How to skin a pike: several effective methods

Pike is one of the most valuable freshwater fish. It is rich in protein and contains no more than 2% fat. Pike contains natural antiseptics that increase our immunity. This fish should definitely be present in the diet of every person. However, not everyone likes to cut pike. That is why the list of dishes prepared from fish is often limited to pike cutlets. Meanwhile, it would be much better to cook stuffed pike. At the same time, we will tell you how to skin a pike in our article. Here we will present a recipe for stuffed fish.

Cutting skin from pike fillet

Cutting the skin off fish fillets is often used to make cutlets from minced pike. Why: holding the knife blade at an acute angle, starting from the tail, gradually separate the pike fillet from the skin (photo 5).

If the original plan was to prepare minced pike, then when cutting the fish, the operation of cleaning the scales could be skipped.

The resulting fillet layers from pike skin can be cut into portions (photo 6) as a semi-finished product for storage in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator; or fry in a frying pan, marinate; bake in the oven, boil on a wire rack. But.

Pike fillet without skin is a very fragile product, so pieces of fish may fall apart during cooking. To prevent this from happening in your pan, apply a flour and egg coating before cooking the fish.

Cutting pike in the field

Cutting pike in 3 minutes, the easiest way. (Lifehack)

Most vacationers cook the caught fish directly near the reservoir. And this is understandable, since freshly caught fish is always much tastier, and even cooked in nature. Moreover, despite the fact that some devices are missing in nature, pike can be cut without any particular difficulties.

Cutting begins with removing the scales and entrails from the pike. These operations are carried out using a sharp knife, which is always available to vacationers or fishermen.

After this, the fish is thoroughly washed to remove excess odors, since marinating alone is unlikely to get rid of this. The fish can either be cut into pieces and fried in a frying pan, or cooked whole over coals, having previously coated the carcass with clay.

Many fishermen who go fishing for several days take with them all the necessary kitchen utensils, so there should not be any special problems with cooking fish outdoors.

Stuffing pike - stuffing a skin stocking with minced meat

Stuffing the pike, that is, stuffing the skin of the fish with minced meat, will be the last operation before heat treatment of the stuffed fish.

To prepare minced meat, pass the pike pulp through a meat grinder. Add other ingredients and spices that we like. Stir the minced meat (photo 4) to stuff the pike skin.

The next step will be to directly stuff the pike skin. But to do this, you should turn it with the scaled side out, if you have not already done this after removing the skin of the fish with a stocking.

Photo 5 shows the “civilized” way of stuffing pike skin with minced meat using a paper cooking bag.

Although pike can be stuffed in handfuls or using a spoon, gradually moving the minced meat into the lower part of the skin “stocking” until we stuff the whole fish with minced meat (photo 6).

Fish stuffing process

When stuffing pike, it is important to find that golden mean that will make the fish look as appetizing as possible. To do this, it is important to put in enough minced meat so that the skin does not burst during cooking and does not hang down, which happens in cases where there is too little filling.

If cuts are formed during skin removal, they must be sewn up with thread, otherwise the minced meat will come out. Before putting the dish in the oven, the skin must be pierced in 2-3 places with a toothpick so that it does not burst. Pike is cooked for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

How to skin a pike with a stocking: 2 ways

It is much more difficult to remove the skin from pike for stuffing. In this case, it is important not to tear or damage it. If you perform the steps correctly, you should end up with a stocking that will later be filled with minced meat.

Let's look at two ways to skin a pike with its head cut off. In the first case, all actions will be performed by one person, that is, independently. In the second case, you will need to use the help of another person.

First, you need to cut off the head so that the intestines can be pulled out immediately during its separation from the body. Then the skin on the carcass is carefully lifted with your hands at the incision site, and then, using your fingers, it is separated from the meat by at least 5 cm on each side. Now that part of the skin has already been separated, you need to start turning the skin outward, like a stocking. The fins are cut inside with scissors in such a way that the skin is not damaged, and the tail ridge can be cut off or broken. The head is also cooked along with the rest of the fish, so the gills are removed, washed and cleaned.

The second way to skin a pike is to get rid of the skin as quickly as possible. But doing this yourself is quite difficult, since the slippery pike is not easy to hold in your hands. In this case, when the skin is separated from the meat by at least 5 cm, one person will hold the fish vertically (you can use a towel), and the other will pull the skin down. In general, these two methods are equally effective.

How to skin a pike for stuffing with the head

The methods described above are more suitable for beginners, since professionals separate the skin directly from the head without cutting it off. Then, when stuffing, the fish will turn out whole. How to properly skin a pike in this case?

When preparing a fish, its head is not completely cut off, but remains hanging from the back on the skin. Next, the entrails are removed from the body, the head is cleaned and washed, as in the previous methods. How to skin a pike was also described above. By the way, after removing the stocking, it must be turned in the opposite direction again.

Rules for cutting a pike carcass

Before you properly and quickly cut fish, you need to prepare kitchen equipment:

  • cutting board (preferably made of plastic, as wood can absorb fishy smell);
  • fish scaler;
  • fillet knife 10-20 cm long (depending on the size of the fish) with a rubber or plastic handle;
  • cotton gloves or clean cloth;
  • kitchen scissors with serrated blade;
  • tweezers for removing small seeds.

Rules and sequence of cutting at home:

  1. Rinse the fish with running tap water.
  2. Remove scales.
  3. Cut off fins, tail and gill arches.
  4. Remove the giblets.

When removing the insides, it is necessary to remove the entire gallbladder without cutting or puncturing it. Otherwise, spilled bile will give the fish a bitter taste.

What is needed for cutting

Minimum inventory:

  • An apron so that you don’t look like a murderer when you’re done.
  • A sharp knife with a strong, sharp and slightly curved blade. If the blade is straight, it’s not a problem, you can get used to it. The main thing is sharpening.
  • Pliers or forceps.
  • Cutting board.
  • A couple of bowls where we will put “goods” and useful leftovers.

As for the most important “ingredient” - pike. Here, of course, we use what we have (when we don’t have to choose), but from myself I can say the following.

When you want burbot cutlets, there is no need to mince them here. Cutlet burbot is a fish weighing 3 kilograms and above. With pike it’s a little different.

Small ones (up to a kilo) are not particularly respected - the meat is scanty, and there are plenty of bones with a “fork”.

Large ones (from 6 kg) are more suitable for drying (yukola), since they already have “rubbery” flesh. This is not only my opinion, but also that of my friends with whom I have to catch toothy ones.

The optimal choice is fish 2 - 4 kilograms. And the meat is quite dense and, if necessary, it is more convenient to fight with the bones.

How to clean fish correctly

Of course, cleaning river and sea fish differs. Mainly due to the size of the scales. Marine is easier and faster to clean, as it is covered with small scales that quickly come off with physical impact. However, there are some rules you should know to make your job easier.

How to clear mucus

Some types of fish need to be cleared of their mucus layer before removing their scales. There are several options to solve this problem:

  • Place the carcass in very hot water for 15–20 seconds. During this time, the mucus will disappear and you can begin cleaning.
  • The second method is also quite simple. Before cleaning, rub the product with salt. The carcass stops sliding in your hands.
  • When fishing, you can use sand instead of salt. But this method is not very convenient, because it is difficult to thoroughly wash the grains of sand from the meat later.
  • For 3 l. dilute 1 tbsp of water. l. table vinegar. Place the carcasses into the solution for 1–2 minutes. Mucus is easily removed.

The correct way to remove scales

Before you start cleaning, fill the sink, basin or any other container with water. We lower the carcass into the water. This will avoid unnecessary cleaning: the scales will not scatter throughout the kitchen, but will settle in the liquid.

  1. We cut off the fins so as not to get hurt by them when cleaning.
  2. We firmly grasp the fish by the head with one hand.
  3. In the other hand we take a fish scaler.
  4. We begin to clean from the tail towards the head, prying off the scales with a fish scaler.
  5. After cleaning, rinse the carcass under running water.

How to properly clean fish

Cleaning in quick ways

One of the most effective and fastest ways to clean fish from scales is to clean it with a grater. For this method we use a grater with 4 edges; it is more convenient to use.

  1. Place the fish on a work surface and press down with your hand. If the fish is small, you can pierce the tail with a fork or an awl, holding the tool and fixing the carcass.
  2. Let's take a grater. Using the side intended for preparing vegetable puree (with sharp teeth), we clean off the scales in the direction from the tail to the head.
  3. The scales at the base of the tail can be scraped off with the coarse side of a grater.
  4. We rinse the product under running water.

Instead of a grater, you can use a tin can, pierced with nails.

How to quickly peel fish with a grater

How to do it using... a drill

Traditional methods are often unusual, but nevertheless effective. We will tell you how to clean using a conventional drill:

  1. Prepare a clean container for the fish.
  2. We place the drill on a stool and secure it with tape.
  3. Insert a drill with a diameter of 10 mm into the drill.
  4. Turn on the tool, setting the mode to the minimum number of revolutions.
  5. Next to the stool we place a trash can or bag into which the scales will fall off.
  6. We take the carcass, holding it above the bucket, and place it under the drill.
  7. We clean off the scales in this way from the tail to the head.

Cleaning video tip

Cleaning with KARCHER

This method of cleaning fish from scales is convenient outdoors, at the dacha or in the yard of a private house:

  1. Place the fish on a wooden work surface.
  2. To prevent the carcass from moving under the pressure of water, we fix it with self-tapping screws, placing caps from plastic bottles under the head of the screw. In this case, the lid acts as a washer, pressing the tail tightly against the board.
  3. We turn on the Karcher.
  4. Using a stream of water, knock off the scales in the direction from the tail to the head.

Cleaning scales with a Karcher

How to clean frozen

Many experts advise defrosting the fish before removing its scales. But most often there is not enough time to defrost. Is it possible to clean a carcass that has just been taken out of the freezer? It’s possible, because frozen products can be peeled quite easily.

  1. Cut off the fins.
  2. We cut off a strip of skin along with scales along the back and abdomen.
  3. Cut off the tail.
  4. We pry the skin with a knife at the base of the tail.
  5. Using a knife, remove the skin along with the scales in the direction from the tail to the head.
  6. We cut off the head, rip open the abdomen with a knife and remove the frozen entrails.

Video on processing frozen fish products

Evenki way of cleaning

In the north, this method is used all the time; it is convenient and easy to use:

  1. You can use any sharp knife.
  2. Holding the fish by the tail, place it vertically, resting its head on the work surface: board, stump, etc.
  3. We cut off the fins with sharp movements.
  4. We cut off its scales from the tail to the head in thin strips.

For stuffing

A beautiful gourmet dish - stuffed pike. In some recipes, the advice for separating the skin looks like this: the cleaned carcass without the head is placed on a cutting board with its back up. A longitudinal incision is made along the back, through which the meat is separated.

After laying out the minced meat, the incision is sewn up or chipped with toothpicks. This method is simple and does not require any special skills. The downside is that the pike has to be literally sculpted from minced meat, and then covered with skin and sewn up (fastened). After preparing the dish, the place of fastening can be masked with sauce, squeezed out in the form of a pattern from a pastry bag or with herbs.

How to salt pike

The correct and easy way to clean, gut and cut fresh fish

If it is possible to clean the fish outside and not in the apartment, it is better to do this, because there will be no problems with cleaning the kitchen due to scales and splashes. When cleaning pike in the kitchen, you will need to perform a number of other steps, regardless of whether the pike you are using is frozen or fresh.

  1. Remove all kitchen utensils from the table where you will be cutting fish, and cover the stove and furniture with plastic wrap or newspapers.
  2. Empty the sink of dishes and clean it. You will need to soak and wash the pike in it. A large bowl will also work.
  3. Prepare a large glass or plastic cutting board. Wooden is not suitable, as odors are absorbed into it. To prevent the kitchen board from moving on the table, you need to place a damp cloth under it.
  4. It is necessary to use a pre-sharpened narrow knife or a special tool for cleaning fish.
  5. To comply with safety rules, wear gloves - they will protect your hands from damage and allow you to more firmly hold slippery fish during the cleaning process.
  6. Pour salt into a small box. You will need it to powder the tail. Thanks to this, it will not slip out during operation.

Tools for cleaning and cutting pike must be prepared in advance

How to remove mucus, clean and gut fresh and live pike

When cleaning fish, you need to be careful, as you can get hurt on its teeth or gills.

  1. Wash the pike well under the tap to remove mucus.
  2. Fill half a sink or bowl with water and place the fish in it.
  3. Pour boiling water over the carcass. Not all at once, but gradually. First, clean one side, and then the other.
  4. When cleaning, hold the fish by the tail and remove the scales in the direction from the tail to the head using a knife or a special device.
  5. Remove fins with scissors or a knife.
  6. Cut the cartilage located between the stomach and head, make an incision on the stomach. You need to put the fish with its head towards you and use a knife to make a puncture near the head, cut the cut line all the way to the tail. The puncture should be shallow so as not to cause damage to the internal organs, otherwise the abdominal cavity will be stained with the contents of the viscera.
  7. Carefully remove the giblets and remove the gills using a knife.
  8. If the fish is very large, the liver can be carefully separated from the gall bladder and prepared from it into fried liver with onions and bacon, salads and other dishes.
  9. As a last resort, remove the air bubble and blood clots underneath it. This is a white film that is located along the ridge.
  10. Thoroughly rinse the inside and outside of the pike.

How to fillet and mince fish

Most housewives know that pike fillets make amazing minced fish for cutlets and juicy battered dishes

To make them really tasty, you should pay attention to the procedure when cutting pike into fillets.

  1. Remove the head from the carcass.
  2. Place the fish with its back to itself, make a neat cut along the ridge. Perform these steps several times until the cut reaches the ribs, being careful not to damage the bones of the ribs, and do not cut the fillet along with the bones.
  3. Raise the knife and carefully cut the fillet from the pike ribs.
  4. If necessary, remove the fin and pull out the bones using tweezers.
  5. Lastly, remove the skin. The piece is placed meat side up, after which a knife is inserted between the fillet and the skin and the skin is carefully cut off at an angle. You need to hold the skin with your hands.

To properly fillet a pike, work must begin with a cut on the ridge

Preparing the stuffing filling

The taste of the finished dish largely depends on how well the filling was prepared. First of all, the meat separated from the bones must be twisted twice in a meat grinder. Moreover, after the first time, the device will need to be disassembled and the accumulated bones removed. When the meat is twisted for the second time, add fried onions and carrots, as well as a raw egg, salt and pepper to taste.

If the filling does not seem enough, you can add a couple of slices of bread soaked in milk to the minced meat. It needs to be rubbed well with your hands and mixed so that the mass turns out to be a homogeneous consistency.

Pike recipes

There are a huge number of delicious recipes from this fish that will become a real table decoration. Very often housewives bake this fish whole, because it turns out very juicy and tasty.

Stuffed pike

The recipe is very simple. You will need the following ingredients:

  • Pike - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • loaf
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Dill
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Olive oil

Cooking steps:

  1. The carcass should be cleaned of scales and entrails. Remove the head, cut out the gills and wash the fish thoroughly. Using a knife, pry the skin off and remove it with a stocking, carefully trimming it to make the process easier. Cut off the tail and fins.
  2. To prepare the filling you need to use one fish fillet. You need to cut off several pieces from the loaf and soak it in boiled water. Grind the fillet, add the softened loaf pulp.
  3. The onion should be chopped very finely, the carrots should be grated on a fine grater. All this needs to be fried a little in olive oil. Salt and pepper.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a large container, beat in the egg and add chopped dill.
  5. Knead all this and stuff the carcass of another fish. The filling should not be placed very tightly. The edges of the belly should be secured with toothpicks so that the filling does not fall out during cooking.
  6. The head can be baked along with the body, but before doing this it should be wrapped in foil so that it does not burn.
  7. Line a baking tray with paper and pour a little oil. Place the stuffed carcass on it and brush it with a little oil.
  8. Bake the fish in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 40-50 minutes.
  9. After it is completely cooked, you should not immediately transfer it to a plate; you need to let the pike cool a little so that the dish does not fall apart.

Pike cutlets

An incredibly tasty recipe for the most tender pike cutlets. For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • Pike fillet – 500 g
  • Lard - 100 g
  • White bread crumb - 2-3 slices
  • Milk – 100 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Greenery
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • Sunflower or olive oil

Cooking steps:

  1. Fish fillets and lard should be minced. Lard will make the cutlets more juicy and soft; if you don’t have it, you can add a little olive oil to the minced meat.
  2. Carrots and onions can also be minced or very finely chopped.
  3. Soak the bread crumb in milk and leave for a few minutes to absorb it.
  4. Mix all ingredients in a large container. Beat in the egg, salt and add chopped cilantro and spices. Mix all this thoroughly and form small balls.
  5. Roll future cutlets in breadcrumbs and place on a heated frying pan.
  6. Fry for a few minutes on both sides until golden brown. To steam them better, you can cover the frying pan with a lid.

Pike is one of the most delicious freshwater fish. There are a huge number of recipes for its preparation, with which you can create a real masterpiece that will decorate the festive table.

How to skin and fillet pike

To fillet pike you will need a special sharp fish knife. It is very convenient to use. It is enough to apply the knife tightly to the ridge and run it horizontally along. Similar steps must be repeated on the other side of the carcass. As a result, you will be able to get two fillet halves with skin. The ridge with leftover meat can be used to prepare fish stock.

How to quickly skin a pike? Again using a knife. You need to press it as tightly as possible to the skin and simply move it along. There may be some meat left on the skin, but it will be less than if you remove the skin by hand.

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