How to fight whiteflies in a greenhouse: 5 effective ways

The topic of how to deal with whiteflies in a greenhouse is of interest not only to novice gardeners, but also to people who have extensive experience in plant growing. The rapid reproduction of the insect leads to the fact that the plant does not receive enough moisture and useful components and begins to wither. There are many ways to get rid of it, from manual collection or spraying with pesticides, to setting up traps or introducing antagonistic insects (predators).

Tomatoes affected by whitefly Source

How to detect the presence of whiteflies

The insect has an original appearance, so it is simply impossible to confuse it with others:

  • The body is light green, and the wings are milky white.
  • Superficially it resembles a moth, but has a more elongated body, 1-3 mm long.
  • Whitefly larvae may have a yellowish or gray tint, and their mobility depends on the period of the life cycle.

This is what a whitefly looks like Source

Tomatoes affected by whitefly Source

Signs of defeat

The whitefly is clearly visible on the foliage of affected plants and it is impossible to confuse it with any other pests.

The main symptoms of the appearance of this harmful insect on tomato bushes are as follows:

  • if the colony of whiteflies has grown too large, then when you touch the affected plant, a large number of small butterflies rise into the air;
  • On the reverse side of the foliage, a large number of larvae, similar to small white sticks, are clearly visible. They are easy to wash off and erase in the first stages of development. At the last stage, the greenish larvae are covered with a special waxy coating and are tightly attached to the surface of the foliage;
  • the affected leaf blades become sluggish, quickly become covered with small spots of light color, traces of whitefly activity appear on their surface, then the foliage may curl, turn yellow and fall off;
  • often a sooty fungus appears on the surface of the foliage, which covers the outer part of the leaves with a black coating;
  • affected tomatoes practically do not grow and begin to wither;
  • In ripe fruits of affected tomatoes, white veins appear inside.

How to prevent it from appearing

Actions related to the fight against whitefly should begin in the fall, immediately after harvest. To do this, you need to completely remove plant debris from the greenhouse. This way you will reduce the likelihood of the pest getting into the ground, where it can easily overwinter and wait until spring.

In the spring, at the seedling propagation stage, do not place seedlings next to home crops. The whitefly loves geraniums and pelargonium, from where it moves to young shoots, and with them ends up in the greenhouse. Therefore, try to ensure that indoor flowers and seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers are located on different windowsills.

Why I decided to fight whiteflies in the greenhouse

The adult whitefly can be confused with the beautiful snow-white moth. But this pretty and defenseless, at first glance, creature is a serious enemy of the gardener. The insect, like a small pump, sucks out the cell sap of various greenhouse plantings - tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage.

The vital activity of the pest inhibits the development of plants. The seedlings stop forming green mass and do not bloom. Fruiting is unfriendly, and the harvest is small and of poor quality. When infested by whiteflies, the plant may die from a lack of nutritious cell sap.

Greenhouses are a favorable place for pests to live and reproduce: warmth, high humidity, and an abundance of lush greenery. During a 30-day life, one female manages to lay 100-150 eggs. After 20-40 days, the larvae will already turn into adult voracious butterflies.

The cubs themselves also have a good appetite. The danger of larvae is that they are invisible to the naked human eye. The length of their bodies does not exceed 0.3-0.9 mm. Like adults, they feed on cell sap. They lead a hidden lifestyle - the female lays eggs on the inner surfaces of leaf blades.

whitefly on vegetables

Fighting methods

The greenhouse whitefly is a frequent enemy of gardeners in central Russia. There are a lot of methods to combat insects, let's look at the most effective of them using specific examples.

Whitefly and its larvae Source

Manual method

The manual or mechanical method of controlling whiteflies refers to the collection of insects and clusters of eggs and larvae (if there are small numbers of them). If the concentration of moths is higher, they can be knocked down with a stream of water from a watering hose. After the plants are cleaned, each leaf (on both sides) is wiped with a solution of laundry soap (proportions 1 to 6). At higher concentrations, a household vacuum cleaner can be used. With its help, you can not only knock down harmful tenants, but also spray soap concentrate.

How to deal with whitefly Source

Healthy! This method is considered the most time-consuming and least effective. It is used at the early stage of colonization and in the presence of a small number of plantings.

Preventive measures

As with any other pest, it is easier to block the path to infestation next season. This will help:

  • cleaning and burning plant residues and mulch in the fall;
  • digging up the ground before winter;
  • soil disinfection if there were pests in the greenhouse;
  • freezing the greenhouse in winter will destroy all whiteflies;
  • spring treatment of structures or fumigation of the entire greenhouse;
  • painting of structures;
  • checking seedlings for the presence of larvae and adult whiteflies;
  • treating the soil with vitriol or copper sulfate before planting seedlings;
  • follow the norms for planting bushes - do not thicken the plantings;
  • preventive treatments with folk remedies.

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Biological countermeasures

Another no less effective, but completely environmentally friendly way to combat it is the use of other insects - competitors. By planting just a few representatives of one species or another, you can completely disrupt the pest plantation without the risk of harming the plantings. Below are some of the most inveterate enemies.

A bug eating whiteflies Source

Macrolophus caliginosus is a voracious predator bug that feeds on many insect pests. It is used as one of the highest quality and proven methods of combating aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, and tomato leafminer moths. It is advisable to populate them every 2 weeks for a month. After this, the insects will take root and begin to independently maintain their population.

The most beautiful defender of your greenhouse Source

The ladybug is one of the main enemies of many insect pests in garden areas. It feeds on whiteflies, aphids, scale insects, small caterpillars, spider mites, Colorado potato beetle larvae and many enemies of the gardener.

A parasitic insect that destroys pest larvae Source

Encarzia is one of the most effective opponents of our pest. Belongs to the category of parasitic parasitic parasites, the larva of which pupates in the host's shell. About a week before planting the seedlings, place 3-4 bags of the parasite in the greenhouse. The females will independently find the whitefly and lay their embryos in its body, which will destroy their host.

Interesting! Common tansy planted in a greenhouse nearby provides good protection against whiteflies.

Yellow tansy is a gardener's friend Source

Harm caused

By attaching to leaves and feeding on their juices, the pest slows down the growth of the plant and deprives it of strength for further development. First, subtle transparent scales appear on the lower part of the leaves; traces of a sticky and shiny coating are visible in different parts of the plant - secretions of insect waste products. If you shake an infected bush of tomato or cucumber seedlings, a whole swarm of white moth flies will appear above the garden bed. Then the leaves turn yellow and curl, and dark spots appear on the fruits. As a result of insufficient nutrition, the plant dies.

You need to try to get rid of whiteflies on tomatoes in a greenhouse when the first signs of infection appear

The creation of the most comfortable conditions for pests is facilitated by heat (air temperature about 22 ℃) and a high level of humidity (from 65%).

It is important to understand that both adult individuals and their larvae pose a danger to vegetable crops. Together they suck out juices in large quantities and secrete a lot of liquid substance, the so-called shiny coating. Sooty fungi often appear on the secretions left by pests in the form of dark spots.

Mechanical method

The whitefly is washed away with a strong stream of water. After this, you need to prepare a soap solution, 100 g of laundry soap per 0.6 liters of warm water. Using a sponge, you need to wipe each leaf with this solution, washing off all the larvae. Many gardeners use tar soap to repel insects with a specific smell.

This method is suitable for small greenhouses. For larger areas the effect of this method will be minimal.


This method refers to variants of the mechanical method of exterminating harmful insects. Special traps are purchased, which are bright plates with an adhesive backing. You can make a trap yourself; you will need a strong base, it can be thick yellow cardboard or plywood painted with yellow paint. Anything bright attracts insects. The prepared base must be covered with an adhesive mass, which can be prepared as follows: rosin, castor oil and petroleum jelly must be mixed in a container. Add honey and mix until smooth. Apply the mixture to the base and hang it in the greenhouse, one trap per 10 square meters. meters.

For long-term use, you can use something stronger than a sheet of cardboard as a basis; they can be washed with warm soapy water and used again.


It should be noted that almost all of the drugs listed below are very good and effective. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and observe safety measures when processing plants, since the toxic substances included in the composition are harmful to humans.

"Aktar". Treatment with this substance helps remove whiteflies for a period of up to 1 month. Treatment is repeated 3 times every 7 days to destroy midges in all life cycles of development. Vegetables can be eaten only after 60 days after the last application of the drug "Aktar". 1 sachet, containing 4 g, is diluted in 5 liters of water. This is enough for a large greenhouse area. To destroy, spray and water at the root.

"Aplaud." Can be used both in greenhouses and in open ground. Japanese insecticide allows you to get rid of insects for 1 month. Diluted 0.5 kg per 1 ha. To process 1 hectare you will need 1500 liters of water.

"Confidor". The drug is quite effective, so one treatment is enough. After an hour, the midges begin to die.

"Iskra Golden" These are tablets that easily dissolve in water. Also available in the form of ampoules, powder and sticks. A solution of 2 ml per 10 liters of water is prepared and sprayed on the plants. 1 or 2 treatments with Iskra Zolotoy are enough.

"Tanrek". A very effective and low-toxic substance that practically does not accumulate in fruits. To spray vegetables and indoor plants, you need to take 5 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water, for trees and bushes, 3 ml. Safety precautions must be observed when working with Tanrek, so be sure to wear respirators or face masks.


Many summer residents get rid of whiteflies using fumigators, which are used against mosquitoes and flies. To do this, you just need to plug the fumigator with the plate or liquid into a power outlet. Before turning on the fumigator, you must close all windows and doors. Unfortunately, along with harmful insects, beneficial insects also die.

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