How to get rid of silverfish in an apartment: the best methods and chemicals

Author: Michael Potter Updated: April 17, 2020

Insects called “silverfish” are a whole family, the most common of which are the common silverfish and the common silverfish. They are very similar to each other and are almost invisible to humans.

Both of them crawl out of hiding only at night, move in quick dashes and know how to hide no worse than professional spies. Maybe you are reading these lines now, and the heroes of our text are frolicking on your bookshelves or flour stocks!

Learning to find their hiding places is not so easy. It’s even more difficult to completely drive insects out of your home. Moreover, many products that are declared as “silverfish killers” are in fact ineffective. We will debunk all the myths that the Internet is full of and teach you how to select the right preventive measures, traps and poison for these small pests! In our review we will rely on scientific data and opinions of reputable scientists and experts.

In the first part we will tell you about the habits of these terrible insects, why they are dangerous, about gentle methods, and in the second part we will select the best ready-made products for effectively combating them: traps and chemicals.

How to distinguish types of silverfish from each other?

Let’s say right away that the same traps, repellents and poisons can be used against the two above types of silverfish. But you still need to distinguish them: the habitats and habits of silverfish and thermobia differ. And this directly affects the effectiveness of preventive measures and natural methods of fighting insects. In addition, information about the behavioral characteristics of different silverfish will help you find their lairs, which are usually hidden from human eyes.

Appearance. At first glance, representatives of the silverfish family are very similar. They have an elongated, wingless body measuring a quarter to a half inch with two antennae on the “head.” Both types of insects are shaped like carrots: the body is thick in front, and becomes very thin in the back. At the end of the “carrot” you can see three tail processes, and short legs on the sides. The main external difference is the color. Silverfish have a silvery whitish color, and thermobia have a variegated gray-brown body. However, if the insect is in motion (and they are constantly running), anyone can confuse the colors.

Habitats. These insects enter the house in a similar way: most often they are brought into the building along with building materials, waste paper, bulk food products and other substances in which silverfish love to live and feed. However, scientists are confident that insects themselves often “come to visit.” After all, they can live for months without food and travel very long distances. That's how they crawl into our houses.

They crawled in. What's next? These insects usually live in damp areas near a food source. The principle is similar, but the places are still different. Silverfish prefer not the hottest and stuffiest locations: they like temperatures of 20-25 degrees. And for thermobia, the temperature comfort zone is located between 30-50 degrees. This greatly influences where they make their “cozy nest,” experts say. The first type of insect often rubs near bookcases and linen cabinets, in basements and food warehouses, barns and attics. And thermobia live in boiler rooms and near hot water pipes, in steam tunnels and thermal insulation materials, bakeries and ordinary kitchens. Both can be found in bathrooms and greenhouses.

Behavior. But here we can’t name almost any differences! These creatures eat the same thing: they are attracted to foods high in protein, starch or sugar. Among the “favorite dishes” are cereal flour, fabrics and cellulose (from wallpaper to books).

All silverfish hide from light during the day in cracks, holes and under various objects. If the shelter is removed, they will quickly run to the nearest “house”. It will be an easily recognizable run: silverfish move in jerks from point to point. Sometimes they freeze, but then immediately take off again. Therefore, it is difficult to catch and destroy them “by eye.”

Reasons for appearance

If home thermobia has settled in an apartment, it means that the conditions are quite to its liking. And most often this indicates a disturbed microclimate, that is, increased air humidity. And there may be several options here. Either the apartment has poor ventilation, or there are places where water gets on the floor. In this case, you must definitely invite a plumber. He will carefully inspect all the pipes and eliminate any leaks in the house.

Due to its small size, silverfish can live unnoticed in warehouses. At the same time, she easily climbs into bags and boxes and leaves for new places. Of course, if the habitat does not suit her, she will try to find a new home.

How dangerous are silverfish? Do they bite?

Neither one nor the other can cause direct harm to a person - you don’t have to be afraid of their bites. She will never crawl into your ear and chew out your brain. These insects will not even be able to sharpen the ends of your hair. In addition, scientists are confident that these insects do not spread diseases and infections (according to entomologists from the USA). What danger do these insects pose? Do we need to fight them? Here is a list of the main reasons to fight silverfish on your territory:

  1. Silverfish are enemies of books, archives and documents. It turns out that they have enzymes in their intestines that convert it into nutrients. So our heroes lean on wallpaper, books and documents. Of course, they do not erase an entire page, but fungi, yellow spots and blackening may appear at the sites of their bites. Therefore, for archives and libraries, silverfish are enemy No. 1.
  2. They shit . Insects of these species leave feces immediately behind them everywhere: on tables, in papers, in food. In addition, they can lay eggs (up to 50 eggs) in your flour or on someone's bread. It’s not a fact that you will notice eggs and feces or taste them... but it’s better not to try such disgusting stuff!
  3. Silverfish breed very actively . During one clutch, the female lays from 50 to 200 eggs. After 2-4 weeks, small pests hatch from them, and the “mother” can soon give birth again. Therefore, one miserable silverfish is quite capable of giving birth to thousands of “babies”. And this could be the beginning of a full-scale invasion.
  4. They are almost omnivorous . These insects look for food everywhere. In closets with clothes, they chew things made of silk, cotton, viscose and linen. Then they crawl onto the wallpaper and sharpen it together with organic glue. And our heroes simply adore human food: flour, pasta, cereals, animal food, mushrooms - everything goes to them for lunch. It’s unlikely that you want to share all this with insects?

How to get rid of silverfish without chemicals: prevention, traditional methods of treatment

Experts advise using store-bought, potent products only if your home has a serious insect infestation. A couple of insects can be dealt with with simple steps.

First you need to make sure that these are the creatures that are attacking you. The presence of insects in the house can be determined by the marks of their jaws. They are so weak that they cannot gnaw, but only scratch. Scientists give advice: look for irregularly shaped holes and jagged scrapings on paper or clothing - this is a sign of invasion . In addition, small flakes of dust remain next to the “dining table”, which are visible in the sun and weigh almost nothing. They can hardly be seen without a magnifying glass, but small black poops are visible to the naked eye, experts say.

More compelling evidence will be the successful use of adhesive tape and special traps installed near possible parasite habitats. The small borers found in them will not only indicate the centers of infestation, but will also help determine what specific type of insect attacked you.

Are you convinced of the presence of isolated silverfish? Here are tips on how to combat them from scientists:

  1. First check basements, closets, storage areas and bookshelves. Place test traps made of adhesive tape there if you do not detect insects by eye. Finding the source of the invasion should be your first priority. By the way, you don’t have to look for them in drains and vertical pipes. Contrary to myths, silverfish do not come from the sewer. Their paws are not able to overcome vertical obstacles, so a bathtub or glass jar can become a death trap for them.
  2. Silverfish look for places with a humidity of at least 75%. Therefore, monitor the microclimate in all rooms. Sometimes even a simple fan or air conditioner can drive insects out of their den. Be sure to dry up leaks under bathtubs and old pipes, do not leave puddles or moisture anywhere, seal concrete walls and get rid of cracks in the floor.
  3. Cut off insects from food sources. It's not that easy to do. But papers can still be stored separately from each other in special containers, and flour and cereals can be placed in airtight packaging. Even the banal maintenance of cleanliness in the house will already affect the diet of the little scoundrels. For example, you can throw away old piles of papers, which can easily turn into a hotel for silverfish.
  4. Use simple traps, such as sticky traps, that are used to catch other insects or mice.

Many of these tips will come in handy when the insects finally disappear. Then the time will come for preventive measures. These include the same fight against moisture accumulation and ensuring healthy air circulation in the apartment. For example, experts advise against placing boxes and containers too close to each other in basements or barns. The same story applies to furniture that is too close to the walls. There should be no room left for silverfish to “play hide and seek.”

Well, we advise businessmen to take the sealant in their hands and carefully go through the holes in the pipes, in the wiring and other places. Then the eternally hungry crumbs will not get into the house from the street.

Danger and harm to humans

Silverfish have a weak mouthparts, because... They feed on soft, rotten organic matter, so they are unable to bite through human skin. At the same time, if such an insect crawls around the bathroom, it can cause an attack of fear and other unpleasant sensations.

Silverfish are not capable of biting humans, but are carriers of the fungus.

In addition, silverfish can act as carriers of fungus and pathogenic bacteria. They can harm indoor plants and spoil vegetables stored in the kitchen or on the balcony.

We get rid of silverfish using modern chemicals. All the myths and truth from scientists

If you have reached the point of a large-scale invasion or are tired of constantly seeing silverfish at home, then it is time to take up a more effective weapon. Many people mistakenly believe that all universal insecticides in any form are effective against these insects. But this is an established myth and misconception! Californian scientists claim that hundreds of insecticides are labeled as “against silverfish,” but their effectiveness in most cases has not even been tested.

Experts do not recommend using sprays and aerosols alone against mustaches. They can be effective, but only when killing on contact. Since the diet of our heroes includes mainly dry substances, experts advise relying on dusts and bulk poisons. Moreover, they will also become practically useless if they encounter moisture: silverfish show less interest in stuck together dust particles.

When can you start using sprays and aerosols? If you know the specific habitat of insects and are ready to thickly spray it with chemicals! Then look for sprays containing pyrethrins and pyrethroids, such as bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, tetramethrin and phenothrin. They will even provide residual activity, experts are sure.

As for powders, experts note the ineffectiveness of the most popular boric acid against thermobia. But products containing silica gel and pyrethrin, as well as kieselguhr, work great.

The University of Minnesota lists permethrin, deltamethrin, cyfluthrin, and cypermethrin as the most killer ingredients for silverfish.

All these chemicals must be applied according to strict rules described by entomologists:

  1. Do not use dry insecticides where children and pets can reach them.
  2. For each new product, you need to carefully study the label and method of use.
  3. It is best to pour dust into cracks and crevices, rather than scatter it in an open space.
  4. If you rely on oil-based sprays, never use them near sources of flame or intense heat.
  5. Repeated treatment is carried out after 2-3 weeks, if the insects have not yet disappeared from the house. In this case, you need to take a closer look: haven’t you missed their possible habitats in the most secluded corners.

Interestingly, scientists unanimously note the low effectiveness of baits for silverfish. This, at least, applies to baits containing boric acid, hydramethylnon and indoxacarb - American scientists call them relatively ineffective. Therefore, the chance that similar or other baits will attract an insect is extremely small. But, as reviews of some insecticides show, it still exists.

Recommendations for disinfection in the apartment

It is recommended to react to the appearance of uninvited guests immediately, without expecting mass spread. Both chemicals and folk remedies are suitable for killing insects in a room/apartment.

You need to start processing after following a number of recommendations:

  1. It is first recommended to do a wet cleaning of the apartment , thoroughly wash all secluded places using cleaning liquids with the addition of chlorine. Wait until the treated surfaces dry.
  2. Remove children and pets from the premises and cover the aquariums with film.
  3. Prepare special clothing , a respirator and rubber gloves for your own safety.
  4. Pack all products in airtight bags or seal them in jars.
  5. Move all objects away from their intended habitats, clear out the corners.
  6. Spray the poisonous agent in all corners and surfaces.
  7. Close the windows and doors of the room for 1 hour.
  8. After time has passed, ventilate.
  9. Do not carry out wet cleaning for 1 week, then disinfect again.
  10. After waiting a week after re-treatment , wash all surfaces again and place objects in their places.

Read more ► How to quickly remove midges from the kitchen

How to get rid of silverfish using a spray or concentrated insecticide?

Grand Insect Repellent

This is a universal insecticide concentrate. 230 ml of a pyrethroid-based chemical is enough for 150 liters of the finished substance. It can be used indoors, but this must be done with caution: the active ingredient is dangerous to humans, especially children. It is better to apply the product in protective clothing and in strict accordance with the instructions.

According to the product description, it is capable of killing almost all insects existing in the United States. The list of potential victims of Cyzmic CS takes up several paragraphs. It is especially good, according to buyers, against garden pests.

As for our little ones, buyers place Cyzmic above boric acid. They write that the sprays need to be re-sprayed from time to time. But usually “healing” occurs within a couple of weeks after the first application.

Dissatisfied comments were left by hornet fighters. The remaining 89% of buyers highly appreciated the benefits of the product.

Price: 1249 rub.

The best means to kill silverfish

We'll start with an overview of substances containing powerful active ingredients. Then we will study a quick method of killing - sprays and liquids. Let's finish with a review of the traps.

AquaFumigator Raptor

AquaFumigator Raptor is a highly effective device that helps get rid of all types of insects, including silverfish. This type of device is recommended for use in residential and non-residential premises. A positive result in killing insects is achieved through the production of a special enzyme. A fumigator filled with a special solution produces invisible steam that is absolutely harmless to humans and fatal to all types of insects. The maximum effect from a working device is achieved a few hours after its activation.

Price: 441 rub.

Spray Raptor against crawling insects

An innovative product that helps destroy flies, cockroaches, ants, silverfish, and other types of insects, as well as their larvae. Using Raptor spray will allow you to spray the active substance in all hard-to-reach places. The appearance of vapors and the destruction of insects occurs within a few seconds after using the spray. The spray is absolutely safe for humans and animals, so this product can be used in residential areas. A positive effect in killing insects is achieved after 1 time of using the active substance.

Price: 239 rub.

Aerosol against silverfish INSECTA

Aerosols, of course, are a powerful thing, although not fashionable. Here we have extremely concentrated pyrethrin in a 17 ounce can. Logically, it should instantly destroy silverfish on contact. But still, we cannot write much about this product: although the CB-80 Contact Aerosol has a very good rating, we did not find any reviews regarding silverfish in the comments. Fighters against spiders, cockroaches and midges showed up here: they all seemed happy. People write about the instant effect, ease of use and... specific smell. You can try - but at your own peril and risk! For example, if you don’t want to waste time and effort on more painstaking and reliable methods of fighting insects.

In conclusion, we offer you a couple of classic sticky traps against whiskers. It is better to use them as an additional means of insect control - along with strong chemicals and preventative measures. Additionally, sticky traps are a great way to monitor the number of pests remaining in your home.

Price: from 180 rub.

Aerosol Mukhoyar

“Spray Muhoyar” is an effective means of killing: flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, ants, silverfish, and various other insects. This device does not require special skills to operate. The spray is easy to spray and penetrates into all hard-to-reach places in the room. The active substances contained in the bottle instantly penetrate into places where insects accumulate and effectively destroy them. The effect of using “Mukhoyar Spray” lasts for a long time. The main condition for using the spray is continuous access of fresh air into the room.

Price: 120 rub.

Preventive actions

To prevent an insect infestation, you just need to think about it in advance and take all precautions. The main thing is to create unfavorable conditions for the existence of such pests. For example:

  • Take measures to reduce the level of humidity in the house or apartment. This factor will help protect your home from silverfish, as well as from other insects and mold. You can really reduce the humidity in your home by using dehumidifiers or simply drying some areas with a hairdryer.
  • Take steps to thoroughly clean up excess food after eating. Creating acceptable sanitary conditions in the home is the main condition for creating unacceptable conditions for the life of insects. Cardboard boxes should be stored on the top shelves so that they do not absorb moisture, which is a breeding ground for silverfish.
  • Take all measures to ensure that all cracks throughout the apartment are sealed. This will prevent insects from entering your home and will also prevent them from using cracks as shelters.

Following simple rules will protect your apartment from insect invasion, both food and belongings. The main rule is to maintain order and cleanliness in your home. This rule is relevant in relation to the fight not only with silverfish, but also with other insects and parasites. Only this approach will allow you to feel all the comfort of a person living in a home.

about silverfish

How to catch silverfish: the best traps

Lure Delicia silverfish and cockroaches

This is a very profitable offer. For 1300 rub. you get a huge box of 90 mini traps. They are made of simple material: we have light cardboard with an adhesive surface inside. There is no poison or bait there. But this simplicity, coupled with efficiency and versatility, is what gives the traps a high rating.

All boxes are formed into blocks of three cells: you can lay them out around the house in this form, or you can divide them into very small traps. The first format is suitable for cockroaches, and the second is just fine for silverfish.

Conveniently, Trapper Insect Traps has a special space for recording the time and date of installation of the cardboards. This will make it easier to track the results of the “hunt” and remember to replace the traps in time after the adhesive tape has dried. With a light strip of glue on the bottom, the triangle can be attached almost anywhere.

When placed correctly, Trapper Insect Traps are effective against our bugs. People write that they can be used to catch silverfish “in bulk”: the more cells you install, the more insects you will catch.

Price: 199 rub.

Summary table of silverfish remedies

NameAgainst whoPrice
Grand productType of insects: silverfish, fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes, larvae, ants, flies, cockroaches1249 rub.
Aerofumigator RAPTORType of insects: silverfish, fleas, moths, mosquitoes, ants, wasps and hornets, cockroaches, flies, spiders441 rub.
Aerosol InsectaType of insects: silverfish, fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes, larvae, moths, ants, flies, crawling insects162 rub.
Spray RAPTORType of insects: silverfish, fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes, larvae, moths, ants, flies, crawling insects239 rub.
Aerosol mukhoyarType of insects: silverfish, fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes, larvae, moths, ants, flies, crawling insects120 rub.
Delicia baitType of insects: woodlice, cockroaches, silverfish199 rub.

Demon Wp – Envelope (4 of 9.5g Packets) -1 Envolopes

This granular substance in 9.5 gram bags acts against a couple of dozen insects: cockroaches, bugs and flies, etc. Demon Wp is also known to be an effective ant killer and silverfish killer.

The active ingredient used here is cypermethrin - a synthetic peritroid, a sibling of the chemicals that experts recommended to us. Sellers write that the dust can be used outside and inside the house, and it is better to shake the bag before use. They honestly don't recommend spraying it near dark furniture as it may leave stains.

Judging by the comments, the product works well against silverfish:

“I have been using this product for years. I sprinkle this on the base of my cottage outside and it dramatically reduces the number of spiders that live there. I tried to use this remedy in my cousin’s house and the problem with silverfish went away.”

We did not find any reviews on thermobium.

Safer Brand 5168 Diatomaceous Earth Powder Ant, Crawling Insect and Bed Bug Killer

This product is based on diatomaceous earth. Safer Brand 5168 Diatomaceous Earth is considered a horticultural product, but the powder can also be used indoors. The substance (in theory) should kill insects within 48 hours by completely dehydrating the body. Dry and porous powder simply absorbs all the moisture around it: it is only necessary for the silverfish to swallow it.

This is a very simple, all-purpose, non-toxic treatment suitable for cockroaches, ants, crickets, centipedes and earwigs. It seems like it can even be used in beds, mattresses, kitchens and living rooms... But is SB capable of killing silverfish?

Data on the effect of Safer Brand DE on silverfish and thermobiae vary. Some clients report significant population declines. Others complain about the low effectiveness of the powder. Negative and positive are approximately equal. It is clear that the dust still attracts bugs, but perhaps it does not look too appetizing to them...

We still recommend this product to readers. Moreover, the substance poses almost no threat to the person himself. Of course, it needs to be hidden from children and is unlikely to be sprinkled on food, but there is no poison there. Only a couple of people in the comments complained of slight skin irritation after constant contact with the product. However, it is difficult to imagine what they did with the dust: did they rub themselves with it or something?

Dekko Silverfish Paks DEK1002 (Pack of 2)

And this thing is something between poison and a trap. The box contains 24 cellulose bags impregnated with boric acid. They need to be placed in places of possible infestation and wait for the insects to start eating their favorite piece of paper. And as soon as they eat it, they die.

The instructions say that you should place 2-3 sachets at each source of infection. And basements and attics can simply be filled with them. Significant changes in the parasite population should appear within 3 days to 4 weeks from the moment the product is unpacked.

The main advantage of Dekko Silverfish Paks is that it was developed specifically for the “anti-heroes” of our review. This is noticeable even in people’s reaction to the product. In the comments, they share their thoughts on where it is better to place the treasured bags. They are laid out in toilets, showers, and ventilation shafts. But it’s better not to put pieces of paper next to food: it’s poison after all. This is also dangerous for pets, although they are not very interested in cellulose.

Above, we cited the opinions of scientists about the relative ineffectiveness of boric acid against silverfish, but perhaps this is the case when the opinions of real users will be much more significant - 77% of buyers positively assessed the product from Dekko. A good, although not very universal remedy.

Boric Acid Roach & Ant Killer NET WT. 1 LB. (454 gms)

This is a classic dry boric acid powder, which is cheaper than the previous product and is easier to pour into cracks and holes. This product costs approx. 380 rubles, and it sells almost better than all the participants in our rating. However, you can’t call it special: Boric Acid Roach & Ant Killer is simply popular for getting rid of ants and cockroaches, which is why it has a good rating. But this substance is also capable of dealing with silverfish.

Insect repellent powders are quite effective, but cannot boast of fast action. For those who cannot and do not want to wait for the heroes of our article to leave their house alone - the next point.

Let's summarize:

If silverfish have appeared in your home, there is no need to panic. Experts have long developed an algorithm to combat them. First, calculate the location of the enemy, then put things in order in your house, and as a last resort, take on sprays, dusts and traps (fortunately, there is a choice on the market). The main thing is not to forget about preventive measures against these nasty insects. And then they won't bother you anymore.

Why is it beneficial to contact the sanitary and epidemiological station?

The SES employs professionals with extensive experience. We use certified drugs that are not dangerous to people, modern equipment and innovative processing methods.

We conclude a warranty agreement with the customer. We draw up a formal contract for the work.

It is unrealistic to protect yourself from the appearance of silverfish in your home. It can enter the room along with a pack of paper napkins or toilet paper. Do not despair. Call the SES, and we will decide how to get rid of the pest.

Other insects:

  • Bedbugs
  • Bark beetle
  • Cockroach
  • Mite
  • Ant
  • Flea
  • Mole
  • Mosquito
  • Wasp
  • Medvedka
  • Fly
  • Carpet beetle
  • woodlouse
  • Hay beetle
  • Midge
  • Bug
  • Woodworm
  • Louse
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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