How to get rid of black cockroaches in an apartment: 6 folk and 4 professional remedies


One day I opened the kitchen cabinet door and a big black cockroach was looking at me. I’m going to scream at the whole house... Of course, he immediately ran away, but this picture is still before my eyes. I started looking for black cockroaches in the apartment - how to get rid of them forever.

It turned out that it is possible to get rid of black cockroaches, but it is a long process. If one appears, it means that soon a “whole army” will appear. Fortunately, there are methods of fighting, both folk and professional. I decided to try it urgently.

How to get rid

There are a wide variety of ways to get rid of black cockroaches. Some of them are very effective and provide almost a hundred percent guarantee. Others are less effective, but also expose a person to less risk when using them. If you have these parasites, the article will be useful, regardless of the specifics of the situation. Methods of struggle are:

  • mechanical and thermal;
  • chemical;
  • folk;
  • professional.


For visual reference, we bring to your attention a photo of black cockroaches:

Photo of a red and black cockroach:

Mechanical and thermal methods

The mechanical method of fighting involves the cold-blooded killing of every parasite seen with an improvised means. Make no mistake, despite the large size of the cockroach, it, like other members of its family, is fast and arrogant. Yes, if you manage to slam a couple at night, caught by surprise, know that crowds of their friends are now hiding in secluded places in the sewer. Therefore, the mechanical method of extermination is completely ineffective. As for the thermal method, the situation is more complicated. Low temperatures indeed have a detrimental effect on the viability of the parasite, but creating them in winter in an apartment is quite problematic.

What do cockroaches eat?

The jaws of cockroaches are adapted for chewing. Thanks to this feature, they are able to eat solid food. The intestines digest almost any food using special bacteria.

Therefore, if you hide regular food away, the cockroaches will not remain hungry. They will work on fabric, wiring, soap or paper. In addition, cockroaches do not disdain the remains of their fellows.

In addition to the fact that black cockroaches can damage property, they can infect humans with an infection. Insects often live in garbage containers and sewer pipes, and these places are full of bacteria.

After visiting dangerous places, they go out at night and move around the kitchen table and food. The bacteria that parasites carry on their paws are consumed by humans with food.

As a result, there is a high probability of contracting the following diseases:

  • dysentery is an infection that affects the gastrointestinal tract;
  • typhoid fever - an intestinal infection accompanied by fever;
  • diphtheria - affects the oropharynx;
  • helminthiasis – infection with parasitic worms.

The risk of contracting infectious diseases becomes the main factor in deciding to get rid of unpleasant neighbors forever.


Insecticides are often available in aerosol and spray form. This type is very convenient because it allows you to treat any surface with the chemical: walls, cracks, places behind the baseboard. When spraying the product, naturally, all household members need to leave the room, and the person doing the bullying must protect his body and respiratory tract from poison. After the procedure, the apartment is left for a while, and upon return, wet cleaning and ventilation are carried out. Among the popular products in aerosol form, the following brands are in demand:

  • Tetricst;
  • Raptor;
  • Battalion commander

Some insecticide manufacturers guarantee that black cockroaches will not return to your home after using their products for a certain year.


Now I know how to get rid of cockroaches - I’ll try! But finally, I read useful tips on how to prevent cockroaches from appearing in the house:

  1. Put away dishes and food in a timely manner. Avoid leaving dishes in the sink or any food on the table or countertop.
  2. Taking out the trash. Try to take out the garbage every evening so that cockroaches do not have the opportunity to feed on it.
  3. Remove cockroaches as quickly as possible. If you see at least one cockroach, use the product immediately. One thing doesn't help, try another.


Another form of contact insecticide is cockroach gels or adhesives. This product is applied to areas of the floor near the wall in the toilet, bathroom, and also in the kitchen. Pay special attention to places behind sewer pipes, in the drawer under the sink, and drain holes. This pasty substance has a pleasant smell to cockroaches, so they themselves go to the bait, and then die as a result of poisoning. Dokhlos, Fas and others have a positive effect in the fight against large black cockroaches.

Causes of cockroaches

First you need to determine where they came from and why they remained:

  1. Food . Dishes left in the sink, bread crumbs on the table, fruits or vegetables lying without bags - the main reason why cockroaches come - they are looking for food.
  2. Sewerage . Very often large cockroaches come from there.
  3. From shops and cafes. Very often, shops or small cafes are built on the first floors of a residential building. Such places are often teeming with all sorts of living creatures, including large black cockroaches that quickly multiply and spread.
  4. Cloth. When returning from your next vacation, you can bring a cockroach in your luggage. Even one will be enough for the colony to increase.

To get rid of insects, you need to keep your kitchen clean.
If at least one large cockroach remains, it will quickly create offspring. What do cockroaches eat in an apartment:

  • all food products;
  • leftovers;
  • garbage waste;
  • as well as inedible items: wallpaper, newspapers, wires, etc.

We have determined what they eat, but what is also dangerous is that they are carriers of various diseases, so we urgently need to get rid of them.

Traps with bait

These methods are popular, because the presence of children and animals in the house makes it difficult to use dust, glue - open insecticides in principle. But a plastic trap is harmless, although not effective. The operating principle of the device varies. The main thing they have in common is that there is a substance inside that attracts insects with its pleasant smell. And then it’s a matter of technology. Some traps have an insecticide inside that poisons the parasite, others simply by their design or sticky base do not allow it to get out. There are more complex methods of “execution”, when the moment an insect gets inside it is struck with an electric current. In any case, the use of a trap is an average effective method of dealing with large black cockroaches.

Methods of disposal

Popular folk methods

Most folk methods are based on the fact that cockroaches are afraid of cleanliness. That is why it is recommended not to leave food in open spaces. Make sure there are no crumbs on the table or floor. Wipe the countertop thoroughly, because cockroaches often feast on the remains of liquids that have spilled and dried.

Also make sure that there is no open access to water in the premises. Repair leaky taps and wipe sinks dry at night. Without a drop of water, cockroaches will quickly retreat and leave your home.

Traditional methods are good because they do not involve the use of heavy toxic chemicals, which can harm not only cockroaches, but also residents.

Try to exclude the existence of places where cockroaches can live. These include peeling wallpaper, cracks in walls and parquet, the space between furniture and the wall, loose baseboards, and so on. If you carry out cosmetic repairs in the apartment and eliminate all this, there will be significantly fewer cockroaches. They won't have anywhere to hide anymore.

But this is not the end of folk methods. Large black cockroaches in the apartment are also repelled by odors. You need to take elderberry, bay leaf, pyrethrum, orange peels and place them in places where insects are most concentrated. The theoretical strong odors from the above products should deter them.

Photo from the site:

Mechanical measures

If you have already tried traditional methods of getting rid of unwanted insects, and they are all there, move on to the next level. There is a remedy for black cockroaches in the apartment, which does not involve the use of chemicals. This is the temperature. At -8 – 10 degrees Celsius, not only cockroaches die, but also their larvae. This method of insect control is used in winter. To do this, you simply need to turn off the heating if the house is private, or open the doors and windows for a long time if you have an apartment.

When turning off the heating in a private home, do not forget about the heating and plumbing systems. If possible, drain the water from there so that due to frost it does not turn into ice and break the pipes.

You can also eliminate cockroaches mechanically. That is, run after them with a firecracker and mercilessly exterminate them. True, this method is ineffective, unaesthetic, and also keeps you in suspense all the time. Moreover, all this must be done at night, when insects are active. The only benefit of this method is the ability to maintain your figure through physical movements. You can, however, replace the firecracker with a vacuum cleaner. But this method will not be effective if there are too many insects.

Photo from the site:

Specialty chemistry

If you are thinking about how to remove black cockroaches quickly, then pay attention to chemical methods. They are quite effective, although not always safe. Still, they are worth paying attention to. To reduce the impact of toxic substances, try to exclude the presence of other residents during the procedure. After the cockroaches are poisoned, thoroughly ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning. After these measures, all people living in the house or apartment will be able to return.

Spray treatment

If you are wondering how to poison black cockroaches, then start with insecticides. These include:

  • Get;
  • Karbofos;
  • Raid;
  • Dichlorvos;
  • Raptor;
  • Off;
  • dust

These products are the most effective in the fight against cockroaches.

Photo from website:

How to remove black cockroaches this way? To do this, follow the recommendations.

  1. Clear the room of people and animals.
  2. Wear gloves and a gauze bandage.
  3. Close doors, windows and ventilation openings.
  4. Prepare the room (pull back the peeling wallpaper, lift the linoleum, open the places where cockroaches are usually found.
  5. Treat the room with the purchased product.
  6. Wait a few hours (or even a day).
  7. Ventilate the room and remove dead insects.
  8. Carry out a wet cleaning of the rooms.

In cases with sprays, you need to be extremely careful. They easily enter the respiratory tract of cockroaches, which kills them. But at the same time, people can just as easily get hurt. Therefore, be careful and take all safety measures.

Photo from the site:


Special traps are also a good remedy for black cockroaches. How to get rid of them using this method? You simply place devices in those places where there are always a lot of insects.

On what principle do traps work? They are boxes into which cockroaches can crawl. There they die for various reasons, depending on the type of trap. It could be a sticky labyrinth that the cockroach can't get out of, or a poison inside. Some traps shock insects with an electrical charge.

The advantage of such a device is that it works without active human effort. You just set the bait and forget about it for a while. The trap is safe, including for pets.

Photo from the site:


What else can you do to poison large black cockroaches? There are special gels on sale that have a pleasant smell for insects, but are also poisonous. They have a sticky structure. Such baits with gel are placed in places where cockroaches are especially active. They are not as safe as store-bought traps, but they still have their place. If you don’t have small children or animals, you can safely buy the gel and make bait from it. You don’t have to invent anything special, but simply drip the product throughout the apartment. Some even make entire paths.

It is worth noting that the gels have a specific effect on cockroaches. The insect does not die immediately, but after 10-30 hours. During this time, the cockroach runs into its habitat. Death is already there. Since these insects eat corpses, very soon they receive poison, which destroys them too. It turns out that one cockroach, having eaten a tasty-smelling gel, can destroy many of its relatives.

Photo from the site:

Powders and pencils

Another remedy for black cockroaches in an apartment is powders and pencils. They are effective for eliminating small numbers of insects. The products do not have pronounced odors and are minimally dangerous to others. The choice of such products is quite diverse. But a lot of reviews indicate that large black cockroaches are well removed with the Mashenka pencil.

Help from specialists

If you do not have the time and desire to remove unwanted insects, you can always contact the SES. This organization has a service that will quickly save you from cockroaches. This service is paid, but it is usually performed at a high level. By inviting specialists, you will get the expected result without painful effort. SES employees will treat your apartment with special insecticides, after which insects will not appear in it for a long time.

It is worth noting that even effective baiting does not guarantee that cockroaches will never appear in your home again. After all, they can come again along the same paths that they used the first time. That is why identify the most dangerous areas and try to protect them from the appearance of new insects. It is also worth cooperating with your neighbors and removing cockroaches together. This reduces the likelihood of them being repopulated. At the end of the article, watch a video on this issue.

Traditional methods

Any housewife will advise you to use boric acid to get rid of cockroaches. Some people pour it into metal caps, pour some water into them and place them in areas where pests have been spotted, while others add eggs or other products as bait instead of water. This is an old folk remedy. This explains its poor effectiveness. Over the years of its use, insects have developed resistance to boric acid.

Another folk remedy is vinegar and other strong-smelling repellents. These substances can create an effect of repelling insects, but no more.

If you notice that your night guests appear from the sewer, then you should think about the following method. It is recommended to periodically pour a blockage cleaner into the drain holes and leave for an hour and a half. The mole has a negative effect on sewer large black cockroaches.

Among the folk methods of struggle, one can also highlight a homemade trap, similar to the one we described above, only using improvised means. Usually it looks like a jar with bait, with vegetable oil poured at the bottom, which does not allow the cockroach to escape.

What do black cockroaches look like?

What black cockroaches look like depends on their species. Black cockroaches Blatta orientalis are very different from the American, furniture and red species, which are also often found in apartments.

  • The body length of an adult insect can reach 3 centimeters; in females with an ooteca, where the eggs mature, it can be up to 4.5 centimeters.
  • Body color can be black, dark brown, brown, with a glossy sheen.
  • The body shape of Blatta orientalis resembles a rectangle with rounded corners, in this respect it is “thicker” than the other species of cockroaches mentioned here.
  • The insect has wings, but it flies extremely rarely and mostly runs.
  • Black cockroach larvae, after hatching from their eggs, look like smaller, wingless copies of the adults.
  • The insect has 6 legs covered with jagged hairs and long whiskers.

American cockroaches Periplaneta americana are anatomically more similar to their red counterparts, but their color can be so dark that they appear black. In addition, these are the largest cockroaches found in Moscow apartments.

  • The body size of the American cockroach can reach 5 centimeters, with an ootheca - 6 centimeters. This is 2-2.5 times more than even the largest red and furniture cockroaches.
  • The darkest area of ​​color of Periplaneta americana is located on the back - this is where it may appear black. The legs, head and body outline are usually lighter and have shades of brown.
  • The shape of the body is similar to a narrow, elongated ellipse.
  • The pest has wings and can fly, but more often uses them for short jumps from place to place.
  • American cockroach larvae look like adult versions of the adults when they hatch, but they are off-white in color and have no wings.

Both types of black cockroaches reproduce more slowly than their red relatives, so they often lose the battle for territory to them.

Calling specialists

Undoubtedly, the most reliable way to get rid of large black sewer cockroaches is to call a special pest control service. A team of professionals works using specific equipment and powerful insecticides. Such services provide a guarantee for their work, especially if disinfestation was carried out not only in one apartment of an apartment building, but also in neighboring ones, as well as in common areas such as the basement. This comprehensive treatment will guarantee that you won’t even have to think about your problematic “roommates” for several years.

Chemical treatment

Most often, people remove cockroaches using chemical means proven over many years of experience. But using the same drug leads to a decrease in its effectiveness; the insecticide should be changed periodically.

Products for chemical treatment of premises are sold in specialized stores. Currently there is a huge selection of insecticides on the shelves:

  • aerosols;
  • powders;
  • crayons;
  • gels.

Aerosol products act quickly and precisely. After spraying a cockroach, it will die within a few minutes. The disadvantage of using aerosols is that it requires spraying exactly in the place where the parasites have accumulated. Cockroaches live in places that are difficult for humans to reach, so getting to them with a spray can will not be easy.

After treatment, you will need to vacate the room for several hours and close all windows. Upon returning home, the apartment must be ventilated and wet cleaned.

Chalks and powders are contact agents. The crayons are used to coat the baseboards and corners, the space behind the furniture, and the powders are scattered throughout the room. It is important to avoid areas near food and ensure that small children or pets do not eat the powder.

Gel insecticides are sold in a special syringe, which allows you to calculate the dosage of the drug. Gels do not damage surfaces and can be easily washed with a damp cloth. This product is effective in killing adult insects and larvae. The insecticide in the form of a gel is applied in drops in places where insects may live. When exposed to the chemical, the cockroach will stain its paws and then begin to clean them. Meanwhile, the poison will enter the insect's stomach and lead to death. An infected individual will transmit the toxic substance to other parasites.

Tips for folk remedies for cockroaches

Experts recommend using an integrated approach to the destruction of mustachioed pests. For example, combine treatment with aromatic oils with the installation of traps.

In apartment buildings, it is best to first agree with neighbors about joint processing. Otherwise, cockroaches may go to them. And after a while they will return to you, after the neighbors have carried out their processing. Thus, they will “roam” from apartment to apartment and it will be almost impossible to remove them.

Instead of vinegar, you can use wormwood, although its smell is weaker than that of vinegar. Therefore, the effectiveness will be lower, but you will be able to get rid of headaches and normalize blood pressure.

Cockroaches are creatures that are predominantly nocturnal and they don’t really “like” light. Therefore, leaving the lights on in the kitchen and bathroom at night will force them to eventually leave the “inhospitable” apartment. True, the method is effective only with a small number of “guests”.

What happens if the problem is ignored

  • Cockroaches eat any organic food they can find. At best, it will be garbage in a bin, at worst, food left on the table, which will then be hopelessly spoiled.
  • Cockroaches are carriers of many dangerous diseases, ranging from helminthiasis to dysentery.
  • Black cockroaches, being quite large in size (up to 5 cm in length), can disable household appliances and damage electrical wiring. In addition, adults emit an unpleasant odor.

Common mistakes

The effectiveness and safety of cockroach baiting will decrease if:

  1. Use potent poisons in homes where there are pets and children.
  2. Do not follow safety precautions when working with cockroach poisons.
  3. Combine repellers with baits.
  4. Limit yourself to one-time processing.
  5. Carry out bullying separately from neighbors.
  6. It is incorrect to dispose of dead animals.

The last point is explained by the fact that the DNA of cockroaches contains a gene responsible for recognizing toxic substances. Thanks to it, the insect, upon contact with the sprayed poison, loses consciousness, but does not die. If you throw such an individual in the trash, after the poison wears off, it will return to life.

To prevent this from happening, cockroaches should be flushed down the toilet.

Why do cockroaches appear in the apartment?

The following factors contribute to the appearance of insects in the home:

  1. Unsanitary conditions. Scattered food and waste attract hordes of cockroaches into the apartment. With the help of secreted pheromones, individuals transmit to each other a signal about the presence of food and water.
  2. Dampness. If there is a leaky faucet or pipe in your home, the risk of black basement cockroaches is high.
  3. Feeling of danger. If cockroaches are being poisoned in one of the apartments, trying to escape, they will run over to the neighbors.

The pest can also be brought with things from an educational institution, hospital, store, or trip. If this is a pregnant female, you can soon expect a whole colony of cockroaches to appear in your home.

The pest and its larvae can accidentally get into the package, and from there into the house.


Repellents and insecticides are chemical methods of controlling cockroaches. The first type of means is a deterrent. Cockroaches are known to be intolerant of certain odors, and it is this property that has been exploited in repellents.

Repellents repel insects.

To begin with, it is recommended to try folk remedies that were invented a long time ago. Black cockroaches will not live in a room that contains:

  • bay leaves;
  • ears of rye;
  • aromatic pyrethrum;
  • elderberry flowers.

Despite the absolute safety and good results that natural repellents provide, they often have no effect. Don't be surprised if you see a cockroach crawling through a fragrant bouquet of pyrethrum or elderberry. This insect perfectly adapts to changing environmental conditions.

For those who want to ensure that all insects are driven away from their home, chemical repellents have been invented. They are available in the form of sprays and dusts. The preparations should be sprayed or placed in every corner of the room and in all hard-to-reach places. The result will be noticeable within a few days - the number of insects will noticeably decrease.

What danger do black cockroaches pose to humans?

As a rule, black longhorned beetles come into human habitation from unsanitary places. Their paws may contain helminth eggs, as well as pathogens of diseases such as diphtheria, typhoid fever, dysentery, lichen, salmonellosis, polio and tetanus. Close proximity to these pests often causes allergic reactions and conjunctivitis in household members.

In addition, cockroaches, if there is a lack of food, can begin to spoil things and interior items: indoor flowers, wallpaper, books, clothes, shoes and furniture. Insects often find refuge inside household appliances, which often leads to breakdowns and short circuits.

Cockroach bites are usually infected and take a long time to heal.

In extreme cases, black cockroaches bite a person, gnawing thin skin from the eyelids, lips, bends of the knees and elbows, and around the nails. Attacks occur exclusively at night.

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