Smoke bombs against insects: principle of operation and where is it best to use?

Wicks and fuses

When making a variety of pyrotechnic devices, you cannot do without a good fuse!
A low-quality wick can not only go out without ensuring the device (bomb, firecracker, etc.) works, but also burn out faster than planned, jeopardizing safety! Therefore, making a wick with your own hands should be approached with complete seriousness and responsibility. An ideal wick has a stable and uniform combustion; there are no lumbagoes or spontaneous extinction. It is highly desirable that the wick be easy to manufacture, but reliable and provide the required water resistance.

All wicks made at home can be roughly divided according to reliability into two main groups: unreliable and reliable. Let's take a closer look at these groups.

Pros and cons of using

The use of sulfur bombs for fumigation of non-residential premises is beneficial, but can also cause some harm.

Main advantages:

  • low cost;
  • minor labor costs;
  • ease of use;
  • large range of action;
  • high permeability to hard-to-reach places;
  • wide range of applications.

Disadvantages of use:

  • high level of toxicity for humans, warm-blooded animals, fish, bees;
  • have a destructive effect on metal;
  • destroy not only pathogenic, but also beneficial soil microflora;
  • preliminary preparation of the premises is required.

Unreliable wicks

Everything here is clear right from the name. These wicks are as easy to make as they are unreliable. The main representatives of this group are sulfur strip and saltpeter paper.

Sulfur strip

The sulfur strip is made from match heads. Cut a piece of paper one and a half to two centimeters wide. Then carefully separate the match heads in the amount of two boxes. It is important to ensure that the sulfur does not crumble or fall off the match. And, one by one, we lay them out in a row on the prepared paper. At the end, where the sulfur strip will contact the pyrotechnic device, you need to put more match heads. We cover the top with the same strip of paper and seal it on both sides with narrow stationery tape. The disadvantage of the sulfur strip is that the tape melts when burned and can block the spread of fire. Experiments have shown that this happens in approximately 3 cases out of 10. 70% reliability... decide for yourself whether to use the sulfur strip or not, but for now we classify it as an unreliable wick.

Saltpeter paper

Perhaps one of the simplest wick options. Here we will not dwell on it in detail, because a separate article on our website is devoted to its description: Saltpeter paper. For now, let us point out the main disadvantage of saltpeter paper - it is very hygroscopic, in other words, it strongly absorbs moisture from the surrounding air, so it is very important, firstly, to store saltpeter paper correctly, and secondly, to use it only in dry weather. A saltpeter cord is made in a similar way. Take a saturated solution of potassium or sodium nitrate and soak the cord in it for about 10 seconds. Then it is dried and stored in the same way as saltpeter paper, but it has its own advantages: it bends easily and is almost unlimited in length, unlike paper.

Reliable wicks

The most suitable wicks for homemade pyrotechnics. All of them are almost equally good; which one to choose depends on the situation. Let's see how to make a reliable fuse.

Hunting or camping matches

Special matches differ from ordinary ones by having a larger head and are coated with a special flammable material that prevents the match from going out along its entire length. Such a match burns at a constant speed, does not go out, the combustion time is about 20 seconds. Perfect as a short but reliable wick.

Incendiary fuse

Incendiary pipe


The simplest option

Despite their primitiveness, such wicks burn very stably, and with proper sealing they are practically not afraid of getting wet. An ideal option for the safe use of questionable pyrotechnics!

If possible, then before making a wick, try to get hunting matches. They burn excellently and can easily withstand even getting wet, so they can be used to make an excellent fuse cord!

Press down this entire structure on top with the same strip of tape. The resulting ignition cord can be used even in winter conditions, since it is slightly susceptible to moisture. Since it is extremely easy to make a firecracker wick this way, it can be recommended for fireworks enthusiasts of all ages.

Attention! Strictly follow all fire safety rules, otherwise you can easily start a fire.

Instructions for use

Regardless of what object is being processed (greenhouses, houses, basements, garages, etc.), you must adhere to a certain sequence in your actions in order to get excellent results:

  • It is necessary to ensure the tightness of the object: close windows, doors and fill all cracks.
  • It is recommended to install the insecticidal product in the center of the room, preferably in a container made of non-flammable material.
  • They are filled with water, for which a mark is provided by the manufacturer.
  • When the fuse is lit, all people must leave the room.
  • After the smoke has stopped spreading, you need to wait for several hours or days, then open the windows, ventilate the room and clean it.

Place it in the center of the area to be treated on a surface (stone, brick, ceramic tile or dishware).

Security measures

If large objects (greenhouses, storage facilities) are processed, several similar means are used. First, you need to set fire to those that are located further from the exit. You must wear gloves when touching the checkers, and after finishing the treatment, your hands should be washed with soap. To reduce the risk of smoke inhalation, it is recommended that you wear a respirator when working.

Before processing grain and vegetable storage facilities, the premises are emptied of products. You can put grain/vegetables back no earlier than after 5 days.

When using different means, you need to take into account the time recommended by the manufacturer for exposure of pests to chemicals (from several hours to several days).

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Method for young chemists

To make a reliable wick according to this recipe, you will need ordinary potassium permanganate, Moment glue or similar, and matches. A small amount of potassium permanganate and glue are taken, and then these two components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

There is no need to rush; it will take at least ten minutes to completely mix the components. Since the resulting mixture is too liquid, you should wait a few minutes until the hardening process takes place.

After this time, the resulting puddle must be carefully shaped, giving it a more compact appearance. When the composition acquires the consistency of plasticine, it needs to be rolled out, giving the appearance of a sausage. Thickness doesn't matter.

How to make a wick from matches and the composition we described? It's simple: if you need a wick that burns quickly and very reliably, then a certain amount of ground match nitrate should be added to the composition before it hardens.

Soap smoke

For the most well-mannered children, who have never joked so cruelly, it is worth explaining what a smoke blower is. This is a smoke bomb that can be made from available materials, one of which was my mother’s soap. This is the simplest smoke recipe.

We will need laundry soap, several sheets of newspaper, a container for water, tape and a grater.

  1. Rub the soap into a water container.
  2. Pour hot water and dissolve the soap completely. Not an easy task, but ten liters would dissolve any bar.
  3. Soak newspapers in a container, let them soak in moisture, but be careful not to destroy them.
  4. Dry the paper.

Well, how to do it? Crumple the paper soaked in soapy water into a ball and wrap it with tape. Then set it on fire. If it flares up, it means it was poorly soaked. When almost all the paper is covered, extinguish the flame and that’s it, the smoke is ready. Its smoke is harmless, its only disadvantage may be low performance and a small amount of smoke, but in childhood this was enough for us. Let's now look at smoke recipes for older hooligans.

A more serious way

The disadvantage of the method described above is the fact that a thin newspaper is in no way suitable for the role of a fuse cord. It can quickly go out, and then suddenly burn out right before your amazed eyes. The consequences can be very sad.

Therefore, it is advisable to get high-quality cotton rope. It is also soaked in the above-described aqueous solution of saltpeter and dried thoroughly. To make the structure as reliable as possible, you can lubricate it with a mixture of potassium permanganate and Moment glue. We have already given the recipe for the “hellish composition” above.

This ignition cord will withstand even significant moisture, which will not have any effect on its ability to burn. By the way, what can you make a wick from, if you do not take into account the above methods?

And again potassium nitrate

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to abandon this substance, since only with its help can one create fairly reliable wicks. So, we take about two parts of saltpeter and one part of regular granulated sugar.

Grind all this in a porcelain mortar until a fine and homogeneous powder is formed. The resulting composition can be hammered into juice tubes (as in the method with match saltpeter).

Preliminary preparation

The components and tools for making the device can be found in the kitchen; the only thing you have to purchase is potassium nitrate. Fertilizer is offered in stores for gardeners and gardeners; there will be no problems with the purchase.

To make a smoke fume you will need:

50 gr. potassium nitrate; 10 gr. sodium bicarbonate; 50 gr. sugar (allowed to replace with powdered sugar); 55-65 gr

dye (available from hardware stores); a small diameter cardboard tube (suitable for toilet paper), a matchbox; pencil; stewpan (saucepan); a little tape; cotton swabs; fuse (carefully remove from the fireworks, soak a regular cord with saltpeter, use hunting matches).

To mix the composition, use a wooden stick or spoon.

Bickford cord at home. Wicks and fuses

There are several types of OSH - wick, stopin, visco, fuse cord.

It is a cotton or linen rope impregnated with saltpeter or strong alkali, which allows it to burn slowly and steadily without flame at a speed of 1 m in 1-3 minutes [2].

(Italian stoppino) - a bundle of cotton threads soaked in potassium nitrate and coated on the outside with a creamy mixture of gunpowder pulp and glue. Burning speed is about 4 cm/sec. Stopin was invented for quickly lighting chandeliers with a large number of candles at balls, theaters, etc.

- a sticky tape on one side, to which grains of gunpowder are glued in a thin path. It became widespread in the mid-1990s as a wick for launching fireworks. Mainly used for simultaneous or sequential launch of ground fire figures. The burning speed is from 1 to 3 meters per second, depending on the type of gunpowder used.

- powder stopin, enclosed in a paper tube. Serves for rapid transmission of fire since its burning speed is more than 1 meter per second.

All of the above types of cords are very vulnerable to moisture; in addition, they give a weak flame force.

Operating principle

A cockroach smoke bomb is a small cylindrical container containing an insecticide. When activated, a huge amount of thick, toxic smoke is created, which is very toxic to insects. This method is effective due to the strong penetrating effect of the smoke. Thus, the insecticide penetrates into places that are inaccessible even with a spray.

The strong spread of smoke in the treated room leads to several ways for the active substance to enter the cockroach’s body - through the respiratory tract, intestines and through the chitinous membrane. Triple exposure to insects increases the effectiveness of the Raptor smoke bomb.

The article describes the composition of a smoke bomb and how to use it in various places.

Reliable wicks

The most suitable wicks for homemade pyrotechnics. All of them are almost equally good; which one to choose depends on the situation. Let's see how to make a reliable fuse.

Hunting or camping matches

Special matches differ from ordinary ones by having a larger head and are coated with a special flammable material that prevents the match from going out along its entire length. Such a match burns at a constant speed, does not go out, the combustion time is about 20 seconds. Perfect as a short but reliable wick.

Incendiary fuse

Incendiary pipe

Despite the abundance of electrical appliances, candles are still popular, and if you want to make a candle with your own hands, then you need to know how to make a candle wick. Candles add a special mood during the holidays, they can create a special atmosphere during a romantic dinner, and candles can also come in handy during a power outage, from which no one is immune. You can buy a candle in a store, or you can try to make it yourself - any shape and size, with various decorative elements or scented. But before you start making a candle, you need to make a wick.

The wick is a kind of capillary through which the molten candle mass enters the combustion zone. Each type of candle has its own wick. The texture and thickness of the wick may depend on the thickness of the candle, its material, coloring, its filling with decorative particles and much more. For example, there are candles in which only the middle burns out, while the walls remain intact, and for them their own types of wicks are used.

For each candle, the wick is selected by trial and error, and sometimes you need to try several options. It should be remembered that a wick that is too thin will constantly go out, and a thick wick will smoke and the candle will melt too much.

Usually the wick is woven from cotton threads. They can be twisted, braided and even crocheted; the optimal type of weaving is selected based on the characteristics of the candle. If the candle is made of wax, then thick, loose threads are used as the wick and they are not woven tightly, but for other candles, on the contrary, thin threads and tight weaving are used to avoid soot. This is due to the viscosity of the molten candle mass: more viscous wax requires wide capillaries, and lighter paraffin, stearin and various fats need thinner capillaries, otherwise, due to an excess of flammable material, the candle will become very smoky.

History[ | ]

The invention of a new type of cord by the English engineer William Bickford made it possible to increase the reliability of impulse transmission. In a kickford cord

stopin, covered with powder pulp, is enclosed in a double textile braid, the top layer of which is impregnated with bitumen to protect against dampness. Stopin ensured the stability of the burning of the cord, the powder pulp provided sufficient flame power, the double braiding provided flexibility and integrity of the core, bitumen, in addition to protection from dampness, also allowed the powder gases to break out during combustion, and oxygen to enter the combustion zone [3]. The combustible composition did not have enough oxygen of its own, since it had a low content of nitrate, the main supplier of oxygen. However, the fuse cord

has a number of disadvantages that do not meet modern requirements for reliability and safety: it goes out in water, the burning rate is unstable, bitumen cracks at low temperatures and loses its qualities.

In a modern fire cord

Outer diameter OSH 4-6 mm. The burning rate is constant, always about 1 cm per second, which allows demolitionists to set the time before the explosion along the length of the cord. Transfer of combustion between touching sections of cords is impossible.

visco fire cord has become widespread in household pyrotechnics.

What is this - a fuse cord?

Another feature that the Bickford cord had was its elasticity. It can be rolled up, conveniently carried, and when preparing an explosion, it can be wrapped behind any obstacle, which allowed sappers to place charges at short distances, while they themselves could be located in cover.

The cord, the manufacture of which involved wrapping stopin with textiles, obtained such properties of the kickford cord thanks to its design. The fact is that the active substance was wrapped in a layer of cloth, which was impregnated with gunpowder. This ensured uniform combustion and prevented fading. Next, a second layer of textile was applied, which was lubricated with bitumen. It protected it from moisture, gave additional elasticity and, during the combustion process, supplied the fuse with oxygen, which was very important.

However, this fire cord also had its drawbacks. It did not tolerate negative temperatures well, which is why it broke and crumbled. It could also become damp, and in conditions of high humidity or in water it was practically useless. That is why today it is considered obsolete, and the cord is practically not used anywhere when carrying out blasting operations.

Thus, a fuse cord can be purchased at any specialized store or obtained from modern pyrotechnics. In this case, the resulting copy will be similar to the original of previous years only visually. In fact, this is a completely different device that meets modern needs and operating conditions.

When and why is it used?

Sulfur bombs are used to treat cellars and vegetable stores before storing crops. As a result, vegetables and fruits are preserved much longer without losing their consumer qualities.

Smoke sulfur bombs are also used for disinfestation and disinfection of greenhouses and greenhouses after harvest from harmful insects, pathogenic organisms and fungi. As a result, the likelihood of crop damage in the next season is reduced, and this in turn greatly facilitates plant care.

The use of smoke sulfur bombs in non-residential premises and against mold is justified. This product also helps reduce humidity levels.


Required impregnation

Creating a wick is not only about making a thread of the required density and thickness. In order for her to become a candle wick, she must be prepared for this. So that the wick does not burn out immediately, but performs its function, the thread must be soaked.

In the case of a wax candle, sometimes impregnation with the same molten wax is sufficient. The wax is melted over a fire in an enamel plate. The thread is placed in a plate and allowed to soak. The procedure must be repeated three to four times until air bubbles no longer appear in the liquid wax. Then it must be hung until the wax has completely hardened. The thread for storage can be loosely wound on a bobbin, laying layers of paper. It is better to store in a cool place so that the wax does not spread. When necessary, you can use scissors to cut the pieces to the required length. How to make candle wicks at home.

One of the most important tasks when creating a candle is choosing the right wick. If the wick is too thick, then the candle flame will be large and smoky, but if the wick is too thin, then it will burn faster than paraffin or wax, and the candle will “choke.” To make the wick, we use natural cotton thread, which does not smoke or crack when burning.

The ability to properly make a candle wick is a guarantee that the flame will be beautiful.

To make a braided or twisted wick, take 3 pieces of cotton cord or yarn. Mix 1 tbsp. l. salt, 2 tbsp. boric acid in a glass of water. Soak cords or yarn in the solution for 12 hours. Hang them to dry. When dry, twist or braid them together to form a wick. The wick is ready! Using scissors, cut to the desired length (candle length + 10-15cm).

To make a waxed wick, dip the already rolled wick into the melted wax until it is completely saturated. In order not to miss this moment, watch for bubbles; as soon as the wick starts to blow bubbles, you can pull it out. When removed, straighten the wick and place it in water. After that, lay it out on wax paper to dry. Ready-made wicks can be twisted into coils and stored until the right time.

First, take out the wick from another candle. To do this, you can buy household candles: they are very cheap and soft. The wick is very easy to get out of them - you just need to pull the tip of the wick.


Non-childish smoke blower

For the hellish, extremely dangerous non-children's smoke blower, we will need potassium nitrate, which we will make ourselves, potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate, soda and sugar, a wick, a pencil and food coloring for the smoke.

Let's start with making potassium nitrate. To do this, in a ratio of 11:9 we take ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride.

We dissolve the saltpeter in water, we try not to dilute it too much. After placing the saltpeter solution in a water bath, add potassium chloride

Stir the resulting mixture, cool in the refrigerator for two and a half hours, pour out, keeping the crystals formed at the bottom and carefully dry them in a frying pan. Collecting the resulting powder

Having collected 250 grams, we move on to creating a smoke oven.

  1. Mix the resulting powder with sugar. You need one hundred and fifty grams of sugar.
  2. Put on fire, stir all the time.
  3. Once the sugar has caramelized, increase the heat.
  4. Boil for about twenty seconds, then remove from heat and add soda. Despite the foam, stir quickly.
  5. Add dye.
  6. If the mixture sticks to the walls, stir over low heat.
  7. Cool the mixture for 5 minutes. Fill an empty tin container with it, insert a wick into the middle of the liquid and transfer it to the refrigerator
  8. Seal the top, leaving a 6mm hole for the wick. That's it, the smoke fume is ready.

Remember that you can use it away from houses. It is very effective, so it is better not to use it in enclosed spaces. Also remember about fire safety.

Smoke bombs

- this is what is really interesting to any guy at a young age. Gray checkers or checkers from newspapers have become no longer interesting; now young people are demanding something new, in bright colors. Today, you have the opportunity to create a colored smoke pipe with your own hands, so let’s not waste time and get started with our developments!

Features of product functioning

During the combustion process, sulfur dioxide is released from the bomb; it is a poisonous gas that has a detrimental effect on all bacteria and microorganisms. During the combustion process, smoke penetrates into all cracks and cavities and allows for processing that is impossible using other means.

This is an ideal product for antibacterial treatment of premises; its effectiveness is higher than that of any other drug. They cope even in those places that cannot be treated in any other way.

Another important factor is that during processing the block warms up and dries the room, this helps to better preserve and protect the wood, because most diseases appear in it due to dampness.

The sulfur bomb for the cellar is very easy to use; each package comes with instructions that explain in detail all the nuances of use and the necessary precautions.

It has long been noted that the use of checkers is justified not only in cellars, but also in other buildings. This type of treatment is especially suitable for greenhouses; the smoke kills most soil pathogens, which has a very positive effect on yields.

Smoke bombs against insects: principle of operation and where is it best to use?

Few of the owners of apartments, houses, and warehouse owners have not encountered the problem of insect reproduction. At the same time, the usual means in the form of traps, baits, poisons of various kinds are not always effective.

They cannot cover the entire area and do not guarantee the killing of cockroaches or bedbugs in hard-to-reach places. An insect smoke bomb works in a completely different way. By forming an extremely fine aerosol that penetrates literally into all points of a confined space, it effectively kills its target pest species.

Poisonous substance in smoke bombs

When a smoke bomb burns, the main toxic substance is released. Its particles are extremely small and penetrate into all cracks, affecting individual insects and their colonies under baseboards and inside furniture. The aerosol even passes through furniture upholstery, effectively neutralizing pest breeding sites inside mattresses, sofas, and beds.

According to the class and type of toxic substance, an insect smoke bomb for the home can be:

  • containing sulfur and its compounds. When the body of such a bomb burns, sulfur dioxide is produced. Checkers of this class work not only against insects, but also fungi and various groups of bacteria, since in addition to the main poisoning agent, the fungicide sulfur dioxide is produced. However, in terms of the degree of impact on insects, such checkers are at the bottom of the effectiveness rating and are used mainly for treating basements and other damp places where mold grows;
  • containing hexochlorane in the smoke. This substance is the most effective in affecting the nervous system of insects. However, it is also harmful to humans. A smoke bomb against insects with hexochlorane can cause disruption of the development of the fetus in the womb. In addition, the substance has a cumulative effect and can accumulate in human tissues;
  • using didecyldimethylammonium bromide clathrate. This substance acts on insects of the class of garden pests. Therefore, it is very effective when treating vegetable storage, it destroys fungus, mold spores, and various types of bacteria.

Activated smoke bomb
Today you can buy smoke bombs on the market, the main active ingredient of which is permethrin. It is relatively harmless to warm-blooded animals, including humans, and does not cause disturbances in the body’s functioning or toxicological consequences. But this does not mean that people should not leave the premises during processing.

Effectiveness of smoke bombs

According to manufacturers, one average smoke bomb is enough to treat a house with an area of ​​up to 300 sq.m. The problem of repelling mosquitoes and other insects from space and in the fresh air is also solved quite effectively.

In this case, you should remember:

  1. when used in a closed space (basement, apartment, house, warehouse) - you should carefully follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the product;
  2. to increase the effectiveness of a smoke bomb against insects, it should be prepared before treating the room;
  3. many products on the market have residual effects. A toxic substance that settles on various surfaces - sticks to the paws, is swallowed by insects, guaranteeing defeat and protecting the room for a sufficiently long period;
  4. when used outdoors - effectiveness depends on the strength and direction of the wind, as well as the relative humidity and temperature.

In order to get a guaranteed good result, it is recommended to use 1-3 checkers per apartment. This will ensure good distribution of smoke and penetration of the toxic agent into all the smallest areas of the interior. Also, to destroy insects, you need to choose a bomb that shows optimal results on the required class of pests.

Operating principle

The insecticidal smoke bomb works quite simply. After lighting the wick:

  • the body of the checker begins to smolder;
  • thick smoke, an aerosol suspension of a toxic substance is released;
  • smoke fills the entire volume of the rooms;
  • over a certain period of time, microparticles of the active agent penetrate into all the cracks, through the upholstery of furniture, and inside cabinets.

To process a room, no special knowledge or skills are required. You just need to eliminate the ventilation and leave the apartment for the time specified in the instructions for the specific insect repellent.

Review of popular smoke bombs

All insecticidal smoke bombs existing on the market differ not only in the target group of treatment, but also in the degree of versatility.

Read on topic - Permethrin smoke bombs for insects

Quiet evening

Quiet evening

The “Quiet Evening” insecticidal smoke bomb is characterized by the greatest versatility of use.

It is effective for:

  • repelling mosquitoes in open spaces;
  • processing of residential and non-residential premises;
  • extermination of bedbugs, cockroaches, midges, beetles.

The main active ingredient in the Quiet Evening checker is permethrin. In addition to the listed groups of insects, it kills fleas, ticks, and various small midges.

The method of exposure is nerve-paralytic. Depending on the type of bomb (the size of the combustible body), it can treat from 300 to 1000 sq.m of space.


Another good checker against insects would be “Samuro”. The active ingredient in this checker is also permethrin at a concentration of 5%.

In order for the Samuro checker to smoke, the first thing you need to do is remove the protective foil. After this, it must be placed in the conventional center of the room or in a place where it will smolder on the street.

Insecticidal smoke bomb "Samuro"

Then you need to set it on fire using a wick or burner. During the process of smoke, people and animals need to stay away from the smoking Samuro bomb. In addition, if you use the saber indoors, then you need to remove all dishes, hygiene items, clothing and food from the room where there will be smoke.

In enclosed spaces, the area of ​​effect of this bomb reaches 250 m2. If you are fighting flies and mosquitoes on the street, then its consumption will be from 400 to 500 m3.



City insect smoke bomb is recommended for use in warehouse areas. Shows high performance when working in residential and non-residential premises. The main active ingredient is permethrin.

City copes well with cockroaches, bedbugs, mosquitoes, small bugs, fleas and midges. Features of the product include some moderate smoke production.

Therefore, the City insecticidal smoke bomb is the best option for treating hotel premises, bedding, and clothing. After its use, a low intensity of foreign odor is observed, as well as a complete absence of skin reactions in humans.

The manufacturer of this checker is Tyumen!

Checkers from

Today in Russia there is one company called “Sanvet”. It produces various checkers.

These checkers differ from each other in their active ingredients and their concentration. Among such checkers, it should be noted: “Whirlwind”, “Fomor”, “Fomor-Vet” and “Fomor-Lambda”.

Checker "Whirlwind"

This bomb is capable of destroying more than 30 species of different insects. The active ingredient of this checker is permethrin.

The scheme of action of the Whirlwind checker is as follows - the smoke penetrates into the most inaccessible places and there has a nerve-paralytic effect on unwanted pests.

Insecticidal smoke bomb "Whirlwind"

The algorithm for using the Whirlwind checker is as follows - first you need to remove the lid from the jar and pour the required part of the bulk mixture into a container where it will be burned. After this, you need to set fire to this sublimation mixture with a piece of paper or a wick.

Depending on the type of pest, the “Whirlwind” checker has the following consumption:

  • If you want to clear your area of ​​flies or mosquitoes, then you will have to apply 100 grams of the loose mixture of the “Whirlwind” checker for an area of ​​650 m3;
  • If you are fighting pests such as weevils, bread borers, flour eaters, moths or pancakes, then 100 grams of the bulk mixture of this checker will cover a volume of 80-100 m3;
  • You can also fight ixodid ticks with this sword. A volume of 40-60 cubic meters will also require 100 grams of the thermo-sublimating mixture of the Whirlwind checker.

Checker "Fomor"

The “Fomorian” checker is designed to get rid of such bad insects as flies, mosquitoes, ticks, cockroaches and fleas. Like the above checker, this one also kills all insect pests, thanks to the permethrin in its composition.

This checker also covers a range of 30 types of insects. To get rid of certain insect pests from a tin can of Fomorian checkers, you first need to rip off the lid using a ring.

Insecticidal bomb "Fomor"

Then, the sublimation mixture must be set on fire using a wick or a simple piece of paper. Based on what insect you need to get rid of, the consumption of a “Fomorian” checker is as follows:

  • If you want to get rid of fleas, mosquitoes or flies, then 150 grams of the bulk mixture will be used for a plot volume of 360 m3;
  • If you are fighting ticks or cockroaches, then 100 grams of bulk mixture will be spent on an area of ​​120 m3.

During the action of the “Fomorian” checker, people should not inhale the smoke emanating from it, as this is dangerous to health.

Checker "Fomor-Vet"

The Fomor-Vet smoke bomb will quickly and effectively destroy such annoying insects as flies, mosquitoes, horseflies, hornets, wasps and even bedbugs. The active component of this checker is the substance – cypermethrin.

The mechanism of action of this checker is this: cypermethrin has a nerve-paralytic effect on the central nervous system of these bad insects. As a result, the pests' limbs become paralyzed and they eventually die.

To get rid of insects with a “Fomor-Vet” saber, you must first remove the lid from it using a ring and set fire to the sublimated mixture inside using a special wick that comes with the kit.

Insecticidal bomb with cypermethrin “Fomor Vet”

It is worth knowing that one “Fomor-Vet” checker contains 50 grams of bulk mixture. In special cases, if necessary, this mixture can be divided into several portions and several smoke treatments can be carried out.

The consumption of this checker is as follows:

  • To get rid of mosquitoes or midges, one such bomb is enough for a volume of 600 m3;
  • If you are fighting insects such as woodlice or flies, then 50 grams of the trommel mixture of this block will be spent on an area of ​​425 m3;
  • This checker can also be used against weevils, grain moths, horse flies, hornet wasps, lice, fleas and feather eaters. In this case, one such block will be needed for a volume of 70 m3;
  • This checker also acts on insects such as chicken, ixodid, Persian and red ticks. The consumption will be one block per 50 m3.

Checker "Fomorian-Lambda"

The “Fomor-Lambda” checker is special in that it contains the active substance lambda-cyhalothrin at a concentration of 5%. This substance also has a nerve-paralytic effect on all bad insects.

As a result of this, the limbs of the insects are also paralyzed, and they die as a result. The range of this checker covers more than 50 types of pests.

The algorithm for using this checker is the same. First you need to remove the cover using the ring.

Checker "Fomorian-Lambda"

Then, using the wick included in the kit or a piece of paper, you need to set fire to the sublimation mixture inside. If necessary, the bulk mixture of this bomb can also be divided into several portions and several smoke sessions can be carried out.

It is worth remembering that a chemical substance such as lambda-cyhalothrin is dangerous for humans and animals. Therefore, during the smoke period, the smoke from this bomb should not enter the lungs of people and animals.

The Fomor-Lambda checker has the following consumption against insect pests:

  • If you want to get rid of mosquitoes, midges, gadflies and flies, then spend 100 grams of this granular mixture on an area of ​​700 m3;
  • If you are eliminating a feather eater or chicken mite, then 100 grams of the bulk mixture will cover a volume of 150-250 m3;
  • When fighting mites, aphids, bedbugs and cockroaches, use 100 grams of this granular mixture for a volume of 100 m3;
  • If you are going to use the Fomor-Lambda checker to get rid of fleas, moths or woodlice, then 100 grams of the bulk mixture will be enough for a volume of 1000-1400 m3;
  • This checker also acts on such pests as: weevils, beetles, flour beetles, pancake moths, and grain moths. The consumption will be 100 grams per 50 m3.

Smoke bombs against fungus and mold

There may also be problems such as mold and mildew in the room. To solve this problem, there are the following checkers.


If you are struggling with such problems as fungus and mold in your premises, then the FOMOR-anti-mold smoke bomb will be very effective for this task. The smoke of this bomb destroys fungus, mold and bacteria due to the active substance it contains - 2-Phenylphenol.

The process of smoking a checker "FOMOR-anti-mold"

The main advantage of this checker is that the thermosublimable granular mixture inside, if desired, can be divided into several parts and thus processed several times. To put the “FOMOR-anti-mold” checker into action, you first need to remove the lid from it, and then use a special wick to ignite the sublimation mixture.

It is worth knowing that this wick is already included in the kit. When there is smoke in the room, windows and doors will need to be closed. People and animals, of course, must also leave this room.

Two hours after such a smoke treatment, you need to ventilate it for about one hour. The total nominal consumption of the “FOMOR-anti-mold” checker is 50 grams per 40 m3.



The Fas smoke bomb is designed to destroy fungal bacteria and mold. It is precisely on this target group that its active substance (sulfur and its compounds) show maximum effectiveness.

Therefore, it is recommended to use the Fas checker:

  1. for processing vegetable stores;
  2. eliminating mold in bathrooms;
  3. neutralization of fungal colonies in places of high humidity (basements, unventilated rooms, storage rooms).

The Fas smoke bomb has little effect on cockroaches and bedbugs. However, it will help preserve the harvest of vegetables and fruits with minimal losses.



The volcano is designed for treating damp rooms, killing fungal colonies, mold spores and various bacteria. The main active ingredient is sulfur and its compounds. The main advantages of Vulcan include an excellent balance of cost and processing capabilities. With one inexpensive bomb you can kill mold and mildew in a basement with an area of ​​up to 20 sq.m.

At the same time, smoke has a high degree of penetration, including into the surface of building structures. Vulcan can be used as an effective means of combating the so-called black mold, a frequent guest of bathrooms and considered the most dangerous to human health.

The product shows little effectiveness in the fight against cockroaches, bedbugs, and fleas, but can be used as a preventive agent when insect reproduction is low.



Smoke bomb against insects Climate is a non-universal, but very intense means of influence. It effectively destroys fungus, mold spores, and bacteria. The residual smell repels small rodents. Therefore, in the field of processing warehouses and industrial premises, the Climate checker has no analogues.

It is especially worth noting: the sedimentary layer formed by smoke is corrosive, so metal products in the processing area must be insulated or coated with lubricants. Climate can be used as a protective measure to disinfect soil in greenhouses and greenhouses. In this case, treatment should be carried out 1-2 days before planting.

The features of the checker include ease of use. The highly active toxic substance will not enter the human body: after lighting the wick, the performer has 2 to 3 minutes before smoke begins to form. The long-term protection effect after treatment lasts up to 7 days.

How to use smoke bombs

Any device that produces smoke is considered a potential fire hazard.

Therefore, when using a smoke bomb (it can get quite hot), you should adhere to the following rules:

  • close ventilation ducts, windows, vents, balconies;
  • if possible, move furniture away from the walls, open cabinet doors, remove mattresses and lean them at an angle against the wall;
  • wearable items and other items that have an undesirable residual odor should be collected in plastic bags;
  • In the center of the area to be treated, a fireproof plate is installed on supports (brick fragments will do).

After the preparatory work, the performer puts on a respirator or gauze bandage and lights the fuse. After this, the premises (apartment, house) must be left. The time it takes for the smoke formation process to occur depends on the type of bomb.

After a couple of hours, during which the active substance is distributed throughout the room, no animals or people should be in it. Upon completion of treatment, the apartment, house, warehouse is thoroughly ventilated for at least 1 hour.


Smoke bombs are the most effective means of controlling insects or mold. However, it is always worth remembering safety measures, both primary and secondary. The latter may also include the reaction of neighbors.

The amount of smoke generated is such that it can penetrate into neighboring apartments, onto the staircase, causing concern and calling the fire department. Therefore, before starting treatment, in addition to preliminary preparation, you should definitely warn other residents of the house.

Video: Smoke bomb for mosquitoes

Rules for using sulfur bombs

Despite the fact that smoke bombs for disinfecting premises are produced by many manufacturers, the principle of operation is absolutely the same for all. Therefore, we will consider the main points that are mandatory if you decide to use this type of processing.

Basic safety rules

The main thing to always remember is that a lit sulfur bomb is very dangerous to health. Moreover, violation of operating rules can even lead to death. Sulfur dioxide is an extremely toxic substance that irritates mucous membranes and causes poisoning.

To avoid harm to health, you should follow a few simple rules:

How to use a smoke bomb correctly

It is worth noting that the measures for preparing and using the product are quite simple, but, as noted above, due to the high danger of smoke, all recommendations should be followed strictly.

Before processing it is worth performing a number of preparatory operations:

Advice! Do not forget about the ventilation pipes - they must be plugged, and protruding surfaces should be generously lubricated with grease.

Advice! The process can be significantly accelerated by using a candle in the exhaust pipe - this will significantly increase air movement, and within a day the cellar can be used.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the process - everything is done by hand, and the restrictions are determined only by the danger of the substance. In addition, the price of checkers is very low, anyone can afford them.

Types of smoke products

  1. Hand smoke grenade (HSG). This type is mistakenly called “RDG smoke bomb”, meaning a grenade by a checker;Smoke bombs: small, large, unified, block;Smoke cartridge;Smoke bombs for use in aviation;Smoke machines;Smoke mines and artillery shells;Portable aerosol generator.

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Small smoke bombs are a cylinder-shaped tin case with a smoke composition, which can be of two types: anthracene or metal chloride.

Large smoke bombs are made of sheet steel, also in the shape of a cylinder, but with a side hole designed to allow smoke to escape.

The design of such a checker allows it to be used on water, since the hole of the checker in any position is above the water. Large smoke bombs are used to hide large objects from enemy vision for a long time using a dense camouflage smoke cloud.

A unified smoke bomb, also known as a smoke bomb UDSH, is designed for setting up smoke screens in two ways: manually and remotely.

The checker itself is made in the shape of a TM-62 anti-tank mine and weighs 13.5 kilograms. Places an invisible smoke screen from 100 to 150 meters long. Ignition time: 30 seconds – by impact, 10 seconds – using an electric igniter; intensive burning time – 10-12 minutes; Equally effective from minus 40 to plus 50 degrees Celsius.

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