Remedy Riapan for bedbugs, instructions, reviews and analogues

Many people recommend this remedy for bedbugs. Read >>>!

Bedbugs are the most disgusting insects, causing harm with their vital activity and causing disturbance. This is especially true for bed bugs. They can live in old sofas and beds, in mattresses, under wallpaper, and hide in any cracks.

They feed on human blood; for this they have a special proboscis, which they use to pierce the skin and suck out the blood. The insects are small in size, approximately 4–7 mm, and range in color from yellowish to dark red. They reproduce very quickly. The latest study showed that in three months they can completely attack a 9-story building.

They can get into the house from anywhere, for example with a bag from a store infested with bedbugs. Pets can also be sources, having become infected on the street while walking. They can crawl from other apartments through common sockets.

Bedbugs are carriers of infections, cause allergies and itching in humans, an increase in body temperature due to bites, releasing poisonous saliva into the blood, and many other troubles; they must be combated in the most active way. And preferably, to all residents of the house at the same time, if a multi-storey building is infected.

If they start poisoning them in only one apartment, they will run through the ventilation shafts to others, and will continue to run like this ad infinitum. Colonies of bedbugs are often found behind old cabinets that have not been moved away from the wall for a long time, in baseboards, under old wallpaper, in any crevices, since they do not like open spaces.

If the home is heavily infested, the house has a stale smell of burnt nuts.

Instructions for use

The powder should be carefully scattered in insect habitats: along baseboards, in cracks, under radiators and mattresses, in window openings, between doors, under peeled wallpaper. Check clothing for the presence of larvae, for example in pockets or under collars, and shake off. Bedbugs can live anywhere, most often in sleeping areas.

Application rate: 15 g per 1 sq.m.

The consumption of the drug depends on the treatment of the required area.

Before use, you must wear gloves and a face mask, preferably a respirator. After treating all places in the house, leave the powder for several days. Then everything needs to be washed well, preferably with soapy water. It is better to repeat the procedure several times.

Many people recommend this remedy for bedbugs. Read >>>!

It is important to immediately identify the nests of bedbugs before use, as there will be the largest number of colonies there.

Should not be used after the expiration date, as the drug is less toxic and effective.

A more effective way to control bedbugs is to first use Riapan aerosol, and then the dry substance.

What is included in the insecticide

"Riapan" is a modern, improved remedy for bedbugs and other harmful insects. The main active ingredient of this product is permethrin, a compound related to neutropic poisons. The named component destroys not only bloodsuckers. In addition to bedbugs, it effectively fights other household pests - cockroaches, prussians, fleas.

Provided that the rules for using the drug are followed, there is absolutely no harmful effect on humans and animals living in the house. To avoid any unpleasant situations, when processing the premises, you must follow all instructions and use personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, mask, respirator).


Bedbugs appeared in our five-story building a long time ago. Everyone was simply exhausted, they could not sleep peacefully, there were more of them when the lights were turned off. Even with mosquitoes we didn’t experience such horror. Many began to suffer from allergies. It was not possible to relax and fall asleep peacefully. My neighbors and I tried all the folk remedies, most recently wormwood and tansy. Everything was in vain and nothing helped until everyone got together and bought the Riapan product. Powder was scattered in every apartment, someone used tablets and aerosols, in general, the house was finally free of these insects. It took about 10 days to destroy. Just in case, we bought more bags so that if they appeared, we could immediately treat the house. There aren't any in the house yet.

EAT. Belova, Tambov

Our neighbors lived nearby as guest workers and rented an apartment without renovation or furniture. They brought an old sofa from the trash heap that someone had thrown out. After a while it all started. The whole house was attacked, all the neighbors could not live in peace. Most of the victims were children. They were constantly itching. The skin was covered in red spots and swollen in places from constant scratching. You wouldn't wish what you went through on your enemy. Every day 15–20 new bites. We fought the whole entrance with the help of Riapan for bedbugs and dichlorvos. Those that were crawling in plain sight were sprayed with dichlorvos, and Riapan was scattered throughout all the rooms, into the furniture, cracks, and ventilation ducts. They went to spend the night with relatives. After processing, many of them lay dead on the floor. They swept them away and scattered the powder again. The procedure was repeated several times. Bed linen was washed at 95 degrees. Pillows and blankets in the oven at 80 degrees for about 30 minutes. held, bedbugs are afraid of high temperatures. Three weeks later we breathed a sigh of relief.

Marina Mikhailovna, Yaroslavl region.

What is the cost of different forms of "Riapan"

Riapan powder is sold in bags of 90 or 125 g. You can purchase this remedy for bedbugs in hardware stores or on the Internet. Sometimes the product is found in pharmacies.

You should focus on the following price range:

  • Online stores - from 85 rubles;
  • Household goods - from 90 rubles;
  • Pharmacies - from 95 rub.

An aerosol can be bought for 95-120 rubles. The cost of tablets is mainly the same as the price of powdered “Riapan”.

Instructions for use

For safety, wear a respirator or a special mask with goggles, long gloves, make sure that there are no animals or children in the house.

  1. Remove bedding from beds and curtains from windows, empty closet shelves and any items infested with bedbugs so that everything has easy access.
  2. Dilute 10 g of Neopin per 1 liter of cold water.
  3. Spray all cracks, shelves, corners, beds and cabinets, and ventilation shafts.
  4. After 2 hours, thoroughly wash the room and furniture, ventilate well, wash and iron bedding and curtains.
  5. After treatment, it is better not to be in the room for one day so that everything can air out.

Advantages and disadvantages of using "Riapan"

The main advantages of this product include:

  • the absence of an unpleasant pungent odor, toxic effect on people cleaning the house and living in it;
  • prolonged action, which ensures the death of all generations of parasites, and there is no need for repeated treatments;
  • economical consumption - to carry out disinfestation of a living space, you will need no more than 15 g of powder per 1 square meter (125 g bag is enough for 20 m²);
  • the ability to choose the most appropriate form of the drug (powder, aerosol, soluble tablets);
  • affordable price range for all types of insecticide.

The disadvantage of using Riapan in powder form is the likelihood of it getting into the respiratory tract or onto the mucous membranes of the organs of vision. In this regard, when sanitizing your home, you will need to take the necessary precautions. Also, some users consider the disadvantage of this product not to be the immediate effect of getting rid of bedbugs, but gradual (over several days or even weeks).

Remedy for bedbugs "Riapan"

Note! Many users claim that, unlike some powdered insecticides, Riapan has the least toxic effect on the human body and pets and does not cause severe allergic reactions. That is why many residents of apartments infested with bedbugs opt for this drug.

Anti-bedbug drug Riapan

Riapan has long proven itself to be positive in the fight against cockroaches and bedbugs. This drug is available in powder form, which makes it even more effective in use. One of the main active ingredients is permethrin. When the drug comes into contact with the parasite, it gradually weakens its immunity, which subsequently leads to the death of the bedbugs.

Using Riapan is quite simple. The powder must be distributed in those places where parasites usually find secluded places to exist. For example, ordinary baseboards. The drug must be used for a long time, approximately two or three weeks. When processing, you should pay attention to household appliances, batteries, as well as furniture. After all, bedbugs can penetrate into the most inaccessible places for humans, so it is important not to miss anything. After Riapan has been used the required number of times, the house or apartment will need to be thoroughly cleaned. Be sure to thoroughly rinse the areas where the powder was located.

Precautionary measures

Although Riapan is considered harmless, you need to take care of your safety. When working with the drug, you should wear rubber gloves; it is advisable to protect your face with a respirator and special goggles. Don't put your hair at risk, wear a hat or tie a scarf. After work, wash your hands with soap. It is advisable to take a shower, as dust particles could get on your body. Throw your work robe into the washing machine.

During disinfestation, it is better to send children and pets for a walk. No one will distract you from work, you will not need to constantly wash your hands to give your child his favorite toy, drink or candy. You can safely leave a bag of powder on the floor and not be afraid that curious kids will become interested in the contents. Try to use the bag completely, then you will not need to seal it and hide it out of reach of the child. Dispose of the packaging immediately into the garbage disposal.

When there are disabled people or bedridden patients in the apartment, it is difficult to use aerosols. But when treated with Riapan, there is no need to send everyone to the dacha or another room. If a person suffers from allergies or asthma, simply move him to another room for a while. The dust will quickly settle and the air will become clean. If you treated the sleeping area of ​​a cat or dog, try to secure the mattress so that the animal does not move it and try to eat the powder.

Safety of use

Dusts presented on the antiparasitic market are safe for people and animals when used correctly, even if a small amount of the product enters the body. Upon contact with skin, the dust does not cause any allergic reactions, unless, of course, there is an individual intolerance to individual components.

Dusts used in military installations or in agriculture are highly toxic. They are available only to legal entities and are expensive. Such products cause vapor poisoning if used incorrectly. If you neglect safety rules, you can inhale large amounts of powder and there is a risk of poisoning.

Signs of poisoning:

  • irritation on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • body tingling;
  • numbness;
  • headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

If you experience such symptoms, consult a doctor immediately!

Anti-bedbug preparation GET

Get is a new development of insecticide in the 21st century. This drug is a 5% solution of chlorpyrifos. It is produced in the form of an emulsion, which makes it very easy to use.

The structure of the drug is designed in such a way that the active substance is enclosed in microcapsules. Thanks to the active substance of the drug Get, the parasites are paralyzed, which after some time contributes to their death. Not only the bug that received the dose of the drug dies, but also everyone else who came into contact with it. Since microcapsules of the deadly poison remain on the bug treated with Get, it easily infects other insects. Therefore, Get is a universal drug that allows you to destroy entire orders of bedbugs.

This drug is easy to use. The procedure for exterminating bedbugs can be carried out independently, without outside help. Unlike its predecessor, Get does not have an unpleasant odor, it is completely safe for humans (has a hazard class of 3), so it is allowed to be used indoors without temporary eviction.

Another main advantage of the drug is its long-term effect. Most often there is no need to apply it a second time. If this drug is simply sprayed into the air, its effect on bedbugs will last about 40 days.

It will be interesting: all about dichlorvos for bedbugs

What means are most popular?

More specifically, the first thing to think about is not where bed bug remedies are sold, but which ones are most effective. Buying a strong anti-bedbug remedy at the pharmacy is not difficult, and you don’t even have to worry about how much the anti-bedbug remedy costs, since you can find a suitable option at an extremely competitive price. However, there is a risk of purchasing a product that will not bring you the expected results. Among the variety of professional chemicals for bedbugs, we can highlight several of the most popular options, among which you can find and buy a bedbug repellent in your apartment that suits you best:

  • "Get" is a low-toxic, odorless, new generation drug based on chlorpyrifos. Kon is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15 and poured into a spray bottle. For a room of up to 100 m2, a 100 ml bottle of Get is enough and costs about 800 rubles. The drug has a prolonged effect and remains effective for up to six months after treatment.
  • "Tetrix" is a product from Holland against insects in the house. Does not leave bedbugs a chance to survive thanks to the enhanced composition of cypermethrin and metaphos. It is available in 250 ml bottles and costs almost 2000 rubles. Due to its toxicity and pungent odor, it is recommended that this product be used only by specialist exterminators.
  • Cucaracha also contains cypermethrin and malathion. Moderately toxic, but has a strong odor. A product concentrate weighing 2.5 grams is dissolved in 1 liter of water. The effect of the drug lasts up to three days. It is advisable to leave the premises during treatment. After two weeks, the treatment is repeated.
  • "Karbofos" is a domestic proven product based on malathion. You can buy odorless “Karbofos” for bedbugs in the form of a powder or liquid concentrate, after which it must be diluted in water according to the instructions. It is inexpensive and accessible to everyone. The imported analogue of Karbofos is Fufanon.
  • “Combat” is a modern insecticidal aerosol with a pleasant minty smell. Quite effective against bed bugs and safe for humans. You will have to pay almost 300 rubles for a bottle of aerosol.
  • "Raid" is an aerosol based on cypermethrin. Low toxicity, but has a strong odor. Treatment with "Raid" is carried out twice at intervals of a week. After using it, an oily film is found on things, which can be easily removed with a soap solution.
  • "Forsyth" is a low-toxic concentrate based on fenthion. The smell is strong, but not persistent. Dissolve 50 ml of concentrate in 1 liter of cold water and spray it around the apartment. Animals and plants are removed during work. After 5–7 hours, ventilate the room well.
  • "Raptor" is a broad-spectrum insecticidal spray. More effective against cockroaches than bedbugs. The smell is pungent and sprays out when the window is open. In this case, you don’t even need to think about where they sell bedbug poison, since you can find Raptor even in regular stores.
  • “Mashenka” is an effective remedy in the form of a chalk, popular since Soviet times. Contains cypermethrin. Convenient, cheap and safe to use. Recommended as a means of prevention. In this case, you can buy a product to kill bedbugs in your apartment at a price that will pleasantly surprise you.
  • “Pyrethrum” is a powder of plant origin from the chamomile herb. Contains alkaloids that are harmful to bedbugs and harmless to humans. Quickly loses its properties in the light. It is currently very difficult to obtain.
  • "Neopin" - powder for dissolution in water. The smell is weak, the effect is short-lived. After use, surfaces are washed. Use in combination with a stronger agent.
  • "Delta Zone" is a Korean concentrated drug. Produced in 50 ml bottles and diluted with water according to the instructions. Deltamethrin in the drug destroys insects from the first application and retains its effect for up to two months. There is almost no smell, it is not dangerous for people.
  • "Riapan" is a very toxic powder, cheap and accessible. Processing is carried out in a room freed from people and animals in compliance with all precautions. A week after treatment, thoroughly rinse the room to remove the powder. Where to buy poison for bedbugs in this case? You need to contact a specialized store, but be prepared to leave your own apartment for some time.
  • Carbozol is another malathion-based spray with a pleasant coffee aroma. This professional means for exterminating bedbugs against people and animals is low-toxic. It fights bedbugs quite successfully, but does not last long. The advantages of the drug are ease of use, commercial availability and low price.

This is only a small part of the anti-bedbug products and concentrates that anyone can purchase. Thanks to the possibilities of such a choice, you can always find for yourself exactly the option that will satisfy all existing requirements and will pleasantly surprise even the most demanding buyer. You need to buy a good remedy for bedbugs not only when you have already discovered pests in your own home, but also to prevent such a problem. For example, it is better to find out in advance where you can buy mothballs for bedbugs, which will help prevent their appearance, or find out the price of Red for bedbugs in order to spend a small amount for your own peace of mind. Also, do not forget about such a universal remedy as “Executioner”, which can be found almost everywhere.

Where are bed bug repellents sold? Insecticides are sold in the household chemical departments of stores, pharmacies, or you can order medicine for bedbugs through the manufacturer’s website. At the same time, you can order bedbug poison in a few seconds and have it delivered to your home. In any case, carefully study the composition, method of use, precautions and expiration date of the drug. Only after this can the professional anti-bedbug liquid or any other product you have chosen be purchased. Otherwise, the purchased professional bedbug remedy will only be a waste of your own funds.


Anti-bedbug Raid

Reid is a drug that has been known for many years. It allows you to fight not only home bugs. Its use will help get rid of flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches and other small parasites that may appear in the apartment. The product is available in the form of an aerosol. To process 20 mx2 you will need 400 ml. deadly liquid. By using this drug, you expose bedbugs to a viral infection. When Reid comes across the parasite, it is gradually absorbed into his body. Reid's active ingredients (the main insecticide is cypermethrin) begin to slowly destroy the nervous system of bedbugs from the inside, and also affects all important organs. If the bug comes into contact with other individuals or larvae during infection, they will also subsequently become infected, which will ultimately lead to the death of the entire family.

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