Which is better, hot or cold fog for bedbugs? Principle of operation, preparation, effectiveness. From personal experience.

Every day (including weekends) we carry out an average of 6-7 bedbug treatments. Of course, we very often receive feedback on our work. And although most of these reviews simply contain the opinions of clients about the destruction of bedbugs by SanMariDez specialists, some of them in one way or another contain questions, claims, and various misconceptions, to which the reviewers are clearly waiting for an answer.

Exterminator SanMariDez destroys bedbugs

In addition, we receive live feedback on the work of our exterminators directly over the phone: clients call us, thank us, and clarify something. In such cases, we answer all questions and doubts directly. But when reviews are left on third-party platforms (forums, YouTube, social networks), we respond there. And often we encounter the same questions, criticism and misconceptions in different reviews from different people. We collect such reviews and post them all on this page with comments from our disinfectors, sanitary doctors and entomological specialists. This allows many people to dispel certain fears, get answers to questions and make the right decision even before calling the service. We hope this collection of opinions and answers will help you too. So study, and we will add them to this page as new recurring reviews about the destruction of bedbugs appear.

Cold fog from bedbugs

Cold fog Lately, clients have been asking to treat bedbugs with cold fog (cold smoke, steam), this popularity of the method is due to the presence of good reviews and good effectiveness of this method of killing insects.
The effectiveness of treatment increases several times compared to treatment with a pump sprayer or treatment with dusts, due to the size of the sprayed particles of the drug. In this article we will try to understand the intricacies of treating bedbugs with cold fog.

Additional services

As a rule, additional services refer to the category of services that enhance the capabilities of the chosen method of control or consolidate the effect after the treatment. But in some cases, additional services are considered simply necessary. This applies primarily to objects that have been heavily infested with these parasites for a long time, as well as premises with a complex configuration and an abundance of hidden areas and cavities.

Double dosage and complex of drugs

Double dosage.

The effect of double dosage enhances the impact of the agents used by increasing the standard dose on the treated area. It is used mainly in cases of large concentrations of bedbugs or in cases where there are materials at the facility that can absorb moisture.

Complex of drugs.

This is the use of several active components in one solution. This complex is used in cases where bedbugs are immune to some particularly popular chemicals.

Barrier protection

Barrier protection eliminates the re-entry of parasites into the treated object. To do this, an insecticidal gel barrier is applied to potentially dangerous places in the treated area, which prevents the further migration of parasites.

Typically the following areas are treated with this barrier:

  • Along the entrance doors
  • Along the perimeter of the window frames
  • Along the perimeter of the baseboards
  • Near the vents
  • Near sewer lines

What is cold fog

Cold fog is an insect repellent treatment in which poison is mixed with water and sprayed onto the desired surface using a cold fog generator (CMG).

The mist ensures high penetration of the drug due to the small size of the sprayed particles. The drug gets into any cracks where insects may be located, allows you to treat hidden cavities of furniture, baseboards, and hard-to-reach places.

Cold fog generator (GCT)

There are quite a lot of cold fog generators on the market, they all differ in build quality, number of nozzles, length of the spray torch, as well as the size of the sprayed particles, and of course, price. Recently, there have been many Chinese cold fog generators on the market, the quality of which depends on the manufacturer.

Operating principle of the HCT

The mixed solution is sprayed by the HCT with the flow of generated air, forming fine particles in the form of a mist. When preparing solutions, it is recommended to take into account the amount of product and water, as well as the temperature of the liquid being poured. Generators allow you to regulate the size of the sprayed particles, allowing you to fog the room, and high air pressure delivers the drug to the required place.

How does cold fog treatment work?

On average, treatment without preparation takes place within 30 minutes. The client leaves the apartment during processing. The product is applied to the areas where bedbugs are suspected to be located and where insects accumulate. When processing, take into account whether the room is infested with bedbugs; in most cases, complete fogging of the room is not required.

In our work, the process of spraying the product itself is not as important as the preparation.

The quality of insect destruction directly depends on how the room is prepared.

Insects.Net will save you from annoying and dangerous pests!

If you are tired of fighting insects in your home and not a single purchased insecticide has given the promised results, do not rush to despair. The specialists of the Insekomikh.Net team will take everything into their own hands!

For our work we use only high-quality and modern equipment. All drugs undergo preliminary laboratory tests and comply with GOST requirements. Also, if you wish, you can get a preliminary consultation and voice all the important nuances. Insects will have no chance of survival!

Each client receives a guarantee for the services we provide and can be confident in their quality. You will certainly be satisfied with our joint cooperation and, if necessary, you will already know who to turn to for help.

Contacts and links on social networks can be found on the main page of the official website. Choose Insects.Net and get rid of pests in no time!

Preparing the premises

Before processing, we prepare the apartment together with the client, inspect it completely, paying great attention to the details.

  • We remove all breakable objects (paintings, vases, photographs, etc.)
  • removing clutter
  • cover TVs and computers with a sheet or polyethylene
  • disassemble and prepare furniture for processing
  • lifting mattresses
  • We take cats, dogs and other animals with us or lock them in the bathroom (you can seal the doors with tape)
  • cover the fish with a blanket, turn off the air
  • close the windows, vents

After the preparation procedure, the client leaves the apartment, we move on to the next stage

— select the drug used for treatment: neonicotinoids, PHOSES, pyrethroids, many component drugs. Recently, we have been working on bed bugs with multi-component preparations (the choice of the drug depends on the region of use and the resistance of the insects, and we have also previously carried out independent treatments or treatments by other organizations)

  • mix in the required concentration
  • apply the product to the required surfaces
  • closing the apartment infuses (exposition)

Prices for additional services

When ordering two additional services, a 15% discount
Type of additional service:

RoomBarrier protection
Room (communal)600 ₽
1 room apartment 700 ₽
2-room apartment 800 ₽
3-room apartment 900 ₽
4-room apartment 1000 ₽
5 rooms apartment 1100 ₽
MOP600 ₽
RoomDouble protection
Room (communal)600 ₽
1 room apartment 700 ₽
2-room apartment 800 ₽
3-room apartment 900 ₽
4-room apartment 1000 ₽
5 rooms apartment 1100 ₽
MOP600 ₽
RoomBarrier + 2x Dosage
Room (communal)1000 ₽
1 room apartment 1200 ₽
2-room apartment 1300 ₽
3-room apartment 1500 ₽
4-room apartment 1700 ₽
5 rooms apartment 1900 ₽
MOP600 ₽
RoomBarrier protectionDouble dosageBarrier + 2x Dosage
Room (communal)600 ₽600 ₽1000 ₽
1 room apartment 700 ₽700 ₽1200 ₽
2-room apartment 800 ₽800 ₽1300 ₽
3-room apartment 900 ₽900 ₽1500 ₽
4-room apartment 1000 ₽1000 ₽1700 ₽
5 rooms apartment 1100 ₽1100 ₽1900 ₽
MOP600 ₽600 ₽1000 ₽

What to do after treatment

After applying cold fog, the client must leave the apartment for 4 hours; after the time has elapsed, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the apartment for 30-40 minutes.

  • We wash the apartment with soap and soda solution, gloves on our hands, and a mask on our face.
  • We wipe everything we touch with our hands (switches, sockets, headboards).
  • We wash bedding at a temperature of 60 degrees.
  • We sweep dead bedbugs into the toilet.
  • We follow other recommendations of the master.

How to prepare a soap-soda solution

Soap and soda solution

The solution itself consists of three components: soda and detergent.

  • soda Art. spoon
  • detergent or grated laundry soap
  • water 1 liter

Mix everything

Prices for fighting bedbugs in St. Petersburg

Discounts for pensioners: 10% upon presentation of a pension certificate

  • For apartment
  • For legal entities persons
  • For cottages
  • For cabins

Select processing method:

RoomCold fog
Guarantee1 year discount up to 20%
Room (communal)1800 ₽ 2100 ₽
1 room apartment 2000 ₽ 2300 ₽
2-room apartment 2400 ₽ 2900 ₽
3-room apartment 2900 ₽ 3300 ₽
4-room apartment 3400 ₽ 4100 ₽
5 rooms apartment 3900 ₽ 4700 ₽
MOP1800 ₽
RoomHot fog
Guarantee2 years
Room (communal)2800 ₽
1 room apartment 3000 ₽
2-room apartment 3400 ₽
3-room apartment 3900 ₽
4-room apartment 4400 ₽
5 rooms apartment 4900 ₽
MOP2800 ₽
RoomComplex method
Guarantee3 years
Room (communal)3400 ₽
1 room apartment 3700 ₽
2-room apartment 4300 ₽
3-room apartment 5000 ₽
4-room apartment 5200 ₽
5 rooms apartment 6500 ₽
MOP3400 ₽
RoomCold fogHot fogComplex method
Guarantee1 year discount up to 20%2 years3 years
Room (communal)1800 ₽ 2100 ₽2800 ₽3400 ₽
1-room apartment2000 ₽ 2300 ₽3000 ₽3700 ₽
2-room apartment2400 ₽ 2900 ₽3400 ₽4300 ₽
3-room apartment2900 ₽ 3300 ₽3900 ₽5000 ₽
4-room apartment3400 ₽ 4100 ₽4400 ₽5200 ₽
5-room apartment3900 ₽ 4700 ₽4900 ₽6500 ₽
MOP1800 ₽2800 ₽3400 ₽

Select processing method:

SquareCold fog
Guarantee1 year
up to 200 m²from 35 RUR/1 m²
200-300 m²from 26 RUR/1 m²
300-400 m²from 24 RUR/1 m²
400-500 m²from 22 RUR/1 m²
500-1000 m²from 20 rub/1 m²
Barrier protection5 rub/1 m²
Double dosage5 rub/1 m²
SquareHot fog
Guarantee2 years
up to 200 m²from 45 RUR/1 m²
200-300 m²from 35 RUR/1 m²
300-400 m²from 32 RUR/1 m²
400-500 m²from 29 RUR/1 m²
500-1000 m²from 23 RUR/1 m²
Barrier protectionfrom 5 RUR/1 m²
Double dosagefrom 5 RUR/1 m²
SquareComplex method
Guarantee3 years
up to 200 m²from 50 rub/1 m²
200-300 m²from 40 rub/1 m²
300-500 m²from 35 RUR/1 m²
500-1000 m²from 30 rub/1 m²
from 1000 m²from 25 RUR/1 m²
Barrier protectionfrom 5 RUR/1 m²
Double dosagefrom 5 RUR/1 m²
SquareCold fogHot fogComplex method
Guarantee1 year2 years3 years
up to 200 m²from 35 RUR/1 m²from 45 RUR/1 m²from 50 rub/1 m²
200-300 m²from 26 RUR/1 m²from 35 RUR/1 m²from 40 rub/1 m²
300-400 m²from 24 RUR/1 m²from 32 RUR/1 m²from 35 RUR/1 m²
400-500 m²from 22 RUR/1 m²from 29 RUR/1 m²from 30 rub/1 m²
500-1000 m²from 20 rub/1 m²from 23 RUR/1 m²from 25 RUR/1 m²
Barrier protectionfrom 5 RUR/1 m²from 5 RUR/1 m²from 5 RUR/1 m²
Double dosagefrom 5 RUR/1 m²from 5 RUR/1 m²from 5 RUR/1 m²

Select processing method:

SquareCold fog
Guarantee1 year
up to 200 m²from 40 rub/1 m²
200-300 m²from 30 rub/1 m²
300-400 m²from 25 RUR/1 m²
400-500 m²from 20 rub/1 m²
500-1000 m²from 18 RUR/1 m²
Barrier protectionfrom 5 RUR/1 m²
Double dosagefrom 5 RUR/1 m²
SquareHot fog
Guarantee2 years
up to 200 m²from 45 RUR/1 m²
200-300 m²from 40 rub/1 m²
300-400 m²from 35 RUR/1 m²
400-500 m²from 30 rub/1 m²
500-1000 m²from 23 RUR/1 m²
Barrier protectionfrom 5 RUR/1 m²
Double dosagefrom 5 RUR/1 m²
SquareComplex method
Guarantee3 years
up to 200 m²from 55 RUR/1 m²
200-300 m²from 48 RUR/1 m²
300-400 m²from 43 RUR/1 m²
400-500 m²from 40 rub/1 m²
500-1000 m²from 32 RUR/1 m²
Barrier protectionfrom 5 RUR/1 m²
Double dosagefrom 5 RUR/1 m²
SquareCold fogHot fogComplex method
Guarantee1 year2 years3 years
up to 200 m²from 40 rub/1 m²from 45 RUR/1 m²from 55 RUR/1 m²
200-300 m²from 30 rub/1 m²from 40 rub/1 m²from 48 RUR/1 m²
300-400 m²from 25 RUR/1 m²from 35 RUR/1 m²from 43 RUR/1 m²
400-500 m²from 20 rub/1 m²from 30 rub/1 m²from 40 rub/1 m²
500-1000 m²from 18 RUR/1 m²from 23 RUR/1 m²from 32 RUR/1 m²
Barrier protectionfrom 5 RUR/1 m²from 5 RUR/1 m²from 5 RUR/1 m²
Double dosagefrom 5 RUR/1 m²from 5 RUR/1 m²from 5 RUR/1 m²

Select processing method:

QuantityCold fog
Guarantee1 year
up to 21000 ₽ per cabin
up to 5700 ₽ per cabin
to 10600 ₽ per cabin
up to 20500 ₽ per cabin
up to 30400 ₽ per cabin
up to 40350 ₽ per cabin
up to 50300 ₽ per cabin
from 50200 ₽ per cabin
SquareHot fog
Guarantee2 years
up to 21500 ₽ per cabin
up to 51000 ₽ per cabin
to 10800 ₽ per cabin
up to 20600 ₽ per cabin
up to 30500 ₽ per cabin
up to 40450 ₽ per cabin
up to 50400 ₽ per cabin
from 50300 ₽ per cabin
SquareComplex method
Guarantee3 years
up to 22000 ₽ per cabin
up to 51500 ₽ per cabin
to 101300 ₽ per cabin
up to 20900 ₽ per cabin
up to 30700 ₽ per cabin
up to 40600 ₽ per cabin
up to 50500 ₽ per cabin
from 50400 ₽ per cabin
SquareCold fogHot fogComplex method
Guarantee1 year2 years3 years
up to 21000 ₽ per cabin1500 ₽ per cabin2000 ₽ per cabin
up to 5700 ₽ per cabin1000 ₽ per cabin1500 ₽ per cabin
to 10600 ₽ per cabin800 ₽ per cabin1300 ₽ per cabin
up to 20500 ₽ per cabin600 ₽ per cabin900 ₽ per cabin
up to 30400 ₽ per cabin500 ₽ per cabin700 ₽ per cabin
up to 40350 ₽ per cabin450 ₽ per cabin600 ₽ per cabin
up to 50300 ₽ per cabin400 ₽ per cabin500 ₽ per cabin
from 50200 ₽ per cabin300 ₽ per cabin400 ₽ per cabin

How long after treatment do bedbugs die?

There is no clear answer to this question; it all depends on the drug used in the treatment against bedbugs, as well as on the resistance of the bedbugs. How well the apartment is prepared for processing depends on the experience of the specialist who carries out the processing. Whether people live in the premises being treated or not.

According to my observations, the first bugs die on average from 1 to 4 hours, some within a few days after treatment. Sometimes, during repeated treatment, semi-dry individuals were observed 2 weeks after treatment, but the bugs did not show activity.

It should be borne in mind that the products do not act on bedbug eggs, only with direct contact, some clients observe small bedbugs after 9-14 days, so we recommend our clients to re-treat to consolidate the result.

Smoke bombs

Smoke bombs are much closer to the concept of gas treatment - they actually produce gas that poisons bedbugs. Smoke bombs are extremely effective, because there are practically no barriers to the gas - it easily penetrates into all corners of the room and delivers the insecticide where it is needed. This is precisely its drawback - smoke bombs are difficult to use in apartments of apartment buildings. The fact is that the gas will not only permeate the entire apartment with its smell, but is also almost guaranteed to get into neighboring apartments and into the stairwell.

Therefore, you should agree in advance with your neighbors and warn about the impending gas attack. If your neighbors' apartments also have bedbugs, treatment should be carried out simultaneously so that the insects cannot crawl from room to room.

For effective gas treatment of a room, you need to buy a smoke bomb based on permethrin - this substance is relatively safe for people and pets, but has a pronounced neuroparalytic effect on bedbugs. Having moved all the furniture away from the walls, you need to hang the laundry in the middle of the room, and pack the dishes and clothes in sealed bags. It is better to place the checker in a pan or metal basin to avoid accidental fire. After all household members and animals have left the room, you need to light the saber and, after smoke appears, leave the house, closing the door. After a few hours you can return to the room.

Whatever disinfestation method you choose, it is always better to entrust it to professionals - it is better not to skimp on your own health and safety.

Which is better, hot or cold mist, pump spray for bedbugs.

Hot fog generator (GGT) for bedbugs

Hot fog generator

  • Hot fog is of course more effective, because... particle size when sprayed is smaller than that of a cold fog generator


  • Using it in apartments is dangerous and prohibited. Instead of bedbugs, if you poison your neighbors, you could get a criminal case. Therefore, it is not worth the risk.
  • When working with a hot fog generator, not all means can be used, because... the solution heats up slightly.
  • It is quite expensive for one-time, independent treatment, like HCT.
  • Experience with equipment and training required
  • Greater danger to the operator and others

Cold fog generator


  • Cold fog, when used correctly, is safe and effective at killing bedbugs.
  • Good result
  • Unlike a pump sprayer, HCT provides drier treatment of the room, while the surfaces being treated will not be damaged.
  • HCT can deliver the insecticide to hard-to-reach places, hidden furniture cavities, and under the trim. The processing speed is many times higher than that of a pump.


  • high price, for one-time self-processing
  • Experience with equipment required

Pump sprayer


  • Low price
  • Quite effective when used correctly


  • high consumption of the drug
  • high humidity, danger of damage to things
  • It is difficult to apply the solution to hard-to-reach places
  • if not battery-powered, then large physical costs

A short video of cold fog treatment.

Preparatory activities

Treatment with cold and hot fog against bedbugs requires scrupulous preparation of the room, so you should reserve time.

Before poisoning, it is necessary to perform a set of measures:

  1. Take children and animals out of the apartment so that they cannot inhale the fog. Temporarily you will have to move aquarium fish to another place - rising temperatures are detrimental to aquatic pets.
  2. Indoor flowers can be taken out to the balcony if disinfestation is carried out during the warm period of the year.
  3. Place food in the refrigerator or take it out of the apartment.
  4. It is advisable to cover household appliances with polyethylene.
  5. Carry out a small redevelopment: move large furniture away from the walls, remove bed linen from the bed, raise mattresses, lay out pillows.
  6. It is advisable to pack clothes, curtains and other textiles in bags and place them in a closet.
  7. Wash bedding at +60°C and hide it in the chest of drawers.
  8. Temporarily dismantle the baseboards and open access to window frames, door frames, and the back surfaces of chairs, beds and sofas.
  9. Remove interior decor, carpets, paintings from the walls, roll up rugs and clear the floor.
  10. Leave drawers for clothes, if empty, open.

Before using hot fog against bedbugs and cockroaches, it is necessary to close all supply and exhaust ventilation ducts. In addition, neighbors should be notified about the upcoming disinfection. Residents of adjacent apartments must also block the ventilation holes in the bathroom and kitchen.

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