Delicia lenses against cockroaches: a German novelty with controversial effectiveness

Delicia lenses are truly a new word in the development of products that help get rid of sanitary pests (ants, cockroaches, ticks, bedbugs, and so on). After extensive research, scientists have created an improved and effective formula.

Safety of using Delicia lenses

Delicia lenses contain 0.6 g/kg of the main active ingredient - flopyrifos, which is much more than in other similar products. Delicia cockroach lenses are a certified product that belongs to the category of low-hazard substances. They are allowed to be used in children's or medical organizations.

Lenses for Delicia cockroaches, reviews of the safety of which are available in large numbers on the Internet, do not emit toxic substances into the atmosphere, they are practically harmless to warm-blooded animals. It must also be said that the product contains bitter-tasting components that do not allow pets to try it.

Lenses (capsules with tablets)

Delicia anti-cockroach lenses are an original new product on the household chemicals market. They are represented by blue capsules located on a blister. Inside each package there are small pink tablets (these are lenses).

Delicia lenses

On a note!

The dense, opaque capsule protects the insecticide from the negative effects of the external environment during storage and accidental contact with the drug.


The principle of action of the Delicia insecticide is rapid damage to the nervous system of insects. The body blocks the production of a protein responsible for nerve impulses. Coordination of movements in cockroaches is impaired, leading to paralysis and suffocation.

Delicia tablets have the following benefits:

  • high efficiency;
  • safety, low toxicity, allowing the product to be used in children's institutions;
  • ease of use;
  • absence of greasy traces and odor;
  • the presence of a bitter component to protect pets.

On a note!

Granule tablets against cockroaches do not require additional preparation and are ready for use in any room.


A special feature is the improved formula of the drug, which is safe for the environment. The active ingredient is chlorpyrifos (0.6 g/kg). The composition contains preservatives and various food additives. The insecticide is supplied with 10 capsules. Each can contain from 15 to 20 lens tablets, the total weight of which is 25 grams.

On a note!

One capsule is enough to treat a room of 30 square meters. m. For 1.5-2 sq. m requires 1 lens.

Shelf life – 5 years. The average cost is 86 rubles.

Instructions for use against cockroaches

Before using Delicia lenses, wet clean the room, remove food debris, close the taps, wipe sinks, bathtubs and other surfaces dry. In accordance with the instructions, you should perform the following actions:

  • wear protective gloves;
  • remove the capsule from the blister and open it;
  • spread the granules at a distance of 25 - 30 cm in places where the Prussians are likely to stay or move.

On a note!

If the room is highly contaminated, it is recommended to increase the number of Delicia lenses. As the cockroaches eat the drug, new granules are added until the parasites are completely exterminated. After they disappear, the apartment is thoroughly cleaned and the remaining lenses are removed.


Delicia tablets compare favorably with products from other manufacturers with similar methods of use due to their increased concentration of the active substance. Due to this, it is possible to completely clear the room of arthropods and protect it from subsequent invasion. Among analogues produced in gel form, the following are popular:

  • Dohlox;
  • Exil (Globol);
  • Get Dry.

What it is

Lenses for dilicia cockroaches are small blue capsules containing a pink insecticide. It is the capsules that are called lenses. The powder inside is represented by chlorpyrifos, only its concentration is slightly increased, unlike other products.

Venom granules have advantages:

  • Contains a bitter component that prevents pets from eating the product;
  • Capsules do not leave greasy marks on surfaces after treatment;
  • Suitable for different types of premises;
  • There is no need to carry out preparatory work before processing.

Delicia capsules against cockroaches protect the poisonous substance from light rays, thereby allowing the poison to be stored for a long time.

Cockroach spray

A professional spray will quickly get rid of uninvited “guests”. Consumers prefer the drug for killing cockroaches from the Delicia series due to its ease of use and quick effect. The spray acts contact-wise, does not contain a carrier gas, and has virtually no odor. If the instructions for use are followed, the insecticidal liquid is safe for humans and pets.


Composition, price

The main active components of Delicia spray:

  • permethrin +;
  • bioallethrin +;
  • piperonyl butoxide.

This complex provides instant results and long-lasting effects upon contact with the treated surfaces. The liquid is packaged in plastic spray bottles with a volume of 500 ml. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years. The average cost is 529 rubles.

Instructions for use of the spray

Before treating premises, you should carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations. Delicia spray against cockroaches is not aggressive, but to avoid an allergic reaction it is advisable to use personal protective equipment. To ensure maximum effect, it is recommended to prepare the apartment for treatment.

On a note!

One cylinder is enough for disinfestation of 25 square meters. m.

The procedure includes the following steps:

  • preparing the sprayer for operation by pressing the safety lever and then pulling it down;
  • spraying for 3-6 minutes in places where parasites accumulate;
  • splashing the composition on the surface of possible contact and movement of the Prussians.

After completing the procedure, the lever returns to its original position, and the container is placed in a safe place. The death of cockroaches occurs instantly. An invisible thin film of insecticide microparticles formed on surfaces will destroy them.


To protect the premises from re-infestation, possible loopholes should be treated regularly.

Many companies are involved in the production of insecticidal sprays. Consumers identify effective means:

  • Baron;
  • Dohlox;
  • Blockbuster XXI;
  • Regent.

Composition and release form

Delicia for cockroaches is produced in the form of plates containing capsules. Depending on the size of the package, there may be 15 or 20 tablets inside. The toxic substance in one capsule weighs 25 grams, this is enough to treat a surface area of ​​30 sq.m.

The main component is the strong poison chlorpyrifos, which paralyzes the insect and the individual dies from suffocation. The composition contains preservatives that allow the poison to act on the beetles for a long time. In addition, they extend the shelf life. Delicia lenses against cockroaches contain a bitter element that prevents the drug from entering the body of pets and children.

In addition to lenses, the company produces other forms of products:

  • Aerosol. Available in small bottles, you can use it on any surface. Actively destroys household pests, including ants, bedbugs and fleas. You can spray without preliminary preparation of the room.
  • Powder. Designed to kill all types of cockroaches. The product is easy to use, sprinkle the substance in problem areas, and do not need to be washed off for several weeks. The poison has a detrimental effect on arthropods.
  • Bait boxes. They are small traps. Easy to use. Place bait around the perimeter of the apartment; a pleasant aroma attracts pests; they eat the poison with pleasure and carry it on their paws to their relatives. It turns out to be a chain reaction, after a while the entire population dies.

How does Delicia act on cockroaches, and does it help? (+video)

Delicia is one of the most ineffective insecticidal agents for cockroach weed. But there is also the other side of the coin - the product is as safe as possible for home use. Due to the low effectiveness of Delicia lenses, it is recommended to supplement them with another insecticide.

Actions of the product are contact - after the cockroach comes into contact with the lens component, infection occurs. Chlorpyrifos attacks the insect's nervous system, causing paralysis and eventual death, but not immediate death.

After contact with the drug until the death of the insect, several hours, sometimes days, pass. Parasites that are resistant to the drug may be immobile for some time due to spasms or paralysis, but then they recover.

Resistance of cockroaches to Delicia is found everywhere, so the drug is ineffective. The problem is also the minimum dosage of chlorpyrifos, coupled with the inconvenient method of delivering the poison to the insect ( gels or powders are much better ).

Is the product dangerous for humans and pets?

The only worthy advantage of Delicia is its absolute safety for home use. Neither humans nor pets are at risk of intoxication with the drug, even if lenses are placed throughout the room.

The shape of the device prevents accidental contact of pets with the contents – chlorpyrifos. Do not forget about the minimal amount of this component in the “tablets”, which is not enough to intoxicate the body of mammals.

The high safety of the product suggests its use in kindergartens and catering. The problem is that it is in these places that huge colonies of cockroaches are usually concentrated, and Delicia will not help in these cases, so there is no point in even trying.

It is prohibited to attempt to disassemble the “tablet” - this may lead to consequences. Intoxication is unlikely, but allergic reactions upon contact of the product with mucous membranes are observed in rare cases.

Delicia cockroach spray

A highly effective product that quickly destroys cockroaches in a residential area. Pests die in direct contact with the product during spraying, or when interacting with treated surfaces.


Characteristics, composition

The unique innovative formula includes the following active ingredients:

  • pyrethritol;
  • permethrin;
  • piperonyl butoxide.

They remain active until the cockroaches are completely destroyed and provide long-term protection of the premises for 5 weeks. The absence of odor and stains on clothes, wallpaper and other items is one of the advantages of the insecticide. The preparation for killing cockroaches is packaged in 400 ml cans. The average price is 233 rubles.

Instructions for use

To achieve maximum results, you must strictly follow the instructions. The manufacturer recommends:

  • shake the can before use;
  • spray the favorite habitats of parasites from a distance of no more than 1 meter;
  • Do not remove the applied product.

If necessary, re-processing is possible.

Aerosols have a similar effect:

  • Raptor;
  • Raid;
  • Dichlorvos.

Instructions for use

How to use Delicia is clearly written in the instructions. You need to do the following:

  • clean the room and wash the floors;
  • hide food, remove crumbs from the table, wash dishes;
  • wipe sinks dry, fix broken taps, if any;
  • place the lenses in places where the Prussians like to hide or move, every 2 m;
  • refresh the bait as it is eaten or once every 14 days.

On a note!

Hiding food, clearing tables, wiping taps dry, and cutting off access to water for insects is necessary throughout the entire period of cockroach control, as well as to prevent re-infestation.

You can use the product for an unlimited time for prevention. The active substance does not enter the air and does not harm the health of humans or pets.

Delicia cockroach powder

Delicia powder is specially formulated for hassle-free pest control. Food bait belongs to class 4 of low-hazard substances.


The bait powder is packaged in special tubes with a convenient device for scattering like a salt shaker. The capacity of the vessel is 250 g. The shelf life of the substance is 5 years. Price – within 302 rubles.

The main active ingredient is chlorpyrifos (20 g/kg). It causes a chain reaction, as a result of which the cockroach population gradually dies. It needs to be scattered in all secluded corners where Prussians most likely live. This will be enough for the insects to die in a couple of weeks.

Analogues from other manufacturers have a similar principle of action on cockroaches:

  • Phenaxin;
  • Dust Clean House;
  • Pyrethrum;
  • Front double.

Operating principle

The drug works as follows. A toxic substance that enters the Prussian’s body begins to block the production of protein necessary for the functioning of nerve impulses. Nerve endings stop sending signals to all organ systems, which causes a disruption in the coordination of pests.

The respiratory system stops working, and arthropods experience suffocation, leading to death. The drug does not begin to destroy individuals immediately; it takes some time to activate.


Delicia bait boxes for cockroaches are an effective device for exterminating harmful insects and preventing their appearance in various rooms. They are completely ready to use. The principle of operation is based on the fact that the cockroach eats the poison and goes to its relatives, carrying a large amount of insecticide on its legs and body. The death of the population occurs gradually, as a result of eating infected individuals.

Bait boxes

Delicia cockroach traps are safe for humans and ready to use. They are removed from the packaging, separated from the cardboard blister and separated from one another. The box is activated by turning the top of the box. Traps for cockroaches are placed in various places at the rate of 1 box per 5 square meters. m. It is attached to vertical surfaces with adhesive tape. Empty Delicia baits are replaced with new ones. The main active ingredient is chlorpyrifos 6 g/kg.


Do not allow moisture to get into the bait.

The package contains 2 boxes, the shelf life of the insecticide is 5 years. The average price is 223 rubles. Among the analogues are effective traps:

  • Combat;
  • Raptor.

How to use

Jokes aside, don’t forget to open the capsule . As mentioned above, some consumers forget to do this, as a result of which no effect occurs.

The contents are poured onto the floor near the permanent residence of cockroaches:

  • trash bin area;
  • skirting boards;
  • cracks in the floor;
  • back walls of furniture.

Although the insecticide is relatively safe , precautions should still be taken. Do not handle Delicia lenses without gloves . However, tweezers will also work.

If the drug gets on the skin, you need to wash it off with running water as quickly as possible. If poison gets into your eyes, you need to not only wash them, but also see a doctor - the risk is too high.

Box baits

Delicia baits for cockroaches are boxes containing an attractant and an active substance – chlorpyrifos. Attracted by the smell, the cockroach eats the poison, but does not die immediately, but manages to bring the poison to the nest.

How to use:

  1. Remove the box from the packaging.
  2. Turn the lid counterclockwise.
  3. Attach the adhesive side to the wall or baseboard.
  4. It is recommended to install one box per 5 m².

The cost of the set, which includes 2 boxes, is 239 rubles.


Delicia remedies for cockroaches

The modern market is overflowing with cockroach products; it is difficult for an uninformed buyer to make the right choice. Customer feedback will help you figure it out. Delicia for cockroaches leaves mostly positive reviews if you use the product according to the rules.

Poisonous baits can be used at varying degrees of infestation of the room, but the result comes much faster if there are not too many insects. The Prussians eat it eagerly. The first week I didn’t have time to change portions. Then my appetites waned, but I began to find dead beetles. Gradually, within a month, we managed to completely get rid of the cockroaches. But! In addition, they monitored the cleanliness of the house, blocked access to water as best they could, and left no other food. We can say that the product is equivalent in effectiveness to boric acid baits, only easier to use.

Tatyana, Moscow

A good remedy, but there is no quick effect. If there are a lot of insects running around, then it will take more than one month to remove cockroaches. It helps a lot after active disinfestation to prevent re-infection.

Maxim, St. Petersburg

Using capsules is much more convenient than gel or folk remedies. I just put it in the right place and forgot about it. According to my observations, cockroaches eat bait well. Poisoned within a week. If insects find another food source, the result stretches out over time.

Anna, Voronezh

Delicia can be bought in a specialty store or ordered online. The last option, according to reviews, is much more convenient. The cost of the product is about 380 rubles. The products containing the active substance chlorpyrifos are Global, Get, Lethal force, and Great warrior.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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