Ammonia against ants in the garden and against aphids: use against pests in the greenhouse and in the beds, how to fight with ammonia

If ants run around the house, they spoil the appearance of the house, spread dirt around it, and get into household appliances, breaking them. Therefore, you need to get rid of them quickly. It's not hard to do. Buy ready-made insect repellents that are sold in stores. They will not destroy individual ants, but the entire colony. But for the home, especially if small children and pets live in it, we choose a safe and inexpensive product that would not harm family members. To drive ants out of your home, use ammonia.

This is a simple and affordable way to fight ants, because ammonia can be found in every home in the first aid kit


The use of ammonia and its derivatives as a fertilizer is not all the useful uses of the chemical. Using ammonia you can get rid of various pests that surround a person in everyday life and cause him concern.


Ammonia from ants Domestic and garden species of ants are quite often found in the garden, greenhouse, and house.
Using ammonia you can easily get rid of pests. The advantage of this effective method is its complete safety for humans. Ants have the ability to multiply quickly, so if you notice at least one “scout”, you should immediately begin to fight them. Insects are not as harmless as they seem at first glance. They can destroy the harvest of berries and fruits, damage the roots and foliage of young plants, and reach the food available in the apartment. Pests, in search of “building materials,” gnaw through wooden structures and garden tree trunks, after which they become rotten and unusable.


Ammonia for aphids The appearance of an insect at home or in the garden threatens the viability of green spaces. Aphids can enter a person’s home with a beautiful bouquet. It is necessary to carry out pest control in any conditions, since one female is capable of producing approximately 100 larvae. If measures are not taken in time, then in a short period of time the voracious aphids will destroy your favorite indoor plants. A similar problem will affect cultural plantings in the country house and garden. Moving in entire colonies, pests leave behind lifeless plants. In this case, ammonia from ants and aphids will become an indispensable and effective remedy.

This fact indicates that fighting ants in the garden should be done simultaneously with the destruction of aphids, thereby depriving them of the first sources of food.

Pest control in the garden and in the house

Using ammonia in the garden Popular advice will help you get rid of garden ants and aphids. You can eliminate and prevent the appearance of harmful insects using the following recipes that are safe for humans and the environment:

  1. Ammonia against ants in the garden. You should take 1 liter of water and dilute 100 ml of the drug in it. The prepared solution must be poured over the entire anthill. Before processing, it is advisable to remove the top layer of the structure or dig it with a shovel in order to get as close as possible to the queen’s den.
  2. In order for insects to leave their lair at their summer cottage, it is necessary to take a cloth and soak it with a pharmaceutical preparation. Place the canvas on the anthill and cover it with polyethylene on top, then the anti-ant ammonia will not evaporate quickly. The unbearable smell will force insects to leave the dangerous place.
  3. To treat plants against aphids, you can use a composition prepared from 8 liters of water and 1 tablespoon of ammonia. Let the liquid sit for 30 minutes and spray the plants with it. Such a low concentration of ammonia will not harm the planting, but will destroy aphids.
  4. To prevent infection, ammonia from ants and aphids is used as follows: 10 liters of water are combined with 10 ml of ammonia solution. Once a week, trees and vegetation in the garden are treated with this composition. Crops should be watered strictly to the roots. This will not only repel pests, but will also be a good nitrogen fertilizer for gardening and vegetable gardens growing in beds.

During and after processing, the smell of ammonia will persist for some time. The aroma will disappear, and the effect achieved in the fight against ants and aphids will last for a long period.

Insects in search of food quite often climb into apartments or houses. Most of all, ants are attracted to the kitchen, with the products available there. Not everyone will decide to use chemicals in such a room. Ammonia will help remove dangerous parasites at home.

To do this, you need to dilute a pharmacy bottle of ammonia in a liter of water. The resulting solution is used to treat all kitchen surfaces and objects inside and out. The strong smell will disappear within half an hour, but the ants will smell it for a very long time. This disinfection must be carried out at the first sign of insects appearing in the room.

Using ammonia solution against pests and ants is an effective, simple and low-cost method. This is confirmed by the information people share on the Internet.


I want to tell you how I managed to get rid of ants in the greenhouse. The stores offered “miracle” chemicals, but I did not use them. I read about ammonia on the Internet and decided to try it. After all, it is used as a top dressing, which means there will be no harm from it. A cloth with good absorbency was placed on the anthill and watered with ammonia on top. After that, I covered it with polyethylene. I noticed the effect on the third day. To this day there is not a single ant in the greenhouse. I advise everyone.

A good and safe remedy is ammonia. Only he helped me get rid of aphids on indoor plants. I brought a “gift” from a flower shop. I diluted ammonia in water and once a week I sprayed my flowers from all sides with a spray bottle. The aphids disappeared, and the plants also received additional nutrition.

At the dacha, I regularly treat the beds with a solution of ammonia. All garden and vegetable crops feel great. The main thing is not to be lazy.

Ammonia is a good help for those who want to get rid of ants in a safe but very effective way.

Determine the type of pest

In the garden, 2–3 species of ant families can coexist. Females form colonies independently. They come to the site, hide in secluded places, and lay eggs.

Black Garden Ant Appearance:
The insect is dark brown or black in color.

The body is covered with hairs.

The length of the drone (male) is up to 5.5 mm, the female - from 7.5 to 11 mm, the worker - 3-4 mm.


The species is widespread throughout Europe and Asia, in temperate and southern regions.

Signs of appearance in the garden:

A small mound forms on the soil surface. The anthill itself is located deep in the earth.

They can form nests under the bark of weak fruit trees. Rot falls from crevices in the bark.

The nest is formed in the soil under stones

Pharaoh Ant Appearance:
The color of the body is red or light yellow, males are black.

The size of the working insect is small - up to 2.5 mm, the female - up to 4 mm, the drone - up to 3.5 mm.


In human dwellings throughout all territories of Eurasia.

In the garden part it lives in greenhouses.

Signs of appearance in the garden:

It is difficult to recognize an anthill. It is located over a large area and consists of several parts.

A sign may be yellowing and drying out of crops

Red forest ant Appearance:
The chest and cheeks are reddish, the head and abdomen are black. The colors merge to form a brown-red color.

Body length - 7–14 mm.


Distributed throughout Asia and Europe.

Usually not adjacent to human habitation. Occasionally settles in vegetable gardens.

The diet is predominantly of animal origin: small beetles, carrion, caterpillars, beetle larvae, aphids.

Signs of appearance in the garden:

The anthill of the forest red ant looks like an earthen cone made of many small twigs and dry blades of grass.

Red ants do not harm vegetation. Destroy pests

Yellow Garden Ant Appearance:
Color yellow.

The body is translucent.

The body of a male is up to 4 mm long, that of a female is up to 9 mm, and that of a worker ant is from 2 to 5 mm.


Lives in Europe, Asia, Japan. Found in northern Africa and America.

Signs of appearance in the garden:

Mostly, places of residence are formed in greenhouses.

They build nests inside an insulated bed. Difficult to detect. Only when loosening

There are different ways to remove ants from garden soil. Or rather, to temporarily eliminate or scare away. A new queen can repopulate the garden at any time.

Ammonia at home and in the country: processing flowers and vegetables

Ammonia is a source of nitrogen for plants and is an ammonia tincture, that is, it is a nitrogenous compound. The product has proven itself not only as a top dressing, but also as protection against various pests.

The product has been repeatedly and successfully used by fans of gardening activities. Those interested in remedies for aphids on roses can safely use this alcohol for such flowers and plants as:

  • Geranium,
  • Lilies,
  • Clematis,
  • Cucumbers.

It can be used by dissolving 50 ml of alcohol in 4 liters of water. Healthy looking plantings on a summer cottage will be the best gift for caring owners. You can add a little grated soap - laundry or baby soap - to the solution.

The function of soap in this case is to ensure adhesion. The finished product can be used for spraying and is safe for use on cucumbers and other edible crops.

Properly used, the product will be an excellent fertilizer for garden crops and a deadly poison for aphids.

Ammonia can also be diluted with water and poured into a spray bottle with the resulting solution, which is then used against insects while in the garden.

Herbal infusion recipes

In one liter of water for five hours you need to infuse 30-35 grams of chopped onions; if desired, you can add onion peels. A few grams of laundry soap are also added here. Everything is filtered. The infusion is ready for use.

In one liter of water for four to five days you need to infuse 200 grams of chopped garlic. Infusion is carried out under the lid. Proportions: 25 ml of infusion per 10 liters of water.

200 grams of crushed dry tobacco leaves are infused in 5 liters of water for two days. Gradually the infusion is brought to 10 liters, filtered before use.

Cooking methods

Let's find out how you can prepare solutions with ammonia to fight aphids and ants.

Against ants

To implement this method, take a liter of boiling water and add 100 ml of ammonia to it. The resulting mixture, while it is still hot, is poured over the anthill. To make the effect more pronounced, you can pry the insects’ home with a shovel. But this information will help you understand how to poison ants in the garden, and what the best means are.

Standard solution against aphids

This composition is prepared in most cases when it is necessary to combat aphids. In this case, take 60 ml of ammonia per bucket of water (10 ml), and add a quarter of a piece of soap. All components are mixed, it is necessary to ensure complete dissolution of the soap. Then the spray bottle is filled with the resulting composition, and the bushes are processed.

Sugar solution

Instead of soap, you can add sugar to the spray solution, which in its liquid state also has sticky properties. To prepare such a sweet composition, add 3 tbsp to a bucket of warm water. tablespoons of ammonia and 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar. You need to mix all the components until they dissolve, after which you can pour the solution into a spray bottle and use it for spraying. It will also be useful to learn about how to fertilize strawberries with ammonia.

Reasons for appearance

If you are faced with such an unpleasant situation, before resorting to any control methods, it is worth understanding the reason for the appearance of ants in the greenhouse. If you find the cause, you can avoid repeated insect infestations. If we talk about the most common reasons, most often goosebumps appear in a greenhouse when there is an anthill nearby. These are quite smart insects that think through their actions well.

The fact is that they can use a greenhouse as a breeding ground for aphids, thereby providing themselves with food. In this case, they are not there constantly, but simply visit for food.

If aphids appear in the greenhouse, you need to get rid of them immediately. This is not so difficult to do; the easiest way to use garlic is to chop it very finely and scatter it along the beds. At the next stage, it is necessary to inspect the area near the greenhouse; if an anthill is found, it must be destroyed.

Also, the reason may be ideal greenhouse conditions for housing, loose soil, and lush young vegetation. They find a greenhouse and settle in large colonies, in which case we will discover the anthill itself. Often, only a few individuals appear in the greenhouse at first; these are scout ants that are exploring the territory and looking for a new place for their colony.

Having discovered them, you need to take urgent measures to get rid of them, otherwise you will soon have to fight a huge invasion of insects

It should be remembered that ants are guided by smells and sensations; very often there are organic products in greenhouses, which attract their attention

Recipes and instructions for using millet against ants

Millet against ants has been used for quite a long time and each owner has his own super-effective recipe. Most often, this cereal is used raw. It simply fills up the anthill, the place of dislocation or frequent appearance of ants. Of course, it is easiest to do this on a personal plot than in an apartment, since it is unlikely that an individual will want to try ordinary millet instead of the usual and available diet.

In order to make cereal more attractive in the eyes of ants, you can try the following recipes.

Powdered sugar with millet

  1. 500 gr. millet needs to be mixed with 100 gr. powdered sugar. The sweet smell will attract the individual and make it share its find with its brethren and the queen.
  2. It is best to pour the mixture as close to or onto the anthill as possible. In apartment conditions, you can drip a little honey next to the bait or on it.

Sweet millet

  1. To speed up the action of the product, millet can be pre-soaked in warm water for literally 10-15 minutes.
  2. Add sugar, honey or jam to this water to make it very sweet. Sweet millet will greatly increase the interest of the ants and will definitely reach the queen.
  3. It should be placed in the corners of the room, under the baseboards, near the trash can.

Prevention from insects

To avoid using ammonia against ants and reduce the risk of them getting into the house, it is advisable to:

  • package and put away food well;
  • keep the house clean;
  • store sweets, such as sugar, candy, in closed packaging;
  • close the trash can or promptly remove leftover food from the house.

To reduce the risk of ants appearing in the garden, it is advisable to spray the plants once a week with a mixture of ammonia and water, where there is 15 ml of alcohol per 10 liters of liquid.

To summarize, it is worth noting that not only the reasons for the appearance of ants at home and in the garden were considered, but also recipes that use ammonia for ants and aphids, which have a harmful effect on the favorable living conditions of any cottage or apartment.

Folk remedies for fighting ants in the garden

The use of folk remedies to get rid of ants in the garden is justified by the fact that chemical poisons will not penetrate into the soil, which happens when using store-bought products

Some substances require careful handling

Boiling water and kerosene

A simple method is to fill the anthill with boiling water.

How to do it:

  1. Find an anthill and stir it with a shovel, which will allow the boiling water to penetrate deeper.
  2. Pour in 4-6 liters of hot water.
  3. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.

To enhance the effect, add vinegar, essential oil, etc. to the water. The disadvantage of this method is that the pests will most likely move the anthill to another place in the same area.

A more effective way is to use kerosene. There are 2 options:

  1. Dilute 5 tbsp in 5 liters of water. l. kerosene. Pour into the anthill.
  2. Soak rags in clean kerosene and place them around the anthill. Avoid contact with plants.

Ash, pepper, mustard powder

A useful method is to use ash, which is a natural fertilizer. The ash solution destroys ants and aphids. For prevention, ash is scattered around the garden or placed in holes with seedlings.

To fight, you will have to prepare an infusion. There are 2 recipes:

  1. Add 3 kg of wood ash to 10 liters of water, leave for 48 hours, strain, add 100 g of crushed laundry soap. Pour into the anthill.
  2. Add 150 g of ash to boiling water (500 ml), simmer over low heat for 30–40 minutes. Dilute with water to a volume of 5 liters, add 50 g of laundry soap. Fill the anthill.

Ants are afraid of hot peppers. You can use ground black and red product. To process it, just sprinkle the spice on the anthill and the paths along which the insects move.

Another option:

  1. Buy an alcohol-based tincture of capsicum at the pharmacy.
  2. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:7.
  3. Pour into the nest.

Ants will not come running to your garden plot if you sprinkle it with mustard powder around the entire perimeter. It will not be possible to get rid of a large number of insects using mustard. If there are still few pests, the following action will help:

  1. Prepare a solution of 10 liters of warm water and 100 g of mustard powder.
  2. Pour into the anthill. Additionally, spray nearby growing plants.

Recipes with soda

There are 3 ways to treat your garden with baking soda when fighting ants.


  1. Mix baking soda (kills) with powdered sugar (attracts with smell) in equal proportions. Sprinkle the anthill generously.
  2. Add 5-6 tbsp to 2 liters of boiling water. soda Fill the nest and cover with plastic wrap.
  3. Fill the anthill with baking soda and pour vinegar on top.

Treatment with tar and lime

Lime is often used by gardeners to normalize soil acidity (lower pH). At the same time, the substance destroys pests. Pour dry lime into the anthill or make a lime mortar (as for whitewashing trees) and pour it into the nest.

For ants, mole crickets and aphids, birch tar and ordinary tar soap are used.


  1. For 10 liters of warm water you need 100 g of soap, 5 tbsp. l. tar.
  2. Mix tar and sawdust in equal proportions, pour boiling water over it so that you get a steamed mass (not liquid).

Pour the mixture and place it on the ant hills. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.

Ammonia and urine

Ammonia is rich in nitrogen, so the gardener does not risk anything when using it in the garden.


  1. Stir 100 ml of ammonia in 1 liter of water, pour the solution into the anthill.
  2. Periodically water the beds with ammonia solution - 5 ml of alcohol per 5 liters of water.

A slightly strange but effective way is to use urine. To do this, the anthill needs to be filled with urine, since uric and hippuric acid kill pests.

Agrotechnical measures

It may be a little unusual, but the number of colonies will decrease significantly if you kill the aphids. By the way, you don’t need to completely get rid of ants. New, more adapted pests will take their place. Aphids are the main “herd” that supplies “sweet milk” - honeydew to the voracious ant larvae.

The duration of maturation of the egg lasts 35 days, larvae - 7 days and pupae - 23 days. The lifespan of the larvae is 7 days and they enter the pupal stage, which stops eating. These 7 days are the weakest link of the ant colony. They intensively supply food to the larvae. If you feed the larvae poisoned food during this period, the colony may not be revived.

So, to successfully remove ants from a site, you can perform the following procedures with large colonies:

In late autumn and early spring, be sure to clear the trunks and skeletal branches of garden crops with a thick solution of freshly slaked lime with the addition of any toxic substance . With this technique you will destroy the ants dragging their precious cargo from the trees to the anthill for overwintering.

Around the bushes, stepping back from the base, scatter ash thickly in a ring, you can mix it with lime . Lime is poisonous to ants.

Approximately in the middle of the trunk (40-80 cm), secure the fishing belts, treating them with insecticidal agents . To prevent ants from crawling over the barrier, lubricate the bole around the perimeter with special slow-drying glue (buy in a store). They will not be able to overcome the adhesive barrier and will die along with their expensive burden. Hunting belts can also be used in the spring and summer (October and March), periodically replacing them with fresh ones.

Simultaneously with the hunting belts, for 8 days in a row, having dug up the ant colony to a depth of 3-8 cm, poison them in the evening (when the ants return home), pouring hot boiling water over the stirred up anthills, preferably a hot decoction of tomato tops (literally boiling).

You can dig it up and fill it with a mixture of ash and lime or ash and salt, or treat it with a mixture of ash and soda.

A good result is obtained if you fill the anthill with a mixture of water and kerosene (100-200 ml per 10 liters of water), digging it deeper.

Daily treatment for 8 days will destroy the larvae, some adult ants, possibly the “queen,” eggs, and pupae. Such treatments must be carried out systematically throughout the year, and the ants will leave the inhospitable dacha. Ants love peace and settle in places where the soil is not subject to frequent turning, that is, it is not dug up, stones, weeds, etc. are not removed. If you are farming without digging, then surface treatment of the top 10 cm of soil is required. Look under a stone or cardboard or board that has been lying there for a long time and you will see a bunch of ant eggs with nannies right on the surface of the earth.

Plantings around the perimeter of the dacha, individual beds, under the canopy of trees and, especially, between berry bushes of tansy, parsley, mint, valerian, wormwood, lavender, and garlic can serve as preventive preventative measures against the colonization of ants.

From personal experience : garlic in the rows of strawberries/strawberries and between berry bushes freed the berry patches from ants and at the same time from some fungal diseases.

How to use it correctly?

Ammonia is a necessary aid in any area. This folk recipe helps remove insects with virtually no risk to plants and the human body.

An important condition for working with solutions is the use of protective equipment.

You should remember the safety precautions and use the solution only in well-ventilated areas, wearing gloves, goggles and a mask

What will you need?

It must be remembered that ammonia concentrate can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes. It is also dangerous to breathe in the fumes as they can cause lung problems. The first thing you need to do is acquire the protective equipment required for safe use. Skin, eyes and respiratory tract should be protected.

Depending on the scale of processing, you need to prepare:

  • gauze bandage;
  • gloves;
  • spray bottle (watering can or bucket);
  • water;
  • soap base.


As a rule, it is needed when there is a fight not only against ants, but also against aphids, which they actively spread. With its help you can poison insects on the foliage and trunks of tall trees and medium-sized plants.

Gauze bandage

When using an ammonia-based product, the first step is to protect your respiratory tract. A gauze bandage can prevent steam from entering the body.


Also a mandatory element of protection are latex or cotton gloves with rubberized palms and fingers. It is best that their height is maximum.


It is best to use plastic containers to prevent ammonia from interacting with metals. The use of buckets will be needed when fighting parasites that destroy the root system of plants.


Typically, soap is intended to help the product stick to foliage and other surfaces. The use of “adhesive” allows you to protect the garden and other areas from uninvited guests for a long time. Any soap, shampoo or dish detergent can be used as “adhesives”.


If you plan to add more than just homemade ammonia to the solutions, you should use boiled water. In this case, ammonia will not give any extraneous reactions.

Cooking methods

In the fight against ants, ammonia must be diluted immediately before processing. This is due to the rapid evaporation of ammonia vapor, which insects are afraid of. First of all, all the ingredients are mixed in water; the proportions are always different. When the mixture is ready for use, you can pour in ammonia. The destruction of uninvited guests is carried out using an aqueous solution of ammonia, which can be bought at a pharmacy.

Against ants

The following proportions help rid the area of ​​pests:

For 8 liters of boiled water you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonia. This solution should be left to sit for 15-20 minutes. When the mixture becomes uniform, it can be used to treat areas with insects. Such a weak remedy can be used during the flowering and fruiting period, since it does not harm the plants.

Against aphids

To save plants from aphid attacks, it is also recommended to treat them with an aqueous solution of ammonia. The following recipe is used:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of alcohol, 2 tablespoons of tar soap shavings and 10 liters of water. Soap can replace fairy or shampoo. At the same time, gardeners say that tar soap enhances the effectiveness of the solution.
  2. All components dissolve well in water. All affected plants are treated with a spray bottle. Healthy trees can be treated for prevention.
  3. During the spraying process, you need to especially carefully treat the lower part of the foliage, where the parasite lives most.

Sugar solution

The soap in the spray can be replaced with a sugar solution. To treat plants you will need 3 tablespoons of alcohol, 5 tablespoons of sugar and a bucket of water. Mix everything well and spray using a spray bottle.


You can use ammonia against ants in the garden for preventive purposes. To do this, you need to prepare the following mixture: dilute 10 ml of alcohol in a bucket of water and water the plants with this solution weekly. This way you can not only get rid of pests, but also scare them away forever.


Spraying with ammonia helps fertilize plants and fight parasites. To do this, it is enough to use a weak solution - 1 spoon of alcohol per 8 liters of water.

What is ammonia

The origin of its name has 2 versions. According to one, the name was given to him in honor of the Egyptian god Amon, because during the ceremonies, cult ministers sniffed crystals that emitted a pungent odor when heated. According to another, the name comes from the oasis of Ammon, located on the caravan route in North Africa. Resting camels left behind a large amount of urea after a rest, which accumulated and emitted an unpleasant ammonia “aroma.”

Ammonia is an aqueous solution of ammonia, i.e. ammonium hydroxide. Externally, it is a transparent, colorless liquid with a pungent odor. It is used for disinfection, pain relief and to bring a person to consciousness.

The use of ammonia against pests and ants has been practiced by owners of summer cottages and gardens for many years, helping to effectively control pests without the use of insecticides. The principle of operation is based on a strong unpleasant “aroma” that repels insects.

The main advantages of using an aqueous solution of ammonia, which contribute to increasing demand for it:

Reviews from gardeners who have been using ammonia to kill insects for many years confirm its effectiveness and ease of use.

Folk remedies

Fighting methods can be divided into methods:

  1. Physical effects aimed at reducing the population, removing places where insects live comfortably, or destroying the queen.
  2. Using insect repellents.

An effective remedy for ants in a greenhouse is potatoes, since the gastrointestinal tract of insects is not able to digest starch. To destroy the population, it is enough to chop up potato peelings and spread them in the immediate vicinity of the anthill. Millet cereal causes a similar effect. Insects die when consuming raw millet.

The simplest and most effective way to physically kill insects is to treat the anthill with boiling water. You can use jam, honey or sugar syrup as bait for insects. A jar with such contents, left for several days near an anthill, will be filled with insects. To destroy them, you just need to fill the container with boiling water.

The most popular folk remedy for ants in a greenhouse is garlic, which needs to be chopped and mixed with sawdust. The resulting mixture should be sprinkled on the ant heap. An aqueous solution of garlic also works very well: 1 chopped head per 10 liters of water. Another good way to fight ants is to spray their habitats with a kerosene solution: you only need 2 tablespoons of this product per bucket of water. You need to water the anthill and places where insects accumulate with solutions.

The smell of mustard is known to effectively repel insects. It is simple to use: dry powder is sprinkled on paths, row spacing and all wooden elements of the greenhouse structure. This method is inexpensive and effective, but only with a small population of ants in the greenhouse.

What plants repel ants?

Planting plants whose smell is poorly tolerated by insects is popular among domestic greenhouse owners. Practice has shown that insects never build their homes near mint and wormwood plantings. If you have a question: how to get rid of ants with wings in a greenhouse without resorting to treating the plantings with chemicals.

The easiest option is to plant insect repellent plants near garden crops:

Planting these plants in the greenhouse will protect cultivated plants from ants. According to experienced gardeners, to remove ants from a greenhouse, it is enough to simply spread these plants in places where insects accumulate.

How to treat the soil against ants in a greenhouse

Soil treatment methods:

  1. Pre-planting soil preparation involves treating with an aqueous solution of soda and linseed oil. To create a solution you will need: 1 liter of water, 5 g of soda and 30 ml of oil.
  2. To kill insects, the anthill and places where parasites accumulate are filled with boric acid.
  3. Ammonia is an excellent means of combating the ant population in closed ground conditions. For 5 liters of water you will need 2 tablespoons of ammonia. The solution must be thoroughly poured into the ant heap.

How to poison ants in a greenhouse

Among the many folk remedies for controlling insects in greenhouses, boric acid is highly effective.

Boric acid is a specific chemical preparation, large doses of which, if ingested by animals and humans, can lead to serious poisoning

Take precautions when using boric acid

Effective poison baits can be made using boric acid. We offer one of the most popular recipes, which is very easy to prepare:

  • Dilute ¼ tablespoon of boric acid in 1 glass of water.
  • Add 4 tablespoons of sugar, jam or honey to the solution.

The contents should be divided into small containers and placed throughout the greenhouse. The second option for poisoned bait to fight ants is meat balls with the addition of boric acid, which need to be laid out in the greenhouse. The recipe is simple: add 1 teaspoon of boric acid to 100 g of minced meat.

As practice has shown, the best way to prevent the appearance of ants in greenhouses is to annually dig up the soil in the greenhouse in order to damage the anthill, destroy the larvae and egg-laying sites, and then add wood ash, lime and baking soda to the soil.

Boric acid

It is harmless to people and is even used as a medicine. Ants die from boric acid en masse and quickly correctly ). The substance is inexpensive, so there will be no problems purchasing the poison. Just like yeast, it makes no sense to use it in its pure form - the ants are scared of the smell.

All recipes are based on creating delicious balls from different ingredients. The substance works quickly and reliably, but sometimes the technique fails - ants tend to adapt to certain toxic substances. Read more about this folk remedy here.

How to use

Millet against ants in the country is used in its raw form, which only simplifies the process of getting rid of it. To do this, the cereal is scattered in places where there are large concentrations of individuals. Be sure to treat the anthill, as well as the main ant paths.

The use of millet in the fight against ants

If you need to get rid of garden ants as quickly as possible using millet, then you will have to make the taste of the famous cereal more attractive. For these purposes, you can try the following recipes:

  1. Add 150 g of regular powdered sugar to 0.5 kg of millet. Mix everything thoroughly so that every grain becomes sweet. Sprinkle the bait near the anthill.
  2. Millet pre-soaked in syrup helps a lot. To do this, dissolve 3 tbsp in 500 ml of warm water. l. sugar, jam or honey. Soak the millet in the prepared syrup for 15 minutes and place the sweet treat in the area near the anthills.

The disadvantages of this method include its short-term effect. Sometimes individuals return again after a few weeks. In this case, it will be necessary to re-treat the area and use additional repellents. It is allowed to plant plants nearby whose smell repels insects. Mint, lemon balm and tomatoes are effective for these purposes.

The effect of ammonia on furmicitides

In the process of fighting ants, ammonia is often used, as it has a lethal effect on them. When exposed to ammonia, insects receive:

  • fright - ammonia vapors repel insects, despite the fact that the drug evaporates quickly, insects feel it for a long period of time;
  • swelling and paralysis of the digestive tract;
  • severe burns;
  • severe paralysis of the entire body.

Ammonia for ants

Chemicals against ants in the house

You can defeat ants yourself at home using chemicals sold in hardware stores. Some chemicals kill ants, while others force them to leave their homes.

The principle of operation of the gel is based on the fact that worker ants carry it into the nest on their paws. Once in the center of the colony, the toxic substance infects other ants, up to the larvae and the queen. You need to apply the gel on the ant path, where it will not dry for some time.

Gel brands:


Using a spray will only help when you know exactly where the ant nest is located. It can be treated using an aerosol in a can or a spray spray obtained by diluting the concentrate

Some sprays have an unpleasant odor and are toxic to humans, so precautions must be taken. The active substance does not reach the queen and larvae, so after a while the ants may appear again

Spray brands:

The drug with microcapsules dissolves in water and is subsequently applied by spraying. The peculiarity of microcapsules is that toxic substances are enclosed in invisible capsules that remain on surfaces after treatment. When the capsules fall on the legs and bodies of insects, they stick to them and then poison other inhabitants of the nest.


Anti-ant drops are a type of gel that is applied in areas where ants move on special substrates.


Traps lure ants with pleasant smells. Once inside, the worker ant gets dirty in the toxic substance and becomes a carrier of the poison. Returning to the anthill, he contributes to the rapid death of his relatives. It is recommended to install these products where ants usually look for food: in the kitchen, next to the trash can, under the refrigerator and microwave.

For a small kitchen, one or two traps are enough and will be effective for several months. When placing these objects, it should be taken into account that they may pose a danger to children, cats, dogs and should be inaccessible to them.

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