Cucaracha remedy for bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, mosquitoes, flies, 50 ml

Cucaracha is an emulsion concentrate in the form of a light yellow liquid. Contains two highly active compounds as active ingredients: cypermethrin from the group of pyrethroids - 20% and an organophosphorus compound - malathion - 10%, as well as a surfactant, antioxidant, stabilizer and solvent.

The product belongs to the 3rd class of moderately hazardous substances, and the working solution belongs to the 4th class of slightly hazardous substances.

Cucaracha is used to kill bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes, flies and rat mites. It is allowed to be used on objects of various categories.

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You can buy Cucaracha as an effective disinfestation tool for residential or industrial premises. Damage from household pests is eliminated as quickly as possible. Most often, the product is used in the fight against bed bugs and cockroaches, but it also has an effect on other groups of parasites (ants, flies, mosquitoes, ticks, fleas).

The main advantages of the insecticide can be considered the following aspects:

  • Incredibly economical consumption;
  • Availability;
  • Quick impact.

Composition and release forms

You can find Cucaracha on sale in the form of gel, granules, spray and concentrate. All forms are designed to kill household insects, but they differ in composition and method of application, as well as the degree of toxic effect on parasites and pests.

  • granules are recommended for use against cockroaches. The product is sold in tubes weighing 50 and 100 g. The drug does not require preliminary preparation before use. Its active component is chlorpyrifos at a concentration of 0.5%. In addition, the granules contain an attractant that attracts the attention of insects.

Granules are recommended to be used as an additional means for exterminating cockroaches, and also as a prophylactic agent. For disinfestation, the drug must be poured onto paper and bait should be placed in places where cockroaches are likely to be localized. For 10 sq. there should be 5 of them. The death of cockroaches after contact with them occurs within three days. When insects multiply massively, granules are not able to cope with the problem.

  • Cucaracha gel helps get rid of cockroaches, silverfish, and woodlice. This insecticidal agent is a thick transparent substance with a specific odor. Available in metal tubes of 30 ml. The active component of the product is imidacloprid, the mass fraction of which is 0.5%. The maximum result of disinfestation when using the gel is achieved after 2 weeks.
  • Cucaracha spray is designed to kill bed bugs, cockroaches, and fleas. This form of insecticide release has a rapid effect. The product should be sprayed in places where parasites and pests are likely to live. The product is ready for use. The active components in the spray are tetramethrin and alphacypermethrin.

This product is sold in spray bottles. The first results after using the spray become noticeable after 2-4 hours, but the drug does not have a long-term protective effect. The spray is recommended for use in case of mass reproduction of insects, but combined with other forms of insecticide to prevent re-infestation.

  • Cucaracha concentrate is a liquid suspension that must be diluted with cold water before use. This form of the drug is sold in dark 50 ml bottles, liter bottles and five liter canisters. The concentrate contains two active components: cypermethrin (20%) and malathion (10%). The protective effect of the drug lasts up to 4 weeks.

Composition of Cucaracha

The manufacturer was able to achieve similar results by combining malathion and cypermethrin. The insecticide acts by contact and intestinal route. The insect becomes infected, then enters its lair and transfers the poison to all its relatives. Continued exposure will prevent unwanted neighbors from reappearing.

The nervous system of cockroaches is quickly affected, resulting in instant paralysis. Be prepared to clean up a lot of dead insects.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The poison against cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas and other insects Cucaracha has a number of advantages, which sets it apart from other chemical preparations of similar action. This insecticide also has disadvantages.


  • high efficiency;
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • ease of use;
  • availability;
  • long-term protective effect;
  • minimal likelihood of developing resistance to the poison.


  • specific smell;
  • does not have a detrimental effect on egg laying.

Mode of application

Before carrying out the treatment, it is important to prepare well and carefully study the instructions provided by the manufacturer. The concentrate should be diluted in water at room temperature and the resulting consistency should be thoroughly mixed.

The sprayer will help to distribute the composition throughout the room as quickly and evenly as possible. Pay special attention to places where pests move and accumulate.

Amount of Cucaracha required for preparing working emulsions:

Insect type Concentration (%)

in the Far East

Concentration (%)

working suspension

according to the preparative form

Amount of product (ml)

for 1 liter of water

Cockroaches 0,150 0,50 5,00
Bedbugs 0,075 0,25 2,50
Fleas 0,075 0,25 2,50
Flies imago 0,075 0,25 2,5
Flies larvae 0,150 0,50 5,00
Mosquito imago 0,075 0,25 2,5
Mosquito larvae 0,010 0,03 0,3
Rat ticks 0,075 0,25 2,5

Description of the drug

Many pet owners are faced with the problem of fleas, which cause a lot of harm. One of the reliable drugs for exterminating fleas is a product called Cucaracha .
“Cucaracha” is a potent domestically produced product containing cypermethrin and malathion.

Available in the form of powder, gel or emulsion. Can be used when treating any room except hospital wards and bedrooms in kindergartens.

The drug is harmless to humans if used correctly.

Advantages of the drug:

  1. quick effect;
  2. efficiency;
  3. low level of toxicity;
  4. availability;
  5. long period of residual action.

The product also has some disadvantages:

  1. An unpleasant odor that can persist indoors for a long time.
  2. Needs solution preparation.
  3. Harmless to parasite eggs.


Animals and people should not be present in the room during treatment and for several hours after. Remove all clothing, food, and cover the aquarium. It is recommended to wear special personal protective equipment and old clothes, which you will not mind throwing away later.

After disinfestation is completed, the room is ventilated until the smell disappears.
This product requires special preparation when used. You must carefully read the instructions for use and follow safety precautions.

Precautionary measures

Cucaracha belongs to the category of hazard class 3 insecticides. When using these products, precautions must be taken. Disinsection must be carried out wearing gloves, goggles, a respirator and clothing that covers exposed areas of the body as much as possible. If the solution gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it should be washed off immediately with plenty of water.

If nausea, dizziness, or general weakness occur during or after treatment, you should drink activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. If you feel worse, consult a doctor.


Insectoacaricidal agent “Cucaracha k.e.” is an emulsion concentrate in the form of a light yellow liquid. Contains two highly active compounds as active ingredients (AI): cypermethrin from the group of pyrethroids - 20% and an organophosphorus compound - malathion - 10%, as well as a surfactant, antioxidant, stabilizer and solvent. 1.2. The product has an acute insectoacaricidal effect against cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and rat mites and residual activity for 3-5 weeks.

1.3. According to the degree of impact on the body of warm-blooded animals when introduced into the stomach, the drug “Cucaracha k.e.” belongs to class III moderately hazardous, and when exposed to the skin - to class IV low-hazardous agents according to GOST 12.1.007-76. The local irritant effect is moderate. The vapors of the product are classified as moderately hazardous (class III). The sensitizing effect of vapors from the working water emulsion (0.3% by DV) has not been established; when exposed to the mucous membranes of the eyes, it causes a moderate irritant effect. With a single inhalation exposure to an aerosol of 0.3% aqueous emulsion, the products in the zone of acute biocidal effect are classified as class II highly hazardous in accordance with the Classification of the degree of hazard of disinfestation agents ( = 12). Vapors of 0.3% aqueous emulsion in the zone of subacute biocidal effect belong to class III moderately hazardous in accordance with the Classification of the degree of hazard of disinfestation agents (Zbioc. subac = 10). With a single contact with intact skin of the working aqueous emulsion, no local effect was detected, but with repeated applications a mild irritant effect was established; a skin-resorptive effect was detected with repeated exposure to the skin of the hands.

The maximum permissible concentration in the air of the working area of ​​the active substance - cypermethrin is 0.5 mg/m3 (hazard class II, vapors + aerosol); malathion – 0.5 mg/m3 (hazard class II).

1.4. The product “Cucaracha k.e.” intended for the destruction of cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and rat mites in objects of various categories: in residential and non-residential premises, in children's (except for bedrooms and playrooms) and medical and preventive (except for wards for patients) institutions, as well as in public catering establishments by personnel of organizations that have the right to engage in disinfection activities.


5.1. If safety rules are violated or in accidents, acute poisoning may develop. Signs of poisoning: unpleasant taste in the mouth, weakness, vomiting, headache, nausea (increased by smoking, eating), abdominal pain, irritation of the respiratory system, excessive salivation.

5.2. In case of poisoning through the respiratory tract, remove the victim to fresh air, remove contaminated clothing, and rinse the mouth with water or a 2% solution of baking soda. Then give 1-2 glasses of water with activated carbon (10-15 tablets) to drink.

5.3. If you accidentally get the product into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly under running water or a 2% solution of baking soda for several minutes. If irritation of the mucous membrane occurs, drip a 30% solution of sodium sulfacyl into the eyes; if pain occurs, drop a 2% solution of novocaine into the eyes.

5.4. If the skin is contaminated, remove drops of emulsion with a cotton swab or rag without rubbing, then wash the contaminated area with soap and water.

5.5. If the product accidentally gets into the stomach, drink several glasses of water and induce vomiting, then rinse the stomach with a 2% solution of baking soda or drink 1-2 glasses of water with activated carbon (10-15 tablets). Never induce vomiting or put anything into the mouth of an unconscious person.

5.6. After providing first aid, the victim should consult a doctor. Treatment is symptomatic.


4.1. Treatment of premises should be carried out in the absence of people, pets, birds, fish, and with open windows. Food and utensils should be removed and carefully covered before processing. When treating workshops of industrial enterprises, first remove and carefully cover products that can adsorb the product.

After treatment, the room should be well ventilated for at least 30 minutes. Treatment in children's and food institutions should be carried out on sanitary days or weekends. After disinsection, carry out wet cleaning of the room using a soap and soda solution.

4.2. Premises treated with the product cannot be used until they are cleaned, which is carried out no later than 3 hours before using the facility for its intended purpose. Cleaning is carried out wearing gloves, using a soda solution (30-50 g of soda ash per 1 liter of water).

4.3. Those working with the product must observe the following precautions: before starting to work with the product, the exterminator provides instructions on safety precautions and first aid measures. Persons carrying out disinfestation, packaging of products, and preparation of emulsions must use personal protective equipment.

4.4. Personal protective equipment includes: a cotton robe or overalls, a headscarf, an oilcloth or rubberized apron and oversleeves, rubber technical gloves or cotton mittens with a film coating, sealed safety glasses (PO-2, PO-3, monoblock), universal respirators with a gas cartridge of the brand “A” (RU-60M, RPG-67 or gas mask, etc.)

4.5. After finishing work, work clothes should be shaken out outside and washed. Wash it as it gets dirty, but at least once a week, after soaking it (to neutralize dirt) in a hot soap-soda solution for 2-3 hours (50 g of soda ash and 27 g of soap per 1 bucket of water), then wash in fresh soap and soda solution.

4.6. When working with the product, be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Smoking, eating and drinking in the treated area is prohibited. After finishing work, rinse your mouth, wash your hands and face with soap and water.

4.7. Every 45-50 minutes of working with the product, you must take a break for 10-15 minutes, during which you must go out into the fresh air, taking off your gown, respirator or gas mask.

How the drug works

The powerful effect of the product is achieved by combining two powerful insecticides. The first is classified as a substance of the pyrethroid group; it has a contact effect. When it hits the insect’s shell, it penetrates and begins to paralyze the parasite’s nervous system. Its name is cypermethrin. Has a prolonged effect. Even if you apply it once, it will then work for another month. The substance is not sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes; insects almost never develop immunity to it.

The second insecticide, malathion, also has a nerve-paralytic effect on insects. But the substance quickly evaporates from surfaces. In some cases, insect resistance to it has been recorded. It may not have the same effect on its own as the previous poison, but together they represent a terrible force for parasites. One enhances the effect of the other, quickly destroying the body.

During the first three days, the maximum effect of using Cucarachi is achieved. During this time, the room is completely cleared of parasites.

Consumer Reviews

I didn't expect to have a flea problem. I used different means, nothing helped. Friends advised me to try Cucaracha - and they were not mistaken. I carried out three treatments, and we don’t think about fleas anymore.

Alexey, Syzran

I often go on business trips and live in rented apartments. An unexpected surprise arose - a lot of parasites. A colleague recommended Cucaracha. I coped with the treatment on my own and did not need to contact sanitary services.

Vladimir, Novosibirsk

After the neighbor's cat visited, fleas appeared in our apartment. They caused a lot of inconvenience. A veterinarian I know advised me to buy Cucaracha. I spent two days cleaning the rooms. The drug helped get rid of this evil spirit.

Maria, Kazan


6.1. Transportation is permitted by all modes of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport, with Classification code 6112, UN No. 2588. Accidentally spilled product must be covered with sand, which is then collected in a special container, using special clothing and precautions and personal protective measures (item 4), and treat the contaminated area with bleach slurry (1 kg per 10 liters of water), and then wash with water.

6.2. Store the product in a covered warehouse in a closed container at a temperature not lower than minus 10 and not higher than plus 40.

6.3. Shelf life: 2 years in unopened manufacturer's packaging.

6.4. The product is packaged in hermetically sealed canisters, 1 each; 3; 5; 10 l and bottles of 10; thirty; 50 ml.

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