Smoke bombs for cockroaches in the apartment and in the house, how to properly poison them with smoke?

Eliminating cockroaches from an apartment is a difficult task that cannot be accomplished the first time.

These are unpleasant insects that have good vitality, they quickly adapt, and also, over time, develop strong immunity to insecticides. Not long ago, a smoke bomb for cockroaches appeared.

An effective insecticide helps to quickly destroy unpleasant parasites after one application. It is suitable for processing large areas. But it’s still worth considering the features and properties first.

Smoke bomb for cockroaches: what is it?

A cockroach bomb is a small box with an active substance inside and a base made of flammable material. The device is placed on a non-flammable surface, the fuse is lit, after which toxic smoke begins to be released.

Composition and active ingredients

The composition contains various components. It depends on the intensity and purpose of the checker.

But the most common types contain:

  • Hexachloran is a nerve paralytic insecticide with enteric contact action. The substance destroys not only cockroaches, but also caterpillars, locusts, some butterflies, as well as insects living in the soil and on trees. Not effective against herbivorous mites.
  • Sulfur compounds, which during combustion are converted into sulfur dioxide - an antifungal, insecticidal and bactericidal component. It instantly kills cockroaches, fleas, ants, ticks and other pests. Sulfur dioxide is often used in livestock and agriculture.
  • Bromide is a fungicidal and bactericidal substance. Suitable for disinfestation of garden areas, suppresses the development of fungal and bacterial infections indoors.
  • Permethrin is an insecticide that paralyzes the nervous system of insects when it enters the intestines.

Impact on parasites

The main difference between checkers and gels, dusts and aerosols is the quick and reliable destruction of all parasites. There is no need to wait until the cockroach eats the bait or runs along the path with the poison. The poison acts immediately, and it does not matter where the insects are hiding.

The smoke bomb works on a prolonged principle. The active substances enter through the chitinous membranes and respiratory tract, paralyze the nerve cells, and the individual dies.

Insects that remain alive pick up the poison from the walls, furniture or floor and die immediately. The effect lasts for another month after disinfestation.

Application area

Smoke bombs are intended for warehouses and industrial buildings, but can also be used in other premises:

  • greenhouses, greenhouses;
  • agricultural buildings;
  • basements;
  • garages, hangars;
  • open areas on personal plots: gazebos, campsites, lawns, etc.;
  • residential buildings and apartments - to combat bed bugs, fleas, cockroaches and ants.

Smoke bombs often trigger fire alarms, turn them off in advance, and also warn your neighbors about pest control.

What explains such high efficiency?

First of all, the large amount of insecticidal smoke that one bomb generates. The volume of the toxic environment in the form of smoke when it burns is several times greater than the total cloud of insecticide produced by a can of Raptor or dichlorvos.

The smoke particle sizes are only a few tens of microns. Due to their microscopic size, they can penetrate into the thinnest cracks and recesses - under baseboards, into sockets, furniture and kitchen equipment. Smoke penetrates even frames covered with upholstery. And this is the favorite hiding place of all parasitic insects.

The finely dispersed composition of the smoke allows it to spread evenly throughout all the nooks and crannies of the apartment, so there is no need to look for the localization of cockroaches. The poison penetrates into the most hidden places, due to which all insects find themselves in the affected area.


The results of treating an apartment with smoke bombs are close to those achieved by using equipment that produces hot and cold fog. In both cases, the sizes of aerosol (smoke) particles are so small that, thanks to Brownian motion, they remain in the air for a long time and manage to penetrate into all the secluded places where insects hide. With the same result, using smoke bombs yourself is much simpler and cheaper (about 10 times) than inviting professional exterminators with expensive equipment.

Alexander, Moscow

Cockroaches are a real disaster for residents of apartment buildings. Once they get established, they are incredibly difficult to get rid of completely. No matter how we tried to kill and poison them, we never succeeded in completely destroying the harmful insects. They made our lives miserable for years. But one day my patience ran out, and I decided to use a mosquito smoke bomb, which I sometimes use when going fishing. They lit it and went to the neighbors. I had to sit with them around noon.

When we returned, we looked around - like a battlefield. There are dead cockroaches lying around everywhere, you can even pick them up with a shovel. We didn’t even think that it would be so effective. Two months have passed since the saber was used, and the cockroaches still have not appeared.

The principle of operation of house bombs is the nerve-paralytic effect that the insecticidal substance contained in the smoke has on cockroaches. It penetrates the respiratory system of insects, and from it into the hemolymph, from which it reaches the nerve cells (ganglia). As a result, the insect becomes paralyzed.

Why smoke bombs against insects are not popular

Despite the rapid destruction of insects, smoke bombs are not particularly popular among buyers.

And there are several reasons for this:

  • Safety precautions - products that generate smoke are considered a fire hazard.
  • The use of checkers is unprofitable for exterminators (there may be several dozen, or even hundreds of such companies in the city). It’s one thing to create the appearance of hard work using powerful units, and quite another to simply light a bomb in the house. This is somehow not convincing. And the cost of services is significantly reduced.
  • No advertising. Any product must be promoted, that is, advertised and told people about its positive qualities. Various sprays, gels and fumigators are a well-developed business with huge investments in marketing. As for smoke bombs, they are currently produced and sold by small companies that do not have a significant budget for promotion.

Processing security

The following precautions apply when handling smoke:

  • The treatment is carried out wearing a mask, goggles and a work coat. After work they take a shower.
  • The bowl in which the checker is burning must have sufficient volume. In order not to spoil the floor, it is installed on a stand.
  • The cat should not be allowed to eat dead cockroaches. This causes poisoning of the animal, since cats are sensitive to the insecticide in the drug.

Smoke bombs are a powerful way to kill cockroaches. They quickly and permanently rid your home of insects. These drugs are highly toxic and precautions must be taken when using them.

How to choose and where to buy a smoke bomb

Smoke bombs can be not only useless, but also dangerous, like any other cockroach repellent. You must approach your choice responsibly, otherwise you can harm yourself and the health of others.

Buy only high-quality products in specialized stores.

Checkers based on hexochlorane

It is an insecticide that is toxic to humans and animals and is banned in America and Europe. Avoid such devices if you see them on the counter!

Sulfur checkers

Dioxide-based sprays remove mold, but are not always effective against cockroaches and other parasites. Repeated disinfestation is often required.

Permethrin blocks

Quickly and permanently destroy insects in any type of premises. The checker contains a substance from the pyrethroid group – peremethrin. This is a contact-intestinal insecticide with a nerve paralytic effect.

Peremethrin is not harmful to humans unless inhaled in large quantities.


If a cold mist from cockroaches is used, an amazing effect is observed, as evidenced by the reviews of many apartment owners.

Katya, Moscow After arthropods appeared in the apartment, I couldn’t get them out for a long time. I used methods that did not bring success. I decided to contact a specialized company; the exterminators responded to the request quickly. After 2 days they arrived, treated with cold fog, after which insects no longer appeared in the apartment.

Victoria, Peter As soon as we noticed cockroaches in the apartment, without hesitation, we contacted the epidemiological service. For processing we chose cold fog, the active substance is cyfluthrin. Specialists carried out work even in the most inaccessible places, insects disappeared from the house forever.

The appearance of cockroaches in an apartment is an unpleasant problem that needs to be solved quickly. To achieve results after the first treatment, you should use powerful preparations in the form of a fog, the particles of which kill arthropods instantly.

Review of the most effective smoke bombs

There is a wide range of smoke bombs on the market, both foreign and Russian made. Some of them have already proven their reliability and impeccable quality.


Checker for processing agricultural buildings and workshops. Toxic fumes kill cockroaches, fleas, ticks and ants in a few hours. One package is enough for 15 square meters. m. area.

The smell of smoke is very pungent and disappears completely within 10-20 hours.


A modern broad-spectrum drug. Can be used in everyday life against woodlice, bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, dust mites and bedbugs. Samuro smolders but does not burn, which completely eliminates the risk of fire. The smoke released penetrates even the smallest cracks and is odorless.

The main active ingredient in the checker is peremethrin, which blocks the functioning of nerve cells and causes paralysis when it enters the respiratory tract of insects. They die within 5–7 minutes.

After disinfestation with a Samuro saber, ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning.

The smoke completely disappears in 1.5-2 hours.

Quiet evening

Russian remedy for cockroaches and mosquitoes. There are no components in the composition that can cause poisoning in humans, but it is better to leave the place of persecution.

The checker produces smoke for no more than 5 minutes. This is enough to destroy all parasites. Works for 2–3 days.


Effective against flying and crawling insects. The toxic component is permethrin. The only negative is that the drug does not act on black cockroaches and eggs of other pests.

The active chemical composition causes numbness in the limbs and paralysis of insects, then their death occurs.


Checker Fas contains sulfur - a completely safe substance for humans, but the instructions for the drug indicate that it is better to leave the room during processing.

In addition to insects, the checker kills all types of mold and fungi.


Powerful aquafumigator against cockroaches, fleas, ants, bedbugs and other pests. Disinsection takes only 1–2 hours. This is a convenient container of poison that is released into the air as an aqueous suspension after adding liquid and starting the chemical process.

The active substance is cyfentorin rethroid. A low-toxic insecticide developed by Japanese scientists back in 1986.

Poisonous vapors enter through the respiratory tract, quickly fill the body and paralyze the nervous system of pests.

Japanese smoke bomb for cockroaches

Suitable for processing an area of ​​20–26 square meters. m. It differs from other drugs in the method of application:

  • open the package with its contents without touching the red sticker located on top;
  • pour some water into a plastic container (up to the indicated mark) and place it in the center of the room;
  • lower the container inside with the arrows pointing upward and wait for white smoke.

Processing with a Japanese checker does not take much time - a maximum of 10 minutes.

Do not touch or move the container for half an hour, even if there is no smoke.

Sanitary and Epidemiological Service

It is better to entrust the destruction of cockroaches in an apartment to a special service. Factors contributing to this:

  • Specialists use professional equipment, which can be in the form of powerful generators or steam cleaners, and all equipment is certified, in good working order, and will not fail during the process;
  • Exterminators know what a cockroach infestation is; based on their work experience, they quickly identify a cluster of insects; they are not afraid if there are a lot of them; in addition, when working they use protective suits that prevent the penetration of toxic substances into the human body;
  • The substances used, thanks to which the destruction of cockroaches is carried out with cold fog, are inaccessible to the common person, they are located in the laboratories of the epidemiological service, they cannot be bought in a simple hardware store;
  • Specialists using professional equipment will be able to spray toxic components in the most inaccessible places that a person cannot treat with his own efforts.

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service accepts applications for the treatment of premises in different ways:

  • Call the phone number during business hours, available information on the official website, leave a request, agree on the time of work;
  • In the form of an application by email.

In addition, the epidemiological service accepts anonymous requests if a cluster of cockroaches is found in an apartment. In this case, specialists go to the specified address and carry out work; the consent of the apartment owners is not required for this.

Instructions for using smoke bombs

In an apartment in a multi-storey building, before using the smoke blower, you need to cover the windows, ventilation holes and doorways with cling film so that toxic fumes do not reach your neighbors.

  • Remove people and animals from the premises.
  • Seal food, dishes, clothing, children's toys, bedding and other household items. If there are no plastic bags for these purposes, remove everything listed from the apartment.
  • Move furniture away from the walls, open doors on cabinets and bedside tables.
  • Place the smoke bomb on a hard, non-flammable surface and light the fuse.

Precautionary measures

Be sure to follow all safety rules when poisoning insects with a smoke bomb:

  • Leave the room as soon as smoke appears.
  • To open the windows after treatment, hold your breath, quickly do everything necessary and leave the apartment again.
  • Carry out disinfestation wearing thick clothing with long sleeves, a protective mask and goggles.
  • Take a shower after completing the procedure.

Prolonged inhalation of toxic fumes can lead to poisoning and the development of allergies (even death).

Safety for humans and pets

Smoke bombs do not pose a serious danger to humans. The main thing is to leave the room in time and not inhale toxic smoke.

But animals are very sensitive to the main component of these drugs. Make sure that your pet does not eat dead cockroaches, otherwise there is a risk of intoxication, the first sign of which is increased salivation.

It is advisable not to let your pet into the premises for a day after disinfestation.

If you keep fish at home, be sure to remove them when using a smoke bomb. These are not warm-blooded creatures and most likely they will not survive the procedure.

Preliminary practical recommendations

  • Bomb type. There are several types of smoke bombs available for use. And among them there are those that can be used without worrying about leftovers. However, before using any smoke bomb, make sure you pay close attention to the instructions and follow them strictly. Before using any bomb on cockroaches, make sure you cap and isolate anything that you might then ingest. After all, you are using real poison, and it is better to think about your safety in advance than to regret later.
  • Ventilation. Once you have waited the required amount of time before returning to the house after the cockroach extermination procedure, the first thing you need to do is ventilate the room. Open all windows and doors to the hallway and balcony to provide additional air flow. You will immediately feel a little easier to breathe. Allow items to air out for about one hour while you do your deep cleaning.
  • Wipe down all surfaces. Using a scouring pad and warm, soapy water, wash all surfaces in your home. EVERYTHING means EVERYTHING!!! Take this recommendation literally, and go with a sponge or a special rag everywhere: from the TV to the bookshelves, from the kitchen table to the window sills. Everything must be washed, wiped, cleaned. This prevents accidental ingestion of poison into food or prolonged contact with poison.
  • Wash and wash everything that was in the apartment. Everything that can be washed must be washed. The living room, kitchen, children's room and bedroom must be washed from floor to ceiling. Wash all your plates, glasses, pots and anything else you put food in that may have been exposed to insecticides. Also wash your sheets, bedspreads and curtains, they too have absorbed harmful toxins.
  • Vacuum carpets and furniture. Do this as many times as necessary to remove all traces of the insecticide. On average this will be three or four times. When cleaning your floors, make sure you use the right cleaner, but for the most part, plain warm, soapy water will do the trick.

Organization of the process of baiting cockroaches with smoke bombs

  • Step 1: Remove food, cooking utensils, hygiene products, animals, and other people from the room to be smoke-bombed. If you light bombs throughout your living area, make sure your family and pets stay elsewhere for the next 24 hours. Close all windows and doors in rooms where smoke is not expected. Turn off any air conditioning systems.
  • Step 2: Put on a paper mask or respirator to cover your nose and mouth. Place one or two smoke bombs in each room. Point the fuse of the bomb away from you, light it and quickly leave the room.
  • Step 3: If you are treating more than one room or entire area with smoke, work from the back of the house to the front door. Close the front door behind you. Stay away for the required amount of time or day if the entire house is affected by smoke.
  • Step 4. When you return to your home, immediately open all windows and doors. You need to vacuum and wash the floors, then wipe the walls, baseboards, borders, and cornices with a damp cloth. Turn on the air conditioning system if you have one before allowing pets in.


Wipe down any clothing you wore when firing smoke bombs, as well as rags used to wipe down walls and surfaces.

All the pros and cons of using smoke bombs

Any remedy for cockroaches has its own characteristics, both positive and negative. Smoke bombs are no exception.

Let's start with the good:

  • Quick destruction of cockroaches.
  • Easy to use - the work requires simple preparation of the room, launching the checker and cleaning after the procedure.
  • Inexpensive price when compared with the services of professional exterminators.
  • Insecticidal smoke settles on surfaces and forms a thin film that protects the house from pests for three months.
  • Re-processing is not necessary. Newly “born” cockroaches will walk through the treated area, wash themselves, carry the poison into the intestines and die.

And now the arguments against:

  • The thick smoke from the bomb has a sharp, unpleasant odor. It can be difficult to remove it from furniture, walls and ceilings after using the drug.
  • A poor quality product may cause a fire.
  • If there are loopholes, most cockroaches will run away when they smell the poison.

Terms of use

Smoke bombs differ in composition, volume, and area covered, but their instructions for use are the same:

  • in the room being treated, all doors and windows must be tightly closed;
  • install an aquafumigator or a container of water in the center of the room (if it is not included in the factory kit, then a simple plastic jar will do);
  • place a tablet or briquette in water;
  • If a wick is provided, it must be set on fire. Many aquafumigators begin to actively emit smoke even without ignition, only from interaction with water;

    When using an aquafumigator, close all doors and windows in the room.

  • remove all food, dishes, and animals from the room. If you have an aquarium and it cannot be removed, then you must wrap it with film in several layers, since fish react very strongly to toxic substances in the smoke;
  • for the best effect, you need to open the doors of all cabinets;
  • if there is a fire alarm in the room, then it must be turned off, since the sensors will quickly go off at the first appearance of smoke;
  • leave the room for 3 hours - acrid smoke is very dangerous for humans, an allergic reaction or general malaise may occur;
  • after the established period of disinfestation, you need to wipe all surfaces with detergent;
  • after 2–3 weeks, it is necessary to re-treat, since during this time new individuals could hatch from the laid eggs.

Non-standard approach

Let us immediately note that such products are no less effective in their impact than fellow insecticides sold separately. What can we say about aerosols? The “ordinary spray gun” is not capable of thoroughly destroying generally accepted scoundrels, since it is designed for precise spraying. Smoke spreads throughout the entire premises.

Also, take into account its prolonged action. And, by the way, what’s interesting is that the checkers contain insecticides directly

When purchasing one product, you pay for two products at the same time. To better understand how comprehensively the device realizes itself, just imagine the volumes of smoke that come from hookah smokers. When you use a checker there is even more of it! Alas, the scents are different!

The impact on “wall climbers” is as follows:

  • The poison contained in the smoke covers the surface of the bug's body and enters the respiratory tract. Also, the substance gradually penetrates unhindered into soft tissues, ultimately reaching a cluster of nerve cells.
  • The nerve nodes enter a stage of constant excitation, and this leads the insect to a sad end. Without having time to draw up a will for his descendants, the bug dies in torment comparable in severity to the love ordeals of Isolde, separated from Tristan.

Now we will tell you about the active components that “cause a commotion” in the insides of parasites.

Deadly elements of smoke bombs

A smoke bomb against bedbugs can contain the following:

  • Hexachlorane. It is widely used to this day in agriculture for baiting insects that harm crop growth (fruit and vegetable crops). Causes loss of coordination of movements.
  • Pyrethroids. Components that interact with other components. For bullying in an apartment, smoke bombs based on pyrethroids are optimal, since they are the least toxic.
  • Sulfur compounds. They allow you to get rid of both bloodsuckers and, at the same time, fleas, ticks, and Prussians.

Nuances and features

After the event, there is a chance that the bedbug larvae will continue to eke out their miserable existence, unlike the imago. Unfortunately, a single treatment cannot get rid of clutches of eggs.

To establish complete control in the room, you should do the procedure several times (carry out the second war no later than two weeks after the first effort). The main thing is not to forget about the means of disposal lying somewhere in the closet. Otherwise, as it happens: used once, forgotten, put aside forever due to short memory. By the way, under no circumstances should small children be allowed near checkers, because naughty children can do anything!

The additional use of “independent” insecticides will strengthen the foundation of effectiveness. Read about which ones to use in other articles on the site. Everything is described there in detail and clearly, without omitting important facts.

Aerosols against parasites

The composition of "Raptor" includes various insecticidal substances, including propellant, alphacypermetry. These are the most effective substances against bedbugs.

In reviews of drugs, the leader is “Raptor” for bedbugs in the form of a spray - it is easy to use.

Instructions for use:

  1. Treat places where bedbugs accumulate (joints of elements in beds, sofas) at a distance of 15 cm.
  2. Bedding does not need to be treated.
  3. Spray Raptor at temperatures above 10°C.
  4. After at least 10 minutes, ventilate the room for 30 minutes.
  5. After spraying, wipe the surfaces of objects on which Raptor substances could remain, using thick gloves.

“Raptor” for bedbugs should be sprayed in this way:

  1. Shake the can well, holding it vertically.
  2. For better distribution of the poison, you need to raise the can on the floor at an angle upward to the center of the room.

Important! In advance, before using the aerosol against bedbugs, you need to clean the affected areas with a vacuum cleaner.

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