Top 10 most effective cockroach repellents in 2022

Having cockroaches in the house is a problem. And it's not just about the aesthetic side of the issue. These insects are truly dangerous to humans. Since cockroaches live in contaminated areas of a house or apartment, microbes accumulate on their bodies. The insects themselves are immune to the negative effects of microorganisms, but people or pets can become infected. Fungal diseases, urological infections, even pneumonia - all this is carried by the cockroach. Pests cause allergic reactions in some people. In particularly severe cases, this can cause anaphylactic shock and death.

Separately, it is worth highlighting red cockroaches. Not only do they eat your food and spread germs, but they also bite. There are known cases where they ate the skin and eyelashes of babies. This is why pests should be dealt with immediately after they are detected.

You can buy an effective anti-cockroach remedy over the counter, but most of these drugs have a “mild” effect. They are classified as hazard classes 3 and 4; more powerful poisons can only be used by special services. But even among household poisons, there are still effective remedies for cockroaches that can be successfully used in the fight against parasites.

The best solution for a comprehensive approach to bedbug extermination is our do-it-yourself kit. You can order a kit for treating your apartment against insects and find out the price from consultants using the phone numbers on the website. Our specialists measure the required dose of insecticides separately for each apartment, based on its square footage.

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It is classified as a moderately dangerous drug and has a hazard class of 3. Domestic produced anti-cockroach product. The drug is a suspension of microcapsules that fights not only adults, but also insect eggs. Created on the basis of the substance chlorpyrifos.

The benefits of the product include:

  • Possibility of use in different premises: in residential buildings, basements, hotels and catering establishments, kindergartens and hospitals, garbage collections.
  • No pungent odor, has a light citrus aroma.
  • A strong remedy for cockroaches, but if all safety rules are followed, it is not harmful to humans. When processing the room, do not forget about respiratory protection with a respirator; you should also wear gloves.
  • Insects die within 2 weeks.
  • The drug protects against re-infection with parasites for six months.
  • After application, it leaves no traces on furniture, floor coverings and wallpaper.
  • You can carry out the procedure yourself, without contacting specialists.
  • The same drug is often used by SES workers to treat residential and industrial buildings.

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The best cockroach repellers

Repellers do not destroy insects, but thanks to ultrasonic or magnetic resonance waves they negatively affect their nervous system and force them to leave the room.

They can get rid of a small population of parasites, but are more often used for prevention or in combination with other means.

Tornado OT.02 – dual-mode repeller



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The tornado simultaneously generates ultrasonic signals and light flashes, which irritate cockroaches and other insects.

Thanks to an automatic program for changing the wave frequency within 1-3 Hz, the parasites do not have time to get used to this effect and quickly leave the building.

The device has a wide operating area – up to 200 sq.m. The device is connected to an outlet and consumes only 10 W. The repeller is safe for pets and people - they simply do not react to it.


  • Unlimited period of use;
  • Automatic frequency change;
  • Combination of ultrasound and light flashes;
  • Compact dimensions (30x75x105 mm);
  • Safety for people;
  • Wide area of ​​influence.


  • High price.

Tornado OT.02 is suitable for residential and industrial premises, is an excellent means of preventing the appearance of insects and can easily cope with a small or medium population of cockroaches.


This product was developed by Dutch chemists and appeared in Russia relatively recently. The drug contains several potent elements: cypermethrin, synergist dicarboximide, chlorpyrifos. This composition was created specifically; it takes into account the high endurance of parasites and the ability to adapt to different types of poisons. In addition to poisons, it contains synergists; they significantly increase the toxicity of other components. Hazard class 3. The drug affects the intestinal tract and nervous system. The effective formula easily penetrates the thick chitinous cover and kills the little locust in a short period of time. The smallest capsules stick to the limbs of insects, as a result of which they enter the habitats of parasites and kill the entire population of pests. It is considered the best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment; it can also be used in non-residential premises.


  • Can be used in children's and medical institutions.
  • The emulsion consists of tiny capsules that begin to act 2-3 hours after contact with the chitinous cover of the pest.
  • An effective composition of 2 poisons and a synergist.
  • The duration of action is 1-1.5 months.
  • Safety for people, four-legged pets, asthmatics and allergy sufferers.
  • Professional remedy for cockroaches, used by SES employees.
  • After use it does not leave marks on treated surfaces.

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Dr. Claus (Doctor Claus) aerosol against ants, cockroaches (from crawling)

This aerosol kills cockroaches in hard-to-reach places and prevents their further appearance. Long-term drug, the effect of which lasts up to 23 months. It is enough to spray it on the surfaces of baseboards, cracks, and the backs of furniture and ventilate the room well after 15 minutes.

The aerosol is equipped with a nozzle that creates a long jet that penetrates into the most inaccessible places and deep crevices. Active ingredients: tetramethrin, cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide.


The combined drug was developed by Indian scientists and is classified as hazard class 3. Shows excellent results not only in the fight against cockroaches, but is also effective in killing bedbugs, fleas and moths. Many experts recognize Agran as the best remedy for cockroaches. The drug is based on two strong poisons: chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin in high concentrations. Therefore, etching remains effective, because if insects show resistance to one type of poison, then they will certainly be affected by the second component. This “killer” formula allows you to see the first results 1-3 days after treating the room. The drug acts through the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. The effect after treatment lasts for 4-9 weeks.

The advantages of the drug include:

  • Possibility of use in premises of different purposes: from residential to industrial. It is used in catering establishments, hotels, kindergartens and schools.
  • A complex of two toxic substances.
  • Provides long-lasting protection against insects.
  • Economical.
  • Inexpensive price. You can purchase a remedy for cockroaches in your apartment at a cost of 450 rubles per 100 ml.

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Recommended products

Remedies for cockroaches

Let's consider the most effective cockroach repellents currently used, ranking them according to their effectiveness.


GEKTOR – anti-cockroach remedy

GEKTOR (for cockroaches) A ​​highly effective powder product designed specifically for the fight against cockroaches . The patented triple impact formula makes it impossible for insects to avoid death.

GEKTOR against cockroaches belongs to the 4th hazard class (a similar class to table salt) , making the use of this product absolutely safe in rooms with children or bedridden patients.


  • Without smell
  • Works on chemically addicted cockroaches
  • Safe for children and animals


  • Disadvantages include dusting during processing

VIDEO: How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment using GEKTOR

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment using GEKTOR

TOP 10 Best remedies for cockroaches in an apartment or private house (2019) + Reviews

Gel bait "GEKTOR"

Gel bait "GEKTOR"

Gel bait “GEKTOR” The purpose of the product is to attract and poison the insect. To accomplish the first, the product uses a combined food bait, and not the usual sweet syrup, as in conventional gels.

This bait can attract even the most finicky cockroaches. The poison used inside poisons the insect even with ordinary touch.

Action doesn't happen instantly. This is done so that the cockroach has time to return to the nest and infect its relatives.


  • Deprives insects of the ability to reproduce
  • Long lasting effect
  • Easy to apply
  • No smell


  • The effect occurs two weeks after use
  • Price


Ultrasonic Oscillator

Ultrasound is a new tool for insect control. It began to gain popularity about 20 years ago. Naturally, it is non-chemical and completely harmless to humans, but many people doubt its effectiveness.

Despite the fact that ultrasound can indeed cause discomfort in cockroaches, with frequent or constant use of such means, insects develop a kind of immunity to high-frequency sounds.


  • does not pose a threat to humans
  • when used for the first time, it can scare away many individuals and make them leave


  • repeated applications significantly reduce the effectiveness of the product
  • negative impact on pets and animals (they, unlike humans, hear ultrasound)

Boric acid

Boric acid sachets

Boric acid is essentially a folk remedy, the effectiveness of which, although high, is unstable. On the other hand, it is a relatively safe product, since it can be used in cases where it is not possible to use something more chemically active. The reason for the impossibility of using stronger drugs may be the presence of children or pets in the house, allergies of the owners, etc.

The product gained popularity among the population due to its very low cost and sufficient effectiveness. When the drug enters the body of insects, it kills them within a few days.

An alternative to boric acid with yolk is sweetened borax.

If you don’t want to bother with mixing components or rolling balls, you can simply sprinkle boric acid or borax powder in places where insects move (under furniture, baseboards, etc.). However, the effectiveness of such use of funds will be much lower.


  • low price
  • safety for humans


  • it is necessary to constantly update baits
  • in the case of an additional food source, cockroaches may not eat baits at all

The acid is rarely used in its pure form. To use it, you need to make a bait. To do this, take a raw or boiled egg yolk and mix it with one packet (10 g) of boric acid. The resulting mixture is rolled into balls or sausages and laid out in places where insects accumulate or along their routes of movement.


Product in different versions

Dichlorvos Timeless classic. The composition, invented more than half a century ago, has still not lost its relevance. Modern versions of this insecticide are practically odorless, however, their toxicity is still high.

The product belongs to toxicity class 3, that is, it is dangerous for both humans and pets.

The main active ingredients of the “updated” dichlorvos are:

  • permethrin
  • tetramethrin
  • dimethyl sulfoxide

All of them are broad-spectrum insecticides and can be used against various breeds of cockroaches.


  • a direct hit on a cockroach or larva guarantees the death of the pest
  • ideal for repelling “scout cockroaches”, the appearance of which precedes the migration of insect colonies


  • high toxicity
  • the “old” versions have an unpleasant smell
  • cockroaches become resistant to the product

Dichlorvos is used by spraying it directly on insects, or on larvae, in places where there are concentrations of cockroaches.


Chalk pencil “Mashenka”

Mashenka One of the simplest, but very effective remedies, which is very popular. It is a contact insecticide in the form of a chalk.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • deltamethrin
  • zeta-cypermethrin

The substance has a toxicity class of 4. That is, although it is toxic for people and pets, it poses a minimal threat.

The chalk is used in the following way: it is used not only to treat places where insects accumulate and their routes , but also for prevention purposes on the bottom and side walls of furniture, doorways, thresholds of rooms where cockroaches have not yet appeared, etc.

The insects eat the chalk material and die within 24 hours. After opening the package, the active substances included in the chalk last no more than 1 week. Usually, uninvited guests leave exactly at this time.


  • safe to use
  • odorless, does not cause allergies


  • short duration of action (only 1 week)
  • with large numbers of “guests” the effectiveness of the product is very low

Typically, the source of cockroaches (for example, a vent or some plumbing openings) is treated with several thick lines around the perimeter so that cockroaches cannot bypass them.

Traps "Combat"

Traps of the "Combat" product

Traps "Combat" Also a fairly well-known product, which is a disk trap for cockroaches with several inputs and outputs. Inside the disk there is a large bait containing hydramethylnon.

The trap is designed in such a way that when a cockroach gets into it, it touches the bait. After this, the insect tastes the bait and eats it. The death of the insect occurs within a few hours. At the same time, the bait substance remaining on the body of the dead cockroach continues to act.

In addition, a cockroach that comes running to the nest spreads particles of the substance on its paws and antennae among other insects, thus poisoning them.


  • the product is non-toxic
  • does not cause allergies
  • convenient to use
  • cockroaches do not have time to develop immunity to the product


  • a large number of disks are required even for small colonies of cockroaches

The duration of action for the complete destruction of the colony is about two weeks. When unpacked, the drug remains effective for about 3 months.

Gel "Dohlox"

Gel and traps "Dohloks"

Gel "Dohloks" is a powerful insecticide (at first use), made in the form of a gel. The active ingredient of Dohlox is fipronil. It is considered a drug with low toxicity. It is assigned toxicity class 4.

The effect of the drug on insects is based on the nerve-paralytic principle. Cockroaches are seized with partial paralysis, and most of them die within 6-8 hours.

The release form of the drug is a tube in the form of a syringe with a characteristic tip. The gel squeezed out from it should be applied in places where insects live or move in a thin dotted line.

The product can also be used to treat door hinges, legs of tables and chairs, and the space under the refrigerator. The effect of the drug begins almost immediately. Insects slow down, they are in no hurry to hide from danger, and they ignore food sources.

After 6-8 hours, the stage of paralysis begins. Cockroaches first lose limbs and head muscles, and then they die. The mortality rate after 8 hours was 99%.

But the above picture is observed if the cockroach has taken the full dose. If the dose is smaller, the process may take 2-3 days. And in some cases, cockroaches can survive.


  • efficiency
  • low cost
  • ease of use
  • low toxicity


  • if the amount of the drug is insufficient, insects develop resistance to it
  • to increase efficiency requires combination with other means - sprays or traps

Therefore, in order to avoid surviving cockroaches getting used to the product, you need to simultaneously use an additional insecticide in the form of something non-hazardous or slightly toxic.

Get tool

Get tool

Get product New generation insecticide. It is a rebranding of the semi-professional Gett product and is available in the form of granules. The granules contain a highly concentrated, broad-spectrum toxin. The product can be used not only against cockroaches, but also against other pests - ants, bedbugs, fleas and so on.

The active substance of the drug is chlorpyrifos. This drug is practically harmless to humans and pets.

The product is used as follows: it is diluted in water in a concentration of one to ten and sprayed over the surface using a spray bottle. Potential places where cockroaches gather and their possible routes of movement are subject to treatment. These areas should not be washed or otherwise treated for a month. Half of the insects die within the first week, the rest die within about a month.

In addition, the product is used in high concentrations to create baits. They can be made, for example, from bread, breadcrumbs obtained from rolls, or porridge. The simultaneous use of spraying and bait increases the effectiveness of the drug several times.


  • high efficiency
  • low toxicity
  • no odor


  • high price

In addition, the effect of the drug has a significant duration over time. In this case, an artificial “barrier” is created that prevents the listed types of pests from entering the house for quite a long time.


Regent in powder form

Regent is a complex drug from BASF that has both intestinal and contact effects. The initial purpose is to exterminate the Colorado potato beetle, however, the drug is also successfully used against cockroaches.

The form of release of the product can be different - from ampoules and capsules to powder or granules. The concentration used depends on the size of the insect colony.

The active substance of Regent is fipronil. This substance poses a certain danger to humans and belongs to toxicity class 2.

It is recommended to work with the product using the following precautions:

  • use gloves
  • use a respirator
  • After treating the room, you must leave it for at least 2 hours

On the second day after treatment, the room must be thoroughly washed and ventilated.


  • high efficiency
  • no odor


  • high toxicity
  • the effect is short-term

A large number of “guests” will require approximately two capsules per 300 ml of water. The toxic composition should be applied to the surfaces where cockroaches live and move. For small numbers of insects, use half the concentration.

Globol paste

Globol paste

Globol paste Globol anti-cockroach paste is currently the most effective remedy against these insects. The active ingredient in this product is the same chlorpyrifos as in Get. However, its concentration is slightly higher.

The guaranteed effect is observed approximately 10-15 days after starting to use the product.


  • high efficiency
  • the product has proven itself in the fight against large colonies of insects
  • cockroaches have no resistance or immunity to the product


  • practically absent

Despite the higher concentration, the drug is still in toxicity class 4 and does not pose a danger to humans and pets. However, it is better not to come into physical contact with him. The paste is squeezed out into droplets 3-5 mm in diameter in places where insects live. Cockroaches, consuming paste as food, carry it on themselves to different places where other individuals come into contact with it. Death from eating pasta occurs within a few hours, from physical contact - within 24 hours.


An effective remedy for cockroaches in the apartment created by Russian and German chemists. The drug is classified as hazard class 3. Created based on fenthion. Can be used in both residential and industrial buildings. It acts through the respiratory organs of Prussians; chemical vapors enter the body through special tubes, after which paralysis of the insect occurs.

The advantages of the drug include:

  • Shows excellent results not only when fighting adult insects, but also copes with the removal of insect larvae and eggs. There is no need to remove all furniture and other furnishings for treatment; the parasites themselves transfer particles of the product to remote corners of the apartment.
  • High efficiency. Insects die 24 hours after the first treatment.
  • It helps to get rid of not only cockroaches, but also shows excellent results in the fight against fleas, bedbugs, and flies.
  • Does not have a strong unpleasant odor and can be used in children's rooms.
  • Does not leave marks on treated surfaces.
  • Subject to respiratory and skin protection measures, it has no harmful effects on humans.

Prevention of the problem

It will not be possible to get rid of cockroaches forever if you do not follow preventive measures. After all, chemicals and folk remedies can give temporary results, but they cannot eliminate the possibility of these annoying pests reappearing in the house.

Wet cleaning

When carrying out wet cleaning, it is recommended to periodically add essential oils or vinegar. You should also thoroughly wipe all secluded places, as cockroaches do not tolerate cleanliness.

Removing food debris

Do not leave food crumbs or leftovers on the table. After all, this is a food source for cockroaches. The lack of free access to food will force insects to go in search of more favorable living conditions.

Trash Bin Insulation

In everyday life, you should use a trash can with a tight-fitting lid. This will prevent insects from getting inside. You should also take the bucket out regularly and rinse thoroughly each time, which will eliminate the possibility of food waste smelling.

Application of funds

Sometimes insecticides should be used to prevent re-infection. For this, traps and gels containing slow-acting poisons are best suited. They also guarantee a long period of protection and eliminate the possibility of mass reproduction.

Eliminating paths

To forget about cockroaches forever, you need to eliminate the ways they enter the house. These nimble insects are able to enter a person’s home through cracks in the floor and walls. In this case, you need to carry out cosmetic repairs and seal all the holes. Insects also enter the apartment through the ventilation. And to prevent this, it is necessary to seal the hatches with a fine mesh, through the holes of which the pest will not be able to get through.

The use of special means cannot completely eliminate the likelihood of cockroaches appearing in your home, but reduces it to a minimum. But such drugs must be used taking into account the instructions for use and without exceeding the dosage specified by the manufacturer. Otherwise, disinfestation may negatively affect the well-being of all residents of the house.

Anti-cockroach spray Dichlorvos Neo

Dichlorvos Neo is an insecticide that includes a number of effective organophosphorus compounds.
It should be noted that from the moment of the creation of Dichlorvos Neo until today, its composition has not fundamentally changed. There was no need to adjust the composition, since over many years the insect was not able to develop immunity against the poisons that make up the substance. These include substances that are dangerous to the life of insects, such as permethrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin. They are contact insecticides with improved permeability. A few hours after treatment, they cause paralysis and death of the insect. During the process of disinfestation with Dichlorvos Neo, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of the room, since the drug quickly breaks down in the open air. In addition, you should take care of the safety of your pets. It poses a danger to mammals, birds, fish and beneficial insects. The person carrying out the disinfestation procedure must wear a mask that protects the respiratory tract from toxic fumes. You can return to the room after the vapor has settled. One package is enough to treat a room of approximately thirty square meters.


  • high efficiency;
  • reasonable price.


  • requires repeated use;
  • Strict adherence to safety measures is required.

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Cockroaches in the house are a problem for humans

The cockroach is one of the most tenacious creatures on Earth. Man was able to count as many as 4,200 species of these insects, at least not in his kitchen, but in the wild. They have a rather bad reputation, and they are treated with great disgust. It is believed that they are the only ones who can survive after the end of the world. However, only one percent of the entire species diversity can actually harm a person, and these are not those harmless nasty “Prussians” who live in our apartments.

Cockroaches are able to adapt to any environment harmful to them, which is why the fight against them is so difficult and at the same time fascinating for chemists, who are challenged by these small but tenacious insects - who will win? Fortunately for us, chemists have not given up yet, and they are creating more and more new products that only temporarily act on cockroaches. And those, like the Phoenix bird, are able to rise not only from the ashes, but also after the most lethal “dichlorvos” of the new generation.

If your neighbor lives next to you and is a fan of breeding these pet “animals,” then you will not be able to avoid their attacks. They are able to hide in cracks several millimeters thick, and you don’t live in a sealed capsule, so they will find you and definitely visit you. Cockroaches are very curious, constantly exploring new territories and are able to communicate with each other, reporting on new interesting places.

A cockroach can survive even without its head and will be quite active for several weeks. As a result, he will die of thirst, but one can only envy his vitality.

These nimble insects brazenly sleep in millimeter-thick crevices for three quarters of their lives, neither visible nor heard. But during the waking period, they have a blast and actively populate your living space with new populations.

By the way, people became so accustomed to the unpleasant presence of cockroaches that when they disappeared, they became very worried and fearful for their health and life. It’s not for nothing that the insects have gone somewhere. As you can see, there is nothing better than an enemy at your side - you feel stability.

By the way, our domestic biologists and entomologists from Moscow State University claim that there is no depopulation of cockroaches. They left some places, but appeared in others, more comfortable for them, for example, in sewers and sewer canals. People themselves expelled them from their apartments without even knowing it. As soon as we changed the plumbing and water pipes to plastic ones, condensation and leaks immediately disappeared, mold stopped forming, and this is a delicacy for cockroaches, they love it very much. I had to go to where there was more of it.

It wouldn’t be out of place to say a few words in defense of the “enemy.” These insects destroy the remains of organic matter. Everything that rots and decomposes is food for cockroaches. They destroy waste, the contents of garbage dumps, rotting plants and animal remains. Of course, not alone, but they make their significant contribution.

When cattle were brought to Australia, there were not enough insects capable of processing manure. We had to specially import dung beetles and cockroaches.


Dohlox cockroach killer is available in three different forms: bottles, sachets and syringes. The drug Dohlox is one of the most effective insecticides among the latest generation drugs.

The active ingredient of Dohlox is fipronil. It is a contact and intestinal drug with a wide spectrum of action. When it enters the body, it blocks the passage of a nerve impulse and disrupts the functioning of the insect’s nervous system. The death of pests occurs 8-24 hours after infection from overexcitation of the central nervous system. Throughout this entire time, the cockroach that has been in contact with the insecticide transfers particles of poison to healthy individuals and, in turn, infects them.

In order to attract cockroaches to the poison, special “tasty” insect baits are added to it. It is recommended to place the insecticide on plastic or cardboard substrates. The poisoned bait is effective for three months, which allows you to destroy the pest colony almost completely.


  • thanks to the oily base, it adheres well to vertical surfaces, does not dry out for a long time, maintaining its effect;
  • the insecticide is low toxic to mammals;
  • easily washed off after use;
  • has a convenient packaging form;
  • does not emit harmful substances.


  • Before use, you must wear gloves;
  • You should be especially careful if there are small children in the house.

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Causes of cockroaches

A person’s home has all the conditions for these pests to live. After all, it contains warmth and nutrition. And, if cockroaches appear in the house, then getting rid of them is not so easy, because they are characterized by increased vitality. And only comprehensive treatment can help clear your home of these annoying insects.

Cockroaches are particularly agile and are able to enter the house through any small opening. Initially, pests appear in the basement, and then spread throughout the house in search of food.

The appearance of cockroaches can be caused by untimely removal of food waste and the regular presence of dirty dishes in the sink. Pests are able to move from neighbors through the ventilation hole and cracks if they have carried out the treatment. Moreover, initially one scout cockroach goes in search of better living conditions. And subsequently the entire colony is resettled.

Pests are also able to enter the house through an open door to the entrance, in a bag with things after a business trip, with newly purchased furniture, inside household appliances and with parcels.

Household insecticide for cockroaches Combat

Combat is a highly effective new generation product. It contains the chemical hydramethylnon, an intestinal pesticide. The product is highly active against cockroaches. Insects die within five to ten days after the poison penetrates the body. The drug retains a residual effect for up to two months. The mechanism of action of hydramethylnon is manifested in a disruption of energy metabolism in the cells of the body, a decrease in activity and cessation of the vital functions of the individual.

The effect of the drug is further enhanced by the “tasty” baits it contains, as well as due to the cannibalistic tendencies observed in cockroaches. Smell and taste enhancers attract cockroaches not only directly to the bait, but also to the poisoned dead body of a relative. After eating their own kind, secondary infection occurs and, as a result, the death of insects.

In addition, the drug takes into account such biological characteristics of insects as the sensitivity of olfactory sensors and the ability to navigate the environment by smell. The product turns out to be very effective in cases where it is necessary to lure a cockroach out of a nest that is not accessible. Baits with food toxins can start a chain reaction, as a result of which cockroaches will exterminate themselves.


  • various forms of release: gel, trap, aerosol;
  • high speed of spread within the colony;
  • ease of use;
  • effectiveness of action.


  • you should be careful when purchasing. Due to the popularity of the drug, there is a possibility of purchasing a counterfeit product.

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Which one should you choose in the end?

Seeing all this variety, the obvious question arises - what to choose in the end? There are several factors to consider:

  • budget. The difference between effective expensive products and cheap analogues can reach 1000 rubles, and sometimes one package may not be enough;
  • living conditions. If you have cats, dogs, or small children at home, it is better to choose a product that they cannot come into contact with. That is, for example, scattering powder all over the floor is not the best solution;
  • time of action. Some products are so toxic that you will have to leave the house for a while and then use a mop. But quickly. If this is not an option, you will have to use long-lasting products.

Thus, if you need to quickly and harshly deal with cockroaches, you should choose professional preparations used by SES services - Combat, “Delicia” (aerosols), “Raptor” (gel), “Clean House”, “Tsifoks” (powder). With a modest budget, you can purchase the “Clean House” line and use it comprehensively.

If time is of the essence, it is better to use “Fas” or “Raptor” in the form of gels, plus additionally wash the floors with “Averfos”, it is already sold as a diluted liquid in canisters. If gels are not an option, you can look at Tarol Volkova. Although it needs time to warm up, there should be no cockroaches left within a week.

As a preventive measure, it is worth using long-lasting products - crayons, powders and traps. Gels are impractical - they fizzle out quickly.

Interesting. For environmentalists, there are also folk remedies, such as one teaspoon of vinegar, 0.5 water and 3-5 drops of essential oil. Everything is mixed and added to a spray bottle or humidifier. Thus, the apartment is completely ozonized, without harm to humans. But the result is low.

Cockroaches have lived hand in hand with people for thousands of years. During this time, many ways and means of combating them were invented. Although Prussians are tenacious, it has been found that insecticides pose a real danger to them. Therefore, when buying poison, you need to pay attention to the composition. If fipronil and chlorpyrifos are not in the first positions, most likely the drug will not be effective. Each of the above drugs has received hundreds of rave reviews, and you need to choose based on convenience and budget.

Delicia for cockroaches

The Delicia product line includes various forms of cockroach repellent: spray, aerosol, bait, powder, tablet lens. The effect of the drug is due to the properties of the insecticides included in its composition. Delicia is characterized by a residual insecticidal effect, which persists for two to four weeks from the moment of disinfestation.

Delicia lenses are small granules (tablets) packed in a blister. The active component of the insecticide is chlorpyrifos. This substance causes complete death of the insect after 12-48 hours. after contact. The mechanism of action of the drug is manifested in disruption of the passage of nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the muscles, followed by tremor, paralysis and death of the insect. Before using the drug, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory procedures:

  • clean the premises;
  • exclude sources of moisture;
  • Pack food products in hermetically sealed bags.

Then you need to put on gloves, remove the tablets from the blister, and place them in places where insects move. Exclude children's access.

Delicia universal aerosol contains substances that are not addictive to insects: pyrethrin, permethrin, piperonyl butoxide. Pests die immediately after contact with treated surfaces. Before use, the above procedures should be carried out. Then you need to shake the can and spray the substance in the insect habitats.

Delicia professional spray contains high concentrations of permethrin, bioallethrin and piperonyl butoxide. The death of individuals is observed almost immediately after spraying.

Delicia powder is packaged in tubes with a salt shaker attachment. Powder granules contain chlorpyrifos poison, which has a paralyzing effect on cockroaches.

Delicia box bait contains an attractant - a chemical substance that causes cockroaches to be attracted to the source of the odor - as well as the poisonous substance chlorpyrifos. A cockroach, attracted by the smell of an attractant, eats the bait, becomes infected, infects its relatives and dies.


  • drugs are designed for any degree of infection;
  • There are various forms of release;
  • high efficiency;
  • convenient packaging.


  • the need for isolation from power sources and moisture.

Go to the store

Why are nasty insects dangerous?

Cockroaches are tenacious and can survive without food or water. They can be frozen, but it is impossible to make a freezer from your own apartment. Why are small bugs dangerous?

Moving through many rooms in a day allows the cockroach to drag a huge number of infections, pathogenic bacteria and helminth eggs on its legs and back. Everything can end up on the dining table and food cabinets. And then get into a person’s mouth and the troubles will become very strong.

Many girls are afraid even of the sight of cockroaches. When uninvited guests appear, many begin to experience neurosis and various manifestations of illness, including hypertension. Many people are afraid to fall asleep, develop insomnia, and as a result get more serious illnesses.

Recently, doctors have begun to diagnose allergies to cockroaches. The etiology of the disease can be manifested by a runny nose, sneezing, itching and eczema on the skin. If symptoms persist for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor. And you need to get rid of unpleasant guests without waiting for serious complications.

Causes of cockroaches

The main nuisance is the movement of adult individuals throughout all premises. Cockroaches can be brought into a house from the street, factories, or other apartments. But often they crawl on their own through any cracks in apartments. Through toilets, baths. They can climb elevator shafts, basement entrances, or just streets.

People often associate the appearance of cockroaches with the opening of grocery stores, cafes or restaurants nearby. Malicious insects love such places and appear there with regularity. If the source is located there, it is necessary to contact the management of the establishment and fight together.

Try to find out the source of the appearance. This will help prevent the insects from reappearing and get rid of them forever. Even if one individual gets into an apartment under good conditions, it will instantly multiply, and exterminating them is quite difficult and time-consuming.

Prevention of cockroaches

You need to fight them at home regularly. Where to start a complex struggle with your own hands? Let's start with prevention:

  • regular cleaning of the premises;
  • constant ventilation of kitchen cabinets and careful inspection from the inside;
  • timely disposal of food residues;
  • take out the garbage every day, and if food waste appears, you should get rid of it immediately;
  • block access to water, do not leave glasses or water for watering plants in the open.

Also, do not eat in rooms other than the kitchen. By having breakfast in the bedroom, you risk dragging cockroaches into your resting place, and this is completely unpleasant: waking up with something crawling on your body.

All remedies are good against cockroaches

You can use homemade recipes, but according to buyers, it is better to immediately purchase cockroach control products in specialized stores. Insecticides are almost always chemical agents, with varying effects on the insect’s body. All of them are designed for the mass destruction of individuals, not only those that move on the surface of furniture, but also the destruction of eggs that have just hatched.

Many people use an ancient remedy - acid. Most often, the fight begins by spraying or moistening the cabinets with acetic acid. There are many different offers in the trading network with boric acid, both in the form of dry powder and for preparing a solution.

There are many types of drugs, you need to choose the optimal one for your conditions and immediately start using:

  • powders and crayons;
  • gels and pastes:
  • traps;
  • aerosols and spray;
  • ultrasonic repellers.

Each product has a set of advantages and disadvantages. Not all products can be used in apartments where there are small children and pets.

Raptor gel

An effective insecticide developed and manufactured using advanced technologies. The product has a gel-like consistency and contains lambda-cyhalothrin, a unique substance that has contact, residual and intestinal effects. The neurotoxic effect of the substance manifests itself in disruption of the passage of nerve impulses and destruction of the cockroach’s nervous system. After contact with the poison, the pest becomes paralyzed and unable to perform any actions. As a result of this, he dies. The death of the insect occurs no less than a day after treatment. The insecticide has a long-lasting residual effect and can be spread by transmission from an infected individual to a healthy one. This method can infect and destroy almost the entire colony of pests.

To attract more cockroaches, manufacturers included attractants in the gel. The poisonous substance smells of apricot and vanilla - everything that cockroaches like. In order to protect the gel consistency from drying out quickly, moisture-retaining components are added to the insecticide.


  • the gel is effective as a stand-alone product and as an addition to other drugs;
  • contains attractants with high attractive properties;
  • allows you to preserve the surfaces of the room;
  • holds well on the insect body;
  • easily removed after use.


  • requires significant expenditure.

Go to the store

The best traps for cockroaches

Insect traps kill insects slowly, but are the safest for people and pets.

Such devices always have bait inside, impregnated with aromatic substances, but the principle of operation may differ.

In glue traps, parasites simply stick and die over time, electric traps kill them with an electric shock, and insecticidal traps poison the host and his relatives upon contact.

Combat New SuperBait – a universal trap



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buyers recommend this product

An insecticidal trap lures cockroaches and other crawling and sometimes flying insects inside. Its active ingredients infect the parasite it encounters, but do not kill it immediately, being transmitted through contact to other individuals in the colony.

As a result, the destruction of 98% of the entire population takes 1-2 weeks. However, the trap itself continues to “work” for another month. The device is safe for people and pets and does not emit unpleasant odors.


  • Double impact;
  • Destruction of hatched young animals;
  • Versatility of use;
  • Safety for people and pets;
  • Long period of validity.


  • After drying it becomes unusable.

Using a Combat trap you can get rid of a large population of insects - even those that will not come into direct contact with it.

GoGreen – electric insect trap



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buyers recommend this product

This trap lures cockroaches inside and kills them instantly with a high-voltage shock. At the same time, the closed design makes it safe for children and pets.

Both specialized products (gels) and ordinary food, including bread crumbs, can be used as bait.

One device is enough to protect a room of 40 square meters. Power is provided through an external source with a USB port, but the trap can also be connected to a regular outlet using an adapter.


  • Reusable;
  • Instant destruction of insects;
  • Availability of LED indicator;
  • Easy to install.


  • Not suitable for rooms without sockets.

GoGreen is an effective home trap that will kill all cockroaches that crawl into it. But precisely because of its principle of action, it is not suitable for combating a large colony - it is exclusively a protective agent, and it is better to use it for preventive purposes.

Forsyth is an effective glue trap



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buyers recommend this product

The glue trap is designed for mechanical capture and destruction of insects. It is extremely simple and consists of a folding cardboard box with a sticky bottom.

Inside it are placed tablets with an aromatic bait, but without toxic or other harmful substances.

The lifespan of the trap is at least 45 days, although insects will typically fill the sticky surface much more quickly.

If there is a large population, it will be necessary to use more than one such trap, but it is better not to place new boxes at once, but to add them gradually with a break of 1-2 days.


  • Low price;
  • Efficiency;
  • Ease of use;
  • Safety for humans.


  • Disposable;
  • Eliminates only adults.

The Forsythe glue trap is suitable only for rooms with a small number of cockroaches or as an auxiliary and not an independent means of control.

Aerosol Raid

Raid is a product that allows you to quickly clear a room of cockroaches. In order to fully treat an apartment, it is enough to spray one bottle of Raid. The components that make up the insecticide have a high damaging effect. Among them, the most important are cypermethrin (a chemical compound included in the group of contact-intestinal pesticides) and imiprothrin (a synthetic pyrethroid created by analogy with the natural one).

Raid has high insecticidal activity and is effective against crawling insects that have developed immunity. Peritroids enter the body of cockroaches through the mouth or chitinous membrane and have a nerve-paralytic effect. Poisons cause hyperactivity, motor dysfunction, convulsions, paralysis and death of insects.

The aerosol form of Raid allows you to spray the toxic substance from the greatest possible distance and uniformly treat the entire area of ​​the room, or act locally, choosing the places where insects are most concentrated.


  • does not leave fingerprints on wrapped surfaces;
  • effective against cockroaches;
  • has a low cost;
  • the drug has no odor;
  • economical.


  • has a short-term effect, approximately two hours;
  • does not work against individuals at the larval stage of development;
  • disappears quickly.

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Clean home universal aerosol

Insecticide, sold in 600 ml bottles. Designed to kill any crawling or flying insects. The main active ingredient of the drug is cypermethrin, which paralyzes the nervous system.

The composition also contains tetramethrin, which blocks the limbs of cockroaches.

One can is enough for a room of 20 m2.

Application technology:

  • shake the can;
  • holding it in a vertical position, press the sprayer, directing the stream to all places where cockroaches can live (cracks, crevices, damp, dark places);
  • ventilate the room (30 minutes is enough).

This universal drug is classified as low-hazard.

How insecticides work

Based on their structure, chemicals are divided into several types. All of them lead to the death of insects by various methods:

  • contact action, when an insect crawls onto a poisonous agent, the active substance enters the body through the legs, which leads to death;
  • contact-intestinal, when the poison enters the insect through edible bait, thereby poisoning the cockroach;
  • nerve paralytic, after contact with the drug, the insect is paralyzed and subsequently dies.

Given this terrible picture, most drugs are not dangerous for people. All of them are produced by industry with acceptable dosages for residential premises. If you bought a premises, and there are an incredible number of cockroaches there, then it is better to turn to specialists. They will provide professional tools and provide instructions on how to carry out treatment at home.

Where to buy insecticides

The most popular places to buy are gardening stores. They sell pest control products for plants and city apartments. There are often departments in large supermarkets where the choice of products is not so large, but the most popular models are always in stock.

At city branches of Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and epidemiological stations, and specialized organizations. Here they most often provide comprehensive services to combat all insects, but many products can be sold in free form.

Online home stores offer facilities similar to garden stores. There you can often find more budget-friendly options, sort by price, read the description and recommendations. It is better to buy unfamiliar products in reliable stores and not risk your health.

What to look for when purchasing

On display there are a lot of products and recommendations on how to get rid of cockroaches. How to choose the best and most effective, and most importantly - not harmful in your case. Carefully study the packaging and apply it to your own conditions.

  • drugs must be safe for all family members; there must be notices about this on the packaging;
  • If you have pets, you need products that are safe for them; powders, crayons, and gels are not recommended. Traps and aerosols will be optimal, subject to the temporary evacuation of everyone from the apartment;
  • the effectiveness of the product, crayons and powders are used more often for prevention and long-term exposure; for an urgent solution to the problem, aerosols and ultrasonic baits would be better;
  • duration of action of the drug, it is better to purchase different durations of action;
  • simplicity and accessibility to use, everything should be easily and accessiblely applied to places where cockroaches accumulate and removed.

When all the selection criteria are taken into account, we buy all the necessary drugs and go home for a real battle with cockroaches.


It has long been a well-known remedy for cockroaches, which has received the status of “folk” and has managed to get into jokes. Looks like a regular piece of white chalk. In principle, this is a pressed mixture of chalk and gypsum with the addition of deltamethrin and zeta-cypermethrin.

The chalk is easily crushed and dissolves in water. The resulting powder or liquid is used to treat the habitats and movement routes of cockroaches. Individuals smeared in the substance or swallowed it die from paralysis on the 4th-5th day. Additionally, gypsum that enters the digestive system “glues” the insides together.

The product is convenient to use and safe for people and animals. However, there are also significant disadvantages, first of all - a short-term effect, high consumption and lack of results in advanced cases. You need to “draw” with chalk on a grand scale, creating long and wide stripes.

A little about cockroaches

Cockroaches are truly amazing creatures. Their resilience and ability to adapt can only be envied. Here are some facts about these insects:

  • the lifespan of an individual is up to 16 months;
  • they can survive without food for 40 days;
  • one female is capable of laying up to 40 eggs, and they reproduce year-round, and therefore the size of the colony grows on a terrifying scale;
  • these creatures have high resistance - adaptability to poisons, i.e. if you treated with some substance and destroyed 95% of the insects, then the remaining 5% will be resistant to this poison and will reproduce the same new generation;
  • the parasite has an amazing ability to heal. If, after consuming poison, the Prussians have access to water, then consider that all efforts are in vain;
  • when a colony is looking for a new shelter, the scouts set off first, and the rest of the flock follows them, focusing on the special trail left by the scout;
  • They are small in size and have a flat body, thanks to which they are able to penetrate even the narrowest crevices. In addition, cockroaches can move along walls and glide onto the floor using their wings.

In addition to the disgust of such a neighborhood, living with pests poses serious health risks.

  1. They crawl in sewers, garbage chutes and other not-so-clean places, and therefore serve as carriers of many diseases: cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, polio, tuberculosis.
  2. They spread worm eggs and mold spores.
  3. Their excrement and chitin residues enter the respiratory system and provoke asthma, cough, runny nose, and allergic reactions.
  4. Hungry pests can crawl into your bed at night and bite, chew off your eyelashes, and burrow into your nose and ears.

Brrr, what a horror! But, unfortunately, that's not all. They spoil food, as well as things that are inedible from our point of view: leather goods, paper, plants.

"Boric acid"

Folk remedies in the fight against cockroaches should also not be neglected. The effectiveness of boric acid has been time-tested and proven by the experience of several generations of Soviet citizens. To kill insects, you need a substance in the form of a powder, not a liquid. It is also dangerous for pets.

To attract cockroaches to boric acid, it is mixed with something edible - mashed potatoes, boiled egg yolk, cottage cheese. You can add sugar, vanillin, cinnamon. Small balls are molded from the resulting plastic mass and placed in places where insects appear most often.

Getting into the gastrointestinal tract when swallowed, boric acid corrodes it from the inside. At the same time, it dries out the insides, causing severe dehydration. The process is slow and takes 1.5-2 weeks. During this time, the cockroach manages to infect its relatives.

Important! For the most pronounced effect of baits with boric acid, you must take care in advance to block the cockroaches' access to any sources of water.

Another folk remedy comes from

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