DIY fly trap: is the result worth the effort?

Pesky flies cause a lot of unpleasant moments in the house. Flying through open doors and windows, they hover near a person, buzz, and sit on open parts, trying to bite. They are especially annoying at night, interrupting sweet dreams. These buzzing insects land on food, lay eggs, and are carriers of serious diseases: dysentery, tuberculosis, hepatitis. A person tries in every possible way to get rid of them, but sometimes he does not know how to catch a fly.

What harm do flies cause and why you need to get rid of them quickly

Since flies can be seen in abundance in garbage dumps, feeding on decomposing meat and vegetable waste, manure, it is clear that many dangerous pathogenic microbes remain on their paws, proboscis and in the body.
Therefore, they serve as carriers of dysentery, E. coli, typhoid, botulism, tuberculosis, leaving infectious agents on dishes, tables and food. In the insect’s body, pathogenic microbes persist for 2–3 weeks and are transmitted through feces left on furniture and dishes. The bacteria live on the paws for several days, so one individual can infect a fairly large area.

Is it possible to warn?

As you know, prevention is the best solution to any problem. Flies and flies will be no exception. When removing pests, you need to make it a rule:

  • be thorough with cleaning;
  • repair all leaks in a timely manner;
  • protect windows with nets.

You should get into the habit of throwing out trash every day and disposing of spoiled food as quickly as possible. Containers with honey, jam and other products attractive to insects should not be left open. After washing, fruits and vegetables must be dried and stored in a place protected from pests.

You won’t have to deal with flies and flies if you regularly ventilate your entire home, including the bathroom. High humidity is a comfortable environment for insects to breed, in contrast to cool, clean and dry air.

Another preventive measure is growing house plants. Thus, geranium perfectly drives away flies with its specific smell, so it is recommended to place a pot with such a plant on each window. If you don’t want to grow greens at home, you can get into the habit of fumigating your home with an aroma lamp.

Both large flies and small flies are a problem, but fortunately a fairly easy one to solve. Knowing where insects come from, how to get rid of them and how to prevent re-infestation of your home, you can live in cleanliness and comfort without harmful “neighbors”. These measures are quite simple and accessible to everyone, so you should not neglect them, because the dangers associated with flies are really serious.

Getting rid of flies using insecticides

The chemical industry produces a wide variety of products for killing insects in human homes. Household insecticides are designed to kill not only flies, but also other insects that often invade homes.

Household insecticides come in various forms.


Insecticides produced in chalk form are highly effective and easy to use. These are “Mashenka”, “Tornado”, “Agrometrin”, “Titanic”, which have long gained popularity. It is enough to draw a few lines in the favorite places where insects gather to make them disappear. But be careful with crayons if you have small children and pets in your family. Not only should the chalk not get into their hands (or paws). But the drawn lines should also be out of their reach.

Getting rid of flies using powders and granules

You can buy powdered fly repellents in the retail chain. For example, “Agita”, “Mukhita”, “Bayt”. The powder is diluted in water according to the instructions and sprayed on window sills, door jambs, and be sure to treat the trash can on the site. You can treat the walls. The powder contains a bait that can cause paralysis in flies and other insects.

It is worth paying attention to the granules “Evil Ted”, “Byte Fly”, “Fly Byte”. They contain pheromones that attract insects and a powerful instant insecticide

Flies will smell the pheromone from a distance, fly in and die immediately. These granules do not have any odor that attracts pets and are safe for both them and humans. It is enough to pour the granules into a small plate or saucer and place it, for example, on a cabinet. As a result, you will protect the room from flies for up to one and a half months. Only periodically you will have to remove dead insects.

You can get rid of flies on the terrace and in the gazebo by spraying a solution of powder on the walls, pillars, even the legs of tables and chairs. But the granules need to be placed at some distance from the gazebo. Because the smell of pheromones will attract flies from neighbors too.

How to get rid of flies indoors? We use an aerosol

If flies have flown into a room and you need to get rid of them quickly, aerosol products will come to the rescue. For example, “Evil Ted”, Dichlorvos, “Mukhoyar”, “Dr.Klaus”, “Raptor”, etc. They will not only destroy flies, but also wasps, mosquitoes, and fruit flies. The method and rate of spraying, the waiting period and the ventilation time of the room are indicated on the cylinder. Never remain in a treated area longer than necessary for treatment. And do not leave pets in the treated house.

Have you overcome flies and mosquitoes? Turn on the fumigator

A fumigator is an electrical device that heats special plates or liquid, which, when evaporated, kill pests. The composition of the active substance is selected in such a way that the vapors are completely safe for humans and animals. Therefore, you can use the fumigator in the presence of both people and pets. The best fumigators offered by trade, "Raptor", Taiga", Help.

How to get rid of flies in open areas.

In open areas, for example, near a dog enclosure, near a compost heap, or a garbage container, you can use traps. These can be adhesive tapes, for example “Offline Muchoff”. Or a trap bag from the episode "Evil Ted"

The traps do not contain toxic substances and do not require special precautions. Hang the traps near the entrance to the house, and the flies will remain on them, but will not get into the house

Homemade traps: pros and cons

Having looked at how you can make a fly trap from a plastic bottle or other transparent container, let’s analyze whether the device is worth the time spent.

Arguments for":

  • safe, environmentally friendly device;
  • easy and quick to do;
  • available materials;
  • several flies fall into the trap per day;
  • no need to pay money.

Disadvantages of a homemade device:

  • does not provide a 100% guarantee of insect destruction;
  • does not always look aesthetically pleasing;

Conclusion. There are still more advantages. It definitely has an effect if there are few flies. The game is worth the candle if other options (fumigator, insecticides) are unavailable for some reason.

We wouldn't bother with homemade adhesive tape unless absolutely necessary. It is inexpensive, in addition, the purchased analogue has an undeniable advantage - the sticky substance contains an attractant - a pheromone, which attracts insects.

Insect trap from a bottle:

Take an empty soda bottle.

You can use an unnecessary bottle or buy a new one on purpose. Make sure there is no liquid left in the bottle and rinse it with warm water.

Cut off the top of the bottle.

For this you will need scissors. Pierce a hole in the bottle with the tip of the scissors (closer to the middle).

  • After making a hole, insert scissors into it and cut the bottle crosswise. Cut off the top completely so you are left with two pieces - the top with the lid and the long bottom.
  • Try to cut as evenly as possible, otherwise the neck won't hold up when you turn it over.
  • You can remove the top with a sharp knife, but try not to cut yourself. If you are making a trap with children, it is better to use scissors.

Turn the bottle over.

Insert the inverted neck inside. If you cut it carefully, it will fit completely inside.

Connect the edges.

The easiest way is to do this with a stapler 3-4 times along the entire diameter, leaving approximately the same distance between the staples.

  • If you are making the trap with children, use a stapler to connect the two parts yourself. If you don't have a stapler, there are two other ways to join the edges.
  • You can use tape or duct tape, but the material must be waterproof. Wrap the edges with tape 3-4 times.
  • You can also use superglue or regular glue, but it should also be water-repellent. First, apply a little glue to the edges of the bottle, and then insert the upside-down neck inside. Use your fingers to push it down and press the edges. Keep the edges connected until the glue dries.

Make a mixture of sugar and water.

Place five tablespoons of sugar in a saucepan. Place the pan on the stove. Spread the sugar evenly until it completely covers the bottom.

  • Pour in enough water to cover the sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Mix the mixture well. When the sugar dissolves in the water, you get a sweet liquid, but if the water boils, you get a syrup, which is a more concentrated bait. Let the liquid cool slightly.

Use a spoon to pour the liquid into the neck of the bottle.

Try to coat the edges of the neck so that flies stick to the sugar right at the entrance to the bottle.

Use other baits.

You can cut the apple and push the pieces into the neck. A piece of meat or a few spoons of aged wine will also work. You can simply mix water with sugar or honey.

Add vinegar.

If you decide to use liquid bait, add a few tablespoons of vinegar, preferably white. This will repel bees and other unwanted insects.

Place the bottle in the sun.

This will speed up the decomposition of the meat and make the bait more attractive to flies. This will also allow the liquid to evaporate, creating a substance that will attract insects. Praise yourself for the work you've done.

Preventing the appearance of flies as a way to combat them

The question of how to get flies out of an apartment, which is relevant for many, is not the original one.

An important task for the homeowner should be the process of preventive control of these insects, because preventing a problem is always much easier than dealing with its consequences. To prevent flies from becoming a real danger to your household, you should follow these simple recommendations:

Cleanliness should be the basis of the household. Any unsanitary conditions are fertile ground not only for flies, but also for other equally unpleasant insects. All food waste should be disposed of in a closed bin, which should be emptied as frequently as possible.

Products should only be stored in closed containers or in the refrigerator. Regular dry and wet cleaning will help prevent the appearance of unwanted “guests”.

Sink and toilet drains are breeding grounds for fly larvae and should be kept dry for sanitary reasons. This only applies to bathrooms that you rarely use - guest bathrooms, for example. For other drains, simply wipe the adjacent surfaces dry after use to avoid leaving water for insects and rodents

There are many places around a private home where flies can breed. Keep them clean and clean them with special chemicals when necessary.

Protecting the premises from external penetration can also be considered a prevention of the appearance of flies. Mandatory mosquito nets on windows during insect activity will help prevent them from entering the house.

Ordinary mosquito nets, which will be offered to you with the installation of any windows, are the primary and mandatory means of protection against insects

For a private home, it would be appropriate to use such nets not only on windows, but also on doorways. Nets and curtains against insects are not very aesthetically pleasing, but they are quite effective.

Plants and herbs that repel insects can be used to protect your home. Bird cherry, elderberry or wormwood planted under the windows will provide reliable protection against stray flies. And in an apartment, to prevent the appearance of insects, the long-familiar geranium or exotic flytrap is often used. Branches of wormwood and tomato have a similar effect, which are effective even when dried: bouquets of such plants can both protect a room and decorate it.

Cleaning fly breeding sites

These flying insects enter a person’s home in search of food and favorable conditions for reproduction. Flies are attracted by the smell of food, rotting, spoiling food. On these products, the females will lay eggs, and the emerging larvae will fully develop.

Therefore, when starting the fight against annoying insects, you must initially eliminate all possible places of their reproduction.

Wet cleaning

To do this you need:

  • do wet cleaning in the house;
  • wash dirty dishes;
  • take out the trash can and rinse it;
  • limit access to products, hide them in the refrigerator;
  • Clean pet cages and feeders.

All these actions will help reduce the number of flies in the house, but to get rid of them completely you need to take more radical measures.

Application of glass beaker

You can catch flies using a trap made from an ordinary glass cup and a sheet of cardboard. As soon as the insect lands on the surface, you need to slowly approach it without scaring it away, holding a glass and cardboard in your hands

Carefully, without sudden movements, cover the fly with the container, then slowly push the sheet under it and turn the bowl over. The fly will be trapped

After this, it can be studied or released into the wild. In this way you can quite easily lure insects.

Now we know how to catch a fly in a room using traps made with your own hands. It is imperative to get rid of these pests, since they often use waste as food. Food should be stored in places inaccessible to them, and do not forget to throw away garbage on time. To prevent insects from entering your house and apartment through windows and doors, it is recommended to install mosquito nets on them.

The harmfulness of the parasite

In temperate regions, the Wohlfarth fly is a seasonal pest. The peak of its activity occurs in the summer months, and in the cold season it disappears. The main objects of parasitism are sheep and goats. After cutting the animals' fur, scratches and cuts remain on their bodies, which are used by pests to enter the body. Other livestock get sick less often, but cases of wolfartiasis occur in cows, horses, and camels. Females lay larvae not only in wounds, but also on the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, ears, eyes, and genitals. Fly larvae, developing in the host's body, cause myiasis. Having penetrated the wound, they, with the help of secreted enzymes, decompose the tissue to the bones. For the first 4-5 days they feed on the surface, then they go deep into the body and become invisible during external examination. Mechanical eating of flesh causes severe pain, necrosis and gangrenous processes appear. Infected cattle noticeably lose weight, and swelling forms at the site of parasite penetration. Without treatment, death is inevitable.

The Wohlfarth fly threatens the health of not only animals, but also people. They attack patients with purulent wounds and infants sleeping in the open air. Females lay larvae in human natural openings, where they develop on mucous membranes. Parasites affect the gums, eyes, maxillary cavity, and ears. The patient experiences severe pain, inflammation, discharge of pus and blood. It is especially dangerous to make passages in the tissues before the larva emerges.

Attention. The consequences of the penetration of larvae into the mucous membranes of the ears and eyes are blindness and deafness.

Homemade fly strips

If you don’t want to spend money on such a trifle, then you can make Velcro yourself.

From rosin

There are many recipes. Let's look at a few of the most popular ones.

Application of rosin:

  1. 30 g of rosin with 20 g of castor oil are placed in a tin can. The container is heated by immersing it in hot water. Iron conducts heat well, and the composition in the jar will heat up quickly. A few tablespoons of honey or jam are poured into the resulting mass and spread onto paper with a brush.
  2. Pine resin 300 g, 10 g wax, linseed oil 150 g, 50 g molasses or honey.
  3. 300 g rosin, 60 g jam or jam, 200 g linseed oil.
  4. 400 g rosin, 100 g pure bee honey, 200 ml castor oil, 40 ml glycerin oil.

First, purchase paper strips for depilation or use plain thick paper. Cosmetic strips are much better because of the synthetic fiber in the composition, which retains the sweet mass and does not absorb it.

Rosin is always heated in a water bath, just like resin. All ingredients are placed in tin cans, which can then be thrown away. When the resin begins to melt, stir it so that there are no undissolved pieces. Other ingredients are added to the melted rosin. The mass should turn into a homogeneous mixture, with a single color.

Prepare the paper, make a hole for the rope and a plastic jar at the other end. Wide sheets are cut in half.

The spreadable composition should be hot and viscous. When cooled down, immediately reheat and continue working. The layer is smeared with a thickness of 1-2 mm so that the mass does not flow down the edges and the fly does not escape from captivity.

From tree resin

You can buy it at a gardening store or collect it yourself. Vegetable or castor oil is added to the resin, and sugar is used instead of jam or honey. To enhance the stickiness of the composition, add wax or turpentine. If you take wax, then you need no more than 10 g of the substance per 200 g of resin.

Cut strips up to 8 cm wide and no more than 1.5 m long. Wax and resin are poured into the prepared container and heated in a water bath. Oils are added 2 times less than resins. And you need no more than 40 g of sugar or sugar syrup.

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From a tin can

The used tin can is wrapped with electrical tape or tape. Then the tape is peeled off, leaving a sticky mark on the can from the adhesive side of the tape. A light source is left inside the jar to attract more flies at night.

From a plastic bottle

Bottles are used to make useful items: from drinking bowls to slippers. Use scissors to cut out the top and unscrew the lid. Pour water inside the bottle. Add a little sugar and mix thoroughly. Fresh yeast and a spoonful of honey are also added to the water. The upper cut part is turned over and inserted into the remaining lower section.

There should be a distance between the bottle with syrup and the neck so that the fly can fly inside. Once an insect is trapped, it will not be able to get out.


This is the easiest way. There is no need to come up with additional ingredients, cook, or spread. Pieces of tape are hung around the house. Their length should be such that all household members can easily move without touching the adhesive tape.

From adhesive plaster

The method is based on the adhesive substance of the patch and additional sugar-containing products. The tape itself does not have a distinct odor. And to attract flies, it is treated with sugar syrup or jam, and a layer of thermal paste is spread on top.

Thermal paste is used in computer equipment and is sold in the same departments. It turns out that flies come to the aroma of jam, land on the thermal paste and stick.

Plasters made for covering large post-operative wounds are suitable.

Method No. 3. Paper bag

An effective option for catching flies is to use commercial Velcro. It is sold in hardware stores or large supermarkets (costs about 50 rubles).

  1. The trap is a paper tape impregnated with a special compound. The sweet consistency attracts flies, and the sticky surface keeps them in place. All you have to do is hang the Velcro from the ceiling and enjoy the result.
  2. You can also make your own Velcro. To do this, you will need to get a paper bag from under clothes, groceries or McDonald's. Also prepare the granulated sugar and maple syrup ahead of time.
  3. Take a brown paper bag, cut it into thin, even strips about 4-5 cm wide. Poke a hole in the upper part of each piece with an awl or a pen rod, thread a thick rope, and tie it with a loop.
  4. Prepare an enamel pan, mix 65 g in one composition. cane or beet sugar and 125 ml. maple syrup. Place on the stove, bring the mixture until the sand granules dissolve.
  5. Remove the container from the heat, cool, and dip each strip into the prepared liquid. Leave the ribbons for 8-10 hours until they are thoroughly soaked. After the expiration date, remove the strips and hold them over the sink to drain excess liquid. Hang from the ceiling in a room with a large concentration of insects.

How to make your traps more effective

To combat them, you can use various methods, including traps, which have the following advantages:

  1. In fact, all models are safe for humans and pets because they do not involve the use of toxic chemicals.
  2. The result is always guaranteed; a certain number of individuals will in any case fall into the trap set and will be destroyed.
  3. Wide range of types and models. This variety allows you to choose the most suitable device; some of them are budget options and are available to all categories of people.
  4. A number of different devices can be made independently; it will not take a significant amount of time or effort.

However, the use of traps also has some negative sides, the main ones being:

Low degree of effectiveness compared to the use of insecticides, which can virtually instantly destroy entire populations.

No protective effect

Only those individuals that fall into the set traps will be destroyed.

It is necessary to wait for the moment when the fly pays attention to the trap and falls into it, while some other methods allow you to immediately proceed to the destruction of pests..

One of the most universal means for exterminating unwanted neighbors is a fly trap. You can make many options for its execution with your own hands from scrap materials.

Plastic bottle trap

In order to make a trap, you need:

  1. Cut the bottle along a line running 2/3 of its height.
  2. Turn the top part over and place it in the bottom, neck down.
  3. Secure both parts with tape.
  4. Pour bait into the flytrap - diluted jam, beer, honey or sugar syrup.
  5. Place a trap in the room where you want to catch insects.

The principle of catching a flytrap from a glass jar is the same as in the version with a bottle.

It is made as follows:

  1. Place fruit in a jar with a volume of 0.5 to 3 liters or pour in a sugar-containing liquid.
  2. Insert the narrow end of the funnel for pouring liquid into the neck of the jar and secure it with tape.
  3. Place a trap in the place where you want to catch insects.

To make this flytrap, a plastic container of any shape is used - round or square. The trap is made as follows:

  1. Place the bait in the container.
  2. Cover the top of the vessel tightly with cling film, in which, using a knife or awl, make small holes with a diameter of 3–4 mm so that a housefly can crawl through them.
  3. Place the trap in a place with a lot of insects.

The principle of operation of the trap is the same as the previous ones. Some flies may leave the trap, and its effectiveness will depend on how attractive the bait is to insects.

The advantage of this trap is that flies do not need to penetrate inside a closed space, which frightens some insects, so its effectiveness is higher than that of the previous presented options. You can do it yourself as follows:

  1. Mix 2 parts pine resin with 1 part linseed oil and a small amount of sugar syrup.
  2. Cut strips 3–4 cm wide from plastic film.
  3. Apply the prepared adhesive mixture onto the tapes using a brush.
  4. Hang traps in the room where you want to kill insects.

A simple, albeit somewhat controversial solution to protect against flies. In order to make such a repeller, you need the following:

  1. Fill a clear plastic bag with clean water.
  2. Drop a few shiny little coins into the water.
  3. Tie the bag tightly.
  4. Hang the repeller outside on a window or door—where the flies are likely to come from.

To make this trap, you need the following:

  1. Spread the compact disc with honey or thick sugar syrup.
  2. Place it in the freezer for 0.5 hours.
  3. Tie a thread to the disk and hang it in the room where you want to catch insects.

Attention! Flies should not have the opportunity to intercept a piece of food outside the trap. The effectiveness of crafts will be higher if all food is removed from the apartment and the trash is taken out. All food should be put in the refrigerator

Especially berries

All food items should be placed in the refrigerator. Especially berries

The effectiveness of crafts will be higher if all food is removed from the apartment and the trash is taken out. All food items should be placed in the refrigerator. Especially berries.

How to make an electric shock flytrap

We will need:

  • Energy saving light bulb;
  • high voltage module;
  • insulating tape;
  • hot glue;
  • AA battery.


  1. Let's disassemble the light bulb. We should still have a plastic case. And also a glass cone made of fluorescent tubes, mounted on a plastic base.
  2. We drill holes in the plastic on both sides.
  3. We take aluminum wire and thread it through one of the holes. We wrap the wire around the light bulb. Cut off the excess.
  4. We do the same with the second hole.
  5. There are 2 wires on the inside of the plastic base. We wrap one of them around the tip of the wire and bend it.
  6. We have 2 contacts left: another wire and a second wire.
  7. We connect the high-voltage module to the battery via a switch.
  8. We make a hole in the case and insert the switch.
  9. We insert the module into the case, now you need to solder all the necessary wiring.
  10. Solder the module wires to the battery.
  11. We fix it with electrical tape.
  12. To make the module hold better, we glue it to the body with hot glue.
  13. Then we insert the light bulb into the housing so that its contacts are in contact with the contacts of the high-voltage module.
  14. We twist it. Our stun gun is ready.
  15. We turn on the device. Flies will strive for the light from the lamp, but as soon as they fly up to the shocker, they will be electrocuted.

Do-it-yourself stun gun for flies - video

The method is effective, but not safe. Such a device should be turned on away from children and pets. Another disadvantage: the stun gun works as long as the battery is charged. As soon as its power weakens, the device will have to be re-soldered.

The most popular and interesting ways to make insect traps: some of them really help. Others are nothing more than a myth born of rumors and discussions. Try several options and choose the one that suits you best. And don’t let annoying flies bother your loved ones.

How to catch a fly in a room

Homemade fly trapsFly trap made from a glass jar

There are several main ways to catch a fly - buy a ready-made device, or make a trap yourself. It is imperative to catch insects, since they are carriers of various diseases, bite painfully, and cause an allergic reaction.

Insects fly well, instantly react to any movement, and are almost elusive.

  1. You can catch pests with your hands, but this requires a quick reaction and skills. The fingers are bent towards the palm, carefully approaching the fly, without making sudden movements. As if knocking down a fly with a bent palm, quickly bending your fingers into a fist when the insect hits your palm. To catch it right away requires experience and training.
  2. It is much easier and faster to catch pests at home using special traps. One of the most common options is adhesive tape, which is suspended from the ceiling using a special pin. The adhesive tape retains its properties for about 3 months and gradually catches flying pests. They change it when the sticky part is full - just throw it in the trash can. The price of one piece is from 5 rubles. up to 100 rub. depending on the manufacturers.
  3. You can also catch flies in your apartment using special trap lamps. They can be used in any room or outdoors. The lamp operates silently and does not require large energy reserves. Operates from conventional or solar batteries, batteries, or mains. Attracts flying insects with ultraviolet rays, heat, and the smell of carbon dioxide. He pulls it inside the trap with a fan, where the fly sticks to a special adhesive base. Popular models Vector Trap, Deluxe, Terminator, Clatronic. Cost from 300 rub. up to several thousand.
  4. It's easy to catch a fly at home using a homemade device. How it will work, on what principle - the decision is individual. In this case, imagination is welcome. Examples of homemade traps are presented below.

For home catching devices, improvised means are used. They attract pests by smell, light, and heat.

Plastic bottle

You will need an empty carbonated drink container, preferably mineral water.

  1. Cut off the top part. To do this, first make a hole with a knife, then carefully thread the scissors and cut off the neck.
  2. Turn the cut part over and insert it inside the bottle. Secure the edges with a stapler, tape, electrical tape or Moment glue.
  3. Place the trap in any convenient place or hang it from a chandelier or ceiling.


It is convenient to catch flies with an ordinary tin can of pet food or canned food. Peel off the paper sticker, rinse the jar, and dry it. Cover the outer part of the jar with adhesive tape, electrical tape, and press well with your fingers. After a few minutes they peel it off. The surface of the jar became sticky.

If the trap is used in the dark, place a small flashlight in the jar and cover with a lid. Install the structure in any convenient place where it is necessary to catch pests.

Glass jar

Glass jar fly trap

You can catch flies with small jars.

  1. They should be washed and dried.
  2. Apple cider vinegar is poured inside.
  3. Instead of a lid, use cling film. It needs to be pressed tightly to the edges, secured with electrical tape or tape. Carefully make holes with a toothpick or a sharp knife so that the fly can get inside.

The trap will attract insects with the smell of sour apple cider vinegar. Once inside, the pest will not be able to get out. You can catch a huge number of flies this way. Reusable containers should be periodically emptied, washed, and the whole operation repeated. Pests will be caught as long as the scent that is attractive to them comes from the trap.


Flies feed on the juices of plants, rotting vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish. They are attracted by the smell of sour and the taste of sweet. The following is used as bait for homemade traps:

  • sugar syrup;
  • a piece of refined sugar;
  • apples, pears;
  • raw meat;
  • honey;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • fruit juice.

To exterminate insects indoors, it is recommended to use several control methods. We should not forget about prevention - mosquito nets on windows and doors. Until mid-summer, house flies only buzz, irritating the nervous system with their presence; in August they are replaced by buzzers, which begin to bite painfully and cause an allergic reaction.

Why is it difficult to kill a fly?

Many people know that catching flies is not that easy. This flying insect has 5 eyes, two of which are main and three are simple. The main visual organs of flies include 4 thousand hexagonal facets. Each facet sees only part of the image; the overall picture is collected in the insect's brain. Thanks to panoramic vision, she sees all objects around her, and it is impossible to sneak up on her from behind.

In a second, the insect's visual organs transmit more than a hundred frames (images) to the brain, and this is 6 times more than in humans. Therefore, the fly sees all the rapid movements around it as if in slow motion and manages to fly away before it is slammed.

The insect's eyes are not only capable of recognizing the infrared spectrum, which means that in the dark the fly cannot see well, so it hides in secluded places.

How to get rid of flies in a country house, house, apartment, office, chicken coop and other premises

Flies live near humans. No matter how hard we try to protect ourselves from unwanted neighbors, sooner or later an unpleasant buzzing sound is heard nearby. Mosquito nets and tightly closed doors do not always protect against the appearance of annoying insects. Being around them not only irritates the environment in the house, but is also dangerous, because flies carry germs.

These annoying insects lead an active lifestyle for six months - they wake up from hibernation in mid-April and stay awake until the end of October. And if at least one individual has entered the room, it will certainly bother everyone present: buzzing, sitting on food and on people. To avoid this discomfort, try to get rid of the little enemy.

The easiest way to get rid of an insect is to catch it. There are dodgers who do this with their hands even on the fly. The simplest and most popular means of destruction is a fly swatter. Instead, they use newspapers or magazines, tightly folded in wide stripes.

Using your hands

You can try catching flies with your hands. If you don’t have the necessary materials in your house, you can use your own hands as a trap. This method is quite slow, but once you get used to it, it is quite feasible. Your hands will get a little exercise. To catch a fly at home with your hands, you need to do the following:

  • bend your fingers so that your palm forms a cup - a kind of trap;
  • make a few movements as a workout: quickly clench your palm, bending your fingers towards the base;
  • leave a small space inside the clenched palm;
  • as soon as the fly lands on the surface, you should approach it carefully (do not make sudden movements that will scare away the insect);
  • now you need to wave your cupped palm two cm from the fly;
  • clench your palm, bending your fingers towards the base;

The insect, sensing movement, will fly upward and end up inside the trap.

Catch a fly with your hands

On a note!

In order not to crush the fly, you should not squeeze your fingers very hard, otherwise it can be crushed.


I tried using this method. It turned out to be quite difficult for me. But it worked once - I caught this annoying fly. I prefer to use other methods - Velcro, fly swatter, jar trap.

Alexandra, Vladimir

Where do flies come from in the house?

Spring is coming. The air temperature rises above 10 - 12°C, and flies that hid in cracks or other places in the house during the onset of cold weather begin to awaken from their winter hibernation. With the onset of warmth, they leave their shelter in search of food.

Due to the grid vision, flies do not see a transparent obstacle (window glass), so it is quite difficult for them to fly back out. The insects remain in the house and begin to breed.

The fly can lay its eggs on food, animal excrement, in trash cans, etc. Thus, there are more and more of them. Their eggs end up in human food, causing severe poisoning. In addition, their paws can carry deadly diseases such as typhoid, cholera, anthrax or tuberculosis. Flies cannot be controlled. As soon as they sit down on food once, pathogenic microbes immediately begin to spread. To avoid this, you should never leave open food, and after eating you must put leftovers in the refrigerator.

In addition, flies can be brought into the house along with spoiled food. Most often this happens among summer residents. During the harvesting process, you may come across a slightly spoiled fruit, where flies like to lay eggs. A person brings it into the house and in the warmth of the masonry, full-fledged representatives of this buzzing family very quickly appear.

There are especially many flies near large landfills, compost heaps and outdoor toilets. If human housing is located near these places, the presence of insects in the house is guaranteed. In this case, it is much more difficult to fight them. Keeping animals in the yard can bring the same inconvenience.

Mosquito nets are a salvation from these insects in private homes and cottages. Moreover, they should be not only on the windows, but also on the entrance doors.

These insects can also enter apartments through ventilation ducts and garbage chutes.

The real boom in the appearance of flies occurs in late August - early September. When it gets cold outside, insects flock to a person’s home in search of warmth, where they also lay eggs and go into suspended animation until spring. This is repeated year after year.

In order to facilitate the fight against them, it is necessary, first of all, to take all necessary preventive measures to ensure that there are as few representatives of these insects as possible and getting rid of them is not difficult.

Difficulty catching flies

One of the main difficulties when catching flies is that they penetrate unnoticed through open windows and doors, and while the former can be protected with nets, nothing can be done about the latter. It is especially difficult to combat pests in a private home, where the front door is constantly opening and closing. The fact that insects are attracted to many things also plays a significant role. Flies fly towards warmth, especially when cold weather sets in, they are attracted by light in the dark, as well as by the smell - they flock to the trash can or simply to uncollected food. If you leave a half-eaten sandwich or leftover soup on the table, you should also expect visitors. In addition, flies are surprisingly often attracted to the color white.

Although this insect is not particularly fast, it is very difficult for a person to catch it. This happens due to the fact that flies observe the world around them as if “in slow motion”, and therefore react more quickly to changes taking place. If flies are not eliminated in a timely manner, they will lay larvae directly in the home.

We must not forget that pests are carriers of parasite larvae and bacteria. Insects damage home textiles, glass and mirrors.

Types of simple traps

The whole variety of homemade flycatchers can be conditionally combined into 3 groups.

  • With edible bait, when an insect gets into a confined space, but does not die, but simply cannot get out.
  • With poisonous bait. The fly dies after eating something “sweet.”
  • Sticky flycatchers. Stuck in the sticky substance, the insect dies of starvation.

There are craftsmen who make homemade “electric shockers” for flies, but this device can hardly be made without certain professional skills.

From a plastic bottle

The easiest way to make a primitive fly trap is from an ordinary plastic bottle. The essence of the device is that the design allows the insect to move in only one direction - inside the container. There is no turning back. And so that the fly wants to penetrate there, they prepare bait with an attractive smell.

The bottle must be cut in half. The lower part is a container for bait. The upper inverted half is a funnel through the narrow neck of which the insect enters the trap. The ratio of the height of the lower and upper parts is 2:1, the funnel must be tightly secured with tape or a stapler.

How to catch and guide a fly into a trap placed in a certain part of the room? For this, the following compositions are used.

  • Sweet liquid - rare jam, sugar syrup, honey, Coca-Cola.
  • Fermented liquid. It is easy to obtain if you add a drop of dry yeast to the sweet filling.
  • Flies fly well on red wine and beer.
  • If you add ground pepper (black) or a granular insecticide, such as Agita, to a sweet liquid, the insects will not only be trapped, but will also die.

From a glass jar

You can make a fly trap with your own hands from a glass jar and a funnel of a suitable size.

Overripe fruits with a sweet taste are placed at the bottom of the dish - apples, bananas, peaches, apricots. It’s good if they start to rot and wander. Instead of a lid, insert a funnel, securely fasten it so that there are no gaps between it and the wall of the jar - wrap the trap around the circumference of the neck with tape or tape.

From a plastic container

To make a small, neat flytrap, take any transparent container - a glass, a plastic container. Place a little honey, sweet fruits, jam on the bottom, cover with cling film, in which 1-3 small holes are made. The operating principle of the device is the same as described above.

Duct tape

Another type of DIY fly trap is homemade duct tape. Numerous videos on how to make a sticky substance from honey and sugar do not stand up to criticism. This coating will dry quickly, God willing, if you manage to catch a few insects. To get Velcro similar to store-bought ones, use the following composition.

  • 2 parts pine resin (rosin), melted on a burner or water bath;
  • 1 part castor or flaxseed oil;
  • a little (“for taste”) honey, sugar syrup.

The result is a truly sticky substance that maintains a viscous consistency for a long time. Ribbons are cut from durable kraft paper, parchment, and oilcloth.

Method number 1. Plastic film and glass jar

Make a trap for flies using regular cling film and a 0.5-1 liter glass jar. (if desired, you can replace it with a transparent glass for juice).

  1. Choose a container of a suitable size, fill it with water, leaving a distance of 5-6 cm from the edges.
  2. Mix a large amount of granulated sugar with dishwashing detergent, pour in apple cider vinegar with a concentration of 6-9%.
  3. Place the resulting mixture in a jar of water, wait until the sugar crystals dissolve, and mix thoroughly.
  4. Cut a piece of cling film measuring 10*10 cm, attach it to the neck of the jar, covering the entire hole.
  5. In cases where the polyethylene does not fit tightly, wrap the neck with electrical tape/duct tape or secure with an elastic band.
  6. Take a ballpoint pen or kitchen scissors and make a round hole in the surface of the film. Through this hole the insect will get inside the container.
  7. Place the trap jar on a windowsill or other sunny place and wait for the fly to climb inside.

Ways to get rid of midges

These tiny insects rarely enter a person's home alone. As a rule, they move in space in entire colonies. If a midge or two appears somewhere, then you need to be sure that after a while a whole swarm will appear here. Therefore, one should not hesitate to fight, but immediately begin to destroy them.

Fight rules:

  • After eating, you must immediately wash the dishes and remove any remaining food from the table, wiping the dining table well.
  • Remove garbage from the trash can in a timely manner, and the bin must always be kept closed.
  • Ventilate the room more often and maintain optimal humidity and temperature.
  • Make sure there are no wet, unwashed rags in the bathroom.
  • Clean up your cat's litter box, as an unpleasant odor immediately attracts insects.
  • Check pots of indoor plants. If they contain tea leaves, then they need to be removed and fresh soil added.
  • Look into the aquarium. If traces of blue-green algae blooms are visible on the surface, they must be removed immediately, and then the cause of their bloom must be found out.
  • Check the condition of bulk products for high humidity.
  • It is better to treat places where midges accumulate with chemicals or use folk remedies. If there are too many midges, you may have to use homemade traps.
  • Think about whether it’s worth doing a thorough cleaning of the apartment by discussing measures to get rid of midges with family members.

Instructive! The appearance of midges, like other insects, in an apartment indicates poor hygiene and a violation of basic sanitation standards. If you do not reconsider your life activities, you are unlikely to be able to get rid of such an unpleasant neighborhood. By changing some of your negative habits, you can count on comfortable living conditions.

Fly trap

Why do midges appear in an apartment?

As a rule, any insects appear in an apartment due to poor sanitary conditions. Basically, it appears in the summer, when ideal conditions are created for its reproduction. Why do they appear? It is not difficult to assume that insects appear in conditions where they are attracted to something.

Midges are attracted to:

  • Leftover food left on the table.
  • High humidity.
  • Inadequate sanitary conditions.

Therefore, objects that attract midges in an apartment are considered:

  • Uncleaned food remains on the dining table, as well as garbage in the trash can.
  • Increased humidity due to improper watering of indoor plants and flowers.
  • The remaining tea leaves, which some housewives like to water flowers with, believing that it replenishes the plants with nutrients. As a rule, after this it begins to rot and attract insects.
  • A cat litter that is not cleaned on time.
  • Pieces of food stuck in the kitchen sink drain.
  • Poor care of pets associated with untimely replacement of spoiled food.
  • Food products that are stored in the wrong place begin to disappear.
  • Fruits and vegetables left on the table. Some apartment owners like to leave fruits and berries in a vase on the table.
  • The presence of wet rags in the kitchen or bathroom, especially if they have been left unwashed for several days.
  • Dampness caused by condensation or due to faulty water supply systems.

What harm do midges cause?

  • They are very annoying, making a person aggressive.
  • They spread infection, which you should pay special attention to.
  • Harmful to indoor plants.
  • They crawl on food and cutlery, leaving various pathogens on them.
  • Pets chase them and damage furniture and curtains.
  • Midges can bite very painfully, leaving behind inflamed areas on the human body.
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