12 TOP smoke bombs for cockroaches: rating of the best options in 2022 + price and reviews

Purpose and composition

Any parasite in the house is a problem that requires an urgent and effective solution. It is important to understand that not only the comfortable existence of tenants, but often their health depends on this.

The modern insecticide “Mukhoyar” is intended primarily to combat flying insects. This smoke bomb contains the following components:

  • permethrin - an insecticide for the destruction of many types of pests and parasites;
  • an oxidizing agent necessary for a chemical reaction;
  • flame arrester guaranteeing safe use of the product;
  • filler (talc).

Sulfur block Agrovit Fas - reviews



Disinfects and disinfects, dries and fights insect pests.


The effect lasts no more than 3 months, I did not have a wick, it is toxic - you need to be careful when storing and using it.

Since I live in a private house, every autumn before the new harvest I treat the cellar with a sulfur bomb “Fas”. This must be done, because it will not be possible to disinfect the cellar with a regular fire - it will only dry it out.

Sulfur dioxide, released when the bomb burns, is toxic, so you must take precautions and not enter the treated room during treatment (24-36 hours) and after (you need to ventilate the room for 48 hours). The smell when burning is unpleasantly sour. When storing, you must also be careful and protect the saber from dampness.

Before processing, you need to close the cellar lid and plug all the cracks. One bomb is enough for me for the cellar, since the impact area is up to 10 m3.

The packaging says that the checker is set on fire using a special wick, but I didn’t find it. They just lit a small fire of birch bark and wood chips and put a saber on top - it burned to the ground.

The effect lasts for 3 months, so using a saber to fight rats and mice is ineffective. Believe me, you won’t scare them, they will come back. And mold appears again closer to spring. But the checker does not provide a long-term guarantee.

Can be used not only in the cellar, but also in the greenhouse.

I will recommend this checker to everyone, because you can’t do without it.




price, convenience.


designed for 3 months, does not cope well with mold and mildew, is toxic.

Back in June, when my brother was visiting, I forced him to caulk my underground floor in the house (it was not refrigerated well and the potatoes were growing very strongly). When all the work was completed, we noticed the mold and my brother advised me to buy a cellar checker. But it only caught my eye recently; of course, I bought it.

At the top of the sulfur bomb is a wick. It can be cut into the amount you need, but my subfloor was suitable for the consumption rate (such a block is used for 5-10 cubic meters) and so I decided to use it completely. According to the instructions, it cannot be placed in a metal dish, and the floor is wooden, so I placed it on the floor right in this saucer and lit the wick. Since the sulfur dioxide released during combustion is very toxic, I had to quickly “remove” from the underground, but I noticed how the checker was burning: a spot of neon light. According to the instructions, you need to wait a day, or even 36 hours, but my saber stood for 12-14 hours (I left it overnight), and in the morning curiosity prevailed and I looked into the underground.

There was such a pile of ash left. And in fact there was no smell anymore, but there was mold, but not as much as before. And it hung like lifeless white threads. I also had to treat it with white to be sure. But a couple of spiders were absolutely dead. Of course, it’s too early to talk about the further effect, but it’s clear that I will buy checkers, especially since there is still an effect, there’s no fuss with them, the price is 42 rubles. What won’t you do for the sake of the harvest! ))




effective, not expensive.


acrid odor, odor.

Despite the fact that we have been keeping chickens for many years, this is the first time we have encountered a problem with mites. First, we noticed that several chickens became lethargic and some fell on their feet. This went on for several days until several chickens died. We put the remaining patients in a box and then we finally understood what was going on. At night, the mites crawled throughout the box.

The next day, my husband went to the market and bought a FAS sulfur bomb. It's very cheap. Our chicken coop is small, so one checker was enough for us.

Before using the product, we cleaned the chicken coop, swept it, closed the windows, my husband put the saber itself in an iron bucket and set it on fire. There is a special wick that smolders and the saber emits acrid smoke. We closed the door to the chicken coop tightly, but still, smoke came out through the cracks. When working with a saber, you need to put a mask on your face and try to leave the room being processed as quickly as possible.

Our saber burned for about an hour. We didn’t open the chicken coop for another day so that everything inside the barn would become saturated with smoke. Afterwards, we opened the chicken coop and ventilated it for a couple of days. Only after this, with peace of mind, we moved the bird back into the chicken coop. Now we carefully examine the chickens and so far no mites have been noticed.

I recommend FAS sulfur checker to all summer residents and livestock breeders.



Two clarifications. Gaseous sulfur dioxide is formed, dissolving in water to form sulfuric acid. There is always moisture in the basement, so I would take the cans out. And one more thing - you need to plug all the cracks in the garage floor (cellar ceiling), and open the garage for ventilation. Yes, in fact, all this is written in the instructions for the checker. If you break the jars, coat the lids with grease



Enough for at least a year.

When a sulfur bomb burns, sulfur oxides are formed - sulfuric (mainly) and sulfurous anhydrides. The combination of sulfuric anhydride with water is unstable and disintegrates. Oxidizing it to sulfur, which forms sulfuric acid, requires high temperatures (400-500 degrees), which you simply do not have. So just ventilate and that's it.

PS. While I was writing, my throat started to feel sore - I had taken a drink of this very... anhydride.



I fumigated the basement with a sulfur bomb. There are fewer fungi and molds, the potatoes rot worse. jars - either take them out or cover the lids with cyatim... otherwise they will corrode badly! useful thing...

How to use a smoke bomb?

Since the product is toxic, the Mukhoyar corrector should be used in strict accordance with the attached instructions for use. A jar of insecticide is placed in the center of the treated area.

The dust must be set on fire very carefully and quickly. Immediately after it ignites, you must immediately leave the room, closing the door as tightly as possible.

If you are using more elements, you need to include them starting with the furthest one, quickly moving from one to the other in the direction of the exit of the room.

Description of popular products

Several types of “smoke blowers” ​​are available for sale. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the best smoke bombs.

Quiet evening

It is a cardboard cylinder containing a substance inside which produces smoke. On top there is a cord for arson. It can be big or small.

The smoke-forming substance contains permethrin. During the slow smoldering process, a cloud of thick smoke is formed. This cloud rapidly spreads through the air and envelops the space where people are. The manufacturer allows the use of the fumigator in residential premises.

Setting fire to “Silent Evening” is very simple. Smoldering (that is, the release of smoke) lasts approximately 5-6 minutes. Mosquitoes are destroyed in about 10 minutes within a radius of three meters from the location of the smoking object.

Boyscout Help 80233

A more effective fumigator because it drives away and destroys flies, wasps, horseflies and even hornets. This product is strictly prohibited from being used inside homes. Help should be set on fire exclusively in the open air. Also suitable for pastures.

Boyscout is very effective if you place several items in the corners of the area. In just a few minutes you can completely destroy annoying insects.


Successfully fights against flies, mosquitoes, hornets, wasps and cockroaches, fleas and other types of crawling insects. This fumigator must be used in strict accordance with the instructions for use.

The concentrated toxic substance located inside does not leave parasitic insects the slightest chance to survive. According to market analysts, this is one of the best domestic developments designed to exterminate mosquitoes.


A highly effective mosquito repellent that contains permethrin. One of the advantages of this product is its long shelf life - up to three years from the date of manufacture. An additional bonus is the presence of pine fragrance. Its smell is attractive to humans, and it also hides the aroma of a substance toxic to mosquitoes.

City can be used both outdoors and indoors. The manufacturer claims that the effect of one product extends to 1 km2.


Contains sulfur. It is effective against many types of pests - crawling and flying insects. “Climate” also repels or destroys moles and small rodents.


Contains permethrin. Effectively used to protect against insects in open spaces and indoors.


A multifunctional product that is effective in the process of disinsection on the site and inside homes. It is in the first place in the ranking of insecticides. Affects mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, ticks, spiders, ants and other insects. When using the product indoors, all people and animals must be removed from the area. There shouldn't be any aquarium fish here either. It is advisable to remove all clothes from the room, especially children's clothes.

After lighting the wick, you must leave the room immediately, because inhaling the smoke is dangerous to your health. When exterminating insects, personal protective equipment must be used. After the procedure, it is recommended to take a shower.

The premises must be closed for four hours. After this, the room must be ventilated for 90 minutes.


The effectiveness of the Mukhoyar smoke bomb is comparable to the effect of aerosols. Both products kill insects through the respiratory tract.

When toxic substances enter the insect's body, its central nervous system is damaged, which leads to the development of paralysis, which does not allow the body to maintain its vital functions and leads to the rapid death of the parasite.

The high efficiency of “Mukhoyar” is explained by the fact that the smoking substance of the smoke bomb emits toxic smoke, the concentration of toxic substances in which constantly increases during the smoldering process.

Smoke has the ability to penetrate into all secluded and hard-to-reach places. Therefore, toxic substances outweigh insects absolutely everywhere. Due to the toxic smoke, all parasites in the room die in a short time.

After the destruction of flying insects, the treatment of the room lasts an hour. If you need to get rid of cockroaches or other crawling pests, the exposure time to toxic smoke should be increased by at least three hours.

What is the essence of insect checkers?

The drug has become quite popular among those who use all kinds of mosquito repellents. Thus, the insecticidal substance permethrin is absolutely not harmful to human health and non-toxic to animals. This is one of the most significant advantages why many people choose mosquito repellents. Even if you take a deep breath, the body will not be harmed, and this is very important. For insects, the drug, on the contrary, has the strongest effect, literally affecting them fatally. Mosquitoes begin to experience paralysis of the entire body. In addition, fleas, horseflies, midges, and even ticks can die from checkers. The entire population, which has spread throughout the entire area, will be immediately exterminated. And another advantage of the product is the excellent permeability of the substance into any gap, i.e. mosquitoes cannot hide from a checker at all.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages of Mukhoyar are:

  • high efficiency;
  • affordable price;
  • ease of use;
  • guaranteed results when treating hard-to-reach places;
  • possibility of use for preventive purposes;
  • Availability of checkers of different sizes for sale.

At the same time, the product also has serious disadvantages that must be taken into account when deciding on its use:

  • high probability of poisoning if instructions for use are not followed;
  • prohibition on using the product if there are flammable objects or substances in the room;
  • impossibility of use in apartment buildings due to the high probability of toxic smoke entering neighboring apartments;
  • the need for strict adherence to a number of conditions when storing insecticidal correctors, taking into account their danger.

Precautionary measures

Before using the Mukhoyar smoke bomb, people, pets, birds, plants, aquariums, dishes, food and medicines must be removed from the premises. Be sure to turn off all household appliances, air conditioners, and gas stoves. There should be no open fire in the room.

During work, it is imperative to protect the respiratory system and mucous membranes, as there is a high risk of inhaling toxic fumes. After working with Mukhoyar concealer, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Store "Mukhoyar" in a dry, closed room, away from flammable materials, at a temperature not lower than -40 C and not higher than + 40 C.

Gel against flies Muhoyar

A new generation drug in the form of a bait gel attracts flies with a special smell. The food additives (attractants) included in its composition encourage flies to taste the product. After contact with a potent substance, insects die.

The drug is safe for people. It does not release harmful substances into the air and therefore, unlike aerosol, it can be used in the presence of people, children and pets.

Be careful that the laid out baits do not come into children’s eyes.

How to apply fly gel

Muhoyar gel is applied to a substrate made of dense material (for example, cardboard) and laid out in places where flies like to accumulate - on all kitchen surfaces, in places where food is prepared, on dining tables. In a room of 10-15 square meters, it is enough to lay out 1-2 substrates lubricated with gel.

The product retains its properties for 1-1.5 months, all flies that fly into the room die within an interval of 1 hour to 24 hours.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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