Instructions for using tobacco dust against pests in gardening

What is tobacco dust

The dust is produced from waste from tobacco production. This is a light brown powder, which is obtained by drying and grinding the raw materials. It has insecticidal properties and can be an excellent natural fertilizer. All methods of using tobacco powder show good results.

The active ingredient in the dust is nicotine, which is found in tobacco. In drugs that produce chemicals. enterprises, the concentration differs slightly. For example, in the product from JSC Kostroma Chemical Plant, nicotine is in a concentration of 12 g per kg. It has both intestinal and contact effects on pests.

Mustard against moths, aphids and glass beetles on black currants

The product is dusted or sprayed. To prepare the solution, pour dry powder (200 g) into a bucket of water and leave for 2 days.

For spraying, take 1 part of the solution, clean water - 5 parts and laundry soap, 40 g. It is not recommended to process during wind or wet weather.

It is useful to grow white or yellow mustard next to currants.

The use of tobacco dust against pests

Tobacco powder can be used as a means for dusting and fumigating plants, and prepare infusions and decoctions based on it. They can be used in outdoor garden beds and greenhouses.

The powder is also used as a fertilizer, simply sprinkled on the surface of the soil near plants or introduced into the ground.

Decoction for spraying

Preparation procedure: pour 500 g of powder into 10 liters of hot water, boil for half an hour. Leave for 1 day, filter, add the evaporated volume of water, add 40 g of soap shavings.

The decoction is used for spraying cabbage and cruciferous vegetables, flowers, berry bushes and fruit trees. For work in the garden and garden, prepare a decoction in a concentration of 1 to 10. Application rate and consumption:

  • cabbage, cruciferous vegetables, flowers from fleas, whites, moths, flies and aphids - 500 g/100 m2 (5 l/100 m2);
  • bushes against aphids - 500 g/5 l (1-1.5 l/bush);
  • fruit from aphids and honey beetles - 500 g/5 l of water (from 2 to 10 l/tree (the volume used is affected by the age and variety of the plant)).

Frequency of treatments – 3 (with a break of a week and a half), waiting period – 20 days.

Infusion for berry trees

The infusion can be prepared and used in the same way as a decoction. It has the same effect and is prepared in the same concentration. The difference between a decoction and an infusion is that hot water is used to prepare the first, and cold water for the second. Leave the infusion for 1 day, filter and add soap for adhesion.

Wood ash mixture

Tobacco dust is used in gardening not only in its pure form, but also in a mixture with pure ash from burning tree branches and plant residues. The two components are mixed in a 1 to 1 ratio and mixed well.

For 1 sq. m of plantings will require 10-20 g of mixture. It is applied by dusting to plants. A thin layer covers the entire surface of the leaves, making it difficult for pests to feed.

As a result, they are left without food and die. The tobacco-ash mixture can be used to treat crops in garden beds and in greenhouse conditions. It acts not only against aphids and other insects, but snails and slugs are afraid of it. Against them, the mixture is sprinkled on paths, row spacing and the area around plants - places where mollusks can move. You need to scatter the powder in the evening, before the pests become active. Several sprays may be needed to repel pests.

Dusting plants

For dusting, use pure powder. They powder all parts of plants: cabbage, radishes, radishes, and onions.

Application rate:

  • fly onion – 300 g/100 m2;
  • cabbage and cruciferous vegetables against flea beetles, whites, moths, flies and aphids – 500 g/100 m2.

The frequency of dusting is 2 times for onions, for other crops – 3 times. The break between treatments is 7-10 days. The waiting period is 20 days.

Tree fumigation

Fruit trees are fumigated after flowering has ended. While the trees are blooming, the smoke will harm the bees. Fumigation process: set fire to wood or branches, sprinkle dust on the coals. Add more as needed to keep the smoke flowing continuously. Processing time: from 30 min. Carry out the work when the wind is blowing towards the trees.

Rules for processing shrubs

To achieve maximum results from preventive treatment, it is important not only to accurately observe the dosage when preparing the solution, but also to correctly carry out the procedure itself. Time, the stage of plant development, as well as weather conditions should be taken into account. To carry out spraying, you will need specialized tools and protective equipment, which must be prepared in advance.

Processing times

All work on caring for plants in the garden is based on the natural cycle of plant development. Currants have a clear growing season and dormancy, the onset of which depends on the climate, variety and age of the bush. Before starting any preventive measures, it is recommended to carefully inspect the bush, prune it and take into account the weather forecast for the next 10 days.

In early spring

You can treat your garden from diseases and pests almost immediately after the snow melts. First of all, they use strong methods that can cause damage to the plant - watering the tree trunk with boiling water, treating with ammonia and stinging. It is recommended to spray the bush using traditional methods before active swelling of the buds on the shoots begins, which helps avoid the spread of ticks. The second mandatory treatment should occur at the beginning of flowering. Then the procedures are repeated after 10-14 days. Find out how to treat brown spots on currant leaves at this link.

In summer

Most harmful insects are activated after warming, as well as at the time of currant flowering. This is due to the beginning of the movement of juice in the shoots, which is important for their nutrition. In summer, treatment with home remedies is carried out until late autumn. Traditional methods do not harm the plant, nor do they impair the quality of the crop. Preventive spraying is carried out twice a month; it is recommended to alternate the products to achieve a lasting result. Mandatory stages for work are the flowering period, the beginning of the formation of ovaries and the entire period of mass fruiting.

When growing varieties that require pollination at the time of flowering, it is recommended to temporarily refrain from cultivating the garden. Biological insecticides can reduce summer activity and the number of beneficial insects.


To process the garden and prepare the working solution, you may need quite a few different tools. It is recommended to prepare them in advance, especially when growing currants in the first year. Important accessories:

  • protective equipment - gloves, boots and a respiratory mask;
  • metal containers with a volume of 8, 10 and 12 l;
  • measuring cup and scales;
  • spray;
  • watering can with different dispersion modes;
  • sieve or fine mesh for straining;
  • smoke generator for fumigation.

The simplest processing method is dusting. It is carried out by hand without the use of special tools. Some gardeners use plastic bottles with holes drilled in them to evenly distribute the dry powder.


There are several ways to treat garden plants against infection by insects and diseases. Basic preventive methods:

  1. Root application . This is the usual watering of shrubs using a watering can with fine dispersion. The solution is used to treat the entire area of ​​the tree trunk circle, as well as the row spacing. The method is especially effective against larvae overwintering in the soil, ants and mole crickets, and root nematodes.
  2. Foliar application . It is dusting, spraying or fumigating bushes. As a rule, the working solution is prepared with a lower concentration to avoid damage to the leaves when the product gets on them. It is used to prevent infection of almost all herbivorous insects.

For comprehensive protection of shrubs, it is recommended to combine both methods. This allows you to increase the stability of the green parts and roots of the plant. Usually the methods are alternated using different means.

Mistakes made by new gardeners

Homemade treatments are mildly toxic and safe for plants. Inexperienced gardeners can make mistakes that lead to a deterioration in the health of the bush and depletion of the soil. Common violations:

  • incorrect choice of water temperature for preparing the solution;
  • non-compliance with the dosage, especially when working with strong substances (ammonium, mustard powder, vinegar);
  • frequent treatment, simultaneous use of chemical and household insecticides;
  • earlier work;
  • use of expired components, violation of storage and preparation regime.

It is important to choose the right application method. If necessary, use personal protective equipment.

Use as fertilizer

Tobacco dust contains mineral elements that plants need. Its chemical composition accelerates plant growth, improves the quantity and quality of fruits. The powder can be applied to the soil during its preparation, during sowing or planting crops.

So, for example, when planting trees or shrubs, add 1 or 2 cups of dust to each planting hole. When preparing land for planting vegetables or sowing lawn grasses for each square. m. add 20 g of the drug. To ensure uniform distribution of the powder in the soil, the soil must be thoroughly mixed after application. When used in spring, it is recommended to add dust to nitrogen-containing fertilizers. When applied in the fall, add to potash mixtures.

You can use tobacco dust not only as a top dressing, but also as a main fertilizer. Application should be done less frequently - once every 3 seasons, but with an increased amount of product - 40 g per square meter. m.

If tobacco dust is used to feed indoor flowers, then it is added to the substrate in a volume of 0.5 tsp. per 10 liters of soil. The mixture is filled into pots when replanting plants.

What are the advantages of the method

Many farmers like to use tobacco against aphids. After all, this is a very affordable and effective remedy. The question often arises, where to get the main component for killing aphids. In this case, experts offer several options:

  1. Grow your own plant in the garden beds. People living in warm regions of the country will be able to do this, since the culture is moderately thermophilic. Another disadvantage is the waiting time; to harvest tobacco leaves, you will have to wait more than one month, but you need to act quickly. A plus is that tobacco growing in the beds will itself repel harmful insects and then you won’t have to fight them.
  2. Buy a pack of cigarettes. The cheapest batch of cigarettes without a filter is suitable for this. Inexpensive and completely doable. And you don't even have to wait for anything.
  3. Tobacco dust. The most convenient option for releasing a product for summer residents. It is sold in specialized stores in the form of a fine powder and all you need to do is dilute the powder in water.

On a note!

The use of tobacco in the fight against aphids is not only safe for humans and others, but also very beneficial for plants. This product is also used to fertilize the soil to saturate it with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Also, the use of tobacco allows you to slightly increase the yield.

Let's look at how to prepare tobacco infusion against aphids and how to use it.

Precautionary measures

Tobacco dust can irritate the respiratory system and eyes. To prevent the powder from getting into the nose and eyes, you need to prepare a solution, and even more so, dust the plants - wearing a respirator or a gauze bandage and glasses. Wear rubber gloves on your hands to protect your skin from the irritating effects of the drug.

If tobacco dust gets on the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, you should immediately rinse them with clean water. Powder poisoning is rare; in terms of toxicity, it belongs to class 3, that is, to low-hazard agricultural products.

Tobacco dust is a natural insecticide that can be used on private farms to treat trees, shrubs, and vegetable plants against common pests. In addition to its naturalness and, as a result, safety, the drug has many advantages: it works effectively, insects do not get used to it. It is very convenient to use, it is cheap, accessible, and if stored in a dry place, it can be stored for a long time (2 years in a closed package, 1 year in a loosely closed package).

Of course, in terms of effectiveness against pests, tobacco dust is inferior to synthetic insecticides, so you will have to carry out not one, but several treatments. But the products will be environmentally friendly.

When used as a fertilizer, dust helps reduce the cost of purchasing fertilizers and makes growing vegetables and fruits more profitable. The product does not contain harmful or toxic substances or pathogens, increases soil fertility, but does not accumulate in it. This makes it a universal natural fertilizer.

Garlic tincture

Garlic is used against kidney and spider mites, aphids, whiteflies and some herbivorous caterpillars.

The infusion is prepared from 0.4 kg of chopped garlic and a bucket of water. After thorough stirring, cover the container and put it in a dark corner. After 5-6 hours, 1 liter of infusion is added to a bucket of water and the bushes are sprayed.

Another way to make an infusion to protect blackcurrants from pests: chop 200 g of the spicy vegetable and dilute with boiling water (4 l). Leave for 1 week. Add a quarter of a glass of this infusion to a bucket.

Newbie mistakes

Despite the simplicity of the procedure and the safety of traditional methods, inexperienced gardeners often make mistakes when spraying. The most common of them:

  • using too cold or hot water to prepare the infusion;
  • non-compliance with the dosage and technology for creating the product;
  • simultaneous application of chemical and folk remedies;
  • processing the bush too early or late;
  • use of low-quality ingredients;
  • using watering instead of spraying.

All traditional methods of pest control are based on the natural mechanism of action on the insect’s body. This is worth considering if you use two or more processing methods. Find out about the Dutch pink currant variety here.

Planting repellent plants

Some plants produce substances whose evaporation negatively affects aphids. Insects try to escape from the smell of plants, after which they die.

Important: the method is suitable as a home remedy for aphids for prevention purposes, because

planting plants during the breeding season of aphid colonies is not effective.


An infusion of marigolds is used as a repellent and insecticide. Accordingly, planting plants on the site creates additional protection against aphids.


Dried rhubarb is used to prepare solutions against aphids. Planting rhubarb in your garden can help control insects.


Ornamental elderberry bushes look good in an open area. If they are planted near the garden, they can additionally create a barrier to the proliferation of aphids.


Garlic shoots are rarely attacked by aphids. This is due to the sap of this plant, which is poisonous to insects. Planting garlic can help prevent aphids from appearing on other plants.

Spray technologies

In gardening, mechanized or manual spraying of bushes is used. On private plots, only the second method is used, since it only requires a watering can and a sprayer. During the procedure, it is important not only to follow safety rules, but also deadlines, since untimely processing can lead to the most unpleasant consequences.

Which tools to use

To carry out a complete treatment of currant planting with folk remedies, you will need:

  • sprayer or atomizer with dispersion regulator;
  • protective suit;
  • glasses or mask;
  • disposable or rubber gloves;
  • boots;
  • respirator.

In addition, to prepare folk remedies, you may need a 10-liter metal bucket, scales for measuring the weight of ingredients, and a mixing tool.

Almost all recipes for folk remedies for spring processing involve an infusion process, so the bucket for their creation must have a lid.


To enhance the effect of the treatment without causing harm to yourself and the plant, you should follow simple rules of procedure:

  • work only with protective gloves, a respirator and a mask;
  • follow the preparation technology, dosage and infusion time;
  • The infusion cannot be used if it is stored for more than 24-48 hours. Folk remedies should be stored in a cool and dark place;
  • if vinegar or ammonia gets on exposed parts of the body, rinse the area with plenty of water;
  • The processing time must be strictly observed; work cannot be carried out after the buds have begun to open.

Almost all folk remedies for currant processing are enhanced by adding a solution of copper sulfate or quicklime. This will allow you to quickly get rid of insects and also additionally feed the plant.


The time for preventive treatment completely depends on the climate and the region where the currants are planted. First of all, you need to focus on the time of snow melting. You need to start work immediately after this moment. In the south of the country, this usually occurs from the second ten days of April; in the northern regions and Siberia, processing is carried out later - until the end of May.

You cannot process the plant after the buds begin to swell - this leads to a decrease in the growth rate of currants and a deterioration in yield.

How to build a fumigation in the garden: a master class for beginners

Usually gardeners come up with different ways to achieve their goal. We offer the most proven methods that will definitely become useful when starting fumigation.

  1. You can place future “wet” fires around the perimeter of the site or under each tree. A large number of such structures, set on fire at the same time, will be able to cope with the task.
  2. Make a mini fumigator by attaching a tin can to a long pole and fill it with wet herbs. Such fumigators are installed in raspberry fields, in beds with growing currants or gooseberries.

Fumigators can be either small or large. Place burnt, smoldering coals from wooden logs or moistened cut weeds into a tin, set it on fire, cover the entire contents with a strong “smelling” ingredient and place a smoking fumigator under a bush for a couple of hours.


Fufanon is a systemic anti-aphid drug that penetrates the insect’s body through its skin and esophagus, thereby depriving it of a chance to survive. It is produced in the form of an emulsion, which contains malathion, a new generation insecticide belonging to the class of low-toxic substances. However, its improper use can cause poisoning.

Exposure to toxic particles begins already during spraying. The maximum effect of the drug can be observed the very next day, and therefore there is no need for repeated treatment.

The price of a bottle (1 liter) is about 900 rubles.


  1. Traditional methods of processing currants in spring reduce the risk of developing pests and infections.
  2. To create the products, simple ingredients that are found in any home are used. These are vinegar, laundry soap, mustard powder and others.
  3. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 2-3 times with an interval of 3-7 days to reduce the number of insects.
  4. For processing, you should have personal protective equipment, a spray bottle or sprayer, a watering can and a bucket.
  5. Currant processing in the spring is carried out after the snow has melted on the site. The specific time for the work depends on the climate in the region. The procedure begins in April-May.

This material will tell you how to protect currants from aphids.

Fighting shoot aphids

This pest does not like the smoke from burning rubber. It will take 3 hours to maintain the smoldering of rubber objects in metal containers standing next to the bushes.

The solutions listed above will also help. It is useful to infuse pine or spruce needles. For 2 liters of boiling water, 1 cup of pine needles is enough. The product is ready in 5 days, which is diluted with two buckets of clean water.

Green potato tops (1 kg) are filled with water and left for 4 hours. After squeezing out the tops, strain the infusion.

Are there any contraindications

Folk remedies for treating pests are considered the most environmentally safe and harmless, in contrast to synthetic drugs. However, if the dosage and technology are not observed, irreparable harm to the plant and soil can be caused. This point especially applies to the treatment of currants with ammonia, vinegar essence and soap. If you overdose with these substances, you can disrupt the acidity level of the soil, and if you use ammonia, you can oversaturate the soil with nitrogen. In addition, these substances can be dangerous to humans if they come into contact with mucous membranes or the esophagus.

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