Dohlox cockroach gel - instructions for use

Dohlox is available in a syringe with a convenient attachment that allows you to apply the gel to the desired surface with an accuracy of a few millimeters.

  1. Manufacturer – Russian.
  2. Shelf life – 1 year.
  3. Net weight – 20, 40 g.
  4. Scope of application : extermination of crawling insects (cockroaches, ants, ticks)
  5. The active substance is fipronil.
  6. insects consume the gel is up to 8 days.
  7. The period of retention of the effectiveness of the active substance fipronil from the moment of applying the gel to the moment of its consumption by insects is up to 2 months.
  8. The period of retention of the effectiveness of all components of the drug from the moment of applying the gel to the moment of its consumption by insects is up to 2 months.
  9. 1 syringe is designed to treat a room of 45 m2.

Effect of the drug on cockroaches

"Dohlox" is an insecticide that has a paralytic effect on cockroaches. The main component of the poison is fipronil, a pesticide that, upon contact with an insect, causes paralysis of its nervous system, which leads to the death of the pest. The drug does not begin to act immediately, but after a certain time. Thanks to this, an already infected individual is able to bring poison on its legs and abdomen into its lair, and thereby poison its relatives.

The effectiveness of Dohlox gel

At first it may seem that the remedy is not working. Insects continue their normal activities for another 2-3 days. However, it is not. Cockroaches become infected within the first 24 hours. The poison then slowly destroys the nervous system. Dead insects can be detected already on the 4th day after using Dohlox gel. And after a week, the number of cockroaches will decrease significantly.

It is not difficult to guess that the cockroach remedy Dohlox does not affect the larvae in the ooteca. They will continue their development as if nothing had happened. However, immediately after birth they will begin searching for food. Having tasted Dohlox gel, you will receive a lethal dose. There will be no other offspring, and all those remaining will gradually die out.

Using Dohlox cockroach gel is very convenient, economical, and effective. There is no need to re-treat after 2 weeks. But as cockroaches eat the product, it needs to be renewed.

To increase the effectiveness of Dohlox gel, you must follow basic hygiene rules. Do not leave crumbs on the table, wash dishes on time, fix faulty taps. Limit insects' access to water. Interestingly, an insect can only live for a few days without water.

Cockroach poison release form

A fipronil-based substance is available in the form of a syringe with gel and special plastic traps.

Gel in a syringe

A gel-like substance in a syringe is used to treat rooms of varying degrees of contamination. The more cockroaches there are in the apartment, the more funds will be required. Syringes with different volumes from 20 to 40 g are available for sale.


The trap is a small plastic box with holes, inside of which there is a poison containing a fragrant bait. The smell attracts the cockroach and it gets inside. After which a small amount of poison gets onto the cover of his body.

Dohlox traps are used for rooms with a low degree of infestation or as an additional means when using gel and other insecticides.

Mechanism of action

The active component has a comprehensive effect on pests. First, it poisons the insect through the digestive tract when the pest eats it. Secondly, it has an effect through contact. If a substance gets on the body of a cockroach, then the substances penetrate the body through the chitinous membrane.

The poison affects the nervous system, the infected Prussian is paralyzed, and after a while he dies. Due to the consistency of the gel, infection with poison is carried out from individual to individual. Namely, when a cockroach runs over the gel, it carries it on its body to the colony, where it passes it on to its relatives. The impact of the pesticide directly depends on the amount that gets on the Prussian. It takes approximately 2 weeks to completely exterminate the entire colony.

Instructions for use of the gel

Before using the drug, be sure to read the instructions for use and precautions. To effectively influence the poison on pests:

  • Open the package taking precautions.
  • Remove the cap from the syringe.
  • Apply the gel in dotted strips of 2 cm, maintaining the same distance between them.
  • Pay special attention to: baseboards, areas near the trash can and water supply, as well as hard-to-reach areas behind the stove, refrigerator and kitchen cabinets.
  • For small populations, gel strips can be applied at a distance of 3–4 cm from each other.
  • In hard-to-reach places, the poison can be decomposed by first applying the gel to sheets of paper.
  • If the number of individuals is large, the manufacturer recommends using Dohlox traps in addition to the insecticide.

It is recommended to apply the product only to a dry surface.

Even if you have never had cockroaches, for preventive purposes it is recommended to apply gel to hard-to-reach places during repairs. This will protect you from the migration of cockroaches from neighbors or from the basement.

How much gel is needed to kill insects?

The manufacturer assures that one thirty-gram syringe with Dohlox gel will be enough to treat a room of 45–50 square meters. m. In reality, if you believe the reviews on the forums, the funds are not enough for such a room area and you have to buy 1 or 2 more packages.

Duration of action of "Dohlox"

The instructions indicate that the effect of the drug will be noticeable 2-3 days after treatment. This is true. On the first night, some individuals are attracted by the aroma of the substances included in the composition and smear their paws and abdomen in the poison. Then they transfer the poison to the nests, where they infect other individuals. Within 1–2 days, the infected cockroaches die, and after another couple of days the entire population is exterminated.

To prevent the appearance of new individuals from neighbors or new cockroaches hatching from eggs, repeat the treatment of the room after about 2 months.


  1. Marina, Samara: Don’t believe that the most difficult test for a student is the sessions. In fact, these are cockroaches, and even more so when in the dorm room in which I was lucky enough to live, there are already four of us and everyone coexists perfectly with cockroaches, that is, they completely ignore them. Yes, people are busy and all that, but what should I do? My parents recommended Dohlox. My friends reacted to this in no way: “if you poison it, it’s good, but no... There’s a session coming up, and then we’ll sort it out” - and you know, it helped! Now there are two traps in the room, and we use the gel once every 2-3 months. But not only a bad example can be contagious, now the whole dorm is sitting on the dohloks!
  2. Alexey, Krasnodar: Cockroaches in a hotel are death. Well, who should solve this problem if not the administrator! Spent several hours searching on the internet. I chose “dohloks” mainly because of the funny name . I did everything as stated in the instructions, but the cockroaches were in no hurry to disappear. Yes, there were a lot of nerves, because in a week an influx of guests was expected, and earning a reputation as a bedbug infester was somehow out of the question. Somewhere on the sixth day the cockroaches disappeared! Now we carry out disinfestation only with this gel. Fortunately, the price doesn’t bite, and the result is obvious. What more could you ask for from a poison?
  3. Galina, Kiev: Income is below average, and I also help adult children. One night I felt hungry. She went out into the kitchen and turned on the light. And on the table... Well, there have never been cockroaches in the apartment, but the problem needs to be solved somehow. At work they recommended Dohlox. They said it was cheap and effective. I tried it. The cockroaches did not disappear even on the eighth day promised in the instructions, although I strictly followed all the instructions in the instructions. I had to buy the drug 5 times more expensive. The cockroaches were poisoned. And his beloved Pekingese almost died from poisoning. I went out. A few months later, this topic accidentally came up in a conversation with a neighbor. It turned out that the dohloks was used by the neighbors below, from whom you can never beg not only snow in winter, but also buckets of water. They told me how Irina Nikolaevna boasted that she used only a third of the norm and poisoned the cockroaches. And they, it turns out, are accustomed to the drug. Now, in our house, baiting cockroaches is not a cheap pleasure.
  4. Vladimir, Yekaterinburg: Baiting cockroaches in our nursery is a rather risky process. Well, how to keep an eye on numerous cats, because most of the remedies either do not have the desired effect, or, together with cockroaches, poison pets! One day, I came across a description of dohlox on the Internet. Now, no problem. The cockroaches disappeared, and the little puppies and kittens remained healthy! The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions. And since the flow of animals abandoned by someone never stops, we also use the drug to bait other crawling creatures. And you know - it helps!

Is it safe for people and pets

The packaging states that the gel belongs to toxicity class 4 poisons, therefore it is completely harmless to humans, but only if safety precautions are observed.

If you have children in your family or pets live in your apartment, still do not risk leaving gel-like poison in places accessible to them. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the substance can cause poisoning in humans or animals. Dohlox does not emit toxic gases into the air, so it is not prohibited to be in the room during and after treatment.


Dohlox contains the following components:

  1. Fat – provides adhesion of the dohlox to any hard surface and prevents it from drying out.
  2. Bait – emits an odor elusive to the human sense of smell that attracts insects.
  3. Preservatives – prevent the loss of properties of the drug when interacting with oxygen.
  4. Insecticide – fipronil. This is a toxic substance that belongs to toxicity classes II and III, leading to the death of insects.

Precautionary measures

The poison will not have a negative effect on your body if you follow simple precautions:

  • Store the product in a dark place at a temperature no higher than 15 degrees, away from food.
  • Minimize skin contact by wearing rubber gloves.
  • During the treatment period, avoid direct contact of vapors of the substance with the respiratory organs by covering them with a cotton-gauze bandage.
  • Treat infected areas away from the presence of children and pets so that the product does not inadvertently enter their gastrointestinal tract.
  • Use the product only for its intended purpose.
  • Keep the remaining gel in the syringe out of the reach of children.
  • Entrust the processing to another person if you are allergic or asthmatic.
  • When finished, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • If the substance gets into your eyes, skin or mouth, rinse the area with plenty of running water.

There is no need to wear a protective suit or respirator; although the gel is poisonous, it does not have a direct toxic effect. It is not necessary to ventilate the apartment after the procedure.

Using the Dohlox trap

Dohlox traps allow you to destroy in a short time an entire colony of cockroaches that have appeared in the house. They use special food components as bait that attract insects with their smell.

Dohlox traps are very easy to use. They are installed vertically or horizontally in cabinets, behind furniture, under the sink, near drains. Since the insecticide inside is low-toxic, these devices are absolutely safe for people and animals. To ensure that there is no contact with the active substance, it is better to install them wearing rubber gloves.

Does Dohlox always have an effective effect?

Unfortunately, Dohlox is not always effective in its intended purpose. This is due to the ability of insects to develop immunity to the insecticide. Fipronil may be contained in cockroach control products from other manufacturers and with a different method of exposure (spray or aerosol).

If the population has already been exposed to a pesticide, it is quite possible that by the next baiting with the same insecticide, the cockroaches will develop protection against it. Nevertheless, such cases are rare and, more often than not, Dohlox copes with pest persecution.

How Dohlox works

To understand the effectiveness, it is worth looking at the composition of the cockroach repellent. The active component of the drug is a modern insecticide - fipronil. The substance is resistant to light and high temperatures. It can remain on the surface of an enclosed space for 60 days without changing its quality properties. Fipronil does not release toxins. Even with prolonged use, a person can safely stay in the treated room. In addition, the substance is widely used in veterinary medicine. Animals experience side effects when large amounts of the drug enter the stomach. That is, if a pet purposefully begins to chew the gel against cockroaches. In other cases, it does not harm animals.

Cockroach repellents based on fipronil act in 2 ways. The active substance enters the stomach and penetrates the chitinous cover upon contact. As for Dohlox gel specifically, manufacturers have done everything to ensure that cockroaches eat it better than any other food. Once inside the stomach, fipronil blocks nerve impulses. Paralysis appears, after which the insect dies. Cockroach repellents with fipronil are a ticking time bomb. At first, all the Prussians eat the product without any fear. And a few hours later everyone dies together. Since cockroaches are not known for their organized actions, the death of the entire population is observed within 2 weeks. Taking into account the new Prussians that have appeared.

The fight against cockroaches using Dohlox gel is carried out without much effort. The result does not depend on the thorough treatment of the room, as is the case with an aerosol or solution. You don't have to chase an insect to reward it with a lethal dose of the drug. The insects find the gel themselves and are poisoned and die. Moreover, resistance to fipronil-based agents is extremely rare. You can use cockroach gel for a long time as a preventive measure if the neighboring apartments are full of insects.

Advantages and disadvantages of Dohlox

Having analyzed the reviews on forums on the Internet, we can conclude that in general the product does a good job of killing cockroaches and Prussians in the apartment. The advantages of the substance include:

  • accessibility and relatively inexpensive cost;
  • convenience and ease of use (there is no need to prepare a solution, the gel in the syringe is immediately ready for processing);
  • the gel-like base does not allow the substance to dry out quickly, the gel can stick to vertical surfaces;
  • does not have a toxic effect on humans;
  • relatively economical consumption (the amount of gel spent on treatment depends on the degree of infection);
  • a gradual poisonous effect on the cockroach, which allows it to infect other individuals;
  • long-lasting action that lasts approximately 3-4 weeks.

The most common disadvantages include:

  • rare cases of resistance (resistance) to the active substance of the gel in cockroaches;
  • may leave marks on interior items (due to the fatty base);
  • no impact on pest eggs.

To exterminate the entire population, treatment should be repeated after 2 months.

Advantages of using the Dohlox line of drugs

The advantages of use include:

  1. Efficiency, there is no need to call disinfection services, you can carry out treatment of cockroaches in apartments and non-residential premises yourself.
  2. Low cost.
  3. The formulas of toxic substances are constantly being improved, and the latest developments and technologies are used. New products from the Dohlox series appear regularly.
  4. The manufacturer values ​​​​its reputation, has been working in this field for 20 years, and protects its products from counterfeiting.

Who produces

For the gel to really work, it is important not to fall for a fake. To avoid buying fake Dohlox, pay attention to the manufacturer. Original Dohlox gels from and are presented on Russian markets.


The product is sold in original packaging marked “Oboronkhim” and is in a special syringe with a volume of 30 ml. “Dohlox” from Oboronkhim is certified as an effective product that is recommended for use by the Russian Ministry of Health.

"Dohlox Technologies"

The manufacturer did not bother to put special features on the packaging, so you can buy a fake. To prevent this, purchase poison from Dohlox Technology only in specialized stores or on the manufacturer’s official website.

There are 3 types of gel on the market, which differ in the amount of fipronil they contain and are used in accordance with the degree of infection of the apartment. The poison is sold in the form of a syringe with gel or sachets.

Recommended application regimen

Having studied the reviews, we can come to the conclusion that many ordinary people recommend using Dohlox gel against cockroaches. Reviews, descriptions, dosages - all these points are very important, since such information helps to use the chemical industry product with maximum efficiency. So, to completely defeat insects, you should adhere to the following scheme:

  • the gel is applied in a dotted line along the baseboards;
  • people recommend applying the drug on the threshold when entering the house;
  • Judging by reviews, it is especially effective to apply the composition along the door frame leading into the room;
  • Be sure to treat the area behind the refrigerator, under the sink, near the toilet and gas stove;
  • treat the floor under the bathroom;
  • walk along the top of the kitchen unit.

Users also recommend that if you do not want to apply the product directly to the furniture, use cardboard or sheets of paper. This method does not at all detract from the effectiveness of using the drug, but allows you to avoid additional cleaning of the furniture.

How to spot a fake

There are many Dohlox gels on sale that are fake. They are less effective than original products or do not work at all. To prevent you from getting a fake, manufacturers have provided branding and other differences on the packaging and directly on the syringe.

The poison from Dohloks Technology is presented only in packaging with a company logo depicting the death of a cockroach.

Oboronkhim provided for better quality differences.


After opening the package, pay attention to the syringe. It should be made of high-quality white plastic without inclusions or streaks.

The rod on the syringe should also be white and have an original shape (an example is shown on the box).

The syringe itself must be sealed and not splash the drug during use.


Gel color

Pay attention to the structure and color of the gel itself. It should be white in color and have a gel-like structure, similar to jelly.

If you notice that the color of the gel is yellow or brown, it means you bought a fake. Egg powder is added to such products as bait and over time the gel will smell like rotten eggs.


The cap on the tip should be red. A branded star should be engraved on the end near the tip.

In the fight against cockroaches in an apartment, Dohlox, a gel in a contact syringe, has proven itself well. The drug paralyzes the insect, which leads to its sudden death. When choosing a drug, pay attention to the presence of original differences that indicate the productivity of Dohlox. Before treating the room, carefully read the instructions for use and precautions.

Disadvantages of the drug

Unfortunately, it was not without its drawbacks. The disadvantages of Dohlox include:

  • ineffective against insect eggs;
  • restriction of use in areas where small children and animals live;
  • long wait for results;
  • smeared stains on the floor, walls, furniture.

get used to the drug Dohlox over time . Therefore, if after the next application the effect of the gel is not visible after a few days, it is necessary to change the product.

Helpful information

How not to be disappointed in such a product as Dohlox gel for cockroaches? Reviews and photos left by people who have tested this drug in action confirm its effectiveness. Parasites die in entire colonies, and quite quickly. However, there is another side to the coin. It should be noted that dead insects may be observed throughout the room, and the drug gradually dries out after use.

People who doubt its safety can study the results of tests conducted, confirming the possibility of using Dohlox at home. Moreover, the drug has a patent allowing its use even in children's institutions.

It should be remembered that in the fight against insects, a person is not always the winner. But manufacturers produce products against which parasites are increasingly developing less protection. Dohloks gel against cockroaches (reviews confirm this) is one of these insecticides.

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