Top 10 most effective bed bug remedies in 2022

We have compiled the TOP 10 effective remedies for bedbugs in 2022. In this list, it is impossible to identify clear leaders and less effective drugs. The fact is that each product acts in its own way: with different speeds, residual effects, kills only insects or adults and eggs, contains natural insecticides or the latest chemical ones, etc.,

The choice in each case is determined by:

  • degree of bedbug infestation;
  • the required speed of impact;
  • the possibility or impossibility of leaving the apartment during processing;
  • the presence of allergies among the inhabitants of the apartment;
  • previous means used, to which bedbugs may have developed resistance.

When choosing, you should take into account the fact that sprays and liquid preparations act faster, but give a short-term effect - on average up to 3-4 weeks. Preparations in powder form work slowly, but provide prolonged protection. Among powder powders there are real champions that will save you from bedbugs and other harmful insects for 10 years!

The best solution for a comprehensive approach to bedbug extermination is our do-it-yourself kit. You can order a kit for treating your apartment against insects and find out the price from consultants using the phone numbers on the website. Our specialists measure the required dose of insecticides separately for each apartment, based on its square footage.

D-Fense Nxt

The American universal aerosol D-Fense Nxt is one of the newest semi-professional products available for self-use. It destroys bedbugs, ants, fleas, cockroaches and other pests.

The aerosol effect is based on the action of 3 substances for contact, residual and long-lasting effects:

  • novaluron 0.2% and pyriproxefen 0.02% - disrupt the reproductive system of insects, provide population control;
  • deltamethrin 0.06% - affects the central nervous system of bedbugs during contact, immobilizes them, killing them within a few minutes.

The aerosol is sold in convenient cans with a folding nozzle and a valve that rotates 360°, which allows you to spray the insecticide at any angle.

The effect of D-Fense Nxt lasts for several months; re-treatment is not required. The insecticide can be used in residential areas, to treat beds, food cabinets, and can be used indoors even while food is being prepared there. There is no need to leave the apartment during processing.

The disadvantage of the aerosol is the fact that it can currently only be purchased in foreign stores.

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"Medilis Cyper"

The drug "Medilis Cyper" was developed for agricultural purposes, but has also proven itself in the fight against domestic insects, including bedbugs.

This is an emulsion with the active ingredient cypermethrin in a concentration of up to 0.5%. Cypermethrin is a neurotoxic poison that causes insect paralysis and death. The residual effect of the poison lasts indoors for up to 3 months. Next, new treatments are required.

The disadvantages of the drug include fairly high toxicity. When using, you must avoid contact with the drug for cats (especially toxic), dogs, humans, fish and strictly follow all safety measures listed in the instructions.

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The Dutch drug ZONDER has many positive reviews and really helps get rid of bedbugs quickly and safely for apartment residents. It belongs to the professional class, but is also allowed for independent use.

The product contains 2 substances:

  • chlorpyrifos - has a long-term neuroparalytic effect: first, convulsive muscle activity (tremor) occurs, followed by paralysis. Remaining on surfaces, chlorpyrifos remains active for up to 3 weeks.
  • Cypermethrin is a neurotoxic poison that also first paralyzes the insect and then kills it. It can remain on surfaces for up to 1 month, killing and repelling insects.

Complementing and reinforcing each other, the substances cause almost instantaneous death of insects and within several weeks (if the drug is not removed) protect against a new invasion of bedbugs.

The disadvantage of ZONDER is moderate toxicity for fish and cats, however, in the absence of direct contact, the drug is safe. "Zonder" has an unpleasant odor, but after a few hours it disappears.

The main drawback of the product is the number of fakes. When the drug proved to be really effective, many underground workshops appeared where counterfeits were made. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the seller: reputable trading companies and stores work with trusted suppliers.

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Probably the most popular drug now is Executioner. There are three options on the market:

  • German Executioner;
  • Pseudo-German in ampoules and bottles, with the name in German, but descriptions and instructions in Russian;
  • Russian Executioner.

We poisoned bedbugs in apartments in which we had previously tried to exterminate them with all these Executioners separately, and in general there is no difference in effectiveness between them. No matter what Executioner a person uses, exterminators still have to exterminate the bedbugs.

We tested the Russian-made Executioner on bedbugs. Of all the products available in retail sales, it is the fastest acting. It kills bedbugs when directly sprayed in 8.5 minutes, and when moving them over a surface on which the Executioner’s working solution has dried - in 2.5 hours. It's fast. Other non-professional means poison bedbugs more slowly.

According to our observations, there is no difference between the speed of action and effectiveness of the Russian and German Executioner. Despite the fact that the German preparation contains a mixture of two insecticides of different groups - fenthion (an organophosphorus compound) and cypermethrin (pyrethroid), while the Russian one contains only fenthion. Most likely, cypermethrin does not enhance or accelerate the action of fenthion, but only ensures that the product will poison bedbugs if they are resistant to fenthion itself. But the Russian Executioner is cheaper.

The Executioner has a significant drawback for many people: it has a strong unpleasant odor. This smell disappears after the product dries and the room is ventilated for 2-3 hours, but during the treatment itself the apartment smells strongly.

Plus, in Moscow there are already known cases of bed bugs being resistant to fenthion. There is documentary evidence of the detection of fenthion-resistant bedbugs in several old Moscow hospitals. We also have reason to believe that some DisinCity clients in Moscow and St. Petersburg, whose exterminators poisoned bedbugs after they were independently treated by the Executioner, did not remove the bedbugs in the apartment after the persecution by the Executioner precisely because of their resistance to this product.

In any case, the likelihood that the bedbugs specifically in your apartment are resistant to Executioner is very small - it does not exceed tenths of a percent. And in any case, it is lower than the probability that you will not remove bedbugs simply because you do not know the nuances of such removal.

Be that as it may, exterminators often treat apartments in which people have not been able to exterminate bed bugs with the Executioner on their own. This means that even the efficiency and speed of the Executioner does not guarantee the removal of bedbugs if the handler lacks experience and special knowledge.

CimeXa Insecticide Dust

Insecticidal dust CimeXa Insecticide Dust is another new American product with a record long effect - up to 10 years! For this reason, it is recommended to use dust in places where the drug can last for a long time: wall voids, the inner surface of cracks, the space behind the baseboard, stucco molding (applied at the installation stage), attics, places where pipes pass through the wall (applied at the repair stage or with using special nozzles, syringes through cracks), bed frames, box springs, mattresses on the underside, wall-mounted headboards on the inside, moldings, hollow furniture legs, etc.

The dust consists almost entirely of natural material - silicon dioxide, the share of which is 92.1%. Essentially, it is silica gel - a natural adsorbent that is safe for humans and animals if they do not inhale it constantly. This is another - the main - reason to use dust only in hard-to-reach places.

However, manufacturers have added stabilizing “additives” to the product that do not allow silica to fly freely into the air - this significantly increases the safety of CimeXa Insecticide Dust. Therefore, you should not “extract” silica gel from shoe bags yourself - it contains no stabilizers and will be dangerous not only to bedbugs, but to you in the first place.

Silica gel does not act instantly, but is effective and long-lasting. It destroys the waxy cuticle of the insect, leading to dehydration and death. After some time, there are no mature individuals left in the room capable of laying eggs, and the colony dies out completely. When bedbugs re-infiltrate an apartment or house (and this will inevitably happen), they will become victims of CimeXa Insecticide Dust, applied any time ago.

The product is odorless, does not leave stains, does not cake into lumps, and does not form resistance, because it acts on a physical level, literally sucking moisture out of parasites.

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Combat Super Spray

Spray "Combat" has a pleasant smell, which can be attributed to its advantage. It is caused by aromatic additives, so people with allergies should use the product carefully and first conduct a test by treating a micro-area in the apartment.

Active ingredients of "Kombat":

  • Imiprothrin is a potent pyrethroid insecticide with low toxicity to humans but a paralyzing effect on insects. Has a knockdown effect;
  • Cyphenothrin is a pyrethroid insecticide that is highly effective against insects with resistance to carbamate and organophosphorus insecticides. The substance paralyzes the insect and leads to death, has a relatively long residual effect (it depends on the conditions of use).

Bottles with “Combat”, following the example of foreign drugs, are equipped with a flexible spray nozzle, which allows you to destroy bedbugs in cracks, small gaps in frame reinforcement, behind the baseboard. The nozzle helps to spray the substance only in the right place, without getting on fabrics, wallpaper, or technical devices.

The disadvantages of the drug include a property common to all sprays - a relatively short-term effect. Its duration depends on how soon the bedbugs enter the apartment again.

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Top 2. Super FAS

Rating (2021): 4.71

375 reviews from resources taken into account: Ozon, Yandex.Market

The only water-soluble powder Suitable for treating walls and ceilings, as it is diluted in water before use.

  • Characteristics

    Price: from 345 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Substance: thiamethoxam 4%, zetacypermethrin 1%
  • Hazard class: III
  • Action: 30-90 days

Combined powder “Super FAS” is a product that has been on the market for a long time. It effectively destroys cockroaches and bedbugs, and also fights other parasites, which is confirmed by hundreds of reviews. The powder has earned popularity due to its low price and the presence of a nicotinoid in the composition, to which most bedbugs are not yet accustomed. But repeated use, for example, with problematic neighbors, can lead to addiction after 1-2 years. Among powders, “FAS” stands out in that it needs to be diluted and all surfaces must be treated with the solution. Overall, this is more effective than simply sprinkling on dry product. And, as reviews confirm, this solution has no odor at all.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Low price
  • Highly effective if bedbugs have not been poisoned before
  • Can be used on walls and ceilings
  • Chemistry in the composition
  • Addictive to pests

Circill RTU

The drug Cirkill RTU belongs to the new generation of botanical insecticides. It is 100% effective against insects that have developed resistance to pyrethroids. Kills insects on direct contact within 24 hours, has a residual effect for 2 weeks. If surviving insects lay eggs on the treated surface during these 14 days, the eggs die.

The active ingredient in Cirkill RTU is cold-pressed neem oil at a concentration of 5.5% with extremely low toxicity to humans and animals. The oil kills bedbugs, ants, brown cockroaches, aphids and other insects. In addition, it kills fungi, mold, and other microorganisms.

Substances in the oil - azadirachtin, solanine and others - affect the hormonal balance of parasites, disrupt the life cycle and bioprocesses in their body: reproductive, digestive, regenerative, etc. Larvae treated with oil stop developing. The general disharmony of all systems in the insect’s body leads to death. Such properties of oil in nature are due to the protection of plants from parasites and pests.

The drug is used to treat painted and unpainted wood, paper, fabrics, carpets, mattresses, and hard-to-reach areas of upholstered furniture that can absorb the drug. During treatment, close windows and doors, turn off/turn off ventilation and air conditioning. After treatment, leave the room for 4 hours, and upon return, ventilate the rooms.

The disadvantages and at the same time advantages of the drug include its smell. The botanical scent of neem oil is very persistent and remains a light aroma even after the drug wears off. If this smell is not pleasant or suitable for someone, then processing can become a problem.

Can I just use store-bought neem oil? In most cases, no. In approximately 80% of cases, your purchase will turn out to be a synthetic fake that does not have the properties of natural oil, and in 10% of cases you will purchase a weakly concentrated oil that has been heat-treated and has lost its effectiveness. Only in rare cases can you buy real cold-pressed oil from trusted sellers.

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Ozonation is very dangerous, but effective

Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent that, at the proper concentration, destroys all living things. Literally everything. In the classification of toxic substances, it is in the same group as arsenic. Therefore, this method cannot be used in multi-story buildings. But in private homes you can do whatever you want. But you will need to live somewhere else for a few days.

How to fight bedbugs using ozone

But even this method will not help get rid of bed house mites in one go. If the level of infestation is high, 3-4 applications per week will be required for 4-5 weeks. In addition, you need a powerful ozonizer and clogged windows/doors and ventilation ducts. They place it in the affected room, but leave the doors to all others open. In an average-sized room, the ozonizer should operate for at least 10 hours. Considering the fact that it consumes a lot of energy, the pleasure is not cheap.

There is no need to spray ozone - it will penetrate into all the cracks on its own.
But this is strong poison!
The ozonizer must be turned on/off remotely (throw the extension cord/carrying device outside). After turning off, wait a day, after which you can jump in wearing a respirator (preferably a gas mask), open the windows and jump back out. Airing will end in about another day. If the required ozone concentration has been achieved, you will get rid of all fauna in the house, including bedbugs.

Once again: ozone is a powerful poison. Be extremely careful. But along with the bedbugs, it will also destroy their smell.

"From bedbugs"

The simple name of this product should not be misleading - the powder actually copes well with dangerous and unpleasant “neighbors” in many cases. Another advantage is that it acts on insects that are resistant to other drugs.

The active ingredient of the powder is acetamiprid 20% - an insecticide with systemic, intestinal and contact action. By disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses, the substance leads the insect to severe overexcitation and death. The insecticide acts very quickly and retains a residual effect for up to 21 days.

The disadvantage of the active substance is that it is not stable in the environment. Therefore, the manufacturer for the drug “From bedbugs” has developed a composition that retains the activity and integrity of acetamiprid for 3 weeks.

To treat surfaces, make a working solution in a proportion of 5 g per 1 liter. It is odorless and leaves no marks on surfaces. The solution is sprayed into cracks, along the baseboard, along the perimeter of frames, along the wooden parts of upholstered furniture, mattresses and the insides of removable upholstered parts of sofas and armchairs are treated.

You will not be disappointed in the product if you purchase Indian-made powder. The trouble is that many fakes quickly appeared on the market, so you need to be picky when choosing a seller of goods.

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Clean house

  • Country of origin: Russia
  • Ready-to-use spray with a volume of 400 milliliters
  • Main active ingredients – alphacypermethrin 0.10% + tetramethrin 0.10%
  • Price ≈ 250 rubles

Has a chamomile scent. Suitable for local treatment of furniture, objects and surfaces. One bottle is enough to treat an area of ​​up to 50 square meters.


"Agran" is a budget product with an excellent destructive effect. Its composition is original for the Russian market. The active ingredients of "Agrana" are:

  • Cypermethrin at a concentration of 5% is a second generation pyrethroid, a neurotoxic poison that can quickly penetrate the integument of bedbugs, disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis of the insect and inevitable death. Cypermethrin is able to maintain its activity on surfaces for up to 2 weeks: during this time it kills and repels parasites;
  • chlorpyrifos at a concentration of 50% is an organophosphorus insecticide. Penetrating into the body of a bug, it first causes convulsive muscle activity and then paralyzes the insect. Depending on the type of surface, temperature, and other factors, chlorpyrifos can actively destroy insects from 3 weeks to 2 months. However, after several uses, bedbugs develop group resistance to the substance.

The disadvantages of "Agran" are quite high toxicity for humans and animals, a pungent and persistent odor on certain surfaces, loss of effectiveness with repeated use. The drug is classified as a professional product, therefore its use must be in strict accordance with the instructions and personal safety measures.

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For the most part, carbamate-containing agents are considered auxiliary drugs for baiting bedbugs. The most famous of them is Effective-Ultra, which is quite effective, but extremely expensive and consumable. We use it extremely rarely, in cases where, after several treatments, the bedbugs could not be eradicated with other drugs.


This is one of the most used tools in a professional environment, and now in everyday life. The drug destroys not only bedbugs, but also many other insects, even ixodid ticks. The indisputable advantage of For-Site is its long-lasting residual effect, which for bedbugs is about 2 months, depending on the conditions of use.

The active ingredient of the product is fenthion, which has an acute contact and intestinal effect. Once in the body, fenthion disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses, all body systems are paralyzed, and as a result the bug dies.

The manufacturer claims that For-Site has a “viral effect.”

The disadvantage and at the same time the advantage of the drug is its high toxicity, including for humans and animals. Therefore, any treatment with For-Site is carried out in protective suits and masks, and use in children's rooms, playrooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, and hospital wards is prohibited.

For humans, fenthion in For-Site is dangerous because, like in insects (but to a lesser extent), it affects:

  • on the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • on the heart, blood vessels;
  • on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth.

In case of severe poisoning, inhalation of the drug can cause involuntary muscle contraction and paralysis. Therefore, even despite the high effectiveness of the product, it is better to entrust its use to professionals.

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Top 4. Xulate C25

Rating (2021): 4.25

20 reviews taken into account from resources: Ozon, Otzovik

  • Characteristics

    Price: 1000 rub.

  • Country: South Korea
  • Substance: chlorpyrifos 25%
  • Action: from 5 months

"Xulat S25" is an effective way to combat bedbugs even where other drugs have failed. All thanks to the concentrated composition with chlorpyrifos. However, the product is available in 50 ml jars, and it may not be enough to treat a large house or apartment. A characteristic such as smell deserves special attention. The manufacturer assures that it is completely absent, and this is indeed the case, but not in all batches. Some customers leave reviews about an unpleasant aroma, which may be due to a reduced concentration of fragrances or the freshness of the drug. In terms of effectiveness, the poison suits about 70% of people who bought it. And the lack of results after use is often due to non-compliance with the instructions.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Long-lasting residual effect after the first application
  • Does not contain pyrethroids
  • The presence of odor depends on the batch


CrossFire is one of the newest bed bug treatments. The concentrate contains 2 active ingredients for double action - rapid and residual activity:

  • Metofluthrin is an effective pyrethroid developed by Japanese scientists. Under field conditions, metofluthrin vapor can repel up to 97% of mosquitoes. Upon direct contact, the substance has a neurotoxic effect, disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses and causes the death of insects;
  • clothianidin is an insecticide with pronounced contact, intestinal and systemic effects, especially effective against sucking insects. Upon contact, clothianidin acts immediately and blocks nerve impulses. As a result of exposure, bedbugs and other insects die from nervous overexcitation.

The combination of these two substances with stabilizers guarantees a quick and long-lasting effect of application - killing and repelling. Chemically stable after drying, the residue of the drug on surfaces begins to destroy the population almost instantly (3-5 minutes after penetration into the insect’s exoskeleton) and continues for 3-4 weeks.

The product targets all stages of the bedbug's life and is designed to completely destroy insect eggs, which are extremely resistant to external influences.

The most important advantage of CrossFire is its minimal danger to humans and pets, and if the instructions are followed, its complete absence. In the European Union, where they are especially scrupulous about safety issues, CrossFire is the only drug for this purpose! - There is no “signal word” for toxicity.

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Top 3. Eco-Guardian

Rating (2021): 4.29

32 reviews taken into account from resources: Ozon, Yandex.Market

The most environmentally friendly powder The composition contains natural ingredients and an extract of grass that bedbugs are afraid of.

  • Characteristics

    Price: 649 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Substance: diatomite 95%
  • Hazard class: VI
  • Action: up to 1 year

Among powders, Eco-Guardian stands out for its high efficiency and safety, because it does not contain aggressive chemicals. Among the advantages are also the complete absence of odor and a convenient bottle for use. The drug is available in different packaging, you can choose it for a specific area and do not store it after opening. The effectiveness of the fight against bedbugs in apartments is confirmed by customer reviews; the drug is often called better and more effective than other products. But the result does not come too quickly: natural compositions require accumulation of the effect. Because of this, negative reviews also arise, convincing that the poison does not work.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Long residual effect
  • Complete absence of chemistry
  • Not suitable for walls and ceilings
  • Cumulative effect – results in 3-5 weeks

See also:

  • 15 best aphid remedies

What is better anyway?

It’s better to turn to professional pest control for bedbugs. There are several arguments for this position:

  • you do not risk your health by diluting, spraying toxic chemicals or dusting surfaces with powders;
  • you will not be able to independently find and treat all the places and secluded corners where bedbugs hide, because the insects themselves are extremely small, the eggs are almost invisible, and the behavior of bedbugs is determined by the specific habitat;
  • professionals use strong and long-acting professional drugs that completely destroy populations, while staying in the premises is completely safe for apartment residents;
  • the use of modern technical devices for drip spraying makes it possible to treat 100% of surfaces and crevices, holes with microscopic gaps.

Success when contacting professional exterminators is guaranteed. The main thing, as in the case of choosing household insecticides, is to contact a reliable company with licenses and certificates, including for the use of chemicals. If they are, then the company has permission to work in residential and other premises.

Another important point is drawing up a processing agreement. A serious, responsible contractor himself proposes to draw up an Agreement with the obligations of the parties, a description of the work and its cost.

Accompanying services:

  1. Top 10 most effective cockroach repellents in 2022
  2. Ticks in the Moscow region 2020
  3. Fufanon for bedbugs
  4. Steam generator for bedbugs
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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