Dichlorvos for bedbugs: is its use effective?

This article is not about the organophosphorus compound (OPC) O,O-dimethyl-O-2,2-dichlorovinylphosphate (DDVP); Enough has been written about him previously. This once popular household insecticide has completely exhausted its resource: excessive, unskilled use has led to the emergence of genetically resistant populations of objects to be eliminated, and it, in order to still eradicate the evil spirits at any cost, has caused extremely undesirable side effects for people. Currently, dichlorvos, which is an FOS, has been removed from the list of drugs approved for use in the Russian Federation and its production has been discontinued.

Note: in online trading you can find foreign-made DDVF, presented as “real” or “pure” dichlorvos. It's real, it's real, but you don't need to buy it - poison yourself and your household, not parasites and pests. Today, cases of genetic sensitization (hypersensitivity) to DDVF due to consumption of it in the past in insane doses have been recorded in humans.

Product effectiveness

People who have insects in their home want to know whether dichlorvos helps against bedbugs. The drug contains a number of chemicals that lead to the death of parasites.

But the aerosol only destroys pests that come into contact with insecticide drops. And most bloodsuckers that are not exposed to the poisonous solution often survive.

Is it possible to poison bedbugs with dichlorvos if there are a large number of bedbugs living in the house? If there is an excessive accumulation of insects, it is advisable to carry out comprehensive disinfestation, and the use of a single aerosol will not be effective.

To enhance the effect of the insecticide, it is recommended to spray it on sofas, walls, beds, that is, any nests of bedbugs. The spray does not leave marks on furniture. Its components are absorbed into soft surfaces, which is a good prevention against bloodsuckers.

So, answering the question of whether dichlorvos kills bedbugs, experts note that the insecticide does destroy pests, but only those that have had direct contact with the active components of the product.

The most effective treatment for bedbugs is considered to be comprehensive disinfestation, in which an aerosol is sprayed onto areas of maximum accumulation of parasites. And cracks, window sills and other insect habitats are treated with other potent preparations, for example, liquid concentrates or powders.

Evolution of an insecticide

Dichlorvos is the most popular and most commonly used remedy for bed bugs. This is a broad-spectrum insecticide belonging to the class of highly toxic organophosphorus compounds.

Since Soviet times, this drug has been remembered by many for its pungent odor: the aerosol killed insects, but also affected humans. The “aroma” of the spray for a long time reminded of the unpleasant proximity to insects, as if telling the guests: there was nothing to be afraid of in this house. Except, perhaps, the smell.

Today, “Dichlorvos” in its original meaning is no longer used. The chemical industry, developing at an unprecedented pace, has offered humans safer pyrethroids for baiting insects in residential and office buildings. But the name of the product, which is still on everyone’s lips, has remained untouched. Manufacturers decided that there was no point in inventing a bicycle and continued to successfully use the brand that had been “promoted” since Soviet times.

When buying Dichlorvos in a store, carefully study its packaging. It must contain instructions, indicate the manufacturer, and indicate the exact expiration date. The use of low-quality drugs is unsafe for the health of household members, but is harmless for bedbugs.

The best sprays against bedbugs

You can purchase a ready-made product or prepare it yourself using a product of the same brand, but in powder form. However, some ready-made drugs are more effective due to their structure - we are talking about microencapsulated products. You must use the products for their intended purpose. For example, the drug Bars is also an insectoacaricidal drug, but is used to treat animals and will not help kill bedbugs.

Get odorless spray

The drug has many advantages, including the safety of children and animals. This is a microencapsulated bedbug spray, which means the active ingredient is released gradually from the capsules. As a result, the drug lasts much longer. It does not have an aggressive odor.

Spray Get

Executioner - a drug for dealing with parasites

Contains fenthion, an organophosphorus compound. Available in a small bottle, the contents of which are enough to treat 5 m2. Mechanism of action: contact, and when sprayed, the insecticide enters the respiratory system of insects.

Bedbug liquid “Executioner”

Medilis – Antiklop Spray (250 ml)

This is a highly specialized remedy for bed bugs. The composition includes several substances of the pyrethroid class: cypermethrin, permethrin, tetramethrin. Thanks to this, there is no risk of bedbugs developing resistance. The product is valid for 60 days from the date of treatment. The manufacturer recommends ventilating the room within 15 minutes after spraying the product, and after half an hour you can wipe the most frequently used surfaces: door handles, armrests, etc.

Spray “Medilis-Antiklop”

Absolute Total, spray

The concentration of the active substance is 0.1%. This is the substance of the pyrethroid class, deltamethrin. The duration of residual activity is up to 2 months. The advantage of this drug is the ability to destroy various pests: domestic insects (and bedbugs too), rats, wasps, etc. If hard surfaces are treated, the consumption is less - 50 ml/m2. For spraying over textiles, the consumption increases by 2 times.

Spray “Absolute Total”

Insecticidal spray against bedbugs and fleas Help

Despite the fact that the drug is positioned as a remedy for bedbugs and fleas, it can also be used to destroy other pests: ticks, mosquitoes, flies. Ingredients: allethrin, tetramethrin, deltamethrin. These are substances of the pyrethroid class. The use of 3 active ingredients at once increases the effectiveness of the drug. This anti-bed bug spray is used according to the classical scheme: it is sprayed at a distance of up to 20 cm from surfaces, after a few hours the room is ventilated for 30 minutes.

Spray “Help”

Vigilant Guardian Spray universal

This is another drug for fleas and bedbugs. At the same time, it destroys skin beetles, biting midges, cockroaches, mosquitoes, moths, mosquitoes, and ants. The advantage of the product is the pleasant smell of lemon. Ingredients: d-allethrin, tetramethrin, deltamethrin. In terms of the mechanism of action, properties and effectiveness, this drug is a direct analogue of the previously discussed Help.

Spray “Vigilant Guardian”

Active substance

This substance has been known for a very long time. Our grandmothers also used it. This remedy has since been modified. Modern Dichlorvos is based on synthetic pyrethroids. They are not toxic to humans, but are harmful to insects.

The action of this insecticide is due to the active substance - dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate. It blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, thereby causing paralysis and death of insects.

Dichlorvos has its maximum effect when it comes into direct contact with the body of the pest. The active substance has a residual effect that lasts 2-3 weeks after treatment.

Dichlorvos is also used to kill cockroaches . Unlike them, bedbugs do not feed on leftover food, so in order to get rid of bedbugs you need to carry out the most extensive treatment of the room and all items. In addition, if the product does not get directly on the bug, then the probability of death of the insect is very low.

REFERENCE! The current Dichlorvos contains less active substances than the Soviet one. Therefore, it is not considered potent. To completely get rid of pests, it is necessary to carry out regular treatments for at least a month.

The concentration of the active substance depends on the manufacturer of the product.

What is dichlorvos

Dichlorvos is a well-known and effective means for killing various types of insects. It contains organophosphorus compounds, which not only have a fatal effect on insects, but also harm human health, especially the nervous system.

Dichlorvos (DDVP) has a number of advantages:

  1. Lightning-fast effect on various insects and mites;
  2. Three-way impact: direct contact, vapor inhalation and ingestion of poison;
  3. Do not belong to the group of highly toxic substances for their effects on humans and animals;
  4. Safe for the environment, highly degradable;
  5. Can be used close to indoor plants.

New generations of insecticides have recently been used to produce poisonous products against cockroaches, flies and other insects. DDVF was also modified; it began to be produced based on modern achievements in the chemical industry.

The disadvantages of the product include the following:

  • Disgusting smell;
  • Prolonged ventilation of the room after treatment with the drug;
  • When using the product indoors, the person using it may become poisoned;
  • In case of accidental ingestion, death is possible, since 2 grams of organophosphorus components are sufficient for this.

They first learned about dichlorvos in 1960. The Americans take credit for its discovery. Since foreign products were banned in the Soviet Union, Russian scientists quickly invented an analogue called “dichlorfors”.

The name fully corresponds to the original composition - dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate. In addition, the following components are added to the poison:

  • Synergist;
  • Cypermethine;
  • Tetramethrin.

The modern toxic substance is very different from its ancestor. It is not so toxic and has a neutral odor. New products have appeared with additions to the name in the form of prefixes “Eco”, “Super” or similar abbreviations.

Depending on the country of origin and intended use, the composition of the product may vary.


To treat a room against bedbugs, you need to follow the instructions on the can.

Before using this product, you must also follow the following rules so as not to harm your health:

  1. Carry out the treatment by first wearing personal protective equipment: gloves, respirator, mask.
  2. It is best to carry out the treatment in closed clothing so that the substance does not get on the skin.
  3. Do not process in a room where there are personal hygiene products, dishes, clothing, or food.
  4. You need to close the windows and doors, shake the can and spray the product.
  5. Places where insects accumulate and possible habitats need to be treated.
  6. After spraying, leave the room for half an hour.
  7. After time has passed, ventilate the room, since Dichlorvos has a specific odor.

ATTENTION! The poison contained in Dichlorvos is dangerous for bedbugs. But it can only kill it if it hits the insect’s body directly.

Bedbugs can hide not only in furniture, but also in bedding and clothing. To get rid of insects in these places, you should also follow certain rules:

  1. Do not spray things that have direct contact with the skin.
  2. Linen treated with Dichlorvos must be washed and ironed before use.

Bed linen is processed as follows:

  • place the laundry in a sealed bag;
  • spray the product onto the laundry;
  • close the bag and leave for several hours;
  • wash and iron after treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any means for controlling bedbugs and other pests, Dichlorvos has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at them in more detail.

The obvious advantages of using Dichlorvos are:

  • it can be used as a preventive measure - if you know that bedbugs have appeared in your neighbor’s apartment, you can safely treat your home to prevent the appearance of unwanted guests;
  • Dichlorvos is an affordable product with low cost;
  • the product leaves no traces after treatment;
  • has the ability to destroy not only bedbugs, but also many other pests: flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, etc.;
  • does not cause addiction to insects;
  • practically harmless to people and animals;
  • upon direct contact, it completely destroys insects.

REFERENCE! One cylinder is enough to treat 30 square meters. 20 g of product are used per 1 m2.

As for the shortcomings, the following can be noted:

  • acts for a short time. The duration of action does not exceed 5-7 days;
  • the maximum effect can be achieved only with focal treatment - the product is not effective with continuous spraying and when treating absorbent surfaces;
  • short duration of action - therefore it is necessary to carry out treatment several times;
  • modern Dichlorvos contain less dangerous substances.

Sprays and aerosols

Both sprays and aerosols are airborne agents that are sprayed into an infected room and act on the bug with the air.
However, a bedbug spray is usually a concentrated substance that must be diluted with water before use. It can be sold in small bottles or canisters. Aerosols for bedbugs are ready-made preparations placed in disposable cans under pressure. Their use does not require any preliminary preparation.

Aerosols for bedbugs

“Raptor” contains three active ingredients at once, thanks to which a high degree of damage is achieved. It is safe for animals and children. According to reviews, this product gives good results only with a low degree of infection and generous spraying.

Photo of Raptor aerosol:

“Clean House” - includes cypermethrin as an active ingredient. It is safe for children and animals, however, if it enters the human body it can cause poisoning. The effectiveness is confirmed by reviews of people who were able to destroy all bedbugs using the substance.

Photo of aerosol Clean House:

“Combat” is produced in two types: only for crawling insects, or for crawling and flying ones. It has a good smell and is not dangerous to people.

Photo of the Kombat aerosol:

"Raid" is a universal preparation for controlling insects and can also be used for bedbugs. Reviews report good effectiveness with a low degree of infection. However, it has an unpleasant odor and leaves behind stains.

Photo of the Reid aerosol: “Dichlorvos” is a well-known and affordable aerosol. When processing, be sure to remove all people and animals from the premises. Many people often ask “Does Dichlorvos help against bedbugs? Is it possible to kill bedbugs with Dichlorvos? Indeed, this remedy does not always work effectively.

Therefore, if Dichlorvos did not help you, pay attention to other sprays and aerosols

Photo of Dichlorvos aerosol:

Bona Forte is a drug made from natural ingredients. It has almost no odor, so immediately after airing you can return to the apartment.

Photo of Bona Forte aerosol:

"Antiklop" is a substance based on three active components. Non-toxic, retains strength for several months. According to reviews, it successfully destroys bedbugs.

Photo of Antiklop aerosol:

Bedbug sprays

Many sprays are intended for professional use only and cannot be found in stores.

“Executioner” is one of the most popular products, produced in Germany. It is distributed in small bottles - for a large apartment you may need 15-20 of them.

Photo of the Executioner:

Tetrix is ​​an effective substance intended for professional use. One bottle is enough to treat two rooms. It has a very strong toxic odor, so after use you need to thoroughly ventilate the room.

Photo of Tetrix:

“Cucaracha” is an analogue of “Tetrix”, designed for independent use. Retained the unpleasant smell of its predecessor.

Photo of Cucaracha product:

Get is a microcapsule product that is effective for several weeks after use. In addition, one of the few has a contact effect against bedbugs running over it. Has no smell.

Photo of the Get product:

Sinuzan is a professional substance similar to Tetrix. Highly effective, however, also has a strong unpleasant odor.

Photo of Sinuzan product:

"Karbofos" is a well-known drug against bedbugs. Available in the form of powder, concentrate, emulsion or finished product. Affects all types of insects, including eggs. It has an unpleasant odor that lasts for a long time.

Photo of Karbofos product:

Composition of dichlorvos and principle of action on bedbugs

The effectiveness of the product is explained by the fact that it contains synthetic pyrethroids. These can be different substances, for example tetramethrin, permethrin, etc.

Some products contain several similar compounds, which increases the effectiveness of the drug. Previously, dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate was used as the active ingredient, which gave the drug its name. This compound is considered toxic to humans. The name “dichlorvos” is traditionally used for all aerosols against cockroaches and bedbugs, although the active substance has changed.

The product kills insects. The active substances affect the nervous system of cockroaches and bedbugs, due to the blocking of impulses, paralysis occurs and organs fail, then the death of the parasite occurs.

In this case, the drug is released in the form of an aerosol, ready for use. This helps fight insects especially effectively, since a fine suspension is sprayed into the air. One part of the latter ends up on various surfaces, and the other immediately penetrates the respiratory system of bedbugs. Later, the toxic mixture, deposited on horizontal surfaces, also enters their body through the chitinous integument and the parasites die.

Unlike cockroaches, bed bugs do not feed on food scraps. These are blood-sucking insects. To get rid of them, you need to carefully treat the surfaces with which the parasites come into contact. To do this, several procedures are carried out, since the active substance is considered less effective compared to older developments (although the level of safety for humans has increased).

The effect of the drug sprayed during treatment lasts for 2-3 weeks.

Description of the drug

The earlier version of Dichlorvos was more toxic. The composition included a substance from a group of organophosphorus compounds called dimethyl-dichlorovinylphosphate. It is distinguished by its aggressive effect on the human body. For this reason, Dichlorvos was no longer used. For marketing purposes, the name of the product has not been changed. The modern version of the drug contains various pyrethroids. This is a multi-component product, due to which it has an effect on different insects. There is no risk of harm to humans (provided the instructions for use are followed).

Chemical composition

Dichlorvos Neo, Varan and other varieties differ in composition. At the same time, the minor components differ, in most cases the active substances are the same:

  • cypermethrin is a second generation pyrethroid, the substance has a mild odor, is poorly soluble in water, which should be taken into account when using Dichlorvos against cockroaches and other insects, there are different types of this substance, they differ in isomeric composition (alpha-cypermethrin, beta-cypermethrin, etc.). d.);
  • tetramethrin is another insecticide of the pyrethroid class; when treating a room, the destruction of insects occurs under direct contact; this substance does not withstand the influence of solar radiation and begins to deteriorate;
  • permethrin is a type of pyrethroid, it is a direct analogue of the natural insecticide pyrethrum, this substance can be used to treat ectoparasites;
  • piperonyl butoxide is an auxiliary component of insecticide-based preparations; the substance enhances the effect of the toxic components listed above; its function is to inhibit the mechanisms in the body of insects that are aimed at destroying pyrethroids.

How does Dichlorvos work?

The principle of operation of the drug is based on the properties of various insecticides. For this reason, the level of effectiveness and mechanism of action of different types of products differs. Cypermethrin is a contact substance. This means that this compound provokes the rapid death of pests, but provided that this component gets on the chitinous covers of insects. This disrupts the functioning of the nervous system. The pests gradually lose their motor activity, resulting in paralysis and death soon after.

Cypermethrin is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. In comparison, tetramethrin breaks down in the sun. However, this substance retains its properties when heated. Tetramethrin enters the pest's body through inhalation, along with food. The mechanism of action is similar to how cypermethrin works. This similarity is due to the fact that these substances belong to the same group of insecticides.

Permethrin destroys the nervous system of parasites. This substance most effectively eliminates ectoparasites (insects that live on the human body), however, as part of Dichlorvos, it is used less frequently for treatment against lice and ticks. Piperonyl butoxide enhances the effect of insecticides.

Pros and cons of the product

Positive traits:

  • speed of action, which is due to the release form (produced in the form of an aerosol);
  • complex effect on pests: insecticides can enter the body of insects through inhalation, along with food and through direct contact - through chitinous covers;
  • moderately aggressive effect on humans; in comparison, dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate is more toxic and may pose a health hazard;
  • the components in the product decompose at the end of their service life, without generating toxic waste, which makes the product safer for the environment;
  • it is permissible to use the product near plants without harm to them;
  • Dichlorvos is an innovative, universal drug that helps destroy various pests;
  • long period of action of active components: insecticides remain on surfaces after treatment of the room for 1 month.


  • the product takes a long time to erode;
  • treatment must be carried out several times to get rid of insects.

Instructions for use

Each manufacturer must describe the method of using dichlorvos. But there are general rules that are followed, taking into account the fact that bed linen and apartments are treated differently.

Dichlorvos is a means with which you can destroy all parasites.

Preparatory stage

Preparation for baiting insects includes four stages.

  1. Informing neighbors. Report that you intend to treat your home for bedbugs. Perhaps your neighbors will decide to join you, thereby increasing the efficiency of the process.
  2. Pre-cleaning. Place items that can absorb spray vapors in a safe place or cover with plastic.
  3. Providing access. Move sofas, beds, armchairs and cabinets away from the walls. These are the favorite places of bedbugs, where they usually locate their nests. Provide yourself with unhindered access to the most inaccessible places in the house.
  4. Ventilation of rooms. Open the windows wide to avoid fumes. The air circulating inside the room will become your companion. It will spread particles of poison to places where you will not be able to reach.

Processing Features

The simple process of baiting bedbugs consists of four steps.

  1. Preparing the balloon. Shake the bottle so that the contents separated in it are mixed into a single substance.
  2. Detection of the "enemy". Point the sprayer at the location where bedbugs are or have been previously noticed and pull the trigger.
  3. Surface treatment. Apply the composition to the back of paintings that hang on the walls, to the backs of furniture (especially large cabinets that are pushed against the wall). Treat the space under the window sills, in the area of ​​all baseboards. Pay special attention to the niche under the kitchen sink and the location of the trash can.
  4. Waiting for results. Leave the windows open and leave the apartment for a couple of hours.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Those who doubt whether it is possible to remove bedbugs with dichlorvos should know about the pros and cons of the drug. One of the positive aspects is the convenient release form. After all, any aerosols are easy to use, especially if you can install a special adapter that simplifies the treatment of hard-to-reach places.

Another plus is its prevalence and reasonable price - the product can be purchased inexpensively in almost every specialized store. An important factor is also considered to be that the harmful effects of the drug on the human body have been minimized by the efforts of manufacturers.

The disadvantage is considered to be ineffective when the premises are heavily infested with parasites. This means that it is unlikely that dichlorvos can get rid of bedbugs that have appeared in large numbers in the apartment. Even repeated treatments may not bring the desired result. In addition, it usually takes a lot of time to process the premises. To avoid the risk of poisoning, in some cases furniture is disinfested in the fresh air. Often it has to be disassembled to do this.

Types of dichlorvos

You can remove bedbugs using various means, especially since dichlorvos is produced by many large brands specializing in household chemicals. The following aerosols have proven themselves to be effective:

  1. "Neo". Development of the Arnest company. The main advantage is the absence of odor. But the line even has flavored varieties - they smell like mint or lemon. "Neo" is one of the most potent drugs. With its help, you can poison insects more effectively, since the product contains substances that facilitate the penetration of toxins into the body of the parasite.
  2. "Clean house". Contains less radical substances compared to Neo. They can be destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. But the effect lasts about 3 weeks, so the drug is effective against larvae.
  3. “Triple Strike” only helps in case of direct contact with insects, but is harmless to humans and pets.
  4. "Combat". A whole line of products, and 2 of them - “Super Spray” and “Super Spray Plus” - are designed to combat bed bugs.
  5. "Raid" is a spray that contains 2 active ingredients - prallethrin and cypermethrin. But bedbugs develop resistance to them, so the product can only be used for minor infestations, since repeated treatment is ineffective.

There are other drugs, for example dichlorvos "Extra". Despite its effectiveness and the fastest possible results, it has a strong odor.

The best sprays against bedbugs

Among these drugs there are also more and less effective ones. Bedbug spray can be selected according to the same parameters as an aerosol:

  • bottle volume;
  • composition and properties of active substances;
  • consumption of working solution.

Get odorless spray

This is a one-component drug, the release form is a liquid concentrate. It contains chlorpyrifos, which is an FOS. The drug differs significantly from insecticidal agents, because Available in the form of microencapsulated liquid. Each of the microscopic particles contains poison, which begins to be slowly released after spraying.

Get remedy

Executioner - a drug for dealing with parasites

In terms of composition, this product is a direct analogue of the previously discussed spray. Executioner also contains a substance of the FOS class, but of a different type - fenthion. Release form – concentrate. It is mixed with liquid and sprayed over contaminated surfaces and objects. The principle of action of the drug is its ability to disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses, which is achieved by inhibiting cholinesterase.

Executioner for bedbugs

Medilis Antiklop spray (250 ml)

Unlike many other products of this form of release (Get, Executioner, etc.), the drug in question is sold in finished form. The bottle is already equipped with a spray bottle. This simplifies processing; you just need to bring the sprayer into working position. Ingredients: water, cypermethrin. The last of the components exhibits insecticidal activity. This substance destroys parasites by affecting their nervous system (paralysis occurs).


Absolute Total, spray

The active ingredient is deltamethrin. The drug is produced in a form completely ready for treatment of premises. The spray is already equipped with a spray bottle. It is convenient to use on objects for any purpose, but it is considered to be a professional product. It is effective in destroying pests of various types. The manufacturer positions it as a remedy for cockroaches.

Spray Absolute total

Insecticidal spray against bedbugs and fleas Help

Designed to kill parasites. Most effective in controlling bed bugs and fleas. It is used according to standard instructions: all surfaces where insects have been encountered are treated. Help spray is a product made in Russia. It cannot be used to combat ectoparasites that live on the body of animals (such as the drug Bars). After treatment, the room should be left for 30-60 minutes. Then it is ventilated.

Spray Help

Vigilant Guardian Spray universal

The drug is most often used against fleas and bedbugs. Guardian spray also kills other insects, including cockroaches and midges. Contains lemon flavor. In addition, there are different types of active components: d-allethrin, tetramethrin, deltamethrin. This diversity of main components helps reduce the risk of development of resistance in parasites. It is permissible to use the product to treat objects; the air temperature should not be lower than +10°C.

Spray Vigilant Experience

How to treat an apartment against bedbugs with Dichlorvos?

You must remove animals and children before treating the room. Remove pet accessories and cover the fish aquarium to protect dishes, food, personal care products and textiles.

Wear long sleeves, rubber gloves, plastic goggles and a respirator.

First of all, you need to shake the can and send a stream of aerosol to where the pests were noticed. It is important to keep the spray away from each other to prevent the fumes from getting into your face. You should treat walls, baseboards, cabinets, corners, furniture, window sills, the area around the sink and the trash can. Don't forget to spray carpets, pictures, wallpaper, legs and backs of furniture, especially walls.

Immediately after treatment you must leave the room. After 10 minutes, start airing it.

Returning to the premises should not occur earlier than an hour later.

Expectant mothers, children, allergy sufferers, people and animals, people weakened after illness, can be allowed into the premises after 4 hours.

But the best option for everyone is to wait 24 hours. After airing the room, you should carry out a thorough wet cleaning using an aqueous solution with soap and soda.

How to treat clothes?

I would like to answer directly: there is no better way, but wash it in hot water and leave it in the dryer for a long time.

Dichlorvos may leave stains. If you want to process fur products, be as careful as possible. Bedbugs do not like leather items.

Does Dichlorvos kill bedbug eggs?

Even if you managed to find bedbug eggs, Dichlorvos is not the most effective control method, just like Combat. You will need multiple treatments every seven days.

If bedbugs have been living in an apartment for a long time, careful treatment will be required; even books, paintings, carpets, ventilation ducts and other places will have to be sprayed.

Is it possible to kill bedbugs the first time with Dichlorvos?

To make sure that Dichlorvos really helps, look at the composition of the product, for example, in the composition of the drug “Dichlorvos Neo”:

  • Ethyl alcohol is the basis of the drug
  • Aliphatic carbohydrates - 30%
  • Piperonyl butoxide - 1%
  • Permethrin - 0.2%
  • Cypermethrin - 0.2%
  • Dimethyl sulfoxide and preservative - up to 1%.

As you can see, the drug contains a group of Pyrethroids - Pipetrin and Hypermethrin. They have long proven themselves in pest control. They cause a neuroparalytic effect on the insect, and after a few hours lead to death.

When these components enter the human body, they break down into harmless ingredients and do not cause poisoning.

However, piperonyl butoxide is indeed toxic, and can be toxic to humans.

But, one must understand that all components only work when the infected areas are used directly on the spot shortly after spraying.

New dichlorvos

Modern household insecticides-dichlorvos

There are no and cannot be absolutely safe pesticides. But DDVF initially, in general, is not the worst and not the most dangerous of them. Its role in the fight against pests and parasites is generally positive, and its name has long become a household name for means of combating bothersome insects. Now it has been immortalized: the word “dichlorvos” is registered in the Russian Federation as a trademark of household insecticides, but they are developed and produced on a different chemical basis. The story is not new. For example, the original ice cream was finely crushed ice poured with syrup, and ice cream was considered a completely different kind of delicacy. All motor fuels for carburetor internal combustion engines are now gasoline, but once upon a time there was a distinction between gasoline, naphtha, etc., and gasoline was a household organic solvent. At the dawn of aviation, household gasoline turned out to be the best fuel for aircraft engines and thus entered into technology.

Some famous brands

Modern insecticidal aerosols use active ingredients that are safer for humans. The smell of such products is easily tolerated or absent altogether, which means there is no need to leave the apartment for a while. The cost of such “medicines” averages 150-200 rubles. Household chemicals stores, where you can buy products quickly and easily, are located in every district of any city.

Dichlorvos “Varan”

Varan has positive reviews. According to the manufacturers, the product copes with all known household insects. We should not forget that this aerosol is intended to combat primarily flying insects. Such as mosquitoes, mosquitoes, flies, moths and butterflies.

Household dichlorvos “Triple Impact”

Available in an aerosol can with a capacity of 150 ml. One of the most effective aerosols against bedbugs, as far as an aerosol can be effective against these parasites. According to the instructions, it has targeted effectiveness against crawling blood-sucking insects. According to the degree of danger, it is classified as a low-hazard substance. The combination of two pyrethroids - cypermethrin and tetramethrin - is enhanced by a synergist, which means increased insecticidal activity with relative harmlessness to humans. In addition to the fact that the aerosol is universal and does not leave an unpleasant odor after use, it is relatively convenient to use.

Toxicological properties and characteristics

50 for various experimental animals when DDT is administered orally is 250-400 mg/kg. It has been established that DDT can accumulate in adipose tissue in animals and humans. Despite its low solubility in water, its bioconcentration occurs in aquatic organisms, and the content of DDT in a number of aquatic organisms reaches tens of milligrams per 1 kg of live weight.[5]

It is interesting to note that in the presence of barbiturates (luminal), the metabolism of DDT in humans and animals proceeds much faster, and the drugs are eliminated from the body in a relatively short period of time.[5]

DDT is resistant to degradation. Neither light, nor enzymes, nor critical temperatures can greatly affect the decomposition process of DDT. As a result, when released into the environment, DDT enters the food chain. The toxicant accumulates in them in significant quantities: first in plants, then in animal organisms and, ultimately, in the human body. The researchers' calculations showed that at each link in the food chain the DDT content increases tenfold:

  • Sludge containing DDT – 1x
  • Plants (algae) – 10x
  • Small organisms (crustaceans) – 100x
  • Pisces – 1000x
  • Predatory fish – 10000x

Low solubility in water and high solubility in fats and determines the retention of DDT

in fat cells. The rate of accumulation of a substance in the body varies depending on the concentration, duration of exposure, type of living object and environmental conditions. The high retention rate of DDT suggests that toxic effects can occur over a long period of time, as well as at a significant geographic distance from the site of exposure. Organisms at high dietary levels tend to accumulate greater amounts of DDT compared to organisms at lower dietary levels. In the bodies of migrating animals, DDT can be transported throughout the world, as well as by air and ocean currents.[8]

In the soil

In soil, DDT under normal conditions can persist for up to 12 years; under anaerobic conditions, it is decomposed by microorganisms within 2-4 weeks. The rate of decomposition is influenced by temperature: the higher it is, the faster the decomposition occurs. The decomposition of DDT under anaerobic and aerobic conditions occurs through different mechanisms.[6]

Impact on humans

The active substance has an acute toxic effect on humans. In small doses it can cause poisoning (in adults, most often without negative consequences), in large doses it can cause death. DDT can enter the blood, accumulate in the body's fatty tissue, and enter the mother's milk. Theoretically, due to long-term exposure to DDT or during weight loss, its accumulation in the body can lead to intoxication. Objectively, the consequences of toxicant accumulation in the human body have not been established. DDT does not have a mutagenic (causing permanent change in living matter), carcinogenic (causing cancer), embryotoxic (provoking changes in the fetus), teratogenic (causing deformities) effects, and does not lead to a decrease in fertility (the ability to have offspring). The substance leads to the induction of microsomal enzymes, but does not cause any morphological changes in the liver, and enzymatic activity generally does not exceed the norm. The effect of DDT on the human immune system is likely to be inhibitory (inhibits enzyme activity, in this case inhibiting the formation of antibodies), but this has not been definitively established.[8]

Impact on other living organisms

Indicators of both chronic and acute toxicity for different species of invertebrates are not the same. For aquatic invertebrates, DDT exhibits high acute toxicity at concentrations as low as 0.3 μg/L. In this case, toxic effects include disorders of reproductive function and development, changes in the cardiovascular system.[8]

Aquatic microorganisms are more sensitive to the effects of DDT than terrestrial ones. At environmental concentrations of 0.1 µg/L, DDT is capable of inhibiting photosynthesis and the growth of green algae.[8]

Earthworms are not sensitive to the acute toxic effects of DDT at levels higher than those likely to be present in environmental conditions.[8]

DDT has an adverse effect on the reproductive function of birds, causing thinning of egg shells (and, as a consequence, its destruction and death of embryos).[8]

Some mammals, particularly bats, may also be adversely affected by the toxicant. Wild-caught animals that had residual DDT in their adipose tissue died as a result of artificial starvation, which served as a model for fat loss during migratory flights.[8]

Toxicological data table is compiled in accordance with GN 1.2.2701-10.[2]

Symptoms of poisoning

In case of DDT poisoning, symptoms of acute intoxication appear: a feeling of fatigue and weakness, headaches and dizziness, palpitations, pain in the limbs, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, pain in the pancreas and a feeling of compression along the esophagus (especially if the poison enters the gastrointestinal tract). tract), pain in the right hypochondrium, liver enlargement and kidney damage (anuria), paresthesia, sensitivity disorder, hyporeflexia, ataxia, flaccid and spastic paralysis. In case of severe poisoning, the temperature rises to 40°, tachycardia, shortness of breath, visual disturbances, convulsions, and coma are observed. In case of particularly severe poisoning, death occurs within 1-2 hours.

The possibility of acute poisoning when DDT is inhaled through the respiratory tract has been established. 4-5 hours after the start of work, women who unloaded grain containing up to 40 mg/kg of DDT developed weakness, dizziness, profuse salivation, nausea, vomiting, conjunctivitis, runny nose, redness of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, muscle hypersthesia, and the temperature increased to 38 , on the third day tracheitis and diffuse bronchitis appeared. There have been many reported cases of poisoning due to DDT coming into contact with exposed skin.[4]

Acute poisoning is characterized by blood changes: leukocytosis, eosinoilia, decreased number of red blood cells and hemoglobin level, accelerated ESR.[4]

If it gets into the eyes, intense pain and severe conjunctivitis occurs. Upon contact with the skin, a local irritant effect appears.[4]

Clinical picture of chronic poisoning: headaches, dizziness, insomnia, loss of appetite, rapid mental and physical fatigue, irritability. Subsequently - convulsive pain in the limbs, especially along the nerve trunks, trembling of the arms and legs, emotional instability (causeless crying), increased sweating, shortness of breath, palpitations, pain in the heart and right hypochondrium, polyneuritis with tingling and pinching of the fingers and toes , perverted skin sensitivity, feeling of numbness in the area of ​​the hands and forearm. There may be changes in speech and vision. Chronic poisoning is accompanied by hepatitis, gastritis, bronchitis and functional changes in the kidneys (protein and red blood cells in the urine, granular casts); signs of eczema and pyoderma form on the skin. From the blood side, leukocytosis and accelerated ESR are observed.[4]

Disadvantages of classic dichlorvos

Despite the availability of dichlorvos and the ease of its use, this product has significant drawbacks in connection with its use against bedbugs.

  1. Inconvenient way to use . Aerosols and sprays are not convenient for continuous spraying. Such cans are intended mainly for localized treatment. If bedbugs have already spread within a radius of several meters from the sofa or bed, aerosol treatment will be pointless. The dispersed phase of an aerosol is liquid droplets that produce “mist” or “gas.” This fine spray feature is not effective when working with absorbent surfaces, wood, chipboard, fabrics, etc.
  2. Short period of validity . The product is aimed at direct contact with insects and has a short period of action.
  3. Toxicity and strong unpleasant odor . Modern products have options that are safer for humans and more effective against bedbugs than classic dichlorvos.

Narrow-profile preparations that take into account the peculiarities of disinfestation tactics. Disinsection tactics take into account the characteristics and behavior of both individual bed bugs and the colonies with which they are associated. These experimental data made it possible to develop a whole group of products that would produce a selective insecticidal effect that would kill bedbugs once and for all within a few days.

Varieties of dichlorvos

Many companies make bedbug killers. Moreover, insecticides have different names, compositions and smells.

Often the active ingredients of the drugs are identical, but their additional composition may differ. Modern odorless dichlorvos for bedbugs is a poisonous agent, which should be taken into account when using it and safety precautions must be observed.

To understand which dichlorvos is better, you need to consider each popular aerosol separately. Common sprays for bedbugs are Eco, Neo, Varan, Triple Strike.

Dichlorvos eco

The insecticide is produced by the Russian company Arnest. The composition of the drug is pyrethroids of synthetic origin and an extract from Dalmatian chamomile.

Eco is effective if there are bed bugs in the house. The product has a lavender scent that has a repellent effect.

Is it possible to remove bedbugs with dichlorvos eco?

Reviews from most people using the drug demonstrate that it quickly destroys adult bloodsuckers.

A cylinder with a volume of 190 cm costs about 100 rubles. Despite the availability and effectiveness of Eco spray, it is worth remembering that it is flammable and toxic.

Dichlorvos neo

The spray was developed by Arnest. Neo for bedbugs has almost no odor, so it is ideal for treating rooms where allergy sufferers, children, and pets are often present.

To understand whether bedbugs are afraid of this type of insecticide, it is necessary to consider its composition. In addition to pyrethroids, dichlorvos Neo contains organophosphorus substances and a synergist, which improves the penetration of poison through the hard shell of bedbugs.

The effect of the aerosol is observed for another 2 weeks after its use. A can of Neo, volume 190 ml, costs from 62 rubles.

Dichlorvos monitor lizard

This type of insecticide is available in several forms - Varan Forte, Aetiklop and Universal. The products help well against bed bugs, and their antiparasitic effect lasts up to 23 days.

Varan is produced by the Novosibirsk company Sibiar. It is advisable to poison with the drug the areas of maximum accumulation of bedbugs - a sofa, a bed, an armchair.

Varan has a powerful effect. The spray has a pleasant lemon scent. The cost of an aerosol is from 120 rubles.

Dichlorvos triple strike

Destruction of bedbugs in an apartment requires the use of potent toxic agents. Triple Impact, produced by Domovoy Proshka, is considered an effective insecticide.

But is it possible to get rid of bedbugs using this aerosol? The spray contains tetramethrin, cypermethrin, a synergist, which makes it a powerful insecticide that destroys parasites after the first treatment.

The advantages of the drug are convenient use and relative harmlessness to humans. Disadvantages - dichlorvos has a strong unpleasant odor.

After spraying the aerosol, the death of bedbugs occurs within 6 minutes. The effect lasts up to 14 days.

A cylinder containing 200 ml of a chemical solution costs about 140 rubles.

Review of drugs

Household dichlorvos does not constitute a homogeneous group of drugs. In their assortment you can highlight the following. categories:

  • General purpose – truly universal against all types of insects. The composition is most often basic with variations in the concentrations of active substances. They are not very effective against bedbugs, because... there is no ovicidal activity. The period for the return of people and animals is up to 2-3 days (usually the next morning).
  • Reinforced (Forte, Super, Max, etc.) - thanks to higher concentrations of active substances and, possibly, replacement of the synergent, they allow you to kill cockroaches in one time, and bedbugs in 1-2 treatments. The return of people is possible, as a rule, no earlier than 2-3 days (possibly no earlier than 1-2 weeks). Outdoor use is not recommended - nearby beneficial insects and/or water inhabitants will be poisoned.
  • “Night” (light) - the concentration of active substances is reduced and/or they are replaced with less toxic analogues. They are used to clean rooms from flying bloodsuckers and/or other annoying insects (stink bugs, moths, etc.). Re-invasion is possible after a maximum of 6-8 hours after treatment (sometimes after 2-3 hours). However, systematic use in permanently inhabited areas is undesirable; in this case, it is better to use a fipronil fumigator.

In the Russian Federation, original universal dichlorvos is produced by Sibiar OJSC and the Arnest group of companies. There are also imported and domestically produced drugs on sale using imported raw materials. In 2022, the greatest demand was:

  • Varan Universal is a typical preparation of this type without fragrance (see below). The fight against bedbugs with dichlorvos may take a month or more.
  • Varan A - with the smell of lemon, apples, etc. Judging by the reviews, it is weaker than Universal. Thanks to the fragrance, it can be used as a nighttime product.
  • Varan Forte – reinforced. Allows you to get rid of bedbugs in 1-3 weeks with up to 3 treatments.
  • KRA Killer is almost a complete analogue of Varan Universal.
  • The same Super is an analogue of Varan Forte.
  • Cobra is a cheaper analogue of KRA Killer. User complaints like “didn’t help” resp. more, but who knows how they used it.
  • MR.VOLT - also similar in action to Varan Universal, but they complain that at temperatures below +18 degrees it has little or no effect (at +15 and below). The instructions are illegible, the degree of danger, precautions and PPE are not indicated.
  • Outright - positioned as an inexpensive substitute for NEO (see next). Reviews are contradictory and in small quantities, which makes it impossible to draw objective conclusions about the drug
  • NEO is the strongest, but also toxic, known. Bedbugs are eliminated with 1-2 treatments. It smells like fresh pyrethrum juice, which indicates a high concentration of tetramethrin. The rather unpleasant and persistent smell is an advantage in this case, because... allows you to avoid overdose and more accurately determine when the room is suitable for reoccupation. NEO is also available without odor. Judging by the reviews - an analogue of Varan Universal.
  • Morpheus is a typical night dichlorvos. Strong fragrances guarantee against overdose or premature return of people to the premises. Suitable for use against wasps or hornets on the site, because exotic scents repel bees.
  • Super - is positioned as an analogue of NEO, but its fight against bedbugs lasts up to a month.
  • Triple Strike Killer is another analogue of NEO, but cheaper (approx. 1 rub./ml per small package.
  • Triple blow Domovoy Proshka - the same even cheaper (up to 0.85 rubles / ml on the Internet).
  • Clean House - is positioned as an analogue of Varan Forte and NEO, but reviews about the effectiveness against bedbugs are negative.

About fragrances

It was difficult to overdo it with the “good old” dichlorvos DDVF: it stank, it even stung my eyes. Pyrethroids are less odorous and their odor is not as pungent. Signaling fragrance substances are introduced into current household dichlorvos; for the purpose of “saleability” with a fruity, floral, etc. pleasant smell. But this by no means makes dichlorvos air flavoring agents. Spraying the drug should be stopped when the smell from it becomes too strong and/or unpleasant, which is what fragrances are designed for. You can bring the inhabitants back into the treated room if the smell has dissipated. In the case of using dichlorvos at night - when it is not felt in a ventilated room, but appears barely perceptible when the windows and doors are closed.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that modern dichlorvos for bedbugs are less toxic than their predecessors, it is important to adhere to safety rules when using them. It is advisable to treat the apartment in a special suit, gloves, respirator, and goggles. This will provide protection to the skin and mucous membranes, which can cause burns and allergic reactions if poison comes into contact.

Other precautions:

  1. During disinfestation, the can must be kept at a distance of half a meter from the face.
  2. Do not spray near heating devices or open flames.
  3. You cannot stay in the treated room for a long time and immediately after applying the insecticide against blood-sucking insects, you must immediately leave the room.
  4. After disinfestation, you should thoroughly wash your face and hands.
  5. After 2-4 hours after applying the poison, you should wipe all surfaces in the house with a damp sponge.

Basic rules for using the product

The most harmless are specially treated plastic strips with dichlorvos. They are not often found on store shelves, so the population prefers to use spray cans.

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A concentrated substance is more suitable for industrial use, since the product is very toxic and must be diluted and stored in a safe place.

The manufacturer recommends spraying the toxin in the intended habitats of insects or where they like to crawl at night. If we are talking about cockroaches, these are kitchen tables; if we are talking about bedbugs, these are dark, dirty places or crevices. During the day, the parasites are not very active, so finding their “rookery” will not be difficult.

No matter how they say that poison does not have a negative effect on humans, this is not so. Dichlorvos is a poison that can poison not only unwanted insects, but humans and domestic animals.

Therefore, when using the drug, it is necessary to take certain safety measures:

  1. Remove dishes, clothing, personal hygiene items and food from the area being treated;
  2. Children, pets and unauthorized persons should not be in the treatment area;
  3. The person spraying the drug must wear closed clothing, cover his hair, protect his face with a mask or respirator, and his hands with gloves;
  4. You cannot enter the premises for several hours;
  5. After the waiting time has ended, the room must be well ventilated for at least one hour. Only after this can people and animals return to it;
  6. Before coming into contact with any surfaces, they must be thoroughly wiped with soapy water.

It is unacceptable for the poison to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose or eyes. If this happens, they should be rinsed thoroughly with water. During treatment, you should absolutely not drink, smoke or eat. After the procedure is completed, outer clothing is removed and cleaned. Exposed areas of the body and hands are thoroughly washed. It is advisable to rinse your mouth with water.

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When purchasing a drug, you should pay attention to its composition, expiration date and the parasite it is intended to destroy. Recently, manufacturers have been producing dichlorvos not only with a broad spectrum of action, but also for the destruction of a specific insect.

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