecticide tends to penetrate into the lungs of insects along with the air. It even affects those individuals that are hiding in nests.

From the lungs, the toxic substance enters the bloodstream, having a detrimental effect on the central nervous system of cockroaches. All this leads to their inevitable death.

Before using cockroach spray in a residential area, you should put on a mask, respirator, or at least a gauze bandage, gown or other protective clothing, and put rubber gloves on your hands. Children, pregnant women, and animals must be removed from the premises. Be sure to hide and seal all food products. Remove pet bedding and cover terrariums and aquariums with glass.

When processing, the cylinder should be held in a vertical position at arm's length. It should be at least 20 centimeters from the surface to be treated. During work, windows and doors must be closed. Spraying is best done at a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius.

The pest locations are thoroughly treated, then the product is sprayed throughout all rooms. At the end of the treatment, be sure to leave the apartment or house for the time specified in the instructions. Upon return, ventilation is carried out for several hours and wet cleaning is carried out.

Do not be afraid to enter the treated room upon return - the active ingredient in most sprays is cypermethrin. It quickly disintegrates in the air and is not capable of having a detrimental effect on human health.

The aerosol has the following advantages - it gives a quick effect after starting to treat the home and is low cost, easy to use, most often odorless, and safe for human health.

What is the best cockroach repellent?

So, you just got acquainted with the 12 best remedies for cockroaches in the apartment according to the level of demand, proven effectiveness, customer reviews and ratings. Knowing the selection criteria, deciding which one to buy no longer seems like a difficult task. Vyborexperta.ru advises once again to pay attention to several nominees:

  • Super-fas is a fast-acting powder that can be used as a preventative or a professional pest control method;
  • Brownie is a long-acting gel, the concentration of which does not enter the air, destroys all crawling “migrants”;
  • Raid against crawling and flying insects with the scent of lavender - a broad-spectrum herbal insecticide, suitable for allergy sufferers, smells pleasant;
  • Mashenka is a good chalk with proven effectiveness, non-toxic, without a distinct odor;
  • Clean house "Insecticidal" - a trap with adhesive tape, prolonged action, lack of odors, fumes, toxicity.

The insecticides used differ in their range of application and degree of effectiveness. Some of them work independently, others are much more effective in combination with each other. Assess the scale of the “invasion” to choose the best option.


These measures can also help prevent cockroaches from getting into your home:

  • Do not leave dirty dishes with food residues on the table or in the sink;
  • Throw out trash in a timely manner;
  • Fix leaking pipes, this way you can deprive insects of water. And she is very important for their lives;
  • Arrange constant ventilation of the home;
  • Seal all the cracks, cover the ventilation holes with a special mesh. This will block access for insects from neighbors;
  • During wet cleaning, it is recommended to use deterrents - vinegar, wormwood, etc.

We hope that our article will help you get rid of these insects.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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