Mosquito spray Taiga - insect repellent

Summer is the time for long-awaited vacations and holidays. This period has many charms, but it also has its drawbacks. And one of these problems is mosquitoes. Annoying insects not only spoil your holiday with their squeaks, but also inflict bites, which subsequently cause severe itching and even allergies. There are many products for exterminating pests that differ in release form and composition. Taiga mosquito repellents are in great demand among the population.

On a note!

The Taiga company presents a whole line of products that differ in the method of application.


The most convenient option for body protection against mosquitoes is a spray. Before use, just shake the bottle and apply to clothes. Taiga mosquito repellent spray is available in a 100 ml bottle. The active ingredient is DEET - diethyltoluamide. More than 60% of repellents around the world are produced based on this substance. The insecticide belongs to the second class of danger; if used correctly, it does not cause harm to humans.

Taiga mosquito repellent spray


Diethyltoluamide was first obtained in 1940 in the USA. Initially, the substance was used to protect the military from various types of insects. After official registration in 1957, the product conquered the whole world. It is very popular these days.

The pleasant aroma of the aerosol is created with the help of fragrances; the smell of the insecticide is practically not felt. It is allowed to use mosquito repellent three times a day.

On a note!

You can prepare for a hike in nature in advance. Intensively spray clothes and tent, hang for 3 hours to air. After the time has passed, put on a protective suit.

Features of using sprays

You can often read negative reviews about repellents, about how difficult it is to find the best mosquito spray that can reliably repel annoying insects.
Indeed, there are low-quality tools, but often users do not know how to use them correctly. This raises doubts about whether sprays against mosquitoes and ticks help. Does a lamp help against mosquitoes?
Does a lamp help against mosquitoes?

Review of popular models, rating, operating principle. Is it worth taking?

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In order for the drug to become a real protector, we will figure out how to choose a mosquito spray. To do this, you need to carefully read the information on the label, which should indicate:

  • product compliance with national and international standards;
  • duration of the protective effect;
  • composition (active substance);
  • mode of application;
  • precautionary measures.

Even the best spray against mosquitoes and ticks in nature does not always protect against other blood-sucking insects. If you want to provide yourself with maximum protection, especially in nature, choose drugs with a universal effect. This information, along with the composition of the mosquito spray, should also be indicated on the label or in the instructions.

When using the spray, it is important to follow certain rules:

  • Apply to skin with slow, smooth movements;
  • evenly moisturize areas of the skin not protected by clothing - for example, the bends of the elbows or ankles;
  • do not allow children to use the product independently;
  • on cotton clothes, the spray can be applied on top of the fabric; if it contains DEET, it cannot be sprayed on synthetic fabrics;
  • After treating clothing with liquid repellent, it must be washed.

Even the best mosquito repellent spray can be dangerous if used incorrectly. Care must be taken to ensure that the active substance does not get into the eyes when spraying.

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If you need to treat your child's skin, first apply the product to your hands, and then gently spread it on the child's face or other parts of the body, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Related articles: The best mosquito repellent sprays for children

Weather conditions must be taken into account. In hot weather, it is advisable to apply sprays and aerosols over clothing so as not to provoke allergic reactions. Tubes and cans should not be left in a place exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise the active substance will lose its properties.

Aerosols and mosquito repellent sprays have a number of advantages over other mosquito repellent methods. They are quick and easy to apply, inexpensive, can be used in open areas, do not have a toxic effect, and are therefore safe for human health.


The base of the drug is DEET or 35% DV-dimethylphthalate. Glycerin and clove essential oil are used as an auxiliary component. Taiga mosquito repellent cream is less concentrated than a spray and is suitable for treating skin. Can be used on the face, neck, torso, and limbs.

Repellent cream for protection against insects

The cream's protection lasts for about 3 hours and should be used no more than 3 times a day. Manufacturers claim that the universal mosquito repellent is suitable for children under one year old, aged 6 months and older, and adults.


The active insecticide DEET can cause an allergic reaction in the form of skin redness, burning, itching, and rashes. Before active use, it is recommended to initially conduct a sensitivity test. Apply a small amount of cream to the bend of the elbow, observe your own sensations and skin condition for an hour.

The product is distributed in a thin layer with massage movements on areas of the body not protected by clothing. It is possible to combine two drugs - spray, cream to increase efficiency.

Composition and release forms

Products against insect pests Taiga are toxic products of nerve paralytic action based on the insecticides transfluthrin, diethyltoluamide, DV-dimethylphthalate.

The product line includes:

  • spray aerosol;
  • cream;
  • lotion;
  • plates and liquid for fumigator;
  • spiral.

Each of the products has a different concentration and principle of action, but all products have the following advantages in common:

  1. Instant destruction of bloodsuckers.
  2. Low price.
  3. Effective effect of use.
  4. Convenient packaging of all forms of product release.
  5. Long-term protection against mosquito attacks.
  6. Low toxicity and safety for humans, subject to compliance with application standards.

The use of Taiga brand products is not recommended:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • during periods of exacerbation of dermatological and respiratory diseases;
  • for skin hypersensitivity and a tendency to allergies.


Plates and fumigator Taiga
In the warm season, the problem of mosquitoes affects not only nature lovers, gardeners, summer residents, but also all residents who are in their own apartment or house. Small annoying insects penetrate into the smallest cracks and fly non-stop into open vents and windows.

To get rid of mosquitoes in the house, manufacturers have released a special product in plates. The second name for this form of the drug is compressed mosquito repellent tablets. The products are produced in dosed disposable bags. Each mosquito repellent plate provides 24 hours of protection.

The active component is DV-transfluthrin. Under the influence of high temperature, which is created thanks to special simple devices - fumigators, the substance is released into the air. The drug begins to act within 15 minutes. Protection is present even in a room with open windows.

On a note!

Taiga mosquito repellent plates are safe for humans and pets. The minimum dose of insecticides is sufficient only to poison small insects. However, for greater safety, you should turn on the device in the evening and turn it off during the day.

Side effects

Due to the large number of rather toxic substances in the spray, side effects may vary. Individual buyers of the spray either do not read the instructions or deliberately violate safety precautions. They spray clothes directly on themselves. But thanks to them, it is known that contact with the spray even on intact skin causes a severe burning sensation. If the skin is damaged, suppuration may develop at the site of the scratches and even more severe pain.

Poisoning with each individual substance may have its own symptoms. Alpha-cypermethrin causes:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • vomiting;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • dizziness.

The impact of neonol on the human body when the substance enters the esophagus is not particularly covered, but it is classified as moderately dangerous. Since 2005, the European Commission has introduced a ban on the use of neonol in concentrations > 0.1% in any household products. "Taiga Antiklesch" does not violate this ban, but the amount of neonol in the spray is close to the maximum: 0.75%.

Liquid mosquito repellent

The composition and operating principle of the product are no different from the plates, but it is much more convenient to use. Taiga anti-mosquito liquid is effective for 45 days and is inserted into an electric fumigator. It is absolutely not felt by humans because it has no smell.

It is recommended to turn on the device in the evening and turn it off in the morning. Cannot be used in a room with a total area of ​​less than 13 square meters. m. The liquid begins to exhibit protective properties 5 minutes after turning on the electric fumigator.

Liquid and spirals for insect control


Mosquito taiga in the form of a spiral is designed to repel blood-sucking insects in nature. They are used in summer cottages where there is no electricity, in tents, or simply sitting by the fire.

The active component is DEET, which is activated when heated. In order for the mosquito coil to start working, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory procedures.

  1. Choose a suitable location. There should be a distance of 1-2 m from the spiral to the person.
  2. Place the product on a hard, non-flammable surface. Brick is often used.
  3. Light one end of the spiral and blow on the fire to activate smoldering.

The action of the spiral lasts while it burns. Enough for several nights of active use. To extinguish the drug, just sprinkle water on the burning part.

On a note!

The spiral can be used in an ordinary room, but there is a significant drawback - the smell of smoke from the fire. If this fact does not stop you, there are no barriers to application.

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