Spells against cockroaches: 9 effective ways to get rid of them forever

Since ancient times, cockroaches have been inhabitants of human homes, and our wise ancestors knew how not only to get rid of these household pests with the help of folk magic, but also to turn them to their advantage. In this article you will find a conspiracy against cockroaches that will help you get rid of “uninvited guests” and, in addition, attract wealth and good luck to your home.

Nine simple and effective ways to get rid of harmful insects forever.

Rules for the use of magical rituals

In order for rituals and conspiracies against cockroaches in an apartment to work, you must follow certain rules when using magic formulas:

  • Before reading conspiracies against cockroaches in the house, thoughts are cleared. After all, unclean thoughts often become the cause of difficulties that arise later in life.
  • If a woman reads a conspiracy against cockroaches, she first covers her head with a scarf or scarf.
  • It is prohibited to perform magical rituals on church holidays.
  • Rituals to expel cockroaches are carried out provided that there are no health problems. After all, magical actions can intensify the disease.
  • The magical action is not performed by women on menstruation days.
  • When choosing dates for the ritual, you need to focus on the waning moon.
  • In order not to be distracted during the ceremony, it is necessary to remove children and pets from the house.
  • All words are pronounced clearly and confidently.

Before getting rid of cockroaches forever using a conspiracy, the house is cleaned. You need to start from the window. The water that was used for these purposes is poured into an unused area.

How it works

In the twenty-first century, humanity is beginning to get tired of the constant struggle with various insects, increasingly pinning their hopes on magic that has been proven over the years. A non-standard plot to get rid of cockroaches forever will become a faithful companion in difficult times.

  1. Before the ceremony begins, it is necessary to close all the taps in the house.
  2. Tables, bathtubs, and sinks should be wiped dry.
  3. Next, place a small bowl in the sink and pour some water into it.
  4. As soon as the Moon is visible in the sky, you need to open all the windows, and then clearly say:

  5. Leave the bowl of water overnight, and in the morning wash off all the insects that have gathered near it overnight.

The plot against cockroaches in the apartment should be read on the waning moon.

We ask the brownie for help

To increase the effectiveness of magic, it is necessary to perform visualization. To do this, people imagine getting rid of arthropod pests forever.

Since ancient times, the brownie has protected the home from evil spirits. Therefore, he can rid an apartment or house of pests. In order for the brownie to help get rid of cockroaches, you need to read a certain plot 9 times. To enhance the effect, sugar is placed in one of the corners.

“Grandfather-neighbor, I will come up with a bow and bow my little head. I ask you for friendship, Do a service for me, Drive away the cockroaches! Save the house from them! I bring you a sweet gift, and I ask you to taste it.”

Other rituals are also used to combat insects. Before asking your brownie to expel cockroaches, you need to prepare. To do this, place the following in a clay plate:

  • Buckwheat porridge.
  • Salt.
  • Rye bread.

All these products are placed in the oven from January 27 to 28. During the day, you can make various requests to the appeased brownie. It is difficult to overestimate the effectiveness of magical rituals that are performed in accordance with the recommendations of specialists.

The Roots of Household Magic

In the last century, to get rid of all diseases and problems, the older generation turned to village sorcerers for help. They could treat with “whispers” the following:

  • ulcers;
  • every fear;
  • cured headaches;
  • helped those who set off on a long journey;
  • drove out various insects.

Among the common people, “whispering” treatment was considered a real panacea for all ills and problems. Records have been preserved in libraries that describe in detail the power of rituals with the help of which they not only treated diseases, but also obtained food for themselves.

Ancient pagan, English, and European spells became the foundation of modern magic. Today, humanity is increasingly turning to unknown forces for help, which always happily respond to requests.

Water spell

Since water is considered an energy-containing liquid, it is often used in rituals. A correctly chosen plot against cockroaches on water allows you to get rid of harmful insects.

To do this, you will need melt water or water taken from a clean spring. Before performing magical actions, she is baptized three times to further purify her. As soon as the water is prepared, you need to read the conspiracy against cockroaches.

Properly prepared water is also used for energy cleaning of homes. Prayers to combat evil spirits or arthropod pests are chosen carefully. Each “request” has powerful energy.

What you should know

Before you start fighting insects with magic, you should carefully prepare:

  1. Any water, even drops, is removed from all surfaces in the house.
  2. If before the start of the ritual you need to read a prayer, then this should be done at dawn, before dawn.
  3. The house must be clean and tidy.
  4. All containers with water must be placed out of reach.
  5. Turn to Nicholas the Pleasant for help, saying the prayer:
  6. Water is poured into a saucer and read:

  7. The spoken water should be poured into a bucket for washing the floors, add more liquid, and then thoroughly wash all the floors.

Night ritual

The night ritual is carried out exactly at 12 o'clock at night. If you take action earlier or later, you will not get a positive result.

At exactly 12 o'clock you need to turn off the lights throughout the apartment, since all activities are carried out in the dark. All words are pronounced clearly. In order for the cockroaches to leave the house after reading the spell, it is necessary to choose those days for the ritual when the moon is waning.

To achieve maximum effect, the words are pronounced three times. Such actions allow you to complete magical actions.

Holy Tryphon Spell

A strong prayer that is aimed at getting rid of pests is a prayer to Saint Tryphon. With its help, people get rid of not only cockroaches, but also other types of insects that are in the house or garden.

The effect of prayer depends on the correct pronunciation of each word. Therefore, you need to read the text clearly and distinctly. You can find the words of prayer to Saint Tryphon on specialized websites.

“I conjure you, many-typed animals, worms, caterpillars, beetles and pruses, mice, sciatica and crits, and various genera of flies and midges, and moths, and mites, and gadflies, and wasps, and millipedes, and various genera of animals crawling on the earth , and flying birds, harm and vanity to the fields, vineyards, orchards and helipads that suck, by the primordial God the Father, his co-originating and consubstantial Son, and his most holy Spirit, the Father and the Son, consubstantial and life-giving. I conjure you to the humanization of the only begotten Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and according to his life on earth with man, his saving passion, his life-giving death, and his three-day resurrection, and ascension into heaven, with all his divine saving vision. I conjure you with the saints of many ranks, cherubim, winged seraphim, hovering around the throne and calling - holy, holy, holy!!!”

The prayer to Saint Nicholas is considered no less effective. Before pronouncing it, thoughts are cleared. Only in this case is it possible to get rid of pests and insects.

“God's Helper, Saint Nicholas! You are everywhere, in the field, on the road, and in the house. Intercede and save from all evil!

And then follows the conspiracy:

Black cockroaches, red cockroaches, go away, don't expect anything from me! You are so disgusted with everyone that you perish. So that my eyes never see you, so that the birds peck you! I bequeath to you forever and ever to leave my house and forget the way back! Amen!"

Prayer to get rid of parasites

People visiting the church can ask St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Tryphon of Apamea or St. Blaise for protection from insects. Turning to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, read the following text:

“In the house, on the road, in the field - everywhere you love people and help them. Intercede for me, servant of God (name), save and preserve me from any evil. Amen!".

The icons of Saints Blaise or Tryphon are addressed with the following words:

“Martyr of our Lord Blasius/Tryphon, who in suffering received an imperishable crown from our God, help, overthrow our tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save our souls with your prayers."

The text is read early in the morning, at sunrise, 3 times. After each recitation, they cross themselves and accompany the phrases with a bow to the ground. You can order a service to the saints in the church.

Other rituals against cockroaches

Before getting rid of cockroaches using a spell, it is necessary to carry out energy cleaning of a country house or apartment. Insects do not tolerate changes in the energy field well, so they quickly leave such housing.

Among the rituals that are aimed at expelling cockroaches, the following are distinguished:

  • Ritual with a broom. For this procedure you will need a new broom, which is prepared from natural raw materials. The ritual in which a broom is used is carried out at dawn. With its help, people get rid of not only pests and insects, but also evil spirits and bad energy. The broom used for magical actions is not thrown away. After its useful life is over, it is burned.
  • Cucumber ritual. When performing rituals, only natural and pure vegetables are used, which is why cucumbers are washed beforehand. Additionally, prepare a knife, with which the cucumber is divided into 3 parts in the evening. During the separation process, certain words are spoken. In the morning, all parts are assembled and passed with a knife along the selected threshold. The used vegetable is thrown away in a place to which the animal does not have access.
  • Ritual with a scarecrow. Before the ceremony, a stuffed insect is prepared. To do this, use paper and thread. After this, the stuffed animal is placed on a table or other surface and beaten for 9 days with a small twig. In order to get rid of negativity, you need to bury it in effigy.

Pest facts

Cockroaches are constant companions of human civilization; they are widespread throughout the globe. These insects, originally from southern Asia, were brought to the north by nomadic tribes and have since spread widely across all continents.

The word “cockroach” originates from the ancient Turkic kara-khan, which means “black khan”.

They adapt incredibly well to any living conditions, are omnivores and are known to be able to survive even a nuclear war. In addition, cockroaches quickly develop resistance to various pest control agents, which complicates the task of removing them. Many poisons that are incredibly toxic to people and animals, for example, dichlorvos, have no effect on them at all.

Healer's recommendations

Natalya Stepanovna is a famous folk healer. She recommends using your own ritual. Before it is carried out, black Thursday salt and blessed water are prepared. All activities are carried out at night (from Thursday to Friday).

The prepared salt is scattered in the corners and certain words are said. After this, these corners are sprinkled with holy water. The salt should sit for 9 days. As soon as the set period has expired, it is carefully swept away. If the ceremony is carried out in the house, then it is performed with candles that were purchased in the church.

Other recommendations followed from a Siberian healer named Agrafena. She advises releasing a caught cockroach into the swamp with certain words. People enter the house with their backs, and the threshold is outlined with a previously prepared knife.

Salt is partly used during Slavic rituals and ceremonies at the crossroads against insects and evil spirits.

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