Indications and contraindications for the use of wax moth tincture: for what diseases is it used, how to take it, recipes for preparing it at home

The topic of today's article is wax moth tincture: use in folk medicine, recipes for wax moth tincture.

The main value of the wax moth lies in its ability to produce cerrase , a special enzyme that facilitates the processing of wax.

Mentions of the medicinal properties of the moth are found in the records of ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian healers, who used the extract to treat consumption, infertility and dysfunction of the reproductive system in women.

The beneficial properties were known in Japan, China and Kenya; dishes with wax willow larvae were sold in restaurants at that time.

Official recognition was received only in the 19th century after numerous studies, Ilya Mechnikov outlined scientific evidence of the medicinal properties of the insect extract.

Wax moth tincture: indications and contraindications

The extract has excellent antibacterial and antioxidant properties ; in general, the drug created on the basis of the substance has a general strengthening effect on the body ; as a result of its use, the immune system is strengthened, and the patient’s physical and mental abilities are activated .

The substance contains a large number of amino acids, which is useful for intoxication of the body and radiation .

Wax moth is widely used in the treatment of various diseases, including:

  • respiratory tract diseases , under the influence of the substance the drainage properties of the bronchi are improved;
  • influenza epidemics ;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system, myocardial infarction - as a result of smoothing scars, the restoration of the functioning of cardiomyocytes is accelerated;
  • prevention of coronary disease;
  • pathologies associated with metabolic disorders ;
  • diabetes mellitus - the substance helps stabilize blood sugar levels;
  • diseases of the reproductive system - high effectiveness is observed in the treatment of prostate adenoma .

The substance also has psychotropic properties ; its use helps improve mood and memory.

Preparations based on wax moth extract are recommended for the treatment of children; they help reduce fever and normalize blood characteristics, and help fight cough .

A tincture based on larvae is used in gynecology, as well as in the treatment of skin diseases, liver diseases, pancreas diseases and many other diseases. The tincture inhibits the aging process , gerontologists recommend taking it to improve the condition of the skin, the product is considered an excellent prevention of age-related diseases.

Contraindications are kept to a minimum stomach and esophageal ulcers are considered direct contraindications to drugs created on the basis of the extract . to avoid treatment during pregnancy ; in later stages, the use of a solution to eliminate toxicosis is allowed. Contraindications also include hepatitis and allergies .

Indications for use of the product

A tincture of wax moth larvae can cure various ailments:

  • various types and forms of tuberculosis (lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, musculoskeletal, genitourinary systems, meninges, central nervous system);
  • diseases of the respiratory-respiratory system (including pneumonia, emphysema, bronchitis (chronic form), pleurisy, colds, asthma);
  • pathologies of the circulatory system (arrhythmia, chronic coronary insufficiency, hemorrhoids, myocardial infarction, heart disease, thrombophlebitis, angina pectoris, ischemic disease, myocarditis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, iron deficiency anemia, atherosclerosis, tachycardia, hypertension);
  • manifestations of allergic reactions;
  • weak immune system, immunodeficiency states;
  • diseases of the digestive system, including the liver (cholecystitis, peptic ulcer, colitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, various forms of gastritis);
  • pathologies of the reproductive system (prostate adenoma, miscarriage, low potency and libido, toxicosis during pregnancy, low sperm motility, infertility, menopause);
  • presence of depression, headaches;
  • oncological diseases.

In sports

Wax moth extract has a positive effect on muscles ; as a result of the interaction of the components, the recovery period after heavy loads is reduced.

The elements included in the substance affect endurance, help accelerate the growth of muscle mass, its use activates the production of hemoglobin and the rate of calcium absorption. Preparations created on its basis are indispensable for the recovery of athletes after injury or surgery.

According to the results of the study, the drug is an excellent alternative to dangerous anabolic steroids that negatively affect the central nervous system. It can be used not only to build muscle, but also to remove the body from the state it gets into under the influence of steroids.

Official medicine data

The opinion of official medicine regarding the effectiveness and safety of the medicine is contradictory: WHO does not want to recognize the tincture and its healing properties as an effective method of therapy. This is quite justified, because there is no statistical data regarding confirmation of effectiveness. The enzyme due to which the tincture has such value does not exist in the field of biochemistry, and scientific research was carried out by one private practitioner who is not known to the world. All that remains is to trust the people who have experienced similar therapeutic measures on themselves and were satisfied with the result. The medicinal properties of the composition remain in doubt, however, in practice there are many cases where people managed to get rid of ailments through the use of this folk remedy.


Tuberculosis is considered one of the most common causes of death in adults compared to other infectious diseases. The reason for the relevance of this disease is considered to be the adaptation of the tuberculosis bacillus to antibiotics.

Enzymes in wax moth extract are able to break down the waxy membrane of Koch's bacillus , after which antibiotic therapy shows higher effectiveness.

In addition, the substance has a stimulating effect; the extract promotes the growth and development of healthy cells .

Wax moth extract helps with various forms of tuberculosis, which also occurs in the intestines, kidneys, joints, and lungs. The drug prevents the spread of infection to other tissues and increases the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.

Preparation of tincture for PZHVM

Most often, this product is made based on the waste products of wax moths. It must be made from environmentally friendly natural ingredients, strictly observing proportions. This is necessary, since the product primarily mobilizes the immune system of the human body.

A 5% tincture is made with medical alcohol, diluted to 40 degrees with pure artesian water. The waste products of the wax moth, when extracted for 7-14 days in a dark place, become biologically active, which makes the product an indispensable medicine for the human body.

The wax moth tincture will exhibit its medicinal properties only if, after preparation, it smells like expensive whiskey. There should be no foreign impurities.


A cure for cancer has not yet been found, but the use of wax moth extract can significantly alleviate the course of the disease . Its use helps eliminate pain , as well as reduce side effects from taking antibiotics .

The components included in the substance have strong anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects. Taking the drug for lung cancer is accompanied by restoration of lung cells, metabolic processes in the body are enhanced, and the rate of spread of the malignant tumor is reduced.

In case of intestinal cancer, the pain syndrome is reduced, the immune system is strengthened, and overall well-being improves.


Anna, 48 years old

My husband was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. An old, experienced doctor advised me to look for a medicinal potion made from bee moth larvae. We found a medicine on the market, my husband drank the tincture for three months. The condition has noticeably improved, the cough and insomnia have gone away, and my mood has improved. The results of the treatment were confirmed by x-rays.

Varvara, 46 years old

I remember when I was a child, in my grandmother’s apiary there was a jar of liquid with larvae floating at the bottom. Whenever I scraped my knee or got hurt, she made a compress with this medicine. Everything healed quickly and the pain stopped. Now I run this apiary and also make a tincture and ointment to treat my loved ones.

Alexandra, 32 years old

I am involved in tourism; I was hiking with friends in Bashkiria. We passed by an apiary and met its energetic owner. We were very surprised when we found out that he was 90 years old - he looked no more than fifty. It turned out that he has been taking an alcoholic extract of bee moths all his life and lubricates his joints with ointment.

The human body is susceptible to more than 2000 diseases. Wax moth tincture is a unique remedy for 300 diseases. You should definitely familiarize yourself with its recipe and healing properties.

Pharmacy tinctures

Pharmacies sell a large number of tinctures based on wax moth extract, the main difference being the concentration (10, 20, 25%).

In its production, a method of cold extraction of wax moth larvae in ethanol is used, the resulting solution is infused in a dark place at 20 degrees.

The technique allows you to preserve the maximum amount of useful substances; low temperature helps preserve unstable biological elements.

Such drugs are characterized by a long shelf life , during which the composition does not change. The average price in pharmacies for wax moth tincture varies between 450-900 rubles.


Like any drug, there are indications and contraindications. Not recommended if you have:

  • allergies, individual intolerance to bee products;
  • ulcers of the stomach, digestive tract;
  • pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • liver inflammation.

It is not advisable to prescribe the product to citizens with alcohol dependence syndrome.

Indications for the use of a tincture made from wax moth larvae are varied. If all recommendations are followed, it can significantly contribute to the cure of many diseases.

Wax moth tincture: instructions for use

Treatment requires compliance with certain rules; it is recommended to take the drug half an hour before or an hour after meals . This method ensures better absorption of the substance. The dosage depends on the weight; for every 10 kg of weight you need to take 3 drops of the medicine .

When treating diseases, it is recommended to divide the dose into two times; if the extract is used for prophylactic purposes, a one-time dose is allowed. The tincture can be diluted with a small amount (up to 30 ml) of water, juice, or tea.

the drops not immediately, but to hold them briefly in the mouth, or, even better, under the tongue . The extract has a slight tonic effect, so taking it before bed is not recommended .

How to take the tincture? If the body is not familiar with the drug, treatment is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  • first day - 1/4 dose in the morning;
  • second day - 1/2 dose;
  • third day - 3/4 dose.

If at all stages there are no discomfort or intolerance, you can proceed to taking a full dose. After a few days, the drug can be taken twice a day.

The average duration of therapy is three months , since the body first accumulates useful substances, and only after that their potential is used.

Some manufacturers do not provide instructions for use, which is not very good, since the dosage also depends on the concentration of the solution. When purchasing, you should pay special attention to this fact.

How does a person use this type of insect?

The healing properties of moth were well known to the ancient Egyptians and long-livers of Japan. By taking an infusion of larvae, they strengthened their immunity and prolonged their youth. Today they are well known to beekeepers. Despite the harm that this type of moth brings to them, they reproduce it to prepare a healing product. On earth, the bee moth is the only insect that eats wax thanks to a substance called “cerrase”, which can destroy the protective shell of viruses.

The benefits and harms of bee moths are as follows:

  • At the stage of its development, caterpillars perfectly process the products produced by the bee. These include: honey, honeycombs, wax and bee bread. This occurs as a result of the fact that bee moths have a special enzyme. If there are a lot of insects, they begin to eat each other, reducing the number of bee colonies. As a result, they cause serious damage to honey farming, causing indignation among beekeepers.
  • People make a medicinal extract from bee moths, which allows them to cope with a number of diseases.

Bee moth tincture
The tissues of the larvae contain many vitamins, amino acids, microelements, polyunsaturated lipids and enzymes. People have learned to use bee moth tincture and other preparations from it for restorative and preventive purposes, to treat the following diseases:

  • cardiovascular system, cardiac ischemia;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • infertility;
  • impotence;
  • lung diseases, including tuberculosis;
  • allergies.

Bee moth tincture, how to prepare it yourself?

Wax moth tincture is not officially produced by pharmaceutical companies, as it is believed to have a placebo effect.

The production of the tincture is carried out exclusively by beekeepers or beekeeping companies ; you can also buy the product directly from them.

You can prepare the tincture yourself; for this you will need large-sized caterpillars of the penultimate age . The last factor does not play a big role in this case; only adults who are ready for pupation are not suitable for these purposes.

When using large larvae, their number is correspondingly reduced. Recipe:

  1. selected larvae with alcohol/vodka in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:4 , in the first case you get a 10 percent concentration, in the second - 25 percent.
  2. A hermetically sealed container with the solution must be placed in a dark, cool room for 12 days , shaking daily.
  3. The daily dosage is 1/2 tsp. in 45 minutes before meals in the morning and evening.
  4. The course involves a gradual increase to 1 tbsp. 3 times a day .
  5. If there is no effect between courses, it is recommended to take a break of 2 weeks .

Features of the insect

Wax moths exude a honey smell, so they easily enter the hives. Bees do not see pests as a threat; they mistake them for their relatives. The insect is small in size and has a gray body color. Found in beekeeping farms. Pests also reproduce in hives: they leave offspring on the honeycombs. When the larvae emerge from the eggs, they begin to actively feed on honey and beebread.

As the moth offspring grow, they begin to destroy the wax frames. At the same time, the larvae eat the remains of the cocoons, receiving an additional dose of nutrients.

Pests also damage bee pupae. The larvae can also destroy the insulation of the hive. Silk remains in the passages after them.

Insects destroy each other's waste products and can eat their fellow insects if they feel a lack of food. This happens with severe infection. Subsequently, the larvae pupate in the hives.

Male and female lesser wax moth.

Adults do not feed on bee products because their mouthparts are not formed. They do not live long, and at the same time they consume useful substances accumulated during the developmental stage in the larval stage. The bee family gradually dies or leaves the hive.

Other forms of release

The substance may be part of capsules that are used to treat many diseases; during such therapy it is not recommended to eat alcohol or foods with preservatives. The standard dosage is 1 capsule daily with meals, 2 times a day.

The tincture in its pure form can also be used externally to treat wounds, furunculosis, herpes, and bedsores .

For external use, mix 2 tsp. extract with a 33% dimexide solution.

It is recommended to apply a cloth soaked in the mixture to the affected area for 2 hours; in case of increased sensitivity, use a mixture diluted with water.

If symptoms of irritation occur, the compress should be removed immediately and the drug should be washed off. The substance can also be used for external use; ointments are made from the extract .

The effectiveness of wax moth extract is widely known; its production is mainly carried out by beekeepers. The product helps in the treatment of a large number of diseases, including oncology, tuberculosis, diabetes, infertility, varicose veins and many others.

You can buy the tincture at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself; it has virtually no contraindications or side effects. Wax moth extract is used for external use; the substance is also included in capsules that are prescribed for the treatment of various diseases; ointments are also prepared from it.

So, we talked about the medicinal properties of wax moth: tincture, purpose, treatment. Answered the questions: what is wax moth and how is it useful? How to make a tincture with your own hands? How to take it correctly?

Medicinal properties and composition

The extensive medicinal properties of the product are explained by its chemical composition. In addition to the unique enzyme cerrase, it consists of other valuable components:

  • enzymes: proteases, lipases;
  • microelements: magnesium and zinc are present in the greatest quantities, there is also iron, phosphorus, cobalt, potassium, manganese, chromium, copper, selenium, molybdenum;
  • nucleosides, nucleotides;
  • essential and non-essential amino acids (valine, histidine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, proline, aspartic and glutamic acids), peptides;
  • high molecular weight proteins;
  • mineral and sertonine-like substances;
  • fatty acids, lipids;
  • steroid hormones;
  • vitamins, bioflavonoids;
  • xanthine, hypoxanthine, etc.

Useful materials

  • Find out what other types of moths there are: clothes moth, food moth and others. How to deal with them?
  • Where does this pest come from in the apartment and the features of combating the food variety.
  • What are the chemical and folk remedies for moths?

Treatment with tincture

For tuberculosis

An alcoholic infusion of wax moth is a strong antibacterial and antiviral agent with a broad spectrum of action. This remedy makes it possible to quickly heal tuberculosis cavities in the lungs.

It is advised to combine the tincture simultaneously with drug therapy, this will make it possible to reduce the load of antibiotics on the body and prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

At the same time, moth extract is considered a good prophylactic agent ; it increases the body's resistance to tuberculosis bacteria, as a result of which it does not spread, creating new foci of infection.

For oncology

Naturally, even this magical remedy cannot cure cancer, but the use of the tincture significantly slows down the growth of tumors, due to its immunostimulating properties, and strengthens the body after chemotherapy.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to use an alcoholic extract of the moth, but an aqueous infusion will be what you need. The use of this remedy corrects placental insufficiency, makes it possible to reduce the appearance of toxicosis, and regulates blood microcirculation and its rheology.

For diabetes

If there is a lack of insulin in the body, tincture of moth helps restore pancreatic tissue. This medicine significantly reduces the amount of sugar in the blood and stimulates the overall functioning of the body . In combination with other beekeeping products, this is a very effective remedy that really helps treat diabetes.

In gynecology

Tincture of larvae in alcohol is widely used in obstetrics and gynecology. She is treated for infertility, miscarriage and menopausal disorders. It helps cure anemia in pregnant women. The extract is also effectively used to treat uterine fibroids and various cysts.

Bee moth extract

Moth tincture is a popular remedy in folk medicine, which was previously used to treat tuberculosis and many respiratory diseases. But recent research has revealed additional possibilities that modern healers use and advise.

This extract is made from the larvae at the penultimate stage of development of moths - the most harmful pest for bees. The butterfly and caterpillar secrete a special enzyme , its smell is exactly the same as that of bees. Therefore, the “owners” of the hives perceive them as “their own” and do not get rid of them.

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