The scarab is a sacred symbol with a thousand-year history.

The history of Egypt is full of secrets and mysteries. Grandiose pyramids and mummies of pharaohs, sacred animals and a scarab, as one of the symbols of the former greatness of ancient civilization. The Egyptians endowed it with divinity, and numerous myths and legends, along with the pyramids, made it an emblem of tourist Egypt. To understand why this little bug has earned worldwide fame, let’s learn more about it.

Who is this sacred scarab?

The sacred scarab - and it is to this species that our hero belongs - is a matte black insect with an almost round smooth body 25–35 cm long. Old individuals become shiny over time. On the head of the beetle there is a frontal protrusion and eyes, divided into upper and lower parts. There are spurs on each leg. Their gender differences are weakly expressed. The lower part of the body is covered with dark brown hairs. The photo of the scarab beetle, taken in macro mode, clearly shows these features.

These beetles are found on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, in Southern and Eastern Europe, on the Arabian Peninsula, in Crimea, Turkey and, of course, in Egypt.

Scarabs are dung beetles that feed on the dung of cattle, horses, and sheep.

The main feature of beetles is their feeding method. They roll a shapeless mass of excrement into a perfectly flat sphere and bury it in the ground, where they then use it for food.

Scarabs live for about two years. They spend almost their entire lives underground, emerging to the surface at night. They overwinter by burrowing to a depth of 2 meters. The emergence of beetles begins in March and lasts until mid-July.

Couples are formed during the process of preparing dung balls, and further work takes place together. A pair of scarabs digs a burrow 15–30 cm deep, which ends in a chamber. After mating, the male leaves, and the female begins to roll special pear-shaped balls and lays eggs in them. When finished, the hole is filled up.

After 1–2 weeks, the beetle larvae hatch. For a month they eat the food that their parents have prepared for them, and then they are reborn into pupae. In unfavorable weather, the pupae remain in the burrow for the winter. In spring, young beetles leave their burrows and come to the surface.

Scientists believe that dung beetles play a critical role in hot tropical climates in processing the vast quantities of manure produced by wild and domestic herbivores. Elephants, common in Africa alone, consume about 250 kg of food per day, and return a little less to nature in the form of dung heaps.

Some time ago, through the efforts of imported scarab beetles in Australia and South America, countless amounts of manure were processed, which local insects could no longer cope with. The scarabs did not take root in the new place, but they completed their task perfectly.

Choosing a location for application

The scarab beetle, the tattoo of which many mystics consider an amulet, is popular among fans of permanent designs of the 21st century. Those who want to get such a picture choose different parts of the body to apply it, and the picture can be either very small, consisting only of a beetle, or large, for example, on the entire back, including additional elements.

Apply an image of a sun beetle to:

  • wrist;
  • shoulder;
  • neck;
  • breast;
  • stomach;
  • back;
  • shin.

Each of the listed places has its own sacred meaning in the world of tattoos. Therefore, before choosing a part of the body for drawing, you need to understand and feel its energy.


The Scarab Beetle tattoo can be placed on the wrist. In this case, the picture activates a person’s creative abilities and stimulates his imagination and desire to become famous.

For those who have chosen a sun beetle as a permanent design, you can add to it some other symbols of what the wearer plans to do and develop. The energy of the daylight in this case will help overcome obstacles and fill everything made by hand with positive energy.


Eastern sages believe that a tattoo applied to the shoulder will allow the owner to make his way in life and achieve success in all chosen areas of activity. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, this part of the body, as well as the shoulder blade, is responsible for the Li side of the world, associated with the southern hemisphere of the Earth and the Sun.

The scarab beetle, as a symbol of the daylight, is suitable for applying to the shoulders. In this case, a tattoo will help realize all your ideas and contribute to the rapid restoration of strength for further work.


The cardinal directions Qian and Dui are responsible for this part of the human body. Those who choose to tattoo their neck want to comprehend secret knowledge. Eastern sages note that the permanent picture here should be in silver and gold tones. Those who have chosen a scarab to decorate this part of the body must, when painting the beetle, focus on the listed colors.

For those who decide to put a sun beetle behind their ear, the Egyptian talisman will allow them to hear more pleasant words addressed to them. A tattoo on this place brings peace, happiness and tranquility into the life of the owner.


Men have a sun beetle tattoo on their chest, while women prefer to place it on their rib cage. According to the Eastern teachings of harmony, Li is also responsible for this part of the body.

The scarab on the chest symbolizes openness to the Sun and life. The tattoo also indicates that a person faces everything that happens in life with a clear gaze, without turning away. Large insects are usually painted on the chest, which makes them look like a shield or armor.


The eastern direction Kun is responsible for permanent pictures on the stomach. The part of the body between the ribs, going down to the genitals, is associated with procreation, a strong family and romantic relationships.

Those who want to make a sun beetle on their belly need to paint it in warm yellow tones. It is recommended to get a tattoo in this place if you have problems in your personal life or have been unable to conceive a child for a long time.


The scarab beetle, the tattoo of which is often placed on the back of men, has, according to the Eastern teachings of harmony, 2 zones of influence. From the shoulders to the lower back there is the Zhen zone, where it is recommended to make drawings with a predominance of dark green and brown, and Kan, from the lower back and below, where the pictures should be in blue and black tones.

A scarab in the Zhen zone will help the owner create a family or improve relationships within it and improve their health, including getting rid of bad habits. Located in the Kan zone, the beetle activates growth in the professional field.


According to Feng Shui, feet are responsible for a person's sexual energy. By placing a tattoo on this part of the body, for which Xun is responsible, a person activates prosperity and well-being in his life.

Having decided to draw a scarab in any part of the leg, it is necessary that the beetle be more of a green shade. It is noteworthy that permanent pictures of the fairer sex are most often placed on the lower extremities.

Where do the myths about scarabs come from?

While observing scarabs, the Egyptians noticed an interesting feature - the beetles always roll their balls from east to west, and fly only at noon. Attentive Egyptians saw in this a connection between beetles and the sun. The luminary passes its path from east to west and disappears behind the horizon, only to appear again in the east tomorrow.

According to the ideas of the ancient Egyptians, the sun was a deity who brought life to all living things and resurrection after death. The Egyptians correlated the development cycle of scarabs inside a dung ball and its emergence to the surface with the movement of the sun. The similarity struck the ancient people so much that the god Khepri, who personified the rising sun, began to be depicted with a scarab instead of a head.

Luxor is home to a statue of a sacred scarab; this place is especially revered by tourists and locals.


Not long ago, entomologists believed that there was only one species of scarab - the Sacred Scarab. However, not so long ago, scientists identified about 100 varieties of arthropods with similar characteristics and united them into a separate family, the representatives of which differ only in size, color intensity and region of residence. The most famous of them are the sacred scarab and the typhon scarab.

The differences between these types are minimal:

  • sacred scarab - an insect measuring 25 - 38 mm, typhon grows to 16 - 30 mm;
  • Typhon is distributed more north than all other varieties.

As for the green scarabs often mentioned in books and films, they exist only in the imagination of the authors and in the works they created. This coloring is not typical for real beetles.

The role of the scarab in the life of Ancient Egypt

The Egyptians had poetic religious texts that called the scarab the god that lives in the heart and protects the inner light of a person. Therefore, the beetle symbol gradually became a connecting link between the divine principle and the human soul, uniting them.

The symbol of the sacred scarab accompanied the ancient Egyptians all their lives and, according to their beliefs, passed with them into the afterlife. If the body was mummified after death, then instead of the heart, an image of a sacred beetle was inserted. Without it, the resurrection of the soul in the afterlife could not occur. Even at the primitive level of medicine, the ancients understood the importance of the heart in the human body and, by placing in its place an image of the sacred beetle, they believed that it represented the primary impulse for the rebirth of the soul. Somewhat later, instead of a figurine of a scarab beetle, the Egyptians made a heart from ceramics, and the names of the deities were depicted on it next to the symbol of the sacred beetle.

How to wear it correctly

The scarab beetle as a talisman is excellent for achieving its intended purpose when it is used as decoration.

When the talisman is located next to the body of its owner, an energy exchange begins to occur between them. Part of the power of the amulet passes to its owner. This contributes to the onset of complete harmony between them.

For men, a talisman in the form of a ring is suitable.

Its massiveness will give the owner greater significance and increase his own self-confidence.

This symbol can be placed on boxes, combs, and knife handles. If it is placed on a tool, even if it is just a fountain pen, good luck will follow in all your endeavors.

What do amulets with a scarab mean in our time?

At all times, people believed in the miraculous power of various amulets that brought good luck, wealth, and happiness. Egyptian talismans among them, due to their ancient origin, are considered the most powerful.

The scarab beetle mascot is one of the most revered, and it is what is offered to tourists as a souvenir. Initially, amulets were made from stones, both precious and ornamental. Green granite, marble, basalt or ceramics were used, which, after drying, were covered with green or blue azure. Now tourists are offered metal amulets decorated with stones.

Before buying a talisman with the image of a scarab beetle, you should find out its meaning. The little thing helps its owner gain self-confidence, achieve desires and achieve their goals. First of all, this concerns work and creative activity. Since the scarab is a symbol of life, it is believed that it preserves youth and brings beauty to women. With its help, the strong half of humanity should gain stable income and a high position in society. Students take the talisman with them to exams, and in the house the symbol of the sacred beetle can provide protection from thieves, fires and other troubles.

It is believed that gifted amulets have greater power, but handling the amulet should be respectful and careful. A careless attitude towards magical objects and foreign culture and mythology can be dangerous for a person.

Modern meaning of the talisman


Now they believe that the image of an insect helps in the afterlife and earthly life. Such amulets protect against evil spirits, negative energy, energy vampirism and other misfortunes. They help with business, creating a family, harmonizing a couple’s relationship and helping them find love.

Such a souvenir from the country of feasts will make the owner confident and harmonize energy. It brings incredible luck in literally everything, the desire to work for your own benefit, destroys laziness and helps you achieve prosperity and success. But he won’t do anything for you, he will teach you wisdom and give you the ability to see the true nature of everything that happens to you.

For women, the scarab brings youth and beauty, internal magnetism and charm. Men are endowed with perseverance and consistency. But the influence of the amulet does not depend on gender. When you lack luck in business, luck in finding a suitable partner, or motivation to work on yourself, turn to the amulet. It also has a positive effect on sexuality, increases libido, and relieves impotence and infertility.

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