Goose: geese that throw their babies from a height of 80 meters

The Canada goose, or goose, is a unique waterfowl that is distributed throughout almost all of North America. It is believed that limited populations of birds are present in Eurasia. Due to their large size, these birds have long been an attractive trophy for hunters, which has led to a significant decline in their population. Many species of these birds are currently on the verge of complete extinction and are listed in the Red Book.

The Canada goose, or goose, is a unique waterfowl that is distributed throughout almost all of North America.

It is precisely because of the anthropogenic factor that in many areas of the globe where these waterfowl were previously present, they were completely exterminated. For example, limited populations were observed on the Commander and Kuril Islands, but there hunting for these birds led to their complete extinction. However, thanks to humans, Canada geese have expanded their range to the UK, north-west Europe and New Zealand. In many regions there is currently a ban on shooting, so their numbers are gradually recovering.

Main subspecies of Canada geese

These birds have attracted the attention of ornithologists relatively recently. There are many opinions regarding the number of subspecies of Canada geese. After a long study of behavior, distribution area and anatomical features, about 12 subspecies of these amazing birds were described. It is believed that 1 of them is now extinct. The remaining species of Canada geese can be roughly divided into large and relatively small. On average, the body length of various subspecies of geese ranges from 55 to 110 cm. The weight of birds can vary from 2 to 6.5 kg. The wingspan of individual varieties of Canada geese ranges from 120 to 185 cm. However, all geese belonging to this genus have a certain similarity in plumage color, although the dimensions of the birds can vary significantly.

It is believed that limited populations of birds are present in Eurasia

Interesting Facts

  • The maximum lifespan of a brant goose is up to 27 years, but is usually around 19 years.
  • The length of the bird from the tip of the beak to the tip of the tail is 56-61cm.
  • The word "brent" comes from the Norwegian word "brend", which means "burnt". Geese were given this name because of their color, which is similar to charcoal.
  • A single bird can travel more than 200,000 km in its lifetime between its winter habitat in the UK and its summer habitat in the Arctic tundra.
  • This dark little goose is often mistaken for a duck.
  • Geese have a highly developed salt gland, which allows them to drink salt water.
  • The brant goose is one of the species to which the Treaty on the Conservation of African Migratory Waterbirds applies.
  • Asian populations of the species were previously considered a separate subspecies orientalis based on the supposed lighter coloration of the upper parts. However, such assumptions have now been abandoned.
  • Unlike the Canadian, the black type does not travel in a V-shaped flying formation. This type flies together in a grouped, disorganized flock.
  • The species' northern habitat is expected to expand as global temperatures increase. Scientists expect the brant's winter range in the Pacific Northwest to soon extend into northern Canada and Alaska.
  • This is a silent bird: its voice is quiet, similar to a nasal muttering.

Gallery: Canada goose (25 photos)

How do birds of this breed reproduce?

Geese behave calmly and distantly.

Beautiful and small birds stay away from people and hide their nests in tall thickets of grass. During the mating season, birds find a mate. The whole flirting process takes place on the water, and from the outside it looks beautiful and relaxed. The male presses his beak to his neck and slowly swims up to the goose, in this way he demonstrates his intentions. If two geese claim one female at once, a clash occurs, which can result in serious injuries to one of the males.

Canadian breeds mate for life. Birds also mate on the water. During the mating process, the male makes loud guttural sounds. Females nest only on land, choosing dry islands with green grass. If it is not possible to find an island, the birds climb into the hollows of trees left by other species.

Before sitting on the eggs, the goose lines the nest with its own down. As soon as the female begins to pull out her own feathers, this is a sign that she will soon sit on her eggs. All the time while the bird is hatching its future offspring, the male guards the territory and brings food to the goose. On average, one female lays eggs every few days. The nest egg consists of 6, maximum 8 eggs. The young appear on the 28th day. In one month, the flock is replenished with a brood of 10 goslings.

Appearance of Canada geese

Knowing the description of these birds, it is difficult to confuse them with other representatives of the duck family. The head of the geese is covered with black plumage, which has a shiny tint. There are white areas on the cheeks and sides of the neck. They smoothly transition to the goose's chin and throat. Some individuals may have a small light spot on the forehead. On the neck of the Canada goose the plumage is black with a blue tint. The sides and top of the belly are painted gray. Some varieties have a wavy chocolate color in this area.


Despite the fact that the species is disappearing, the Canada goose (bird photo above) attracts many hunters. Hunting this bird is also prohibited in Russia. During the season, hunters kill about four hundred thousand geese. This individual is wild, but there are methods of breeding the species at home. To do this, it is necessary to create all conditions of detention and provide proper care. It includes nutrition and reproduction. Since the goose is a family animal, it is most comfortable for it to live in a group. This way she will get sick less and adapt to new conditions faster. Breeding geese in captivity is very difficult, so you should study the characteristics of this species. With proper care, an individual can grow up to one hundred centimeters in length and weigh seven kilograms.

Habitats and diet of Canada geese

The main distribution area of ​​these birds is considered to be North America. Here the bird population is largest. Most birds nest in Canada, Greenland and Alaska, as well as on the islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. In the northern regions, geese arrive only in the spring and summer to raise their chicks in places where there are relatively few predators, but there is a lot of food.

With the first cold weather, Canada geese gather in large flocks and move to warmer climes. They typically move to California, the southern United States, and Mexico. In these regions, the climate is quite warm, so birds can easily survive the cold and do not have problems finding food. Canada geese don't stop everywhere. Throughout the year they live along the banks of rivers, swamps, reservoirs, as well as on flooded plains. Due to their rather large weight, geese feel good on the water and walk perfectly on solid ground, but they do not like to fly too much, although they are capable of making long migrations. The basis of their diet is plant foods. They enjoy consuming:

  • sedge;
  • fescue;
  • plantain;
  • Buharnik;
  • reed;
  • berries;
  • seeds of various herbs.


Since the bird is a waterfowl, diving catches small crustaceans, aquatic larvae and insects. It dives, immersing half of its body in the water, leaving only its tail on the surface. For example, brent geese can dive to get food to a depth of 50 to almost 80 centimeters. Often picks up mud while in flight.

On land during the spring-summer seasons, they eat many plants: clover, angustifolia cotton grass, bluegrass and other herbs that grow in the lowlands near water bodies. During reproduction, they eat rhizomes and shoots of herbs. If there is a lack of green vegetation, they begin to eat plant seeds and wild garlic bulbs.

With a forced change of habitat, during flight to more favorable areas, the diet of birds changes. During migration, they feed on algae and insects on mudflats.

If there are crop meadows nearby, birds look for food in the fields after the harvest. They eat crop residues: oats, millet, rye. During the wintering period, the red goose Therefore, in addition to harvest residues, if fields with winter crops are found, it feeds on winter crops.

Bird behavior during breeding

The most important and crucial period in the life of Canada geese is breeding. Usually, at the beginning of spring, birds gather in large flocks and go to breeding grounds. They arrive very on time. The areas where they will nest will experience relatively warm weather. Mating occurs in mid-spring in the northern regions. At this time, frosts are still common, but this does not prevent the geese from looking for partners. On a pond where birds gather, geese begin their performance by arching their necks. The most powerful goose disperses its competitors, demonstrating its strength. If he is interested in his “other half,” then the goose bends its neck in a similar way, and then lies flat on the water. Mating occurs very quickly.

Lifestyle of geese

Wild birds are accustomed to living in a flock. Even young chicks can be cared for by all members of the family. The goose raises young chicks during the first three months of life. During this time, they are not separated from their mother for a minute.

After three months, the young animals become independent. Begins to forage for food and participates in the movement of the flock along with adult birds. A goose is considered a mature adult when it reaches two years of age.

Representatives of birds have learned to quickly distinguish between the danger that comes from people and animals. When alarmed, they quickly react and hide in the grass or fly away. A pond for birds is an indispensable condition for settlement. They feed on green plants that grow on the banks of lakes and rivers. When migrating to wintering grounds, geese join in flocks.

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