How to use kerosene for lice and nits without harming your health

Pediculosis brings many troubles and disorders to the physiological and living standards of people. Pharmacology and medicine are developing intensively, and new drugs against blood-sucking insects are appearing. Many different remedies have already been invented, but there are proven recipes, such as removing lice using kerosene. It is known that grandparents, who perfectly remember Soviet times, at the first symptoms of lice, removed them with kerosene. You will learn how kerosene works against lice and nits in our article.


This is a product of oil distillation; it is used as a combustible mixture. The composition includes liquid carbons.

Has its own characteristics:

  • transparent color;
  • has a yellowish tint, but most often the mixture is colorless;
  • oily;
  • has a specific and pungent odor.

It is used quite widely, namely:

  • as fuel;
  • flammable material in the manufacture of porcelain and glass products;
  • as a heating and lighting liquid used for household appliances;
  • as a material for the oil refining industry;
  • analogue of diesel fuel;
  • as a dissolving liquid;
  • to get rid of rust;
  • as a disinfestant against parasitic insects.

Note! Most often, this liquid is used as an effective drug against lice.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used it quite effectively against lice. This effectively helped them get rid of it at any (even advanced) stage of development. The mixture has a great effect on lice and nits.

Does kerosene kill nits and lice? Impact principle

Kerosene affects lice due to its properties:

  • the specific smell repels parasites;
  • the chemical composition poisons not only adults, but also their larvae ;
  • dissolves the sticky substance that attaches nits to hair , making it easier to comb them out with a thick comb.

The mechanism of kerosene's effect on lice is as follows. The components of the product penetrate the chitinous shell of the insect, clog the respiratory tract and have a general intoxicating effect. The louse dies from lack of oxygen or from severe intoxication.

Important! A huge disadvantage of using this product is that kerosene has a toxic effect not only on insects, but also on the human body. Of course, not so globally, but it is still possible to be poisoned by it.

Kerosene has a different effect on nits - the chitinous cover of nits is more durable, and they breathe less intensely. Therefore, nits do not die, but only become detached from the hair. They must be carefully combed out with a comb . Or it is necessary to use kerosene of a higher concentration and increase the exposure time, which is quite dangerous for humans.

Instructions for use

When choosing medications, people have a lot of questions. One of them is whether it is possible to get rid of parasites using this liquid and how to use it. Any kerosene can be suitable for this, but it is highly undesirable to use aviation and automotive preparations. The reason for this is high toxicity. The liquid that is used to refill lamps or technical kerosene is perfect.

It can be used as the only component or you can prepare a medicinal mixture using the recipe:

  • Apply the product to the hair using a cotton pad or swab (each strand needs to be treated). The scalp needs to be given special attention. After treatment, cover your head with a plastic cap and a warm cloth on top. Keep for 2 hours. After this time, rinse your hair especially thoroughly with shampoo. You can add a vinegar solution. After washing, thoroughly comb each strand;
  • You can treat with a mixture of shampoo, kerosene and vegetable oil (1:1:2). Leave the mixture on your head for 15 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, rinse and comb well. This treatment can be done once every 3 days;
  • The following mixture is prepared: honey, water, kerosene, shampoo (preferably for children) - 3:4:1:1. Leave on hair for half an hour. Next, rinse well and comb out the already dead insects. The mask can be applied every day or every other day;
  • Apply a mixture consisting of milk (200 g), badger fat and kerosene (3 tablespoons each) to the skin. The prepared mixture is kept for 1 hour, washed off, and insects and their nits are combed out.

We recommend reading: review of special anti-lice combs, where to buy, price.

It should be remembered that after one application, all pests may not die, so the procedure should be repeated after 2-3 days.

How to enhance the effect of kerosene - popular recipes

Since using pure kerosene is not recommended, it can be diluted not only with water, but also with other ingredients. Below are simple recipes using kerosene to remove lice:

  1. With vegetable oil. A tablespoon of kerosene is mixed with 10 tablespoons of any vegetable oil - olive, sunflower. The mixture is applied to dry hair and left on for up to 5 hours if necessary. Then the hair is washed with shampoo several times and combed out with a thick comb.

  2. With hellebore water. Hellebore water is a water-alcohol solution of hellebore tincture. This is an effective remedy that has a good antibacterial and antiparasitic effect. Kerosene can be diluted with hellebore water in a ratio of 1:3 and used as a means to remove lice.

  3. With milk and badger fat. Three tablespoons of kerosene are mixed with a glass of milk and a teaspoon of badger fat melted in milk. This composition is suitable for the treatment of pediculosis with dry scalp and dry hair. The composition is kept for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water and the procedure is repeated again. Hair treatment is repeated 4 times throughout the day.

Reference! As practice shows, a single treatment of hair with kerosene is not enough to completely destroy lice and their offspring, so several procedures will have to be carried out. It is advisable to alternate kerosene-based recipes so as not to harm the scalp and hair.

Precautionary measures

If a person decides to use kerosene against lice, it should be remembered that the product is quite dangerous. When using it, all safety precautions should be observed:

  • carry out the processing procedure away from open flames and sparkling devices;
  • Before you start treatment, you should check yourself for a skin reaction. This product should be applied to any area of ​​the skin and left for a day. If, after this time, red inflammatory spots do not appear on the skin, you can treat the scalp;
  • You should handle delicate baby heads with extreme caution. The best option would be a mixture with the above components or diluted with water. You can also use ready-made products for the treatment of head lice in children, you can find out about them on our website;
  • If unpleasant sensations such as burning, itching or dizziness occur during treatment, the treatment procedure should be stopped immediately.

It is necessary to carry out the processing especially carefully, not to allow kerosene to get into your eyes, nose or mouth. If this happens, you should immediately rinse the damaged area with plenty of water.

Fighting lice with kerosene

The use of a substance such as kerosene to remove lice is justified by the following advantages:

  • Effectiveness (eliminates both head and pubic lice).
  • Availability of all components.
  • Economical.

However, before applying this product to your hair, it is necessary to study all aspects of this issue in order to prevent possible adverse reactions.

What kerosene to use

Kerosene is a product of petroleum refining and is a clear liquid with a pungent aroma and a yellowish tint. To get rid of insects, it is important to properly prepare the desired mixture.

Please note: the substance used in aviation contains a lot of dangerous additives and is not suitable for eliminating parasites.

The best option is to use a technical or clarified product. To remove lice, it is necessary to dilute kerosene, since a strong concentration can cause a chemical burn.

Algorithm of actions

To get rid of lice using a substance such as kerosene, you must follow the procedure.

Here he is:

  1. prepare a special mixture for the first procedure. To do this, you will need to dilute the desired product with any oil, for example, olive or sunflower, then add shampoo. Recommended proportions are 2/2/1. This ratio will help mitigate the irritating effects of the chemical.
  2. Moisten a cotton swab generously with the resulting mixture.
  3. Treat the scalp, neck and hair (eyebrows, hair, beard, mustache, sideburns).
  4. Wrap your head in a plastic bag.

Using kerosene for lice in the pubic area involves treating both the hairline, the groin area, and the area near the anus.

Please note: you should not wet your hair before the procedure. For a single exposure, 0.2-0.25 liters of kerosene is sufficient.

After washing your hair, you need to comb your hair with a special comb. This measure will eliminate both dead parasites and their larvae.

Secondary processing is carried out using a mixture of vegetable oil (50-60 ml) and 1 tsp. kerosene. The recommended period is 4-5 days after the first exposure, which will allow the surviving larvae to hatch.

Exposure time

An enhanced effect during the treatment of head lice with a kerosene mixture can be achieved by wrapping the head in a warm scarf. To achieve the desired result, this compress should be kept for at least an hour or two.

Important: for children and people with sensitive skin, this period should be reduced by at least half.

Here are some subtleties that should be taken into account when treating your head with kerosene for lice:

  • During the procedure, a burning sensation of the scalp may occur, which is considered absolutely normal.
  • If the discomfort becomes unbearable and causes severe pain, treatment should be stopped immediately.
  • After removing the package, rinse your hair thoroughly with regular shampoo.
  • To consolidate the achieved result, you can rinse your hair with water adding a small amount of acetic acid solution.

If desired, the exposure time can be increased, but it is important to understand the increased danger to the skin and hair.

For children

If lice and nits are found on children, it is better not to use a product such as kerosene against insects. This is due to the high probability of poisoning, suffocation, and chemical burns.

In very young children, parasites should be eliminated using pharmaceutical preparations. They do not have an aggressive chemical composition, which means they are gentle on delicate skin.

For an older child, you can treat the head with kerosene mixture, but the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • It is worth shortening the holding period. The maximum allowable time is no more than half an hour.
  • Repeated treatment is allowed after 3 days.
  • For secondary effects, mix kerosene and olive oil, the proportions of the components are 1 tsp. /50 gr.
  • It is necessary to rinse your hair with water with the addition of citric acid or vinegar. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.
  • After another three days, you can apply a mixture of kerosene with honey or oil to your hair. Rinse also.

If parasites are found in children, this method of killing lice should be used with extreme caution.

A gradual effect will help get rid of uninvited guests without harming the baby’s delicate skin.


Treatment of lice with folk remedies: kerosene, dichlorvos, vinegar, hellebore water, cranberry


The use of kerosene against lice has a number of contraindications:

  • if you frequently dye your hair with dyes, after using the liquid, they become very brittle and dull;
  • Do not use if there is damage to the skin;
  • it should not be used by people who have allergic reactions;
  • It is prohibited for use by patients suffering from asthma;
  • Do not use (or use with great caution) when getting rid of lice in children.

Types and causes of lice

Lice can be:

  • head;

  • pubic;

  • clothes.

Most often, infection with pediculosis occurs through close contact with a sick person , as well as through the use of common items - clothes, combs, hairpins, etc.

Other causes of head lice may include:

  • low level of material well-being , which does not allow maintaining the necessary level of personal hygiene;
  • non-compliance with sanitary standards;
  • ignoring the rules of personal hygiene.

Reference! Contact infection is the most common method.

Side effects

According to many, using the most concentrated drug will be more effective in helping to get rid of lice and nits.

However, this is far from true: a large concentration severely injures the scalp, weakens the hair, making it as fragile as possible. Without basic knowledge, treatment with kerosene will lead to the following side effects:

  • If the liquid remains on the hair uncontrolled for a long time, a rather persistent and unpleasant odor appears that does not disappear for several days.
  • Hair becomes brittle and brittle, breaks quite easily, and loses its healthy shine and strength.
  • An allergy occurs. Before starting treatment, you should check your skin for any reaction. If after at least half an hour red spots do not begin to appear, you can use the drug.
  • Chemical burns to the skin may occur.

Important! The product should be used quite carefully, in this case the treatment will be quite effective and there will be no side effects.

Is it possible to use other anti-lice products together with kerosene?

Kerosene is a very aggressive substance towards skin and hair, so it is advisable not to use it with other products. It makes sense to use another more delicate anti-lice product a few days after the kerosene treatment.

The most effective will be the use of a special metal comb after treatment with kerosene. Nits that are slightly loose from the hair will be much easier to comb out.

If you need an effective and safe remedy to save your puppy from parasites, use flea drops for dogs. Don't believe that you can get rid of cockroaches at home? Read reviews from those who have already done this! Read more in our article.

Bedbugs are a real scourge. You will learn how to evict them from your home at link.

Drug price

It is impossible to say with certainty who should treat these pests and how many times. This is purely individual. Moreover, it is better and safer to get rid of lice with a mixture of kerosene, for example, with shampoo, this leads to the fact that even for a full course of treatment (this usually lasts several days), it is enough to purchase 0.5–1 liter.

However, 1 glass of liquid is enough for the entire course of treatment. Only technical liquid is used for medical procedures. When using another (automotive or aviation) you can cause serious irreparable harm to your health. In addition, it may contain foreign additives, which will greatly increase its aggressiveness.

You can buy it in any hardware department. The average cost in the country is from 37 to 100 rubles. It depends on the brand, container and manufacturer. In any case, this is the cheapest remedy for getting rid of lice. You just need to treat carefully and correctly.

Causes of pediculosis

The main cause of infection is contact with an already infected person, using personal belongings or swimming in the same pool. Household contact is the main source of lice infection. A person does not know where the danger lies in wait for him, because even when sending a child to kindergarten, one cannot be completely sure that he will not catch this disease and bring it home.

In addition, there are several provoking factors for the appearance of lice:

  • frequent business trips;
  • regular change of place of residence;
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • using other people's personal hygiene products;
  • travel by public transport.

All these reasons can cause the appearance of head lice.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are quite a lot of advantages and disadvantages, so before starting treatment, you should test yourself (a loved one) for fluid perception.

The advantages include:

  • Quite effectively dissolves the base on the hair on which these pests adhere. This makes combing very easy. It is necessary to use small combs;
  • the liquid has a rather pungent odor and this repels pests;
  • eliminates adult insects by 90%;
  • used as a prophylactic agent;
  • the liquid effectively helps remove body lice (such pests live exclusively on clothing).

With all the listed advantages, the liquid also has a lot of disadvantages:

  • It has a rather pungent odor that fills the room. There is also a strong smell from the person who has decided to undergo such treatment.
  • In some cases, it causes a severe allergic reaction or irritation in the area of ​​use.
  • If the drug is used frequently, it can cause severe mutagenic changes in a person, which will affect the general condition.
  • Cannot be used in the treatment of small children, only when they reach 12 years of age.

To control pests, only technical liquid is used. It is used to add to lighting fixtures. Other products are highly toxic and cause negative effects on the body.

Effective shampoos against lice and nits:

  • Paranit;
  • Veda and Veda-2;
  • Pediculen ultra;
  • Nix;
  • Neath Free;
  • Hygia.
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