How to protect woolen products from attacks by moths?

Valenki are shoes made from felted sheep's wool, which provide great warmth in the bitter cold. This bright element of Russian clothing is no less fashionable today than in the last century. Modern models of felt boots look much more elegant and can be decorated with various patterns and rhinestones. Therefore, the questions of how to store and how to clean felt boots from moths are no less relevant today and concern every owner of such winter shoes. In order for felt boots to last longer, warming your feet, you need to properly care for and store them.

How to store felt boots in summer

  • Before you hide your shoes for the summer, you need to dry them thoroughly . In hot weather, you can expose them to the sun for several days. It is important to dry your shoes on all sides.
  • Then clean off all the dirt and brush over the entire surface.
  • Pack according to all rules to protect against moths.
  • Place in a dry and warm place . You can easily store felt boots in your apartment. A pantry or dressing room is perfect for such purposes. You can store them on the balcony, but avoid direct exposure to direct sunlight. If you have a spacious hallway, you can put your shoes there.
  • Dampness and humidity are unacceptable . The felt boots will become damp and lose their shape.

A little about the pest

The wool or fur moth is a small white-yellow butterfly. This insect got its name due to the predominance of wool and downy fibers in the diet of their larvae.

That is, a material that can be found in the home in the form of clothing and shoes made from wool.

These are butterflies up to 5-8 mm long, with a wingspan of up to 1.5 cm. It must be said that adult individuals themselves do not pose a danger to your wardrobe.

But they must be destroyed in order to prevent the laying and spread of eggs of these insects in the house.

It is the larvae that are dangerous, feeding on wool fibers and leading to damage to clothes and shoes.

Fur moth larvae are completely white, about 1 cm in length when they grow up. One female can lay up to 200 eggs in several groups in different places.

How to store felt boots in winter

  • In snowy weather, after going outside, you must first remove the snow from your shoes . This will prevent the boots from getting wet and swelling under the influence of moisture.
  • Place to dry naturally next to heat sources - radiator, stove. But it is forbidden to place felt boots on heating devices, radiators, or directly next to the fire. The shoes will lose their shape.
  • When drying, you need to put newspaper or paper inside . They will absorb all the moisture and facilitate quick drying.
  • In damp and humid weather outside, you should wear rubber galoshes . They protect against getting wet, dirty, and damp.
  • Galoshes can severely rub the heel of shoes until holes form. To avoid this, you need to sew rubber or leather linings , which will prevent the material from deteriorating.
  • If galoshes are unacceptable for you, then you should attach a thick felt pad or rubber sole . They will protect felt boots from dampness, moisture, water and dirt.

Why is the pest dangerous?

As already mentioned, adult fur moths are not dangerous for items of clothing, since they do not even have mouthparts adapted to chew through natural fibers.

In addition, adult butterflies live extremely short lives, only a few days, and the purpose of their existence is exclusively reproductive. Once fertilized, the female lays eggs and dies very soon.

But the larvae of these insects are a completely different matter. This crawling little thing can ruin several items in your wardrobe in a short time, which means unforeseen expenses and unnecessary nerves.

It must be said that, even if the larva does not eat an object made of natural material, it tends to gnaw passages in its fibers for ease of movement.

The larvae practically do not touch synthetic material; in search of wool, they can damage book bindings, stuffed animals and thermal insulation materials.

How to protect felt boots from moths

These insects are very fond of woolen products. Felt boots are no exception. It is necessary to protect shoes from moths during the spring and summer. Otherwise, by winter you will receive a damaged product.

  1. It is recommended to dry the boots thoroughly and remove dirt and dust.
  2. Put moth repellent . You can use store-bought or folk remedies. A sprig of wormwood, lavender, bay leaf, mint will do - they repel these insects.
  3. Then carefully wrap each boot in newspaper or paper . You can use a more modern way - buy shoe covers. There are special storage cases made from natural materials impregnated against insects. This is very convenient and reduces the time it takes to prepare shoes for storage.
  4. Periodically remove and check for insects . If necessary, you can dry it again and change the paper.
  5. Should be stored in a dry place , avoiding dark and damp areas. Moths do not like bright sunlight.
  6. If moths or their larvae are found during regular checks, you should remove them, expose them to frost or sun for several days, depending on the time of year, and repack them in new paper.

It is important to detect insects and their larvae in time, because they can cause irreparable harm. The material will be damaged and cannot be restored.

We use galoshes

Galoshes are especially necessary in wet weather. They will protect pure wool shoes from dirt and moisture. Otherwise, after getting wet, the felt boots will have to be dried, as a result of which the product may shrink. It also encourages the appearance of moths.

Many modern felt boots, stylized as women's boots, are now equipped with vulcanized rubber soles. And the presence of decorative leather inserts helps protect shoes from slush.

Felt boots

Tools and products for cleaning felt boots

Felt boots are not shoes that can be washed under running water or wiped with a damp cloth and polished with shoe polish. The fleecy felt structure requires a special approach and special tools and devices, you will need:

a brush with rubberized teeth; a moisture-repellent impregnating composition used before going outside - its use will reduce the intensity of dirt adhesion; specialized preparations for cleaning felt boots.

Usually, specialized products for the care of felt boots are sold there - in shoe stores and places where felt boots are sold.

What to do if a moth eats your fur coat?

25 Dec 2018

After you have bought a fur coat, you should take care of its safety. Often, moths appear in fur products, which cause irreparable damage to things. You can protect clothes from insects if you follow storage rules and periodically inspect the fur. But what to do when the insect has already started? Read about this in the article.

How can you tell if there are moths in your house?

The eggs of the pest are very difficult to detect: their length is no more than half a centimeter, and their color is translucent. After a week, moth larvae are born from the eggs, which cause damage to the fur. They eat only the fur, leaving the skin behind. For this reason, bald spots appear. From them you can understand that the fur coat has new owners.

There are also indicators of damaged wool:

the fur has lost its attractiveness, lumps have formed;

“cut” fur appeared under the fur coat;

folds have formed that were not there before;

the presence of clipped paths;

Adult moths move around the apartment.

If you notice one of these signs, you should take action immediately, otherwise the clothes will no longer be salvageable.

Features of the fur moth

The fur moth is a clay-colored winged insect. Outwardly, it looks like a butterfly, but the fur lover is distinguished by the absence of a proboscis.

Moth larvae are small translucent caterpillars. They live for about 10 months and feed on keratin found in wool. The larvae also chew through any fur that gets in their way. If there are particles of dirt and sweat left on your fur coat, this will certainly attract insects.

A moth (adult) emerges from the larvae. She cannot digest food, so the fur suffers only from moth larvae. However, the moth lays a large number of eggs (about 12 eggs per hour). An adult lives for a month, during which time a whole colony of pests forms in your clothes. Therefore, when putting away a fur coat until the next winter season, it must be thoroughly cleaned.

Where do moths come from?

Sometimes fur coats in stores are sold already with moths. This is the most common reason for insects to appear in the house. Even purchasing items from expensive stores does not exclude the possibility that the clothes will not contain pest larvae. However, the insect prefers used items, so buying a used fur coat is a risky business; This kind of thing requires careful checking.

Wherever you buy your outerwear, don't immediately put it in your closet. Let it hang on a balcony or other warm or cold room for 2-3 days. Moth larvae cannot tolerate low and high temperatures, so they die in such conditions.

A fur pest can appear not only with a fur coat: be careful when purchasing carpets, furniture and woolen clothes.

In rare cases, fur moths enter the house with the dog. It does not parasitize animals, but can use them as a temporary shelter. If your pet has short hair, there is nothing to worry about: the insect only chooses dogs with long hair.

How to fight moths?

If you notice a winged fur lover, then don’t hesitate for a minute, because at stake is an expensive product that can still be saved.

Possibility of moths appearing in an apartment

Clothing bought at second-hand stores can be a source of moths.
Only insects with wings can move independently. But even they are unable to travel long distances. Therefore, a butterfly itself can only fly into an apartment by accident. Other reasons for their appearance are more likely:

  • Kitchen insects are found in purchased foods that have already been infested.
  • Purchased second-hand clothing can be a breeding ground for these pests.
  • Even new items purchased from a reputable store sometimes contain moth larvae.
  • The infection can enter the house along with purchased furniture.
  • Butterflies enter the apartment through ventilation shafts from a grocery store or clothing warehouse located on the ground floor.
  • Insect eggs can end up in pet fur.

Pests will be able to gain a foothold in a new territory if they find suitable conditions - a warm, shaded place with familiar food and the absence of strong odors.

Cleaning Methods

Before you begin, you need to make sure that the felt boots are dry. If not, the shoes need to be thoroughly dried. To prevent wet felt boots from losing their shape when drying, you can stuff them with paper. It will also help deal with excess moisture. You need to change the paper as moisture is absorbed. After drying, it is necessary to vacuum the felt boots to remove surface contamination in the form of dirt or sand. You can also use a stiff brush for this.

Felt boots are dried at room temperature; they should not be left near the stove or fireplace, as they are highly flammable.


You will need flour or semolina - they help clean the felt from minor dirt, without leaving streaks or other marks. To clean, pour flour or semolina onto the dirty area and wipe thoroughly with a soft cloth. After this, you need to knock out the felt boots, so the grain particles will go away along with the dirt.

If you don’t have semolina or flour on hand, you can use tooth powder, soda or starch instead.


If after the dry method there are still dirt on the felt boots, then you can proceed to the next stage.

A very effective way is to use laundry soap. It must be dissolved in water to obtain a solution of medium consistency. Then apply to felt and rub with a brush. Then carefully remove.

Do not rinse off the soap under direct running water; excess can be easily removed with a damp hand and then blotted with a clean towel.

Removing stubborn stains

If the stain is old and has long been ingrained, then more thorough cleaning methods are used.

  • Carpet cleaner. The most popular and effective is Vanish. The product must be diluted with water and shaken until foam forms. Apply the solution to the contaminated area with a sponge and leave for the time specified in the instructions. After this, clean the area of ​​contamination with a brush and remove the foam with a rag or sponge. Dry at room temperature.
  • Dilute the care product for delicate fabrics in cold water according to the instructions. Use it to clean the contaminated area of ​​the felt boots. Then dry the shoes in a warm room. This method is also suitable for white felt products.

It is recommended to remove stickers, embroideries and other decorative decorations before cleaning.

What to do with salt

As you know, shoes carry home not only dirt, but also other substances. These include salt, which is sprinkled on slippery areas of roads. Purifying salt is quite easy. This is the only case where it is reasonable to use a direct stream of water to clean felt.

After basic cleaning, you need to grate laundry soap on a fine grater and mix with water until foam forms. Apply to the stain and clean with a shoe brush. Rinse off any remaining soap under running water and quickly remove the moisture with a towel.

Only cold water is used to remove salt. Heat treatment deforms felt boots.

How to get rid of moths

Moths usually visit clothing items in spring and summer. If eggs laid by moths appear on your felt boots, they should be dried in the sun. 2-3 hours is enough for the larvae to die. You can remove them using semolina or flour. After the felt boots are knocked out, you need to go over them with a brush.

How to clean the inside of felt boots

This cleaning is somewhat more difficult than outside. Since there cannot be strong contamination inside, cleaning is carried out using flour, semolina or starch. To do this, it is better to purchase a brush with a long handle. After cleaning, the felt boots need to be knocked out and the remaining cleaning material removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Felt boots

First, the felt boots must be thoroughly dried after the snow has melted and the dried dirt must be removed using a brush with stiff bristles. After this, you need to dilute the washing powder with water in a ratio of 1:2, moisten the brush in the solution and treat all contaminated areas with it. Foam should form on the surface of the felt boots; it should be washed off under a gentle stream of cold water.

After wet cleaning, shoes should be dried naturally without using a battery. To prevent the size of felt boots from decreasing, they must be tightly stuffed with crumpled newspapers before drying. Dry the shoes until there are no particles of moisture left inside them.

Dark boots

Dark felt requires much less constant cleaning, but sometimes it still needs to be washed. To do this, you can use soap foam, which you need to rub into contaminated areas or treat the entire surface with it. The remaining soap is washed off with cold water, after which the shoes are sent to dry.

In addition, you can use the dry cleaning method; it is suitable for felt or felt boots. You need to rub all the dirt stains with a dried crust of black bread, it will return the material to its previous condition. The remaining crumbs must be removed from the surface with a brush. The dry method is more gentle on the material.

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