Midge trap - effective DIY traps

How to quickly get rid of midges using a trap. Reasons for the appearance of midges in the apartment. Provide comprehensive measures to combat midges. Making your own traps. Folk methods of struggle. How to prevent re-infection, preventive measures. Tips and tricks.

Every housewife may encounter the appearance of a small, annoying midge in the kitchen. It brings great discomfort and, of course, you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

There are a huge number of control methods, for example, the use of chemicals, the use of traditional methods. But they are also very popular traps, which have many advantages and are not inferior in effectiveness to other means.

A midge trap can be easily made independently with minimal effort and time, and is absolutely safe for people and pets.

Reasons for the appearance of midges in the apartment

First of all, it is worth saying that these insects are not attracted to ideal cleanliness; in other words, they will certainly appear in places where sanitary conditions are not strictly adhered to.

Favorable conditions for them are warmth and the availability of food, and since they feed on fruits and vegetables, they often appear in the summer.

They only appear in apartments when they are attracted to something, and this could be:

  • Food left on the table.
  • High humidity.
  • Fruits and vegetables that are starting to rot.
  • Waste.
  • Poor sanitary conditions.

The reasons for the appearance of these insects include:

  • Leftover food, as well as trash cans, that are not thrown away for a long time.
  • When indoor plants are not watered correctly, increased humidity appears.
  • Tea leaves, which many housewives water their indoor plants, believing that it has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of flowers. In fact, the tea leaves begin to rot over time, which is very attractive to pests.
  • The cat litter was not cleaned on time.
  • Waste that remains in the sink drain after washing dishes.
  • Food products that begin to deteriorate and rot.
  • Fruits and vegetables stored in trays in the kitchen.
  • Leftover food in pets' bowls.
  • Dampness in the apartment.
  • Wet rags that sit for a long time and do not dry.

As you can see, there can be many reasons for the appearance of these small insects, so in the fight against them it is necessary to eliminate all possible factors that attract pests.


To get rid of insects, traps alone are not enough. We need to discover their habitats. Midges prefer damp and dirty places. Therefore, the apartment is washed, all garbage is thrown out and sources of moisture are removed. Possible problem areas:

  • kitchen shelves and cabinets;
  • water pipes;
  • aquarium and animal cage;
  • flower pots.

This is interesting: how to get rid of midges in flower pots

First you need to check the entire kitchen. Midges often appear where there is rotten food. All corners and secret places are inspected, and perishable items are put into the refrigerator. Surfaces are cleaned and dried.

In this video, the author shows how to make a midge trap:

Then all pipes are checked, especially their joints, since water can leak through them. Ventilation ducts are inspected. All leaks are repaired.

Pet cages are washed with special products: wet sawdust is an ideal home for midges. If you do not change the water in the aquarium for a long time, it begins to rot. Therefore, it is drained and the tank itself is thoroughly washed.

Moist soil in pots is an excellent refuge for insects. All plants should be transplanted into dry soil. Rotten parts of plants are removed.

Danger to humans

These are very annoying insects, whose presence is very annoying. They crawl absolutely everywhere, on food, dishes, cabinets, plants. Their presence in the kitchen causes a person great irritation and panic.

Since they prefer waste and spoiled food, they can certainly spread bacteria and infection. In addition, the midge can bite, after which an inflamed area remains on the body.

They multiply very quickly and if no action is taken to combat them at the initial stage of infection, after a short period of time, a huge colony of these pests will live in the apartment, which will be absolutely everywhere.

Homemade duct tape

Tape trap (homemade)

This adhesive tape is very easy to make with your own hands. This trap will help to collect all the insects that appear in the apartment or on the street.

Preparing the adhesive tape

To make adhesive tape you need to use the following materials and tools:

  • a piece of thick paper;
  • 100 ml castor oil;
  • 200 ml rosin;
  • 55 g turpentine;
  • 4 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 4 tbsp. l. water.

To make such adhesive tape, you must adhere to this technology:

  1. Make syrup from water and sugar. It should be quite thick and turn yellowish-brown.
  2. When the syrup has cooled a little, add other ingredients to it - castor oil, rosin, turpentine.
  3. Apply the prepared mixture onto thick paper.
  4. Place the trap near a window or entrance to the room.

Flies on a homemade tape

This device will attract insects. They will flock to the smell of sweet syrup. When the tape is completely filled with small pests, replace it.

How to get rid of midges

As a rule, midges move in fairly large colonies. Therefore, if you see 1-2 individuals in the kitchen, rest assured that other representatives will soon arrive.

There is no point in hoping that they will simply fly away and there is no way to hesitate in such a situation; you must immediately take action if you do not want to face a really difficult situation.

The fight against these pests must include comprehensive measures, namely, it is absolutely not enough to simply get rid of adult individuals; it is necessary to eliminate all possible factors that will lead to repeated infections.

So, you will need:

  • After each meal, clear the table and do not leave food behind. Wash the dishes, wipe the table and work surfaces.
  • Close the trash can and throw out garbage regularly; the longer it is in the bin, the more favorable the conditions are for midges.
  • Regularly ventilate the room, maintain the correct temperature and humidity.
  • Floor cloths should be dried and ventilated; they should not be left wet in the bathroom.
  • Keep an eye on your cat's litter box, change litter regularly and wash the litter box more often.
  • Check indoor plants, if they are overwatered, dry them. If tea leaves were used for watering, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil with tea leaves and add substrate.
  • If you have an aquarium, be sure to check for blue-green algae blooms. If there are any, be sure to remove them and then find out the reason for their appearance.
  • Check bulk food products to see if the humidity is normal.
  • Carry out general cleaning, which will help to identify the reason why insects appeared and eliminate it.

When these activities have been carried out, control methods should be selected. Depending on the stage of infection, chemicals or folk remedies may be used.

You should also use traps that allow you to get rid of adult individuals, without the use of any means or preparations. You can make traps yourself with your own hands, then we will look at how to do this at home.

Adhesive tape

Duct tape is an excellent mosquito killer. It is not at all necessary to buy it in stores; you can make adhesive tape yourself, using improvised materials.

First, you need to prepare a cardboard sleeve, onto which the paper treated with adhesive mass will then be attached. To do this, you need to attach a thread to the sleeve, which will serve as a fastener. Then we attach the paper to the resulting cartridge using any of the available methods. And then you can make an adhesive mass.

It can be prepared from various ingredients. All ingredients must be melted in a water bath and mixed thoroughly. You can use the following ingredients:

  • 200 g of rosin, 100 g of castor oil, 50 g of turpentine and 50 g of sugar syrup;
  • 300 g of pine resin, 10 g of wax, 150 g of linseed oil and 50 g of honey;
  • 40 g glycerin, 100 g raw honey, 400 g rosin, 200 g vaseline oil.

An adhesive mass is prepared from these ingredients, which is then applied to paper. A trap prepared with your own hands is placed near a window, near the entrance door, or in any other place.

In these simple ways you can make your own trap for annoying insects.

Electronic insect traps use a special lamp to create a zone of carbon dioxide concentration, which attracts mosquitoes

Midge traps

It is worth saying that traps are very popular, which is completely justified. They are quite effective, and this makes it possible to get rid of pests without the use of chemicals.

In apartments where children and pets live, the use of chemicals is highly undesirable. Making traps takes a minimum of time and financial resources, in contrast to specialized preparations. They are made from available materials that can be found in any home.

A plastic cup

So, to make this you will need an empty plastic yogurt cup. If this is not available, any similar container will do. You need to put bait on the bottom; you can use regular tea leaves or a tea bag, but it must be wet.

Cover the top of the glass with cling film; it should be taut. Then he makes small holes in the film using a toothpick or a fork. Through these holes the pest can easily get to the bait, but will not get back out.

Plastic bottle

To make this trap, you need to take a plastic bottle and cut off the top part (third part). We put bait on the bottom, for example, leftover food, rotten fruit, you can pour juice or compote.

The cut part must be turned over and inserted into the bottle with the neck inward. It should be installed in places where the largest number of insects are observed. The midge gets inside the bait through the neck, but cannot choose.

Plastic bag

It is worth saying that this option is the simplest, but the effectiveness depends on the person; endurance and a good reaction are required. You don’t need to make anything, you just need to take a regular plastic bag and lay it out on the table.

You need to put bait in the center of the bag; it is ideal to take rotten fruit, but you can use pieces of watermelon, melon, and strawberries. Then wait until the midge flocks to the treats, wait for the moment when it sits well on the treat and quickly, with a sharp movement, collect the bag. Then tie it up and throw it in the trash.

We use a jar

In order to make this trap, you will need a half-liter or liter jar. Next, you need to put bait on the bottom. Apple cider vinegar is a good bait, but if you can’t find it, you can use jam, compote, berries and fruits that are starting to spoil.

Next, the jar is closed with a plastic lid, in which small holes are made using a knife or scissors. Midges flock to the treats, easily penetrate through the holes, but cannot leave the trap.

Folk methods of struggle

Many housewives prefer traditional methods of struggle, since they are effective and absolutely safe. Few people decide to use toxic drugs at home, because they are dangerous and they have to adhere to safety measures.

Next, we will look at the most popular control methods that have proven their reliability and effectiveness:

  • Using an aroma lamp is a very effective way of fighting. It is filled with essential oils of eucalyptus, basil, and anise, which are not tolerated by pests.
  • Leave an open, unfinished bottle of beer on the table overnight. This drink is very attractive to midges. In the morning all you have to do is close the bottle and throw it away.
  • Midges cannot tolerate the smell of tomato tops, so many housewives plant them on the windowsill, which is an excellent deterrent.
  • Leftover food and rotten fruit are placed in a jar, then the jar is closed with a plastic bag. Small holes are made in the bag. A midge flocks to your favorite scents, gets inside and stays there.
  • They also cannot tolerate the aroma of camphor oil. They try to quickly leave the territory where they hear him. Therefore, they take camphor oil, heat it a little and place it in places where pests accumulate.

A plastic bottle will help

An equally effective trap for midges can be made from the same plastic bottle, or rather, its halves. The cut off upper part should be inserted into the lower part with the neck down. It will turn out to be a kind of funnel through which the midges will descend for food. For stability and tightness, it is recommended to cover the sides of the trap with tape. The bottom of the container should be filled with aromatic products. This could be a few spoons of juice or jam, a couple of slices of fresh fruit or a little apple cider vinegar. After a short time, the contents of the bottle will begin to ferment, which is guaranteed to attract midges. A self-made midge trap will help clear the room of uninvited guests in a short time.

The bait is easy to make from a plastic yogurt cup. It should be covered with cling film, in which several holes for midges should be made with a needle or toothpick. You can leave a used tea bag or fresh tea leaves inside.

Preventive measures

It is very important not only to get rid of annoying midges, but also to take measures that will prevent them from appearing again.

For this:

  • Keep the kitchen clean and wash the dishes after every meal.
  • Store fruits in the refrigerator.
  • Monitor the humidity level in the room.
  • Throw out garbage as often as possible and wash the trash can.
  • Avoid overwatering indoor plants.
  • Do not feed houseplants with tea leaves and coffee grounds.
  • Clean up cat litter boxes in a timely manner.
  • Do not leave open bottles of wine or beer on the table.
  • Do not leave juices or compotes.

Electric net

Necessary elements for creating an electric net: a small motor (10-20 W), a light bulb, two tin cans of different diameters, a battery, a round flat board, an aluminum plate (2 by 10 cm), two metal strips, fasteners (screws, screws, epoxy glue , rubber ring), nylon bag.

We cut out the blades from an aluminum plate and bend them, as for a fan. We make a hole in the center and put the blades on the motor shaft. We fix it with glue.

We fasten the light bulb socket with screws to the board. We connect the cartridge to the motor starter. We place the structure in a jar of smaller diameter and fasten it with screws so that the blades are a couple of centimeters below the edge of the jar. The base of the cartridge must be covered with a second can.

You can give preference to one of the types, or you can use several different homemade traps at once. An integrated approach will be more effective. However, when using any insect repellent, do not forget to maintain cleanliness and remove food from the table in a timely manner.

Save your favorite plant

Many species of midges are found in the moist soil of indoor plants. To save your green pet, you first need to stop watering at least until the soil dries 2 inches. This action will help dry out the midge larvae and their eggs, thus ensuring the death of the latter. However, a lack of water can have a detrimental effect on the flower itself, which will begin to fade. Resuming watering will revive the plant, but may again attract annoying midges. Therefore, using a homemade spray of water and a lemon-scented dishwashing detergent will be effective against such insects. The soap mixture must be sprayed onto the plant and soil, left for a couple of hours, and then rinsed with clean water. This is required to prevent damage that a chemical liquid can cause to a pet. If the above procedures do not give the desired result, it is recommended to replant the plant in updated soil.

To prevent midges from infesting flowers (see photo of such a nuisance above), it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Don't water the plants too often. After all, a humid environment for midges is ideal for existence and reproduction. Therefore, when watering, the soil should not be wet, but slightly damp.
  • Your pet should be provided with good drainage to avoid water stagnation.

Useful tips

Beware of humidity that is comfortable for the mass reproduction of midges is required not only with regard to indoor plants, but throughout the entire house. To prevent the appearance of such insects, all wet areas must be wiped with bleach. Rags and towels should not be left wet. To prevent the spread of moisture, it is recommended to place mats and rugs in direct sunlight.


  • https://vsvoemdome.ru/dom/hozyajstvo/kak-izbavitsya-ot-moshek-na-kuhne
  • https://KlopVred.ru/moshki/lovushka-dlya-moshek/
  • https://vrediteli24.ru/muhi/lovushka-dlja-moshek.html
  • https://prusakam.net/lovushka-dlya-moshek-svoimi-rukami/
  • https://PokemonGoy.ru/muhi/lovushka-dlya-moshek-svoimi-rukami-2.html
  • https://felisov.ru/uncategorized/lovushka-dlya-moshek-svoimi-rukami.html
  • https://ecology-of.ru/moshki/retsepty-izgotovleniya-samodelnykh-lovushek-dlya-moshek-i-komarov/
  • https://dom-i-remont.info/posts/obshhie-voprosy/kak-izbavitsya-ot-melkih-moshek-v-dome-sposoby-vojny-s-razdrazhitelyami/
  • https://WikiParazit.ru/babochki-i-moshki/lovushki-dlya-moshek.html
  • https://FB.ru/article/265115/lovushka-dlya-moshek-svoimi-rukami-iz-podruchnyih-sredstv-instruktsiya


Why are fruit flies dangerous?

Attitudes towards fruit flies range from complete disdain to unjustified fear. They are practically safe for humans: they do not bite and do not cause allergies. But the appearance of these insects in the house has several harmful consequences:

  • Flies carry the remains of rotten fruit along with bacteria on their legs. Once in food, these bacteria multiply quickly, which leads to food spoilage. Rotten products accumulated in spoiled food can cause food poisoning.
  • An annoying midge, flickering in front of the face, landing on the skin, crawling into the eyes and nose, can quickly drive even the most patient person to white heat. Since fruit flies do not feed on blood, humans are not particularly attracted to these insects. But with a strong infestation, the intrusiveness of fruit flies already turns into a problem.

The fruit fly is a popular subject for study in genetics. Thanks to her, many fundamental laws of nature were discovered. But outside the scientific laboratory, this insect does more harm than good.

Despite the relative harmlessness of Drosophila, you should not hesitate to start the fight. The more time passes from the moment the infestation is discovered, the greater the hordes of flies you will have to fight.

Folk remedies: cheap and safe

The use of industrial insecticides is justified as “heavy artillery” - as a last resort in case of severe infestation. In other cases, it is better to use safer folk remedies:

  • Smelling foods have a good effect in the fight against fruit flies: garlic, cloves, orange peel, vinegar.
  • Indoor plants that emit strong odors, such as geraniums, will help.
  • Another helper is tape with an adhesive surface.
  • A homemade poisonous composition gives a good effect: half a glass of milk, 40 g of sugar, 40 g of black pepper. Saucers with the solution are placed in places where flies accumulate.

Often these products are sufficient to combat fruit flies.

Let's declare war on aliens Home Economics

...This mixture is sprinkled on the habitats of cockroaches. Once in the insect's body, alabaster hardens, turning into plaster, and the cockroach dies. Try cockroach traps that you can make yourself: a sticky adhesive mass is applied to thick paper in the form of a round closed strip 2-3 cm wide. Food bait is placed in the center of the circle. Traps are laid out at night in places where cockroaches accumulate; During the day, traps with attached cockroaches are destroyed. Place wormwood branches in the places where the longhorned beetles have settled. The smell of bay leaves and fresh cucumber peelings is guaranteed to repel cockroaches. These enemies of the human race cannot stand the smell of red and black elderberry flowers (small bouquets can be placed in the kitchen). In the villages of central Russia they are fighting the scourge by hanging it on the wall...


Thank you for the article! True, I just removed the cockroaches a week ago. Now when you turn on the light you can't hear the clatter of hooves

Moreover, it was somehow unexpectedly fast for me. In total, I bought 5 Kombat traps and placed them around the house. The cockroaches apparently ran away in horror

Twintails seem to eat cockroaches. So, it looks like now we will have to put up with them instead of red-haired and mustachioed ones :) 08/31/2008 18:04:46

Method with vegetable oil

How to get rid of house flies? Insects living near the trash can or near the drain pipe can be controlled with sunflower oil. It is recommended to pour the liquid into the kitchen sink.

For insects, falling into such a trap has disastrous consequences: the midge (the photo above clearly demonstrates the procedure) will be completely covered with a viscous liquid, will not be able to move or reproduce, and will simply die as a result. This method is very effective, especially if used repeatedly.

Unit for attracting pests on the street

This device will help eliminate mosquitoes on the street or near utility rooms.

To make it, use the following recommendations:

Trap made from an old paint can

  1. Take an old paint can and cut out a large window on its surface.
  2. Cover the resulting hole with a stainless steel mesh, which can be attached with wire.
  3. Place a low power light bulb at the bottom of the container.
  4. Treat the body of the homemade device with agita solution (3 g per 100 ml of liquid). Also add a little ammonia and lactic acid to this mixture.

This unit will attract pests using light. Once the insects land on the metal mesh, they will die from exposure to the chemical mixture.

Application of purchased products

Traps help you quickly get rid of midges in your apartment. Industrial production devices can be purchased at the store. They are easy to use and do not require special training, unlike those made by yourself.

BEAPCO Drop-ins Fruit Fly Traps (6 pack)

These fly traps are sold in sets of 6 pieces. packaged. They are small in size and are round plastic containers. Inside each device is a nutritious liquid that resembles apple cider vinegar. It will not spill out even if the trap falls and its body cracks.

Insects fly inside, attracted by a specific smell, but cannot get back out. The protective effect of the trap lasts 1 month. Therefore, when purchasing such a kit, you can forget about flies for six months.

TERRO fruit fly trap Т2500

The trap helps get rid of fruit flies. In appearance, the device resembles a ripe apple. Its body is made of plastic, and inside it there is a liquid that attracts the attention of insects. They fly inside, but cannot find a way out. The TERRO fruit fly trap T2500 is valid for a month, and then it needs to be changed.


This kitchen mosquito repellent also falls into the category of environmentally friendly devices as it does not contain poisons or chemicals.

To catch annoying insects you need:

  1. Before opening, keep the bottle with bait in an upright position for half an hour.
  2. Remove the cover and place it on the stand.
  3. Carefully remove the protective layer from the inside of the glue trap.
  4. Insert the device into the slits of the stand with the fruit pattern facing out.

The protective effect lasts 2 weeks. After this period, the adhesive trap must be replaced.

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