Forage cow. What to feed a cow? Average daily milk yield per 1 cow

Forage is food of plant origin that is fed to livestock. Previously, the word “fodder” was applied only to horse feed, but later it began to be used for cattle and small livestock.

What is a forage cow? A forage animal is an individual that is given additional feeding to increase milk yield. In the days of state and collective farms, calculations were made to calculate the number of forage animals on the farm. This was necessary in order to determine the volume of the food supply. Calculations of milk yield per 1 forage cow were carried out. This was considered the main indicator that reflected the overall productivity of the dairy herd.

Number of cows on the farm

In livestock farming, the formation of herds of forage cows is carried out. One herd may contain dry cows, another may contain cows after calving, and a third may contain cows in milk. Such division is necessary to ensure that the livestock receives the correct diet. It varies depending on the herd group.

A dry cow should receive vitamins and proteins. Newly heifers are given mainly hay and water, gradually introducing concentrates and succulent feed into the diet. Those animals that are being fed are given advance food. The higher the milk yield, the more feed is consumed.

The number of dairy forage cows changes periodically. It receives new individuals who are brought in after calving. A cowling is selected from it and transferred to dead wood. To determine the number of cows in a herd, different calculation methods and formulas are used. Daily records of milk yield obtained from forage cows are kept.

How to determine the productivity of a dairy farm?

To determine productivity, it is enough to follow these rules:

  1. If a cow produces a lot of milk, then she needs to be fed regularly and often. The animal must visit pastures. Here the cow will be able to independently compensate for the lack of plant components.
  2. Burenki, which regularly eat forage, produce dairy products with a high level of fat content.

Post-calving cows should receive plenty of hay and clean water during the first period after giving birth. These components will help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Gradually, succulent types of feed mixtures are being added to their menu. For three months after giving birth, cows are fed grass and legume mixtures.

The diet of dry animals contains the maximum amount of protein and vitamin complexes. For this purpose, feed mixtures based on cereals, legumes and plant components are used. When feeding such compositions, many farmers noted a rapid increase in muscle mass in the animal, as well as insemination on the first try.

Particular attention should be paid to the liquid consumed. To prevent forage from disrupting intestinal function, it is recommended to feed the animal 5 times with clean water during the day. Cows should be allowed to walk on pasture regularly for 10 hours.

To calculate the efficiency of a dairy farm, it is important to take into account not only the volume of milk production, but also the amount of feed eaten. Correct and regular calculations can reduce financial costs for the purchase of nutritious raw materials. Dividing cows into groups significantly reduces feed consumption and allows increasing milk production.

Important! Forage procurement should be carried out in mid-July. At this time, abundant growth of grass, cereals and legumes is observed in meadows and pastures.

Experienced farmers prefer to keep a special calendar, which helps to keep daily records of each group of animals. Here, experts make adjustments to the volume of products consumed and the amount of milk yield. Milk regularly undergoes laboratory testing to determine fat content. These studies allow you to correctly plan the supply of feed mixtures for the entire period.

Forage in the diet

In livestock farming, calculations are made of the average annual milk yield per animal. Such data allows us to estimate how well the animal is fed and how many liters of milk a cow produces when using forage feed. This includes:

  • legumes – lupine, peas;
  • grain fodder - barley, wheat, oats, corn;
  • roots, stems, leaves without seeds and fruits.

All this is additional food. Its use explains the name “forage cow”. Cows consume forage feed in fresh and dried form.


The number of forage cows on large farms and private farmsteads is growing year by year. And this is understandable, because the use of forage feed can increase the daily milk yield from each cow by at least 0.5 liters. How much will this be in terms of the herd? It is estimated that on average one forage cow can produce up to three thousand liters of milk per year - and this is a very good indicator.

A competent approach to the formation of groups of animals opens up wide opportunities for financial savings and increasing the profitability of the farm. The higher the productivity of individuals, the more attention it attracts from dairy producers and cattle buyers.

It is much safer and more promising to purchase animals from a successful owner.

You can see how to increase milk yield in the following video.

Forage is a type of plant food that is widely used as the main food for cattle. At the beginning of the last century, forage feed was used to feed horses. However, its valuable composition helped improve the quality of milk and meat. Since then, farmers have begun using it as an additive to grain mixtures.

Milking control

Milk is a healthy product used to produce a wide variety of fermented milk products, sour cream, cheeses, cottage cheese, and butter. It is highly valued.

On farms, the milk productivity of cows is constantly determined using various formulas and calculations. This is necessary to find out how productive each cow is individually, since milk yield is calculated for the year and for the lactation period.

To obtain the most accurate results, milk is weighed daily. But such work is carried out only on small farms where the number of cows is not large. In large livestock farms, control is carried out every few days at certain intervals. To know how much milk the cows gave during the period between weighings, the data obtained on the control day is multiplied by the number of days in the interval. Then all the amounts received for the year are added up - the annual yield is obtained. The same principle is used to determine milk yield during lactation.

Conflict with Lindsay Lohan

In 2010, one of Pitbull's lines, in which he used the name Lindsay Lohan in a comparative phrase, caused a stir. The line took place in a song called Give Me Everything from Planet Pit's sixth album.

The matter did not end with just outrage - Lohan filed a lawsuit against Perez. She demanded monetary compensation. Firstly, for using her name at all. Secondly, because this line could have caused damage to her career, because it carried a negative character. As a result, a judge dismissed Lohan's claim because the lyrics were protected by the First Amendment. At this point the case was closed.

Calculation of milk yield

In large farms, to calculate the average milk yield per forage cow, they use the formula where the total milk yield is divided by the number of heads in the herd. When it is necessary to find out how much milk a particular cow gave per day, the annual amount is divided by the days of lactation.

The information received is recorded in special accounting journals for the selected period.

For example, there are hundreds of cows on farms. Calculating how many liters of milk per day each individual produces is labor-intensive. Moreover, the number of cows changes; some cows may not produce milk. Because of these features, it is the average milk yield that is calculated. You can also calculate the volume of milk by the number of heads supplied for the feed ration. The latter calculation method allows you to determine the milk yield of forage cows. Most often it is less than the indicators of dairy cows.

By studying how to milk a cow and how much milk it produces over different periods, farmers can understand how well things are going. The calculations made help to take into account not only the costs of feed, but also labor, and calculate the possible profit from sales.

Nutrition rules

Forage is not the only food for animals. Individuals must visit pastures, where cows independently replenish the missing amount of plant components. The average walking time is 8-10 hours. To prevent feed mixtures from disrupting the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to constantly provide water. At least 5 drinks are required per day.

Features of the diet for each group in the herd:

1. Herbal mixtures.

The use of feed mixtures is an opportunity to increase the average milk yield per cow by 0.5-1 liter. Foraging individuals are capable of producing up to 3,000 liters of milk per year. Therefore, by providing a suitable diet and reasonable maintenance, the farmer receives minimal feed costs and increased productivity. To achieve noticeable results, it is necessary to use only prepared and pre-processed forages.

Forage is food of plant origin that is fed to livestock. Previously, the word “fodder” was applied only to horse feed, but later it began to be used for cattle and small livestock.

  • Calculation of forage cows
  • How is milk yield calculated?

What is a forage cow? A forage animal is an individual that is given additional feeding to increase milk yield. In the days of state and collective farms, calculations were made to calculate the number of forage animals on the farm. This was necessary in order to determine the volume of the food supply. Calculations of milk yield per 1 forage cow were carried out. This was considered the main indicator that reflected the overall productivity of the dairy herd.

Feed consumption accounting

Feed calculations are based on feeding days. A special formula has been developed for this. It looks something like this: at the beginning of the month, the number of goals is taken into account. The indicator is recorded on the calendar. If the livestock is replenished with new cows, this will be displayed. The livestock that left the herd is also taken into account. They are also taken into account when calculating feed consumption, since they received forage before being transferred to dry land.

Such calculations help predict feeding days and determine the number of individuals that will receive forage feed, how many will go into dry wood, and how many will come to the dairy group. The results of the calculations also determine how much feed needs to be prepared for animals being fed.

On a private farmstead, as well as on small farms, it is easy to determine the amount of feed to feed one forage cow. But calculating how much is required for adequate nutrition of animals in large and medium-sized farms is more difficult.

Character and behavior

The Pitbull Mastiff has a complex character. The dog treats strangers with caution and even aggression. She is devoted to one owner, but can also show bitterness towards him if the person lacks leadership qualities.

With good upbringing, a dog can be affectionate and gentle. Bandog treats children with caution. But he is not suitable for the role of a nanny, as he can snap if the child turns out to be too annoying. The Pitbull Mastiff is tolerant of other pets.

Mean square

The mean square is used for features expressed by linear measures of area. For example, to determine the average diameter of sunflower baskets, the size of leaves, the size of colonies of microorganisms, etc. Just like the arithmetic mean, the mean square can be simple and weighted.

where is the average;

x options;

n is a number option.

Let's consider the method for calculating the mean square.

Example 1. There is data on the length of 10 rabbit skins (Table 2.5).

Table 2.5

We invite you to read: Mammoths - ancient prehistoric animals

where is the average;

x options;

n is a number option.

Zebu - humpbacked cattle

Zebu in the countries of the former USSR are common in Azerbaijan and the Central Asian republics. It is also sometimes called the Asian zebu. This species most likely originated in India. Its main difference is the muscle-fat hump.

Interestingly, its thick skin secretes an odorous oil that repels blood-sucking insects, and the heat does not pose any threat to the zebu. In principle, this subspecies of bull-shaped animals lives precisely in hot countries - Asia, South America, Africa. Note that when crossing zebu with cows, excellent offspring are obtained.

Bone joints, muscular system

The elasticity and strength of the skeleton, the smooth movement of the cow is formed thanks to high-quality “inserts” between the bones. This function is performed by collagen fibers that form ligaments. They withstand heavy loads, forming continuous strong joints of limited mobility and joints.

The joints have a special two-layer capsule. Inside it, the bones are lubricated with synovial fluid and do not rub against each other. This increases the amplitude of movement of the cow’s limbs and head. Such formations strengthen the internal ligaments. Externally, the joints are partially supported by muscles.

Among diseases of the skeletal organs of cattle, joint diseases have become widespread, leading to limitation of movements and severe pain.

Muscle tone characterizes a healthy animal. It is created by skeletal muscles outside and smooth muscles inside the body, ensuring intestinal peristalsis, effective functioning of internal organs, and vessels of the circulatory system. The skeletal muscles perform antagonistic functions: abductor and adductor, flexion and extension. There are about 250 such muscles in the body of large bulls, and the constitution of an adult individual is characterized by 47% muscle mass in relation to the total weight.

Basics and structure of a complete diet for dairy cows and feeding rates

As has been said many times, the quantity and quality of milk largely depends on the animal’s nutrition. In order for a dairy cow to move into the high-yielding category, the daily menu must include all the necessary nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fiber), mineral and vitamin supplements. For this reason, the animal cannot be fed with any one type of food, and rough and juicy foods must be supplied in a balanced combination.

Hay for winter maintenance

Hay serves as the basis for the nutrition of cows when kept tethered and during the cold season. This type of feed includes a large amount of fiber, essential proteins and amino acids, and minerals, which are necessary for highly productive performance. The properties of hay depend on what plants are included in its composition and when they were mowed. The most useful food is made from meadow herbs, prepared during their flowering period. The hay should be well dried, preferably in the open air. The greener the color of the prepared food, the higher its vitamin content. Hay accounts for more than half of the daily food supply, which means its quality should be as high as possible.

This material will tell you about feeders for cows.

Hay is a major source of protein, vitamins and minerals.


Despite the relatively low cost, this product provides a complete set of nutrients similar to what a cow receives during grazing.

loose housing

Vegetables and root vegetables

These products are especially important after calving, as they stimulate lactation and increase the animal’s appetite. Vegetables, melons, and root vegetables contain large amounts of vitamins and glucose, sucrose, and starch. Such additives are introduced into the diet both in summer and, especially, in winter. Vegetables can be given fresh, but root vegetables (potatoes, beets) are best boiled. Do not cut vegetables into small pieces; serve them whole or halved. Monitor the condition of the products; they should not be rotten, mold, or dirty. The most suitable feeding for dairy cows are:

  • turnip;
  • fodder beet;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • watermelon;
  • kale.

Concentrated feed: table

Concentrated feeds include products that contain large amounts of protein, proteins and fats. This is an important part of the diet, promoting weight gain and increasing the fat content of milk. This type of food includes:

  • cereals;
  • sunflower meal;
  • cake (oilseeds);
  • bread crumbs;
  • legumes

Grains must be included in the diet, as they have high nutritional value, both during the stable period and during the pasture period. However, excessive consumption of concentrates by animals can lead to obesity and digestive problems.

It is important to adhere to the norm and include concentrated feeds exclusively as an addition to the main menu, without focusing on them. Read about the table for measuring the weight of cattle here

Vitamins and supplements, protein

It is not always possible to compensate for the lack of any macro and microelements in the animal’s body with food. For this reason, you have to turn to vitamin and mineral supplements. There are many ready-made preparations that contain all the necessary substances and are sold in any pet store. However, improvised means available on any farm can also act as such additives. To enrich the diet with minerals, it includes chalk, regular table salt, and bone meal. Fish oil and fresh vegetables are rich in vitamins. These additives are important not so much for increasing the milk production of cows, but for maintaining their health and strengthening the immune system.

It is better to take ready-made premixes rather than separate vitamins: they contain the full necessary set of not only vitamins, but also minerals.

Number of feed units per head of cattle

You can find out how many feed units of feed are required per head of cattle from the table below. Based on these data, the farmer can easily independently calculate the ration for his livestock and properly organize the fattening of cattle. The table shows the diet of an adult dairy cow: the name of the feed for cattle, its quantity and the same volume, expressed in the unit of measurement “feed unit”.

Nutritional value of feed, table for cattle:

Silage, 30 kg6 KU (feed units)
Sugar beets, 5 kg1.3 KE
Wheat bran, 600 g0.5 KU
Sunflower cake, 1.5 kg1.6 KE
Meadow hay, 6 kg2.6 KE

In reality, the data may deviate slightly from the standards in one direction or another (“plus” or “minus”), this is quite acceptable. Concentrated feed for cattle is considered the most nutritious.

What are the requirements for the product?

There are certain requirements for feed wheat. International quality standards and GOST allow any variety and type of wheat, but strictly regulate the following indicators:

  • Appearance. The grain must be healthy, have normal color and shape. There should be no smell of mold, rot, malt, etc.
  • Impurities. In the total mass of feed wheat, it is not allowed to contain more than 15% of other grains, more than 1% of weed seeds, and more than 3% of mineral waste.
  • Infection with fungal diseases. The grain affected by fusarium should be no more than 1%, and up to 10% by smut fungus. Infection with other diseases is not allowed.
  • Presence of pests. The fodder should not have any pests in its total mass. Damage by insects and microorganisms that can harm livestock is not allowed.
  • Humidity. This figure should not exceed 15%.

Discography and clips

Pitbull's discography includes the following studio albums:

  • MIAMI - 2004;
  • El Mariel - 2006;
  • The Boatlift - 2007;
  • Rebelution – 2009;
  • Armando - 2010;
  • Planet Pit – 2011;
  • Global Warming - 2012;
  • Globalization - 2014.

Pitbull released several videos for some of his songs:

  • "Culo"
  • "Toma"
  • "Give Me Everything"
  • "The Anthem"
  • "Hey Baby"
  • "Hotel Room Service"
  • "Rain Over Me"
  • "Stop Me Now"
  • "Time Of Our Lives"
  • "Celebrate"
  • "Secret Admirer"

In addition, Pitbull participated in the recording of some videos in joint songs with Jennifer Lopez, Shakira and other performers.


Daily requirement

All rules for formulating a diet are based on the daily requirement of the cow’s body for certain microelements and vitamins. It should be remembered that this figure depends on the productivity of the animal. The more milk an animal gives, the more nutrients and vitamins it needs. If the diet does not meet the animal’s needs, it will lead to a decrease in milk production and the body’s protective functions.

This article will tell you about keeping cows at home.

In vitamins

Vitamins play a regulatory role in the animal's body. Their lack leads to a decrease in appetite and, as a consequence, to a drop in milk yield. For dairy cows, the most important is vitamin A, which requires at least 50-70 mg per day. Vitamin C is important to improve overall health, up to 60 mg per day. Among the B vitamins, B1 plays the most important role; it should be included in the diet in an amount of 30-40 mg per day. To improve performance, the vitamin complex should include up to 300-500 mg of vitamin E.

In trace elements

It is impossible to calculate the exact amount of certain microelements in food. For this reason, when creating a diet, you need to add a constant amount of these substances to it. This will provide the cow with everything necessary for healthy milking and will not lead to an overabundance of these components. The following should be added to the general daily menu of a dairy cow:

  • 2 grams of magnesium;
  • 6 grams of calcium;
  • 4 grams of phosphorus;
  • 5 grams sodium.

The purpose and character of the pit bull

If you want a faithful companion, a devoted friend, a pit bull can embody all these qualities. He can become an excellent security guard for your home , a bodyguard for you and your children. The animal can live perfectly both in a city apartment and in a private house, it is important not to keep it on a chain .

This dog is a good companion with great energy and activity. An animal always wants to be needed and useful to its owner in everything; they are hard workers by nature. They love outdoor games and perform various kinds of tasks. If dogs are constantly busy with something, then their owner will always see the animal as docile and positive.

Pit bull is a friendly breed , despite the large number of negative reviews about it in the press. If a dog has been brought up and socialized from early childhood, then it will get along well not only with family members, but also with other animals, and even with complete strangers. The animal is patient, however, due to the fact that the hunting instinct is not in last place, if another dog provokes a fight, it will be difficult for the pit bull to retreat.

It is not recommended to have pets of the same sex if, for example, you want two pit bull terriers in your family.

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