How to attract a duck with a decoy correctly: tips for novice hunters

  • March 23, 2020
  • Hunting
  • Ulyana Nikitina

When hunting ducks, a blow decoy is often used. Its use while hunting these birds is almost the same as playing various musical instruments. And for the hunt to be successful, it is imperative to learn how to attract a duck using a decoy.

How to attract a bird correctly

Some novice hunters are interested in how to properly decoy a duck in the spring. You can do this as follows:

  • The sounds made by the decoy must imitate the voices of females of exactly the same species as the drake being hunted. In the spring season, several different species can be found simultaneously. Accordingly, at this time of year it is necessary to stock up on a wide variety of stuffed animals.
  • You can use an ordinary decoy duck instead of a stuffed animal. Some hunters breed them specifically in order to later use them during hunting.
  • As for the stuffed animals, they need to be placed randomly. They will create the appearance as if a flock has landed on the water. There is no need to place them in rows. This may scare away the drake.
  • In an ambush you need to sit at a distance of approximately 15 m. Moreover, this distance should be to the farthest stuffed animal. The bird itself should be placed on a strong leash, the length of which is approximately 1 meter greater than the depth of the reservoir.
  • The decoy duck must be positioned so that it faces the hunter. At the same time, her leash had to be very thin, always strong, and as for the load, the house had to be sufficient to be able to keep it in the water. One kilogram is enough. Stuffed animals can be placed on the sides of the decoy duck. But at the same time, it is imperative to ensure that the leashes do not get tangled. As soon as the ducks approach, the hunter should begin to make several staccato quacks. Thus, it imitates the voice of ducks of this species. And the decoy duck will attract the mallard drakes. It is better not to imitate their voice.

Some people are interested in: how to properly attract a duck with a wind decoy? A lot depends on how well the hunter uses the decoy. A decoy duck is good for hunting, but it is not always possible to get it out of a pond later, and a stuffed duck is the most ideal option.

Let them decide for themselves

Observe how ducks respond to different vocal techniques and adapt to them. Simply put, let the birds tell you what they want to hear today.

Too often, attracting ducks becomes a chore for us. It includes a joyful call (hail) and return as the duck circles, single quacks and clicks as the bird lands on the water, and a continuous feeding sound as the decoy duck approaches. In most cases this will work, but not always. Give the bird what it wants.

For example, if a joyful call attracts a flock or a return cry causes a flying bird to return, stick to these techniques. If not, try making sounds a little lower and focus on single quacks or periodic feeding sounds.

It happens that the bird behaves relatively calmly and there is no need to lure it. Do not straighten the cat's tail in such cases. As experienced people say: if the bird comes to you on its own, don’t screw up the decoy.

Types of decoys

Currently, there are several main types of decoys. These include the following:

  1. Single tongue. This decoy is quite possible to hear at a great distance. It is not difficult to use, in addition, it has the necessary volume and tonality. This type of decoy is ideal for professional hunters.
  2. Double-tongue. This decoy doesn't sound that loud. However, despite this, it is much easier to control. That is, at any moment the hunter will be able to change the sound faster. This device uses the respiratory system more. Ideal for beginners.

Classification by materials of manufacture

In addition, all of the above decoys can be classified according to the materials used to make them. For many, of course, this is not important, but nevertheless, hunters are still recommended to know some subtleties.

Types of decoys:

  1. Wooden decoy. It has a soft and rich sound. It is generally accepted that these are the types of decoys that are capable of producing the most realistic sounds. Their cost is relatively small. But they have one big disadvantage, which is that a wooden decoy must always be kept in working order and clean. If you don’t do this, the service life will decrease much faster.
  2. Acrylic. It is capable of producing low and harsh sounds. It is best used in small bodies of water, with open water. The acrylic decoy itself is very durable. It is much easier to monitor his condition. The only negative is that they are quite expensive.
  3. Carbonate. If we compare it with wooden and acrylic decoys, then this is something in between. In terms of price, it can be compared with a wooden decoy. But in comparison with it, it is more waterproof and has a long service life.

Sound volume

Many hunters are interested in how to attract a duck with a wind decoy in the spring. Before you go duck hunting with a decoy, there are a few more details you need to know. For example, no less important is information about what the sound of a decoy should be.

So, a few recommendations:

  • If the hunt is planned on a large body of open water, with a strong wind blowing, then the sound made by the decoy must be strong and loud enough.
  • And if the hunt is carried out without any shelter and the hunter needs to lure a duck from close range, then the sound that the decoy makes should be quite soft and very elegant. In this case, volume is not important.

"Alluring" days

There are cases that are very favorable for luring. Here as pioneers, be always ready; but carefully evaluate the situation to decide whether it is worth using a decoy or whether it is better to put it in your pocket.

There are many situations when you can’t go without a decoy, for example, foggy days. Ducks simply cannot see their comrades, so they have to rely on other clues to find food and their idle brethren. Often, just a few cracks and a series of clicks mixed with an enthusiastic call can lead an entire flock straight to your hiding place.

Conversely, it is completely useless to beckon in tense situations when calls are coming from all sides. For example, at the opening of the season, when flocks of discouraged and confused ducks fly from place to place in search of shelter, while anyone with a single tongue pretends to be a genius of deception. A duck is not a fool to answer a call if it is shot every time it approaches closer than 70 m. So save your breath.

All these are, of course, extremes, but you understand the general approach. To paraphrase a well-known expression, if you’re not sure, slow down. But don’t be afraid to make some noise when it seems like the situation is going well.

How to use it correctly

Very often people ask how to call a duck with a decoy. There are several rules for using decoy. These include the following:

  • The decoy must be held in the same way as you usually hold a harmonica. That is, cover the holes with your fingers, or this can be done with the palm of your other hand, thereby muffling the sound. At this moment, the hunter can imagine that he is playing the pipe. It is imperative to try to achieve the desired sound.
  • It is recommended to blow into the decoy using a diaphragm. It is activated during coughing. You can also blow into the decoy with your mouth closed. But in order to do this, you need to practice a little. To do this, the hunter can imagine that he is trying to push something out of his lungs.
  • Duck calls themselves are short, repetitive, sharp sounds. They are created by gusts of air. Therefore, it is very important for a hunter to learn how to block the air flow with his throat in a timely manner. This is necessary in order to make the correct sounds.
  • If none of this works, then you can try squeezing the decoy with your teeth.

Imitation techniques

There are many ways to imitate natural signals. For example, to lure a black grouse, some hunters skillfully cluck and, while clapping their palms on the tops of their boots, imitate the flapping of the wings of a scythe. In a certain way, by exhaling air into folded palms brought to the mouth, you can imitate the voices of various game birds. Various items are used for the same purpose:

  • a vibrating leaf or blade of grass held between the fingers;
  • a comb, which, if you run a sliver of wood along it, imitates the sharp cry of a corncrake.

A special category of decoys includes specially made devices that incorporate centuries of hunting experience. For example, hazel grouse decoys are very popular among hunters. They are made from twigs, wire, plastic, bone, the body of an ordinary ballpoint pen and tin.

How to beckon with your hands correctly

This method of luring is much more difficult compared to a regular decoy. Only experienced hunters can master it. This method will be relevant in cases where the decoy has been lost and there is no other one at hand.

You can use your hands to attract a duck as follows:

  • First of all, it is recommended to bend the thumb inside the palm, then close it with your fist. Next, you should lower your hand into the water in this position. So that it falls between the finger and palm directly into the gap.
  • Next, you need to blow during this period. To do this, you can use the same techniques as when using a regular decoy. In order to change the sound, it is enough to change the position of the thumb inside the palm.

How and when to lure a duck

How to call a duck with a decoy? Before doing this, you must also be guided by the following rules:

  • Under no circumstances should you ever use loud sounds on small bodies of water, especially when the weather is calm and windless.
  • If you manage to notice several flying ducks, then you need to use several short signals. This is required in order to attract the attention of birds. And if the ducks changed their flight direction and began to move towards the hunter, the latter is advised to stop quacking and continue to watch. If the ducks no longer fly, it means the hunter has overdone something.
  • Be sure to try to eliminate unnecessary noise before you start attracting the duck. It could be the sounds of music.
  • You need to use a decoy especially carefully if you also use a decoy duck during the hunt. A hunter can simply ruin everything with his inappropriate quack. In this case, you can start quack only when the birds don’t like something and are about to fly away.
  • And the most important rule is to be patient. These birds do not always land on the water immediately. They can fly in circles for quite a long time, and sometimes even fly away. In some cases they come back. Therefore, if the hunter did not manage to attract their attention the first time, he should not immediately leave his shelter, he needs to wait a little, because it is possible that the birds will return back.

Do "crrr"

Pochards can make a variety of sounds, but many hunters do not call them when hunting red-headed pochard or blackhead in deep water. This is probably because pochard hunting is more visually oriented than other duck hunting and usually involves the use of a large number of decoys to attract flocks from afar. Still, imitating diving sounds can sometimes help you fill the boat.

Most often associated with hunting diving ducks is the classic “krr, krr” sound of ducks and red-headed ducks. It can be reproduced by using commercial diving decoys or mallard decoys. Only in the latter case will it be necessary to use the tongue to “round out” the “r” in the sound “crrr”. I have even met people who can imitate this sound using only their voice, although, it is worth noting, without much success.

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