Xulate for bedbugs and cockroaches, where to buy and reviews of use

The Spanish drug Xulat for bedbugs, also called Xulat Micro, appeared on the domestic market not so long ago.
But many owners of apartments affected by insect attacks have already formed their own opinions about it and reviews on forums. Fighting blood-sucking bugs is not an easy task, and before you start using Xulat Micro, you need to figure out whether this chemical helps against bedbugs. Quick Jump:
The mechanism of action of Xulate on bedbugs

Composition and release forms

Xulate for bedbugs - instructions for use

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

Pros and cons of Xulat

Reviews of the remedy for bedbugs Xulat

Composition of the innovative drug

The composition of “Xulata C25” is powerful and effective, which explains the guaranteed death of insects. The product consists of three components:

  • Tetramethrin. Belongs to the peritroid group. Under the influence of such substances, cockroaches, fleas and bedbugs instantly experience paralysis of all organs and systems. As a result, they die.
  • Cypermethrin. An insecticide that affects internal organs. Upon contact with it, it affects the nervous system of insects and all ongoing processes. As soon as the substance gets inside or on the external surface of the parasite, it has difficulty breathing and, accordingly, immediate death.
  • Piperonylbutoxin. It is known that the chitinous shells of bedbugs and cockroaches are quite a serious barrier to the penetration of toxic substances. Piperonylbutoxin increases the permeability of the integument, which significantly increases the effect of tetramethrin and cypermethrin.

All three components form the basis of the poisonous drug and are enclosed in a microcapsule. For parasites, the product is a real formidable weapon that leaves no chance of survival.

How does the insecticide Xulat c25 work?

The insecticide helps get rid of bedbugs and other blood-sucking insects. Treatment of residential premises with an emulsion against cockroaches, flies and wasps is carried out once every 5-6 months. To destroy not only adult insects, but also insect eggs, it is necessary to carry out disinfestation twice with an interval of 14 days.

To ensure that the solution is evenly distributed and forms an invisible sticky layer, it is recommended to use fumigation equipment (spray). The water evaporates, the nanocapsules instantly attach to any surface and stick to the insect’s body. Thus, the insecticide reaches places where parasites accumulate.

The active substance penetrates the insect's blood, affecting its nervous system.

First, the parasite loses the ability to feed and move. After 24 hours, he ceases to navigate in space; after 48 hours, the respiratory system stops functioning normally. Death occurs within a maximum of 72 hours from chlorpyrifos poisoning.


  • economical consumption;
  • prolonged effect;
  • easy way to use.

Principle of action: the active component, penetrating the pest’s body, phosphorylates certain substrates. Such a substrate is a protein enzyme contained in nerve tissues - acetylcholinesterase (AChE), which plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses. There is a disruption in the passage of nerve impulses. As a result, convulsive muscle activity (tremor) begins, which turns into paralysis.

Release Features

“Xulat S25” has an unusual release form for the average consumer. The drug is supplied in large canisters containing one liter of concentrated insecticide. However, such containers are intended for professional needs. The product has proven itself at various sites - from small apartments to spacious industrial enterprises.

“Xulat” in micro format is intended for home use. It is placed in small plastic bottles with a volume of 30 ml. One copy is enough to process a standard apartment against:

  • cockroaches;
  • bed bugs;
  • fleas;
  • flies and other insects.

Advion Gel

The gel has a fairly high cost, but at the same time it is one of the best-selling drugs. It is based on the active substance - indoxarb, which has both the qualities of an attractant and a poison. The drug has a short shelf life, but the packaging itself is small and is unlikely to be used up for a long time.


Edvion gel should be distributed at a distance of 3-4 meters from one place to another, portions of about 0.5 g. For a large population of insects, 3-5 portions of poison are needed, and for prevention it is enough to place 1-3 such baits.

Advion Gel

The poison is effective against ten types of insects, including cockroaches, common in apartments and houses of compatriots.

According to consumer reviews, using the product 3 times a year helps keep the cockroach population under control. The bulk of insects die within a week.

The poison must be hidden in places inaccessible to children and pets and not placed near food.

In order not to stain the floor, you can spread the poison in plastic bottle caps. After a week, old baits should be replaced with fresh portions.

Within two months, a large population of insects can be completely eradicated. About 90% of buyers admitted that this is the most effective poison for killing cockroaches.

Cockroaches, ways to combat them

Effective properties

“Xulat S 25” has advantages and disadvantages. But the composition of the drug is multifaceted, so, of course, there are many advantages. Experts and ordinary consumers highlighted:

  • Quite high efficiency. It has been proven that “Xulat C25” is not addictive, so parasites die even with frequent treatment with the same drug. If you follow all the instructions for use, then one hundred percent destruction of all insects belonging to the class of synanthropes is guaranteed.
  • Safety. It is important for people that the product they choose is safe when used as intended. The manufacturer was able to ensure that the microencapsulated drug does not have a harmful effect on humans and pets. The active components of the poison are enclosed in a durable shell, therefore, even if they get on the skin or mucous membranes, they do not cause poisoning. One capsule contains a very small amount of active ingredients, so even a child cannot be poisoned. But despite this, it is necessary to follow basic safety rules. It is known that if the drug gets into the respiratory tract or eyes, it can cause redness, runny nose and other undesirable effects.
  • Duration of exposure. When choosing the most effective remedy for cockroaches in an apartment, you need to pay attention to the duration of exposure to the insecticide. The microencapsulated concentrated liquid continues to be active for up to six months after surface treatment. Being in a dry place, the substances reliably protect the house from the proliferation of cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas and ants.

These advantages are confirmed by numerous reviews from insect exterminators and ordinary households who independently fight parasites.

What is the difference from Xulat Micro

Xulat 25, which appeared on the market in 2010, is considered the predecessor of a more advanced formula - Xulat Micro. The structural analogue of the original insecticide has been modernized: microscopic capsules are covered with a carbon shell. Xulat Micro acts faster due to the presence of several active components. The resistant effect is practically eliminated.

You should be aware of one significant drawback

Despite its high effectiveness, the insecticide has a number of disadvantages, the main one of which is allergic reactions. The use of the drug should be careful; the emulsion should not be splashed or spilled. A respirator or protective mask, gloves and goggles are put on in advance. To avoid getting the solution on open areas of the skin, you need to wear cotton overalls or a robe.

Disinsection is carried out after a number of preparatory measures:

  • clothes and dishes are wrapped in plastic bags and placed in cardboard boxes;
  • the windows are opened in advance;
  • All objects that can adsorb (absorb) the insecticide are covered with plastic wrap.

The following objects can be treated with the solution:

  • residential and industrial premises;
  • public utility facilities (sports complexes, dormitories, hotels);
  • catering establishments (canteens, cafes, restaurants);
  • kindergartens, sanatoriums, health camps;
  • places where insects breed and live (garbage containers, cesspools, fire safety containers).

Other disadvantages of the insecticide:

  1. High price. Prices for the drug vary depending on the place of sale.
  2. No immediate effect. The product begins to act 2-3 days after treatment.
  3. Minimum validity period in open areas. In this case, it is recommended to carry out disinfestation again after 30-45 days.
  4. Minimum effectiveness when treating rooms with high humidity. Xulat treatment is not carried out in saunas and baths.

The active ingredient is not able to penetrate the membrane of parasite eggs, so experts recommend waiting until the larvae hatch. Most often, repeated treatment allows you to completely destroy the parasites.

Condensation quickly forms on ceramic tiles, so microcapsules are distributed unevenly over a smooth surface. If you intend to treat the bathroom, the room must be ventilated in advance, reducing the humidity.

Instructions for use Xulat c25

The solution is prepared according to the instructions for use. Amount of drug used for emulsion:

Type of parasiteActive Ingredient Percentage (%)Concentration of the finished suspensionInsecticide quantity (l/g)
10 l1 l
Mosquitoes (larvae)0,0720,3303
Mosquitoes (adults)0,1240,5505
Flies (larvae)0,41,616016
Flies (adults)0,25110010

The solution must be prepared in plastic containers. The required amount of concentrate is measured using a syringe and mixed with clean water. The emulsion should acquire a milky white hue, after which it is poured into the sprayer.

To destroy bedbugs, cockroaches, ants and bedbugs, prepare a solution, adhering to the proportions indicated in the table. Surfaces are treated selectively; travel routes and nesting sites can be sprayed twice. The areas where sewer and water pipes meet and ventilation vents are treated carefully. Particular attention should be paid to baseboards, thresholds, window and door frames, and cracks in the floor.

Disinsection should be carried out simultaneously in all rooms where insects were noticed. If the parasites reappear after treatment, the procedure is repeated. If you plan to kill mosquitoes, wasps or flies, special attention should be paid to the ceiling and walls. The first procedure is carried out under the supervision of an instructor: a specialist will explain how to properly provide first aid in case of poisoning. The initial signs of acute intoxication include:

  • copious amounts of saliva;
  • burning in the upper respiratory tract;
  • loss of visual acuity;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • general weakness.

The victim must be taken out into fresh air and helped to remove the overalls and other personal protective equipment. He is given a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate and any enterosorbent (activated carbon) to drink.

After disinfestation (after 24 hours), you need to carry out wet cleaning using a water-soda solution. The treated room is ventilated 2-3 hours after baiting. The dishes are soaked for 10-15 minutes in boiled water, the bed linen is washed. The insecticidal effect lasts for 6 months.

Destruction of cockroaches

To combat cockroaches you will need 0.40% of the working aqueous suspension. Yes, the highly concentrated product is diluted in water. This allows you to obtain the optimal concentration to kill parasites. The drug consumption is 50 or 100 ml per square meter of room.

Treatment must be carried out simultaneously in all rooms. Let's say cockroaches live only in the kitchen area. You begin to poison them, and they perfectly change their place of residence to the bathroom or corridor. To be effective, treat the entire apartment at once; cockroaches should have no chance of escape!

Pay special attention to baseboards, holes in the floor, and joints of sewer and water pipes.

Destruction of bedbugs

Bed bugs are tiny, but agile. To destroy them, you will need 0.125% of the working water emulsion. Only their habitats need to be treated. If there are a lot of parasites, the seams of baseboards, ventilation grilles, areas of wallpaper peeling, door and window openings must be treated. Don't be lazy, treat every hard-to-reach place. This will increase the effectiveness of the drug and rid the living space of hated bedbugs for a long time.

Terms of use

Xulat c25 is a universal drug against bedbugs that can be used in residential and non-residential premises, as well as administrative buildings, kindergartens, medical institutions and other premises. It effectively fights most known parasites:

  • ants;
  • ticks;
  • cockroaches;
  • fleas;
  • mosquitoes;
  • flies.

It is capable of destroying only adult individuals, while it has no effect on eggs.

Preparation of the solution

Before processing, it is imperative to prepare the solution in a certain way. Its concentration is calculated based on the number of insects and the treated area. Depending on the type of pest you plan to fight, you need to select your specific dose. When preparing the emulsion, use water at room temperature. The solution must be stirred very thoroughly for at least 5 minutes.


When treating non-absorbent surfaces, adhere to the following consumption rate - 50 ml/sq. m. When applying the product to absorbent areas, the rate is doubled and brought to 100 ml/sq. m. If you look at the instructions for use, you will find a table there that gives concentrations for various types of pests.

After preparing the solution, pour it into a spray bottle. Before processing the room, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning. First, treat surfaces where insects were previously found. You should also capture places that are possible routes for the movement of pests. Be sure to treat the back side of furniture, paintings and carpets, window sills and doorways, as well as baseboards. The need for re-treatment may arise only if after a while the bedbugs reappear or their number begins to increase.

be careful

Despite its high efficiency, the insect repellent has a number of disadvantages. Xulat Micro:

  • does not withstand temperature changes, so it is important to properly store opened bottles;
  • has a relatively high cost, which may vary depending on the place of sale;
  • loses its properties when exposed to direct sunlight, the effect of the main components becomes weaker;
  • is ineffective against parasite eggs, so it is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 times a month (interval - 2 weeks);
  • begins to act gradually, a positive effect is observed 4-5 days after the first treatment;
  • ineffective in conditions of high humidity.

Despite the fact that the drug does not pose a danger to humans and animals, it is not recommended to neglect protective equipment. Contact with mucous membranes increases the risk of burns. If safety rules are not followed, hypersensitive people develop signs of intoxication (nausea, vomiting, dizziness). The victim needs to provide first aid:

  1. If inhaled. The victim is taken out of the room and his outer clothing is removed. He must take activated carbon (for an adult - no more than 15 tablets).
  2. If it enters the digestive tract. The victim's stomach is washed: to do this, he must drink a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Taking enterosorbents is mandatory.

If the solution gets into your eyes, they should be rinsed with plenty of running water. When redness appears, sodium sulfacyl (30% solution) is instilled.

Precautionary measures

An important condition, only if it is met, is it possible to treat a room with xulate with 25 from bedbugs, is the absence of people and animals in it. Even despite the low toxicity of the drug, personal protective equipment must be used during disinsection.

Therefore, before processing, prepare:

  • latex gloves;
  • respirator or mask.

You also need to wear a suit that should completely cover the skin. The room must be disinfected only with the doors and windows closed. After finishing the treatment, it must be ventilated for at least half an hour. The premises can be used no earlier than 12 hours after disinfection. But first, 8 hours before, you need to carry out wet cleaning.

When cleaning a treated room, it is not recommended to completely wash the floor and everything around it. This is due to the special effect of xulate c25, which after application forms a film on the surface. It will precisely poison bedbugs over the next six months. All surfaces should be washed only where hands can touch. For cleaning, it is recommended to use water with the addition of soda and soap.

To eliminate the possibility of poisoning, after disinfection with regular or micro xulate, you should wash your hands with soap, wash, and rinse your mouth with water and soda. If the room is planned to be treated for several hours, you need to pause for 15 minutes every 40-50 minutes.

If, after disinfection, not all of the regular or micro xulate is used, the remains must be disposed of. But you shouldn't pour them down the toilet. To do this, you need to choose a deserted place and bury them there. It is not recommended to leave the diluted concentrate in the apartment, since it very quickly loses its properties. The product itself in the canister can be stored for 3 years.

Application reviews

Xulate has earned many positive reviews due to its effective action. A few of them:

Anatoly 29 years old.

The neighbor is an old grandmother. Raises cockroaches as pets. Because of it, you have to fight insects regularly. Raptor and other means no longer help. I purchased Xulat C5 based on numerous reviews on the Internet. I dilute it in water according to the instructions. We treat the entire room, especially the kitchen and bathroom. I advise anyone using it to treat the ventilation system well, also behind the stove.

Julia, 34 years old.

I use Xulat C25 at the dacha. With early spring, various insects appear in the house, which greatly poison life. The product works well to immediately get rid of cockroaches, woodlice, spiders, flies and other strange crawling insects. It is ineffective against mosquitoes, although the store convinced me otherwise. Additionally I use Raptor.

Alexander, 45 years old.

We use Xulate C25 for professional purposes. I work as an exterminator. The product effectively destroys insects and fungal infections. We dilute according to the instructions. Has a long-term effect. Quite economical. One ampoule is enough for a two- to three-room apartment, depending on the area and degree of infestation. The product can even be used independently, but with protective equipment.

Reviews of Xulat C25

“Xulat C25 coped with the destruction of insects that swarmed in the entrance of a dysfunctional house. The main thing is to find the source of distribution - in that case it was the apartment of an elderly woman who brought home everything, all sorts of junk from the trash heap. They cleaned her apartment, treated the entire entrance and breathed a sigh of relief. I haven't been bothered by cockroaches for three months now. But grandma’s cockroaches in her head won’t calm down, she again tries to bring all sorts of rubbish into the house, we argue with her, they even showed her on NTV. But this is not about her. Xulate C25 is truly a powerful tool!”

“I bought a small bottle of Xulat C25 to treat a two-room apartment. It was quite enough. I sprayed it according to the instructions, after 3 days the cockroaches completely disappeared. And after the first day they walked around like they were drunk. The product has virtually no smell, which is a big plus.”

Reviews of Xulat Micro

“I bought Xulat Micro on the recommendation of a neighbor. I took a 30ml bottle, gave it to my husband, and he sprayed it around the apartment over the weekend. I'm terribly afraid of these insects. Thanks to xulate micro, these nasty creatures disappeared, no one except them was hurt, there is a cat in the house.”

“I spent a long time choosing the type of bedbug repellent, read reviews about sprays, all sorts of powders, but couldn’t decide. I rented a room for a photo studio, and it was completely unsanitary. On the advice of a consultant in the store, I took micro xulate and did not regret it. I treated all the corners, furniture, equipment, all the insects were gone. I don’t regret the money spent.”

To summarize, we can say that “Xulat” is effective in both forms of release (C25 and Micro) and will help in the fight against cockroaches, bedbugs, flies and other insects - both in domestic and industrial premises.

  1. Igor 01/17/2018 at 11:59 A good and effective product.
    The cost is certainly not the smallest. Two bottles cost the same as calling a pest control service, but one was enough for me, so it’s a savings) The main thing is to dilute and apply according to the instructions. I used it to remove bedbugs without any problems. Zhora 01/18/2018 at 20:55

Xulat micro did not help me, but c25 saved me before. I don’t know, maybe I just got a fake. You should look at the label and compare it with the photos of the original.

Konstantin 02/18/2018 at 10:00

  1. I took a couple of small jars for a one-room apartment, mixed it with a proportion of 2 liters per jar (this is for a densely populated area), did everything according to the instructions - wet cleaning of the entire kitchen, drawers, walls, baseboards, ventilation and other places of waste, spent the day spraying 2.5 liters, that's all I covered the vintelations with the finest mesh I could find and processed it too.
    Moreover, the places of access to water (bathtub, sink, toilet) were treated every day for a week. And you know what - NOTHING. !!!!!!

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

One of the most important questions is where to buy this pesticide in Moscow. It is difficult to find it in household departments; the poison is mainly sold through online stores. You can order it with home delivery; store addresses can be found in any search engine. In addition, the anti-bed bug Xulat C 25 is available in pest control services.

The second question is how much the drug costs. The price for it is not the lowest: a liter bottle will cost 5,000 rubles. A 30 ml bottle costs 600 rubles, which is significantly more expensive than many analogues. Nevertheless, there are enough supporters of the use of Xulat, even among professionals.

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