Types of ultrasonic insect repellers: choosing and using

At home and in the garden, people often face the problem of uninvited guests - insects and rodents. They are capable of destroying crops and supplies in pantries, ruining things, or causing discomfort to a person. For example, bed bugs feed on blood, so they leave many bites all over the body.

In addition, almost all pests are carriers of a large number of dangerous diseases. Therefore, it is extremely important to start getting rid of rodents and insects in a timely manner. One of the methods is modern devices for repelling mice, rats, cockroaches, bedbugs, and ants.

The article discusses in detail the nuances of choosing products, how much such a device costs, and which is the best repellent device to buy in 2022.

How does ultrasound affect insects?

Insects are arthropod invertebrate animals that have a very hard chitinous cover, which is essentially an external skeleton. Chitin, by the way, in some insects is one and a half times stronger than steel. Under the exoskeleton is living tissue consisting of layers of fat and hemolymph.

The chitinous plates of insects can resonate, they vibrate even under the slightest mechanical influence of external conditions, including acoustic waves, and the gel-like composition of the tissue enhances this effect. Here we should remember the laws of physics, according to which mechanical vibrations are transmitted in liquids at a much higher speed than in other media. For example, the speed of sound in air is a little more than 330 meters per second, and the speed of sound in water reaches 1485 meters per second.

Interestingly, the effect of high-volume sound waves on insects can be compared to the low-frequency shock wave of a subwoofer in a car or a bass guitar at a rock concert, which are not only heard, but physically felt in the stomach.

However, unlike insects, human skin is an excellent sound absorber, and it dampens ultrasound, while chitin resonators, on the contrary, enhance it. The result of such exposure is both painful sensations in arthropods and the failure of certain systems and organs.

The sound spectrum is divided into three areas, in our case it is the red sector

Among other things, ultrasound is perfectly reflected from dense, and especially smooth, surfaces, which include walls, ceilings, floors, wooden or plastic furniture in a room, which implies a continuous, multiply amplified acoustic attack on insects anywhere in the room where there is such type of radiation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Using ultrasound to repel insects is a relatively new idea and does not work in every case. The versatility of ultrasonic repellers is an even more controversial fact, but such devices could theoretically be applicable to combat specific types of arthropods. In the end, even device manufacturers themselves often advise using the latter as additional control measures, along with pest control.

The positive qualities of ultrasonic insect repellers include:

  • long working time,
  • high efficiency,
  • safety for people and pets,
  • ease of use,
  • no use of chemicals,
  • low degree of energy consumption,
  • ability to cover large areas,
  • versatility.

Based on numerous reviews, the advantages of ultrasonic devices are nothing more than an advertising ploy by manufacturers and sellers.
Among the disadvantages of ultrasonic repellent devices, the following are usually noted:

  • low efficiency in cold air,
  • the risk of very high power devices affecting humans and domestic animals,
  • sometimes pests become accustomed to them,
  • high cost.

What is the device

The device operates using ultrasonic waves that are inaccessible to human hearing. These waves cause vibrations in the nerve cells of insects, so strong that the cells are literally torn from the inside. Insects immediately leave such places, since their nervous system cannot withstand such an onslaught.

Advantages of ultrasonic repellers:

  • They are quite simple to use - you just need to plug the device into a power outlet.
  • No chemicals or harmful emissions.
  • Can be used for a long time.
  • Consume little energy.

Disadvantages of devices:

  • Repellers affect not only insects, but also animals, mainly small ones.
  • Long-term use may have a harmful effect on humans, especially if the devices have considerable power.
  • Some pests (for example, cockroaches) get used to such devices.
  • The greatest effect is observed when used together with other types of control, for example, chemical ones.
  • Ultrasound devices are expensive.

Types of ultrasonic repellers

Ultrasound of sufficient power has a negative effect on almost all types of living organisms, including animals, insects, birds and fish. It is also interesting that very high frequency sound waves, when used correctly, kill bacteria and certain types of viruses, and this is successfully used in medicine to treat a particular disease. Among the insect repellers using this technology, the most common are:

  • stationary devices powered from a standard electrical network;
  • portable gadgets powered by batteries or rechargeable batteries;
  • combined devices for home and field use;
  • less commonly, solar-powered devices.

Insect and rodent repellers

The frequency range from 25 to 45 kHz is known to cause the greatest discomfort in most rodents and insects. However, for example, cockroaches, mice and rats very quickly get used to unbearable conditions, which is why the frequency of sound vibrations of a high-quality repeller is floating, that is, it changes in tone at certain intervals.

The ultrasound produced by such devices has a destructive effect on the nervous system of insects and animals.

Universal devices work against both insects and rodents

Universal emitters

Ultrasonic devices of wide application can be used with equal success against ants, mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, bedbugs, lice and other pests and parasites. There are a lot of different variations of electronic ultrasonic insect repellers on the market, and, according to the developers, gadgets will soon replace poisons and fumigators, due to their greater efficiency and environmental friendliness.

Ultrasound against mosquitoes

The ultrasonic mosquito repeller imitates the mating squeak of the male of these insects. Fertilized females that bite people cannot tolerate this sound and try in every possible way to avoid it. Some models replicate the squeak made by bats. Mosquito repellers are replacing chemical sprays, fumigators and creams.

According to the author, whether this is actually true is difficult to say for sure, but electronic devices have certain advantages over traditional methods of protection, including the absence of chemicals and odor. In addition, the effect of such repellers is aimed exclusively at mosquitoes.

Anti-cockroach devices

Domestic cockroaches have no natural enemies, but they cannot tolerate high-frequency signals. The problem is that cockroach devices, due to the characteristics of the latter, have an increased flow of ultrasonic radiation, so much so that it can negatively affect people and pets.

Anti-fly devices

Familiar insects can drive anyone crazy. Not only are they overly intrusive and annoying, but they are also carriers of all kinds of infections, some of which are very dangerous and even fatal. In this case, an ultrasonic repeller can be a good way out of the situation, however, the effectiveness of these devices, as well as all repellers with ultrasound, judging by the reviews, is very doubtful.

Often such devices are not repellers, but “spookers”, that is, they do not drive away flies, but, on the contrary, lure them

Ultrasonic gadgets against ants

As you know, small house ants in a human home are a very unpleasant neighborhood. They can be killed or expelled using both chemical disinfestation agents and specialized repellers. Such devices are distinguished by local action, but there are very few of them on the market. Judging by the reviews, universal emitters with the option of repelling ants do not work properly.

In addition to the listed narrowly targeted gadgets for repelling using ultrasound, there are also:

  • ultrasonic tick repellers,
  • bedbug repellers,
  • flea devices,
  • anti-spider devices,
  • ultrasonic devices from wasps,
  • mole repellers,
  • ultrasonic bird repellers,
  • snake repellers,
  • devices from bats.

How are the devices used?

If the answer to the question: “Where to buy an ultrasonic repeller?” is obvious, because we only have official products from trusted manufacturers at a reasonable price, then figuring out how to use such devices is not so easy. There are always nuances to using a specific model against a specific animal, but in general, remember the following immutable things:

1. Physical properties of ultrasound . The higher the frequency of the sound, the faster it is damped by the surrounding air or ground. Because of this, an ultrasonic mouse repeller will not eliminate pests from a vast field where crops grow. Banishing waves remain effective at a distance of no more than 25 meters. At the same time, they will be reflected from any solid object: a wall, stone or teapot. Indoors, this increases the frightening potential of the waves because they will overlap each other many times. If ultrasound hits a soft object, it will be significantly absorbed by it, which will reduce repelling.

2. Features of the installation site (application) . The repeller should always be aimed at the place where the pests are most concentrated. For example, for cockroaches it should be placed in the kitchen and not in the hallway. Ultrasound from the speaker travels in an arc. Therefore, devices often have several sound emitters. For example, against rodents it is convenient to use the popular and productive ultrasonic repeller Tornado 800, in which two speakers “look” in opposite directions, which forms a repellent zone in the shape of a circle.

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Instructions for use

The author of the article studied the instructions for use for several models of insect repellers and made the following conclusions.

Ultrasonic devices for repelling insects, as a rule, do not require additional measures to prepare them for operation. Batteries or an accumulator are inserted into the stand-alone device, and the network gadget is connected to an outlet. Most manufacturers recommend turning on the device continuously for a certain period of time, depending on the model. A high-quality product does not have the tendency to overheat, make extraneous noise or emit an unpleasant odor. Typically, crawling insects leave the house after one to four weeks; subsequently, connecting the device is necessary for preventive purposes.

Video: testing ultrasonic emitters of different models

Please keep in mind that the above figures are not exact and depend on the brand and model of the repeller. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the load on the room with furniture, soft or hard objects, partitions, and other interior items. The device is installed according to a diagram as close as possible to the image below.

When installing an ultrasonic insect repeller, follow this diagram and recommendations

Safety rules and precautions

When using an ultrasonic emitter, you should follow standard safety rules for household electrical appliances, including:

  • Do not plug the product into dangling or broken sockets;
  • do not clutter the switched-on device with furniture or interior items;
  • do not turn on the device at ambient temperatures above or below the values ​​specified in the instructions;
  • do not connect the gadget in conditions of high humidity;
  • Do not use a faulty repeller.

When using an ultrasonic insect repeller, you must also adhere to the following measures:

  • do not place the device near the sleeping area;
  • periodically turn off the device, especially if it overheats;
  • Monitor your pets; if they exhibit unusual behavior, you should stop using the emitter;
  • If people experience headaches or deterioration in their general health while using the ultrasound device, it is necessary to stop using it.

Do repellers affect humans and pets?

This is perhaps the most pressing and unexplored question. Ultrasound has a higher vibration frequency than the low-frequency spectrum and is not perceived by the human ear. However, no one has canceled the individual characteristics of hearing and the irritating effects of sound vibrations, including inaudible ones. Most likely, ultrasonic waves can still affect a person’s condition, although he often does not realize this. This influence in a mild form is expressed in changes in mood, headaches, to which we do not attach significant importance; in more severe cases, it may include panic, mild depression, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Dogs, as a result of the work of repellers, can express both aggression and fear

Unlike people, the effect of ultrasound on pets is more pronounced. Ornamental rodents such as hamsters, guinea pigs and rats may experience anxiety, depression of the nervous system, and other disorders; parrots and other birds experience excitement and even fear; dogs and cats cannot tolerate ultrasound; they may become more aggressive or, conversely, look more frightened than usual, and always try to leave the danger zone as quickly as possible.

The main advantages of rodent and insect repellers

These products are very different from other pest control methods. All kinds of toxic substances and mechanical catching of uninvited inhabitants do not give a lasting effect. The number of rodents and insects decreases only for a while. Repellers completely clear the garden plot and house of pests.

Also, these devices are completely safe for humans, unlike etching methods. Poisons must be handled with extreme caution and should not be used in homes where there are small children or animals. Rodent and insect repellers can be installed in kindergartens, medical institutions and food production facilities. They are not harmful to pets, so they can work in homes with cats or dogs.

Do-it-yourself ultrasound device

On a modern elementary basis, an ultrasonic autonomous insect repeller can be assembled by almost anyone; The main condition, according to the author, is the ability to read electronic circuits and work with a soldering iron. Among hundreds of similar solutions, it is worth paying attention to this one for the simple reason that there is no need to painstakingly study the operating principle of the entire device or its individual components, but you only need to find the necessary components, etch (cut) the tracks of the printed circuit board and solder the device. As you can see, the homemade repeller contains only thirteen elements, none of which are expensive or hard to find. You can order parts at any radio store or, for example, on the AliExpress trading platform.

The operating principle of the circuit, like most similar devices, is based on the generation of sound pulses of a certain frequency and power.

The device contains a minimum of components

The resistors used in the circuit set the operating points of the transistors and serve to limit the current and reduce the voltage. A variable (tuning) resistor is needed to set the output frequency. The sound emitter is piezoceramic: both Russian and imported analogues are suitable. Transistors in the resonant circuit can be replaced with similar parameters. The capacitors must be ceramic for the appropriate voltage with a small margin. The VD1 diode is necessary to protect against power overturning; in principle, it can be omitted. Switch S1 turns the device on and off.

All tracks are laid out taking into account the location of parts and ergonomics

If you have the appropriate skills and equipment, you can make a printed circuit board, or solder everything using a surface-mounted installation, which, of course, is faster, but not so technologically advanced and convenient. Sometimes it’s easier to even build a device on a so-called “breadboard”.

The assembled device looks quite miniature

It is recommended to use batteries or rechargeable batteries as a voltage source, but you can also use a power supply with an output of three to twelve volts. Please note that with reduced voltage the power of the device will decrease accordingly.

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