Butterfly: overview of all species with photos and names, life cycle, habits, appearance, features, interesting facts

Review author: “ZooVita”

Butterflies are arthropod insects. As scientists have found, they appeared on Earth approximately 110-120 million years ago. Since then, many varieties have appeared and there are now approximately 160,000 species.

Butterflies are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful insects on planet Earth.

Lifestyle of a butterfly

Butterflies are very fragile. During their short life, they must have time to lay eggs, so they try to defend themselves in various available ways.

Some butterflies are difficult to spot due to their coloring. They blend into the surrounding nature and if you don’t look closely, you can pass by.

There are butterflies that protect themselves with poisonous wings. Judging by their colors, one can often assume that they are poisonous and should not be touched. This is done to protect against birds, because even if a bird eats one butterfly, this will not happen again next time. After eating poisonous butterflies, birds begin to vomit and their heart may stop. But at the same time, poisonous butterflies are very beautiful.

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Amazing mahjong with butterflies HD, the development and release of which took place thanks to the incredible popularity of the game among fans. Mahjong Connect players like not fish, not birds, but butterflies. It just so happened. We must admit that in nature these are perhaps the most beautiful creatures of the insect genus.

And everything drawn in this version is simply amazing. The butterflies are bright, clear - even the veins on the wings are visible. Even in high resolution (100% button), the clarity is preserved - HD after all!

The goal of the game has not changed. The player must completely disassemble the mahjong, that is, connect all the same wings in pairs and, accordingly, release all the butterflies. 190 seconds are allotted to solve this problem. The timer in the upper left corner shows the remaining time. It must be admitted that such a mission would be difficult to accomplish if not for some concessions on the part of the authors.

Firstly, for each pair of wings connected and transformed into a butterfly, 10 seconds are added to the time. Secondly, in the absence of further opportunities to connect anything, the program itself shuffles the remaining pictures, and does it “for free”, without penalizing either points or time. Thirdly, the game has two magic buttons: shuffle and hint, each of which can be used the number of times indicated on it.

The level in the game is not the only one, the first is followed by the second, in which when the butterfly flies away, the wings remaining on the field move to the left. There are also obstacles here - lilies, which do not allow the wings to connect along the bottom line.

In general, each next stage will be more difficult than the previous one, which should not confuse experienced players. Respect to the developers for a wonderful game and good luck to the players in completing it!

You can download the game MAHJONG BUTTERFLY 2

on your computer, it will not take up much space, but think about whether it makes sense to do this, because it is always available here, you just need to open this page.

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The game MAHJONG BUTTERFLY 2 in the Mahjong categories is available around the clock and without registration

with a description in Russian on Min2Win. If the capabilities of the electronic desktop allow, you can expand the plot of MAHJONG BUTTERFLY 2 in full screen and enhance the effect of completing the scenarios. Many things really make sense to consider in more detail.

Night and day species of butterflies

Nocturnal butterflies differ from day butterflies in very few ways. The main difference is that during rest, the night butterfly folds its wings, but the day butterfly does not. Also, the color of the day butterfly is brighter. Its coloring includes blue, red, yellow, and other colors. While most of the moths are gray-black.

Therefore, there is no such criterion as night or day butterflies. Mostly people say this to simplify explanations about who they saw during the day or at night.

What do butterflies eat?

As we all know, in the past the butterfly was a caterpillar and at this stage of its life cycle it is forced to absorb a large amount of food. It can serve as food from cabbage and ordinary leaves, grass, as well as seeds and fruits of plants.

But in doing so, they greatly spoil the quality of fruits and vegetables, interfere with the sowing process and the development of plantings. In the body of a butterfly, the insect does much less harm. After all, all she needs for food is flower nectar. The butterfly has a proboscis, which increases depending on the structure of the flower and thanks to it, it has the opportunity to suck nectar from the plant.

Not every flower is edible, and in order to test the plant for its ability to play the role of food, the insect probes it with its paws, on which there are receptors that determine the edibility of the plant, and after this process is completed, the butterfly, depending on the result, straightens its proboscis.


codling moth

The main goal in the life of a caterpillar is food. They eat, as a rule, the green parts of plants, which are richest in nutrients. Others feed on fruits by sitting inside them, such as the well-known codling moth. And some have adapted to eat wood, wool and even wax.

Gypsy moth

Caterpillars eat a lot. Their body weight can increase 50,000 times. Since the caterpillar's body covers do not stretch well, the larvae molt several times during their lives, completely shedding their old skin. Some caterpillars can feed only on one specific type of plant, while others can feed on a wide variety of plant species, such as the gypsy moth or the American white butterfly, which are capable of eating the leaves of more than 300 species of trees and shrubs. Many caterpillars are able to secrete webs made of protein through their mouths. Some do this in huge quantities, weaving a cocoon from silk or coarser fibers - chesuchi. To obtain silk thread, people have been raising silkworm caterpillars since ancient times. The cocoon made by the caterpillar unwinds, resulting in a thin silk thread up to 1.5 km long.

Nowadays, butterflies are bred not only for silk. The population of many tropical countries lives by breeding the largest and brightly colored species for the manufacture of various crafts, paintings, panels of wings, and boxes of dried butterflies. The auction value of some rare specimens can reach several thousand dollars. But most of the butterflies sold continue to be caught in the wild, which, together with the constantly shrinking natural areas of their habitat, leads to a decrease in the number of these beautiful and often useful insects.

Classification of butterfly species

There are currently approximately 160,000 species of butterflies on our planet. There are many classification systems, and there is still debate among scientists about which system is more correct. Changes are constantly taking place in systems, as science does not stand still and something new is constantly being discovered. Nevertheless, they agreed that the most correct can be considered the system according to which the varieties of these insects are divided into 4 suborders..

Primary toothed moths

These are small insects. Their wingspan is very small, from 4 to 15 mm. The mouthparts of these butterflies are of the gnawing type. The size of the antennae is 75% of the length of the fore wings. Like most butterflies, they feed on flower pollen. In total, there are approximately 160 species of them in nature.

Proboscis butterflies

The wingspan of these butterflies is slightly larger. It reaches 25 mm. The wings of these insects are covered with dark scales with black or cream spots.

It is interesting that this suborder began to be distinguished only in 1967. Before that, due to the large number of similar characters, they were considered as representatives of the suborder of toothed moths.


This suborder includes only one family. This is the family Heterobathmiina. Unfortunately, all that is known about them is that they live in the southern part of South America. There are very few of them and most species are not described.


Perhaps almost everyone knows these butterflies. This suborder includes most insect species. That's about 150,000 known species. They are divided into many families, so it is difficult to say anything specific about them.

General information

Butterflies belong to the order Lepidoptera, arthropod insects. According to the ancient beliefs of the Slavs, they personify the souls of deceased ancestors, so the attitude towards them should be respectful. This is the most attractive insect in the world. Outwardly, they look like real flowers. The brightness of the color and the whimsicality of their wings is truly fabulous.

To write a report or message about butterflies for 7th grade students, it is recommended to use materials from various information sources. You are allowed to download presentation slides on the topic from the Internet.

Recommended outline of the report:

  1. External structure of an insect.
  2. Reproduction and stages of development.
  3. Main groups.
  4. Benefit and harm.

For comparison, you can prepare a report on insects with a complete transformation from the blood-sucking order, which become wingless at the imago stage. A 7th grade presentation about fleas or cockroaches is perfect for this.

Butterfly habitats

In fact, butterflies are distributed throughout the world and live on every continent except Antarctica. They are physically unable to withstand the eternal cold, and in addition to this, there are no plants on the glaciers that could serve them as food.

And yet, scientists were able to find out the location of the largest number of butterfly species - these are the territories of India, its environs and the forests of South Asia. Their habitat primarily depends on climatic conditions. These insects love warmth and humidity, so their accumulation in most cases depends on these two factors.

They are most often found in flowering meadows, fields and forests, because there, not including the cold seasons, it is almost always warm and there is a sufficient number of plants that act as food.


In recent years, butterfly migration has attracted considerable attention from researchers. In North America, monarch migration has been studied by tagging individual individuals and then releasing them into the wild. The population of this species east of the Rocky Mountains migrates in the fall to its wintering grounds in central Mexico. Butterflies that begin their journey in southeastern Canada cover a distance of more than 2,900 km in a few months. Millions of them winter side by side in Mexico, mate in the spring and head back north. On the way, last year's individuals usually die, but their offspring, hatched from eggs laid by females on the way back, continue their journey north. To repopulate the United States and southern Canada, several such generations are needed every year. Monarchs living west of the Rocky Mountains fly to their wintering grounds on the central California coast. Here in their clusters only occasionally there are several tens of thousands of individuals.

How long do butterflies live?

How long do butterflies live? It is difficult to say something specific, because there are a lot of different species and each species, having its own characteristics, has a different life expectancy. But generally butterflies live from several days to several weeks.

If we talk about the pupa, then there is a slightly different life span.

The butterfly lives in the pupa for 2 to 3 weeks. But some species hibernate during the winter and, accordingly, remain in the pupa longer.

General characteristics of Lepidoptera

Lepidoptera are one of the most numerous orders of insects belonging to the phylum arthropods. A characteristic feature of all representatives of the order is four wings covered with a fine layer of modified scales. Their coloring creates bizarre and unique patterns on the surface.

Butterfly wing under a microscope

If we draw an analogy with other insects, then butterflies are a rather “young” group. The first representatives appeared with the flowering plants in the Cretaceous period.

Butterflies are distributed throughout the world, right up to the border of permafrost. Those species that live in temperate latitudes need wintering. More often, the insect survives the cold period in the form of a pupa, less often - in the adult stage. In the latter case, lepidoptera can migrate over vast distances, gathering in huge flocks.

Monarch Butterfly Migration

Common to our latitudes, urticaria, mourning grass, peacock's eye and buckthorn are able to survive the winter as adults without leaving their native lands. When spring comes, they will be ready to reproduce again.

The butterfly's two faceted eyes are capable of recognizing colors, but unlike humans, they see the world in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. This feature allows zoologists to control the behavior of flying insects using special lamps and conduct observations at night.

How a butterfly sees the world

Butterflies are an important part of the ecosystem, since many plants are pollinated mainly or only by them. Caterpillars serve as food for many small animals and birds.

There is also a downside - the voracious larvae of butterflies can cause significant damage to vegetable crops and plants used by humans. In some cases, they can leave entire gardens and even forests without leaves.

Interesting facts about butterflies

No matter how impossible it may seem, butterflies can be kept at home. In special stores you can buy so-called domestic butterflies. They are not difficult to care for, but there are many factors to consider.

In nature, a rather rare species of red butterflies. The most famous representative is the peacock butterfly. There are many butterflies with red spots, for example on a black background, but there are few red butterflies.

As mentioned above, butterfly wings consist of small scales. You can see this only in special photos from magnifying devices. Also, all these scales are covered with pollen and if you take the butterfly by the wings, it will no longer be able to fly.

Peacock-eye "Atlas"

This butterfly was named after a hero from Ancient Greece who, according to legend, held the entire sky on his shoulders. The wingspan of this giant can reach 26 cm, and these species are found in Southeast Asia.

The beauty flies actively at night, feeding on the foliage of bushes or trees. At dusk, in the morning or as evening falls, Atlas is especially active, for which he is nicknamed the Prince of Darkness.

Peacock-eye Atlas, photo on hand

The Moscow Zoo also breeds the Peacock-Eyes - there you can admire its beauty to your heart's content. In particular, on the insect's wings, which are decorated with shades of yellow, pink and red. At the corners of the butterfly's hind wings there are transparent windows, and the front wings resemble the head of a snake in their shape, which scares away predators who encroach on their lives. The peacock eye, like some other individuals, has no mouth, so during its life (about 2 weeks), it lives only on the reserves accumulated during its life as a caterpillar. Did you know that you can breed butterflies at home? Read more about the home butterfly farm.

Male Atlas peacock-eyes are able to find a female for mating several tens of kilometers away. Moreover, the mating process takes place over several hours. It is worth noting that the process of reproduction is key in the life of females; they die immediately after they create offspring.

Photos of all types of butterflies

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