DIY fly trap: how to make an effective and durable homemade fly trap (105 photos and videos)

Summer is the favorite time of year for most people in our country. But there are also several unpleasant aspects that appear with the arrival of warm days. And one of these moments is the invasion of flies and mosquitoes. They buzz unpleasantly and spread various diseases.

How to get rid of these harmful insects? You can buy a chemical at the store. But there is already enough chemistry in our lives. There may be allergies to various aerosols, especially in children. Therefore, many people prefer homemade devices.

Main types of homemade traps

Lures. The principle of action of baits is to lure the fly into a confined space from which it cannot escape.

Poison traps are similar in design to regular baits, but their purpose is to kill insects and not just lure them.


Stun guns and electric nets. Shockers kill insects with electric shock. The nets attract flies with a bright light, and then draw them into the trap with a makeshift fan.

Let's take a closer look at how you can make the most common fly traps with your own hands.

Fly-eating plant

I really like the third method of fighting flies. But I can't afford it. It is based on the breeding of flytrap plants. They look very beautiful, catch flies very well, and most importantly, you don’t need to do anything for this. The plant is smart enough and can handle them on its own. I would love to buy a couple of these plants for my home, but I haven’t seen them anywhere in our flower shops. Maybe someone can tell me where I can buy at least seeds for breeding them? One more thing, you need to understand that such home helpers are very poisonous, their juice is very dangerous for humans (if taken orally) and can cause poisoning, so do not allow pets and especially children near them. By the way, mint, lavender, and eucalyptus also repel flies; they should also be grown on the windowsill.

Plastic bottle

This is the simplest fly trap to use. You need to cut off the top part, and pour a couple of glasses of water with honey diluted in it into the bottom. Mix thoroughly.

You can use an alternative bait - liquid jam, compote or beer. Turn the top of the bottle upside down and place it in the bottom.

The neck should be several centimeters above the water level. This design will prevent the pest from getting out.

What can be used as bait?

Rotten vegetables, fruits, fish and meat, and plant juice serve as food for flies. They are attracted to putrid, sour smells and sweet foods. Taking into account their preferences, the composition of the bait in the traps is formed. The following ingredients are used:

  • spoiled, soft fruits and berries;
  • raw meat;
  • sweet water or compote;
  • lumps of sugar;
  • beer;
  • honey;
  • juices;
  • apple cider vinegar;
  • kvass.

The choice of means and methods for getting rid of flies depends on the type of infested room. But the safety of the people living in it is put first. In situations where you cannot get rid of winged pests on your own, you can contact a special company that provides pest control services.

Glass jar with funnel

Take a medium-sized jar and place bait inside (the options from the first example are suitable). Place a funnel on the neck of the jar. You can start using it.

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Both of these traps can be made poisonous by adding an insecticide to the liquid bait.

Advantages of adhesive tape

Fly tape is considered one of the most used insect control products. Its popularity is due to a number of factors:

  • absence of toxic components in the composition, safety for people and pets (adhesive tapes can be used at home, in kindergartens, hospitals);
  • long service life (from 1 to 6 months);
  • low cost (even purchased Velcro will not require large financial outlays, but homemade ones will cost practically nothing);
  • efficiency;
  • versatility (the product can be used in any room, as well as outdoors).

Another advantage is the fact that sticky tapes help fight not only flies, but also other flying insects.

We must remember that the lifespan of Velcro is reduced if you use it outdoors. This is facilitated by dust and small debris falling on the sticky surface.

Plastic container

This do-it-yourself trap option is suitable for fruit flies (another name is fruit flies), because they are small in size and, accordingly, can easily fit into small holes.

In the container we put the favorite delicacy of fruit flies - spoiled fruits. Cover with cling film so that it fits snugly to the edges and make several holes in it.

You can use a glass instead of a container. In principle, any trap will be effective for fruit flies if it contains spoiled fruit as bait.

Criterias of choice

In order to choose a quality product that satisfies all your needs, you need to know the following:

  1. For an area of ​​10-15 sq. meters you will need 1-2 meter adhesive tapes.
  2. Flies love blue , so you can choose the same color for the ribbon.
  3. The tape in the package should not be leaking or have an unaesthetic appearance; this indicates that it was stored incorrectly. It should be tightly packed.
  4. The trap should be easy to remove from the packaging.
  5. The trap should immediately attract the attention of insects.
  6. It is better to purchase several small traps and place them throughout the room.

Sticky trap

To create such a trap, we need thick paper, liquid rosin, sweet liquid and castor oil. Cut the paper into strips of suitable width and length. Mix all the ingredients, heat it up and apply the composition to paper.

If necessary, make a loop of thick thread. Velcro is ready. Instead of this composition, you can use purchased glue against insects and rodents.

Another version of Velcro is a CD covered with an adhesive base. It is necessary to tie a loop to the disk, apply jam or honey to the surface and put it in the freezer to make the composition more viscous.

Operating principle

Sticky tape is one of the safest means used to kill flying insects. And this nuance is especially important when the trap is used in a room where children live or food is prepared.

Fly Velcro is a simple design that has a viscous and sticky component. The principle of its operation is quite simple. The tape is impregnated with a special viscous glue. The latter contains exclusively natural substances that attract flies with their aroma. An insect that touches the sticky strip hopelessly sticks to its surface, as a result of which it soon dies.

Another interesting fact is that flying insects are not frightened by relatives stuck to such a tape, but on the contrary, they are attracted. Therefore, the more flies there are on the adhesive tape, the more insects tend to land on it. Taking this feature into account, many manufacturers of such fly traps apply images of these insects to the sticky part of the product.

Ultraviolet Flashlight Trap

You can make Velcro of a more complex design. To make it you will need any unnecessary jar, for example, a tin can.

We cover the outer surface with electrical tape, and then remove it so that a sticky layer remains on the surface. We attach a flashlight inside. Insects attracted by the light will stick to the jar. This option is suitable for small individuals.


Quote from Smolka's message

Read in full In your quotation book or community!
The drawings of this trap were taken from old books - the colonialists who moved from Europe to Australia, as well as modern residents, suffered from flies, so they were forced to find an effective solution. We are talking about a dry trap, in which flies die from dehydration.

Further from the author's words:

I made it with my own hands from boards and mesh in just a few hours, and after 10 months of use I can say that this is the most high-tech solution without the use of chemicals. At the end of the article I will place a visual result of her work - I’m sure you will be very surprised. Externally, the trap resembles a small wooden bedside table. The design of the trap must be transparent to sunlight, so its walls and lid are made of mesh with small cells.

The main secret of the design is the pyramidal bottom. Flies always fly up towards the light, so the bottom of the trap is made in the shape of a pyramid. The transparent mesh “deceives” the fly, no matter how funny it sounds:

Bait is placed under the trap, the flies flock to its smell and, taking off, are forced to use only a small hole at the top of the pyramid to escape, getting inside the trap. I can’t resist spoiling about its effectiveness - see photo below. Guess how long it took for this to happen? The answer, as promised at the end of the article.

As you can already clearly see, the design of the flytrap is quite simple, and it can be assembled from available materials: the remains of clapboard or timber, boards from an unnecessary fence, an old stool or even a bedside table.

Assembling the flytrap body

Important! I got creative and decided to make a fly trap that would look professional. To do this: — First, I developed a design on a computer; — I decided to use Australian red cedar as the material; — The walls will be made of stainless mesh. - The base pyramid will also be made from this mesh.

Note! Red cedar has a notorious and bloody history and is now known as red gold. Over the course of a century, the red cedar tree was almost completely destroyed by colonialists, and it is not difficult to understand why. Making the Frame The first thing to do is figure out what size frame you can have with your wood. In my case, this is a 40x40 mm beam.

Using a sander, I bring the wood back to normal condition and begin making grooves for installing the mesh.

Note! The mesh can be screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws, but, again, I wanted to make a high-quality flytrap, so I approach the process professionally.

— I set the saw depth to 12 mm, clamp the beam and make the first cut. Then I repeat the same operation on the other side of the beam so that they are at an angle of 90 degrees. — Again we remember our task - to make a professional model. Therefore, I arm myself with a plane and chamfer the corners to give the legs a more noble look. “Then I treat the wood with wax in order, firstly, to give it a richer color, and secondly, to protect it from moisture. Assembling the frame and cover You can see the entire assembly process in pictures by following the link to the source site, which I will indicate at the end of the article.

Creation of a pyramid

I'm starting to create the most important part of the flytrap - the pyramidal bottom. This process should be given maximum attention. When the mesh has been cut and bent, I turn the body of the wooden flytrap over and screw on the first element of the pyramid mesh. I repeat the same steps with three other pieces of mesh so that the top of the pyramid is inside the trap body.

Later, once everything is dry, I cut out the top of this pyramid to create a larger hole. This is an important part of the work that affects efficiency: - the hole is too small and the flies will not enter; - too big and they will run away. Note! I cut the top of the pyramid to 25mm. Installing side screens If you did everything correctly, installing the mesh in the slots will not cause any difficulties.

Installing hinges and latches

I bought brass hinges and a latch hook. Then I drilled holes for screws in the wood and screwed the hinges to the body and lid.

The promised trash

As I promised at the beginning of my story, I will tell you and even clearly demonstrate how the Australian flycatcher works. I install it on the lawn

Advice! You can make bait yourself, or you can buy it at hardware stores. I specifically do not indicate the names because they are produced by local manufacturers for your area. We have several of these in Australia. And finally, the results of the work for the week - for all seven days the flycatcher stood on the lawn near the gazebo and the flies did not bother us at all. It's time to evaluate the effectiveness, and for this I opened the lid.

There were just a huge number of dead flies. I even wanted to evaluate the result with mathematical accuracy, and for this I carried out some measurements: - To begin with, I poured them into empty plastic containers; — Then I weighed it on an electronic scale. Result – 2.3 kg!!!

Just over two kilograms in a week, and the flies died from dehydration, and their weight was significantly reduced. Through simple calculations and intermediate weighings, I calculated that in just a week my flytrap caught 1800 flies!!! Can you imagine how all this crowd would have ruined my vacation if it weren’t for the flycatcher.


Stun gun

We will need a high-voltage module, an energy-saving light bulb (preferably spiral-shaped), a battery, a switch, electrical tape, and glue. Let's disassemble the light bulb into its components. We get the cap and flask. We don't need a base.

We cut a hole in the plastic cover into which we thread the switch. We thread the module itself through the cap and solder it to the switch, and the switch to the battery. Attach the module to the lid using hot glue.

The battery can be secured with electrical tape. We drill two holes in the cone, into which we pass a piece of aluminum wire. We wrap each one around the flask so that they do not touch. We cut off the excess.

At the base of the bulb from the inside we see two wires. We connect one of them to the end of the aluminum wire. There are two free contacts left inside the bulb: the second end of the wire and the “original” wiring from the light bulb.

We connect the high-voltage module to these contacts. Place the lid on the flask. The shocker is ready. It needs to be hung in a place where insects gather.

Tips for use

The effectiveness of fly traps will increase if several different types are used at the same time. When there are a lot of insects, it is best to make several traps of each type and install them in all rooms or distribute them throughout the garden. Catching gadflies, fruit flies and midges can also be done at night by equipping the traps with small flashlights or ultraviolet lamps.

If the winged pests have the opportunity to feed on something outside the trap, the bait will not be of interest to them, so do not leave food items in the open. Flies and flies will only become interested in hard-to-find treats when they have no other choice.




Electric net

Necessary elements for creating an electric net: a small motor (10-20 W), a light bulb, two tin cans of different diameters, a battery, a round flat board, an aluminum plate (2 by 10 cm), two metal strips, fasteners (screws, screws, epoxy glue , rubber ring), nylon bag.

We cut out the blades from an aluminum plate and bend them, as for a fan. We make a hole in the center and put the blades on the motor shaft. We fix it with glue.

We fasten the light bulb socket with screws to the board. We connect the cartridge to the motor starter. We place the structure in a jar of smaller diameter and fasten it with screws so that the blades are a couple of centimeters below the edge of the jar. The base of the cartridge must be covered with a second can.

We put a nylon bag on the lower part of the device and secure it with an elastic band. We connect the battery. Ready. Of course, electric fly traps are more complex in design, but their effectiveness is quite high.

You can give preference to one of the types, or you can use several different homemade traps at once. An integrated approach will be more effective. However, when using any insect repellent, do not forget to maintain cleanliness and remove food from the table in a timely manner.

Tools Overview

The most popular and effective today are the following:

  1. Adhesive tape from the manufacturer Insectum Laboratory. Pack of 4 pieces. cost 40 rubles. The packaging of the product will reliably protect your home from flies throughout the year. It contains a special adhesive and pheromones.
  2. Velcro Raptor. The tape will protect against pests for 2 months. For a room up to 15 square meters, 1 tape is enough. Cost 30 rubles. The product contains pheromones and rubber glue.
  3. Dipter tape. There are 104 pieces in a box. Price for 1 piece. equal to 5 rubles. It is based on special glue and pheromones.
  4. Flycatcher Ted. Designed to protect up to 15 sq.m. area. Price 5 rubles. Consists of paper impregnated with glue and pheromones.
  5. Clean house. One tape will protect 10 square meters. m. premises. The cost for one piece is 15 rubles.
  6. Moskitol. Designed for an area of ​​10 square meters. meters. Cost 15 rubles per piece. Contains rubber adhesive and pheromones.
  7. Fumitox. A meter-long tape with the active ingredient attractant. To protect a room of 15 square meters. meters you will need 1-2 tapes. Cost 20 rubles per piece. It consists of a meter-long strip of paper treated with glue and special hormones that attract insects.


Photos of DIY fly traps

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